Lafayette Today, August 2011

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August 2011

Beck Jurasius, 10, of Lafayette Moraga Youth Association, set a new Lafayette City Meet record for 9-10 year old boys butterfly on July 17th. Photo by Gint Federas

Junior Achievement By Fran Miller

Preparing today’s youth for a competitive work environment is a lofty goal – one capably fulfilled by the corporate and community volunteers of Junior Achievement. As the world’s largest organization dedicated to educating students in grades K-12 about entrepreneurship, work readiness, and financial literacy through experiential, hands-on programs, Junior Achievement brings the real world into the classroom setting. “At Junior Achievement, we give young people the knowledge and skills they need in order to own their economic success, plan for their future, and make smart academic and economic choices,” says Crystal Lynch, Senior Vice President of Marketing and Development for Junior Achievement of Northern California in Walnut Creek. “Junior Achievement (JA) programs help students make a connection between what they learn in school and how it can be applied in the real world, increasing their understanding of the

See JA continued on page 16

Serving the Lafayette Community Dancers, Music Lovers, and Fans Invited to Lamorinda Seniors Event

Couples and singles, experienced dancers and beginners, social fans and music lovers are invited to join the fun at the only afternoon dance social in the Lamorinda area. The longtime seniors event is held Wednesdays 12:30 to 2:50pm at Lafayette Community Center. “We’re in the large, Live Oak Room, with plenty of space for people to participate in their favorite ways,” dance social board members report. “At the same time, you might see dancers doing their favorite styles and steps, those who like to watch and clap for the dancers, others who enjoy the music and table chat, and still others who take advantage of free corners to practice steps, or just enjoy moving to Peter and Heidi Kuhn of Lafayette. the music. All fit in nicely.” The dance social specializes in ballroom, including swing, fox trot, waltz, and tango, but other styles and choices also succeed, the board emphasizes. “One dancer does solo ballet-jazz, another practices ballroom by herself. We encourage solo dancing as an enjoyable way to get out on the dance floor anytime you want.” A popular feature is ballroom lessons and DJ services by a professional couple, Karen and Michael, who come the first Wednesday of each month. Other weeks, Elroy Holtmann, president of the dance social group, and longtime Lafayette resident, presents selected, recorded ballroom music, compiled by DJ Dan Foley. Some people come quite a distance because they like the friendly atmosphere. The dance social is $2 for members of Lafayette Senior Center and $4 for non-members. It’s just $10 yearly to join the Center and enjoy it’s complete range of activities. For more information, visit

Local Teens at World Jamboree in Sweden

A contingent of Boy Scouts representing the Mt. Diablo Silverado and Marin Councils traveled to attend 22nd World Scout Jamboree in Rinkaby, Sweden. The World Jamboree is held every four years and gives Scouts from around the world a chance to join together in carrying on the traditions of the founder of the Boy Scout movement more than 100 years ago. This year’s theme was “Simply Scouting.” Scouts lived in tents and cooked on open fires. One hundred and fifty separate countries sent Scouts to the Jamboree which had over 38,000 participants. To join a local Cub Scout, Boy PRSRT STD Scout, or co-ed Venture Scout group, U.S. Postage visit PAID Choose the appropriate age group, Permit 21 Lafayette CA and enter in your zip code to see a listing of groups in Lafayette.

Volume V - Number 8 PO Box 1335 Lafayette, CA 94549 Telephone (925) 405-NEWS, 405-6397 Fax (925) 406-0547 Alisa Corstorphine ~ Publisher

The opinions expressed herein belong to the writers, and do not necessarily reflect that of Lafayette Today. Lafayette Today is not responsible for the content of any of the advertising herein, nor does publication imply endorsement.

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