December 2015 Viet Nam Veterans of Diablo Valley: Actively Serving Every Day By Jody Morgan
Although most visible to the general public on Veterans Day, Memorial Day and the Fourth of July, Viet Nam Veterans of Diablo Valley (VNVDV) actively contributes to the community 365 days a year. Originally conceived as a primarily social organization, VNVDV quickly became involved in a variety of outreach projects. The all-volunteer non-profit offers support to veterans and actively serving members of all branches of the United States Armed Forces as well as their families and provides speakers presenting authentic, apolitical accounts of the Vietnam War.
A Super Bowl!
Serving Alamo and Diablo
By Linda Summers Pirkle
Charming and robust, John Zorich can be found at Danville Bowl every Thursday afternoon doing what he loves: visiting friends and bowling. Not a wrinkle on his handsome face and a full head of white hair, this Lafayette resident recently celebrated his 99th birthday. Always a strong man, he continues to exercise with his weights every day. A story he shared with his children when they were growing up described a time when he was at his grade school graduation. During the ceremony the principal gave a little comment about each graduate. In John’s case the principal said, “John, as we all know, you’re a tough guy, an iron man, but we want you to keep in mind that iron eventually rusts.” Not showing any evidence of rust, 99 year old Zorich has been bowling for the past 80 years. He was 19 years old when he bowled his first game. He recalls, “I picked it up (bowling) and never really stopped playing.” Father of nine and grandfather of
VNVDV Parade Team with their 1949 International Harvester KB-1 Pick-Up. L-R: Del Loewe, Ray La Rochelle, Jerry Yahiro, Carl Swanson, Dan Young, Dave Smith, Jerry Carlson, Rich Lambert. Photo courtesy of VNVDV.
Describing how the group first came together, Past-President and now Treasurer, Michael Slattengren relates, “We began the organization in 1991 to promote camaraderie and networking and then moved into community service. A lot of Viet Nam veterans walked away from the service and wanted nothing to do with the military or
The Shabbateers
See VNVDV continued on page 28 By Linda Summers Pirkle
“When we give cheerfully and accept gratefully everyone is blessed.” ~ MayaAngelou As 2015 winds down, holiday parties are in full swing. At one local home, sixteen people will be enjoying each other’s company, sharing good food, and enjoying fine wine. At some point during their merry making they will discuss what organizations they will be contributing to in 2016. For the past ten years this dinner group has
Seated left to right: Barb Goldsmith, Silvia Belotz, Leila Friedenberg, and Renee “Spud” Wright. Standing left to right: Howard Gerber, Diane McClarty Miller, Lynn Bloch, Andy Stein, Nancy Orgel, Betty Lou Moglen, Linda Gerber, Tony Slimick, Ian Friedenberg, Les Bloch, Mark Belotz, and Dean Chapman. Not pictured: Karen Stein and Andy Orgel.
See Shabbateers continued on page 30
Local Postal Customer
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John Zorich bowls on his 99th birthday.
two, Zorich spent his working years as a Teamster, driving delivery trucks and his favorite pastime was bowling. His daughter Denise Eyton-Lloyd says, “Dad was always busy. He played golf sometimes, but bowling was really his thing. He was very good at it, and he still enjoys his weekly game.” In a July 2014 Bloomberg Businessweek article written by Patrick Clark titled “America’s Vanishing Bowling Alleys,” Marciel Fournier, who owned a string of bowling centers in the 1960’s noted, “The bowling alley was the bluecollar country club.” Most of Zorich’s business came from people competing in weekly leagues. Zorich and his buddies were league players in those days and his daughter reflected, “Dad played with all the companies he worked for, including Oscar Mayer, Capri, and Alhambra. They all had leagues and Dad played every Tuesday and Thursday night. Those were his nights to bowl.” There were plenty of bowling alleys in the 40’s, 50’s and 60’s. Zorich mentioned he played at most of the Bay Area alleys. “I know there were at least seven alleys in Oakland, one in Rheem, some in Alameda, and some in San Leandro.” Now, many of those alleys Volume XV - Number 12 are closed. According to the Bloomberg 3000F Danville Blvd. #117, Businessweek article, “As the workforce Alamo, CA 94507 changed and access to other recreational Telephone (925) 405-NEWS, 405-6397 activities expanded, interest in bowling Fax (925) 406-0547 leagues waned.” But that interest did Alisa Corstorphine ~ Publisher not wane for Zorich and many of his Editor@yourmonthlypaper.com friends who continued bowling. Zorich Sharon Burke ~ Writer remembers fondly his best friend for The opinions expressed herein belong to the writers, and do over thirty years, Bill Wheeler, who not necessarily reflect that of Alamo Today. Alamo Today
See Bowl continued on page 18
is not responsible for the content of any of the advertising herein, nor does publication imply endorsement.
Page 2 - December 2015 ~ Alamo Today
Fri., Dec. 11 3 pm - 8 pm
Walnut Creek
Sat., Dec. 12
Pleasant Hill
10 am - 3 pm
Take with photos and ta n a S Olaf
Heather Farm Community Center N. San Carlos Dr. off Ygnacio Valley Rd. Pleasant Hill Community Center Civic Dr. off Taylor Blvd.
Sun., Dec. 13 Alamo/Danville 11 am - 4 pm
San Ramon Valley High School 501 Danville Blvd., Danville
Get your Unique Holiday Gifts & Stocking Stuffers Jewelry · Purses & Handbags · Holiday Decorations, Ornaments & Books Toys · Puppets · Books · Greeting Cards · Clothing – Babies, Kids & Adults Candles · Soaps · Skincare Bath & Body · Health & Wellness Vitamins · Cosmetics Accessories · Scarves · Home & Garden · Sheets & Pillow Cases · Pillows · Artwork Kitchenware & Cooking Products · Baked Goods & Candy · Green Products & Services Self-Help and Home Improvement · Pets & Animal Goods · Commercial Vendors
Produced by
FREE Holiday Goody Bag to First 200 Families Daily
Get free raffle ticket for each can donation.
11th Annual AAUW Holiday Home Tour
The American Association of University Women (AAUW) DanvilleAlamo-Walnut Creek Branch will be holding its 11th annual Holiday Home Tour on Friday and Saturday, December 11 and 12. Bring your friends and join us for our fabulous Holiday Home Tour. AAUW will showcase five beautiful, festively decorated homes in Danville and San Ramon. Tickets are $35 each. A senior discount of $5 will be offered through Saturday, December 5th. To purchase tickets visit http://daw-ca.aauw.net/hht2015, or for purchase by mail send a check postmarked by December 5th payable to DanvilleAlamo-Walnut Creek AAUW with a self-addressed stamped #10 size envelope to: AAUW Holiday Home Tour, P.O. Box 996, Alamo, CA 94507. To purchase in person, visit East Bay Flower Company, 206 Sycamore Valley Road W, Monday - Saturday from 9-5 (cash or check only). Your ticket purchase will help send 12 middle school girls in the Danville, Alamo, and Walnut Creek communities to a oneweek Tech Trek math-science camp for girls in a university setting and help local women receive their college education. Please, no children under 12 or pets. Tour tickets are not tax deductible. Email questions to aauwhht@gmail.com.
Alamo-Danville Newcomers Club
Are you new to the area, a long time resident, newly retired, or an empty-nester interested in making new friends and participating in various social activities? The Alamo-Danville Newcomers Club is a women’s organization whose purpose is to enrich the lives of all its members and their families in a social manner. Check out all the club has to offer by visiting www.alamodanvillenewcomers.com. Our next new member coffee will be held January 26th from 10am to noon. RSVP to alamodanvillenewcomers@gmail.com.
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Danville Community Band
The Danville Community Band, under the direction of Robert Calonico and founding director Lawrence Anderson, presents its 2015 Christmas Concert “‘Twas the Night Before Christmas.” The band offers a broad range of tunes, including Clare Grundman’s “Quiet Christmas,” John Lennon’s “Happy Xmas (War Is Over),” David Lovrien’s mashup “Minor Alterations II,” and the narrated “‘Twas the Night Before Christmas.” Also programmed are a sing along, vocal solos with Nancy Groeneveld from Community Presbyterian Church, the Danville Band Brass Ensemble, a visitor from way up North, and more! Join the Band on Sunday, December 13 at 3:30PM at East Bay Foursquare Church, 2615 Camino Tassajara in Danville. Admission is free.
Alamo Today ~ December 2015 - Page 3
Brad Gothberg
wishes you a very
www.50CaminoMonteSol.com Boulevard View
By Alisa Corstorphine, Editor
As neighbors have driven by our house recently, they have noticed a big void in our front yard. Due to damage and disease we had to remove three birch and four maple trees from our property. As painful as the decision was, we were unwilling to risk potential damage from any upcoming winter weather or a storm unleashing El Niño’s fury. The possibility that a falling branch could crush through our roof, land on a car (already had that happen once), or hurt someone walking by sealed the decision. Knowing that woodpeckers and other birds often made their homes in the trees’ cavities, we wanted to take care of this during a time when animals weren’t taking up residence. The trees held many fond memories. When our children were younger and I was leading their Cub Scout troop, the Scouts would come over and be eager to rake our plethora of leaves so they could build a great mound to fall into. I think the kids always thought the piles of leaves would provide a little more “cush” to their landings than they actually ever did, but the thrill of jumping into the leaves couldn’t be matched, and I loved the extra help getting all of the leaves into one pile - a win-win! The trees also provided an irresistible spot for late night “decorating” antics. However, with my kids no longer in school and perhaps the higher cost of TP, those late night escapades were held to a minimum lately. One of the trees held a climbing rope. About 20 years ago when we lived in Portland, Oregon I went down to the shipyards in search of a soft, stout rope that could be used by the kids for climbing. I found a nylon rope that fit the bill and someone in the shipyards wove a metal eyelet into the rope so we could hang it more securely. The rope moved with us from our home in Portland, to our home in Seattle, and to our cur-
Call Brad Gothberg for Showing 925.998.5151 bgothberg@rockcliff.com ・ www.bradgothberg.com ・ CalBRE#00964026
rent spot where it was tied on to one of the branches of the maple tree. Many kids learned to climb a free standing rope. There were also climbing contests and hours of swing time. Over time the attachment point of the rope swing grew into the tree limb. When we had the trees cut we again saved the rope with a section of the wood attached. Perhaps we can invert the structure so the wood from the tree limb will now be the base of a swing hanging from the same rope. While we know we made the right decision (which was further confirmed when we found the center of a couple of the trees completely mushy and sponge-like), it still wasn’t a project we wanted or needed right now. However, now is the time to turn the negative into a positive. We have been left with a blank canvas. We can turn our lawns from under the trees and those that surrounded the other portion of the front yard into something completely new and more “water-wise.” It’s time to think outside the box. Our property is located on a street where many people walk by. Perhaps we will make a gathering spot for welcoming neighbors and giving passersby a place to connect, maybe barbecue, or have a potluck. Gatherings don’t have to all be hidden in the backyard. Our yard may allow us to foster a sense of community and get to know our neighbors a little better. Maybe some of my gardens will expand, and more herbs and artichokes will be planted. We will be working with Landscape Architect John Montgomery whose monthly columns have been a part of this paper for years. Ironically, his article this month discusses the design process. I am excited for where this journey will take us. As we end 2015, I want to thank you for your readership and patronage of the businesses who help bring this paper to your homes each month. I look forward to seeing what the blank canvas of a new year brings for all of us.
Page 4 - December 2015 ~ Alamo Today
Danville Girls Chorus Presents ‘Twas the Night Before Christmas
The Danville Girls Chorus (DGC) will perform their Winter Concert, “Twas the Night Before Christmas,” on December 5th at 11AM. The performance will take place at East Bay Four Square Church, 2615 Camino Tassajara Road in Danville. Book tickets in advance at www.DanvilleGirlsChorus.com at $15 for adults and $5 for children. Tickets at the door will be $20 for adults and $5 for children. Come join the Chorus in welcoming the holiday season with this festive winter concert. The Danville Girls Chorus is made up of 170 girls from 3rd to 8th grades from schools across the Tri-Valley area. The primary goal of DGC is music education. Under the direction of Ken Abrams, award-winning Choral Director for San Ramon Valley High School, girls are taught the basics of vocal production and learn the fundamentals of musicianship and note reading. They are also introduced to a variety of musical styles, ranging from classical to contemporary, folk tunes, and pop music. This is the first concert of the 2015/2016 season. Visit www.DanvilleGirlsChorus.com for more information on this event and upcoming performances.
Meals on Wheels
Seniors in your community need your support! Meals on Wheels and Senior Outreach Services has been supporting seniors since 1968. Two of the programs, Meals on Wheels and Friendly Visitors, rely on the support of volunteers. We need your help now more than ever. Meals on Wheels volunteer drivers deliver meals to local homebound seniors through regular two hour shifts once per week or as substitute drivers. Friendly Visitors volunteers provide weekly one-hour companionship visits to isolated seniors. To volunteer for either program, please call (925)937-8311.
Ad Idea for Danville, Alamo and Lafayette Today 3” X 5” Danville Today 190.00 w discount 142.50
Assistance League of Diablo Valley Prospective Member Coffee
Since 1967, Assistance League® of Diablo Valley, a nonprofit member volunteer organization, has improved Alamo Today 155.00 lives in our community through hands-on programs. You might have heard of its primary fundraiser, w discount 116.25 the Way Side Inn Thrift Shop, a well-known landmark located at 3521 Golden Gate Way in Lafayette. We are looking for prospective members who would enjoy preparing new clothing for elementary Lafayette 180.00 schoolchildren, screening schoolchildren for vision issues, performing educational puppet shows for schoolchildren, w discount 135.00 reading to second grade students, or helping in supplying emergency clothing, food, and supplies to those in crisis. Other philanthropic initiatives implement art in the classroom, staff the Listen Program which helps students with reading skills, and lead programs which address the needs of seniors. A Prospective Member Coffee will be held Wednesday, January 6, at 9:30AM. To learn more call (925) 934-0901 or visit diablovalley.assistanceleague.org.
Give& TO KEEP Soap Dish 26.00
Bottle Brush Christmas Tree 48.00
Cork Back Place Mats (set of 4) 68.00
Tea Kettle 130.00 Tissue Box 52.00
Heart Frame 38.00
Dog Bone Frame 45.00
Walnut Creek, Broadway Plaza Danville, The Livery
Alamo Today ~ December 2015 - Page 5
Alamo ~ Alamo Oaks Country. Acre, new horse stalls. Perfect! Just what you’ve been looking for! Great Views, Custom rebuilt with NEW Gourmet kitchen with Granite, Wolf Range and more. New baths featuring jetting tub, steam shower, hardwood, large windows, skylights, TWO family rooms. This Fabulous 4 bdrm, 3 bath home is essentially new! $1,998,000
Alamo ~ Ancient Oaks, private estate setting at top of it all. Amazing appeal! Vintage one level home, plus EXTRA LOT. RARE OPPORTUNITY to live in existing Vintage home and develop the adjacent home site. Spectacular, Panoramic views to Mt. Diablo, Las Trampas Ridge and beyond. One of a kind. $1,895,000
Jay Weymouth ~ 925.915.1100 jayweymouth@yahoo.com
Danville—363 Everett Place Located at the End of a Cul-De-Sac . 4 Beds, 3 Bath, 2,913 sq ft, Designed Throughout w/Contemporary Features. Bonus Rm w/Private Entrance, Office, Eat-In Kitchen, Family Rm, Formal Dining, Living Rm, Master Suite. Expansive ParkLike Yard, Patio, Pool, and Access To Iron Horse Trail. $1,249,950
Tim Palumbo Russ Darby
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Walnut Creek ~ NEW construction from the ground up! 5 bedrooms + Office, 4.5 baths, 3583 square feet of Timeless & Casual Elegance! 10 foot ceilings, Gourmet Kitchen with island seating + large breakfast nook. 2 fireplaces, 3 car garage set on flat 1/3 acre lot on a court of 5 new homes. Offered at $1,695,000
Tony Cristiani 925.785.8948 Web: Tonycristiani.com ~ Email: TonyCristiani@msn.com
Page 6 - December 2015 ~ Alamo Today
Wreaths Across America Ceremony
San Ramon Valley Republican Women Federated (SRVRWF) is sponsoring the Wreaths Across America project at the Alamo Cemetery on El Portal in Danville. On Saturday, December 12th at noon, the community is invited to join in placing holiday wreaths on the graves of all veterans buried in the Alamo Cemetery. This year with the help of partner organizations Alamo Women’s Club, Alamo Rotary Club, Alamo Municipal Advisory Council, Danville Area Chamber of Commerce Ambassadors, Rossmoor Republicans, SRV Historical Society, Mt. Diablo Chapter DAR, and Veterans Organization’s in Danville, SRVRWF has 100% sponsorship of wreaths to be placed on 105 veterans graves at the Alamo Cemetery. The funding was completed in 45 days. “Each and every wreath is a gift from an appreciative person or family who knows what it means to serve and sacrifice for the freedoms we all enjoy,” said Karen Worcester, executive director of Wreaths Across America. “We are so humbled that the community of Danville is participating in our mission to remember, honor, and teach.” Linda King, President of San Ramon Valley Republican Women Federated, said, “Our organization is participating in this endeavor as one of our ‘Caring for America’ projects. We invite all local residents to join us in this event honoring our fallen heroes. If you cannot be there, please take a moment at noon on December 12th to remember those who have sacrificed so much so that we can be free.” If you know of any veteran buried in the Alamo Cemetery or would like to contribute to the success of this event, please contact Claudia Nemir at (925) 939-1566 or email her at srvrwf.president@gmail.com.
Toy Hall of Fame and More!
The Museum of the San Ramon Valley has an enticing Christmas Memories exhibit in place this year. It features the Toy Hall of Fame, with every toy in the Hall on display from a classic Schwinn bike, to the Slinky, to an Erector set. All ages are invited to explore, remember, and find all 59 toys which have been inducted into the National Toy Hall of Fame. This year’s inductees are Puppet, the Super Soaker water gun, and the Twister game. Two famous bears are also on display. The cuddly stuffed Teddy Bear was first created in 1902. It was named after President Teddy Roosevelt because the President had spared a bear on one of his famous hunting trips. Winnie the Pooh is famous as well. The original “Winnie” baby bear grew up in the London Zoo where children were allowed to play with her. At the museum there is a charming Bear Picnic in which the original stuffed Winnie has invited bears of all sorts, colors, and nationalities for tea. In the Museum Waiting Room, original Pooh books and animals are displayed, courtesy of a collection from Alice Reynolds, longtime Montair school teacher. A 2014 book is especially interesting, entitled Finding Winnie: the True Story of the World’s Most Famous Bear. It tells the story of the original baby bear rescued in Winnipeg, Canada and the little boy, Christopher Robin Milne, who doted on the bear. Black and white pictures of the real Winnie and the real Christopher appear in this book. Bring the whole family to this exhibit. There are several model trains to see, toys all over, unique gifts in the shop (including local history books), and a display of the original Father Christmas outfit worn by Carmine DeVivi to light the Old Danville Oak Tree. The Museum of the San Ramon Valley is located at 205 Railroad Avenue in Danville and is open 1-4 on TuesdayFriday, 10-1 on Saturday, and 12-3 on Sunday. For more information, visit museumsrv.org.
Saturday, December 5th 12pm - 2pm Join Santa and his elves for: FREE Magical Fun Pictures with Santa Street Entertainment Train Rides and More! Don’t forget to bring your camera!
RSVP to (800) 762-1641 for a FREE Gift!* *While supplies last.
Located at Danville Blvd. and Stone Valley Road.
Treats for the Troops
Delta Nu Psi is collecting “gourmet junk food” to send to our servicemen and women in Afghanistan. The group will continue sending packages as long as American military members are in the War Zone. Much of the food sent is not normally available to the troops. Especially desired are hot cocoa and hot cider mixes in individual packets, microwaveable popcorn, and hand warmers. On December 4th Delta Nu Psi members will be at CVS Pharmacy in Alamo, and on December 11th they will be at Lunardi’s in Danville. Collections will be held from 11am to 2pm both days, rain or shine. If you or your child would like to create a greeting card for one of the troops with perhaps a drawing and message, we will be glad to accept them and forward them. Money for postage is also always appreciated. Please help us provide our men and women in the War Zone a touch of home. For more information, visit www.deltanupsi.org.
Sons In Retirement Las Trampas Branch 116
If you are retired or semi-retired and want to make new friends, participate in fun activities and better enjoy your leisure time, we welcome you to join with us. We have a monthly luncheon where guest speakers address the branch members on topics of general interest. We meet at the Walnut Creek Elks Lodge, 1475 Creekside Dr, on the third Monday of each month, except for May and December. In December we hold a Christmas party for SIR members, spouses and their guests. Everyone dons their holiday attire and we enjoy an excellent dinner and dancing. This year it will be held at Boundary Oak Golf Clubhouse on December 16th. In May we have a special spring luncheon with entertainment where spouses and friends are invited to attend. Our member activities include book discussions, bridge, computers, dineouts, fishing, golf, hiking/walking, investments, poker, travel, wine tastings and more fun things. In addition we have special golf events and bridge tournaments where wives, partners, and guests are welcome. For information about our activities for retired men, please visit www.Branch116.org or call 925-322-1160.
Community, Philanthropy, Celebration
Celebration of Life Tree Lighting in Honor of Hospice Wednesday, December 9th, 11:30am Members of the Alamo Women’s Club will be selling Hospice lights and lighting the tree. The gathering will start at 11:30am and the tree will be lit at 11:45am. Entertainment will be provided by the San Ramon Valley High School and Monte Vista High School choruses. Following the lighting, lunch will be available. Please make a pre-paid lunch reservation. The cost is $25 for members and $30 for non-members. There will also be a Holiday “Sweet Boutique’ where you can purchase handcrafted gifts and home baked goods. There is an optional $15 gift exchange. For information or reservations call 510-764-3194 or email reservation@alamowomensclub.org.
Alamo Women’s Club 7th Annual Crab Feed Saturday, January 16th, 6pm
Save the date and plan to attend the Women’s Club 7th Annual Crab Feed. This wonderful event benefits our charities. There will also be great auction items for you to bid on. For information visit www.alamowomensclub.org. Make your reservation early!
Club House Rental
Looking for a venue for a party or celebration? Contact us for our rates and availability at rental@alamowomensclub.org.
For all events join us at the Alamo Women’s Club located at 1401 Danville Blvd., Alamo www.alamowomensclub.org
Alamo Today ~ December 2015 - Page 7
Diablo Choral Artists Christmas Concerts and Sing-Along
Diablo Choral Artists invites you to “Once Upon A Starry Night,” in two performances: December 4, 8PM, at St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, 1924 Trinity Ave., Walnut Creek, and December 6, 3PM, at St. Stephen’s Episcopal Church, 66 St. Stephen’s Drive, Orinda. Under the direction of Mark Tuning, the Artists will be performing a variety of beautiful songs of the season, and a few fun ones, as well as an audience sing-along. There will be harp accompaniment, and John R.S. Walko will accompany the chorus on piano and organ. Tickets are $25 adults, $18 seniors 60+, $5 students, and free for children 5-12. Tickets are available at the door, through www.brownpapertickets.com, or by calling (800) 838-2006. But that’s not all! Come and join Diablo Choral Artists for a Christmas Music Sing-Along on December 11, 7:30PM at Mt. Diablo Unitarian Universalist Church, 55 Eckley Lane, Walnut Creek. There will be live piano accompaniment and the words of favorite songs and carols projected on a large screen. Tickets are $10 adults and $5 children under 12. Refreshments will be provided. Diablo Choral Artists (DCA) has been entertaining audiences with significant works of sacred and secular choral music since 1993, when it began as Voices of Musica Sacra. Chorus members come from many areas of the East Bay Area for their love of singing and their goal of “sharing the harmony” with the community. The forty member chorus performs a variety of significant works of choral music from all over the world and from many musical eras. DCA is open to new members (especially tenors) and presents two to four concerts a year. Visit www.dcachorus.org for more information.
Solo Opera Presents Hansel & Gretel
Solo Opera presents Hansel and Gretel, the first production in its 2015 Storybook Opera series for children and families. For this delightful holiday presentation, Solo Opera will collaborate with three community organizations. The Contra Costa Children’s Chorus will perform as the Gingerbread Children Chorus. In addition, dancers from Lori Buffalow’s The Next Step Dance Studio will appear as the Fourteen Angel Ballet. The third collaborator is the Food Bank of Contra Costa and Solano. Throughout Hansel and Gretel, there is a running theme of hunger and poverty. Solo Opera is asking the audience to bring a nonperishable food item to the shows to donate to the Food Bank. The story of Hansel and Gretel originates from the beloved German fairytale concerning two poor hungry children sent into the forest by their mother. Lost, they encounter a wicked witch who lives in a house made of gingerbread. She tries to capture the children, but they outwit her and end up bringing back to life all the other lost youth of the village whom the witch had turned into gingerbread children. The show runs at the Del Valle Theatre, 1963 Tice Valley Blvd, Walnut Creek. The December 18 show will begin at 7:30PM, and the December 19 and 20 shows will begin at 2PM. For tickets call (925) 943-7469, visit the Lesher Center box office, or go online to https://lesherartscenter.showare. com/eventperformances.asp?evt=411. For more information, visit www.SoloOpera.org.
Page 8 - December 2015 ~ Alamo Today
Rancho Romero Elementary School
By Skye Larsh-Faraghan, Principal
We have entered the holiday season. Schools were closed last week for Thanksgiving Holiday. Gopher/Mole Removal Now, three busy weeks remain No Poison before the longer Winter Break. For many of us, the meaning of the holidays includes feasts, breaks 925-765-4209 for school or work, football games, floats, and family reunions. On behalf of Rancho Romero, we wish our community of friends and families Happy Holidays, and give three reminders of what the holidays can do for the soul. * They can recharge us when we spend quality time with those we love. Gathering with friends and family around a common purpose can be invigorating. * They can encourage us to communicate through storytelling, doing activities together, and spending quality time. Taking time to stop, listen, laugh and remember is priceless. * They can remind us of gratitude. We humbly reflect upon all the gifts (family, friends, health) that saturate our lives. We can choose to extend ourselves and give to others less fortunate. Out of the abundance of our hearts, we are able to offer our resources to help others.
Students Made a Difference in Time for Thanksgiving
During the month of November Rancho Romero focused on collecting food for our local Food Bank. Students collected 1,140 pounds of non-perishable food items. Enough food was picked up from the school on November 18 to feed over 900 individuals.
Giving Box for our Sister School
In December each classroom will take part in a service project called The Giving Box. Students will plan out one entire family holiday meal. Students will design a menu, provide information, invite classroom parents to participate in the Giving Box project, collect donated items, design a card, and wrap up a special feast. Twenty gift wrapped boxes will be delivered by our PTA to Coronado Elementary School in Pittsburg for families in need.
Super Holiday Boutiques
The holiday season’s largest shopping extravaganza in Contra Costa is the sixth annual Super Holiday Boutique to be held in Walnut Creek, Pleasant Hill, and Danville/Alamo. Shoppers will find a potpourri of gift items and will be able to get free photos with Santa and Olaf. The free holiday indoor events allow shoppers to find special one-of-akind holiday gifts and stocking stuffers for family, friends, and colleagues from a variety of arts and crafts vendors, home-based businesses and commercial exhibitors. There will also be holiday decorations galore along with self-help and home improvement exhibitors. The Boutiques will be held Friday, December 11 from 3-8pm at Heather Farm Community Center, N. San Carlos Dr. off Ygnacio Valley Rd. in Walnut Creek, on Saturday, December 12 at the Pleasant Hill Community Center, 320 Civic Dr. off Taylor Blvd. from 10am – 3pm, and on Sunday, December 13, from 11am – 4pm at San Ramon Valley High School, 501 Danville Blvd. in Danville. There will be free holiday arts and crafts activities allowing kids to make keepsake presents for their family and friends. Each attendee will receive a free raffle ticket. The donation of each can of food to the Food Bank of Contra Costa & Solano will earn the donor another raffle ticket. The first 200 families through the door daily will receive a holiday goody bag. Visit www.superholidayboutique.com for more information. 8
Lost Dog!
If you find her and your name is drawn!
Alamo Zoe is Missing
Upcoming Community Meetings and Events
AIA - Alamo Improvement Association - Please visit www.alamoca.org for upcoming meetings - Creekside Community Church -1350 Danville Blvd. Alamo MAC (Municipal Advisory Committee) - First Tuesday of each month 6pm - Alamo Women’s Club P2B - Police Services Advisory Committee - First Monday of each month, 5pm - Meets at Sheriff Substation, 150 Alamo Plaza P5 - Round Hill Police Services Advisory Committee - Second Wednesday of each month, 7pm - Meets at Round Hill Country Club - Lower Level Meeting Room CERT classes - Community Emergency Response Team - Visit www. firedepartment.org/community_outreach/cert/upcoming_classes.asp
Fine Mexican Dining
743-8997 In Stone Valley Shopping Center
Alamo Zoe has become lost in this paper... Search through Alamo Today and see if you can find her! She is very small, so you will have to look hard if you want to find her.
To be eligible send a letter telling us where you found her, along with your name and address, to: Lost Dog! ~ Alamo Today 3000F Danville Blvd #117 • Alamo, CA 94507
Nori Taylor is our winner!
Enjoy Our Patio Dining Monday - Saturday: Lunch and Dinner Sunday: Dinner only We Offer a Full Bar and Lounge 3168 Danville Blvd, Alamo Margaritas are a House Specialty
Alamo Today ~ December 2015 - Page 9
Alamo Elementary School
By Stan Hitomi, Principal Back to the Future at Alamo School
In the movie Back to the Future Part II, Marty McFly time travels to October 21, 2015. Did they get it right? Certainly things like big screen TVs and virtual-reality goggles, yes, but the classrooms in the movie did not capture the not-so-subtle changes that our schools have seen since 1985. Alamo School in 2015 has many of the same elements as it did back in 1985. Classrooms, teachers, and recess are still familiar fixtures at our school. But behind these familiar trappings there has been a major shift in educational philosophy. This shift can be summarized by the statement, “All of our kids, are all our kids.” This means the success of each and every child at Alamo School is the shared responsibility of every adult, with the recognition that every child is unique, with unique needs. The most notable shift in American education came in the early 1900’s when John Dewey, a leading proponent of “Progressive Education,” inspired a movement that by 1940 resulted in 50% of young adults earning a high school diploma. The current shifts in our districts’ instructional program took me this summer to the Teachers College of Columbia University where Dewey was a faculty member from 1904-1930. I was able to sit in many of the same classrooms and lecture halls, and roam many of the same streets and hallways as Dewey. During my week in New York, I was able to gain a deeper understanding of our newly adopted reading program, the Units of Study for Teaching Reading by Lucy Calkins, director of the Teachers College Reading & Writing Project at Columbia. Our new Units of Study for Reading contain state-of-the-art tools and methods for teaching students to read. The goal of the program is to help our children become avid and skilled readers, writers, and inquirers. The program is aligned with the Common Core Standards and will aid our students in mastering the new standards. Our teachers identified becoming familiar with the program and implementing the units of study as our highest priority for 2015-2016. Throughout the next few months I will be writing about some of the changes in our schools that Marty McFly did not see on his visit to 2015. While we still have tests and grades, new terms such as benchmarking, intervention, and progress monitoring have entered our vocabulary. Terms like “falling through the cracks” and “flying beneath the radar” are rapidly becoming things of the past, like Marty’s DeLorean. As much as we like the new changes in education, we still like to hold on to parts of the past. Last month we took a step back into the past and celebrated “bicycling.” It was Bike Safety Week (November 2 – 6). On November 4th our students were treated to a Bicycle & Pedestrian Safety Assembly, thanks to Debbie and Dale from Street Smarts, and Sheriff’s Deputy Jose Topete. The following day we had over 30 students ride their bikes to school for Bike, Walk, or Carpool to School Day and another 66 students join us after school for a Bike Rodeo, which included a bike and helmet inspection, as well as a bike safety obstacle course. It was quite a sight to see our bike racks filled for a change! Kudos to our PTA and parent volunteers for making our Bicycle Safety Week such a success! A BIG Thank You to our Bike Rodeo volunteers Kristin Iribarren, Amy & Jason Silver, Jason Cavalli, Christy Campos, Lana Sainio, and Karen Ehret! We would also like to thank the folks from Livermore Cyclery for helping with bike inspections. Finally, thank you to Debbie and Dale from Street Smarts for giving an informative assembly and coordinating the Bike Rodeo.
Blackhawk “First Sunday” Cars & Coffee
Blackhawk Automotive Museum hosts a monthly Cars & Coffee event year round for all car enthusiasts. Held on the “First Sunday” of each month, starting at 8AM and going to 10AM, the Museum welcomes all classic, collector, and special interest car owners and enthusiasts. On Cars & Coffee Sundays, the Museum opens an hour earlier, at 9AM, and participating car owners will receive complimentary Museum admission tickets. The Museum is located at 3700 Blackhawk Plaza Circle in Danville. For more information, visit www. blackhawkmuseum.org/carsncoffee.html, call (925) 736-2280, or email museum@blackhawkmuseum.org.
Weekly Service and Repairs
Page 10 - December 2015 ~ Alamo Today
Serving the Bay Area with honesty and integrity since 1973
Since 1973
3191-JS Crow Canyon Pl San Ramon Carpets, Hardwood, Laminate & Stone (925) 866-2200 www.MacFloor.com • info@macfloor.com
In Loehmann’s Shopping Center (next to Lucky’s)
San Ramon Valley High School By Ruth Steele, Principal
We have been working on a 1:1 technology roll out that should mean that by the start of next school year, every student will have a laptop or Chromebook with them all day, every day, in every classroom. This level of technology access provides incredible learning opportunities and flexibility in the classroom. Using the Google Docs platform means that students can collaborate on assignments remotely, and having web access means that at any time students can look far beyond the limitations of the textbook in their exploration of content. Along with this unprecedented access to online learning, staff are also focused on teaching students life-long technology skills and digital citizenship. We are in the process of developing a technology skills ladder that will define what skills and aptitudes students will be acquiring along with their academic learning. There will be a progression in these skills as students move from 9th to 12th grade, and the goal is to make sure that students can use technology effectively and responsibly. However, as we navigate the expanding technological world, both inside and outside the classroom, it is worth remembering that Common Core focuses on speaking and listening skills as much as it does on reading and writing skills. Those skills require face-to-face interactions without a computer. Students have to be able to talk to each other and listen to each other without relying on the written word for communication. Oral communication of course, requires that all those blue screens are shut down. When phones are off and Chromebooks closed, then the discussion can begin. We have to unplug completely for meaningful conversation to actually occur. No distractions. As part of this work, is it really important to remember that our relationships with our devices cannot, and must not, replace our relationships with other people. Sherri Turkle’s Ted Talk on youtube.com “Connected, but Alone” talks about the increasing “relationship-like” dependency/attachment that both children and adults have to their devices. An article on today.com (www.today.com/parents/how-cellphones-are-affecting-families-what-do-about-it-t37111) discusses the fact that when families eat out in restaurants, 70% of adults use their phones during the meal. 54% of children think that their parents check their phones too much, and 32% said that they felt unimportant when their parents get distracted by their phones. One of our school goals is to provide education for both students and parents around the positive and negative aspects of technology in our lives. My next article will focus on some practical ways to create a balance between our technological and our personal worlds.
2395 Monument Blvd., Suite J Concord (925) 680-4433 (Across from Costco Gas Station, next to Harvest House)
Monte Vista High School By Dr. Kevin Ahern, Principal
The days are finally starting to feel like autumn and Monte Vista’s students are busy balancing academics with the arts and athletics programs. Our seniors, in particular, are swamped with college applications, their lastACT / SAT tests, and their current classes and activities. Some seniors are already beginning to see the fruit of their labors. On November 12th, the Monte Vista Athletics Department hosted our annual Early Signing Ceremony to recognize studentathletes as they signed National Letters of Intent with their respective colleges and universities. Thirteen Monte Vista student-athletes in baseball, basketball, cross country, golf, lacrosse, swimming, track, and volleyball signed Letter of Intent to Bryant, BYU, Colorado-Mesa, CSU Chico, CSU, San Marcos, Harvard, Loyola, UC Davis, UC Riverside, UC Santa Barbara, and UMass-Amherst. The Monte Vista community is proud of the accomplishments of these student- athletes, and we look forward to sharing more positive news about our seniors as the year moves on. Monte Vista’s Visual and Performing Arts Departments put forth several amazing performances in November. Our Dance program performed to sold-out audiences over three nights to kick off the month, and our visual art and photography students were well represented among other SRVUSD artists at the recent opening of the From Expressionism to Abstraction Exhibit held at the Village Theater Art Gallery in Danville. This exhibit will run through December - don’t miss it. Shifting to the stage, Monte Vista’s Drama Department’s three night run of A Flea in her Ear played to packed houses with this comedic and classically French farce. In addition, Monte Vista’s band was awarded 3rd place in Division 3A at the Vintage Reserve (Napa) Band Review and recently attended the Lincoln Band Review. Monte Vista’s Choir is competing for an opportunity to perform on National Public Radio. Please check the Monte Vista Website to see a performance video and cast your vote. Monte Vista Athletics continued to excel last month earning EBAL Championships in Men’s Cross Country, Women’s Cross Country, Women’s Tennis and Women’s Volleyball. In addition, Women’s Golf, Men’s Football, Men’s Water Polo, and Women’s Water Polo all qualified for the North Coast Section Playoffs. To cap off the regular season, our Monte Vista Football team came from behind to defeat our rivals at San Ramon Valley to bring the Gellerman Trophy back to Monte Vista for the first time in four years. The fall season has brought many well-earned accolades to our community. We look forward to more academic, artistic, and athletic successes as the rest of the year unfolds.
Alamo Today ~ December 2015 - Page 11
Keeping Your Neighborhood Safe This Holiday Season
By Candace Andersen, Contra Costa County Supervisor, District 2
Ah, Christmas time, when criminals view the holiday season as their time of opportunity. Cash, credit cards, mail with gift cards, and packages left unattended on a doorstep are all so appealing. Safety and security are an important concern for many homeowners. Around the holidays, it can be easy to overlook those concerns due to the increasingly busy schedule many people have between Thanksgiving and New Year’s Day. Unfortunately, putting home security on the backburner during the holiday season can prove to be a grievous error. From shopping, to gift delivery, to home protection, there are several important safety practices our local law enforcement recommends. • If you display a Christmas tree in a front window, do not put gifts where they are visible from the street. • Don’t advertise that you’re away from home – thieves look for clues like outdoor lights burning 24 hours a day, piled up newspapers, mail, or advertising fliers hanging on door knobs. Use an inexpensive light timer when you are away, and either put “on hold” or ask a neighbor or friend to pick up your mail and newspapers. • If you go out for the day or evening, turn on a radio, television, or lights so the house or apartment appears to be occupied. • Burglars know to look for the hidden door key near the front entrance. DO NOT hide spare keys under rocks, in flowerpots, under doormats, or above door
Stop by our new office in the Alamo Courtyard 3195 Danville Blvd #4, Alamo ledges. Instead, give the spare key to a trusted neighbor. • Lock valuables and packages in the trunk of your car; mini-van or SUV owners should do their best to keep items left inside the vehicle out of sight. • At night, park under streetlights. • Look around. Be aware of your surroundings when you are out. • Keep track of purses and wallets. Thieves often prey on distracted shoppers in crowded stores or while dining in restaurants. • Try to remove mail from the box soon after it is delivered so thieves don’t have an opportunity to steal the items inside.
See Neighborhood continued on page 24
Winter 2016
The Alamo Municipal Advisory Council and the Irvin Deutscher Family YMCA are pleased to announce a partnership to bring new recreation programs to Alamo. ThisWinter winter,2016 the Y will be offering recreation for your entire family! The Alamo Municipal Advisory Council and the Irvin Deutscher Family YMCA are
pleased YouthtoSports announce a partnership to bring new recreation programs to Alamo. Basketball This o winter, the Y will be offering recreation for your entire family!
Youth Sports AdultoFitness classes Basketball
o Yoga o Adult Fitness classes Beginner Strength and Balance o Yoga o Beginner Strength and Balance
Adult Group Day Trip to De Young Museum A great to spend a day. o Adult Group way Day Trip to De Young Museum o A great way to spend a day.
For more information, contact the Y at (925) 687-8900 or visit the Y Alamo Program website at www.alamorec.org For more information, contact the Y at (925) 687-8900 or visit the Y Alamo Program website at www.alamorec.org
Irvin Deutscher Family YMCA • 350 Civic Drive Pleasant Hill, CA 94523 Irvin Deutscher Family YMCA • 350 Civic Drive Pleasant Hill, CA 94523
Page 12 - December 2015 ~ Alamo Today
Exotic Southeast Asia River Cruise By Joyce McConnaughey
Get Your FAT BIKE at
• ALAMO BIKES • &skateboards
1483 Danville Blvd | Alamo
How Do You Spell That?
Rotary Club of Alamo Presents Dictionaries to Third Graders
The Rotary Club of Alamo recently distributed 166 Student Dictionaries to two local schools in Alamo. The dictionaries were given to students in third grade classes at Alamo Elementary School and at Rancho Romero Elementary School. In each class, students were asked to look up words, such as polio, Rotary, service, etc., in their new dictionaries. They learned about the Rotary FourWay Test as well as Rotary’s community and international service programs.
The students were delighted with their new books, and they especially enjoyed trying to pronounce the longest word in the English language (which has 1,909 letters!). Distributing the dictionaries were Alamo Rotarians Bill Randall, past president of the Club; Beth Burlingame-Randall, Youth Services Director; Tom Carman; and Club President Kim Smith. The Rotary Club of Alamo has been distributing student dictionaries to third graders at the local elementary schools for 19 years.
Being a lover of river cruises, I recently had the pleasure of experiencing the wonderful AmaWaterways River Cruises’ exploration of Southeast Asia called “Vietnam, Cambodia and the Riches of the Mekong.” Our adventure began in Siem Reap, the gateway to the UNESCO World Heritage site of Angkor with its many temples. The best-preserved temple is Angkor Wat which was built between the 10th and 13th century, protected by a moat only reachable by a long causeway. It is the masterpiece of Khmer architecture which was used by Buddhist Monks and then abandoned in the 15th century. After a pampered night at the luxurious Sofitel Hotel, we were driven to Preak Kdam, a small village on the Tonle River where our ship was docked. On the brandnew, 124-passenger AmaDara, every luxurious stateroom features twin balconies, a lovely way to watch the world slip by. As we boarded, we were greeted warmly by the crew, mingled with other excited passengers, and then enjoyed a Welcome Dinner prepared by our expert chefs. Western dishes as well as exquisite Vietnamese and Cambodian cuisine were served during this and every meal onboard ship. Every AmaWaterways river cruise includes daily complimentary shore excursions so that guests can venture into and experience each fascinating destination. On our first morning, we climbed aboard local boats to visit one of the famous floating villages in Kampong Chhnang, then cruised to our next stop, Koh Chen, where artisans produce silver and copper treasures —the perfect gifts to bring home! AmaWaterways helps to support local schools, and one of the highlights of our visit included sharing the school supplies that we had brought from home. The children were darling and loved every pencil, crayon, or book they were given. The following day we visited Oudong’s beautiful monastery where we joined a blessing ceremony chanted by Buddhist Monks, continuing on to Kampong Tralach and enjoying an oxcart ride in this small village. In Phnom Penh, we toured the city by tuk tuk, a lively way to travel, and returned that evening to the ship for an onboard Khmer folk performance by local children before dinner. After dinner many guests enjoyed the chance to visit the famous Night Market. The following day in Phnom Penh we visited two emotionally charged sites of the dark days of Pol Pot’s regime--the Killing Fields and the S21 Detention Center. We could hardly believe what we were seeing, and this was truly an emotional morning for us all. In the afternoon we visited the Royal Palace with its iconic Silver Pagoda. While we had been exploring the Palace, it had started to pour and in a short time the entire Palace grounds were flooded. The AmaDara supplied ponchos, and we walked in mid-calf deep water to our bus, but the wind was so strong that we were soon drenched up to mid-thigh. It was actually rather fun, and we played like kids in the rain. Fortunately, it was the only rain we had the entire cruise. The next day was a delightful day of cruising toward Vietnam. We enjoyed the time to fully experience the wonderful ship and all its amenities and to visit with our new friends from Great Britain, Australia, Canada, and the US. The following morning our excursion started with a rickshaw ride in Tan Chau, to visit two family-run factories making rattan and silk. The next day we explored Xeo Quyt, a former military base where the Vietcong found shelter in the trenches. This place underwent a number of bombardments and has changed little since the war. Our afternoon excursion departed by local boats for Cai Be. We visited the famous floating markets and a local family’s candy factory on our way to see a beautiful French Gothic Cathedral. It was a Sunday and we enjoyed listening in as a priest was teaching a class of children in the front rows of the Cathedral. We departed the next morning for a bus ride to Ho Chi Minh City that the locals still prefer to call Saigon. Our remarkable journey had come to an end, but we will always be grateful to AmaWaterways for the opportunity to meet the beautiful people and explore the many treasures of a once-great empire. Joyce has been a Travel Consultant for 31 years, specializing in luxury travel across the globe. For assistance with your next adventure, please call Alamo Advertorial World Travel at (925) 837-8742.
Alamo Today ~ December 2015 - Page 13
CVS Pharmacy ...................................... 314-9710 Alamo Grill ............................................ 820-1711 Don Jose’s Mexican Restaurant ...........743-8997 Aqua Salon & Spa .................................837-7884 MD Liquors .......................................... 838-1888 RJ’s Asian Fusion Bistro .......................984-2486 Fred’s Cleaners ..................................... 837-1180 Viva Espresso Drive Thru .................... 997-9170 Hospice Thrift Shoppe .........................820-6525 Taco Bell Express ................................. 406-0185 Custom Nails ........................................ 831-9839 Subway - Eat Fresh................................ 362-1520 Sexton Veterinarian Clinic ....................855-8387
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Page 14 - December 2015 ~ Alamo Today
● Imagine Dental, Dr. Yeu Nguyen-Lenk
● Stone Valley Center
● Alamo Oak Tree Plaza
● Candace Andersen, County Supervisor
• Alamo World Travel • Carey Wealth Management • Giovanni’s Barber Shop • Joe & Nancy Combs • Steve Mick & Alicia Watson • Roberta Morris • Peter Ostrosky • Poplar Spectacles Optometry • Summit Ranch Equine Center • Wilson & Kratzer Chapel of SRV
Alamo Ace Hardware Alamo Rotary California Highway Patrol CCC Public Works Department CCC Sheriff’s Department Diablo Holdings, Ltd. Kiwanis Club of SRV Richard’s Arts & Crafts Round Table Pizza, Pierre Kash SRV Fire Protection District Brent & Terri Tucker
Dan White, Photographer Bill Randall, Santa Boy Scout Troop 216 Jane Lang & Brownie Troup 33410 Cheerleaders of Monte Vista HS Lauri Byers, Field Rep, Sup. Andersen’s Office Deputy Jesse Topete, CCC Sheriff’s Office Kimberly French, SRV Fire Protection Dist Bob Hendry, Sr. Engr, CCC Public Works Jerry Fahy, Sr. Traffic Engr, CCC Public Works Josh DeHart, TPR Traffic Solutions
Terri Delfosse, Chairperson, Publicity Kevin Musante, Logistics Chair John Lineweaver, Treasurer Steve Mick, Secretary Bruce Marhenke, Safety Chair Andrew Elkin, Fundraising Andrea Scott, Decorations Teresa White, Entertainment Coordinator Bill White, Master of Ceremonies OUR WONDERFUL SCHOOL PERFORMERS ��� THEIR DEDICATED TEACHERS AND AIDES
Quick Trips
East Brother Island By Linda Summers Pirkle
Visitors to the Bay Area are familiar with Alcatraz, Treasure, and Angel Islands, but tiny East Brother Island, although less known than her “big island” sisters, is a historical landmark with important American maritime history. The island is visible from the Richmond San Rafael Bridge, and ferry riders see it on their daily commute. East Brother Light Station Bed and Breakfast is located in the strait that separates the San Francisco and San Pablo Bay. My husband, who loves everything having to do with water, was happy to accompany me on a visit to the island. The current inn keepers on East Brother Island, Bryan and Stephanie Wesolek, are ideal for their unique jobs. Bryan is a retired chemist with degrees in mathematics and music (his passion in off hours is listening to jazz at Yoshi’s), and Stephanie has a degree in legal studies. She is a trained chef, and her cooking is renowned. They both spent a year sailing in the United Kingdom where they earned their Commercially endorsed Ocean Yacht master tickets. Topping off their credentials, they both hold a 50 ton Masters license with the United States Coast Guard as well as PADI Certified Open Water Diver licenses. Needless to say, when Bryan picked up our group at the Pt. San Pablo harbor on a Saturday morning for a short speed boat ride to East Brother, we knew we were in good hands. In the late 1800’s East Brother Island was chosen as a site for a lighthouse to guide ships through San Pablo Strait. The federal government blasted the top off the tiny island and began construction in 1873. Besides a six-room dwelling with an attached tower for the beacon, the little base includes a fog signal building, workshop, boathouse, water tanks, water cistern (the only source of water for the island), and a rain catchment basin. At one point in the early 1900’s there were two families living on East Brother, and one building was used as a schoolhouse for the children of the lighthouse keepers. The entire island is only three quarters of an acre. Technology brought about an automated rotating beacon, and in the late 1960’s there was no need for live-in lighthouse keepers. Thankfully, concerned
citizens formed a non- profit group and saved the charming Victorian home along with all the outer buildings as a California Historical Landmark. “It’s like living in a page from National Geographic,” says Bryan. “The animal life varies from western gulls, brown and white pelicans, oyster catchers, geese, hummingbirds, black phoebes, Canadian geese, cormorants, herons, egrets, harbor seals, mallards and porpoises.” Besides interesting conversations with the hosts and other guests, our memorable moment was enjoying the spectacular view of the San Francisco Bay from the “eagles nest” of the lighthouse. There are five cozy bedrooms available to rent; a gourmet dinner with champagne, wine, and a full breakfast are included. Some guests rent the entire Victorian house for private parties, and it is a very popular auction item for schools and fund raising organizations. • Pick-up location is Pt. San Pablo Yacht Harbor, 1900 Stenmark Drive (former Western Drive), Richmond.Their website is ebls.org and phone number is (510) 233-2385. • Day tours are generally only available during the summer months (April to October), but since the weather has been mild they have kept it open for the public to enjoy. Cost is $20 per person. Linda Summers Pirkle, travel consultant and long term Danville resident, has arranged and led tours for the Town of Danville for several years. Inspired by the many wonderful places to visit in the Bay Area, she organizes day trips, either for groups or for friends and family. “What a great place to live, so much to see, so much to do.” To share your “Quick Trips” ideas email Coverthemap@gmail.com.
Alamo Today ~ December 2015 - Page 15
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Wines for Your Christmas Dinner Menu
These wine picks pair with holiday recipes By Monica Chappell
Carols. Tree-trimming. Cookie decorating. Christmas is full of time-honored traditions, and chief among them is Christmas dinner. Large gatherings call for making one or two main dishes with no time for precious plating or individually sautéed fillets. Think rib roasts and glazed hams. When it comes to picking wines for the family table, you’ll want to find bottles that can play supporting roles to the star dishes of the night and work with the whole meal at the same time. Here are some options for the main course:
Glazed Ham
For the centerpiece of the meal, consider going retro with a glazed ham. Choose a fruit-forward red with moderate tannin for a solid match. Try something new like a nero d’Avola, a leading red grape in Sicily.
Holiday Gift Ideas from
Le Creuset French Oven
31/2,5,7.,and9quartsizes Starting at $260.
Rib Roast
A standing rib roast with aioli makes an impressive presentation. Serve it with an approachable cabernet-based wine that has some backbone but won’t overpower the rest of the meal. For a twist on the familiar, try sausage-stuffed turkey breasts with chestnuts. The combination of spice and fat in the sausage calls for a simple, fruity red, such as gamay.
Goose or Duck
Match the weight with red wines, balance the oiliness of the meat with high acid/tannic wines, and complement the flavors with wines that taste of raspberries and cherries. Red Burgundy is perfect, or for a white wine, it needs to be medium-sweet and high in acid, such as ripe, aromatic Alsace Pinot Gris and Riesling. What are your favorite Christmas dinner pairings? Let me know. Monica Chappell writes and teaches about wine. For wine class information, please email wineappreciation101@gmail.com.
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Page 16 - December 2015 ~ Alamo Today
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Page 18 - December 2015 ~ Alamo Today
Clip Notes
By Jody Morgan
The custom of greening the home for the winter solstice has been practiced for thousands of years. Ancient Egyptians used palm fronds to summon back the sun. Roman, Norse, and Celtic people employed evergreen boughs in their seasonal celebrations. The oldest extant description of decorated trees comes from Riga, Latvia in 1510. Germany boasts the earliest printed reference – 1531. The first Christmas tree in the American colonies (erected in 1747 by Moravians in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania) was a wooden frame into which evergreen branches were inserted. Legend suggests Hessian mercenaries introduced families billeting them during the American Revolution to the German tree tradition, but the practice of festively festooning firs and pines with candles, ornaments, and gifts did not gain widespread acceptance in the United States until the mid-nineteenth century, coinciding with the time when Queen Victoria and Prince Albert popularized the custom in England. Victoria’s grandmother, Queen Charlotte, actually deserves the distinction of displaying the first royal Christmas tree in England. Married in 1761 at the age of 17 to George III, the princess of Mecklenburg-Strelitz brought to her new country the practice of adorning a yew bough with tapers and treats. In 1800, she decided to go one step further and pot up an entire yew to enchant the children of Windsor’s elite families. Each child received from the tree a portion of sweets and a toy. As the concept spread across the country, most Americans cut holiday trees from local forests. But city dwellers lacked access to a free supply. In 1851, Michael Carr hauled firs and spruces cut in the Catskills to New York City and set up Manhattan’s first tree lot in space he rented in Washington Market. His family retained the business until 1898. Back in Europe, Germany was facing an issue with deforestation, because
Bowl continued from front page
along with some other buddies bowled as long as they physically could. Zorich is still going strong at age 99. In fact, he mentioned he had his best game ever when he was aged 80. “I bowled 279, a good game!” The Danville Bowl hosts a senior league on Thursday afternoons. General Manager at Danville Bowl, Kim Glushenko says, “We have 57 bowlers on the senior league who are aged 50 and up. Most of the seniors bring their own bagged lunch. We offer a senior discount and provide shoes and free coffee.” She laughingly added, “They (the seniors) do like their coffee, and the group goes through a minimum of 12 pots of coffee (the big pots) during their Denise Eyton-Lloyd presents her father league time, and that’s twelve decaf and twelve John with a birthday cake. regular pots of coffee. They let us know right away when we are running low!” Justin Oertel, Danville Bowl Vice President of Operations says, “We have stayed open despite many centers closing because we are in a wonderful little valley with a very good population. We’ve tried to maintain (and I think we do a good job of it) a family fun atmosphere, as well as make sure the lanes are consistent and friendly to our league bowlers.” Zorich has been with the senior league in Danville for the past 15 years. He arrives at 11:15AM to practice. At noon the league players start the first of three games and they finish around 3PM. Steve Overby, long time Danville Bowl employee says, “John is an amazing guy. He is well liked and he knows bowling. He can still read the lanes. His power is not as strong as it once was, but he’s definitely got it. He scored a 150 at his birthday party, he was pumped.” Kim, the General Manager added, “John is such a great guy. He knows everyone’s names and usually has a good supply of delicious chocolate candies that he readily hands out. Everyone likes John.” Zorich is not sure what has contributed to his long and healthy life. His daughter Denise said, “He grew his own organic vegetables, he does not believe in taking prescription drugs unless necessary, and he has good genes. Our Dad has a great sense of humor, and with nine kids he needed that.” John mentioned a day after his birthday, “I’m sure I’ll make it to age 100; it’s less than a year away!” To find out more about the senior league at Danville Bowl, call 925-837-7272 or visit www.DanvilleBowl.com.
the popular practice of chopping off treetops for seasonal display caused fir trees to stop growing, making them useless for lumber. In response, the first artificial trees were crafted from feathers. Often dyed green, goose, ostrich, swan, or turkey feathers covered sticks of metal wire to form branches, which were then affixed to a “trunk.” Usually tabletop size, the feather trees followed a new wave of German immigration into the US where they found favor in the 1920s and 1930s. Theodore Roosevelt may have refused to have a Christmas tree in the White House as an expression of his concern for preservation of the nation’s forests or he may simply have favored the more traditional treeless celebration. He did, however, write a letter in 1902 describing his eight-year-old son Archie’s actions. After cutting a small specimen from the White House grounds, Archie enlisted the aid of a staff member to adorn his tree and hide it in a large closet. Decked with a present for each family member, Archie’s surprise was revealed on Christmas morning. Did the conversation on conservation Teddy Roosevelt considered necessary to Archie’s education actually take place? Supposedly TR enlisted Gifford Pinchot (first head of the United States Forest Service) to lecture the lad on preserving the nation’s wilderness by refraining from cutting trees and unexpectedly found Pinchot explaining the virtues of forest management and controlled harvesting. The previous year, 1901, W. V. McGalliard established America’s first Christmas tree farm by planting 25,000 Norway spruce seedlings near Trenton, New Jersey. By 1908, the trees were large enough to market and sell at $1.00 each. Today there are more than 15,000 Christmas tree farms across the country covering approximately 350,000 acres. With about 350 million trees in production, 98% of holiday specimens come from farms and only 2% from the wild. An acre of Christmas trees generates enough oxygen to serve the daily needs of 18 humans. National Christmas Tree Association figures for 2014 put the retail value of real trees purchased at $1.04 billion, exceeded by artificial ones at $1.19 billion. Raising Christmas trees is labor-intensive. Most types require shearing two to four years after planting to sustain saleable shape. Popularity pushes species into areas outside their normal range making them more susceptible to pests and disease. Rarely sold beyond its native habitat in the Cascade Mountains and Coastal Ranges of Washington and Oregon until the early 1960s, Noble Fir (Abies procera) represented only 5% of the market share in the Pacific Northwest in 1969. Now it tops the charts in the western US. Twelve years of cultivation are needed for a Noble Fir to reach a market size of seven feet.
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Life in the Alamo Garden
Alamo Today ~ December 2015 - Page 19
Process for a Successful Design By John Montgomery, ASLA, Landscape Architect #4059
What does it take to create a successful landscape design? Some might say that success is measured by critics and experts, but I believe it is measured by the end user, you. A successful landscape design has to meet the expectations of the owner. What I love the most is getting a call a few years after my client has been living in their yard, and they say, “John, I’m sitting here in my backyard and I was thinking of how much I enjoy the peacefulness and beauty, and I wanted to call you to say thank you!” For me, that is my measure of success. Here are the three phases I use in creating a successful landscape design. The first phase of the design process is a “Conceptual” design. Our first task, along with you, the owner, is to develop design goals and a design program to fit your needs. Some of these design goals are practical and functional, while some are your dreams and desires. After we develop the goals and design program, we will analyze the site and off-site conditions so we are familiar with the existing conditions and parameters with which we are working. Once we receive the necessary information, we draft an accurate scaled base plan (site Call for details plan) from which your conceptual design will be created. When we complete your conceptual design, you will have an accurately 925.939.8300 scaled, illustrative, and schematic landscape plan that will represent your design solartechnologies.com goals, existing conditions, and your dreams and desires. The “Conceptual” Lic. #932914 design is visual communication so you can “see” the possibilities. Every idea, even a conceptual one, has an associated cost. From the concept design we develop a budget, a line-item spreadsheet detailing the cost of the project. At this point you have the necessary information to make an educated decision based on what you want and how much it costs. Phase two is the “nuts and bolts” of the design. We will need to communicate to the contractor your design details and specifications in order for you to acquire bids, navigate planning and permits, accept a contract, and build your project. During the Construction Documents phase we provide services that will complete the Landscape design so you may enter into the Construction Phase to bring your outdoor environment to reality. The Construction Documents will be the “building” set of drawings necessary for your contractor to acquire permits and build the project to the design and specifications. Construction documents include a detailed Planting Plan with planting specifications, botanical and common plant sizes and quantities, a Hardscape Plan, and plans that detail lighting, grading and drainage, irrigation, material selections, notes, and specifications. Working drawings (how to build) are included for built site elements like arbors, trellises, pergolas, swimming pools, cabanas, retaining walls, etc. After the completion of the Construction Documents you are ready to build your project. The Construction Documents are the vehicle to communicate the parameters of your Landscape project to the necessary contractors so they may provide you with “apples to apples” bid proposals. This will assist you in selecting your contractor(s) to build your project. You will also need the plans to acquire permits. Phase three is the Construction Phase. It is very important that the design intent and vision is brought to reality during construction. Our Construction Phase Services become a very important part of completing the design. The design process actually continues into construction. During construction, design decisions and interpretation are necessary in order to lay the design onto the land and bring the design vision to reality. Typically, this is when the design can be misinterpreted or contractors can make subtle changes to cut corners. This part of the design process ultimately guarantees the success of your design because it puts the control of the outcome in the hands of the owner and landscape architect. My clients have said that the design process saved them time and money during construction by not having to make decisions under pressure, paying for changes, and not having to take time off work to manage the contractors. A hot tip from your local Landscape Architect: Built landscape structures must be executed with proper construction techniques which are ensured through proper design, construction details and specifications, and on-site observations during the construction process. Landscape architects are licensed and qualified to draw construction documents. Gardening Quote of the Month: “Every day may not be good, but there’s something good in every day.” ~Author Unknown If you would like me to write on any particular subject, email your ideas to jmontgomery@jm-la.com or for design ideas visit www.jm-la.com or www.houzz.com/pro/jmla/ john-montgomery-landscape-architects.
Page 20 - December 2015 ~ Alamo Today
Energy Matters
Protectors and Defectors By Mark Becker, GoSimpleSolar
Due to the current rate of market adoption of solar PV, solar panel manufacturers are reaching production capacity. Predictions are that at some point the industry will not be able to supply the market demand for solar panels. Ultimately, some solar projects will have to wait for supply to catch up to demand. Some larger scale commercial and utility PV projects may not make it “under the wire” for the expiring tax credit as these projects require significant design and planning approvals. There are many market forces that are contributing to the phenomenon of high demand. These forces include recognition among the public and government sector that solar PV is excellent alternative to paying PGE for electricity, the December 31, 2016 expiration of the 30% Federal Tax Credit, the expiration of current “net metering” laws, and lastly, consumer perceptions to “get while the getting is good” so as to not miss out on the above benefits and returns. “Grid Defection” is a term and a practice that will become increasingly popular amongst utility ratepayers. Electric customers who generate their own power and back it up with energy storage, such as a battery bank, will be able to “defect” from the grid and say “adios” to PGE or their electric utility. Due to current utility rate structure, there is not a strong financial incentive to “defect” at this time, but customers with energy storage currently monetize their batteries by reducing monthly PGE demand charges, or shaving power use during peak cost hours. Some ratepayers simply want the security of back-up power when the grid is down. New net metering laws (how solar interacts with the grid) are being written which will incentivize energy storage to smooth the grid and shift renewable penetration to reduce customer demand profiles. If compatibility with the future electric grid is desired, the average home or business owner considering solar should ensure that the solar system being proposed requires only additional equipment, not major modification if energy storage, advanced grid interactivity or complete energy independence.
The Care of Mature Trees By Blaine Brende & Joe Lamb
Entering my sixth decade, the gathering stiffness in my joints deepens my appreciation that living systems change as they age. Trees also change as they grow older, but, for trees and humans alike, how gracefully we flower in later life is not determined by genetics alone. Long life for humans is a relatively new phenomenon. Our Paleolithic ancestors seldom lived beyond 35 years of age, and they would, I imagine, marvel that the average American now lives to be 78. However, long life for trees is nothing new. Methuselah, a bristlecone pine growing in the Sierras, has attained the astounding age of 4,838 and is the oldest documented living organism on our planet. It lifts my heart to acknowledge that the pine nut, which grew to become Methuselah, sprouted its first needles 2,268 years before the birth of Buddha, 2,832 years before the birth of Jesus, and 3,402 years before the birth of Muhammad. To promote long life, reduce the stresses on your trees. The densely packed clay soils common to the East Bay produce many stresses. Compacted soils lack air spaces and inhibit the movement of oxygen. Clay soils are soggy when wet (which promotes root rot), but they are hard when dry (which promotes drought stress). Improving the porosity of the soil by mulching, aerating, and, sometimes, by radial trenching reduces the stress on your tree. Mulching is the easiest and cheapest of these techniques. Two or three inches of quality mulch under the canopy of the tree, but not piled against the trunk, helps to keep the soil soft, moist, and cooler in the summer. Aerating aids soil porosity and reduces stress. To aerate the tree, use a deep root irrigator to drill many one-inch diameter holes to a depth of around 30 inches throughout the zone under the tree’s canopy. Pruning to remove dead and diseased branches reduces the stresses on the tree. Many fruit trees suffer from diseases, both fungal and bacterial, carried from flower to flower by pollinating insects. After entering through the flower, the infection spreads, usually slowly, down into the woody tissue. Pruning to a point below the spread of the disease increases the lifespan of the tree. As with humans, stresses can have cumulative effects. When pines are drought
As a reminder: The California Contractor’s State License Board (CSLB) is the state agency responsible to protect consumers and enforce construction industry law when problems arise between consumers and contractors. It’s ILLEGAL for a contractor to change pricing for a project after entering into a home improvement contract UNLESS there were factors that would affect pricing that were not discoverable during the estimation process, such as mold damage discovered after removal of a wall during execution of the project. A price change should only occur with a scope of work change and be handled via a “Change Order” process, which is clearly outlined on the www.CSLB.ca.gov website. A contract price change for any other reason other than as noted or per homeowner request can be cause for revocation of a contractor’s license by the CSLB. If your general contractor is employing subcontractors and you receive a “Preliminary Notice” from said subcontractors, you must ensure that the general contractor pays the subcontractors. If you pay the general contractor, but he or she doesn’t pay the subcontractors, YOU can still be legally liable to pay the subcontractors if they’ve provided you a Preliminary Notice. Indeed, you may have to pay TWICE for the same work if your general contractor did not pay them. Otherwise a lien on your home may result. Takeaway: If you receive a “Preliminary Notice” from a subcontractor, protect yourself by ensuring that the subcontractors get paid by writing joint checks, or getting Conditional or Unconditional Waiver and Release forms from the sub-contractors after they have been paid. As a result of the increasing demand for solar PV, there are many new products coming to market. As you decide on products for your solar PV system, to ensure lowest risk, lowest long-term cost, and best value, ensure that you choose products that are not proprietary and have proven long-term (25+ years) field performance. Don’t succumb to “wow” factors or unfounded claims of “greater electric production” over products with long-term field performance. Solar PV, done right, is a 25+ year investment and can be the safest investment one can make. Mark Becker is the President and business owner of GoSimpleSolar, by Semper Fidelis Construction Inc, CSLB 948715. GoSimpleSolar is one of the very few solar PV installers utilizing both licensed roofers and licensed electricians for installation work, project managed by a solar PV NABCEP professional. For more information visit www.GoSimpleSolar.com. Advertorial stressed, they are unable to make the sap they use to drown burrowing insects. Oaks suffering from oak root fungus have trouble taking up water and often suffer from drought stress. When planning elder care for your trees, several factors beg consideration: What is your emotional attachment to the tree? Is the tree a hazard? Will it become a hazard in the future, and, if so, when? What will it cost to maintain the tree? Will it attain ‘sabi,’ the beauty of aging, if given the correct care? I hope that as I grow older I accept Roethke’s challenge and ‘dare to blaze like a tree.’ If you wish to extend your tree’s lifespan please call 510-486-TREE (8733) or email us at bl@brendelamb.com for a free estimate. Additionally, go to our website www.brendelamb.com to see before and after pictures, client testimonials, and work in your neighborhood. Advertorial
Alamo Police Statistics
Sheriff David Livingston reported 39 crimes in Alamo during the month of October which included alarm calls, battery, burglary, disturbing the peace, forgery, found property, fraud, grand theft, identity theft, lost property, mentally ill commitment, outside assist, patrol request, petty theft, service to citizen, suspended license, suspicious circumstances, vandalism, and warrant arrest.
Reported Incidents
Danville Blvd, Theft from a vehicle: There was an arrest of a suspect who was responsible for several thefts from vehicles. Subject was taken into custody and booked into the Martinez Detention Facility for being in possession of stolen property and an active arrest warrant. Granite Dr, Residential burglary: Early in the morning an unknown responsible(s) gained entrance into a home while the occupants of the home were sleeping. The responsible(s) stole items such as a purse, a laptop, and a work bag. The Sheriff’s Office is currently following up on some promising leads to identify the responsible(s). Gran Via, Residential burglary: While the occupants of the home were out of town for a few days, unknown responsible(s) forced entry into the home that did not have an alarm system. The responsible(s) stole money and jewelry. The scene was processed for evidence with negative results. The case is currently ongoing.
Preparing Your Pool for Winter
Alamo Today ~ December 2015 - Page 21
By Mike Hennigan, Pure Pool Solutions
The rain is finally here! This is both good news and bad news for your pool. First the good news: the water in our pools is usually replaced by one half to one third of the total pool volume every year. This means that the accumulation of Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) is not an issue. TDS comes from an accumulation of dissolved solids that are added to the water. Everything we add to the water;chlorine, acid, conditioner, dirt, dust, leaves, etc.; adds dissolved solids to the water. Evaporation removes only pure water and leaves everything else. Pools with water with high TDS are referred to as having “tired water.” These pools are less responsive to sanitizers that control bacteria, oxidize contaminants, and controls algae. The bad news is that our pools are going to need some help from you, the homeowner. It is always important to keep your pools’ water level at mid-skimmer so the water circulates properly and the skimmer can remove debris before it sinks to the bottom. It is imperative that the water level not rise above the top of the tile line as there is a space between the top of the tile line and the deck that can allow water to flow under the coping and deck. Moisture under the coping and deck can cause the pool to lift or sink. If you do not know how to remove water from your pool, please contact us and we would be happy to walk you through the process. Pool maintenance also includes emptying the skimmer basket and the pump basket, and cleaning the sweep bag once or twice a week. This will keep your pool looking good. If this winter lives up to the hype, you will be adding a significant amount of chemicals to maintain balanced water. Balancing includes not just chlorine and pH levels, but the alkalinity, calcium hardness, and conditioner. The pool plaster can etch and stain if these chemicals are not balanced. If leaves are allowed to remain in your pool, the chlorine will be consumed and phosphates will accumulate in the water. You cannot see phosphates in the water, but it is literally “algae food.” When pool water warms up in the spring, the pool will quickly support an algae bloom that will be hard to control. It is important to clean your pool filter if you haven’t cleaned it within the last six months. Also, check the electrical conduit that runs from the controller to the pumps for exposed electrical wires, and check the connection points as well. Turn the filter pump on, remove the skimmer cover to make sure the pump is moving water, and verify that the weir (the little trap door at the mouth of the skimmer) moves freely. The weir is an important part of your pool. When the pump runs, the weir is pulled down and accelerates the flow of water from the surface into the skimmer. When the pump shuts off, the door closes and contains the debris within the skimmer. Run each pump individually. If the pump is noisy, the bearings are probably worn and the pump should be replaced. Are there leaks at the inlet or discharge side? Please note any areas of concern before the rains come! Repair technicians don’t like working on electrical appliances in the rain! Turn the pool sweep/cleaner on, and watch for proper operation. Are the wheels turning, is the bag torn, are the feet moving, is the backup valve activating every 3 to 3 ½ minutes, and is the in-line filter clean? Make sure you shutdown your solar panels. The valves need to be closed and the water drained from the panels to prevent problems during a freeze. Your pool needs every bit as much attention in the fall and winter as it does in the summer. If everything is working properly and you are willing to spend some time on your pool each week, it will continue to be an attractive part of your landscape. If you have questions or would like help with any of your poolcare needs please call me at 925-820-8950 or visit our website at www. pure-pool-solutions.com. Advertorial
Brent & Terri Tucker, Alamo Oak Tree Plaza Alamo Commons - 3201 Danville Blvd. BMW of Concord Alamo Improvement Association It was a GREAT event on October 22, 2015! Thanks to all merchant participants and volunteers!
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Page 22 - December 2015 ~ Alamo Today
Technology Matters
When is the Cloud the Right Choice? By Evan Corstorphine, Portable CIO
We get asked about “cloud computing” a lot. We hear the question from businesses and individuals who want to know when the time is right for them to “head to the cloud” with their data. At issue is the fundamental misunderstandings of what cloud computing really is. The term ‘cloud’ is really just a euphemism for “internet” or “web based.” I use these terms interchangeably. The offerings out there are maturing and some may be right for your situation. Every business is different. Here is your one sentence definition of what the “cloud” is: Any computer resource outside your own network is in “the cloud.” Think about it. If your next door neighbor started a service offering “cloud backups” from a server in his garage, he is your “cloud,” and you are his customer. Voila. Luckily, cloud services are typically not provided out of people’s garages. They’re primarily offered from data centers sprinkled throughout major cities across the US and other countries. My point is, the cloud is wherever you aren’t. It’s just another way of saying, “a computer somewhere out there on the internet that we hope is secure and well maintained.” With that established, let’s discuss when it’s time to use cloud resources. There are three typical scenarios for ‘cloud computing.’ The first is for cloud-based backups, the second is for cloud-based applications, and the third is for cloud data storage. We have been proponents of internet-based backups for years. They are secure, effective, and more reliable than any other backup system we have worked with. We’ve saved many clients from disaster by having these in place. For example, we saved a recruiting business who lost their entire database due to hardware failure. Because they had internet backups we had set up, they were able to restore their data and get back to work. And we recently saved a client who had his Mac computer encrypted by an unscrupulous caller who posed as someone from “Apple.” The bad guy tricked our customer into letting them onto his computer where they encrypted his hard drive and signed off. Our client was
Have a Very, Merry Green Holiday
By Kathleen Kull Urban, Sustainable Danville Area
It’s easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of the holidays and be overwhelmed with decorating, shopping for the perfect gift, and planning festive dinners and activities. However, having an environmentally friendly holiday season doesn’t have to be hard. Even a few small changes can have a big impact. Artificial trees provide enjoyment year after year, but the plastic components are toxic to produce. Consider a live tree that you cut down at a local, organic tree farm. It saves on shipping, pollution, chemical fertilizers, and pesticides. Potted trees are also a good alternative. They can live outside throughout the year, be brought inside at Christmas time to decorate, and then donated to a school for planting. Whether you’re driving through a neighborhood or shopping at a mall, festive holidays lights are everywhere. With the high cost of electricity, LED lights can save up to 90% on your electric bill, don’t have bulbs and filaments that break, don’t get hot, and last a long time. Put the lights on only at night, and use a timer to save even more money. Do you still send out holiday cards each year? There are eco-friendly alternatives such as emailing cards, sending postcards (no envelopes), or using smaller cards. Choose pastel colors if possible. Bright red and green paper is hard to recycle. After the holidays, recycle cards by sending them to St. Jude’s Ranch for Children. Call 877-977-7572 for details because they do not accept all cards. When it’s time to shop for gifts, look for ones with minimal packaging or recyclable materials such as cardboard. If the gift requires batteries, buy rechargeable ones. For information about recycling batteries and other hazardous waste, contact the Contra Costa County Household Hazardous Waste Program at 800-750-4096. Did you know that Americans produce an additional 25% trash between Thanksgiving and New Year’s Eve? We’re sending an extra five million tons of garbage to the landfills during that time. There are many earth-friendly alternatives to the plastic toys and gadgets that end up in the trash. A memorable experience can be a lasting treasure: a zoo membership, a cooking class, a massage, dance lessons, performance tickets, or a museum pass. Homemade gifts for Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, or Christmas are especially thoughtful: baked cookies, a story or poem written for the recipient, a knitted scarf, a booklet with your favorite recipes, or a photograph of your family. What do you give to someone who has “everything?” A socially conscious gift
left completely without access to his computer unless he paid a ransom (even paying the ransom can provide no success in getting your data back). Luckily several years ago we had installed a four year Crashplan backup subscription on his system, and we simply wiped the computer and restored his backed-up data. Internet-based applications have crept into our lifestyle in many ways. Does your business use SalesForce? How about Microsoft Office 365, Gmail, or Google Docs? Do you check your credit card balance online? Do you research your family heritage at Ancestry.com? When was the last time you picked up a Yellow Pages instead of ‘Googling’ or ‘Bing’ing’ a local business? These are common examples of ways that ‘cloud computing’ has entered our lives. For the most part, the offerings have become sophisticated enough that people are beginning to feel comfortable abandoning locally-based applications in lieu of exclusively using these web-based apps. A few of our larger clients use cloudbased apps exclusively. They don’t own any in-house servers, and all their IP (intellectual property) is contained within these web-based systems. The third area is data storage. This is where I want you to be cautious. Yes, web-based storage is and can be convenient. I use it all the time. But would I trust an outside company with 100% of my data without ME having a backup of that data as well? NO WAY, and neither should you. We only recommend cloud-based storage when the situation allows us to setup a backup of whatever is being stored on the internet-based resource. Services such as Box, Dropbox, Copy.com, OneDrive, Google Drive, etc., are useful, but limited. These are not backup services. If you delete a file, it’s gone. If you delete the local copy and it gets synchronized, it’s gone. Unless you are syncing their data to a local computer which is then being actively backed up by something like Crashplan or a local device, you are exposed. Don’t get zapped, and don’t fall for the “trust us” sales pitch of these services. When you put all of your data in the cloud without local backups, you’re breaking a fundamental rule. IT best-practices demand we keep a minimum of two, preferably three separate, available copies of our data to ensure it’s viable and available. Bad things happen, and it’s our job to help keep you safe. Every situation is different, and that is why we consult with you to achieve your objectives. Our staff is experienced and can help you safely begin leveraging “the cloud.” Please reach us at 925-552-7953, or you may always Advertorial reach us through email at, info@theportablecio.com. can have a lasting, positive impact. Donating a dairy goat through Heifer International (www.heifer.org) provides milk, cheese, yogurt, and butter for a needy family. Help prevent disease in impoverished countries by donating to Project Concern (www.ProjectConcern.org). A loan to Kiva (www.kiva.org) can alleviate poverty by enabling entrepreneurs in poor countries to start a small business. There are many local options too, including honoring the gift recipient with a donation to the Discovery Counseling Center of the San Ramon Valley (www.discoveryctr.net) or the Food Bank of Contra Costa and Solano Counties. When it’s time to wrap a gift, choose paper that doesn’t have metal foil or fibers that are not recyclable. Sunday comics, kids’ art, magazine pages, old maps, and fabric remnants make interesting conversation pieces. This is also true of boxes you decorate to reuse next year. Most practical are holiday towels or scarves that serve double duty as a wrapping and a gift. When adding a gift tag, make one out of a recycled holiday card. Everyone enjoys a delicious holiday meal, but are you guilty of making too much food? Try to be earth friendly and buy local, organic, and fair trade foods, and only buy what your family will consume. With a the variety of composting options available, food scraps don’t need to visit the landfill. Recycle beverage containers such as plastic jugs, paper milk cartons, soda cans, and wine bottles. Wrap leftovers in recyclable aluminum foil rather than plastic wrap. Sustainable Danville Area wishes our friends and supporters a happy and peaceful holiday season. Visit us at www.facebook.com/sustainabledanvillearea.
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New Real Estate Law – Probate Avoidance Tool?
Alamo Today ~ December 2015 - Page 23
By Robert J. Silverman, Attorney at Law
After many attempts during recent years, the California legislature passed, and the governor signed, an interesting new bill - AB139. Effective January 1, 2016, the law makes available a new kind of deed, called a “revocable transfer on death deed,” that enables an individual real property owner to designate a grantee who will, on the owner’s death, become the legal owner of the property. Furthermore, no court probate proceeding will be required. I’ve often written about the many disadvantages of probate, which include significant attorneys’ fees, costs, and inconvenience. This legislation was an attempt to create a consumer-friendly way for individuals (not couples) to transfer real estate to a loved one simply, without needing to hire an attorney to draft a Will and/or a Revocable Living Trust. Until enactment of this new law, no methods have been available to enable a non-probate transfer on death of real estate owned by an individual. While one has always been able to deed/transfer a “joint tenancy” interest in a property to a loved one, this can cause serious problems, including that: a) the owner exposes her equity in the property to the creditors of the added joint tenant (co-owner); b) the joint tenant loved one could force the sale of the property and take half of the sale proceeds; and c) the future sale by the loved one can potentially result in substantial income tax liability that would not have been triggered if the loved one had instead received the property on the owner’s death by Will or Trust. The appealing part of this new law is that since the property transfer is effective only upon the owner’s death, the above disadvantages do not exist. So, does the new law mean that Wills and Trusts are no longer necessary or desirable or, furthermore, that the need to engage in estate planning has gone away? Definitively, “no!” Is this new method of transferring real estate on death by deed a magic bullet? Again, a resounding “no.” While it can be useful in certain, limited circumstances, the revocable transfer on death deed has important limitations and potential problems. First, it creates a relatively easy way for a predator to take advantage of an elderly property owner by persuading the elder to sign such a deed. The law contains some protections against such abuse, but the protections are certainly not foolproof. This type of fraud could cause a huge problem and be difficult and expensive to try to remedy. If an elderly owner instead engages in more conventional estate planning - such as working with an attorney to establish a comprehensive estate plan, including a Revocable Living Trust – this potential fraud damage is avoided. Another critical limitation is that, unlike a Trust, this simple deed is not suitable if an owner wishes to add appropriate or necessary conditions. If the desired grantee is a minor or young adult, or the owner might prefer that the distribution be delayed or controlled rather than given to the grantee outright (i.e. with no “strings attached”), then using this new kind of deed would be unwise. Instead, a Trust, prepared and executed with proper legal formalities, can create meaningful control and protection, including probate avoidance, for such loved one. What happens if the named grantee in the deed dies before the property owner dies? This question leads to the most fundamental shortcoming of the new law. Let’s suppose, for example, that the grantee dies and the owner is then incapacitated or unable to revoke the deed prior to her death. In that event, if the owner had no valid Will, the real estate would go to the owner’s next of kin. That applicable “intestacy” statute could result in the real estate being distributed to a blood relative whom the owner would have never wanted to inherit her property. Typically, this is not a problem for people who establish a Living Trust (or a Will) because they routinely designate one or more contingent beneficiaries. Accordingly, if the primary beneficiary dies before the owner does, the property is alternatively distributed per the owner’s wishes.
The “bottom line” is that this new law, if used when appropriate and after consulting with legal counsel, can be helpful; but it is only one limited tool, among many, that might be useful in any particular estate plan. Upon request, I’ll be happy to provide you, on a complimentary basis, any or all of the following: i) an “Estate Planning Primer”; ii) a brochure on alternative methods of holding title to property; iii) an introductory meeting. Mr. Silverman is an attorney with R. Silverman Law Group specializing in estate planning, trust administration and probate, real estate, and business taxes. They are located at 1855 Olympic Blvd., Suite 125, Walnut Creek, CA 94596; (925) 705-4474; rsilverman@rsilvermanlaw.com. This article is intended to provide
information of a general nature, and should not be relied upon as legal, tax and/ or business advice. Readers should obtain specific advice from their own, qualified professional advisors.
Page 24 - December 2015 ~ Alamo Today
Should You be Hiring a Financial Planner? By Peter Waldron
In conjunction with Sagemark Consulting, a division of Lincoln Financial Advisors, a registered investment advisor.
In this article, I will review the top 10 reasons why you should hire a Financial Planner. Many people have very busy life styles, and if any of these items are a concern, or something you’ve been thinking about, then you should start researching the right Financial Planner for you. Many Financial Planners have different attributes, and most can help you with some or all of the scenarios below. Here are some main reasons to hire a Financial Planner. Scenario 1: You just sold your company, your company just went public, or your company has been acquired, commonly referred to as a liquidity event. In most cases planning starts prior to these events, so if you are already here it might be too late for some planning techniques. If you or your company are moving towards a liquidity event, you should start meeting with a Financial Planner ASAP. There are many tax planning strategies you can utilize prior to a liquidity event. Scenario 2: You have a high income. The unfortunate side effect of being a high income earner is you pay more taxes, but there are a lot of strategies to prevent this side effect. Either your earnings come from your own company or a company you work for and you may be looking into to reducing your taxable income. Scenario 3: You have restricted company stock, stock options, incentive stock options, or you are out of vesting. Within your investment accounts you now have a lot of money, or you may be unaware of your current investment earnings. You need a plan to secure, strategize, or liquidate those funds. Tax planning can be extremely important. Scenario 4: You recently lost your job, or you are looking into a job transition. These can be extremely stressful times. Recruiters can make transitions seem amazing, and their sales pitch might have you coming out behind. Meeting with a Financial Planner can help you understand what your current job has to offer, or more importantly, what you might be giving up by transitioning. Scenario 5: You recently got married or plan on getting married in the near future. Getting married can change your taxable income along with the need for life insurance for you and your spouse depending on your objectives. Most people don’t know that if there’s a substantial disparity in income filing separately might save you taxes. For example, one spouse makes mid-six figures and another spouse makes a moderate five figure income. It might be beneficial to file taxes separately in this scenario. A quick analysis with a CPA or a Financial Planner can determine the benefits of doing so. Scenario 6: You welcome a child into the family. Even though college is 18 years away, you should start funding a college account. There are various ways to do this, but a common suggestion is a 529 Plan. From there you can discuss increasing your personal life insurance policy for both you and your spouse. Lastly, it’s probably time to setup a Will and a Trust. Scenario 7: You are getting a divorce. If you are getting a divorce, start planning before, during, and after the divorce. Financial planning is extremely important during this transition as your income will potentially drop by 50%. You need to know the reality that a 50% drop in income means that you must drop your lifestyle by 50%. Scenario 8: You are managing the death of a loved one. No one wants to talk about death, but it is a reality of life, and with the loss of a loved one there is a lot of planning to be done. Having an expert there to guide you through the planning is extremely helpful. Scenario 9: You are starting a business, and you would like to understand where to start, what to deduct, what not to deduct, and what type of entity it is/will be. You need resources with regards to employer benefits. You need a CPA, or an Attorney. You need someone who has a vast network of advisors that he or she can call upon. Most Financial Planners have vast advisor networks. Scenario 10: You plan on buying a house. Have an advocate, someone that can manage you through this process and make sure your home stays titled in the name of your trust. Hire a Financial Planner to ensure you have the right funds, in the right place, at the right time. Make sure you can afford buying a home. Most first-time buyers do not calculate correctly whether or
not they are in the right financial situation at the time of purchase. These are the top 10 reasons why and when you should hire a Financial Planner. He or she can help you get you to your goals and walk you through the chaos that is the financial world while making it easy for you to have financial peace of mind. Please contact Peter Waldron to schedule a complimentary review of your financial situation, (925) 659-0383 or peter.waldron@lfg.com.
Peter T. Waldron is a registered representative of Lincoln Financial Advisors, a broker/dealer, member SIPC, and offer investment advisory service through Sagemark Consulting, a division of Lincoln Financial Advisors Corp., a registered investment advisor, Spectrum Wealth Partners, 3000 Executive Parkway, Ste 400, San Ramon, CA 94583. Insurance offered through Lincoln Marketing and Insurance Agency, LLC and Lincoln Associates Insurance Agency, Inc. and other fine companies. This information should not be construed as legal or tax advice. You may want to consult a tax advisor regarding this information as it relates to your personal circumstance. The content of this material was provided to you by Lincoln Financial Advisors Corp. for its representatives and their clients. California Insurance License #0E47827; CRN 1355686-111715 Advertorial
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Neighborhood continued from front page • Have packages sent to your work address if possible so they are not sitting all day on your porch unattended. • Consider purchasing a locking mailbox. These devices protect packages and make it more difficult for thieves to steal mail that may contain personally identifiable information and account numbers. • Do not place outgoing mail in your mailbox. Criminals may steal it. Consider dropping your mail at the local post office. • Keep your garage door closed, even in the middle of the day. This will decrease the chances of a thief stealing items from inside your garage. • Don’t post holiday travel plans or photos from your fabulous vacation on social media until you get home as this may alert more than just your friends to your extended absence. • Install motion and dawn-to-dusk lighting around your home. • Ask a trusted neighbor to watch your house while you are away, and arrange for someone to check your residence to ensure there are no problems. Many local law enforcement agencies provide vacation checks while residents are away. Below are is the contact in formation to schedule a vacation well-check: * Alamo – Call 24-hour dispatch at (925) 646-2441 * Danville – submit request on-line or call (925) 314-3700 * City of Lafayette - Call 24-hour dispatch at (925) 283-3680 Finally, watch out for your neighbors when they’re not home. It is important to report any suspicious activities. Our local police and sheriff deputies would much rather follow up on an incident that turns out to be harmless than respond after a crime has been committed. My office is here to serve the residents of Contra Costa County District 2, which includes San Ramon, Danville, Alamo, Walnut Creek, Saranap, Parkmead, Lafayette, Moraga, Canyon and Orinda. Please don't hesitate to contact us if we can provide you with additional information on this topic or on other County issues. I can be reached at SupervisorAndersen@bos.cccounty.us or 925-957-8860.
Alamo Today ~ December 2015 - Page 25
Stress Less Holiday!
By Michelle Brown, C.P.T, C.G.T.
Holidays are all about giving and family. It’s a wonderful time to soak up the bounty of life and reflect on a year well lived. A full calendar, depletion of your checkbook, and less “you time” can make the holidays feel stressful. Mindful preparation for the holiday season goes beyond buying gifts and planning meals. Take some measures to decrease your stress and increase your joy this holiday season. Make time to care for yourself, and next time you read this article you will be all the more grateful for having done so. Don’t over commit your time. It’s ok to say no to a gathering if it’s making your calendar unmanageable. Too much partying can leave you feeling mentally drained and physically lethargic. Don’t feel guilty about having “nothing else to do.” Down time is critical to sanity, and that is more important than anything! For those events that you plan to attend, be strategic. If it’s a grazing party, I recommend eating dinner first. Grazing Lic# 1100014354; Bay Area Entertainment on junk can have negative effects that last for days. Calories add up and perpetuate the gluttony that has become the norm of our holiday season. Have a heart healthy dinner before the event, and then focus on conversation instead. Avoid eating too much sugar as it can induce hangovers that are just as bad as those from alcohol. Limit yourself to one serving of dessert, and stand at a distance from the dessert table. Sugar is addictive. Studies show that cravings take about 90 seconds to play themselves out. Getting through that 90 seconds without another visual temptation can be the difference between feeling great the next day and feeling regretful. If you plan to drink alcohol, drink one large glass of water before every drink to allow your body to maintain hydration. Be smart: take an Uber or Lyft to the party so you don’t have to worry about a ride home if you decide to be more jubilant than usual. Make time to exercise. It’s important to continue your 150 minutes plus of exercise per week right through the chaos of the holidays. A family outing before or after your holiday meal is time well spent and can become a fun tradition. A game of softball or a family hike is a great way to prepare your mind and your heart for a holiday meal. Exercise immediately decreases Triglyceride levels in the blood for up to six hours, so if you or someone in your family has high cholesterol, a pre meal outing could make a big difference in heart health. Overspending is not a kind thing to do to yourself. Make a holiday budget. Stick to it. Just like grazing at a holiday party, spending a little bit here and there can really add up. A perfect gift for the person who has everything is a donation in their name and a caring card. You don’t need to prove you love someone with a gift. Showing others your love them with hugs, kind words, and a small token of your appreciation can speak volumes. Get swept away by joy this season. Let that be what you indulge in. Take a quiet moment to look around you. Hold hands with the people you love. Tell them how dear they are and how much their life means to you. These are the gifts that keep giving. This is the reason for the season. Michelle Brown is an ACE Certified Medical Exercise Specialist, ACE Certified Group and Personal trainer, 2nd Degree Richard Lee Kung Fu Black Belt Disciple, Level 2 certified TRX Functional Trainer, Certified Trigger Point Rehabilitation Therapist, InTrinity certified trainer, board member on the California Health Medical Reserve Corps, blogger, motivational speaker, and owner of Gumsaba Fitness programs. She has been helping clients surpass their goals since 1998. Gumsaba offers outdoor fitness programs, personal, small group and sport specific training. Join Gumsaba for a FREE CLASS. Advertorial Visit gumsaba.com and click get started to redeem your free week with promo code HEARTHOLIDAY. www.gumsaba.com ers during an emergency. CERT training is provided at no cost. Visit www. firedepartment.org/community_outreach/cert/ or www.BeReadySRV.org for more information on this valuable program. Visit our website www.AlamoCA.org to review all of our recent articles on public safety and emergency preparedness.
Around Town
By Roger Smith Best Wishes for a Happy and Healthy Holiday Season! Alamo Farmer’s Market is held Year-Round!
Our Alamo Farmer’s Market is open year-round! Join us for our Holiday Festival and perhaps catch Santa will be there. There is easy access and parking as well as a new entrance from the Iron Horse Trail for bicyclists and trail walkers. The Alamo Farmer’s Market features fresh vegetables, strawberries and citrus, honey, smoked salmon/trout, olive oil, hummus, granola, almonds and fresh bakery treats. Visit the Market, make it part of your Sunday. The Market is open 9AM – 2PM.
Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness Summary
There are many opportunities for members of our community to become more involved in both Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness. The website www. Ready.gov helps families become more prepared to survive an emergency. For more information on community and individual emergency preparedness programs available visit www.CitizenCorps.gov. You will find information on basic items for a Family Emergency Kit along with a supplemental list of additional items to consider based upon health, age, entertainment, finances, and pets. Learn how to keep food safe during and after an emergency by visiting www.FoodSafety.gov. The State of California has an emergency plan structure that is designed to address both the mid-term and long-term impact of a major disaster. Information on this plan can be found at www.caloes.ca.gov. The San Ramon Valley Fire Protection District (SRVFPD) provides Emergency Preparedness classes and neighborhood programs for earthquakes and other natural disasters. SRVFPD also provides Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) training for individuals interested in assisting oth-
Senior Helpline Services
Without a safe and available alternative to driving, many seniors face the prospect of moving to senior housing. Mobility equals independence. Senior Helpline Services is a local service which allows seniors to live in their home to maintain their comfort and safety while providing transportation service, telephone relationships, information, and referrals for seniors. It also offers opportunities for seniors and others who care about aging issues to become volunteers and agents of change for our communities. The Rides for Seniors program fills a gap in services for seniors no longer able to drive or access other forms of transportation. This service offers free, oneon-one, door-to-door rides provided by screened and trained volunteer drivers. These rides are primarily for the purpose of obtaining medical care, groceries, and other basic necessities. Contact Mobility Matters at 925-284-6109 or 855234-RIDE (7433).Visit their website at www.seniorhelpline.net.
AIA’s 2015 Annual Membership Drive and Report
Alamo is a special community that all of our residents can be justifiably proud to call home. Now in its 60th year, AIA, a non-profit 501 (c) (3) organization, has the longest history of serving our community and helping shape it into “Alamo - the place where we love to live”! Since 1955, Alamo residents have been joining the Alamo Improvement Association and working in support of AIA’s mission statement, which is to “preserve the semi-rural character of Alamo” As Board President, I want to thank all of our many volunteers, both past and present for their efforts over the last 60 years in making Alamo into the wonderful community that it is today. Please visit www.AlamoCA.org for information on AIA, articles of interest to Alamo residents, membership forms, and more.
Page 26 - December 2015 ~ Alamo Today
Winterize Your Skin By Dr. Jerome Potozkin
It’s been a rough couple of winters in the Bay Area. We have had barely any rain or snow, contributing to a draught as well as two very disappointing ski seasons at the Tahoe Resorts. Hopefully this year will be different, and the meteorologists predicting El Niño conditions will be right. I for one have already started doing my nightly snow dance in the hopes that the Tahoe resorts will be blanketed in snow by the holiday season. Here are a few tips to help you care for your skin this winter. Just like the single best thing you can do for your general health is to quit or never start smoking, the single best thing you can do for your skin is to protect it from ultraviolet radiation. Most people don’t think of sun protection in the winter, but it would be helpful if you did. If you are a skier or boarder your sun exposure occurs at a higher altitude where there is less atmospheric filtering of the sun’s harmful rays. Secondly, the snow serves as a giant reflector so you get both direct sun and reflected sun. The smart thing to do is apply a sunscreen of SPF 30 or greater prior to hitting the slopes. If you need help picking out a sunscreen we are happy to help. Nothing beats a warm weather vacation during the cold winter months. Go and enjoy, but again use your sunscreen along with common sense such as avoiding the sun’s peak hours and wearing protective clothing. Forget about going to a tanning salon prior to your vacation to get a “protective” tan. Skin cancer, photo-aging, and wrinkles are all caused by the cumulative sun and ultraviolet exposure we get. If you are a minor, it is now illegal to go to a tanning salon. For those who want the appearance of a tan, then by all means feel free to get a spray-on or rub-on tan. One of the more common problems we see during winter months is dry itchy skin. The dry air this time of year contributes to itchy skin. You might think that water exposure would moisturize your skin, but the opposite is true. The more time you spend in water and the hotter the water, the more dry and itchy you will get. For those with dry itchy skin, I recommend using a mild cleanser or soap, taking quick showers, and patting one’s skin dry. After patting one’s skin dry is the best time to apply a moisturizer. Try to limit your showers to one a day, and avoid soaking in baths or hot tubs as this can make things worse. This time of year I usually see many patients with dry itchy skin caused by the combination of cold dry temperatures and nightly soaks in the hot tub. If you have problems with dry, itchy, or sensitive skin, feel free to call us today at (925) 838-4900 to schedule an appointment as we are here to help. Dr. Potozkin is a board certified dermatologist who has been serving the local community since 1993. His fully accredited dermatological and laser facility is located at 600 San Ramon Valley Blvd, Suite 102 in Danville. Dr. Potozkin is a fellow member of the ASDS. He is accepting new patients. Please call (925) 838-4900 or visit Potozkin.com for more Advertorial information.
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The Eye Opener
By Gregory Kraskowsky, O.D., Alamo Optometry Happy Holidays and the Year in Review
It is hard to believe that it is already December and that 2015 is almost done. It is a good idea around this time of year to reflect on the year closing and look forward to the year ahead. We have made some positive changes this year to improve the office, patient care, and choices for our patients when considering frames and contact lenses. Our major change in the office this year has been the transition to electronic records. We just switched over a few weeks ago, so the bugs are still being worked out. Even though in the short term it is going to be more work for our office, it will eventually prove to be a positive for everyone. It will ensure that our record keeping and orders are precise and conform to all of the new coding criteria that was instituted this year and all HIPAA privacy regulations. As the transition moves along, we will introduce a patient portal that will integrate with our system that will allow patients to make appointments, fill out their demographic and health information from home, and be able to print out statements and prescriptions if needed from home. In addition, in the not too distant future, we will be able to send drug prescriptions directly to your local pharmacy so you will not have to drop them off yourself. We believe the change to paperless records will be a benefit for our patients, our office, and the environment. For our contact lens patients, our Lens Ferry program for ordering contact lenses is now fully functional. It is always being updated and improved to make it easier for our patients to be able to order their additional contact lenses from either their phone or computer at their convenience. We will put the information in the system, and when the time comes to reorder, an email or text can be sent to facilitate the process. This will eliminate the need to call the office to order lenses and then come to the office to pick them up. As an added bonus, there are no shipping costs for any order, even if it is not an annual supply. You should receive an email when your contact lens information is entered in the system, so make sure to look for it in your inbox. For those patients who wear glasses, you will be happy to know that we have brought back Sama eyewear to the office. These high-quality and sophisticated frames add a dimension to our dispensary that was not present. This line has plastic, titanium, and combination frames in both rich and vibrant colors. Sama has frames for both men and women who appreciate both style and distinction in their eyewear. As the holiday season approaches, it is important to remember to exhaust your flexible spending accounts (FSA) before the end of the year. The government has a wide range of specified costs that qualify as a medical expense. Included in that list is any vision correction device (glasses, computer glasses, contact lenses, sports goggles, etc.) and sunglasses. As long as your purchase is made by the end of the year, it will count on your 2015 account balance. In addition to these tax-friendly accounts, do not forget to utilize your vision insurance. At our office, we are providers for Vision Service Plan (VSP), Eyemed, and Medical Eye Services (MES). Between your vision coverage and your FSA, most if not all of your charges will be covered. Our office has grown this year thanks to our patients. You continually support us and go above and beyond by recommending us to your friends and family. As the years go by, we are meeting more and more local people while in the community at local establishments and at the office. We believe in providing quality service and care, and this is what our patients deserve and have come to expect from us. Our office extends best holiday wishes and a prosperous new year to all of our patients and the local community. Dr. K. at Alamo Optometry is your hometown eye doctor for outstanding service, vision care, and designer eyewear. He can be reached at 925820-6622 or visit his office at 3201 Danville Blvd., Suite 165 in Alamo. Visit our website at www.alamooptometry.com, and join us on Facebook, Advertorial Instagram, and Twitter @Alamo Optometry.
Alamo Today ~ December 2015 - Page 27
Alamo’s 1st & Only Pediatric Dentist! Alamo Pediatric Dentistry & Orthodontics Welcomes Dr. Allan Pang Dr. Pang completed his undergraduate degree at the University of California, San Diego. He earned his Doctorate of Dental Medicine at Tufts University School of Dental Medicine in Boston, Massachusetts. After Tufts he completed a General Practice Residency at University of California, Los Angeles. Thereafter, Dr. Pang practiced general dentistry in the community of Los Gatos, California for two years. It was during this time that he realized how much he enjoyed working with his pediatric patients and returned to school to specialize in Pediatric Dentistry. His residency in Pediatric Dentistry at New York University-Bellevue Hospital in New York City allowed for him to have extensive training in treating the well child and those with special healthcare needs such as children with craniofacial disorders and developmental disabilities. Dr. Pang has been in private practice since 2008. He is a Board Certified Pediatric Dentist, a Diplomate with the American Board of Pediatric Dentistry, and a member of the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry.
(925) 831-8310
Page 28 - December 2015 ~ Alamo Today
VNVDV continued from front page
Herbal Supplements and
veterans’ organizations.” Monthly meetings include good-humored teasing (reflectAdvice for Women with ing what Slattengren refers to as the “sibling rivalry” between service branches) and informative, entertaining programs. The 160-170 members come from the Recurrent Bladder Infections entire East Bay and Tri-Valley area. The majority saw action in Vietnam, but a few By Jeremy Lieb, MD are actually non-veterans. County Service officers are available at the monthly Treating women with recurrent bladder infecmeetings to discuss benefits veterans have earned through their honorable service. tions can be really, really difficult. Because of the December is a busy month for VNVDV. Members and guests will bring unoveruse of antibiotics we have helped to support wrapped toys to the Annual Holiday Appreciation and Recognition Dinner on Derd the so called super bugs, which are infections that cember 3 for Operation Santa Claus. Primary sponsor Tesora Martinez partners are resistant to multiple antibiotics. For example, a with VNVDV to make this a memorable event for the specially invited military patient presents with mild symptoms of burning or frequent urination and is families. The 2014 guest list included 110 families of active duty, wounded, and killed-in-action American military personnel all treated to a catered holiday meal. treated with bactrim for a low grade infection. Next month another ‘infection’ Typically 225-250 children of all ages are on hand to receive stockings stuffed is treated with Cipro, then Amoxicillin, then Nitrofurantoin. Guess what: the with gifts and a special present from Santa’s Workshop as well as a visit and photo next infection could be impossible to treat with oral antibiotics because the with the bearded gift-giver. Up to ten tons of manufactured snow are used to crebacteria are resistant to all of them. ate a sledding hill. The closing raffle features prizes from fully decorated trees to I often advocate a natural approach to flush the urinary tract in an attempt vacation get-aways and handcrafted quilts. Blue Star Moms co-hosts the event. to lower the bacteria count. A similar analogy would be using a mouthwash for Beyond helping their fellow veterans to appreciate their own achievements, oral hygiene. Most patients are aware of the benefits of cranberry. This will help VNVDV has sought from its inception to improve the image of Viet Nam veterto reduce the bacteria adhering to the bladder wall. It’s important to either use a ans prevalent among those who did not share their experiences. “We wanted to pure cranberry tablet or pure cranberry juice; sweetened cranberry cocktail juices address the negative representation of Viet Nam veterans in the press by showing are not effective. I usually recommend taking one ounce of juice or one pill three these were fathers, husbands and business people,” Slattengren says. The VNVDV times a day for 10 days upon onset of symptoms. Then continue taking once daily Speakers Bureau answers the need to dispel inaccurate impressions by profferto suppress symptoms. It is essential to supplement with ample water to flush the ing properly documented information and personal remembrances untainted by urinary system. Otherwise, this protocol will not be as effective. a political agenda. Another treatment I commonly recommend is D-Mannose. It is a nutriTo date the VNVDV Speakers Bureau has taken historically accurate presentional supplement that is a complex sugar which sticks to the bacteria and tations to almost 70,000 individuals including students from grammar school to reduces their capacity to adhere to the bladder wall. This is commonly used college level and interested groups such as Rotary and Kiwanis. Talking about the in other countries. I recommend treating with D-Mannose pills twice a day traumatic times they have tried to put behind them does not come easily. Quoted on until symptoms improve then once daily for prevention. D-Mannose is widely the VNVDV website, Speakers Bureau Co-Director Mike Martin, a naval supply available online and at local health food stores. Once again, use this suppleofficer in Da Nang, admits, “When some of us get up in front of people to give these talks, some of us will literally break. Something flashes in our head and the ment with ample water intake. voice starts to quiver and eyes will well up.” Bill Green, Martin’s Co-Director, My recommendation is for antibiotic treatment if an infection is proven spent 12 months “in country” in the northern mountains and still feels the urge on urine culture and the symptoms are progressively getting worse. I usuto patrol his Alamo property for intruders and assess potential hiding places for ally prefer to delay treatment with mild burning and frequency because most snipers whenever he walks through local parks. healthy women can flush these infections without antibiotics. Praise for the VNVDV educational talks underscores their importance. From Obviously, these recommendations are intended as general advice, and Tom Dalldorf, Amador Valley High: “The U.S. History Department feels your visit the decision when to treat with antibiotics should be made with you and has a huge impact on our students’ understanding of the Vietnam Experience.” your physician. From St. Mary’s College graduate Susan Perry: “It is one thing to read about the Dr. Lieb is a board certified urologist with Pacific Urology. He treats genVietnam War in history class. It is another to listen to a real person who went eral urologic conditions with a special focus on treating female and pediatric through all the tragedies and controversies of the war.” Dr. Teri Ann Bengiveno, urology, cancer diagnosis and treatment of the prostate. Pacific Urology has Los Positas College writes: “The presentation is invaluable, poignant, and even offices in Walnut Creek, Concord, San Ramon, Brentwood, Livermore, Freat times humorous…The impact on my classes has been tremendous …” mont and Antioch. 925-937-7740 or visit www.PacificUrology.com. Advertorial Generating respect for those currently serving our country is another key component of the VNVDV mission. “One of the reasons we are so active is that we never want to see any member of the military or any veteran treated as we were treated when we came back,” explains VNVDV Past-President Jerry Yahiro. “I felt the politics had eclipsed the veterans, their service and their lives. I wanted to create a memorial that everyone would be able to respond to,” writes Maya Lin in an essay published on November 2, 2002 in The New York Review of Veterans and their families celebrate completing the 2015 Alcatraz-San Francisco “Take the Rock” Swim Challenge sponsored by VNVDV and Nadadores Locos Swim Club. Photo courtesy of VNVDV. Books on designing the Vietnam Jerry a therapeutic sense of closure. “Prior to 2006 and 2012 about every day Veterans Memorial for Washington, DC. The statue in Danville’s Oak Hill Park something would remind me of Viet Nam. Now I can go days without thinking funded by VNVDV as the initial element of the All Wars Memorial likewise about Viet Nam, however it is still there,” Yahiro notes. “The Vietnamese have honors the sacrifices of everyone who has served our nation. accommodated better. To them it was a war of independence. They differentiate When the opportunity came to travel back to Vietnam in 2006 with the individuals from politics.” Wheelchair Foundation, Yahiro finally made the difficult decision to return. He Yahiro is also Director of East Bay Stand Down (EBSD), which VNVDV has went again with the Foundation in 2012. The 2006 trip brought 500 wheelchairs helped to stage since its inception in 1999. The biennial 4-day event held at the to wounded Vietnamese veterans and orphans affected by the war. The second Alameda County Fairgrounds brings approximately 450 homeless and disadvandelivery distributed wheelchairs to the general population. The journeys brought
See VNVDV continued on page 29
Get Rid of that Pain in Your Butt: A Natural Solution for Treating Sciatica By Dr. Kristin Moore, DC
’Tis the season for holiday cheer, festive lights, holiday parties, family gatherings and of course, Costco pumpkin pie! This is such a wonderful time of year full of joy and happiness. Families, friends, coworkers, and neighbors all come together in order to celebrate the spirit of the holiday season. However, with the mixture of cold weather, busy schedules, long lines at the grocery store, and holiday shopping, the stress of the season can take its toll. As a chiropractor, one of the most common issues I see this time of year is sciatica. It’s a condition in which the sciatic nerve in your lower back becomes compressed; often causing pain, inflammation, and sometimes causing numbness into the hips, buttocks, and legs. Typically sciatica only occurs on one side of the body, but severe cases can affect both legs. While there are many causes, the most common source of discomfort arises from a disc herniation in the lower back. When a spinal disc herniates it can put pressure on the nerves that control the muscles in your legs. Pressure on the nerve can then cause muscle weakness, radiating pain, tingling, and numbness of the affected leg.
What are the best ways to treat Sciatica?
1. Spinal Decompression Therapy: a gentle treatment that is a type of motorized traction, which slowly stretches the spine. Over a series of treatments, decompression can create negative pressure within the herniated or bulging spinal disc and cause it to begin to retract, which then “un-pinches” the sciatic nerve root. 2. Laser Therapy: a very effective option for treating sciatica and in some cases it can be coupled with spinal decompression therapy. This treatment is a form of light therapy that aids in decreasing inflammation, increasing blood flow, and helping to speed up healing time. Laser therapy is applied along the entire nerve root of the effected nerve starting from the point of nerve impingement all the way to the end of the branch of that nerve. Laser treatments are very soothing and relaxing. Treatments can be so relaxing that many of my patients fall asleep during the 5-10 minute procedure. 3. Gentle Chiropractic Care: the most important piece to the treatment of Sciatica. Chiropractic care will correct any imbalances within the spine and make the treatments work better and last longer. Proper spinal alignment also helps to prevent future injuries down the road and can help restore muscle strength into the leg and back. Some people may be a little nervous about this portion of the treatment, however, there is nothing to worry about. I can re-align the spine using a hand-held instrument, drop pieces, or by hand in a very gentle and relaxing way.
How effective is this treatment?
I have had great success treating sciatica using a combination of these three treatment methods. Every individual case of sciatica is different. Some will notice a decrease in symptoms in just a few visits, while others take a bit longer. I do, however, strive to get my patients back to their normal pain-free life as quickly as possible! My goal is to keep you doing the things you love to do for as long as you want to. One rule of thumb that is true in most cases is that the longer you have sciatica the longer and more difficult it is to treat. If you are experiencing these symptoms, do not put off treatment any longer!
Will this work for me?
The best way to find out if this form of non-invasive treatment is truly right for you is to call us and schedule a complimentary, 15-minute consultation. This will give you a change to meet me and ask me any questions you have regarding sciatica and non-invasive treatment options. Wishing you the healthiest of holidays! For more information, please visit www.alignhealingcenter.com, call 925-362-8283, e-mail drkristinmooredc@gmail.com, or visit our office located at 125-G Railroad Avenue in Danville to schedule your complimentary consultation today! Advertorial
Alamo Today ~ December 2015 - Page 29
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VNVDV continued from page 28
taged veterans together to receive dental, medical and psychological care and to connect them with employment, legal, and social services. New clothing, hot showers, haircuts and nutritious meals help rebuild self-esteem. EBSD’s goal is giving “A Hand Up and Not a Hand Out.” Inspired by his grandfather’s recollections of serving as a fighter pilot in Vietnam, Danville Scout Chris Behring knew he wanted his Eagle Project to benefit veterans. Working with Maureen Morley, EBSD Special Projects Coordinator, Chris designed and executed his project in 2014 supporting EBSD by raising money for sleeping bags and directing fellow scouts from his troop in videotaping interviews with veterans for the Library of Congress History Project. Big 5 Sporting Goods, a regular EBSD sponsor, provided high quality sleeping bags at $15 apiece for veterans to keep after Stand Down. With the help of troop mates and the Rotary Clubs he personally addressed, Behring was able to raise over $11,000. In order to qualify for inclusion in the Library of Congress Project, each recording of a veteran recounting his or her military experiences must last at least 30 minutes. A special tent was set up for the interviews. Commenting on his favorite memory from this portion of his Eagle Project Behring recalls, “One Marine Veteran told a few stories in his interview that he had never told anyone before. His wife was there and she was very grateful because she had never before heard much about what her husband had done during his military service.” Behring was awarded the rank of Eagle Scout at a Court of Honor held on May 17, 2015. “Take the Rock” Veteran Swim Challenge is a self-confidence and camaraderie building opportunity sponsored by VNDVD in cooperation with the Nadadores Locos Swim Club. Open to all US military veterans, the annual swim from Alcatraz Island to a San Francisco beach on September 20, 2015 included 40 swimmers. Yahiro proudly describes the achievement of one veteran paralyzed from the chest down who completed the 1.3-mile challenge. From donating gas cards enabling veterans to get to appointments and interviews to providing information on benefits and services, VNVDV actively aids veterans, currently serving military personnel and their families on a daily basis. To read more about their mission and the events they sponsor, or to join or support their projects, visit www.vnvdv.org.
Page 30 - December 2015 ~ Alamo Today
Your Personal Nutritionist
How to Survive the Holiday Season Without Gaining Weight By Linda Michaelis RD, MS
What I hear from clients this time of year is, “How can I enjoy the holidays without overeating and gaining weight?” or, “Oh! I just will start my diet again on January 1st” or, “How can I say no to all the goodies offered?” Here are a few tips that have proven successful. The key to nutritional success during the holiday madness is to become mindful of your eating. What does this mean? Becoming mindful means developing a moment-to-moment awareness of what you are eating without judging yourself. It means deliberately paying attention to your thoughts about food, taste, aroma, and sensation in your mouth. It means becoming more aware of how you eat rather than what you eat. For example, when you are eating quickly without savoring your food and then immediately taking another serving, you are not eating mindfully. When you arrive at a party and prepare a plate of food, first think, “Do I really like this food?” “Is it on my list of favorites, and then is it as good as I thought it would be?” This is mindful eating. Practice moderation, not deprivation, because deprivation will only cause a backlash of binging and overeating. Some of my clients are chronic dieters who are so focused on the role that food plays in losing weight that they do not allow themselves to enjoy food. I teach all of my clients to enjoy holiday parties. The clients learn to realize that occasional overeating does not equate to instant weight gain. If you return to eating mindfully after a night of overeating, you will be eating less. I see many clients want to throw in the towel when they overeat at a party and they get very upset with themselves and end up repeating the undesired behavior. One effective tool for mindful eating to observe what you do with your silverware when you are eating. Do you keep it in your hand the entire meal or do you put it down between bites. Do you prepare another bite before you are still chewing? You are not eating mindfully when there is attention to the next bite instead of focusing on what is in your mouth. Put your fork down when you are chewing. With finger foods put the food
Shabbateerscontinued from front page
donated thousands of dollars to charities and spent many hours giving their time and expertise to organizations such as Habitat for Humanity, Glide Memorial, and San Francisco Food Bank. Their first get together was held in 2005. “It was a memorable evening,” recalls Mark Belotz, long time Danville resident. “Seventeen bottles of wine were consumed by sixteen people, the food was delicious, and the party didn’t end until 1AM.” It was the first of many epic dinners for the group. Now, ten years later, the same families continue to meet once a month, though now the evenings usually end by 10PM. Alcohol consumption has tapered off a bit, but the core group still meets regularly at each other’s homes to enjoy good food, fine wine, and great discussions as well as keeping their focus on giving back and volunteering. What is the formula that works so well for this enduring dinner philanthropy group? Belotz thinks it’s the like-mindedness of fellow members. Also he says, “We try to be inclusive; everyone feels like they belong.” Group member Dean Chapman also agrees. He notes, “We are not just a bunch of middle-agers enjoying tasty food and great wine in someone’s backyard or dining room; its how we think of each other and those in need of healing, whether spiritual or financial. We try in our own small way to say we care.” Les Bloch added, “Gathering one Friday a month is an opportunity to talk about our families, our work, politics, and the evolving events of the world. We enjoy the other people in the group who are special, friendly, and intelligent and let’s face it, love wine! The added plus to the evening with stimulating people is the aspect of contributing to the common good via our annual party to discuss which charity or cause we are going to contribute to and as in Tzedakah, which means to do what is right and just, to do justice in our lives and to do it with humility.” Shabbat is the Jewish joyful day of rest; Silvia Belotz dubbed the members of the dinner group the “Shabbateers.” The “Shabbateers” rotate their dinner meeting locations throughout the year. The host family chooses the menu theme, and emails are sent to the other families for potluck additions. One culinary treat always enjoyed at the dinner party is challah, braided egg bread eaten on the Sabbath and other Jewish holidays. Mark Belotz says, “Our master baker at our dinners is Barb Goldsmith. She brings the challah for every get together and seldom makes a regular one. She will surprise us with a sundried tomato and feta version, a special Mexican jalapeno challah, a caramelized onion and gruyere loaf, a chocolate and
down in between bites. Sit down and eat at a party instead of standing up because you will not be as mindful when standing. Become aware of your hunger signals. Eat when you are hungry. Stop eating when you are satisfied. There is no need to eat until you are uncomfortable to truly enjoy a party. It is OK to say, “No thank you,” to your host when offered an appetizer that you do not like. Do not overeat from pressure at a party, and be true to yourself and not give in. The number one rule for eating at a party is to not arrive too hungry. If you arrive hungry, you are setting yourself up to fail in a situation where you will inevitably overeat. Have a substantial lunch the day of the party. Don’t just have a bowl of soup or salad, but add at least 4-6 ounces of protein and a cup of veggies. Skip breads and save them to eat at the party. Try tuna stuffed in a tomato or an egg white omelet with diced ham and veggies. If you are asked to bring a dish, bring one that will help you through this event. Bring a shrimp cocktail, skewered shrimp, roasted veggies, grilled asparagus with balsamic glaze, or a fruit salad. These items will balance your meal especially when the party offerings are often starch and fat laden. Make time for your exercise program. You can burn off 300-500 calories with an intense hour of exercise. Also, arrive fashionably late to the party if possible. Just think what that will allow you at your next party- definitely a few appetizers and a couple of holiday cookies. During the holiday season I often counsel my clients by phone or e-mail. We speak often and I try to “hold their hand” through holiday parties. My clients give me an idea of what will be served, and we role play the event starting from the beginning of the day through the feast. It gives them a sense of confidence to attend the party with a plan in mind. It is a constant thrill for me to hear how compared to past years they have been able to sail through parties with even more enjoyment without overeating. Feel free to call me to discuss your upcoming party so we can put together a plan. NUTRITIONAL COUNSELING CAN BE COVERED BY MEDICAL INSURANCE - Aetna, Hill Physicians, Sutter Health, Health Net, Blue Cross, Blue Shield, and other insurances. Please refer to my website www.LindaRD.com for past articles and information about services. Feel free to call me at (925)855-0150 Advertorial or email lifeweight1@yahoo.com. marshmallow one or a blueberry and cream cheese version to sweeten things up.” And, he says, “Challah makes great French toast in the morning!” Throughout the years many organizations have been recipients of the Shabbateers philanthropy. Les Block mentioned, “One of our members’ daughter has a unique disease called Lafora, and one year we decided to fund a weekend for some of the families to connect with others whose children had the disease. Hearing how we gave them a moment of happiness was a good feeling.” Kiva, a non-profit organization with a mission to connect people through lending to alleviate poverty (Kiva.org) is another group favorite. “Ian Freidenberg introduced us to the website for Kiva” says Les Bloch. “I enjoy hearing updates and reports on the Kiva micro-loans to see how they help lives around the world by doing something as simple as buying a villager a goat or a cow to make a big difference in their lives. As a group we decided that these loans would go exclusively to women.” Andy Stein added, “It’s rewarding to hear how many micro-loans we’ve made and how many times they have been repaid and re-loaned, over and over. To know that we are affecting people’s lives through philanthropy in small amounts in countries across the world is pretty cool.” The December meeting is important because the charities and causes will be chosen for the upcoming year. “I enjoy seeing how different people in our group passionately care about a truly wide range of charities, some as local as ARF and others as global as Kiva,” says Andy Stein. Les Bloch commented, “This year with the Syrian crises and many other world issues, it will be challenging to see where the money will be best spent.” Lynn Bloch summed up her thoughts about the dinner meetings: “I love this special group. It’s an honor to be included. I am part of a body of people who really care about each other and the world around them. The monthly dinners are something I really look forward to. It’s a bonding time and a nourishing evening in so many ways.” Mark Belotz shares tips for starting your own dinner/philanthropy group: *Be consistent with your start time. We begin at 6:30PM with prayers over our bread, wine, and candles. *At each dinner we place a box in an out of the way place for donations. Donation amounts are kept confidential. We set the amount at $20 per person, but often times more is donated. *Bring your calendars to the end of the year dinner to sign up for your night to host next year. *Enjoy!
Reconstructive Surgery: The Other Side of Plastics By Barbara Persons, MD, Persons Plastic Surgery, Inc.
What I really enjoy about writing this monthly column is that it affords me the opportunity to educate, and clarify misconceptions about plastic surgery. My practice encompasses both cosmetic and reconstructive plastic surgery, and is in the most basic sense, about changing my patients’ quality of life. Whether the surgery is cosmetic or reconstructive, I look forward to work every day because I know I can help people feel more confident about themselves, and improve their ability to function well, both physically and emotionally. Many of my past articles have focused on education associated with cosmetic procedures, but this month I want to focus on the reconstructive side of my practice. According to the American Board of Plastic Surgery, reconstructive surgery is defined as “surgery performed on abnormal structures of the body caused by congenital defects, developmental abnormalities, trauma, infection, tumors, or disease.” Generally, reconstructive surgery is performed to improve function, but may also be done to approximate a normal appearance. As a Board Certified Plastic Surgeon, I perform both cosmetic and reconstructive procedures. Reconstructive surgery represents a significant portion of my practice. The American Board of Plastic Surgery requires extensive training in areas which include congenital defects of the head and neck, craniomaxillofacial trauma, reconstructive surgery of the breast, surgery of the hand, plastic surgery of lower extremities, plastic surgery of the trunk and genitalia, burn reconstruction, microsurgical techniques, reconstruction by tissue transfer, and surgery of benign and malignant lesions. While a plastic and reconstructive surgeon’s training is extensive and spans many areas of expertise, a strong sense for aesthetics is also critically important for a procedure to be successful. Reconstructive surgery is in fact, as much an art form as it is a science. To perform a successful reconstruction, one must envision the results, the “art,” before beginning to operate. It is “seeing” in a completely different way.
Alamo Today ~ December 2015 - Page 31
Plastic surgery has often been misunderstood, or perceived as being superficial. The reality is that my training and strong aesthetic sense has enabled me to perform countless reconstructions, most recently on a pregnant woman with rapidly progressing cancer. It has allowed me to reconstruct a gunshot victim’s facial wounds, and repair the faces of dozens of children who were victims of dog attacks. Additional reconstructive procedures I’ve performed include reconstruction of skin cancer defects, skin grafts, and hand surgery. To have the opportunity to work with patients in need of reconstructive surgery is one of my greatest joys in life. I have seen the physical and emotional transformation of thousands of patients over many years of performing surgery. Enabling a patient to live a normal life, while instilling in them a sense of renewed confidence and self-esteem, is remarkably rewarding. It is more than improving appearances, it is allowing people to live the life they deserve and desire. Dr. Barbara Persons is a Plastic Surgeon and owns Persons Plastic Surgery, Inc. located at 911 Moraga Rd, Suite 205 in Lafayette. She may be reached at 925.283.4012 or drbarb@ Advertorial personsplasticsurgery.com.
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Alamo Single Family Median Home Price Hits $1,672,500
Just to be a little different this month, I thought I would list the homes that have sold in Alamo as reported for the last half of the year (Sept. 1- Nov. 16). The first thing that jumps out is the wide variation in sold price and dollars paid per square foot. The statistical average sold price in Alamo is $1,899,833, and the average square foot price is $530. The median price is exactly $1,672,500. The price swath ranges from $974,000 to $5,750,000 for a Luxury Home. Prices per square foot range from $352 to $791. Not one Alamo home sold for the exact statistical mean, although a few were close. Today, homes are being judged on their individual merits, and pricing correctly is more important than ever. Location, condition, size, and style are just a few of the important dimensions that determine value. How does your home measure up? Address Sold Price Price/SqFt Address Sold Price Price/SqFt Address Sold Price Price/SqFt 217 Las Quebradas $1,413,000 $599.75 320 Iron Horse Ct $5,750,000 $590.77 235 Via Bonita $1,780,000 $522.15 1536 Alamo Way $1,369,000 $651.59 93 Stephanie Ln $4,950,000 $702.73 526 Justin Morgan Dr $1,760,000 $445.12 3169 Miranda Ave $1,320,000 $551.38 26 Heritage Oaks Ct $2,950,000 $361.92 2495 Royal Oaks Dr $1,713,000 $525.46 903 Forest Ln $1,285,000 $790.77 260 Eagle Ct $2,775,000 $494.30 340 South Avenue $1,700,000 $568.18 32 Lancaster Ct $1,280,000 $426.10 384 Castle Crest Rd $2,475,000 $619.06 310 Livorna Heights Rd $1,700,000 $364.26 1421 Cedar Ln $1,275,000 $502.56 590 Justin Morgan $2,470,000 $531.30 278 Livorna Heights Rd $1,675,000 $428.06 1008 White Gate Rd $1,267,500 $474.19 350 Kimberwicke Ct $2,335,000 $462.01 2402 Heritage Oaks Dr $1,670,000 $352.32 32 N Jackson Way $1,250,000 $466.77 118 Romero Circle $2,175,000 $642.92 27 Tanbark Ln $1,625,000 $369.15 1404 Casa Vallecita $1,187,500 $390.37 2508 Lunada Ln $2,098,000 $555.76 24 Palmetto Dunes Ln $1,510,000 $388.77 111 Piedras Ct $1,175,000 $555.82 117 La Sonoma Way $2,075,000 $646.42 29 Tam O’Shanter Rd $1,510,000 $588.01 2538 Rolling Hills Ct $1,125,000 $568.47 277 Hemme Avenue $2,000,000 ****** 61 Bolla Ave $1,450,000 $528.62 2515 Lunada Ln $974,000 $502.32 97 Bunce Meadows Dr $1,910,000 $485.26 295 Las Quebradas Ln $1,417,000 $903.70 ****** not reported
Trying to figure out your next move? Need numbers and answers to your fix up questions to make your decision? Nancy and I will be happy to provide you with a personal consultation, including a multi-dimensional analysis of your home’s current value, to help you figure it out. No charge and no pressure just our honest opinions. Please call 925-989-6086 or send me an email joecombs@thecombsteam.com. Nancy and I have more than 3,000 email subscribers who receive this article in advance of publication. Sign up on our website or just send me an email and we can add you to the list. I assure you no spam will follow. Wishing you a joyous Holiday Season!
Orinda Single Story
Danville 4 Bedroom
Nicely updated 3 bedroom Single Story, Views and Amazing Schools. Priced To Sell $799,000!
Mt. Diablo views from this casually elegant & completely luxurious Braddock Logan model home. 5 bedroom, 4.5 bath. Priced to sell $1,899,000.
Danville Single Story, Great Location
Alamo Single Story Ranch
Nicely updated 4 bedroom, 2.5 bath in lovely Danville neighborhood. Community pool and tennis courts. Priced to sell $899,000.
Executive Luxury Home
SOL Three bedroom single story with a creek view. Priced to sell $699,000
Data presented in this column is based in whole or in part on data supplied by the Contra Costa and Alameda MLS service and other quoted sources. Joe Combs, Nancy Combs, The Combs Team, J. Rockcliff and the MLS service do not guarantee the accuracy of this information. DRE #0144125.
4 bedroom, 2.5 bath home on flat half acre. Updated and ready to go. Priced to sell $1,275,000. J. Rockcliff Realtors 15 Railroad Ave., Danville CA. 94526