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Vol. 1
Issue 364
Dibrugarh, Sunday, June 12, 2016
Price -
Page - 11
Page - 5
Pages- 12
Sonowal requests PM Modi to release Rs CM Kalikho Pul conducts third 10,000 crore crude oil royalty to the State Public Dharbar at Itanagar A Staff Reporter Guwahati, Jun11
Attending to the grievances of the general public, Chief Minister Kalikho Pul, despite his hectic tour to national capital, conducted the third Public Dharbar at his Official Residence just after arriving from New Delhi which begin at 4:00 PM here today. People from various categories viz the disabled, sick, mentally retarded, poor and destitute, etc came to meet the Chief Minister to seek help and assistance from him. This time, more than 100 people from the remote and far flung districts like Kurung Kumey, Dibang Valley, Lower Dibang Valley, KraaDadi, West Siang, Upper Siang, Anjaw, Tirap, Changlang, Upper Subansiri, Lower Subansiri, West Kameng etc also attended the Public Dharbar to submit
CM Pul during the third Public Darbar held at Itanagar. ET Photo their grievances before the Chief Minister. Despite the scorching heat,
around 800 people including 60 disabled and sick persons waited patiently since morning to get an audience of the Chief
Minister Pul who swiftly address their applications and grievances with the support of the CMO staffs.
NAC submits representation to ADC Deomali demanding immediate action to restore power supply ET Correspondent Deomali, June 11
After reeling in darkness for the last five days, the Panchayat and public leaders of 54th Namsang Assembly Constituency submitted a representation to the Additional Deputy Commissioner of Deomali demanding immediate action to restore power supply at the earliest.
ET CAPSULES Citizens’ group asks Sonowal to boost upper Assam Guwahati, June 11: A citizens’ platform in Dibrugarh has asked Assam chief minister Sarbananda Sonowal to make use of the Act East Policy in boosting the overall economy of the upper Assam region that is geographically closer to Myanmar and other south-east Asian countries. “Proper implementation of India’s Act East Policy could help bring about a major turnaround in the economy of eastern Assam along with the adjoining states of Arunachal Pradesh and Nagaland. This is all the more required in the backdrop of China making major strides in developing its so-long underdeveloped western region under its Western Development Programme since 1999,” a memorandum submitted to Sonowal by the Dibrugarh-based Policy Group for Peoples’ Rights (PGPR) said.
Souvenir on Madanlal Khaitan Golaghat, June 11: A souvenir in the fond memory of one of the great social activist, intellectual Madanlal Khaitan will be released on June 12 . The Sanatan Dharma Samaj of Golaghat has taken the initiative to publish the souvenir. The members of Sanatan Dharma Samaj seeks the presence of all in the souvenir releasing ceremony to be held at Sanatan Puja Mandap in Golaghat at 2:30 PM. (Correspondent)
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Informing that the entire populace of Deomali, along with the entire Tirap district, has been suffering during this unbearable hot summer, the members said that the laxity of officials of the Deomali Electrical Division during this hour of crisis has been absolutely disappointing. “Schools and colleges have
also reopened and the condition of students is miserable”, they said. The members also alleged that Executive Engineer (Power) T Jerang and Assistant Engineer D Boje are untraceable and presumed to be escaping from their responsibilities. “The utter callousness and blatant disregard of public
service by the concerned authority has caused deep anguish and resentment among the people of Deomali and the rest of the district. The patience of the deprived people has been pushed beyond limit and further delay of power supply may not auger well for the situation, which is already volatile”, the representation further read.
Assam Chief Minister Sarbananda Sonowal met Prime Minister Narendra Modi at his official 7 Race Course Road residence here today and submitted a memorandum and a White Paper on the State’s finances. In the 25-minute discussion with the Prime Minister, the first after becoming the Chief Minister, Sonowal pointed out the State’s precarious financial condition with about Rs 10,000 crore committed liabilities it has inherited from the previous Government. Sonowal said that while the State Government has been shifting focus to augment internal resources without depending on the Central Government alone, the State’s existing ‘precarious financial position’ has necessitated special support from the Centre, more so during the transitional phase. The Chief Minister said that his Government has been seriously trying to tap the inner strengths of the State within the limited capacity and resources to generate internal resources, attracting investments and building on the core strengths. “Our Government has decided to surge ahead with Restructuring Systems and Technology for Augmentation of Resources for Transformed Assam (ReSTART Assam) to mop up maximum possible resources through a coordinated and concerted mission mode programme with four-pronged action plan viz., rationalize the revenue collection through reforms and restructuring of policy, legislations and administration; mobilizing additional resources in a big way through Externally Aided Projects; focusing on institutional reforms for improving public finance management with focus on investments in critical sectors and on large scale IT-enabled
Sonowal during his meeting with Modi in New Delhi systems with ‘near-zero human interface’ and real time monitoring of revenue collection,” he said. Pointing out that the timebound action plan ‘would bear fruits only after two-three years’, the Chief Minister said in the interim period while there is a need to focus on development, the State needs about Rs 10,000 crore to honour the committed liabilities accumulated over a period of time and other liabilities arising out of pay revision of employees. ‘Thinking big and coming up with transformational ideas’ as the driving force of his Government, Sonowal said this approach would enable the State to develop its resources internally through massive investments and not to be ‘dwarfed into the dependency attitude’. “Thinking big is the natural choice of our Government to usher in ‘paribartan’ (change) in the lives of the people of Assam who have given us an unprecedented mandate,” he quipped. The Chief Minister requested the Prime Minister for financial assistance for infrastructure projects such as roads, river, power and IT as well as service sector. “Our State would like to focus on developing multi-modal
Assam makes new plans to halt poaching of rhinos: Cops to join rangers in fight A Staff Reporter Guwahati, June 11
The newly elected government of the northeast state of Assam has launched plans to crack down on the poaching of the area's famed one-horned rhinos. The state's Kaziranga National Park is home to the world's largest population of the rare rhinos, with more than 2,000 of the species. While overall poaching deaths have dropped over the last few years, a series of rhino killings
in 2016 has led the new government to renew antipoaching efforts. The state's new environment minister, Pramila Rani Brahma, said Saturday that local police have been asked to join the offensive against poaching. Previously, Kaziranga's forest rangers and anti-poaching staff handled this responsibility on their own.
On Tuesday, as Brahma and other officials visited Kaziranga to discuss the threat of poaching, a female rhino was shot dead by poachers in the vicinity. In April, poachers killed a rhino at the 480-squarekilometer (185-square-mile) park hours after a visit by Britain's Prince William and his wife, Kate.
Brahma said allegations that some park staff may be involved in the trade in rhino parts were also being
After the implementation of 85% pictorial warning norm on cigarettes packets on Supreme Court directive, sale of cigarette is seeing a nose-dive, with the horrific warnings turning away its potential new customer. According to a panshop owner in Roing Township, Gautam says, ‘there is steep decline in the sales of cigarette after the pictorial warning came into effect. It is
only those who are already deeply into its clutches of addiction, are the ones buying it. Potential new smokers are now keeping themselves away’. The shopkeeper’s view was endorsed by his wife, assisting him in the shop. The Cigarettes and Other Tobacco Products (Packaging and Labelling) Amendment Rules 2014 were notified in October 2014 under which the size of the pictorial warning was to be increased, the intention being
ULFA cadre behind twin blasts in Tinsukia arrested Spl correspondent Tinsukia, June 11
Contd. on Page 4
Smokers circumvent pictorial warning on cigarette pack Jiko Linggi Roing, June 11
transport keeping Brahmaputra and Barak waterways as centre of design; four-lane roads connecting all district headquarters, hinterlands with markets across the borders; hydel (micro and mini), thermal and solar power plants so as to ensure 24X7 quality power supply; high speed broadband connectivity to each village and household, giving adequate thrust on tourism, BPO, industry and other associated employment-led service sectors and in making Assam an organic hub,” he said, pleading with the Prime Minister for requisite financial support over a period of five years to give a shot in the arm to the internal revenue generation efforts of the State Government. Sonowal requested the Prime Minister to release the Rs 10,000 crore crude oil royalty to the State and to use his good offices to ensure price of crude oil at pre-discounted rate as in the case of Gujarat following an interim order of the Supreme Court. The Chief Minister pleaded for early release of the Rs 1226 crore the Ministry of Water Resources owes to the State under the Flood Management Programme (AIBP-FMP). Referring to the gaps in devolution of Central taxes and revenue deficit grants, Sonowal said while the 14th
to reach out to people who may be illiterate, or may not notice small warnings. The Centre had on April 1, 2016 brought in the 85% pictorial warning rule. The Supreme Court too directed the tobacco manufacturing companies to comply with the rules to display the pictorial warnings across 85% of the surface of packets of cigarettes after months of haggling in the apex court. However, an adult smoker, Wilson Umbrey says the urge to take puff is
so strong that the horrid picture over the packet is overlooked. ‘Definitely the horrific pictorial warning register much better then in words, therefore, ways are devised to circumvent it’. Umbrey revealed his secret method of buying cigarette packet. ‘In order to avoid having to look at the ‘horrific’ pictorial warning, I ask the shopkeeper to remove the packet and hand over the contents in its plastic wrappings’ said he accompanied by a laughter.
A joint team of Tinsukia police, 15 Kumaon Regiment of Indian army and CRPF on Saturday arrested an ULFA cadre accused of twin blasts at Tinsukia town in the month if April. The accused has been identified as Jitu Dahotia alias Jitu Moran. According to sources, based in specific input security forces launched an operation at Assam-Arunachal border and arrested the ULFA cadre from Koriajan reserve forest. Jitu
Jitu Dahotia Dahotia followed instructions of hardcore ULFA cadre Arundoy Dahotia, sources added.
Assam to create land bank, single window clearance system in 100 days A Staff Reporter Guwahati, June 11
With unavailability of land being one of the prime reasons for investors shying away from Assam, the new BJP government has decided to address the issue immediately and with “sincerity” and “honesty”. The state’s industry department has taken creation of a ‘land bank’ for industry as a target for first 100 days. Setting up of a ‘single window clearance system’ too figures in the 100 days to-do list for the department. Chandra Mohan Patowary,
Assam’s industry minister, told Eastern Today that the industries department has identified around 2,100 bighas of land lying unused and which once belonged to now defunct public sector companies and mills. It wants to make these lands part of the ‘land bank’ and make them available for the industry. “We have found that many industrial lands are now lying unused with the revenue department. These lands once belonged to closed mills and public sector companies. Contd. on Page 3
A Staff Reporter Itanagar, June 11
Finance Commission in its assessment of state resource stated it had taken into account ‘cost disability or fiscal capacity’ and made efforts to fill the gaps in resources, in reality its recommendations did not reflect the same thus depriving Assam to a great extent. “Assam has been deprived to a great extent has been evident from the fact that while the State was awarded a revenue deficit grant of only Rs 3379 crore during 2015-20, smaller States like Nagaland, Mizoram, Manipur, Himachal Pradesh and Jammu & Kashmir were rewarded handsomely by 14th FC,” he added. In this context, the Chief Minister urged the Prime Minister to allot Rs 5,000 crore annually as a ‘special one-time revenue deficit grant so that the State can take up development projects as envisaged in our Vision Document 2016-2025.’ Following the Chief Minister’s plea for one-time help and support to trigger generation of its internal revenues and to minimize the State’s dependency on the Centre for grants, Prime Minister Modi assured all help and support to the new Government to bring turnaround in the economy of the State. After meeting the Prime Minister, Chief Minister Sonowal drove straight to Union Finance Minister Arun Jaitley’s official residence at 2, Krishna Menon Marg and discussed a gamut of issues pertaining to the State’s present financial position and the need for the Centre to come up with special assistance to help the State tide over the crisis. The Chief Minister submitted the White Paper on the State’s finances his Government had brought out recently. Jaitley assured Sonowal of his Ministry’s support and help to bail out the State from the financial quagmire it finds itself in.