Harvester GYO - how to help your club

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Ask not what your club can do for you, but

what you can do for your club!

www.englandhockey.co.uk/gyo www.harvester.co.uk EHB OFFICIAL PARTNER

Want to get more involved with your club and help out? Not sure where to start? This handy guide gives you information on the areas your club may need help with and points you in the direction of how to develop your skills for the benefit of you and your club. CLUB DEVELOPMENT If you have good organisational skills and like to take on a project, why not get involved with developing your club so that its long term sustainability is secure? Here’s where to start: ÖÖ Running Sports Workshops – these are also organised by your County Sport Partnership and range from ‘A Club for All’ to funding workshops and many more. Check out the Running Sports website too for detail on the workshops they offer www.runningsports.org

COACH DEVELOPMENT Clubs always need coaches! If you’re good at ‘teaching’ or have a natural ability to work with people, why not consider getting a coaching qualification? Here’s where to start: ÖÖ Foundation Skills Workshops – these are run by EHB and are a three hour workshop for coaches who want to update their knowledge on the skills that are being delivered at all levels through the player pathway up to International Level. Workshops are listed on our website. ÖÖ Coaching courses – Level 1, 2 and 3, again run by EHB, details of available courses are on our website under the ‘Take Part’ section, under ‘Coaching’ then ‘Find a Course’. ÖÖ Sports Coach UK workshops – these are organized by your County Sport Partnership and listed on their website, the workshops range from working with Disabled Performers, to Long Term Athlete Development to Equity in Your Coaching. ÖÖ England Hockey’s new Proud To Coach, Basics Skills DVD is now available for £20.00. It covers many basic skills with examples of which exercises to use to deliver them. A bargain for all developing coaches with lots of great ideas.Visit www.englandhockey.co.uk/proudtocoach

ÖÖ ClubsFirst – this is the England Hockey Board’s version of Sport England’s Club Mark accreditation which clubs with junior sections can work towards to show that they are safe, effective and child friendly. We supply plenty of guidance and templates, see our website under Clubs, ClubsFirst.Visit www.englandhockey.co.uk/clubsfirst ÖÖ Grow Your Own – this is a collection of resource booklets produced by us for you to help develop your clubs. The booklets range from developing volunteers, developing money and setting up your own Grow Your Own Club Day. See our website under clubs, GYO or Grow Your Own.Visit www.englandhockey.co.uk/gyo ÖÖ Nestle Get Set Go Free – clubs can register to be part of this National campaign to offer sports sessions to the public who maybe haven’t played hockey before or not for a long time. To register, go to www.getsetgofree.com ÖÖ As part of ClubsFirst England Hockey Board have a section on Ethics, Equality and Codes of Behaviour which are great for you club to implement. ÖÖ England Hockey Board has a space for you to advertise your vacancies on our website, so if you’re looking for a coach or team manager, register and put your advert up for all the Hockey Family to view.Visit www.englandhockey.co.uk

ÖÖ England Hockey’s GK Skills DVD, great for budding GK coaches to learn lots of new drills and skills to put their keepers through their paces. £15.00 plus P&P. ÖÖ England Hockey Board’s Gold Membership option offers access to SportPlan online coaching resources and also coach insurance; a must for all coaches leading sessions.Visit www.englandhockey.co.uk/membership


FACILITIES GUIDANCE Good with your hands and prefer the manual side of work? Why not get involved with your club’s facilities, whether that be with helping to set up for a match or training session, general maintenance or facility development. Here’s where to start: ÖÖ Check out our website for detailed facilities guidance documents, showing pitch measurements, surface types and 3G policy.Visit www.englandhockey.co.uk


ÖÖ Also have a look at the Sport England website and read the document called Selecting the Right Artificial Surface http://www.sportengland.org/facilities__planning.aspx

Many hands make light work and you can never have too many volunteers! If you possess good organisational skills and like to help others develop, why not encourage the existing volunteers at your club and begin an active recruitment campaign? Here’s where to start: ÖÖ There is a Grow Your Own resource for developing your volunteers, have a read through this – the Club Development Section within the Grow Your Own pages has more information on this. There are also downloadable posters to help.Visit www.englandhockey.co.uk/gyo ÖÖ Running Sports have several workshops focused on volunteer development, recruitment and rewarding.Visit www.runningsports.org ÖÖ Volunteers can look at becoming coaches or umpires and there are relevant awards and workshops for this – visit the relevant pages on www.englandhockey.co.uk

FUNDING GUIDANCE Got a head for figures? Why not get actively involved with trying to find funding for projects your club may want to undertake? Here’s where to start: ÖÖ Check out our Funding Guidance Documents in the Clubs section of the website in the Guidance and Templates section. This will point you to all the different places you can access funding. Visit www.englandhockey.co.uk

COMPETITIONS People like to be challenged and that is especially true in a sporting environment! Why not get your club involved with competitions? Here’s where to start: ÖÖ Our competitions section of the website will tell you which competitions are available for you to enter, from U10s through to U18s, through to Senior Knock Out Cups. Results and Roll of Honour are also available to view in this section, so you can see who are the teams to beat! Visit www.englandhockey.co.uk ÖÖ Membership – The England Hockey Board has an individual membership scheme for those keen on hockey. This has three different levels and offers a variety of gifts, insurance and VIP options.Visit www.englandhockey.co.uk/membership

ÖÖ You can also register with Funding Central for news on new funding streams www.fundingcentral.org.uk ÖÖ Look at your County Sports Partnership website for details or local funding opportunities. ÖÖ Check out your local council and county council websites too for more funding opportunities.


UMPIRE DEVELOPMENT If you’re a stickler for the rules of the game and you like keeping the peace, why not take an umpiring course and help out your club with umpiring duties? If you’re already an experienced umpire, why not help others get their qualifications and start a recruitment campaign? Here’s where to start: ÖÖ Your County Hockey Umpiring Association will set up and run Level 1 Umpiring Courses, get in touch with the Level 1 coordinator to see when courses are running.

YOUNG PEOPLE DEVELOPMENT If you’re a young person in your club and think that there aren’t any opportunities for you to do anything but play, think again! There are plenty of ways to get more out of the sport and develop your life skills along the way. If you’re not in the ‘young person’ category but like to help people develop, why not point the youngsters in your club in the right direction? Here’s where to start: ÖÖ Leadership Course – this is a 10 hour module from the England Hockey Board. The modules can be run as stand alone modules or all together to complete the Leadership Award. This course is open for young people 12yrs upwards. It links in to the Community Sports Leadership Award which schools and colleges offer. To run a course contact your Development Officer who will help you set it up.Visit www.englandhockey.co.uk ÖÖ Young people, once 16, are eligible to attend the Level 1 Coaching Course – see coach development section.Visit www.englandhockey.co.uk ÖÖ As part of ClubsFirst there is a whole section on Developing Young People which will give you lots of ideas of things you can offer and policies and procedures you should have in place.Visit www.englandhockey.co.uk/clubsfirst ÖÖ England Hockey run a National Youth Panel that people can apply to be in. Each region in England also runs a Regional Youth Panel, to find out more contact your Regional Office. For contact details of your region, visit www.englandhockey.co.uk

ÖÖ To get Level 1 Umpires assessed following completing the course, get in touch with the umpire assessors from within your county, through the County Hockey Umpire Association. ÖÖ For experienced and good level umpires, look at getting into Umpire Coaching. England Hockey Board runs awards for Umpire Coaches to qualify, check out the officiating section of the Take Part area of our website.Visit www.englandhockey.co.uk ÖÖ Rule books for Indoor Hockey and for Outdoor Hockey are available through our website. Also under the officiating section.Visit www.englandhockey.co.uk

SAFEGUARDING DEVELOPMENT The safety and welfare of young people at your club is paramount and parents like to see clubs taking an active role in ensuring the safety of their children. Why not learn about Safeguarding and make sure that you’re club is doing all it can. Here’s where to start: ÖÖ Sports Coach UK offer workshops for Welfare Officers and volunteers within your club that regularly work with young people in sport. The Safeguarding & Protecting Young People in Sport workshop is a 3 hour one and is organised by your County Sports Partnership.Visit Ö www.sportscoachuk.org ÖÖ England Hockey Board in association with the NSPCC run a Time to Listen course for Welfare officers which is hockey specific and more detailed than the SCUK workshop. Contact your development officer or regional office for details of courses near you. For contact details of your regional office, visit www.englandhockey.co.uk ÖÖ ClubsFirst has a large section on Safeguarding and provides you with many templates and guidance documents to ensure that your club is working within the codes of practice. Visit www.englandhockey.co.uk/clubsfirst


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