September 2011 Lafayette Community, Join David and Jay in Feeding the Hungry
Serving the Lafayette Community Big Brothers/Big Sisters By Fran Miller
Patty Guinto, age 31, is a busy woman. Her job is demanding, she has a crazy commute, she plays sports, and she enjoys time with friends and family.
The economic crisis is continuing unabated. Unemployment in Contra Costa County is over 11%. Even though we all have been negatively impacted by this down turn, those who are at the bottom of economic ladder are struggling for even the most basic of necessities: food. A Jay Lifson and David Gerson recent study shows that more than 26% of households with children in California do not have enough money to buy an adequate amount of food. Thus David Gerson and Jay Lifson have teamed up to help families with children, seniors, individuals with disabilities, and all those who face hunger each and every day in our greater community. In July David, a Lafayette resident and school board member of the Lafayette School District, accepted the position as Executive Director of Loaves and Fishes of Contra Costa, a small secular non-profit organization whose sole mission is to feed the hungry of Contra Costa county. At the same time, Jay, Executive Director of the Lafayette Chamber of Commerce, joined the Loaves Patty Guinto with “little sister” Sarah and Fishes board of directors. What does Loaves and Fishes do to address hunger in Contra Costa county? She lives an active life typical of most Bay Area residents yet, she always finds Loaves and Fishes operates five dining halls in Martinez, Bay Point, Antioch, time to spend with her “little sister” Sarah, age 15. “I'm not going to lie,” laughs Guinto, a volunteer with Big Brothers/Big Sisters Pittsburg, and Oakley and partners with Fresh Start in Walnut Creek and the of the Bay Area (BBBS), “but on more than one occasion, Sarah and I have simply See Help continued on page 24 done laundry together because it was the only time I had the whole week to do it. Sometimes that's just how life is. But if you make it a priority, there is always time European Handball League By Fran Miller Seventeen-year-old Campolindo senior Dylan Wilson had a great summer – one for BBBS. I think volunteers are surprised at how easy and rewarding BBBS is.” See BBBS cont. on page 8 of the best in a long time – and he credits the fun to handball. Not the two-on-two urban playground handball featured in every buddy movie filmed on the streets of Lafayette Art, Wine, and Music Festival New York, but European handball, a more physical, team-oriented version involving Saturday, September 17th and Sunday, September 18th rules similar to those of basketball and water polo. Come take part in Lafayette’s “end of summer party” at the Lafayette Art,
Wilson was instrumental, along with Lafayette resident Nick Holden, in creating the European handball league in which he played. Holden, a Campolindo junior, initiated the grass roots effort. Through word-of-mouth and Facebook postings, Holden’s self-initiated league managed to capture the attention and interest of more than 80 local high schoolers, making-up seven teams, who gathered weekly this past summer to compete on Moraga’s Joaquin Moraga Intermediate School blacktop.
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Wine, and Music Festival. The Festival takes place downtown and runs 10am7pm on Saturday, September 17th, and 10am-6pm on Sunday, September 18th. Free parking is available at the Lafayette BART station, and there is a free event shuttle to take you to and from the BART parking lots. Better yet, take BART! Ride your bike and park in the secure Bike Parking Lot. Admission is free as well! Come be a part of one of the largest outdoor festivals in Contra Costa County. Now in its’ 16th year, the Festival expects over 100,000 people to come stroll through the venue area. There will be more than 250 fine arts and crafts booths, delicious foods from local restaurants, food vendors, wineries and microbreweries, and continuous musical entertainment presented on three stages. A kids area will feature entertainment and activities for kids of all ages, and a special exhibit and sale of work by local artists, will be located in Artist Alley, in La Fiesta Square. Kids Zone tickets are $1-$5 for Volume V - Number 9 different activities, Drink Tickets are PO Box 1335 $6 for an individual ticket, and an Lafayette, CA 94549 individual wine or beer glass is $5. Telephone (925) 405-NEWS, 405-6397 Combination packages are available! Fax (925) 406-0547 editor@yourmonthlypaper.com For complete Festival information visit www. Alisa Corstorphine ~ Publisher lafayettefestival.com or call the The opinions expressed herein belong to the writers, and do not reflect that of Lafayette Today. Lafayette Today is Lafayette Chamber of Commerce necessarily not responsible for the content of any of the advertising herein, at 925-284-7404. nor does publication imply endorsement.