April 2011 Easter Egg Hunt
The Alamo Rotary Club is pleased to once again sponsor the Annual Easter Egg Hunt on April 23rd at 10AM sharp! The “Hunt” will be held at Livorna Park, located at the corner of Livorna Rd. and Miranda Ave. in Alamo. All kids 12 and under are welcome. There will be acres of eggs to find and photos with the “Bunny.” The event is free, so just bring your kids and cameras. This is a fun time for kids and adults! This event goes extremely fast, so don’t be late or you may be disappointed! It be held rain or shine. For more information, visit www.alamorotary.org.
Team Up and Clean Up to Support Charities
Serving Alamo and Diablo Meet Lieutenant Jim Grottkau By Sharon Burke
The Sheriff’s Valley Substation in Alamo Plaza has a new commanding officer, Lt. Jim Grottkau. Lt. Grottkau is a 20-year veteran of the Contra Costa County Office of the Sheriff. He is an experienced leader with a varied background in law enforcement, which includes assignments in Administration, Custody Services, Support Services, and Field Operations. Lieutenant Grottkau holds a Bachelor of Science Degree in Criminal Justice from California State University Sacramento. Lt. Grottkau is pleased to return to Valley Station after having previously served as the day-shift Administrative Sergeant, before moving onto assignments with Professional Standards, Investigation Division, and the Law Enforcement Training Center. “As the Valley Station Commander, I am excited about the challenges of this important assignment,” said Lt. Grottkau. “I am looking forward to working with the community to improve quality of life issues and maintaining the strong bond that has existed between the Office of the Sheriff and the community.”
Alamo residents and neighbors will have the opportunity to do a little house cleaning for charity at an event dubbed “Spring Cleaning 2011” on Saturday, April 9, from 10AM to 2PM. The parking lot in front of Richard’s Arts and Crafts will be transformed into a collection site for e-waste, bicycles, household items, and clothing. The McDaniel Callahan Real Estate Team has organized this event to help charitable organizations while allowing the community to unload unneeded items. Groups collecting items are Sewing Seeds, e-Recycle On Us, Mike’s Bikes, and Shepherd’s Gate. Shepherd’s Gate helps rebuild shattered lives. The group will be collecting Soccer for all Ages By Fran Miller gently used household items and clothing for sale at their thrift store. Since 1984, If one were to make a list of “sporting activities for all ages,” would soccer be Shepherd’s Gate, located in Livermore and Brentwood, has assisted over 10,000 on the list? Golf and swimming, surely yes. Maybe even tennis. But soccer? The battered and homeless women and children with services and housing. intense physical nature of the sport would suggest that it’s not for young and old Mike’s Bikes, a local business, will be collecting bicycles to deliver to Sierra alike. But the members of the International Soccer Team (IST) might not agree. Leone, Africa where they will be distributed to rural villages. The third charity represented will be Sewing Seeds for Change, a tailoring school in Tanzania, Africa that provides employment for financially-struggling women. E-Recycle On Us, based out of Walnut Creek will be collecting e-waste items. For a list of all e-waste items accepted at the event, and for more information on all charities and event partners, please visit www.SpringCleaning2011.com.
What began more than 20 years ago as weekly pickup games at Cowell Park in Concord, has morphed into a recreational club team with dedicated members ranging in age from 24 to 74. Coach Abbas Pourheidari is 55; he has been playing soccer since age seven. IST meets every Sunday at the Bentley High School sports field in Lafayette, where players might come Volume XI - Number 4 Fear the Brain, a group of 6th graders from Stone Valley Middle School is headed to the Odyssey from as far as Davis. Team memof the Mind World Finals at the University of Maryland in May. The group took first place in 3000F Danville Blvd. #117, Alamo, CA 94507 the California state competition. Pictured above from left to right are Jennifer Sweeney, Ellery bers scrimmage each other, and on Telephone (925) 405-NEWS, 405-6397 average of twice each year the team Lewis, Hayden Neustadt, Kristian Woerner, and Kieran Woerner. Fax (925) 406-0547 participates in tournaments, which Alisa Corstorphine ~ Publisher PRSRT STD have taken them to Los Angeles, Editor@yourmonthlypaper.com U.S. Postage San Diego, and Las Vegas. Sharon Burke ~ Writer PAID Karl Niyati is the team’s sburke@yourmonthlypaper.com Permit 263 Alamo CA most senior member at age 74. The opinions expressed herein belong to the writers, and do not necessarily reflect that of Alamo Today. Alamo Today is not His soccer experience began in responsible for the content of any of the advertising herein, nor
See Soccer cont. on page 12
does publication imply endorsement.