Home and Garden
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RÉ`˘ÉÉ uÉo˙uooU`]RvPÉ É `É]PR}(i PvoÉvPR}(æuuURÉ˙É]vÉ}ÉU(]o˙ aggressive and need to eat every two hours as they have a (uÉ}o]uXTRÉRÉ`]vTRÉCÉ}(RÉM˙É]} HÉoÉBÉ`Él]vP É É(}u}]ÉRÉ hives, but were also observed entering the hives and vO]vP}`˙]v'ÉvÉÉXWÉRÉ}vo˙Év }vRÉo}}l}(}u]Éul]vPRÉ]R}uÉ]vR]ÉUv} RÉ`vP É RÉ]vR]v}(RÉR]ÉJ F]voo˙~(}v}`UoÉZU]uP]vÉRÉ]É}( ÉlÉÉ`R}]}ÉÉ`˘˙}É]vRÉ}'}u}( }vÉ}(R]R]ÉXHÉ[ÉRÉ.}u]RRÉ`v[ R˙}v É URÉ`]ÉÉRÉRv[oÉL v˙`]vÉ]v]ÉR]ÉXHÉuvPÉ}vl](}u RÉR]ÉG}}}vo˙}.vR]`oo˙É˙É vlÉ~ story courtesy of Paul Clark at Arbres et AbeillesZX The creature had clearly entered the hive, a nice warm, lU]ÉoÉUvRÉvvP}R É ˙RÉ v`Éo}u]vP}o}v˙XÉ(]} B R}ÉlÉÉ RÉvlÉRÉv}}]P(}RÉu}ÉiÉv}RÉ˙ had covered it in propolis, thereby containing any decay R}o}]o˙]v(ÉRÉR]ÉXA}}(R˙P]Év]R]vlr `]vPJ We are hoping that this beekeeping year will be without any strange surprises, and we look forward to welcoming you at 13 Bees when you decide to join us in this fascinating hobby. For more information please visit our website www.13bees. co.uk or phone us on 05 45 71 22 90.
www.13bees.co.uk A(É`˙ÉP}ÉlÉ]v É RÉAoÉÉP]}v`ÉÉ oÉ˙RÉÉvvÉÉ }(vPÉo˙r}o}É vÉÉ]vP}É˙RÉ]É~ SciTechDaily October 2012ZXWRÉvRÉÉovPR}vÉ˙`RÉÉ]` oÉvPÉÉvv˘ÉÉ }voo˙`ÉU É v v(}vÉo˙`v[]o˙R}vÉ˙vRÉ(}É É }ov} É}oXTRÉouÉÉlÉ}( É R]É]ooÉ]vÉPÉ (RÉvlÉRÉ}É}(RÉRvÉ [}vÉ˙ ]}Pov`R]R`}É]vP`É(}uRÉvÉ˙ MR}}oÉovXTR]}ÉMM~l(lÉ SuÉZvRÉÉ(}uRÉ]ooPÉR]}ÉÉRÉ oÉL}ÉP˙É}]JTRÉ}uv˙}ÉvPRÉ]}P plant changed its process and now stores all incoming waste ]v}É}v]vÉ É UÉ]]vPRÉÉ}(RÉ]P.˘X ÉvE v}`UoÉ}(PÉÉvRR}vÉ˙[É]vRÉvÉ`(}u uÉ}uÉU]]ou}o`˙ÉRÉÉRÉ ]}ÉÉv}vrvÉ}É}(}R˙ÉX
Tel: 05 45 71 22 90 Amanda and Kevin Baughen, 13 Bees, Confolens
BÉlÉRÉ É }lÉÉv˙ÉÉ }(}vÉ predators, and try to protect their bees where possible. TR]]voÉ«vPR]lÉv`]É}vR]É}É badgers and woodpeckers, placing discriminatory traps near ]]É}ÉA]vR}vÉ}v É UvÉ]vP RÉÉvvÉ}(R]É}Évu]É(}uvÉvP]v RÉu}É`]vÉXRÉÉvo˙RÉÉRÉÉvÉ}}( uoo]oÉ}(]ÉÉ É]vP(}v}]ÉR]É vR]oÉÉlÉvo É }uÉ]É}(}}PÉ R}`ÉRÉo]}˙Pu˙ É RÉ`~R]RR]l]'U L BÉ UJv˙ZXARÉ]vuÉPPÉU˙Pu˙
The Deux-Sèvres Monthly, FÉ˙n