Rhine to
and three grandchildren.”
On Tuesday President Randy Rhine sent a letter to students and faculty announcing his retirement, e ective June 30, 2023.
“Words are inadequate to describe how wonderful this journey has been for my wife, Ann, and I since we moved to Chadron in 2005,” he wrote. “However, we have arrived at a phase in our lives where it is time for us to spend more time on the activities we enjoy, especially spending time with our children
Rhine began his presidency in January 2013 after serving as vice president for enrollment management and student services for seven years.
“I am leaving Chadron State at a time when the institution is poised to move into the future with new energy and opportunity,” Rhine wrote. “I cannot thank the faculty and sta of this wonderful institution enough for your e orts that make us a leader in higher education and service to our region and beyond.”
Giving voice to Chadron State College students since 1920 Semper veritasStudent Senate ranked the top two applicants for the student trustee position at its 4 p.m. meeting Monday after the current trustee announced he will graduate in the spring.
Student Trustee Sullivan Jones, senior of Papillion, announced that Ella O’Brien, junior of Chadron, and Cooper Reichman, senior of Chappell, are the two nominees the trustee selection committee chose to present to the senate.
Jones read each candidate’s letter they had written to senate about their interest in being student trustee, and their qualications.
“A student trustee’s biggest contribution they can make is bringing a new perspective and adding their ideas to improve their college to make it the best that the college can be,” O’Brien stated in the letter. “It is a vital role that carries many responsibilities and I believe that I have the capability to execute those
responsibilities thoroughly and e ectively.”
After the readings, each senator voted on a candidate based on their quali cation for the trustee position.
e senate voted 12-3 in favor of Reichman.
“I feel grateful to the people who have made this campus safe, beautiful, inspirational, educational, and like home to me,” Reichman stated. “Making this college’s students, sta , and faculty feel heard and understood is a great starting point in creating an institution that is worth being a part of.”
e college will now send the rankings to the governor for further consideration.
In other news:
> Senate allocated $10,130 to e Big Event for sandwiches, t-shirts, and funding for the Tower of Power event.
> Senate allocated $100 to Operation Christmas Child for shoe boxes and additional supplies.
> e What’s Poppin’ with Senate event will be held 1-3:15 p.m. Monday in the Student Center.
By Kenzie Garner ReporterTwo new clubs were added to campus in CAB’s 5 p.m. meeting Monday.
CAB representative unanimously voted to approve adding the History and Chemistry club.
“We have established this club with a desire to galvanize an interest in history for our fellow students, being conscious of the fact that an informed knowledge of the past is, and ought to be, important to those students both now and in the future,” A.R. Swanson, senior of North Platte, said in the meeting. “We seek not only to introduce people with history who are new to the subject, but also to nurture spirited discussion between those of us who already have background in that eld.”
Swanson will be president of the History Club and CAB Chair Brianna Smith, sophomore of Vivian, South Dakota, will be president of the Chemistry Club.
In a letter sent out later that day, Paul Turman, Nebraska State College Systems (NSCS) chancellor, announced he will be organizing “several focus groups” on campus to discuss what stakeholders would like to see from the next president on Nov. 16 and 17.
“President Rhine has steadily and skillfully navigated Chadron State College through a period of unprecedented challenges during his
tenure,” Turman said in a press release from the NSCS Tuesday. “He has done so while staying true to the College’s core values and moving Chadron State forward in its educational purpose. President Rhine will leave the College in a much stronger place than when he arrived.”
e press release states that the search for the next president will begin immediately and Academic Search is accepting applications.
Applications for the College Education Association (CSCEA) scholarship will be closing Friday, Nov. 11.
e scholarship, which is funded by CSCEA faculty members, provides two students with $500 scholarships for the spring 2023 semester. In order to apply, students must have completed a minimum of 30 credit hours; be a full-time, undergraduate student during the spring semester working on their rst undergraduate degree; and have not previously received a CSCEA scholarship.
e application form is available in the Start O ce located in Crites Hall or at https://www.csc.edu/media/website/content-assets/documents/pdf/start/CSCEAScholarship2023.pdf.
Applications must be submitted to Gregory Moses, assistant professor of mathematics and natural sciences, in Math Science Center of Innovative Learning (COIL) Room 140 by 4 p.m. Friday, Nov. 11.
For a lot of students, college is full of uncertainties and stressful situations. We’re learning how to be adults while still trying to avoid the respon sibilities of the real world.
Because we live and breathe the college experience, some times we wind up in a bubble that can exclude some of the biggest news going on. How ever, one of the biggest things we would like to ignore is right around the corner from break ing that bubble.
For several months now the economy has been in a real ly weird place. We have high inflation rates that don’t seem to be getting better anytime soon, in fact they’re definitely going to get worse, and job growth is starting to slow down.
However, the demand for workers is higher than ever, an article published by the New York Times in September states.
With some much ebb and flow, it can almost feel like now
isn’t the time to start worrying about stuff like job availability and the cost of living. After all, economists and politicians can’t even agree on whether the United States is moving out of a recession or getting deeper into one. All they can agree on is that the economy is in rough shape.
So why should we care?
While all of this sounds incredibly heavy and might be a little scary to think about, the current economic climate will have a lot of effect on the next few years of our lives.
It will decide how likely we are to find an entry-level position that matches the current cost of living, how much we’ll be able to invest into our retirement funds (yes, we should start doing that now) and how quickly some of us will get out of student loan debt and set down some stable roots.
A poll done by Student Loan Hero found that 46% of 1,000 college students surveyed are worried that they’ll graduate in
We asked: What do you want to see in a new CSC president?
a recession.
Along with that, the debate on whether students should follow the money and get degrees that will get them a steady job or follow their passions is coming to a head. And, as the threat of financial instability grows, more stu dents are starting to side with the money.
It’s sad that it’s come to this, but it’s the unfortunate situation we’re in. We had no control about how we got here. How ever, we can control how we get out of it.
It starts with understand ing what’s going on in the U.S. economy. Because it effects everything, it’s good to start understanding the ups and downs it usually has. That might mean doing a bit of research on your own.
The high school economics class you took can only get you so far. Economics ma jors can’t be the only ones who know what is going on out there.
I also think that un derstanding it can help those that still want to pursue the things that make them the happiest as a career.
The career I’ve chosen doesn’t have a particularly high salary for the first several years of employment. With that in mind, I’m trying to do everything I can to start off on the right foot. Even if that means asking for help sometimes.
While money may be tight right now, after all we are all broke college students, figur ing out the game that is the economy can help ensure that money isn’t tight forever and that entering the world during a recession isn’t so scary.
EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Aubrie Lawrence editor@csceagle.com
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“I would want someone who listens first then answers.”
Olivia Bryant 21, senior, Anselmo
Kirby Cornfield 20, sophomore, North Platte
“Someone who cares about making changes we want.”
Raquel Moore 18, freshman, Beatrice
“Someone who can bring new, fresh ideas to Chadron campus.”
Siddant Shelke 23, senior, Pune, India
“More developments on campus that help students after graduation”
Makenna Havlat 19, sophomore, Pleasant Dale
“Whatever happens, happens.”
At what point have we gone too far? If you haven’t seen it yet, North Korea is yet again shooting missiles. Except this time, they have a target and a point that their dictator wants to make.
On Wednesday, North Korea launched more than 20 missiles. It started as a test-firing of the missiles when one landed across the border which then started a chain of events. South Korea sent three missiles toward the border as a response and then received 100 rounds of artillery and more missile launches from North Korea.
This might seem like another dumb missile test that North Korea is trying to do that leads to nothing. But this time around could be different.
Different analysts have different ideas of what Kim Jung Un was trying to do but overall, it seems like a step towards bigger things.
South Korea sees it as “a violation” of their territory and don’t want to escalate it to the level of war. And North Korea wants to challenge South Korea and the trade sanctions the United States have put on the country while building his nuclear arsenal according to nbcnews.com.
This could lead to nothing, another missile firing in North Korea that didn’t lead to anything other than putting people on edge in South
Korea for a few days. And I’m sure most people in the U.S. won’t think much of it, after all if it’s not here it’s not our problem.
Except that it is, the U.S. has
a habit of making other countries their business. The U.S. currently has 28,500 troops stationed in South Korea, according to reuters.com. We decided to make it our business in 1950 when we joined the Korean war and never found a way to leave.
After almost 70 years, I think we probably could have found a way out. Staying and helping keep peace and helping South Korea develop for a while was a good idea.
But now I wonder if 70 years later we should have let them try to stand on their own. Our presence is helpful but maybe instead of just letting our presence do most of the talking we should have used it to help them and teach them how to stand on their own.
Granted, they have done military training with the U.S. troops but if we’re still there we obviously think it hasn’t been enough.
But at some point we have to decide if we’ve been there too long and whether we’re really still helping. We should have been slowly deciding if we needed to move out and stop supplying troops and start supplying weapons or other things that don’t put extra lives on the line.
This isn’t something American lives have to be at risk for.
We should have been working on this the past 70 years so that both the South Korean and American people are safe from North Korea, instead of having to entertain his missile tantrums.
It is pretty common for many people our age to be treated like they don’t have enough knowledge to speak out about subjects.
We are told that because we are young we don’t understand and we never will.
As a student newspaper we get that a lot. More than most of you will even know.
Between the hate mail, emails, comments and meetings that we have had to have over the last few years, we get plenty of criticism. Not to even mention calls from attorneys and parents.
I will say, my favorite thing is hearing ‘their opinions don’t even matter’ but then they spend 20 minutes talking about it.
I once woke up to a text saying that if I was threatened to send them to our adviser.
How crazy can people get over the opinions of a bunch of college students, right?
Well we are definitely not just college students, not that any of your opinions matter less, but we are all nationally and regionally awarded journalists.
If you ever step foot in the newsroom you will see three walls of awards, as well as awards that decorate the second floor of Old Admin. And those are just the overall staff awards. We have each taken home multiple for our work.
My point is, we are a group of strong journalists.
We put our souls into this newspaper, there are some weeks where we spend more than 35 hours working. It is not poorly
done or just made up, we find facts and we use them to form strong opinions or write good news sto ries.
Before I continue, I want to make it clear that we are human and we still make mistakes, both grammar and spelling. But very, very rarely do we make a factual error.
I also want it to be known that we are not here to make the col
lege look good. Period. We have a public relations department, the ones that send out the CSC Today emails, that is their job.
We are here for you, the stu dents, to let you know what is go ing on, even if the college isn’t. We want you to have the maximum amount of knowledge possible.
That being said, our opinions are our own and the editorials are voted on by the majority of the staff (you can find the staff listing to the right of most editorials).
We are always doing our best, we have done a ton of work behind
the scenes and have also been able to bring to light a lot of stories.
So here’s the deal, we have no plans of backing down. We will continue to write stories about things that peo ple may want to stay hidden. We are going to share with you what we know and contin ue to write opin ions that not ev erybody is going to like.
We are only working with the facts that are given to us. So the next time someone complains that we don’t know what we are talking about. Maybe they should be do ing more talking.
There are no secrets to expose if you aren’t keeping any.
Velvet Jessen Kamryn Kozisek““There are no secrets to expose if you aren’t keeping any.”
- Kamryn Kozisek
The National Wild Turkey Fed eration (NWTF) signed a 20 year, $50 million agreement with the Biden-Harris Administration For est Service.
The goal of this master steward ship agreement is to address the wildlife crisis in the West and to promote healthy forests and wild life habitat.
Prescribed fires and other forms of vegetation management will be done by the NWTF to improve wildlife habitats. On the other side the NWTF will be benefiting the Forest Service by promoting the
use of forest products.
A USDA press release stated that this agreement is one-of-akind, partnership promoting stew ardship of the land. It is also the largest agreement in the history of NWTF.
“Our partnership with the For est Service is central to our mis sion,” said Kurt Dyroff, co-chief ex ecutive officer of the National Wild Turkey Federation, in a USDA press release. “Wild turkeys, as well as other wildlife, rely on healthy habitats and healthy forests for their long-term sustainability. Likewise, hunters rely on the same for a quality and successful hunting experience. Our work focuses on
the shared values of water, forests/ wildlife habitat, recreation, and resilient communities. This part nership enables us to make greater investments at a greater scale to keep forests healthy, water clean and stop critical habitat loss.”
This agreement follows the new Forest Service wildlife crisis strat egy that was released by Tom Vil sack, USDA secretary in January.
The $50 million will be a part of President Biden’s Bipartisan Infra structure Law and other sources, including agency contributions.
This agreement is one of the first between the Forest Service and outside conservation based agencies.
“This agreement reflects our strong, long-standing relationship with the National Wild Turkey Federation and its four decades of forest restoration work on nation al forests and grasslands,” USDA Forest Service Chief Randy Moore stated in a USDA press release. “Larger wildfires, more frequent natural disasters, and other distur bances that continue to threaten the health of the nation’s forests and grasslands, and the wildlife habitat they provide, means the work we do together is even more vital.”
The NWTF, has been working with wildlife habitat on over 22 million acres and providing over
half a billion to these habitat areas.
“This long-term master stew ardship agreement builds on a 40-year history of successful re gional conservation partnerships between the NWTF and the For est Service that have delivered on our organization’s mission of conserving habitat for wild turkey and preserving our nation’s hunt ing heritage,” said co-CEO Becky Humphries of the National Wild Turkey Federation in a USDA press release. “NWTF is proud to work with the Forest Service to enhance habitat and make America’s forests healthier and safer, and to acceler ate the pace and scope of this vital work.”
A fake blood bag that was used as a prop in the Kent Hall haunted house, in the base ment, during the practice run thorugh, Oct. 27.
Students returned for another year of frights at the “Re turn to the Basement” haunted house located in the Kent Hall basement Friday and Saturday nights.
Christian Miller, associate director of Kent Hall, said that 314 students signed into the haunted house with a total of 361 students going through, includes those that went more than once. After going through the haunted house, students were able to review the event. Overall, it got a 4.92 star rating out of five stars.
“My favorite feedback I heard was that they didn’t expect it to be very scary but then after going through it they had to call their friends and tell them to come down and do it with them because they wanted to see their friends get scared because it was so good,” he said.
This year’s haunted house included a corn maze, a doll room, the doctor’s room, an asylum and the grave room. Along with plenty of creepy hallways and even a dead end room. All the rooms were equipped with resident advisors in costumes, as the actors.
“I think the students want big events like this on campus that are well put together and that really provide a way for them to get out of their room and hang out with friends and what can make this even better,” Miller said. “Seeing your friends get scared to death!”
The Kent Hall haunted house was started a few years ago by previous associate director, Kris Boardman. Miller said that he promised him he “would not let this tradition die” and would continue to every year that he can and constantly make it better.
“What I would like to see improve it would just have to be getting the layout figured out and really getting more props and costumes so that we can provide a more terri fying haunted house in the future,” Miller said. “But each year we are buying more and more supplies which is help ing us in the future years as the props and many of the costumes can be reused or modified in some way.”
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her fellow Brightcli e residents to e Midnight Club, a secret group that shares nightly ghost stories. However, there’s a supernatural pact all members must take, a pact that strives to throw back the veil of uncertainty clouding the afterlife.
Halloween may have passed, but that doesn’t mean you have to sacri ce your horror- lled movie nights. If you’re still in the mood to pop some popcorn, dim the lights and maybe spill the popcorn after a jarring jump scare, tune into Net ix’s “ e Midnight Club”.
Created by Mike Flanagan, who’s also behind the hit gothic Net ix series “Midnight Mass” and the 2018 rendition of “ e Haunting of Hill House”, “ e Midnight Club” o ers a unique story structure from a set of unlikely perspectives. e series is sort of a spooky anthology collection stitched together by a stable yet haunting main plot.
e show follows a group of terminally-ill teenagers living out the remainder of their lives in a Victorian mansion serving as a hospice called Brightcli e Academy. e plot centers on 19-year-old prodigy Ilonka (Iman Benson), who planned to attend Brown University before her cancer diagnosis led her to Brightcli e. As she’s introduced to the eerie campus and the mysterious forest it inhabits, Ilonka learns her new home isn’t all it appears to be. Within her rst night, Ilonka is welcomed by
is is where the anthology aspect of the series takes ight.
In each episode, di erent stories told by di erent club members practically steal the show. ese stories-within-a-story share actors from the ‘real world’, with smart costume designs making these scene-transitions seamless.
For example, leukemia-stricken resident Kevin (Igby Rigney) tells a story of a teenage serial killer named Dusty who’s haunted by murderous demons. In the story he spins, Kevin’s actor, Rigney, also plays Dusty. Most of the residents’ stories follow this pattern, allowing each of the smaller stories to include the diverse cast of the main story.
rough their stories, the members of e Midnight Club grapple with the crippling frustrations, regrets and inspirations spawned from their cut-too-short lives. However, it’s
clear from the start that ghosts occupy more than just the minds of Brightcli e residents. Supernatural sightings and creepy ghost encounters run rampant at the hospice as Ilonka tries to discover the secrets of Brightcli e Academy. And, possibly, discover the secret of an allusive Brightcli e resident who made a full recovery from cancer decades prior.
e series borrows from almost every horror-genre trope and setting as it explores science- ction time-traveling, noir crime-solving, wicked cult antics and more. I was especially impressed at the depth of horror techniques implemented within the show. For example, the creators embrace jump scares just as well as situational terror and body horror. Both realistic and supernatural scares wait around every corner.
While the series leaves on a bit of a clihanger and many unanswered questions, one can only hope Net ix releases a second season to tie up the frayed ends of the story. Even if the series is left at one season, it stands well on its own if you’re okay with interpreting some of the more ambiguous elements yourself.
CSC’s Wind Symphony and Community band will perform this Friday in Memorial Hall Auditorium from 7-8:30 p.m. Under the direction of John Wojcik, the bands will be playing music honoring the heroes from 9/11, a medley of popular songs from “Dancing Queen” to “La La Land” and compositions from several new composers.
e Wind Symphony will also feature a piece by CSC student and bass clarinet omas Hughes, written in memory of those we’ve lost.
CSC’s Concert Choir and Community Choir will perform this Sunday 3-4:30 p.m. in Memorial Hall Auditorium. Under the direction of Joel Schreuder, the choirs will perform a variety of songs including folk and acapella pieces from around the world.
The CSC volleyball team extend ed its losing streak to 10 games after another tough weekend at Colorado Mesa, Grand Junction, Colorado, and Westminster, Salt Lake City, Utah.
After winning five straight RMAC games early in September,
the Eagles were excited to see what the rest of the season would hold for them. Unfortunately for them, the season has been nothing but dis appointment after disappointment since then.
The team traveled to Grand Junction last Friday, Oct. 28, to play the Mavericks of Colorado Mesa.
They lost in yet another three-set sweep, being held to just 40 points in the entire match. In the second set,
the team scored only eight points, the lowest score in any set this sea son. The team averaged 20 errors in the game and got aced eight times throughout the three sets.
The Eagles averaged 24 kills and 42 digs. The blocks were low on numbers with only three.
Alexia Hurtado, junior of Auro ra, Colorado, was the leader in kills on Friday with eight and had one block out of the three.
of the Eagle’s
of her 25
A tough defensive showing from the CSC football team proved to be far too much for the New Mexico Highlands University Cowboys as the Eagles find their third win of the season.
After a brutal 34-12 loss in Pueblo, Col orado the previous weekend, the Eagles were looking to get back on track against the similarly ranked Cowboys. Defense was the name of the game for both teams, but in the end, it was the Eagles who came out on top holding New Mexico Highlands to just three points, the best showing by the Eagle defense, in a
on a sack. However, the distance was made up on a 16-yard passand-catch to Jalen Starks, senior of Chicago. The Eagles ended the drive with a touchdown after receiver Jamal Browder, sophomore of Carol City, Florida, fought at the goal line into the end zone for the Eagles’ second touchdown of the day. After the Jones extra point, the score was 17-3. After a couple more defensive stops by the Eagle defense, that would be where the score would stay as the Eagles beat the Cowboys.
Offensively, the Eagles were led by Beemiller, who recorded 278 passing yards on 20 completions, including the aforementioned 52yard touchdown to Hair, which was one of Beemiller’s longest plays of the season. Beemiller also threw for the Eagles only two touch downs.
The Eagles’ rushing attack was led by Dorian Collier, sopho more of Tallahassee, Florida, who recorded 62 yards on 12 carries. Starks and Jeydon Cox, sophomore of Jackson, Wyo ming, combined for another 64 all-purpose yards as well.
Receiving, the Eagles were led once again by Ahlonte Hair, who racked up 65 yards on three receptions and one touchdown. Browder and Montel Gladney, senior of Jackson, Mississippi, com bined for another 98 yards on four receptions as well.
Defensively, the Eagles were led by Tayven Bray, graduate student of High lands Ranch, Col orado, whose re lentless pass rush was good enough to earn him three sacks, three tack les-for-loss, eight tackles total, and
pass. Hair then ran the sideline like a tightrope, dodging defenders for another 27-yards and scoring the Eagles first touchdown. The first half was just as defensive and scoreless. The only touchdown came off a 72-yard drive led by Beemiller. The Eagles methodically moved down the field. Hope for a touch down seemed to be lost when Beemiller took a huge 10-yard loss
one fumble recovery. Hunter O’Connor, sophomore of Broomfield, Colorado, also racked up another two sacks, three tackles-for-loss, and nine tackles total.
The Eagles will take the field again at home against the Maver icks of Colorado Mesa, at noon Saturday, at Don Beebe Stadium, in Chadron.
A term that has been all too un familiar for all CSC athletic squads, except the CSC Eagle Esports team, who has found amazing success de spite its short existence on campus.
“I’m extremely happy with how we’ve been able to start our season,” CSC Student Head Coach Drew Kurtenbach stated in a text. “Com ing in we weren’t sure where we were at as a team. The players have been able to really come together so far and get off to an amazing start.”
Both of the first team Call of Duty and Rocket League squads competed exceptionally well, im proving to 5-0 on Tuesday. The fourman Call of Duty Maroon team got off to a stellar start against West Virginia University COD Club A, taking the first map of the contest in a 250-194 Hardpoint victory of over the Mountaineers. The team struggled in Search and Destroy but picked it up again on Control and Hardpoint a second time, beating WVU 3-1 overall.
Overall, the Eagles were led by Ryan Sparrow, junior of Brighton, Colorado, who recorded 120 kills and 70 deaths for 1.71 kill-death ra tio, the highest for the team. Spar row also racked up one minute, 42 seconds of objective time and three objective captures.
The Rocket League team also continued to dominate on Tuesday, demolishing the Green Terror Silver team of McDaniel College in a 3-0 sweep. The Eagles were unstoppable the entire contest, out scoring Mc Daniel College 17-4 across the three rounds.
Offensively, the Eagles were led by Jacob Miles, junior of Greeley, Colorado, who scored 13 of the teams 17 goals. Miles also assisted on the other four of the Eagles total points. Miles also led the team in to tal defense, landing three goal saves, one in each match.
“I think both teams can continue to work on making smart plays and playing as a team a little more,” Kur tenbach stated, “While they’ve done a great job, continuing to improve those things will help the players jump up into the next level of com petition.”
The Eagles will round out their regular season, hoping to finish 6-0 before playoffs. Eagle Call of Duty Maroon will compete next against the University of South Florida on Nov. 9, at 5 p.m. Eagle Rock et League will take the field again against Florida State University on Nov. 7, at 5 p.m. as well.
For those interested in watch ing the Eagles compete, the team livestreams every competition, both Call of Duty and Rocket League, on Twitch at www.twitch.tv/Chadron_ State_Esports.
Left: Ryan “Yoda” Sparrow, junior of Brighton, Colorado, focuses in hard during a tense match of Search and Destroy against the West Virginia University Mountain eers. Sparrow led the Eagles with 120 kills overall with kill-death ratio of 1.71 over four games.
CSC Men’s Wrestling Head Coach Brett Hunter has high expectations for the team this season after mildly successful season last year with lots of young talent
“This is the most motivated team I’ve seen in 11 years,” Hunter said in an inter view.
The Eagles preseason looked different
for the team from last year. They didn’t go as hard in an effort to avoid burnout with the long season ahead, which is proving to be effective as the team is in good health and spirits, according to Hunter.
Eli Hinojosa, senior of Imperial, who placed fourth at the 2021-2022 NCAA Re gionals, Mason Watt, senior of Broomfield, Colorado, who placed fifth, Ethan Leake, senior of Clovis, California, who placed sec ond, and Rowdy Pfeil, junior of Moorecroft, Wyoming, who placed fourth at the NCAA
Division II Super Regional in 2021, are all expected to do well and bring their person al experience to push the team even further this year.
One standout underclassmen Hunter mentioned as one to watch is Quade Smith, sophomore of Layton, Utah, who was a three-time state champion in high school from 2019-2021, four-time All-American, and last year placed fifth at regionals as a freshman.
When asked about what struggles
they’ve faced this year, Hunter briefly men tioned how there will be some predomi nately young weight classes and that they are facing “one of the toughest schedules in the county.” Their first dual will be against the University of Nebraska-Kearney Lopers, the defending NCAA Division II National Champions.
They will kick off their season today at 6 p.m., with the Black and Cardinal Classic, in the Chicoine Center, in Chadron. Admission is free to the public.
The team then traveled to Salt Lake City, Utah, to play the Griffins of Westminster.
It was a closer game for the team, but it unfortunately end ed in another three-set sweep for the Eagles.
The Eagles had another game with a lot of errors, aver aging out to 16.
However, the team pulled out some good stats for the game. Chadron State had 34 kills, five aces, five blocks, 29 as sists, and 41 digs.
Mayson Fago, sophomore of Evans, Colorado, the transfer from Northeastern Junior Col lege, led the Eagles with 8 kills in the game.
Rylee Greiman, junior of Windsor, Colorado, had a good game with two aces and led the Eagles with 12 digs.
The team moves to 7-18 overall and 5-11 in the RMAC and moved down in the rank ings to 11 out of 15 teams in the conference.
The volleyball team is play ing their next game Friday, Nov. 4, in the Chicoine Cen ter against the Hardrockers of South Dakota Mines.
The 2022-2023 season is right around the corner for the CSC women’s basketball team, and the Eagles are looking to improve off of last year’s season.
“Out of all of our goals this season,” CSC Head Women’s Basketball Coach Janet Raymer said, “is to improve, to win games, and to be competitive.”
Despite a less than stellar record last season, the Eagles’ future is looking bright with lots of young talent returning to round off the team’s already out standing roster of players.
Going into their third year, Ashayla Powers, soph omore of Longmont, Colorado, and Olivia Waufle, sophomore of Thornton, Colorado, will likely be the team’s most valuable assets. Along with Powers,
Samiyah Worrell, junior of Fountain, Colorado, will head up the Eagles offensively after leading the Ea gles in scoring last year.
Most excitingly, the Eagles will see the first glimpses of Awoti Akoi, sophomore of Sioux Falls, South Dakota, in action. Akoi, who stands at a stag gering 6-foot-3, was sidelined last year due to NCAA transfer rules, and is expected to be a big help for a team who has had trouble scoring under the basket. Akoi, being the tallest player on the team and one of the tallest in the RMAC, is also likely to be a big asset in rebounds and blocks as well.
The Eagles will open up their season when they travel to take on the NCAA Division I Bears of Northern Colorado in an exhibition game, in Gree ley, at 6 p.m., on Friday
“It’s an experience for our players to go up against good talent,” Raymer said, “and it will allow us to size-up where we are as a team.”
TOP: Peter Krohn, sopho more of Fort Collins, Col orado, runs with the ball while a defender attempts a tackle during Saturday’s home game against New Mexico Highlands.
RIGHT: Jahvonte Hair, junior of Live Oak, Florida holds a baby Yoda doll with a Chucky doll in his bag on the sidelines of the game against New Mexico High lands, Saturday.