March 2011 Profile on SF Giants, Nate Schierholtz
Serving Danville East Bay Children’s Theatre
By Alec Tappin
The San Francisco Giants finally end a 56year drought, bringing along one of Danville's finest. In 1958, the Giants moved from New York to San Francisco and have come-up short for many generations. In 1962 my grandpa watched as the Giants lost in the World Series to the New York Yankees, in 1989 my father watched as they fell short again in the World Series against Nate Schierholtz and Tim Lincecum after winning the World Series. the Oakland A’s, and the torture continued as I witnessed the 2002 World Series loss to the Anaheim Angles. This pattern has been the life of San Francisco Giants' fans since their 1958 relocation. The superstitious talked about a curse, but Danville knew that all the team needed was one our very own, Nate Schierholtz. Schierholtz, was born in Reno, Nevada and moved to Danville for the start of kindergarten. By the age of two, Schierholtz was swinging a bat and has not stopped since. Working out with his father, Vai, and major league pitcher, Don Rowe, Schierholtz swung left handed but threw right handed. Batting left handed gave Schierholtz the advantage on the majority-right handed pitchers. “I don't know if I was a natural left handed batter or if that is how I was taught, but it is an advantage for hitters,” said Schierholtz. Beginning his career here in the Danville Little League, he played games at Osage park and made the all-star team every season. Schierholtz attended San Ramon Valley High School and graduated in 2002. While at SRVHS he was the most valuable player of each team he played for, captain of the varsity team, and recently a SRVHS Hall of Famer. One of his most memorable moments in high school was when he went 5 for 5 in one game, hitting a grand slam, and the completing for the cycle. By the end of his high school career, Schierholtz was offered a full-ride scholarship to play baseball at the University of Utah. With the intentions of increasing his chances to make it to the big leagues, he turned down the offer to instead play third-base at Chabot Junior College. At Chabot he was
Orville Shick and CPC
By Fran Miller
How might a group of retired teachers and actors motivate legions of disadvantaged students to explore new ideas that ignite their interests and imaginations? How might this same group promote academic achievement in literacy through multi-dimensional learning? By putting on a play, of course. Since 1933, the volunteers of East Bay Children’s Theatre (EBCT) have been delivering the heritage of traditional folk tales via musical theater to economically disadvantaged elementary school children in Oakland and surrounding areas. EBCT is the oldest continuously performing theatre group in the San Francisco Bay Area. Through their non-profit productions, EBCT volunteers strive to highlight important moral lessons that promote positive values and strengthen self-esteem. Approximately 9,000 elementary school children (pre-K through grade 5) each year are inspired and entertained during EBCT school visits. “Our fractured fairy tale plays are filled with music, dancing, singing,
See EBCT continued on page 18
Danville Rotary Groups Sponsor RotaCare Clinic
RotaCare Pittsburg Free Medical Clinic at St. Vincent de Paul, 2210 Gladstone Drive, Pittsburg, opened on Wednesday, February 9th. RotaCare Pittsburg’s mission is to bring free medical care for relief of pain and suffering to those who have the most need and the least access to medical care.
See Nate continued on page 14
February 1, 2011 marked the 50th anniversary of Orville Shick’s coming to be pastor of Community Presbyterian Church (CPC), Danville in 1961. Orville celebrated another milestone in December 2010, reaching his 95th birthday. His 24 year tenure as Senior Pastor began a period of growth for this pioneer church, and many of the programs envisioned by Orville are still bearing fruit today. His retirement, beginning in 1985, has been unique in that he chose and was given permis-
Volunteer pharmacist Ron Grady, R.Ph. of San Ramon, and Alamo resident and volunteer nurse Ann Spafford, BSN, RN, discuss the pharmacy medications inventory for the RotaCare Clinic.
See Shick continued on page 23
PRSRT STD U.S. Postage PAID Permit 263 Alamo CA
The clinic, developed by St. Vincent de Paul of Contra Costa County, is sponsored by the Rotary Clubs of Alamo and Pittsburg and co-sponsored by the Rotary Clubs of Antioch, Brentwood, Danville, DanvilleSycamore, Delta-Antioch, DoughVolume II - Number 5 erty Valley, San Ramon, and San 3000F Danville Blvd. #117, Alamo, CA 94507 Ramon Valley. As an Urgent Telephone (925) 405-NEWS, 405-6397 Care/Primary Care Clinic, it will Fax (925) 406-0547 be providing quality, all-volunAlisa Corstorphine ~ Publisher teer non-emergency medical care editor@yourmonthlypaper.com for adults with acute or chronic The opinions expressed herein belong to the writers, and do conditions who are uninsured or not necessarily reflect that of Danville Today News. Danville
See RotaCare cont. on pg. 20
Today News is not responsible for the content of any of the advertising herein, nor does publication imply endorsement.
Page 2 - March 2011 ~ Danville Today News
Bear in Mind Exhibit Comes to the Museum of the San Ramon Valley
California grizzly bears captured the imagination of Californians hundreds of years ago. Bay Miwok Indian people feared and revered them. Spanish vaqueros lassoed them for sport, and settlers arriving in California vied with them for living space. While the grizzly topped the pyramid of predators as the largest animal in California, by 1924 the last one in California was shot near Sequoia National Park. EXTREME PIZZA Find out more about these fascinating animals at the 3227 Danville Blvd. Bear in Mind exhibit, on display at the Museum of the Alamo San Ramon Valley from March 13-May 7. Visitors to Bear in Mind will find myriads of pictures, 838-1122 artifacts, DVD’s, children’s activities, and endless stories about We deliver the grizzly in California and the San Ramon Valley. Artifacts Order Online can be touched, and a real mounted grizzly will awe guests. extremepizza.com On Monday, March 21, when San Ramon Valley Subs • Salads • Wings • Calzones schools are closed, the Museum is inviting families to HAPPY HOUR EVERYDAY! 4-6pm visit Bear in Mind. Elementary school children can attend one of the several special sessions offered that day to tour the exhibit and enjoy bear games, hear bear stories, watch bear cartoons, and eat bear food. To register to attend, families may call the Museum at 837- 3750 or register online at srvmuseum@sbcglobal.net. The Museum of the San Ramon Valley (in the Danville Train Depot) is located at 205 Railroad Avenue, Danville. Hours are Tuesday through Friday 1-4. Saturdays the Museum is open 10-1. During this exhibit it will also be open on Sundays from noon-3PM. Admission is only $3 for guests, $1 for students, and free for Museum members. Please call 925837-3750 or go to www.museumsrv.org for additional information.
Bear in Mind Special Events in March
• Sunday afternoons Bear Interpreters ~ Noon – 3PM • March 20 ~ Cal Bears Day with Oski the Bear • March 21 ~ Family Day ~ 9:30AM–2PM • March 27 ~ Interact with Laura Cunningham, author of A State of Change: Forgotten Landscapes of California
California Explorer Search and Rescue Camp
The California Explorer Search and Rescue (Cal-ESAR) summer camp will be geared toward beginner and intermediate Search and Rescue volunteers or those who are highly motivated to learn quickly and work hard to become one. Although Summer Camp and Cal-ESAR in general is youth oriented, all ages are welcome. Cal-ESAR has been conducting SAR training in Yosemite for over 20 years. The mission of Cal-ESAR's Yosemite Search and Rescue Summer Camp is to introduce motivated young people to the fundamentals of Search and Rescue and volunteerism in general and to refresh the skills of seasoned SAR professionals. Summer Camp also provides a venue for members of other SAR teams to share tactics and techniques. Summer Camp is held June 11- June 18th in Yosemite National Park. Each day has an average of 2-3 training classes and includes an intensive introduction to terminology and tactics of SAR and wilderness survival including navigation, tracking and field operations search management, working with helicopters and search dogs and self-rescue techniques. The $225 fee covers basic costs of camp including food and training materials. Camp is run by trained Search and Rescue volunteers. This camp is designed to make proficient and professional Search and Rescue volunteers. For more information visit http://training.cal-esar.org/Home/yosemite or email Bryan Sardoch, Summer Camp Director at yosemite@cal-esar.org.
Alamo Danville Artists’ Society (ADAS) New Exhibit opening at Blackhawk Gallery
The Springtime Harmony exhibit at the Blackhawk Gallery, in Blackhawk Plaza, opens March 10th. The public is invited to meet the artists at our wine and appetizer Artists’ Reception on March 12th from 5 to 7pm. All new art will be on exhibit and for sale. There are 45 artists participating in this exhibit.
March ADAS Meeting, Guest Artist David Savellano, NWS
David Savellano is the guest artist for the ADAS meeting on Tuesday, March 8 at 7:30pm. The meeting will be held at the Danville Congregational Church Social Hall, 989 San Ramon Valley Blvd, Danville. The public is invited to attend at no charge. th
See ADAS continued on page 22
Boulevard View
Danville Today News ~ March 2011 - Page 3
By Alisa Corstorphine, Editor
Last month I mentioned a “time-passing” website called StumbleUpon (www.stumbleupon.com). While passing time waiting on hold for a phone call the other day, I was multi-tasking and “stumbling.” I landed on a blog titled, “Back to the Future.” (http:// www.stumbleupon.com/su/189H04/www.pondly. com/2011/02/back-to-the-future/). On the blog it highlights a photographer who asked her friends to re-enact old photos of themselves for a project she was working on. Wearing similar clothing, in similar locations, and with similar expressions, photos were brought to life again at a later time. The project reminded me of a similar photo we have sitting on our shelves. In the summer of 1996 we were living in Kirkland, Washington. My grandmother wanted to get a portrait of her only granddaughter. She helped arrange an afternoon at the photo studio. My sister was visiting our family at the time and she and her kids came along. Photo after photo was taken. My daughter started getting cranky, and her eight-year-old brother decided to make her laugh and smile. He started playing with his gum, pulling it in and out of his mouth in a long string. He then proceeded to paste the end of it in his hair. After retrieving a pair of scissors, a divot of hair was removed, and the photoshoot continued. Spontaneously we decided to take a picture of all of the grandkids to wrap up the photo session. The boys, not prepared at all for a photo shoot, stripped down to their shorts which all matched as their aunt had just sewn them during her trip. We told all the boys to look “mustangular,” a word we had coined to have them show their muscles, and a great photo of them all was captured. Fast forward eight and a half years, and we were looking for a Christmas present idea for great-grandma. My sister and I thought it would be great to get the kids to recreate the photo. I am not sure the kids felt the same way, but they went along with it. The once spontaneous photo was made current and has become a family treasure. After stumbling on the Back to the Future blog I started thumbing through other photos that would be fun to recreate. There are a whole bunch of good candidates. Now I just need everyone to cooperate again to help recreate the new memories of the old times.
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Have a Question About County Government?
County residents now have an additional avenue to use in order to receive answers to questions they may have concerning the County. The County’s website, www.co.contra-costa.ca.us, now has a live “chat mode” where users can post questions for County staff and get prompt answers. The chat feature will be staffed Monday through Friday, from 8:30am to 5pm. What kinds of questions? Well, what do you want to know? Maybe things like, “Where do I go for a building permit?”, “What do I do about barking dogs?”, “Is there a bus to the Martinez hospital?”, or “Where do I vote?” The possibilities are endless. The same chat mode has been running successfully on the County’s Library website for years. The same employees who answer these questions will handle the main website’s chat. For now, the chat feature is being operated as a trial run. If it is successful, the County will make it permanent. Try it out and let us know what you think. User feedback is important to knowing what is working and where to improve.
Free Tax Preparation
Free Tax Preparation for the 2011 tax season will again be offered by Tax-Aide’s AARP sponsored program. IRS certified tax counselors will be providing the tax preparation service. Tax-Aide does not specify an income limit but the service targets low and moderate income taxpayers of any age with special attention given to seniors 60 plus. For information or to make an appointment for the Tax-Aide sites serving the San Ramon/Danville/Alamo area, please call: (925) 973-3250 San Ramon Senior Center site or (925) 314-9612 Danville Community Presbyterian Church site. For general information and other site locations, call: (925) 405-5135. To complete your tax return, Tax-Aide will need you to bring to the appointment your Social Security Card or ITIN letter for all individuals to be listed on the return, copies of all W-2s, 1098s and 1099s, other income and deductions, and your 2009 tax return.
Page 4 - March 2011 ~ Danville Today News
Local DAR Chapter Presents High School Awards
Every year The Mount Diablo Chapter of the National Society, Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR) invites the San Ramon Valley high schools to select one graduating senior who most extols the virtues of dependability, service, leadership, and patriotism to be honored with the DAR “Good Citizen” award. The class of 2011 winners have been selected and were recently honored at the DAR 2010 “Good Citizen” award ceremony. In addition, the DAR presented a $500 scholarship to the Good Citizen recipient who wrote the most outstanding essay in answer to the question, “Describe how the creation of our nation from many nationalities has or has not resulted in more than one American Heritage.” This year, the scholarship was awarded to Fay Pon, the Good Citizen from Dougherty Valley high school. Congratulations to all these outstanding students! The National Society Daughters of the American Revolution, founded in 1890 and headquartered in Washington, D.C., is a volunteer women’s service organiza- Left to right: Anna Rivard, Venture, Eric Janke, Cal High, TJ Reed, San Ramon tion dedicated to promoting patriotism, preserving American history, and securing High, Fay Pon, Dougherty Valley High, Carley Cole, Del Amigo High America’s future through better education for children. DAR members have traced their lineage back to soldiers of the American Revolution. The Mt. Diablo Chapter, which was organized January 10, 1961, meets on the second Tuesday of the month October through June. Prospective members are welcome to attend. The meetings begin at 11:45AM in the Vista Room of the Hillside Clubhouse at Rossmoor. Anyone who has an ancestor who fought in or rendered aid in the American Revolution may be eligible for membership in DAR. For information, contact Regent Gay Scott at 925-820-5720.
Forest Home Farms Historic Park and Glass House Museum
Knowing proper etiquette might seem like an old-fashioned and outdated idea in our more casual and busy society. Yet, there is etiquette to just about everything we do from walking down the street to sending an e-mail. This exhibition takes an entertaining look at the etiquette of everyday life, comparing rules of the past with the present from the Victorian era to modern day. Forest Home Farms Historic Park and the Glass House Museum are open to visitors from 10am to 2pm each second Saturday of the month. Tours of the restored Victorian Glass House Museum are held at 10am, 11am, noon, and 1pm. Tours of Forest Home Farms Historic Park, including the tractor museum, are at 11am and 1pm. Each tour lasts approximately 45 minutes, and the fee is $5 per person or $8 for both tours taken on the same day. Children ages 2 and under are free. The Good Manners exhibit is included on the Glass House Museum tour. The Glass House Museum is also open on weekdays by appointment for private groups and elementary school classes. Each month features a special FREE activity for children. On March 12th there will be a Wild West St. Patrick’s Day where you can pan for your own pot of gold. For more information about Forest Home Farms Historic Park call (925) 9733284 or visit www.SanRamon.ca.gov. Forest Home Farms Historic Park is located at 19953 San Ramon Valley Blvd., just south of Pine Valley Road in San Ramon.
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Lost Dog!
If you find him and your name is drawn!
Danville Dog is Missing He has become lost in this paper!
He is very small, so you will have to look hard if you want to find him.
Blackhawk Republican Women present, Susan Tully National Field Director of Federation for American Immigration Reform You’ve seen her on Fox and Friends, Fox News, CNN with Lou Dobbs, Geraldo Rivera, heard her on talk radio and at the NFRW national Board Meeting. Join us for hors d’oeuvres and no-host cocktails to hear some practical advice on how to affect immigration reform. This from the Field Director who successfully staved off an inclusion in the Wisconsin state budget for in-state tuition and driver’s certificates for illegal aliens. The presentation will be held Wednesday, March 16th at Blackhawk Country Club, located at 599 Blackhawk Club Dr., Danville. Social time and sign-in begins at 5:30PM, and Susan will speak at 6:15PM. The price is $25. The Federation for American Immigration Reform is a national nonprofit, public interest, membership organization of concerned citizens who share a common belief that our nation’s immigration policies must be reformed to serve the national interest. It’s representatives have testified before Congress on immigration issues more than any other organization. Please make reservations or cancellations by noon on Monday, March 14th by contacting Marianne Lyons, 856 Turrini Dr., Danville, 94526, rlyons1009@ sbcglobal.net or call 925-820-6452.
Danville Rotary
To be eligible send a letter telling us where you found him, along with your name and address, to: Lost Dog! ~ Danville Today News 3000F Danville Blvd #117 • Alamo, CA 94507
The Danville Rotary Club meets every Monday at noon at Faz restaurant in Danville. For more information, contact membership chairperson Jim Crocker at jimcrocker@pacbell.net or by phone at 925-577-6159.
March’s Winner Is ~ Cheyenne Kalend
If you are interested in visiting the Danville/Sycamore Valley Rotary Club, contact club president Jim Coleman at coleman_jd@pacbell.net. Meetings are held on Tuesdays at 7AM at Crow Canyon Country Club.
Danville/Sycamore Rotary
Alamo-Danville Newcomer's Club
Norris, Bollinger, Dougherty, Wiedemann, and Bishop are some of the names we are all familiar with that are part of San Ramon Valley history. Come to the March 8th luncheon, learn about these names and expand your knowledge of our beautiful valley. Roxanne Wiedemann Lindsay will be our guest speaker. For further information, call 925-775-3233 or visit the website www.alamodanvillenewcomers.com.
San Ramon Valley Newcomers Club
The San Ramon Valley Newcomers Club invites new and long-time residents to its monthly luncheon on March 17th at Crow Canyon Country Club, 711 Silver Lake Dr., Danville. We meet from 11:30 to 2pm. The cost is $21. Our speaker will be Penny Warner, author and columnist for the Contra Costa Times. Please call Susan, 925-718-5214, for information and reservations.
Danville Today News ~ March 2011 - Page 5
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Danville Community Band
The Danville Community Band presents Jukebox Saturday Night, an afternoon performance, Sunday, March 6th, at 2PM at the Blackhawk Auto Museum, 3700 Blackhawk Plaza Circle, Danville (www.blackhawkmuseum.org). The Danville Community Band takes a step back in time performing a variety of musical hits from the heyday of the Jukebox and more. Come see the fabulous exhibits, and enjoy a concert all in the same building. Concert is free with Museum Admission (free for museum members). For more information, please visit www.danvilleband.org.
Danville Girls Chorus Songs Around the World
In their second concert of the season, the Danville Girls Chorus will be performing classical and folk songs in a variety of different languages from around the world. You are sure to be enchanted by their lovely voices and their lively spirit. Join us on March 12th at the East Bay Fellowship Church located at 2615 Camino Tassajara Road in Danville. The concert begins at 11am. Tickets cost $10 and can be purchased the day of the concert however, to ensure admission, purchase your tickets in advance by e-mailing us at: Danville_Girls_Chorus@hotmail.com.
Olmec: Colossal Masterworks of Ancient Mexico
Friends of the Danville Library and the Town of Danville will present a program on America's oldest civilization, the Olmec. The deYoung Museum exhibit, running through May 8th, features an exhibition of objects drawn from the Mexican national collection, including colossal heads carved from giant boulders. The free presentation begins at 1pm, Wednesday, March 2nd in the Community Center, 420 Front St., Danville.
Contra Costa Wind Symphony
Maestro Duane Carroll and the Contra Costa Wind Symphony perform an encore of Steven Reineke’s Symphony No. 1: New Day Rising, premiered by the CCWS in 2006 to commemorate the centennial of San Francisco’s great earthquake and fire. Concert includes bassoonist Michael Garvey and marches and themes from movies. The show will be held March 12th at 8pm at Walnut Creek Presbyterian Church, 1801 Lacassie Ave., Walnut Creek. Tickets are $10. Visit www.CCWindSymphony.org or purchase tickets at the door.
Hold Your Party or Meeting at The Gardens!
Spring sale: Mention this article and receive 50% off the base rental fees for any rental date on a Friday, Saturday or Sunday in March April or May 2011. Weekend dates are still open for rental at The Gardens at Heather Farm in Walnut Creek. We can accommodate parties of up to 150. Embracing a rolling hillside in Walnut Creek’s Ygnacio Valley, The Gardens at Heather Farm reside on six acres adjoining Heather Farm Park. Parties and other gatherings are held in the Camellia Room, with views of Mt. Diablo and the gardens. Fully climate controlled, with neutral walls and a newly installed floor, this pleasant space is easy to decorate. The Gardens are located off Ygnacio Valley Road, two miles from downtown Walnut Creek. Call (925) 947-1678 or e-mail rentals@gardenshf.org for more information.
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LockFurfeatherpet@aol.com and leave, no worries Overnights
Lock and leave, no worries Overnights
Page 6 - March 2011 ~ Danville Today News
Barbara Monroe
Police and Fire: The Fallen Heroes, CountryPet Club Concert FurDiablo &Feathers Feathers PetSitting SittingEvent Fur Fur && Feathers Pet Sitting 925-998-9317 Owner
www.yourmonthlypaper.com Barbara Monroe
Owner Fur &&& Feathers Sitting Fur &Feathers FeathersPet PetSitting Sitting Fur Fur Feathers Pet Pet Sitting
925-998-9317 “Police and Fire: The Fallen Heroes” is an organization committed to honoring the families of Exceptional for your pet Bonded, Insured & References Bonded, Insured & care References Exceptional care for your pet Exceptionalcare carefor foryour yourpet pet Exceptional Exceptional care care for foryour yourpet pet Exceptional Exceptional care for your pet law enforcement and fire service personnel who, in the performanceFurfeatherpet@aol.com of their duties, paid the ultimate Daily visits plus dog walks Furfeatherpet@aol.com Dailyvisits visitsplus plusdog dogwalks walks Dailyvisits visitsplus plusdog dogwalks walks Daily Daily visits plus dog walks Daily Daily visits plus dog walks price, the loss of life. The all-volunteer Police and Fire: The Fallen Heroes, a 501(c)(3) non-profit Lock and leave, no worries Lockand and leave,no noworries worries Lock andleave, leave,no noworries worries Lock Lock and leave, leave, no worries Lock Lock and and leave, no worries Overnights corporation is sponsoring a fund-raising dinner concert featuring the celebrated tenor George Komsky Overnights Overnights Overnights Overnights Overnights Overnights for an evening of Italian songs titled An Italian Night Diablo at the Diablo Country Club in Diablo Fur & Feathers Pet Sitting Fur &inFeathers Pet Barbara Sitting Monroe BarbaraMonroe Monroe PM Monroe Barbara Monroe Barbara Monroe Barbara Barbara Monroe on Thursday, April 14th. The dinner benefit will begin with appetizers atBarbara 5:30 and will include a Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Exceptional careOwner for your pet Exceptional careOwner for your pet no-host bar and limited live auction for $100 per person. Daily visits plus dog walks Daily visits plus dog walks 925-998-9317 925-998-9317 925-998-9317 925-998-9317 925-998-9317 925-998-9317 925-998-9317 George Komsky is a protégé and scholarship beneficiary of world-renowned vocal teacher Seth Lock and leave, no worries Lock and leave, no worries Bonded, Insured References Bonded, Insured References Bonded, Bonded, Insured Insured &&&References References Bonded, Bonded, Insured Insured && &&References References Bonded, Insured References OvernightsOpera Star Philip Overnights Furfeatherpet@aol.com Furfeatherpet@aol.com Riggs whose star pupils were Barbra Streisand, Natalie Cole, and Metropolitan Furfeatherpet@aol.com Furfeatherpet@aol.com Furfeatherpet@aol.com Furfeatherpet@aol.com Furfeatherpet@aol.com Webb. George is a Monte Vista High School and UCLA graduate, whose singing style was inspired by Barbara Monroe Barbara Monroe Luciano Pavarotti, Placido Domingo, and Tito Schipa. George Komsky has been in the style of Andrea Ownertouted in Hollywood circles as the new exciting tenor Owner Furlooks. &Feathers Feathers Pet Sitting Fur & Feathers Pet Sitting Fur Fur && Feathers Pet Pet Sitting Sitting Fur Fur & & Feathers Feathers Pet Pet Sitting Sitting Bocelli for his golden voice, stage presence and good He was a finalist on Simon Cowell’s inaugural America’s Got Talent, lead soloist for the Irish 925-998-9317 925-998-9317 Bonded, Insured & References Bonded, Insured & References dancing phenomenon Riverdance in 2004, and star in the Dublin Worldwide Productions Twelve Exceptional carefor foryour your pet Irish Tenors. Learn more at www.georgekomsky.com. Exceptionalcare carefor foryour yourpet pet Exceptional Exceptional care care for your pet pet Exceptional Exceptional care for your pet Furfeatherpet@aol.com An Italian Night in Diablo will feature Italian opera arias by Rossini, Donizetti, Bellini, pieces. Dailyvisits visitsplus plusdog dog walks and other favorite timeless Furfeatherpet@aol.com Dailyvisits visitsplus plusdog dogwalks walks Daily Daily visits plus dog walks walks Daily Daily visits plus dog walks Lock andleave, leave, noworries worries Lockand andleave, leave, noworries worries Lock Lock and and leave, no no worries Lock and leave, no no worries The concert proceeds will support Police and Fire: The Fallen Heroes with funds to assist the families of law enforcementLock and fire service personOvernights Overnights Overnights Overnights Overnights Overnights nel who lost their lives in the line of duty. Fur & Feathers Sitting & Feathers Sitting For more information, go to www.thefallenheroes.org, e-mail Pet info@thefallenheroes.org, or Fur call (925) 831-2011. PetBarbara BarbaraMonroe Monroe BarbaraMonroe Monroe Barbara Barbara Monroe Barbara Monroe
Remember the Ladies!
Donations for the Troops
Owner Owner Owner Owner Exceptional careOwner for your pet Exceptional careOwner for your pet Daily visits plus dog walks Daily visits plus dog walks 925-998-9317 925-998-9317 925-998-9317 925-998-9317 925-998-9317 925-998-9317 Nu Psi had two excellent donation days for leave, our service people in Lock and leave, noDelta worries Lock and no worries Bonded, Insured References Bonded, Insured References suffragists, will Bonded, Bonded, Insured Insured &&&References References Bonded, Bonded, Insured Insured &&&References References rd Overnights Overnights Furfeatherpet@aol.com Furfeatherpet@aol.com Furfeatherpet@aol.com Furfeatherpet@aol.com February. We will be collecting again on March Furfeatherpet@aol.com 3Furfeatherpet@aol.com at CVS in Alamo and
“Remember the Ladies!,” the battle cry of California’s be heard again when members of the Museum of San Ramon Valley reenact March 11th at Lunardi’s in Danville. The squads did have a request women achieving the right to vote in California 100 years ago. Barbara Monroe Barbara Monroe- Girl Scout Cookies, especially Thin Mints. So, when you buy yourOwner cookies, buy an extra The 45 minute historical drama will be held during the general membership Owner Fur & Feathers Pet Sitting Fur & Feathers Pet Sitting Fur Fur & & Feathers Feathers Pet Pet Sitting Sitting Fur Fur & & Feathers Feathers Pet Pet Sitting Sitting 925-998-9317 925-998-9317 box, and it can be brought to either store location on the appropriate date. Go luncheon of the local American Association of University Women (AAUW) Bonded, Insured & References Bonded, Insured & References th pm Exceptional carefor foryour yourpet pet Exceptional carefor foryour yourpet pet tocare www.deltanupsi.org and contact Alicia for otherExceptional drop off locations. Exceptional Exceptional care for your pet Exceptional care care for your pet on Saturday, March 12 from 11 to 3 at Crow Canyon Country Club, Furfeatherpet@aol.com Furfeatherpet@aol.com Dailyvisits visitsplus plusdog dogwalks walks Dailyvisits visitsplus plusdog dogwalks walks Daily Daily visits plus dog walks Daily Daily visits plus dog walks 711 Silver Lake Drive, Danville. Lockand and leave,no noworries worriesof Foreign Wars Lockand andleave, leave,no noworries worries Lock Lock and leave, leave, no worries Lock Lock and leave, no worries Veterans Overnights Overnights This centennial program will highlight local women of the San Ramon Val- Overnights Overnights Overnights Overnights Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States (VFW), Post 75, San Ramon which accomplished ley and early 19th and 20th century suffrage movements Fur & Feathers Pet Barbara Sitting FurThursday & Feathers Pet Sitting Valley, meets every second of the month at Barbara the SwainMonroe House at Hap Monroe Barbara Monroe Barbara Barbara Monroe Monroe Barbara Monroe this historic feat. California's vote in 1911 pioneered passage of women’s Magee Ranch Park, located at 1025 La Gonda Way in Danville. The next Owner Owner Owner Owner Exceptional careOwner for your pet Exceptional careOwner for your pet meetth PM voting rights nationwide. Daily visits plus dogwill walks visits plus, dog 925-998-9317 ing be held Thursday, March 10 . DoorsDaily open at925-998-9317 7925-998-9317 andwalks the meeting 925-998-9317 925-998-9317 925-998-9317 Lock and no worries Lock and leave, no Nathan worries Bonded, Insured References Bonded, Insured References Bonded, Bonded, Insured Insured &&&References Bonded, Bonded, Insured Insured &&&References References This local presentation kicks off a Remember the Ladies exhibit set to runleave, begins atReferences 7:30PM. For more information contact Post Commander Greene Overnights Overnights Furfeatherpet@aol.com Furfeatherpet@aol.com Furfeatherpet@aol.com Furfeatherpet@aol.com Furfeatherpet@aol.com Furfeatherpet@aol.com May-June at the Museum of the San Ramon Valley. at (925) 875-1747. Find out more about the VFW at www.vfw.org. Cost of the luncheon is $26 in advance ($30 after March 4 deadline). Barbara Monroe Barbara Monroe Giving Day with Blue Star Moms Owner Owner Meal includes choice of entrees: Sunburst Chicken Salad or Chicken and The Danville office of BetterFur Homes & McDuffie will be participatFur&& &Feathers Feathers PetSitting Sitting Fur&& &Gardens/Mason Feathers PetSitting Sitting Fur Fur Feathers Pet Pet Sitting Fur Feathers Feathers Pet Pet Sitting 925-998-9317 925-998-9317 Prawn Chinese Salad, iced tea, coffee, rolls and dessert. Please specify entree ing in a community project for their Company Giving Day. The agents will be team Bonded, Insured & References Bonded, Insured & References Exceptionalcare carefor foryour yourpet pet Exceptionalcare carefor foryour yourpet pet Exceptional Exceptional care for your pet Exceptional Exceptional care for your pet choice with registration. together with Blue Star Moms and collecting items like snacks (individually wrapped), Furfeatherpet@aol.com Furfeatherpet@aol.com Daily visits plus dog walks Daily visits plus dog walks Daily Daily visits visits plus plus dog dog walks walks Daily Daily visits visits plus plus dog dog walks walks Mail checks by March 4th payable to Danville-Alamo-Walnut Creek personal travel size items, CD’S, Frisbees, waterless handLock sanitizers, and cotton athletic Lockand and leave,no no worries Lockand andleave, leave, noworries worries Lock Lock and leave, leave, no worries worries Lock and leave, no no worries Overnights Overnights Overnights Overnights Overnights AAUW 606 Bridgewater Cir, Danville, CA 94526. For questions, contact Overnights socks. For a complete list of items, please contact Better Homes & Gardens/Mason Fur & Blvd, Feathers Pet Barbara Sitting McDuffie at 630 San Ramon Valley Danville or 925-837-1515. The deadline to Karen, 925-891-4632 or Pat, 925-831-8518. Fur & Feathers Pet Sitting BarbaraMonroe Monroe Monroe Barbara Barbara Monroe Barbara Barbara Monroe th Monroe drop off items or make a donation to Blue Star Moms is March 4 . Owner Owner Owner Owner Exceptional careOwner for your pet Exceptional careOwner for your pet
San Ramon Valley Genealogical Society
Daily visits plus dog walks 925-998-9317 925-998-9317 925-998-9317 The San Ramon Valley Genealogical Society meets at Lock and leave, no worries Bonded, Insured References Bonded, Bonded, Insured Insured &&&References References 10AM the third Tuesday of every month, except August and Overnights Furfeatherpet@aol.com Furfeatherpet@aol.com Furfeatherpet@aol.com December, at the Danville Family History Center, 2949 Barbara Monroe Stone Valley Road, Alamo. There will be a speaker at every Owner meeting. Everyone is welcome. Fur&& &Feathers FeathersPet PetSitting Sitting Fur Fur Feathers Pet Sitting
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Bonded, Insured & References Exceptionalcare carefor foryour yourpet pet Exceptional Exceptional care for your pet Furfeatherpet@aol.com Dailyvisits visitsplus plusdog dogwalks walks Daily Daily visits plus dog walks Lockand andleave, leave,no noworries worries Lock Lock and leave, no worries Overnights Overnights Overnights
Daily visits plus dog walks 925-998-9317 925-998-9317 925-998-9317 Lock and leave, no worries Bonded, Insured References Bonded, Bonded, Insured Insured &&&References References Overnights Furfeatherpet@aol.com Furfeatherpet@aol.com Furfeatherpet@aol.com
Barbara Monroe Owner
Fur&& &Feathers Feathers PetSitting Sitting Fur Fur Feathers Pet Pet Sitting 925-998-9317
Bonded, Insured & References Exceptionalcare carefor foryour yourpet pet Exceptional Exceptional care for your pet Furfeatherpet@aol.com Dailyvisits visitsplus plusdog dogwalks walks Daily Daily visits plus dog walks Lockand andleave, leave,no noworries worries Lock Lock and leave, no worries Overnights Overnights Overnights
BarbaraMonroe Monroe Barbara Barbara Monroe
BarbaraMonroe Monroe Barbara Barbara Monroe
925-998-9317 925-998-9317 925-998-9317
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Bonded,Insured Insured&&&References References Bonded, Bonded, Insured References
Furfeatherpet@aol.com Furfeatherpet@aol.com Furfeatherpet@aol.com
Owner Owner Owner
Bonded,Insured Insured&&&References References Bonded, Bonded, Insured References
Furfeatherpet@aol.com Furfeatherpet@aol.com Furfeatherpet@aol.com
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World War II: Rationing, Interment Camps and the Port Chicago Explosion By Beverly Lane
The Museum of the San Ramon Valley has an exhibit in place, “Honoring Valley Veterans: Heroes In Defense of Freedom” which will close on March 5th. This article provides excerpts from “Yesteryear in the San Ramon Valley, 1910-1945,” a history used by the Museum docents. The Second World War had an enormous impact on people's lives. Young couples just starting out were separated for years. Margaret Baldwin married Herb Wildenradt in August of 1941, and, the day after they came home with their first child in 1942, Herb received his “greetings.” She returned to Danville to live with her parents. The San Ramon Valley Union High School yearbook pictured many Japanese Americans in 1941. Their families had worked ranches here since the 1920s, and the children were American citizens. Executive Order 9066 sent 93,000 Californians to internment camps and remains today a racist blot on America’s record. Local families met at the Danville depot in May of 1942 and left the valley, able to bring only what they could carry. They were interned at the Gila River Reservation in Arizona. Young Taneo Hirano vividly remembered the train trip to Arizona with his family. While the MPs had closed the window shades on the train “for their safety,” he peeked out when the train stopped in Yuma at night and saw a thermometer which said 110 degrees. He said his family of five lived in one room, with dust coming up through the floors coating everything. Hirano’s trunk from the camp is on display at the museum. Mildred Lewis Fereira, who had a beauty shop in downtown Danville with her mother, recalled people coming to the Hartz Avenue post office daily, hoping for letters from loved ones. Rationing touched everyone as Ration Boards apportioned stamps for gasoline, food, shoes (three pairs a year), and nylon stockings. People carefully added up points before grocery shopping. They bought white oleomargarine which was mixed with a yellow packet to resemble butter. SometimesAcree’s Market in Danville would receive twelve jars of mayonnaise, and that was it. Everyone was urged to substitute other meat with home-grown rabbit. Nightly blackouts greeted travelers when they went through the tunnel to Berke-
Home Décor and Accessories ley; local people used blackout curtains or fitted plywood to cover windows. They also planted Victory Gardens, knit mittens for the boys overseas and saved surplus household fats to use in anti-aircraft shell production. Gene and Carlotta O'Neill, who lived in Danville from 1937-1944, put a European map up on the wall and traced the progress of the battles in Europe. No Japanese invaded. But there was one war-related explosion on July 17, 1944, which rocked the Valley even though it was miles away in Port Chicago. With little training and few safety precautions, sailors rolled and tossed bombs down ramps and loaded them on ships. That day some of the munitions were live. Two Liberty ships taking on cargo and a railroad with 16 box cars full of explosives parked nearby. No one knows exactly what happened, but, when it blew, the impact was felt from San Francisco to San Ramon. Windows were shattered in Walnut Creek. Howard Fereira said he was in bed, and the bed snapped; they thought it was an earthquake. Alamo sisters Betty and Norma Humburg were at a movie in Walnut Creek and felt the building shake. The Port Chicago explosion was the worst stateside disaster of World War II; 300 men were killed. Five valley boys gave the ultimate sacrifice: Alton Kraft, Burson Joseph, Steve Nourse, Bill Sanchez, and George Teicheira. In 1945 the war ended with German and Japanese surrenders. The soldiers came home and life without rationing and scary telegrams began. But California was forever changed. Millions of people had come to California to work in the shipyards and travel to the Pacific war. And they decided to move west. No longer an exotic location, California became the destination for new jobs, great weather, and, most of Ralph Campitelli at Camp San Ramon all, unlimited opportunity.
Page 8 - March 2011 ~ Danville Today News
Greenbrook Elementary By Jenise Falk, Principal
Parents and community members often ask me what is our greatest challenge facing our schools today. For me, the greatest challenge is providing the opportunities and resources necessary in educating our Greenbrook students. Our challenge is to provide instruction, programs, and opportunities for every student - opportunities that will meet the academic, social, and behavioral needs, enabling every student to meet and exceed his/her potential and, in addition, to prepare our students to be productive citizens in an ever changing 21st century world. It is exciting work each and every day to make this vision a reality. We combine the exceptional talents, experience, and dedication of our teachers and staff members with a committed and supportive parent community, and students who are eager and excited to learn. It is critical, with the funding of education at such a crossroads, that the school remains on steady ground, distributing its resources carefully, thoughtfully, and with data supporting our decisions. It is the capacity of our teachers who are the backbone of our success. In partnering with parents there is no doubt that we rely on parents who donate time and money to provide for programs and supplies that we deem essential in making our vision a reality. This September, we opened our doors with an increase in class size K-3 from 20 to 26. Our kindergarten team had the opportunity to extend the student’s day, and we added some fabulous new technology in the upper grades. I am proud and humbled by the devotion of our teaching and support staff in rising to the challenges and opportunities that were presented to them this fall. We have been creative in finding new way to meet the needs of our learners in larger class sizes, have added enriching opportunities for our kindergartners, and have pushed our own learning each and every day in the power of using technology as a means to improve our instruction and student engagement. This spring our fundraising really revs up with our Gala Auction in March, drive-through Tri-Tip dinner in April, and Jog-a-Thon in May. The end result of our parent support and teacher dedication enables us to support our teachers and students, and we move forward to the future together. Have a great month!
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Charlotte Wood Middle School By Christopher George, Principal
We have begun second semester, and we are very proud of our students and their efforts through the first successful semester. We look forward second semester being just as successful academically, behaviorally, and socially. It's hard to believe, but we have already begun planning for the end of the year and the beginning of next year. As we speak, we are planning next years registration and looking at our parent organizations for next year. There are many opportunities for parent involvement on both our PTA and our Charger Fund. Please contact myself or the Charger Fund or PTA if you are interested. Your involvement would be welcome. Secondly, we are looking at our fundraising methods, and next week we will be sending home a survey to Charlotte Wood parents via email that asks for your input on our fundraisers. Please take some time to answer the survey and give us your input. We have many exciting things to look forward to at Charlotte Wood for the second semester. Teachers have been diligently working towards improving student achievement in a variety of ways. Teachers are looking at a variety of ways of using data to determine which students are most in need of help, and they are using that data to hone where those students are specifically struggling. We are providing a number of interventions to help kids and provide the extra support they need. Teachers are also spending their time researching how to keep Charlotte Wood moving forward and continually prepare students for success in the 21st century. Last week, several teachers took their own Saturday to attend the Cool Tools for Education Conference in Alameda in order to learn about emerging technologies. The teachers learned valuable tools for keeping students engaged and for keeping classrooms current for the twenty-first century. Over forty students are taking advantage of this opportunity. Science continues to be on the forefront through the exciting work they are doing with KQED Quest.
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Stone Valley Middle School By Shaun McElroy, Principal
Danville Today News ~ March 2011 - Page 9
Alamo Hello parents, prospective parents, and grandparents. Having just become Shades & Shutters a grandfather in November I realize that the parenting role is expansive and really does not have an end, just different phases. So whatever phase you find 925-837-2010 yourself in, here some resources: The Right Look For A Lot Less Dad's Night Out VI - Marriage and Family Therapist George Papageorge •Free Measuring & Installation• was our keynote speaker at our 6th annual Dad's Night Out. As usual, George did not disappoint the guys in the audience. We all learned or refined our understanding of family dynamics and how to nurture our children. George has offered to do a series of follow-up communications workshops for couples. If you are interested in participating, please contact me directly at smcelro@srvusd.net. Event for Students - Youth to Youth Conference, Saturday March 12th. For grades 6-8. For more information visit www.srvcasa.org. Book of the Month Recommendation - Drive by Daniel Pink. Pink is a former speech writer for Al Gore, turned author/researcher. Pink examines what motivates people...is it the carrot or the stick? Maybe it is neither. I found the conclusion interesting. I'm weighing how this research can be used to better understand middle grades students. This book was the recommendation of parent Chris Campbell. Here's the link to the Daniel Pink's TED talk on Motivation: www.ted.com/talks/lang/eng/dan_pink_on_motivation.html. Amy Chua Article - Many of you have either read or heard about the article by Amy Chua: Why Chinese Mothers are superior. The article is a synopsis from her book, Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mom. The article fueled many conversations amongst parents both pro and con. On balance I have included an article on the opposite side of the parenting spectrum. I recommend you read both articles with another parent(s) and compare your thoughts. This is a great way to sharpen your own parenting skills. Amy Chua's article: http://online.wsj.com/article_email/SB10001424052748704111504576059713528698754-lMyQjAxMTAxMDEwMTExNDEyWj.html. Op-ed columnist for the New York Times David Brooks, responds to Amy Chua's article. www.nytimes.com/2011/01/18/opinion/18brooks.html?_r=1 SV Ed Fund Annual Fitness Challenge v.2011 Run with Pride
On Thursday, April 14th, all Stone Valley Middle School Students will participate in the annual Fitness Challenge to help raise funds for our Education Fund. Each student will walk, jog, or run a minimum of 15 laps around a 220 yard track during his or her regularly scheduled PE class. They will have approximately 22 minutes to complete the laps. To donate, visit www.active.com/donate/SVMS2011. The More They Run - The More Everyone Benefits!
8th Grade Community Service Event
The class of 2011 needs your gently used backpacks and unused school supplies. On Wednesday, June 8th the class of 2011 will be performing a “back pack brigade.” We will be filling all the donated backpacks with school supplies and delivering them to our sister school, Coronado Elementary.
Hey! SV Class of 1970 Did You Forget Something?
Stone Valley Middle School Class of 1969-70 buried a time capsule on the campus, and now they are ready to dig it up and examine the contents. If you attended Stone Valley between 1967-70, you probably helped determine the contents of the time capsule. If you'd like to participate in “unveiling,” contact Julie Millias at jmillias@pacbell.net. Our projected “discovery date” is Friday, April 1st.
Page 10 - March 2011 ~ Danville Today News
Monte Vista High School By Janet Terranova, Principal
Second semester is well under way. Our freshmen are feeling comfortable on campus and our seniors are looking forward to taking the next step in their education. The senior class is diverse and their post graduation choices are varied. While the majority of our students choose to continue their education in college, several students opt for time to travel, join the military, or find out what life is like as a full time worker. Our sophomore, junior, and senior students will soon begin choosing classes for next year. As students and parents begin the process of choosing classes, I urge you to make your selections carefully. We want our students to challenge themselves and pursue a rigorous course of study; but, we also want them to carefully consider their workload. Advanced Placement (AP) and Honors classes are rigorous, which require a considerable amount of studying. Remember, AP courses are taught at a college level. They have the same requirements as any college or university course. Success in high school is a balancing act between academics, extracurricular activities, and normal teenage activities. Some students can handle three to five AP classes as well as outside activities, although most 15-18 year olds need more balance in their lives. Advanced Placement courses are an opportunity for students to delve deeply into an academic area of interest. Parents, please help your students choose courses that are challenging, spark their interest, and provide a good balance in their lives.
St. Isidore Science Fair
Walking into St. Isidore School on February 3rd, one is clearly in the midst of something pretty incredible. It is Science Fair time, and the school has been taken over by young scientists. At St. Isidore School the science fair is a big deal. Students select a project topic in the fall, and soon after they begin the process of turning it into a research paper and science project. Kerry Schafer, head science teacher, leads the program and describes the months long process. “Our goals for the students as they move through this process is to use the scientific method as a critical thinking skill in solving problems. It is a process that can be applied to solve any real world question. This is the first time many of the kids have had to put together a project this large that includes so many different facets. They not only have to think of a ‘cool’ idea for a project but need to research the science behind the project, come up with a hypothesis, and question why their experiment happened the way it did. They then perform the experiment and analyze the results.” Forty volunteer judges were brought in to read research papers, examine projects, and interview the 210 scientists. The judges backgrounds are as varied as the projects. Jim Felton, Associate Director at UC Davis Cancer Center says, “What stands out most is the overall quality of all the projects which also made it hard to judge which were the best.” Despite the difficulty in judging, awards were given. Matthew Mahler earned a first place title on his project Motor Speed Mania. “I like picking projects that are fun, and this one was no exception. I will miss doing the science fair because it’s cool to see all the energy and hard work pay off.”
Dates to Remember:
March 7, 8, 9: Incoming 9th grade Parent/Student Information Night in the Theater from 7-8:30pm - March 7th, Last Names A-G. March 8th, Last Names H-P. March 9th, Last Names Q-Z. For more information about Monte Vista and our activities, please visit our website at mvhigh.org.
Support Instrumental Music in Your Local Schools!
Tickets are available for the Monte Vista Instrumental Music Department’s Annual Spring Fling, Friday, March 11th at the Canyon View in San Ramon. This year’s event will include no-host cocktails to the music of the Monte Vista Jazz Combo, an elegant dinner, live auction with Star 101.3’s Don Bleu, and local live band The Convertibles for dancing and fun. Tickets are $75 each and are available at the Keynoters webstore on the Monte Vista High School website http://mvhigh.net or by calling (925) 855-0459.
8th grade winners with Mrs. Schmidt: Paul Wolfert, Chris Hunt, Mattew Mahler, Ally Greene, Jane Fountain, Klye Harmon, John Quinn, Chris Varon, and Lauren Schwartz.
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First time judge Jack Martin said, “It is very encouraging as a parent to see such diverse projects and to talk with the students. Our future is bright with these kids.” Another judge, Kathy Hester, noted, “This is my third year attending this event. Each year I am overwhelmed by the interest in science and the quality of the projects. I so enjoy meeting the ‘scientists’ and hearing their description and history of their presentation. One can easily see that these students have an understanding about the scientific process. One student commented that her ‘Grandpa watered her seeds when her family went away.’ Everyone in our community benefits from endeavors such at this.” Sixth grade winners: Grand Prize: Jordan Rivera, Sensational Swing, 1st: Ryan Rivera, Does Hand Sanitizer Need to Cost an Arm and a Leg?, 2nd: Erin Happel, Light vs. Dark and Alec Zapata, Electric Circuit Confrontation, 3rd: Kade Harmon, Ecstatic Electricity and Annie Schwartz, How Sweet Is This? Seventh grade winners: Grand Prize: Lauren Torres, Molecular Gastronomy: The Science of Cooking, 1st: Joe Alarab and Will Birke-White, Click Click Booon, 2nd: Anthony Rocha and Richard-Thomas Gliozzi, Unnatural Disaster, and Jack Worthley, Chew With Your Mouth Closed, 3rd: Katie Kuptz, and Lauren Devine, Sugar vs. Artificial Sweetner. Eighth grade winners: Grand Prize: Paul Wolfert, Camera Cannon, 1st: Matthew Mahler, Motor Speed Mania, 2nd: Kyle Harmon, Pull in Some Knowledge, 3rd: Lauren Schwartz, Sunblock Photo Op.
San Ramon Valley High School By Joseph A. Ianora
Hello San Ramon Valley High School Community! Spring is here! And with it comes a myriad of activities. First of all, I would like to congratulate all who participated in the winter activities including athletics and performing arts. They continually provide us with incredible performances and we thank them! As we roll into spring here are some updates for you. Because this list may not be complete, please check the web site ( www.srvhs.net ) for updates so you can make sure you don’t miss a thing.
100 Year Celebrations
We have two celebrations coming up. The first event occurs Friday, March 18th in our new gym from 3:30 – 5:30pm. This event celebrates an end to construction and San Ramon Valley High School’s 100 years. The second event occurs on March 19th. This is a “by ticket only” special event that is a Gala celebration that will not occur for another 100 years!
Construction has ended…for now! We will break ground very soon on our new restroom/snack shack facility on the stadium field area. This project may be completed by graduation.
Freshman/New Student Orientation - Registration
On March 1st and 3rd we will host our student orientation for freshman and new students. It is a two part evening – a discussion with the counselors for the first hour and then a discussion with students for the second hour.
Junior Prom – March 26th
Our ultimate goal is to offers a safe, respectable event that gives our students wonderful memories. The Prom often brings a tremendous amount of pressure for students to consume alcohol. We have worked very hard to educate our students that this is not acceptable behavior and will not be tolerated. On behalf of the entire
Danville Today News ~ March 2011 - Page 11 administrative team, I would appreciate it if you would spend time prior to the event discussing the importance of an Alcohol-free Junior Prom. Many students view this event as a time to “party” and leave all training and decorum at home. For many students it comes as quite a surprise that the same rules at school apply as well to both the Junior Prom and Senior Ball. We expect the same standards of behavior when students attend the Prom as we do during the regular school day. Please help us communicate to your student that drinking and smoking are not allowed. If we do find a student who is under the influence of any alcoholic intoxicant or controlled substance, the parents will be contacted and the student will be released to the parent.
CAHSEE Testing – 10th Graders/ Mock CAHSEE – 9th graders
Testing for all Sophomores and, new this year, all Freshmen will be held the on March 8th and 9th. This “high stakes” test is one of three major requirements (CAHSEE, passing Algebra I, and completing 240 units) for graduation from San Ramon Valley High School. Please check the Web Page for specific testing times. Testing will affect all students as the daily schedule will be different; please plan accordingly. The freshmen will take a diagnostic test so that we may more accurately help them be successful when they take the CAHSEE as a Sophomore. Once again, thank you for truly making San Ramon Valley High School a great place to be!
Scholarship Offered
The Danville-Alamo-Walnut Creek branch of the American Association of University Women (AAUW) is offering scholarships to local women. Last year 11 deserving recipients received over $1,000 each. 2011 scholarship applicants must be a college junior or higher as of September 2011 at an accredited college or university. Graduate and post graduate students can also apply. Applicants must have resided in the Walnut Creek city limits or the unincorporated area boundaries during high school or currently reside in the area, or, they must have graduated from the San Ramon Valley Unified School District or resided in the district while attending a private high school, and/ or currently reside within the San Ramon Unified School District. Applicants will be evaluated on the basis of scholarship, educational goals, and campus or community involvement. Completed scholarship applications must be postmarked by April 1, 2011. Applications are online at www.aauw-da.org.
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Page 12 - March 2011 ~ Danville Today News
Sustainable Danville Area – Tip of the Month By Carol Rossi, Sustainable Danville Area
Worldwide there is growing consumer demand for foods and products that are sustainably produced and marketed. Shoppers’ reasons may vary – from a desire to protect the environment, to improving their personal wellness and their family’s health, or just conserving their dollars in a tough economy - but more people are looking for product labels confirming green practices and production methods and questioning vendors about the source of their goods and their own business activities. According to a marketing research, 83% of consumer purchasing decisions are influenced by a desire to support sustainable efforts*- a percentage savvy business owners can’t afford to ignore in their competition for customer attention. Touting corporate, social and environmental responsibility has become quite the fad of late, meaning mere slogans and lip service will not be enough to differentiate companies in today’s market. Business owners are finding they must be more transparent about the goods and services they offer and how they market them to their customers. Consequently, more firms are letting customers “see behind the curtain” and encouraging them to ask questions, be aware of sustainable issues, and focusing on developing connections and open relationships as people rather than just faceless consumer and vendor.
Those of us interested in sustainable lifestyles can accelerate this business transformation by shopping local, asking questions, and frequenting merchants who promote and practice sustainable methods. Don’t be afraid to ask questions, like, “Where did this product come from?”, “How was it prepared?”, “What types of materials does it contain?”, “Where is it going when I’m done with it?”, and “What are you doing to promote sustainable practices?” Business owners will quickly realize these issues are important to you - their customer - and that they must be prepared with appropriate answers and tangible achievements if they want the relationship to continue. Granted, most of us are still exploring and learning how to balance the needs of our families with those of the environment. For example, we may need to consider the price of a product and its impact on our budget verses its impact on the environment. But consumers still appreciate connecting with like-minded business owners who are also considering how, where, and when they can make a contribution to our environment and our community well-being. Shoppers and business owners alike have various level of commitment to sustainability because they must sustain their own viability. But having information is the first step in deciding what is important to you and making reasoned, balanced decisions. Sustainable Danville Area, in association with the Danville Area Chamber of Business, Discover Danville Association, and Shop Danville First, has launched the Danville Area Sustainable Business Council and the 30-Day Challenge to educate and inspire local businesses to adopt sustainable practices. The program is a local way to recognize the ‘first steps’ businesses are taking toward environmental friendliness and help them adapt transparent business practices. We've developed a checklist of basic steps to get a business started and will offer training and incentives to make it easy for them to participate. Throughout March, every sustainable change made by a “pledged” business will be showcased at four highly visible websites (Discover Danville Association, Shop Danville First, Sustainable Danville Area, and the Danville Area Chamber of Commerce). To make it easy for shoppers to recognize businesses that are making their businesses more sustainable, we’ll award a window seal to those businesses that complete the initial set of “best practices” that demonstrate their commitment. The program is a stepping stone to certification as a Bay Area Green Business. The Bay Area Green Business Program distinguishes small businesses that shrink their carbon footprint by conserving energy and water resources, minimizing waste and preventing pollution. Business practices are verified by independent auditors and successful completion is recognized by the award of the Bay Area Green Business certification. The Town of Danville recently received their certification. You can find other Bay Area Green Businesses by using the directory on their website: http://www.greenbiz. ca.gov/ShopGreen.html. Is your business already sustainable? If so, get recognized for your efforts and share your successes with the community to earn free promotion and attract new customers. Or if you are a consumer interested in telling your favorite local place about the program, please visit www.sustainabledanville. com for more information. *NMI, 6/2010
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Today News ~ March 2011 - Page 13 15Danville Assorted Jewelry By You, For You Brushes
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Page 14 - March 2011 ~ Danville Today News
Sensible Steps to Limit Liability From Investment Property and Small Businesses By Robert J. Silverman, Esq.
Do you own any investment real estate in which title is held in your own name(s)? Do you own a small business that is a sole proprietorship? If the answer to either of these questions is yes, do you understand the scope of your liability if someone sues and obtains a judgment against you on a claim arising out of or related to your business or real estate investment activity? The first question you should ask yourself is what types of liability (for which you could be sued) are covered by applicable insurance coverage. You may be relieved because you are confident that you have a terrific homeowner’s and/or business general liability policy with broad coverage. Fortunately, having the right kind of policies, coverage and limits, will protect you against many, if not the vast majority, of potential kinds of liability. Of course, it’s prudent to: a) verify with your property and casualty insurance agent that you have the broad scope and limits you think (or hope) you have as a result of the premiums you pay; b) ask your agent about whether certain “endorsements” or “riders” are available to purchase, at a premium cost you deem worthwhile, that satisfactorily expand the scope of your coverage; and c) explore the feasibility and desirability of purchasing a personal and/ or business umbrella policy that expands the limits of any and all underlying policies (those specifically designated to be under the “umbrella”). Although your “first line of defense” is insurance, you will never be able to cover every kind of potential liability. Some coverage is simply commercially unavailable, severely restricted, or financially impractical. You need to read your policy(ies) carefully and talk to your insurance agent regarding details; but, here are a few examples of investment property-related liability for which coverage is customarily excluded or extremely limited: claims by tenants for personal injury from mold at the premises; certain kinds of water damage; landlord discrimination; embezzlement or malfeasance of a resident manager. Similarly, small
Nate continued from front page Profile on SF Giants, Nate Schierholtz By Alec Tappin
The San Francisco Giants finally end a 56-year drought, bringing along one of Danville's finest. In 1958, the Giants moved from New York to San Francisco and have come-up short for many generations. In 1962 my grandpa watched as the Giants lost in the World Series to the New York Yankees, in 1989 my father watched as they fell short again in the World Series against the Oakland A’s, and the torture continued as I witnessed the 2002 World Series loss to the Anaheim Angles. This pattern has been the life of San Francisco Giants' fans since their 1958 relocation. The superstitious talked about a curse, but Danville knew that all the team needed was one our very own, Nate Schierholtz. Schierholtz, was born in Reno, Nevada and moved to Danville for the start of kindergarten. By the age of two, Schierholtz was swinging a bat and has not stopped since. Working out with his father, Vai, and major league pitcher, Don Rowe, Schierholtz swung left handed but threw right handed. Batting left handed gave Schierholtz the advantage on the majority-right handed pitchers. “I don't know if I was a natural left handed batter or if that is how I was taught, but it is an advantage for hitters,” said Schierholtz. Beginning his career here in the Danville Little League, he played games at Osage park and made the all-star team every season. Schierholtz attended San Ramon Valley High School and graduated in 2002. While at SRVHS he was the most valuable player of each team he played for, captain of the varsity team, and recently a SRVHS Hall of Famer. One of his most memorable moments in high school was when he went 5 for 5 in one game, hitting a grand slam, and the completing for the cycle. By the end of his high school career, Schierholtz was offered a full-ride scholarship to play baseball at the University of Utah. With the intentions of increasing his chances to make it to the big leagues, he turned down the offer to instead play third-base at Chabot Junior College. At Chabot he was introduced to a coach that taught him much about nutrition and personal fitness. Schierholtz took the advice and lessons from Chabot to the next level and ended the season with a school record of 18 home-runs, .400 batting-
business owners frequently have gaps in insurance coverage. To protect against these inevitable insurance coverage voids, it’s smart to evaluate a “second line of defense” - forming a business entity, such as a Limited Liability Company (LLC) or Corporation. Properly formed and operated business entities offer enormous value by shielding the owner’s personal assets from potential creditors. Instead of being exposed to “unlimited liability” as to any real estate and business assets you own personally, you are entitled to “limited liability” as to any real estate or business assets titled in a business entity that is formed, capitalized and operated properly. An example illustrates the difference in exposure. Facts: John and Mary Doe hold title in their own names to a rental property with $200,000 in equity. They own other net assets (e.g. home, savings, stocks and bonds) totaling $2 Million. Their tenant sues the Does for a type of risk not covered by insurance and obtains a judgment against the Does for $1 Million. 1) No Business Entity: The tenant can seek to satisfy his judgment by seizing the Does’ investment property and/or $1 Million of other assets owned by the Does. 2) Business Entity: The entity limits the tenant to seizing only those assets owned by the business entity – the investment property with $200,000 in equity; and thus, the LLC enabled the Does to protect $800,000 (of their other assets) from the judgment creditor. Many factors should be considered, including the cost, time, and effort involved in forming and maintaining a business entity, before deciding whether or not to form one. Nevertheless, many people find it an easy decision to form a business entity for extra peace of mind, particularly given the litigious society we live in. Mr. Silverman is an attorney with Shapiro Buchman Provine Brothers Smith LLP, 1333 N. California Street, Suite 350, Walnut Creek, CA 94596; (925) 944-9700; rsilverman@sbllp.com. His practice emphasizes Estate Planning, Trust Administration & Probate, Real Estate, and Business. This article is intended to provide information of a general nature, and should not be relied upon as legal, tax, financial and/ or business advice. Readers should obtain and rely upon specific advice only from their own qualified professional advisors. This communication is not intended or written to be used, for the purpose of: i) avoiding penalties under the Internal Revenue Code; or ii) promoting, marketing, or recommending to another party any matters addressed herein. Advertorial
average, 72 hits, 60 runs-batted-in, and 45 runs scored. Following his year at Chabot, Schierholtz was drafted in the Spring of 2003 into the San Francisco Giants' minor league system. It started in Scottsdale, AZ rookie ball where he was moved from the infield to right-field where his powerful arm gave him a defensive advantage in the outfield. Then, he was moved up to Keizer, Oregon for a short season, Maryland in 2004 for the Low A division, San Jose in 2005 to the High A, Connecticut in 2006 for AA, Fresno in 2007 for AAA, and finally by June 11, 2007 he was called up to the Majors in San Francisco. “I remember I was on the bus coming back home to Fresno from a game in Las Vegas when the coach came and told me the news. I couldn't sleep or eat that night, and in the morning I was picked up and brought to AT&T park. I came in that game to replace Barry Bonds, and the first ball of the inning was hit right to me. After I caught the ball, my nerves
Lic# 1100014354; Bay Area Entertainment
Understanding Alternative Minimum Tax (AMT)...Good Luck!
Danville Today News ~ March 2011 - Page 15
By Bob Shalon, IRS Enrolled Agent
A very common scenario in towns like Danville and Alamo reads something like this: You have carefully planned your withholding taxes during the year based on the previous year's tax return, feeling confident Bob Shalon, EA Master Tax Advisor • Enrolled Agent that you are in good shape to either get a small refund or have a minimal balance due. When your return is completed, you have a much larger balance due than expected and are told it is because of that darn AMT. You are told that it is a tax on high income earners, but you never really know why it pertained to you. 925.820.9570 714 San Ramon Valley Blvd, Suite B, Danville Let me explain the guidelines of AMT. It is not simply high income that triggers the tax. Sycamore Square (next to Lucky’s) The Alternative Minimum Tax was passed by Congress in 1969. It is a separate tax that is calculated parallel bob.shalon@tax.hrblock.com to the general income tax return you prepare. When originally passed, it’s purpose was to prevent the extremely wealthy from paying little or no tax through large amounts of deductions that they alone could afford to take. This was fine through the 70’s and even 80’s. However inflation and other factors have basically changed an income that was once in the top 3% of income earners into the upper middle class and now not even upper but the middle class.
What Triggers AMT?
The following is a list of common situations that may trigger AMT: • High gross income relative to taxable income • Exercise of incentive stock options • Long term capital gains • Large amounts of itemized deductions (Schedule A) for taxes (property mostly) or miscellaneous expenses • Tax-exempt interest, and my personal favorite to get you fired up • Large number of dependents. To give you an idea of when the alternative minimum tax kicks in, everyone is familiar with the term exemptions. On your general tax return it is based on your filing status and the size of your family (number of dependents). Not so with AMT. Here are the exemption amounts for 2010 based on filing status: Married Filing Jointly - $72,450, Single or Head of Household - $47,450. Below these figures you are not subject to AMT. Do these look like incomes of the ultra wealthy? In addition, these exemptions phase out as your income gets higher. Now some good news. There are components of AMT that can become refundable in future years. You may have heard terms such as Exclusion Items and Deferral Items. I will not attempt to go into their meanings or how AMT credits are calculated, but it is important that your tax preparer understand and has an audit trail to trigger these credits when they apply. In April's issue I will discuss the pros and cons of rolling traditional IRA's into Roth IRA's. Bob Shalon works at the Danville office of H&R Block and can be reached at 925-820-9570. Advertorial Third- “Pull” your foot from the ground, and pause on the new support leg Running Better, Faster, and with “freezing” each stride in place with proper alignment in the “4”position. Next take Less Pain this drill outside, and gently “fall” forward from the support foot. Pulling your foot from the ground each time you feel gravity taking over, allow the free leg By Tim Hill, Owner CrossFit San Ramon Changes to our running stride can affect running to fall directly below the hip pausing on each foot to feel for body position and alignment. Gradually increase the “fall,” and you will begin moving forward. injuries and performance. Let’s touch on how to run corFourth -Starting with short runs of 50 yards or less, concentrate on an inrectly, with greater speed and efficiency, while reducing dividual element of the technique. Begin with body alignment. When you are impact and injury. feeling like you can maintain decent alignment, add a quick pull of the support To run faster we must maximize our mechanical efficienleg from the ground (think of hot coals underfoot). Focus on bringing the ankle cy, to run further we must maximize our running economy, up under the hips back to the “4” position. Then, work on falling. Try increasing and to run injury free we must minimize impact. ® The Pose Method of running, developed by Dr. Nicholas Romanov, answers the and decreasing your speed by changing the angle of your “fall.” Don’t push off question of what is proper technique, using properties of physics and physiology to of the feet fall over them. Your efficiency will develop with your skill. Learn to relax the muscles which achieve proper body mechanics. Working with gravity allows us to become more are not in use. Reduce the ground contact time. Do drills to improve your moveefficient runners while dramatically reducing impact. ® ment habits. Add jump rope or other jumping exercises to develop muscular In the Pose Method , force load in the knee is reduced up to 50% according to a clinical study by Dr. Timothy Noakes utilizing the same group of runners elasticity in the feet and legs. Build up a little at a time, getting your muscles used to a different movement before and after learning the POSE method. pattern. If you lose your body position, do a few drills to bring it back before Mechanical efficiency and running economy are both tied closely to the runner’s ability to use gravity rather than fight it. This is accomplished by falling forward continuing. The time spent now will pay off as your technique improves. You will with proper body position. To understand how gravity moves you forward, bal- run farther, faster, with less wasted effort and fewer injuries, and achieving more of your running potential. ance a ruler on end on your hand, then lean the ruler to one side, moving your Dr. Nicholas Romanov gives insight when he states, “I do not carry my hand to keep up. The degree of forward lean will determine the speed you will have to move your hand. As a runner your ability to maintain this forward lean weight, my weight carries me.” Tim Hill is a certified Level 3 POSE Method® coach, and owner of CrossFit will determine your running speed. Top male sprinters maintain a forward lean of nearly 20 degrees, while the best distance runners are falling forwards at around San Ramon. Tim will be holding a POSE Method® clinic on March 12th. For more information, call 925-457-4587, e-mail tim@crossfitsr.com or visit www. 12 to 13 degrees. Take note that bending forward at the waist actually moves the crossfitsr.com. Advertorial hips backward and reduces the effective forward fall. ® To properly utilize the Pose Method , a person needs to retrain their neuroSign-Up for Inline Hockey at Golden Skate muscular patterns or movement habits. This is accomplished through drills and The Golden Skate Hockey League is a recreational non-checking league concentration on technique while running. with an all volunteer staff dedicated to the enjoyment of the game and to the The central concept can be summed up in three words. Pose – fall – pull. development of youth hockey players. First- Go to a full length mirror and stand on the balls of the feet with knees bent Games are played on Tuesdays at The Golden Skate with one hour pracand check your alignment from the side. Find a position which creates a straight line tices Monday, Wednesday, or Thursday. from the ball of the foot through the hip, shoulder, and ear. Lift up one foot bringing the Sign-ups for the spring session takes place March 8th and 15th from 5PM-9PM. ankle along the line towards the hip until your legs make the shape of a “4.” This is the The league has a great coaching staff, and participants get plenty of playrunning “pose.” Switch feet by quickly pulling the support foot off the ground, and keep ing time. Bring a friend or two, and have more fun! Have a little brother or the free leg relaxed letting it drop lightly below the body. Check your alignment. sister? They get a discount when they join with you. Second- Hold this body position while leaning forward slightly with your hands For more information, contact Sherrie at 939-6723 or sherriehockey@gmail. on a wall or someone holding your shoulders. Check your head and hips; at this point com, or visit the hockey page www.thegoldenskate.com/hockey.html. a common mistake is bending forward at the waist. If you are bent at the waist, lower The Golden Skate is located at 2701 Hooper Drive in San Ramon, and your tailbone, and raise your chest to help reduce this tendency while running. the phone number is (925) 820-2525.
Page 16 - March 2011 ~ Danville Today News
Spring Pruning
By Blaine Brende & Joe Lamb
Once again, it’s that time of year when the landscape grows lush, beautiful – and out of control. At Brende & Lamb, we prune to balance the practical with the aesthetic. When our clients ask us to restore their views, bring more light into their gardens, and reduce fire hazards, we do our best to keep their screening intact and to protect their privacy. At the same time we work hard to enhance the natural beauty of their trees. Balancing your tree care needs are skills we’ve developed over decades of caring for trees.
Aesthetic Pruning
Each plant has a natural growth pattern. Aesthetic pruning accentuates the shape given the plant by nature. Good pruning creates a light and open feeling. A well pruned plant enhances the observer’s experience by accentuating the interplay of light and shadow, open spaces and denser spaces, and by revealing the sculptural elements of trunk and branch. The first step in aesthetic pruning is to see the flow of the tree. We begin by looking at the base of the trunk, then let our eyes follow the trunk upward into the branches and out to the branch tips. We notice how the flow of the branches determines the tree’s form. The form may be weeping, as with Willows and Chinese Elms. Perhaps, as with Monterey Cypress, the branches form at acute angles to the trunk, giving the tree an upswept look. Or the branches may bend and twist, forming complex arcs, as does the Coast Live Oak. Within these patterns, each tree has its own unique form and flow.
Pruning and Size Reduction
It is important to prune in a manner that does not harm the health of the tree. When thinning a pine, for example, it is important not to strip the major branches of their smaller branches, a practice called “lion-tailing” which leaves a branch denuded except for foliage at the end. Lion-tailing
Clip Notes
By Jody Morgan
Daffy as I am about daffodils, I’d expect the words to have a common root. Alas, not so! Daffy comes from the Middle English daff (fool) and hence dafte (foolish). Daffodils were originally called “asphodel” from a corruption of the Greek, which translated into French as “d’asphodele.” Nevertheless, the botanical name for these fabulous spring flowers accounts for my tendency to be overpowered by their exuberant blossoms. Daffodils belong to the genus Narcissus derived from the Greek word narkao (benumbed), also the root for narcotic. All parts of daffodils are toxic, keeping rodents from ravaging the bulbs and deer from devouring the leaves and flowers. The hollow stems contain a milky sap that has a deleterious effect on other flowers. If you insist on combining daffodils with other plant material in an arrangement, be sure you condition the daffodils first. Prepare a solution of cool water (warm only if you want to hasten the opening of the buds) with the correct amount of floral food added. Keep the water shallow to avoid turning the stems to mush. Cut half an inch or more from the bottom of the stems and allow them to stand in the solution for at least six hours. To avoid the chance that daffodil sap will contaminate your container, do not re-cut the stems, but do use floral foam rather than a vase of water for your design. I prefer to do a version of Japanese flower arranging using only daffodils in a shallow bowl with a pin holder, or kenzan, to give me the freedom to twist the foliage into fanciful shapes. According to mythology, the Greek lad Narcissus was so stupefied by his own reflection in a stream that he fell into the water and drowned. The gods memorialized his beauty by causing flowering narcissi to sprout along the banks. Water is necessary for these plants to thrive when they are growing, but excellent drainage is required when the bulbs are dormant, so the image of daffodils thriving along the steep sides of a watercourse is meaningful for modern growers. The only downside to adding daffodils to formal beds
increases the chance of branch failure by concentrating the weight at the branch tips. A healthier tree, and more subtly beautiful look, is achieved by thinning to highlight the spaces or “layers” in its natural patterns. Removing diseased wood, and removing or reducing crossing branches that interrupt the natural flow, lets in more light and air, encouraging interior growth and overall health. Careful pruning can increase desired screening over time by encouraging interior growth.
Aesthetic View Work
In view work, the beauty of the view and the beauty of the tree often seem to be in conflict. Some tree-workers will sacrifice the tree for the view by “topping” the tree. Topping is almost always a bad idea. “Topping” creates a dense re-growth in water-sprouts that is unsightly. But more than the tree’s beauty is at stake here. Topping wounds the tree and promotes disease, including heart rot, and can make the tree dangerous. The water-sprouts on a topped tree are not deeply anchored in the trunk and are subject to failure in high winds. Add in the fact that these sprouts may be anchored onto a rotting trunk, and you have a safety problem that gets worse over time. Responsible arborists do not top trees. Removing a tree, perhaps replacing it with a smaller variety that can be kept out of the view, is usually preferable to beheading it. Looking at tree and view as two elements that complement each other can often solve view problems. Sometimes, lightly bringing the tree back without cutting into major branches can prevent further encroachment on the view. To open even more of the view, we create windows by selectively removing branches not essential for the tree’s natural form. We can enlarge these windows by removing branchlets that rise or drop into the view. Thinning above and below the window creates a feeling of openness, rather than gaping hole. The image formed by Mt. Diablo, framed by the trembling leafs of a well-windowed tree, proves that nature and civilization can complement each other. If your trees and shrubs need a little TLC - call us at 510-486-TREE (8733) or email bl@brendelamb.com to schedule a free estimate. For more information visit our website at www.brendelamb.com. Advertorial is that in order to give the bulbs adequate nutrition to flower the following year, the leaves must be allowed to stand in place until they turn yellow. Don’t even think about tying the foliage up in cute bundles unless you plan to replace your bulbs on an annual basis. The trumpet flowered members of the clan with a single bloom per stem are commonly called daffodils, while the fragrant smaller flowered varieties with or without multiple blooms per stem are often called narcissi. Jonquils are actually a distinct species (Narcissus jonquilla), but the term is sometimes used colloquially for other yellow-flowered cousins. Although the Royal Horticulture Society has separated the genus Narcissus into 13 divisions, I’ve discovered that for naturalizing where the summers are hot and the winters are mild you can’t beat the tazettas of Division 8 that don’t need chilling before they are planted. Most tazettas have the added advantage of being able to survive in a perennial bed that is regularly watered during their dormancy. Brought from their native Mediterranean home as a trade item at least 1,000 years ago, a variety of tazettas lines the ancient silk route. The Chinese adopted this plant (nicknamed Sacred Lily) as part of their New Year’s celebration. In order to have blossoms available in late January in time for the lunar festival, they initiated the practice of forcing the fragrant flowers to bloom in shallow bowls of water lined with decorative stones. Paperwhites, another variety of Narcissus tazetta, have a different scent, but submit equally well to the procedure. In Italian tazetta means “little cups.” Tazettas, also known as bunch daffodils, produce from three to as many as 15 or even 30 diminutive floral cups per stem. There are single and double flowers, bi-colors, and single colors. All are knockouts if your sense of smell is operative. The Northern California Daffodil Society suggests the following Narcissus tazetta cultivars for our area: Avalanche, Grand Monarch, Erlicheer, Soleil d’Or, Autumn Colors and Golden Dawn. Hooked? The best way to learn all you need to know about daffodils is to attend the March 5-6 event at Alden Lane Nursery in Livermore jointly sponsored by Alden Lane Nursery (www.aldenlane.com) and the Northern California Daffodil Society (www.daffodil.org). On Saturday, March 5 at 2PM, there’s a free lecture on “What’s in our Daffodil Future?”
Life in the Danville Garden
Danville Today News ~ March 2011 - Page 17
More Than a Garden By John Montgomery, ASLA, Landscape Architect
Over the time of writing Life in the Danville Garden and following up with my clients after they have lived in their gardens, I have discovered some new distinctions about our Danville gardens. There are so many aspects to a garden, and I have attempted to cover the important ones over the years. I have talked about the various elements of design as well as practical advice such as how to save and conserve water and plant selection for deer territory. As a landscape architect with more than 35 years of experience in California, I have come to the conclusion there is so much more to a garden that meets the eye. In what could only be called an amazing upset, the 680 Drivers, an under 12 girls water polo team from the San Ramon Valley, took home the gold at the annual WinterFest Tournament in San Clemente against what most consider to be the best water polo teams in the nation. Pictured left to right, Taylor Hammill, Sophie Kuester, Sara Klass, Sydney Hammill, Erin McCreary, Maren Garcia, Lexi Liebowitz, Marissa Webb, Makenna Turner, Juliet Allen, and Coach Todd Halvorson.
Healthy Garden Workshop
When you think about it, it is more than a garden! It has the power to rejuvenate, inspire, and relax. When you take in consideration how we use our Danville gardens, what comes to mind are the endless hours of peaceful contemplation, lively gatherings, and toiled love. We use our gardens not just for something beautiful to look at, although that is part of it. When I design a client’s garden, I first have them answer a questionnaire that I have developed over many years. I ask many questions spanning the gambit from functionality and budget to their vision. I delve into specifics, but I also try to go deep into what makes them feel the way they want to feel when they are in their garden. What I am bringing to the design is more than a garden! In this busy world we all deserve our own little paradise where we can retreat to. We are blessed to live in such a beautiful area where we can consider the garden as an extension of our homes. Here in Danville we can live outside just about as much as we live inside. Consider the time spent in the swimming pool, playing sports with the kids, barbequing and eating outdoors, harvesting fruits and veggies, and reading a good book under a shade tree on a warm spring day. All these activities add so many dimensions to our lives outdoors making it more than a garden. When it is more than a garden we have the opportunity to use our gardens for other activities that contribute to our families, friends, and community. Think of the limitless activities and special events you can have such as weddings, anniversary celebrations, graduation parties, birthday parties, etc. Garden tours have become a viable way to raise needed donations for some very worthy organizations. A well designed garden can present endless opportunities to bring family and community together. Over the years my wonderful clients have so generously offered their gardens for various garden tours. Last year we organized our own “Life in the Alamo Garden” fundraiser. It was a surprising success! We had between 300-400 people and generated close $10K for wonderful organizations like Hospice of the East Bay and others. By popular demand, I have been requested to organize a 2nd annual tour of gardens exclusively designed by my firm that will benefit several great organizations. A hot tip from your local Landscape Architect: JMLA is delighted to announce our 2nd annual Garden Tour Fundraiser: “Life in the Lafayette Garden” a tour of five distinct Lafayette gardens. I invite you to come enjoy the afternoon with us: stroll the gardens, chat with me, and enjoy several surprises we have planned. Mark your calendar for Saturday, May 14 from 11AM - 4PM. For more info go to our website-
Save time, energy, and resources with gardening practices that protect our families, wildlife and water. Sponsored by the City of Walnut Creek, the free one day Healthy Garden Workshop will be presented by the Gardens at Heather Farm on Saturday, April 9th, from 9AM-2:30PM. The registration deadline is March 25th. To register, please call (925) 947-1678. There is a $20 refundable registration fee, due to limited seats. Topics presented to establish your own sustainable garden include: appropriate plant selections for your garden, building and maintaining healthy soil, creating a wildlife habitat that attracts birds, butterflies, and beneficial insects, and, managing pests and weeds the least toxic way. For more information: www.gardenshf.org.
garden tour page. It will be a pleasure to meet you all! Gardening Quote of the Month: “Gardeners are - let’s face it - control freaks. Who else would willingly spend his leisure hours wresting weeds out of the ground, blithely making life or death decisions about living beings, moving earth from here to there, changing the course of waterways? The more one thinks about it, the odder it seems; this compulsion to remake a little corner of the planet according to some plan or vision.” - Abby Adams, What is a Garden Anyway If you would like me to write on any particular subject, email your ideas to: jmontgomery@jm-la.com or for design ideas visit www.jm-la.com. Advertorial
Page 18 - March 2011 ~ Danville Today News
What Privacy?
By Evan Corstorphine
For the past fifteen years, something has been happening that’s never happened before. It started without your consent, you have to pay money to try to correct it, and even if you do pay, you probably aren’t going to be successful. What is it? It’s the loss of your privacy. As the world wide web has grown, more information has become available and searchable. Public agencies began automating the process of data collection, storage, and delivery of their public records. Information formerly contained in their card catalogs and microfiche readers was suddenly available online. Before the web, newspaper reporters used to go to the courthouse and dig through records to research background on a story. Maybe they were looking for a business record or who the owner of a property might be. The public records laws were written at a time long before the world wide web. Now you can go to just about every county seat and look up all the information you want electronically from your own home. What are the implications? I could write volumes about this, and others already have. Showing you is a lot faster. Try typing your name into the search boxes on the following websites - www.google.com, www.whitepages.com, www. peoplefinder.com, www.zabasearch.com, www.pipl.com, and www.123people. com, and see what you find. A couple of these will want money to delve deeper (I tend not to pay as sometimes it leads into a scam). A couple of them have a startling amount of free content, and collect information that goes way back into your past. For example, I found records of my past residences and even items I once sold on the internet back in 1988. I found out my age, that I’m a HAM radio operator, my sibling names, my home address, and what I look like from a few pictures of me (extracted from Facebook and others). This dovetails completely with my warning to never post embarrassing information on Facebook or Myspace (or anywhere), because it doesn’t go away. If I was willing to pay $35, I could find out a whole bunch more that they hold back.
I typed in the address I found for me into www.zillow.com, and found out how much my house is worth (maybe skip this site – too depressing!), and the home prices of all my neighbors. From there I looked at the “Street View” to see what my house looked like for someone driving by, and I saw my wife’s car and my truck parked in the driveway. All of this is now publicly available information. How do you feel about it? How does this change things for you? Does it matter to you that someone can find out your age, or knows how much your house is worth? Are there safety considerations here? What do you think? I think information freedom is a good thing, and it’s also very powerful. For instance, free information flow is the first thing tyrannical governments attempt to cut off when the unwashed masses get uppity. Information and knowledge equal power. Power can be used for good, and it can be used against us, too. There are services being created to deal with the personal privacy problem. Perhaps there is information about you that you’d rather not have floating around, accessible for others to read. A couple of firms popped up when I began research for this article. One is called “Reputation Defender” (reputation.com). Their website is too detailed to fully describe here. Suffice it to say they have a service that can help scrub your records off the internet, which will monitor the internet for any new things about you, and will try to get them removed if you request it. They charge anywhere from $4 to $11/month. The other service I found is called Remove Your Name (removeyourname.com). They have similar services and costs, and I urge you to review both of these websites to see if they have anything to offer your particular situation. It’s important to know the information that is available about us. Being an anonymous citizen is a thing of the past. There are tools you can use to mitigate the availability of your personal information to others. It’s a very broad subject, and a good place to read more can be found here: www.squidoo.com/personalInformation. For more information or to discuss your particular situation, call or email your trusted advisors at Portable CIO, Advertorial 925-552-7953 or helpdesk@theportablecio.com.
EBCT continued from front page East Bay Children’s Theatre By Fran Miller
How might a group of retired teachers and actors motivate legions of disadvantaged students to explore new ideas that ignite their interests and imaginations? How might this same group promote academic achievement in literacy through multi-dimensional learning? By putting on a play, of course. Since 1933, the volunteers of East Bay Children’s Theatre (EBCT) have been delivering the heritage of traditional folk tales via musical theater to economically disadvantaged elementary school children in Oakland and surrounding areas. EBCT is the oldest continuously performing theatre group in the San Francisco Bay Area. Through their non-profit productions, EBCT volunteers strive to highlight important moral lessons that promote positive values and strengthen self-esteem. Approximately 9,000 elementary school children (pre-K through grade 5) each year are inspired and entertained during EBCT school visits. “Our fractured fairy tale plays are filled with music, dancing, singing, and fun, fun, fun,” says Judy Rosenberg, president of EBCT’s board of directors. “We hit the road in mid-February and go until mid-April, performing every Tuesday and Thursday morning at schools where students rarely ever see a live performance. With so much of the arts being removed from our schools, this is one way we can help to put it back.” EBCT auditions begin in early October, and rehearsals start in January. The majority of participants are 65 plus, and many have been involved with EBCT for decades. This year’s play is Beauty and the Beasty, by EBCT’s own playwright Ron Lytle who has penned the group’s plays for the past eight years. Director Sue Ellen Nelsen has directed for the past 12 years. “EBCT has progressed since I started with them in the mid-60’s and is much more professional with a script writer, director, choreographer, set designer, and costumer,” says Marty Gulko, a Danville resident who has volunteered off and on with EBCT through the years. Gulko remembers when they all used to make their own sets and costumes. She marvels at the
That’s Our Snow White 2009 EBCT production longevity and dedication of many of the volunteers. “Some of the women I worked with in the sixties are still members and are still acting!” Gulko could volunteer her time to any number of organizations, but the fulfilling nature of EBCT keeps her in the fold. “The productions are hard work but such fun when you see the children react to all your effort,” says Gulko. “We reach out to children who would otherwise not experience live theatre, and it is rewarding to see the children responding to each performance. These kids are so used to television – seeing real people on a stage is often a first for them.” Vicky Yancey, an EBCT volunteer from Orinda remembers one particularly poignant performance a few years back. “We were performing at a school in West Oakland,” says Yancey. “The principal was so happy that we had come that day because there had been a shooting on the campus the day before, and we were able to take the focus off of that incident and help the children to forget that awful event. “I have chosen to be a member of EBCT because being able to perform for children in underprivileged schools is very gratifying,” continues Yancey, who is in her 38th year with the group and never tires of the creative thank you letters and drawings sent by the students after each show. “The children seem to be overjoyed at our performances. I took my own child to the EBCT community performances many years before I joined, and she enjoyed them very much, as did my grandchildren many (should I say many, many!) years later.”
Weight Loss for Kids
By Linda Michaelis, Your Personal Nutritionist
I was glad to let you know last month what it’s like to work with a personal nutritionist. Each person I encounter helps expand my 25 year experience and knowledge base, so I thought I’d provide an inside view of a real life case study. Joey, 12 years old, was referred by his pediatrician for being overweight and having high cholesterol. I assured his mom that losing weight by following my suggestions, accompanied by a consistent exercise regimen, will bring her son’s cholesterol into the normal range. After a little probing, I identified what Joey eats and what his favorite foods are. Breakfast for him consisted of a Pop-Tart, bagel with cream cheese, toast with butter, or empty cereals such as the popular Honey Nut Cheerios and Strawberry Special K. His parents thought these supposedly low sugar cereals were healthy. The big issue here is they have absolutely no protein or fiber. You can count on these breakfasts to create constant hunger and a poor attention span at school. For snack Joey ate a granola bar, fruit leather, yogurt or a piece of fruit with goldfish crackers or Wheat Thins. For lunch mom packed him a sandwich with a small amount of meat, leftover pasta, pizza, Hot Pockets, macaroni and cheese, or a peanut butter and jelly sandwich usually accompanied by some type of cracker or chips, a fruit, and a dessert. After school Joey usually munched on fruits, crackers, chips, or yogurt, and he never managed to feel full. The problem here is what I call “paste and glue,” where the typical meals and snacks are terribly low in protein and fiber, and what is consumed ends up on the hips and makes bellies bulge. The challenge is to have tasty meals and snacks with more protein and fiber. I first provided a brief education for the family on how to read food labels for protein, fiber, sugar, and percentage of fat. They were shocked to see the fat and sugar content of some of their favorite foods. For example, Joey’s parents were shocked to learn that 2% milk actually is 50% fat. His several glasses of milk a day, plus heavy cheese consumption, can explain his high cholesterol. After Joey tried some samples of cereals in my office, he seemed to like Frosted Mini Wheats, Oatmeal Squares, Fiber One, and Kashi Go Lean Crunch. For lunch I suggested packing leftovers from last night like chili, chicken stir-fry, the equivalent of a deli sandwich, or Joey’s favorite, a burrito with chicken, beans, and salsa. Joey loves having a treat for lunch such as a couple of Oreos which I explained is a better choice than a large bag of chips or crackers. I told the family all the fruit Joey eats after school on an empty stomach just makes him more hungry. I noted that when the fruits are accompanied with snacks of beef jerky, hard boiled eggs, and peanut butter on apples or celery, a delicious and nutritious snack is enjoyed. Since Joey loves soups, I encouraged substituting a cup of noodles when he came home with a bowl of protein rich minestrone soup, bean soup, or mom’s homemade chicken soup accompanied by veggies and ranch dressing. Even a scrambled egg with a whole wheat English muffin is much better
Danville Today News ~ March 2011 - Page 19 than all the crackers and fruit Joey had been grazing on. The objective of a solid lunch and afternoon snack is to avoid being too famished for dinner and overeating. Joey’s parents often attempted to stave off snacks to save room for the large, traditional, protein laden, dinner. As usual, this approach backfired where famished Joey ate as much as his dad. My approach is to use protein as a condiment ingredient for dinner. I suggested to mom to serve a small steak or dishes with a small amount of meat and more vegetables along with a salad lightly dressed with a vinaigrette. Joey is very fond of pasta. I now have mom serving him a cup of cooked pasta with a light meat sauce or his favorite vegetable of asparagus. A yummy low fat dessert is permissible a few times a week if starch portions are kept in control. I am thrilled to say that after working with the family for two months, Joey has lost weight, and his cholesterol is going down to a normal range. Linda is located in her office in Alamo. She welcomes your call to discuss your needs and personal diet challenges. Please visit www.LindaRD.com for more information, helpful tips, recipes and Linda’s blog or call at (925) 855-0150. Advertorial
Page 20 - March 2011 ~ Danville Today News
Local Cancer Center Recognized for High Quality Care By Sarah Buenviaje, Oncology Nurse Practitioner
Diablo Valley Oncology/Hematology Medical Group founded the
I am proud to announce that Diablo Valley Oncology and California Cancer and Research Institute. Located in Pleasant Hematology Medical Group has become one of the first on- Hill, it is the largest comprehensive, non-hospital based cancer cology practices in the nation to be recognized by the Quality and blood disorder treatment center in Contra Costa County. Oncology Practice Initiative (QOPI®) Certification Program, an The center brings together medical oncology, hematology, radiaaffiliate of the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO). tion, chemotherapy, diagnostic The QOPI® Certification Program is a new initiative to certify imaging, clinical trials and oncology practices that meet rigorous standards for high-quality supportive care services all in cancer care. Diablo Valley Oncology is one of five in Califor- one convenient location. nia and the only cancer center in the East Bay to achieve this For more information contact: certification. In fact, many of our procedures exceeded the QOPI requirements and may 925-677-5041 or visit www.DiabloValleyOncology.md. be incorporated in future ASCO guidelines. “Increasingly, educated patients and families demand accountability and the highest standards from cancer care providers,” said Douglas W. Blayney, MD, immediate past president of ASCO. The QOPI certification allows oncologists in the community to be at the forefront of cancer care and to be recognized for their quality. The Certification Program helps practices determine whether they are providing the best treatment and care possible to their patients, and it demonstrates a commitment to excellence and ongoing quality improvement in the hematology-oncology outpatient practice. “Our mission has always been to provide excellent oncology and blood disorder care to every patient - every day. To be recognized by these national organizations (ASCO and QOPI) is extremely gratifying.” said Matthew Sirott, MD, the managing partner of Diablo Valley Oncology. Advertorial
RotaCare continued from front page Danville Rotary Groups Sponsor RotaCare Clinic
RotaCare Pittsburg Free Medical Clinic at St. Vincent de Paul, 2210 Gladstone Drive, Pittsburg, opened on Wednesday, February 9th. RotaCare Pittsburg’s mission is to bring free medical care for relief of pain and suffering to those who have the most need and the least access to medical care. The clinic, developed by St. Vincent de Paul of Contra Costa County, is sponsored by the Rotary Clubs of Alamo and Pittsburg and co-sponsored by the Rotary Clubs of Antioch, Brentwood, Danville, Danville-Sycamore, Delta-Antioch, Dougherty Valley, San Ramon, and San Ramon Valley. As an Urgent Care/Primary Care Clinic, it will be providing quality, all-volunteer non-emergency medical care for adults with acute or chronic conditions who are uninsured or unable to pay for healthcare. Services will include the treatment of diabetes, asthma, hypertension, cough, cold, flu or sore throat, minor lacerations, wound care, allergies, sinusitis, ear infections, urinary tract infections, sprains or muscle strains, headache/backache, and rashes, poison oak, minor skin infections and burns, mild stomach aches, and prescription refills. Unemployment is 18%+ in East Contra Costa County, higher than the rest of the Bay Area. Approximately 25% of Americans do not have health insurance, and heart disease is the foremost cause of death in Contra Costa County. Additionally, there are approximately 400,000 individuals diagnosed with diabetes in Contra Costa County. Prevalence is highest among whites (37.8%) and Latinos (26.5%). There is a rapid increase in obesity with twothirds of Contra Costa adults either overweight or obese. A primary focus of the education/treatment will be in the areas of diabetes, asthma, hypertension, and obesity, as the low-income and uninsured populations are known to suffer disproportionately from these chronic conditions. Monthly Diabetes classes are being planned and will be offered in English and Spanish. Early intervention programs for pre-diabetes patients will also be implemented. Funding for the clinic to date has been made possible by the Keller Canyon
Patient Safety Week Recognized Safety Tips Offered for Seniors During and After Hospital Discharge By Joyce & Jim Newport, Owners, Right at Home of Mt. Diablo
March 6th to 12th will be recognized as Patient Safety Week, an annual education and awareness campaign led by the National Patient Safety Foundation (http://www.npsf.org/) to encourage and Photo by www.JamieWestdal.com strengthen collaboration between patients, families and healthcare providers. Patient Safety Week highlights the need for healthcare participants to be informed, involved, and invested in making healthcare safe. Our aging loved ones often require special attention and care to help them remain safe during and after a stay in a healthcare facility. When patients are discharged from the hospital, the effects of their condition are not necessarily gone when they return home. This often makes it difficult for a patient to safely adjust back to daily life. If your aging loved one has recently been hospitalized, the following tips can help him or her remain safe during and after the discharge process: • Be involved in decision making. Talking with your loved one and his doctors ensures that everyone has the same goals and information, which is an important step toward a safe and healthy recovery. • Discuss medications. Before your loved one is discharged, talk with the doctor about the medications he will be taking. Discuss the purpose, dosage, and side effects of each so both you and your loved one can be prepared if any complications arise. One of the main causes of a slower recovery is improper use of medications. • Schedule follow-up appointments. Find out what follow-up appointments and tests are needed. If your loved one needs assistance getting to these appointments, consider hiring an in-home care agency such as Right at Home to provide transportation since regular doctor visits are important to most patients’ recovery.
About Right at Home
Stephanie Ross - Certified Pet Dog Trainer
Jim and Joyce Newport opened Right at Home in Pleasant Hill in 2009. Right at Home works closely with discharge planners to develop a personalized plan for support services to allow patients to get back on their feet while safely recovering in their home. Services provided include communication with family and healthcare providers, regular visits, medication reminders, transportation to doctors appointments, meal preparation and housework. Right at Home directly employs all caregiving staff, each of whom are thoroughly screened, trained, bonded and insured prior to entering a client’s home. For more information on RightTransitions or other Right at Home services, call us today at (925) 256-HOME (4663). Advertorial
The Eye Opener
Contact Lenses
Danville Today News ~ March 2011 - Page 21
By Gregory Kraskowsky, O.D, Alamo Optometry
My patients are always asking me about “new technology” in contact lenses and if their prescription would work for contacts. Recent advancements in contact lens technology and manufacturing have made contact lens comfort and vision easier than ever. Depending on your prescription, eye health, motivation, and how often you want to wear contacts, there is likely a contact lens for you. Daily disposable contacts are gaining popularity among patients and doctors alike. For doctors, we like that patients are getting the healthiest option for contact lens wear, and therefore patient compliance is generally high. Patients enjoy the freedom of no solutions and cases, convenience, and the cost is very comparable with one-month disposable contacts because there is no solution and cases to purchase in addition to the contact lenses. These lenses are very thin, and therefore these are easy to adapt to. From an eye health perspective, these are the best lenses for you because there is no build-up on the lenses, which can lead to decreased wearing time and possible infections. The other advantage is you can wear these lenses as much or as little as you like. If you want to wear them just for sports, recreation, vacation, or just going out to dinner, these lenses are the choice for you. These lenses can be worn to correct your distance vision in addition to monovision, which allows for distance vision in one eye and near vision in the other. However, even if you want to wear them every day, dailies are still the most convenient and healthy lenses on the market. The newest contact lens material to be developed recently is silicone hydrogel. This base material is now being utilized by all of the major contact lens companies; each company has their own version which accounts for some of the differences in stiffness, oxygen flow through the lenses, and patient comfort. Most of these lenses are now FDA approved for extended wear, the time does vary for each material. Obviously, there are some potential ocular health issues that come along with sleeping in your lenses, so it is not for everybody; that can be determined at your exam and at follow-up visits. This new material makes the lenses firmer and allows for an average of a 4 to 6 fold increase in oxygen flow to the eye versus older lenses. All types of lenses, including multifocals and monovision are now available in this material. Most people enjoy the freedom these lenses give you and the increased end of day comfort. If your eye receives more oxygen, it will be less fatigued and red at the end of the day. Toric contact lenses are now better than ever. If you have astigmatism, that means the front part of your eye (the cornea) is more oblong-shaped, similar to an egg. Because the eye is not equally curved, a toric lens is needed to help you see well. These lenses are still soft and you care for them the same as any other lens. Toric contacts are now available in daily disposable and in the silicone hydrogel material and can be worn for distance only or monovision. Finally, it is important to remember that contact lenses are medical devices and can cause eye health consequences if not worn and cared for properly. That is why annual exams are mandatory to ensure good vision and eye health; contact lens prescriptions expire 12 months from the date of your exam. We will patiently work with you to determine which prescription and type of lenses would be best for you. Our goal is that your vision and comfort with your lenses is the best that it can be. Dr. K. at Alamo Optometry is your hometown eye doctor for outstanding service, vision care, and designer eyewear. He can be reached at 820-6622 or visit his office at 3201 Danville Blvd., Suite 165 in Alamo. Visit our website at: www.alamooptometry.com and become a fan on our Alamo Optometry Facebook page. Advertorial is to remove specific pockets of fat and achieve skin retraction. The fat can be Weight Loss, Now What? separated with ultrasound waves and then suctioned out of the body (high definiBy Barbara Persons, MD tion Vaser), suctioned out (“Suction-assisted Lipectomy”), treated with a laser You work out, eat a healthier diet, have finally lost (“Smart Lipo”) or treated with laser and then suctioned out (“Slim Lipo”). weight and are feeling much better. Weight loss and Excess Skin exercise, however, does not guarantee anyone his or her After significant weight loss, excessive skin folds are able to be removed desired shape and contour. When we lose weight, whether by surgery. A plastic surgeon can perform a face lift, neck lift, breast lift, arm by dieting or by gastric bypass surgery, we are often times lift, panniculectomy, tummy tuck, belt lipectomy, butt lift or a thigh lift as left with excess folds of skin and pockets of fat that are needed to remove excess skin and fat. These procedures remove the excess impossible to lose with exercise or diet alone. Ironically, skin and tighten the underlying muscles in the case of a face lift and tummy after weight loss some areas of our face and body become tuck. Some of these procedures may be covered by insurance. gaunt and have too much laxity and can benefit from fat injections as well as a lift. Fat Injection In order to get the desired look after weight loss, the answer is sometimes After all that hard work of losing weight, we are often left with hollow areas: found in plastic surgery. Non-surgical solutions include novel and sometimes cheeks, temples, buttocks, and breasts. Fillers such as Juvederm, Restylane, unproven skin tightening technologies, while surgical solutions include reRadiesse, Perlane, Sculptra, and Artefill may be used to fill the hollows of your moving excess skin and fat from the face, arms, chest, abdomen, and thighs. face. The gold standard, as I The following outlines some of these procedures: have discussed in previous arti-
Non-invasive Skin Tightening and Fat “Melting”
Vaser Shape, Thermagem and Titan are a few of the non-invasive skin tightening technologies available today. These technologies utilize ultrasound energy, radio frequency energy, and light energy, respectively, to effect the tightening of the skin or tissue. These treatments each target heat to the deep dermis below the skin’s surface to rejuvenate collagen and improve tone, texture, and fine wrinkles. The collagen remodeling continues to improve results for up to six months. Results can often be improved with a series of treatments and can be targeted to other parts of the body. There is a lot of press regarding the non-invasive fat melting (Zerona), fat freezing (Zeltiq Cryolipolysis), and injections designed to melt fat and have it absorbed by the body (Mesotherapy or Lipodissolve). New technology is often exciting and promising. In my opinion, these treatments are relatively safe and not painful. Although intriguing, the proven benefit of these treatments do not yet compare to surgical therapies. We are planning studies with some of these modalities and will inform you of the results.
Lipectomy or Liposuction
The surgical removal of excess fat pockets from the neck, arms, breasts, abdomen, flanks and thighs is done via lipectomy or liposuction. The objective
cles, is fat grafting. Fat grafting or fat injections involve taking an amount of fat from one area of your body and injecting it into the areas desired to be filled out. I find that fat grafting offers a more permanent result for my patients. Weight loss and a healthy lifestyle will help you feel much better overall. The Body Mass Index Chart offers a guideline for healthy height to weight ratios for adults. I am happy to consult with you, no matter where you are on your weight loss journey and can offer help and support regarding achieving your desired result. Barbara Persons MD may be reached at Persons Plastic Surgery, Inc. located at 925 Village Center, Suite 6 in Lafayette. Please call 925-283-8811 or email at drbarb@personsplasticsurgery.com. Dr Persons welcomes your emails with questions or suggestions for future articles. Advertorial
Page 22 - March 2011 ~ Danville Today News
What Are You Weighting For? By Jeffrey Johnson, D.C.
Over the past two years more than three thousand people have found their way to an improved way of living that embraces clean, conscious eating through the 28 Days to Health™ program and products. Our four week healthy eating and lifestyle modification program was created to educate and empower people to proactively improve their health and how they feel. 28 Days to Health™ program is not a fad or diet. It is completely safe and doesn't include calorie counting or deprivation. Thousands of people have regained their health through our simple, logical and easy to follow system. It takes 21 days to make a habit, give us 28 Days to Transform Your Life!
How 28 Days to Health™ Works
Our bodies are exposed to toxins every day from the air we breathe, the foods we eat, and the medications we consume to our own body's metabolism. Many of the chemicals detected are known to disrupt hormones, cause cancer, and contribute to many health problems including fatigue, autoimmune disorders, fibromyalgia and weight gain. Our body's detoxification system neutralizes metabolic products and toxic compounds into safe by-products for eliminations through our sweat, urine, and stools. The 28 Days to Health™ program is designed to be a safe and effective method for minimizing the intake of inflammatory foods, while maximizing the body's clearing of unhealthy toxins from the fat storage sites of the body for elimination from the body. To sustain renewed health and vitality after the 28 Days to Health™ program, we focus on educating and empowering you to continue to make good choices. At the conclusion of our course you will know how to: • Minimize your intake of inflammatory foods • Maximize your body's natural detoxification pathways • Maintain appropriate hydration levels • Prepare balanced, nutrient dense meals • Avoid the “common criminals” in your diet that deplete your health and vitality • Improve your body’s PH
28 Days to Health™ Benefits
Our four week program provides you a proven, safe, systematic way to improve your health. The average man loses between 12-15 pounds, while the average woman loses 6 to 10 pounds. More importantly, participants are keeping the weight off and in many cases continue to lose significant amounts of weight for months to come. One of our clients has lost 180 pounds over the past two years! Other benefits include weight loss, clearer skin, pain relief, improved digestion, increased lean muscle mass, improved blood sugar levels, enhanced performance, increased productivity, improved mental clarity, increased energy, reduced high blood pressure, and reduced cholesterol.
How Clean is Your Lifestyle?
Ask yourself the following questions, and answer them honestly. I am certain that all of you reading this article could benefit from the28 Days to
Health program in some way. • Are you getting enough “clean” protein, healthy fat, high fiber carbs, low Gl fruits, and non-starchy vegetables in your diet? • Do you fall asleep easily, stay asleep all night, and wake up refreshed? • Do you naturally have enough energy to get through your day? • Are your eyes and skin clear and hydrated? • Do you have difficulty losing weight, or does your weight fluctuate constantly? • Do you suffer from muscle and joint pain or headaches? • Do you have cravings for sugar, caffeine, or alcohol? So, the real question is “What are you weighting for?” For more info go to www.movepastyourpain.com, visit us on Facebook, or contact Dr. Johnson at Johnson Chiropractic Group, 115 Town & Country Dr., Suite E in Danville. 925.743.8210. Advertorial ™
ADAS continued from page 2
David is a native Californian, which is reflected in the sun-dappled streets and waterfront imagery that dominate his work. Although largely self-taught as a watercolor painter, he credits his 30 years as a practicing architect with having given him the drawing skills and strong sense of perspective that have elevated his artwork to a professional level. David will do a demonstration of sketching and complete a watercolor painting at the meeting.
Call For Artists 34th Annual ADAS Spring Art Show
The 34th Annual ADAS Spring Show will be a weekend event in the main rotunda at Blackhawk Plaza. All artists in all mediums (2D & 3D) are welcome and invited to participate. The exhibit will open Saturday, April 30 at 10am and continue through Sunday, May 1st. The Artists Reception, open to the public, will be held at the ADAS Blackhawk Gallery on Saturday evening April 30 from 5 to 7pm. Artwork will be professionally judged and cash prizes will be awarded. The prize-winning artwork will be exhibited at the Blackhawk Gallery after the Spring Show and be on display for four weeks following. The Prospectus is posted at www.adas4art.org/forms/2011SpringShowProspectus.pdf. The Alamo Danville Artists’ Society, founded in 1977, is a non-profit organization providing monetary contribution in support of art programs in the San Ramon Valley School District. Membership includes artists and patrons who appreciate the visual arts. ADAS hosts distinguished and nationally known guest artists at the monthly meetings.
Come Taste Our Award Winning Wines!
Tasting room open weekdays by appointment, weekends 11am - 6pm For private parties please call 510-861-2722 5700 Greenville Rd, Livermore • www.redfeatherwinery.com
ELECTRICAL WORK EVERYTHING ELECTRICAL! Need new light fixtures, ceiling fans, recessed lighting, or track lighting installed? Need a dimmer switch or GFCI installed? Do you want to change the color of your outlets in your kitchen or install 220V power for the new hot tub or stove? I also troubleshoot electrical problems. FREE ESTIMATES. Licensed and bonded. 30 years experience. CALL 925-389-6964.
Danville Today News Classifieds
Reach over 14,500 homes and businesses in Danville 94526 - Help Wanted, For Sale, Services, Lessons, Pets, Rentals, Wanted, Freebies... $35 for up to 45 words. $5 for each additional 15 words. Run the same classified ad in our sisters paper “Lafayette Today” and/or “Alamo Today” and pay half off for your second and/or third ads! Send or email submissions to: 3000F Danville Blvd #117, Alamo 94507 or editor@yourmonthlypaper.com. Payment by check made out to “The Editors” must be received before ad will print. Your cancelled check is your receipt. We reserve the right to reject any ad. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Name_________________________________________ Address__________________________________________ # of Words_______________ Phone________________________________________ Email ____________________________________________________________________
Are You Influential in Your Teenager’s Life? By Estee Goren, M.A.
Many times we get so focused on setting rules, negotiating limits, and looking out for the well-being of our teens that we forget the most important thing - our connection with our children. Allowing them to openly and safely share their thoughts and feelings and really getting to know what is going on in their life is essential to a healthy relationship. Unfortunately, we often fail to establish this open environment. Yes, we want to raise our children to become successful, happy, and healthy young adults, and in order to do so, we encourage them to do homework, study, say no to drugs, alcohol, and sex, do well on the SAT’s, and eventually attend a desirable college. The question is, do we really have such control on our children’s behavior? And more importantly, what may we lose by being too strict and demanding? Many teens may feel overly controlled and pressured and might exclude their parents from their life. They won’t share with them their hopes, worries, and challenges. Some teens may live a double life: the masquerade which they fabricate for the sake of placating their parents, and the true life, in which they do as they wish. It is this life that the parents never see, and is therefore the one that is dangerous. What is most worrying is that if and when teens get into trouble, they won’t turn to their parents to ask for help. Having already hidden their real lives for so long, teens will do anything they can to continue to alienate their parents. They know that their parents would disapprove of their activities, and therefore they refuse to discuss even their most pressing problems. This is the one thing that we as parents want to avoid at all costs. Yes, we know that no matter what, we love our child unconditionally and will do anything to help him, but if we fail to maintain a meaningful connection and a trusting relationship, our child may not understand this and would not turn to us for help. As parents, we need to be aware of the different challenges our children go through, and let them know that we are there for them. When our children grow from kids to teens, we are forced to make a transition, and switch our role from an authoritative parent to a supporting mentor. We have to keep in mind that the way to stay connected and influential in our teens’ life is not by forcing them to comply with our wishes, but by helping them develop their independence and self-awareness, and by helping them discover what they really want for themselves. How can we stay connected? By making ourselves available when our teenager is willing and able to allow us into his world, by staying quiet, and by paying attention. We have to keep in mind that this is not the time to lecture or give advice, but rather to listen and reflect. This is when our adolescent feels heard, acknowledged, and understood. When our teen feels safe, and supported, he/she becomes open to seek and listen to our opinions and perspectives, and consider other options to manage his life. Allowing our teen to have a sense of control and responsibility will help them make thoughtful choices. Estee Goren, M.A., is a registered Marriage and Family Therapist Intern IMF 61543 (supervised by Julie A. Albert, MFT, MFC 28884) working with teens, adults and couples. She specializes in relationship, life transitions, illnesses, grief, and personal development. Her goal is to help others gain a new perspective, overcome personal challenges, and improve their overall wellbeing. For more information please visit her website at www.EsteeCounseling. com. Danville / Alamo / San Ramon. Please call (925) 399-1177. Advertorial
Shick continued from front page
sion to remain in Danville, an active part of the congregation with the title of Pastor Emeritus, occasionally preaching, enjoying friendships of many years duration, and leading tours to world-wide destinations, notably Israel and the Passion Play at Oberammergau. Esther, his wife of 66 years until her death in 2008, was always by his side, and their hospitality was legendary. Orville now lives at Diablo Lodge, a beloved friend still concerned about the spiritual welfare of his neighbors. Orville was born in Allentown, PA, and attended Wheaton College where he met Esther. He served in the US Army at the end of World War II under Gen. George Patton. He attended Dallas Seminary, was ordained in 1944, and served pastorates in California and Virginia before coming to Danville. During Orville’s tenure as pastor, the church hosted Bible Study Fellowship which resulted in a generation of leaders with a solid Biblical foundation. Small Groups were introduced in the 1980’s and have been a presence ever since. Sunday school and adult classes were always a part of the scene, as were large and thriving youth groups with a succession of youth pastors and interns, as well as
Danville Today News ~ March 2011 - Page 23
What is CranioSacral Therapy? By Marchelle Milligan
Do you suffer from headaches, TMJ pain, or low back pain? Do you have unresolved issues from an injury (recent or years ago)? Are you stressed out or find it hard to sleep well? Have you ever considered a CranioSacral Treatment? What is CranioSacral Therapy (CST), you ask? Is it a new kind of massage? No, it actually is not a massage at all. CST is a gentle, hands-on therapy which helps to free restrictions in the central nervous system so that every other system can relax and self-correct. What does this mean for you? It can mean having freedom from pain, tension, and stress. Or, increased energy and vitality. It could mean the opportunity to return to activities you once enjoyed. Each session is like peeling each layer of an onion to get to the core. It resolves the cause of the issue, so symptoms can disappear for good. Restrictions in the body can develop for many reasons. They may occur through a physical accident, emotional trauma, an illness, or may even go as far back as a birth trauma. With a CranioSacral treatment your body begins to release those restrictions and is able to function more fully on all levels. A session begins with your lying on a treatment table, fully clothed. I place my hands on different parts of your body, and I begin to “listen” with my hands. What am I listening for? I am listening for the very deep and slow movement of the cerebrospinal fluid, which has a rhythmic flow throughout the craniosacral system. Like any fluid movement – a stream, a river – it can have a healthy flow or areas of stagnancy. In the rest of the session I work gently with these restrictions to help free them up. People often feel as if things are reorganizing inside of them. They feel as if a weight has been lifted from their shoulders. People also talk of feeling as if they have “had their batteries charged.” Stress and trauma, whether physical or emotional, can greatly affect the functioning of your body. Sometimes if a shock is severe or involves an emotional situation, the tissues stay contracted. Over time, stored stresses, tension and trauma may give rise to restricted body functioning as the experiences pile up. CST strengthens your system as a whole, not just part of it. Like the workings of a fine watch, each part of a system is articulated with the others. When one part is stuck, or out of balance, it affects the motion of the whole. The therapy can range from being very relaxing, where your mind gets out of the way and allows your system to reorganize, or it can be very profound with an “a-ha” moment. Everyone can potentially benefit from CST. It can be effective in orthopedic problems, stress management, headaches, migraines, neck and back pain, brain and spinal cord injuries, TMJ dysfunctions, depression, post traumatic stress disorders, emotional difficulties, chronic pain syndromes, sleep disorders, and vertigo. CST can also support minor surgeries, including dental work, which can create strains in your system. For more information log onto www.therhythmwithin.org. To schedule an appointment please contact Marchelle Milligan at (925) 286-6237. Located in Alamo. New clients receive $15 off a one hour session (a $90 value). Advertorial increased pastoral staff in the areas of worship, adult equipping, and missions. Upon arriving in 1961, Orville worked to get licensing for and help set up the Community Presbyterian Preschool. Orville oversaw the construction of what was known as Fellowship Hall, the location of the first innovative worship services in the early 70’s. Today’s newly renovated chapel held the traditional services before the present day sanctuary was built in 1979. After the sanctuary complex was completed, there was space to bring into being his dream of a Christian school, the San Ramon Valley Christian Academy now in its 32nd year. During that same period the counseling ministry began. The church’s scout troops were encouraged by Orville and given space to meet in the scout shacks, a fixture of the upper parking lot until the education wing was built. He also had the foresight to encourage acquiring properties adjacent to the church as they became available which made possible the new parking lot in the latest construction phase. It was Orville’s dream to build an expanded education facility including a gym, which became a reality after he retired. Orville has been a beloved pastor, friend, counselor, encourager and affirmer to hundreds over the years and continues to be an enthusiastic and prayerful supporter of the direction and vitality of the ongoing ministry taking place.
Page 24 - March 2011 ~ Danville Today News
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Area Condo Sales Predict Market Direction…Still Headed Down!
History shows that coming out of a real estate downturn, the lowest price homes in a market area respond more quickly to an improving economy and therefore are capable of predicting a real estate turnaround. High end homes tend to follow the low end homes and it makes sense. First time home buyers feel confident and buy. That prompts the middle market to sell and move up…and on and on until you have a fully functioning and healthy market at all price levels with home price appreciation roughly keeping pace with inflation. Every area homeowner should pray Condo Townhome Market Danville Area Sold Price for this state of equilibrium to return. $700,000 For the purpose of this review we take a look at the $600,000 combined Alamo, Blackhawk, Diablo and Danville, $500,000 condo and townhome market, in what is essentially $400,000 the Danville area. Interestingly enough, the condo $300,000 market peaked out in 2006 and has declined both in $200,000 price and dollars per square foot since that time. That $100,000 is exactly one year earlier than the high end market $Peak 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 hit its peak in 2007. If we had only known this little 2006 ytd tidbit of real estate lore, we could have watched the condo market turn down and sold our expensive real estate at the peak. A few folks actually Condo Townhome Market Danville Area Dollars/Sq. Ft did do just that, but not very many. Throughout last year, the state and federal gov$450 $427 $398 ernments handed approximately $18,000 of your $400 $333 $350 tax dollars to first time home buyers in the form of $321 $292 $300 a tax credit to turn the market around by stimulat$260 $250 ing buying at the low end. They believed in the $200 first time buyer theory enough to put our money $150 $100 where the Treasury Secretary’s mouth was. They $50 also suppressed interest rates, and encouraged the $Peak 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 monetization of the tax credit for use as a down 2006 ytd
Oakbridge Model Home
payment and spent massive amounts of TARP money in an effort to create jobs. They insured the resulting loans with the government’s ability to raise our taxes. In all seriousness, I think this massive support including mortgage modifications had a market boosting effect (not an endorsement of the policy... no calls please!) in preventing home prices from plunging even further than they did during that time and perhaps their actions thwarted a huge overshoot correction to the downside while people gathered their wits and a little optimism was restored. Then again, a bunch of people in Pennsylvania dug a poor old ground hog out of his den in early February and said winter is over. As I write, I shiver looking at the snow on Mt. Diablo. Condo* salesAlamo, Alamo,Black Blackhawk, Danville, Diablo 1 - Dec 31) Condo* Sales Hawk, Danville, Diablo (Jan (Jan1-Dec31) Units Sold Days on Mkt. 148 25 129 49 87 64 129 62 152 48 13 49 % Chg. from '06-'10 2% 96% *Condominiums and Townhomes Peak 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 ytd
List Price 634,754 603,351 535,640 454,639 446,552 405,918 -34%
$ $ $ $ $ $
Sold Price 626,656 591,752 519,692 447,674 433,755 391,737 -37%
$ Sq. Foot $ 427 $ 398 $ 333 $ 321 $ 292 $ 260 -32%
I am concerned and perhaps you should be too, that last year’s actions merely brought 2011 buyers into 2010, effectively robbing Peter to pay Paul. We are a little bit too early into 2011 to make this call in absolute terms, but the early numbers on the first 13 condos sales of 2011 are not heralding an uptick in prices, just the opposite, and the logical extension, if you believe the first time home buyer theory, is that improvement in the market as a whole isn’t imminent. If you are thinking about selling your home in 2011 and you would like to talk it over please give us a call. 925-989-6086 or send me an email joecombs@ thecombsteam.com. We would love to help.
Danville Station 4 Bedroom
$ $ $ $ $ $
Danville 3 Bedroom
Model home in Danville’s fabulous new Oakbridge development. Nancy and I represented the buyer. We have other buyers!
This fabulous home on a large corner lot features hardwood flooring and soaring ceilings. Master with sitting room, walk-in closet $699,000.
Nicely updated 3 bedroom ranch home. Nancy and I represented the buyer. We have more buyers! $725,000
Danville Executive Home
Lafayette Pointe Condo with Views!
Alamo French Country Home
Magnificent 4 bedroom, 3 bath home on 1/2 acre lot with a pool and mature landscaping. Call for details.
3 bed, 2.5 bath completely updated condo with amazing views! Over the top! $579,000
Data presented in this column is based in whole or in part on data supplied by the Contra Costa and Alameda MLS service and other quoted sources. Joe and Nancy Combs, J. Rockcliff and the MLS service do not guarantee the accuracy of this information. DRE #0144125.
6 bedroom, 4.5 bath, on .6 acre. Two master bedrooms and apartment. Serene wooded setting. $1,699,000 J. Rockcliff Realtors 15 Railroad Ave., Danville CA. 94526