The Eagle E-edition, Dec. 8, 2022

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Due to finals week, The Eagle will not publish Dec. 15. The Eagle will return Jan. 12, 2023.

Fall 2022 graduation commencement to be held on Friday, Dec. 16

The fall 2022 graduation commencement will start at 2 p.m. in the Chicoine Center

Please see page 2


Student Senators meet with members of Presidential Search Committee

Members of the Presiden tial Search Committee met with Student Senate to discuss what they want in a new CSC president

Please see page 2


Women’s basketball finds first win at home

After going 0-6 to start the season, the Eagles shot the lights out to beat undefeated New Mexico Highlands

Please see page 6

Eagles dominate track and field opener

The CSC track and field team competed for the first time this season at the Black Hills State Indoor Yellowjacket Holiday Open Meet on Saturday in Spearfish, South Dakota.

Athletes from CSC, Black Hills State, South

Dakota Mines, and Rocky Mountain College gathered in Spearfish for the first indoor com petition of the season. The Eagles performed well and walked away from the competition with 18 champions across the men’s and wom en’s divisions. However, some Eagles out shined the others.

For the throwers, Dan Reynolds, junior of

Granby, Colorado, dominated, winning the weight throw with a throw of 67 feet, 3.5 inch es, shattering his own school record by over two feet. Reynolds also won the shot put with a throw of 50 feet, 10.75 inches, edging out teammate Parker Gonser, junior of Windsor, Colorado, who placed second.

Eagle the Dec. 8, 2022 THURSDAY Issue No. 13 News 2 Opinion 4 Sports 6 INDEX
Giving voice to Chadron State College students since 1920 Semper veritas
Photo by Kamryn Kozisek NATIONAL RANKING: Kyla Sawvell, senior of Wall, South Dakota, throws a weight implement during the final flight of weight contest at the Yellowjacket Holiday Open in Spearfish, South Dakota, Dec. 3.
page 8
Track and Field,

Student Senate speaks with presidential search committee Graduation to take place Dec.16 at Chicoine Center

would want to see in the new president.

“ e biggest thing from my perspective is addressing the issues that happen on campus,” Cody Kronhofman, sophomore, said in the meeting. “We have a lot of different things that happen on campus, but the negative things are not being addressed to us appropriately.”

Student Senators spoke to representatives of the Presidential Search committee about what they would want in a new CSC president at the 4 p.m. StudentSenate meeting Monday.

President and Senior Consultant L. Jay Lemons and Consultant Jennifer B. Kooken from the Academic Search rm visited campus to ask senators what they loved about the school, and the characteristics they

e senators voiced repeatedly that they wanted the future president to interact with students more frequently, and communicate more directly and transparently.

“I think it’s important as a president to express gratitude towards the students because there are a lot of colleges that they could choose,” Student Senate Secretary Aubree Quast, sophomore of Clarks, said. “I feel like that’s a very important characteristic of a president of a college is to be prideful and thankful for their students.”

In other news:

> Senate allocated $540 to the Sports Medicine club for jackets for new members.

Graduation time is upon us again. December commencement for the graduating class of 2022 is set to take place Friday, Dec. 16. e commencement ceremony will start at 2 p.m. in the Chicoine Center. Graduates are expected to be at graduation lineup at 1:15 p.m. in the Armstrong Gym.

e graduation ceremony can be viewed online at or on the CSC Youtube channel.

e Chadron State Foundation, Alumni and Student Alumni Council is o ering a free meal at e Ridge to students who are graduating on Wednesday, Dec. 14, starting at 5:30 p.m. Guests of students can get meals for $10. To RSVP, text CSCSendo to 91999 or visit

2 Dec. 8, 2022 | The Eagle |
During the Monday meeting, Senators voiced that they want a new president that communicates more directly and transparently

Students and faculty discuss ethical bystander intervention and at TEAL Coffee Chat

LEFT: Jadelyn Beyer, senior of North Platte, Lydia Connell, senior of Arnold, listen to a bystander intervention prompt at the TEAL Coffee Chat Thursday in the Mari Sandoz Center Atrium.

RIGHT: Jaedyn Gronemeyer, sophomore of La Junta, Colorado, listens to a CSC faculty member explain a bystander prompt at the TEAl Coffee Chat Thursday in the Mari Sandoz Center Atrium.

CAB adds two new clubs at nal meeting

CAB added two new clubs to campus at its 5 p.m. meeting Monday.

CAB Chair Katelyn Bach, senior of Burns, Wyoming, announced that CAB would be hearing from representatives of Every Eagle Succeeds and the Green Team.

“We will be starting a closet on campus lled with things like toiletries, school supplies, paper products and cleaning supplies,” Katherine Hoeke, sophomore of Rapid City, South Dakota, said in the meeting. ”A lot of the time we nd that students don’t have money for these products and they can’t seem to a ord them.”

CAB followed the announcement by voting to add the club to campus, before introducing the members who would present on behalf of the Green Team.

“Green Team is going to focus on the sustainability on campus,” Tianna Martin, freshman of Kearny, said in the meeting. “Coming from Kearny I saw a lot of di erent things, things that could be changed and improved.”

CAB will not meet next week and will resume meetings after winter break.

3 | The Eagle | Dec. 8, 2022 News
Mary Clai Jones, associate professor of English, (middle) listens as students talk how to be an ethical bystander at the TEAL Coffee Chat Thursday. Photos by Aubrie Lawrence

As We See It



Aubrie Lawrence



Velvet Jessen


Eben Rosentrater



Kamryn Kozisek



Noelle Meagher




Editorial: 308-432-6303 Advertising: 308-432-6304


MAILING ADDRESS The Eagle Old Admin, Room 235 Chadron State College 1000 Main St. Chadron NE 69337


Michael D. Kennedy Office: 308-432-6047


My last flight with The Eagle

Ya know, for all the time I’ve had to think about what to write in this final column I’ve still got nothing. I have spent the past three and a half years contemplating what I would write when the time came. Would I be sad? Happy? Maybe angry? And yet, here I am sitting on the floor of my liv ing room late Monday evening unable to come up with any of those feelings.

So, I guess I’ll just start at the beginning and hope I can conjure something up as I go.

When I came to school here, I had no idea what to expect. I had come here on a whim after months of believing I was des tined for UNK. The Eagle’s ad viser Mr. K had convinced me to make the switch by promising an editor position, money and a jumpstart on my future career (I’m still not sure whether he’ll be right about that part, we’ll

have to check back in on that in several years.)

When I came to my first Tuesday meeting, I wasn’t sure I belonged in an editor position or should be the one taking over the paper by my junior year. I was in a room full of experi enced, amazing journalists and photographers that had won nu merous amounts of awards and thought that I would fall short. I truly believed that by the end of my first week they would tell me that I wasn’t quite ready for the responsibility that came with the news editor position.

Thankfully, those people stuck by me as I jumped into the deep end of working for a college newspaper, helping me learn how to wade through the world of college journalism until I was pretty much self-sufficient.

There are still times where I worry that I’m not the writer that the paper was hoping for

Staff on the Street!

when it recruited me my senior year of high school. But even if I’m not, I know that I have grown and become better than I was when I started. And that’s good enough for me right now.

While the long Wednesday nights, stressful stories and aggravating meetings have sometimes made this paper the bane of my exis tence, I can’t help but be grate ful for it at the same time. It has led me to creating amazing friendships with people I never would’ve met without it.

To the editors and report ers, both past and present, that I’ve had a chance to work with, thank you for making the last three and a half years some of the wildest, emotional and fun years of my life. I couldn’t have

become the person that I am today without you guys. I am incredibly thankful that I had the chance to work and become friends with you. I know that, when I look back on my time here at CSC, it won’t be the work that I remem ber. It’ll be you guys.

I’m jumping off into the deep end once again and God I hope I learn to swim just like I did three and a half years ago. I’m off to my next great ad venture and am beyond excited for what comes next.

But first, I have to say one final thank you. To The Eagle, thank you for making my deci sion to come to Chadron mean ingful. I couldn’t have made it through college without you.

And if I learned one thing its that, while the world burns The Eagle soars.

We asked: What was your favorite part of working for The Eagle this semester?

“Having my journalistic integrity questioned.”

“Something about creating controversy with my friends is fun.”

“My classmates asking if my article was about my relationship.”

“Stumbling upon a podcast about us.”

“Not having to pay the school anymore.”

Aubrie Lawrence 21, senior, Alliance Kamryn Kozisek 21, senior, Buffalo, Wyoming Eben Rosentrater 20, sophomore, Paxton Velvet Jessen 20, junior, Harrold, South Dakota Madyson Schliep 21, senior, Grand Island
the Giving voice to Chadron State College students since 1920 Participation on The Eagle staff is open to all Chadron State Col lege students. The Eagle is a student newspaper produced by and for students of Chadron State College. Opinions expressed in editorials and col umns written by the student staff belong solely to the authors. As a public forum, The Eagle invites guest columns and letters to the editor from all readers.
expressed in submissions belong solely to the author(s) and DO NOT necessarily reflect the opinions of The Eagle staff,
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edition. The
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ing body. Please limit all guest columns or letters
400 words. Deadline for submissions is noon Monday for consideration in the following Thursday’s
Eagle reserves the right
© Copyright, The Eagle, 2022.
Nebraska Press Association
4 Dec. 8, 2022 | The Eagle |
Aubrie Lawrence
Opinion From the Editor’s desk

As We See It

See you around... maybe

I just wanted to start off by saying that this last year as the digital con tent director for The Eagle has been the funnest job I have ever had.

I have been forced to step out side of my comfort zone on more than one occasion, interact with people I would have not normal ly and push myself in an area I was not familiar with at all. I will forever be grateful for everything that The Eagle has taught me and thank you to Mr. K and Aubrie for taking a chance on me.

Now that we are done with

the sappy stuff, I thought I would share some of my favorite things that I have happened to learn during my time at the paper.

Floor-time will always be the most restful under the newsroom table, and Mr. K will always have something to say about every thing, so make sure you speak qui etly if you are not up for a debate. Cookies and muffins are always in plentiful supply around there, but sometimes they come stale so don’t get your hopes up.

You are going to meet some of your best friends in the newsroom and bond over the most ridicu lous things. There is nothing more embarrassing than a night class

catching you making a TikTok in the hallway. The massive globe on the second floor of Old Admin is the perfect height to film a TikTok. Remembering to tweet about

the online edition will forever be the hardest thing I have to do at the paper and without fail it will take me a minimum of 4 hours to write a 500- word opinion, even if it is something that I am very pas sionate about.

Also, always remember to keep ibuprofen or Tylenol with you be cause the lights will inevitably give you a headache every week (or maybe that’s just me).

The Washington Post will be the funniest newspaper TikTok ever and as hard as you might try to be just as cool, you are operat ing with a budget of $0 so you will never be as good (sorry).

And you will get recognized by

people on campus as the TikTok girl.

While I wish I could say I re member every life lesson that has ever been bestowed on me by the newspaper staff, I know that I learned more than I ever thought I would. I have enjoyed getting to make people laugh and a few cry (once again, sorry about that, I know the graduation one last year was especially sad) and share with our campus that the paper does more than just cover boring arti cles (love y’all).

But while the world burns The Eagle soars.

(P.S. I am graduating but I still might see you next semester. Velvet just really needed another columnist.)

just see you around campus

Wake up, snooze my alarm, wake up to the next alarm, debate snoozing it and then get up and start the coffee before the shower. Then rush to figure out what I’ll wear because I’m going to be late to my editor’s meeting, again. Head out the door, get to the newspaper room in Old Admin, wave at the people who have become my closest friends and take my seat next to them at the table.

That’s pretty much how I’ve started my Tuesdays for the past 2 years. But next semester I won’t be doing that same routine every Tuesday, or even on Wednesday and Thursday to work on the paper and plan for the next week.

In case you haven’t deduced what this article is going to be about, it’s my farewell article.

This could very well be the last opinion any of you ever read with my name on it.

I know, I know, such a sad day.

But I’m sure someone else will be able to bluntly write about what they’re thinking after me, so don’t be too sad. Plus, I won’t promise that I won’t lend a hand occasional ly if the need arises.

For those of you who don’t know, I don’t write for classes or for my major. (I’m a science major this does not help me at all.) I wrote for fun and because some things need said.

Sometimes articles were a bit of a rant for me and other times I was struggling to think of something to write. But even when I didn’t want to write anymore, or certain people decided they would treat me differ ent because I wrote something they didn’t like before even meeting me. I have loved working with my best

friends here and I wouldn’t have traded my time at the paper.

I got to work with and met some of my best friends in that room. I also met people I didn’t like, learned how to look from their points of view and grew in my ability to han dle those people.

In fact, dealing with those people helped build new friend

ships. And through dealing with the people that disagreed, I learned a few things.

Firstly: Remember, if you didn’t have a point or make a dent in their argument, they wouldn’t be mad. Sometimes people don’t like your opinion and want to yell at you for it. At the end of the day, it’s an opin ion, I don’t have to prove myself to anyone who gets mad about it.

(This first point doesn’t apply if you are just inherently wrong. Always research before you decide to argue.)

Secondly: I am capable of doing a lot of things that I used to be scared of or would have made me too stressed previously. In fact, I handled a lot more stress than I thought I would have been able to my freshman year.

And lastly: I learned a lot more people read what I write than I thought, and they are going to ask

me if it has anything to do with my personal life. (It didn’t.)

So, while I could talk forever about working with my favorite girls, and all the late nights spent in the newsroom. I’ll save you from the stories and leave you with this.

Thank you to all the friends I’ve made in the newsroom, I’m so glad I get to call you my best friends. Thank you for those who can handle reading different ideas and growing from them. Thank you to the poor people who answered ‘Man on the Street’ questions from me for two years. And thank you to all the people who encouraged me and weren’t afraid of a little girl with opinions. You guys are all the reasons I write.

And to end this with the most important thing I’ve learned and joked about here:

While the world burns, The Eagle soars.

Velvet Jessen
Not good-bye,
5 | The Eagle | Dec. 8, 2022

Eagle women beat undefeated Highlands

the team’s shooting started off strong. The Eagles field goal percentage was .430, and their threepoint percentage was even better at .600.

The CSC women’s basketball team found their first win against the undefeated New Mexico Highlands Cowgirls after going 0-6 to start the season last weekend.

The Eagles started off the weekend rough against the Thunderwolves of CSU Pueblo. The team fought hard but did not come out on top.

The first quarter against the Thunderwolves,

However, the Eagles began to struggle in the second quarter. Shooting slowed down with .270 in field goal shooting and .250 in three-pointers.

The Eagles continued to struggle for the rest of the game and could not make up the ninepoint deficit created by the Thunderwolves. The team ended Friday’s game shooting 25-58 from the field, losing 66-75

However, the Eagles’ bad fortune turned around right away on Saturday to play the un defeated New Mexico Highlands Cowgirls. The team came out explosive and claimed their first season win.

The Eagles were very consistent for the first half. They recorded a .446 percentage from the field for the first half, leading going into half time 42-19.

Please see, Basketball, page 7

Garcia, at 143 lbs, led the

weekend at the Doane University Open in Crete. She went 3-0, winning each match by a tech fall and not allowing a single point for her opponents, making her the 143 bracket champion.

6 Dec. 8, 2022 | The Eagle | Sports
Photo by Noelle Meagher ALL SMILES: CSC forward Ashayla Powers (20), sophomore of Longmont, Colorado, smiles and points to a teammate during a game against Highlands in the Chicoine Center.
w Athletes Week of the
Sport: Wrestling
Hometown: Vista, California
Eagles last
Texas Class: Junior Sport: Basketball Robinson
up 21 rebounds, and two assists, good enough to earn him RMAC Player of the Week. Josh Robinson MEN’S BASKETBALL STANDINGS 1. Black Hills State 2. Colorado School of Mines 3. Fort Lewis 4. Chadron State 5. UCCS 6. CSU Pueblo 7. MSU Denver 8. Adams State 9. New Mexico Highlands 10. South Dakota Mines 11. Westminster 12. Colorado Mesa 13. Colorado Christian 14. Regis 15. Western Colorado 2022-2023 SEASON WOMEN’S BASKETBALL STANDINGS 1. Black Hills State 2. Colorado School of Mines 3. Adams State 4. New Mexico Highlands 5. Colorado Christian 6. CSU Pueblo 7. Fort Lewis 8. Regis 9. MSU Denver 10. Westminster 11. Chadron State 12. South Dakota Mines 13. Western Colorado 14. Colorado Mesa 15. UCCS 2022-2023 SEASON sponsored by As of Dec. 6, 2022 As of Dec. 6, 2022 u By Kennie Gable Reporter
Kayley Garcia Hometown: Paris,
was a huge asset over the weekend at home. In total, he scored 30 points between the two games, averaging .625 from the field. He also racked


Basketball from Page 6

The team continued to dominate in the second half offensively and defensively, scoring another 47 points and allowing only 41. The team also ended the night with three blocks, seven steals, and 44 rebounds.

All of this allowed the Eagles to win 89-60, upset ting the undefeated Cowgirls.

Ashayla Powers, sophomore of Longmont, Colo rado, dominated the weekend for the Eagles. She end ed with 36 points over the weekend. Powers was the leading scorer in the Pueblo game and the third-lead ing scorer in the Highlands game. She also recorded

11 rebounds, six assists, and two steals between the two games.

Another key player for the weekend was Samiyah Worrell, senior of Fountain, Colorado, who had 25 points between the two games. Worrell also had 12 rebounds, two blocks, a steal, and six assists.

The Eagles will take the court again on the road against the Mountaineers of Western Colorado at 5:30 p.m. on Friday, in the Paul Wright Gym, in Gun nison, Colorado.

7 | The Eagle | Dec. 8, 2022
SUPER POWERS: Eagle forward Ashayla Powers, sophomore of Longmont, Colorado, flies through the air shooting a layup during Saturday’s game against Highlands. Photo by Noelle Meagher
It’s Official Now Once an Eagle, Always an Eagle Congratulations Watch the ceremony at
Members of the CSC women’s basketball team huddle together during a timeout during Saturday’s game against Highlands. Photo by Noelle Meagher

Track and Field from Page 1

For the runners, the Eagles were led by Quincy Efeturi, sophomore of Ikorodu, Nigeria, with a time of 22.9 seconds in the 200-meter dash.

Kyland Fuller, freshman of Fort Laramie, Wyoming, won the 800-me ter run with a time of 2:05.79.

CSC’s men’s 1600-meter relay team also finished first with a time of 3:25.59.

The Eagle women were led heavily by Carlie Collier, senior of Dun ning, who won both the 60-meter and 200-meter dash. Madison Clause, freshman of Billings, Montana, found success in the pole vault as well, winning with a vault of 11 feet, and a quarter inch.

Both the Eagle men’s and women’s teams dominated in overall team points. The men took first in team sweepstates with 195 points. The women did the same with 166 points.

The Eagles will compete again in the Black Hills State Myrle Hanson Open in Spearfish, South Dakota, Jan. 14, 2023.


8 Dec. 1, 2022 | The Eagle |
Photo by Kamryn Kozisek Photo by Kamryn Kozisek Parker Gonser, freshman of Windsor, Colorado, throws a weight implement during the Yellow Jacket Holiday Open in Spearfish, South Dakota, Dec. 3. Harley Rhoades, junior of Douglas, Wyoming competes in pole vault during the Yellow Jacket Holiday Open in Spearfish, South Dakota, Dec. 3.

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