The Deux-Sèvres Monthly Magazine - March 2022 Issue

Page 58




˙ PÉ o}vPÉ v ]PRÉ v vÉ G˙]vP }ÉU you know spring is on the way! As the summer arrives early RÉÉ ]v Dɢ SÉ XX ] [ uÉ } R]vl]vP } ˙} o](É˙oÉJ

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LOCAL KNOWLEDGE YOU CAN TRUST Le Retail €82,500 HAI Ref. A11036 - 2-3 Bedroom cottage with large living room, open kitchen/ dining room, garden and parking. DPE: No data

Buying or Selling a Property? CONTACT US TODAY

DPE: Not required Agency fees included : 14% TTC to be paid by the buyer

Agency fees included : 10% TTC to be paid by the buyer



Sauzé-Vaussais €54,550 HAI Ref. A10984 - House to renovate, with garage and garden. Close to amenities.



Maisontiers €93,500 HAI Ref. 71047 - Traditional stone cottage, 1-2 bedrooms and potential for more, enclosed garden, parking, barns.

Genneton €136,250 HAI Ref. A10513 - Spacious 4 bedroom single-storey farmhouse to update with garden, open views and 2.7 acre plot.

Ménigoute €79,750 HAI Ref. A10744 - 2 bedroom character cottage, renovated to a good standard in a quiet hamlet near Ménigoute and a golf course.

Chef-Boutonne €199,800 HAI Ref. A10857 - Spacious cottage with 4 bedrooms and 4 bathrooms, within walking distance of Chef-Boutonne.

ENERGY CLASS: D CLIMATE CLASS: E Agency fees included : 10% TTC to be paid by the buyer

ENERGY CLASS: D CLIMATE CLASS: D Agency fees included : 9% TTC to be paid by the buyer

DPE: Ongoing Agency fees included : 10% TTC to be paid by the buyer

ENERGY CLASS: D CLIMATE CLASS: D Agency fees included : 8% TTC to be paid by the buyer

+33 (0)5 53 60 84 88 - - SARL Leggett Immobilier, 42 rue de Ribérac, 24340 La Rochebeaucourt et Argentine - SIRET : 521 133 835


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