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Kids are off limits
By: Sheen Ryan Baluran
Childrenhasthepotentialtomoldthefuture,riskingtheirchildhoodonlytosufficepervertedneedsisaformofsuicide.Childgroomingisa deceptivetacticthatperpetratorsusetomanipulatechildreninordertoexploitthemfordisturbingintentions.Youngpeoplewhoaregroomed canbesexuallyabused,exploitedortrafficked.Itisaseriousviolationthatoftenleadstophysicalandemotionaltrauma,significantlythreateningtothe safetyandwell-beingofminors.Their innocenceareofflimits,theymustbeharboredawayfrommaliciousintentions!
Based on the records from the Poice Department of San Isidro, 12 cases of chld grooming complants were administered by the authorities throughout the municipality Moreover six minorites from these numbers were dentified as Sawata Natonal High
Schoo students
According to Vctoriana N Lagura Sawata
Nationa Hgh Schools Prefect of Discipline groomers often exploit a childs lack of knowledge about approprate behavior, making t easier for them to commit abuse Predators often look for chidren as they are easy to manipuate as they are less lkely to recognize the warning signs and resist their advances
Innocent chidren are particuary vulnerable to the tactcs used by groomers such as offerng gifts or showng them attenton and affecton They often try to establish trust with their targets making it difficult for children to recognize when they are being manipulated or taken advantage of
Naiveness attracts malicious intentions Enforcing the innocents through education wil protect them before any consequences of child groomng It is crucial to educate children about what grooming is and how to recognize t before happenng considering they are still naive to ths concern Parents and teachers alike can help in this regard by orientng the young ones to identifying violations that cross ther line of comfort and guide their response regardng such trespass to efficiently avoid the harm offenders intend to take advantage of from their innocence
In additon accordng to Lagura despite the laws implemented to prevent it some stil continue to groom chidren for sexua exploitation Some chid groomers may be motivated by the power and contro they feel when victimizing chldren Another reason is that some chid groomers may beleve that they will not get caught or that they can manipulate children nto not reporting the abuse These individuals may have a psychological disorder that compes them to seek out chidren for sexua gratificaton
Impement effciency and adapt to change If the chidren cannot protect themselves from predators the implementaton of consoldated penalties wil do There should be enhanced laws ensured with incusive deployment that eaves no community members unattended, serving the sole purpose of disciplning shameess perpetrators of child grooming and servng as a warnng that mproved sanctions await those who seek trouble This wil act as a deterrent understanding that such behavior is highly unacceptable gven that it tolls a heavier consequence
According to Polcewoman Karla Jane Medalla from the Police Department of San Isidro, the duraton of the trauma can vary from person to person Vctims