4 minute read
Hands off, consent on
while the police strive to reduce domestic violence ncidents, their efforts will not be adequate to end the abuse that permeates every househod Beng shackled to matreatment in a setting where one woud expect to feel secure is dsturbng but Maes love remains in ight of the suffering As her father constantly abused her Mae stressed that she was stil thankful to his father for alowing her to see and experience the bittersweet side of the world Although Mae cries every time she pleads with God for the strength to overcome her abusive father she also prays that one day her Father wil see how difficult it was for her to withstand such a traumatic occurrence This suggests that concerned ndividuals may minimize domestic vioence by recognizing its eminence and reportng those who are accountable for the misery of others This can be done with the effort of every police officer to distrbute flyers and booklets or police visibility in lne with the collaboraton of every member of society To where we live should not be to where we suffer as violence never brings permanent peace!
Asortofsexualmisconductthatentailssexualcontactoranothermeansofpenetrationbroughtaboutbyphysicalforce,compulsion,orthe misuseofpower—definesrape.Recently,ithasbeenrecordedthatthereareseveralcasesofrapeinSanIsidroinDavaoDelNorte.Itisthreatening,as mostrapevictimsareminors,enduringlyimpactingtheirwell-beingatayoungage.Everyoneshouldbefreedfromthefrightofbeingsexuallyassaulted byshamelessrapists.Thesemaliciouscriminalsdeservetorotinjail!
According to the Police Department of San Isidro most rapists here in San Isidro did not rape accidentally; it was intended in the frst place It has been said that the rapist may view his vctim/s as an object of desire and s tempted by the victims imagined beauty getting out of control and driven by their lust which eads them to carry out the horrible act completey forgetting about reaity and what is right One of the causes of this s the influence of social media Social media is aso a known platform where you can freely access porn and sexual sites There is a possibility that someone who watches ths kind of thing can make their hunger for sexual activities stronger and to escape it they may force their lust on someone as a result of satisfying ther sexual desires
Herewith the biggest problem s that the majority of people that are most exposed to social media are minors and most of them already know about the exstence of sexploitation This eads them to learn and appy what they see in rated-18 videos n real life
According to the Police Department of San Isidro another factor n rape cases s alcohol consumption It aso has been recorded that n one of the cases peer drinking paired with dark motives and the victims inability to declne or fght back from the influence of acohol led that person to become the next rape victim Most rape vctims were raped after getting drunk with someone they knew who was most likely strong and od enough to wthstand the victim's power under the infuence of acohol
Drinking s not a probem; it s how a person views the drunk persons thinking Alcoho consumption can cause sexual desre instablity It is essential not to take advantage by engaging in sexual intercourse with someone under the influence of acohol without their expicit or full consent knowing that it s a drunk person That person does not mean it and when they fnaly regain their ful consciousness they regret what they asked for Also everyone must be aware of the dangers of accepting nvitations to consume alcohol from peers, strangers or even trusted people that have gathered Everyone must remember that a person can freely betray for their desires
Most rapists have used physical strength in the worst possible way or intimidation according to the Police Department of San Isidro Most rape victims were being blackmailed by their rapist to keep the incident a secret which s most lkely the reason why minors are more prominent in involvement in such cases, as it s said that rapsts will show ther so-called good side to ther victms and buld a connection and trust with them This is also a common reason that victims keep quiet horrified of the consequences if they tell anyone they were raped This victim will force herself to forget that she was raped and try to lead an everyday ife again On top of that most rape vctims are minors because they are seen as easy to manipuate and pay with; they are curous about everything, and that s their disadvantage People try to gain the trust of these teens by offering some good deeds and satisfying their curiosity about things and when they let their guard down in the presence of their disguised perpetrator ths is exploited and teens are lured into the trap planned by their malicious rapist
In these times, everyone must hep rase awareness about what can lead to rape and how to avod it And should dg deeper into understanding the truth and limitations of every indivdual when it comes to sexual activities Teach people to stop rapng instead of preventing themselves from getting raped It is essental to encourage rape victims to speak out against their perpetrators and support them in their healing process The ridculous reasons of the rapist should fool no one, whether they did it to their vctim intentionaly or not by forcing someone to do anything sexual without that person's consent and then after their rejecton being raped even if you are married
It is a shame that someone suffers slenty from predators evil desires Rape may finish withn a minute but it will take a ifetime of trauma for the vctims The perpetrators have satisfacton for their vctim's agony Rape victims dd not ask to be raped; they should not be blamed They are susceptible to fraglity; healing takes many dilemmas that corrupt them There are still victims out there who have been raped but stay slent There are still rapsts roaming around findng their next prey in slence yet this act endures over tme Rape is never acceptable; the blame and shame should be inflicted on the rapists They must pay for such crimes by making them rot in jai to allevate the agony they impose on the innocents