Tuesday, october 18, 2016

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Vol. II

Issue 92

Dibrugarh, Tuesday, October 18, 2016

GM NABARD interacts with SHGs and Farmer’s Clubs of Lower Dibang Valley


ET Bureau Lucknow, Oct 17 : The Samajwadi Party on Monday named Akhilesh Yadav its chief ministerial face in the Uttar Pradesh Assembly elections, quieting talks of whether the young leader would get another shot at the state’s top job. In a press briefing, party vicepresident Kironmoy Nanda said the announcement had the approval of party chief Mulayam Singh Yadav. The announcement comes more than a month after a family feud between Mulayam Singh and his brother Shivpal Yadav on the one hand and Akhilesh Yadav on the other threatened to tear the party apart. The quarrel — which had at its centre differences between Akhilesh Yadav and uncle Shivpal, a minister in his cabinet, over some decisions the former made — lasted a few days until Mulayam Singh prevailed upon them.

With the general election of the All Arunachal Pradesh Students’ Union (AAPSU) just round the corner, the apex students’ body finds itself under a controversy with one of its district federal unit-West Siang District Students’ Union (WSDSU) alleging the AAPSU president (Caretaker), Kamta Lapung of indulging in ‘favouritism’ and ‘brazenly violating the provisions of the

ET Bureau Itanagar, Oct 17

Owing to demise of Late Kalikho Pul, an elected candidate from 45-Hayuliang (ST) Assembly Constituency and the subsequent vacancy of his seat, the Election Commission of India has decided to hold the byeelection to fill the casual vacancy vide its Press No. ECl/ PN/58/2016 dated l7 October,

Tapang Taloh appointed as Advisor to CM A Staff Reporter Itanagar, Oct 17


The Governor of Arunachal Pradesh appointed Tapang Taloh, MLA as advisor to Chief Minister. He will be in the status of Cabinet Minister with all perks and facilities entitled thereto. Tapang Taloh, who was earlier the Minister for industries voluntarily resigned to pave way for the BJP leader, Tamyo Taga in the Pema Khandu cabinet.




In a major step towards modernization drive, Chief Minister Pema Khandu today launched the new electronic ticketing (e-ticket) system for state run buses under Arunachal Pradesh State Transport Services (APSTS) brining in the world best practice in transportation to the state. The Chief Minister who launched the e-ticket system (http:// apstsonline.com/), which is first of its kind in the state at the Chief Minister’s conference, said with the digitalised system, it will be easier for passengers to able to travel at ease making use of this system. Through this facility, passengers can book their tickets online using internet banking services and using credit card or debit card, much ahead of their journey date. They can book the ticket using any internet services from any part of the globe, with information on seat number, departure time and fare. On booking the tickets online, the user will receive message of confirmation through SMS and email. The first online booking was made by the Chief Minister himself with

On booking the tickets online, the user will receive message of confirmation through SMS and email Itanagar bus station will be digitized in first phase, while rest in the state will be covered on phase wise soon Chief Minister flagged CM launched the e-ticket system http:/ off a new fleet of 16 buses /apstsonline.com/ and 20 Tata Sumos One can book the ticket using any internet services from any part of the globe, with information on seat number, departure time and fare

receipt of an SMS and email confirmation message over his phone device. A print out of the confirmation ticket was taken out and displayed completing the launch of the eticketing system. Besides proving advantage for passengers, the e-ticketing system will also check revenue pilferage. The department officials informed that the department will be launching a mobile

Constitution of AAPSU.’ In a press conference held at Arunachal Press Club today, the WSDSU President Bommar Riba divulged that the entire controversy started during a meeting on July 17 to select the official candidates to represent WSDSU and subsequently, contest in the forthcoming AAPSU election in the capacity of General Secretary. As per Riba, who had also chaired the meeting of the

official candidate selection process, the names of Ritum Tali and Pakmik Taipodia had been proposed for selection as the official candidature for the post of GS while Marli Kamki and Kapil Kamsi were proposed as the representatives of WSDSU to fight election in the forthcoming AAPSU election in the capacity of Assistant General Secretary (Administration) and Coconvenor (Western Zone), respectively. Contd. on Page 4

Bye-election for 45-Hayuliang Assembly Constituency on Nov 19 A Staff Reporter Itanagar, Oct 17


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The Chief Minister flags off new fleet of APSTS buses and Tata Sumos

app for e-ticketing within 45 days. As step towards digitization, the Itanagar bus station will be digitized in first phase, while rest in the state will be covered on phase wise soon. Earlier, the Chief Minister flagged off a new fleet of 16 buses and 20 Tata Sumos in presence of Urban Development Minister Nabam Rebia, Contd. on Page 4

AAPSU federal unit-West Siang Two NSCN(R) District Students’ Union blames Cadres apprehended Kamta Lapung of favoritism in Jairampur A Staff Reporter Itanagar, Oct 17



Arunachal Pradesh State Transport goes online, e-ticketing launches Akhilesh named Samajwadi Party’s CM candidate

Price -

2016. The issue of notification has been set for October 26, with November 2 marked as the last date of making nominations. The nominations will be then scrutinized on the next day, while the last date for withdrawal of candidature is November 5. The polling date has been fixed for November 19, which will be followed by counting of votes on November 22 next,

and the Election Commission has ordered that all elections procedure be completed by November 24. With the announcement of election, the provisions of the Model Code of Conduct for the guidance of political parties and candidates; announcement of any financial grants in any form or making promises thereof; Contd. on Page 3

Jamoh convenes 1st interaction programme of official & staff of GTC A Staff Reporter Pasighat, Oct 17

departmental staffs and officials today.

In an attempt to know the ground situation of Gramsevak Training Centre (GTC) and to improve the various departments under it to cater the need of the farmers in the region, Parliamentary Secretary, Agriculture Er. Tatung Jamoh held its 1st interaction programme with

The departmental officials and staffs cited the various problems and requirements of their respective departments before the visiting parliamentary secretary who was closely listening to each and every needs of the centre. Contd. on Page 3

Women offering prayers in a paddy field for good harvest on the occasion of "Kati Bihu or Kangali Bihu" in Sivasagar today. Pic.- Neelam Kakoty Mazumdar

Indo-Korean Tea Meet at Namsai from Tomorrow Bijoy Shankar Handique Jorhat, Oct 17

A team of 24 members from Korean International Tea Research Institute and Federation of Korean Tea Masters including five guides will visit Arunachal Pradesh tea garden at Namsai and will stay at the golden Pagoda resort to exchange their views about the taste of Korean and Arunachal tea from Wednesday. The 24 members Korean tea

Pranjal Pratim Bhuyan Jairampur, 17 Oct

Jairampur Battalion of Assam Rifles under the aegis of Headquarters 25 Sector under 2 Mountain Division apprehended two active cadres of NSCN(R) namely SS Sgt Roman Jugli, s/o Late Hangjong Jugli, Vill Longlum, Dist-Changlang and SS Pvt Chonlu Hachaing, s/o Late

Chomlang Hachaing, vill Phinbiro I, Dist Changlang. On 16 Oct 2016, on specific input of presence of two UG cadres in general area Kheti, Jairampur, a sustained operation was launched by the troops of Jairampur Battalion Assam Rifles during which the two cadres of NSCN(R) were apprehended. Contd. on Page 3

1950s. Tocklai Tea Research Institute tea expert Dr. Pradip Baruah who was in Jorhat today said that some tea gardens in Namsai dominated by Singphos and Khamtis are prospering with good production rate and with quality leaves. “Tea gardens located at foothills and valleys are known for its high production and for quality tea as pest hardly create problems in the areas between plain and hill”, said Dr Pradip Baruah.

169 crores ADB funded work on ‘Dibrugarh Town Protection drain’ commences today A Staff Reporter Dibrugarh, Oct 17

The two apprehended NSCN(R) cadre.

expert will visit Sati Tea Company gardens and will visit Singhpho village in eastern Arunachal Pradesh, said Dr. Baruah. Along with the 24 member Korean team for the “Indo-Korean Tea Interaction” at Namsai in Arunachal Pradesh, experts from Tocklai and delegates from Assam Small Tea growers will be present whereas Dr. Pradip Baruakh will attend as the guest of honour along with the Chief of the Singpho Community, Bisa gam who was the first indigenous tea makers in Assam in early

Construction of Dibrugarh Town Protection (DTP) drain with box culvert and allied works started in Dibrugarh today. The 169 crore Asain Development Bank (ADB) funded work of 9.5 km long drain was start today from Zero point at Paltan bazaar. “Services like traffic, electricity, pipe gas, telephone will be temporarily affected in the working areas. We request people of Dibrugarh to cooperate us so that people can get rid of long pending problem of artificial flood’’, said Bhim Chetri, project co-

coordinator. The Seujpur -Paltan bazaar road will be closed for all types of vehicle with immediate effect till the completion of the culvert near Archana Hospital. Light Vehicles can use the Sub-ways connecting the nearby areas. Last year the people of Dibrugarh had a harrowing experience due to flood which created havoc for the citizens. This year 21, 253 people were affected in Dibrugarh during flood. Haripada Dutta, a resident of Dibrugarh town said that if the DTP will have box culvert then it would solve the problem of flood in Dibrugarh to some extent.

“Every year we have to face the flood problems in Dibrugarh but I’m sure that after completion of the project the flood problem will solve to some extent,’’ an octogenarian expressed. Water logging during monsoon has been a perennial problem of Dibrugarh town. The Dibrugarh town protection drain maintained by the embankment and drainage (E&D) department has lost the capacity to flush out rainwater from the town. Built in 1954, the 22-km long drain, which starts in Dibrujan and ends in Jamira Bogibeel, empties rainwater from the town to Sessa River.

Asian tennis for U-14 boys and girls from Oct 24th Bijoy Shankar Handique Jorhat, Oct 17

ONGC Asian juniors ranking tournament of Asian Tennis Federation for boys and girls under 14 age group matches will begin from Oct 24th to 29th at the Jorhat Tennis Club premises, Jorhat, informed Raktim Saikia, president, All Assam Tennis Association here today. Raktim Saikia the president of AATA said that over 70 ranking under-14 players likely to participate in the first ever ONGC-Asian junior ranking tournament under the aegis of Asian Tennis Federation organized by Jorhat Tennis Club.

Moreover 14 noted players from the state have confirmed their participation. While Udit Gogoi, Kristi Boro, Kalpita Rajkhowa, Harshita Borah, Ishika Changmai have received direct entry for the final round as they have already entered into National Ranking berth in such type of ranking tournament held at Mumbai-2016. Names for overseas participants are with the Indian Tennis association and with the chief referee, who has been dealing for them to give clean sheet for their selection into the first ever ranking matches of Asian Tennis Federation, said Raktim Saikia, who is also the president of organizing committee today.

Asian tennis for U-14 boys and girls from Oct 24th



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