8 minute read
SIDDHI PISE Managing Partner

They play a very important role in saving businesses money, time and manpower. ubricators are one of most L the essential elements in the manufacturing industry. The use of the correct lubrication system helps to maximize the life of machinery.
Micro Precision Manufactures High-Pressure Oil Lubrication Systems for Sugar, Rubber, Forging, Petrochemical, and Heavy Engineering Industries.
In a talk with , Siddhi Pise Managing Partner at Micro Precision, let’s get inspired by her entrepreneurial journey and discover more about Micro Precision.
The Company
• Tell us about the company.
Micro Precision was established in 1979. The day to day operations and management activities were handled by Mr. Sachin Pise, the Managing Partner.
art workshop to manufacture HighPressure Lubricators and other parts required. Our industrial shed is spread over 2,500 sq. ft. Micro Precision is located in Pune, Maharashtra.
We have a client base of over 200 Sugar factories, Rubber factories & Forging industries in India and abroad.
Due to the sad demise of my father, Mr. Sachin Pise in the year 2016, my mother Sneha Pise and I, Siddhi Pise have started handling the business.
• What were the initial challenges you faced? Happy customer’s acknowledgment and their maximizing word of mouth was a plus for us.
• What is the reason behind your company’s long-standing success?
Preserving the core competency and parallelly stimulate the progress in terms of change, renewal, improvement and the pursuit of your set goals.
Another important factor that contributes to the company's success is to trusted and satisfied customers. And as said, perseverance is the key to success.
Initially, there were many challenges faced. When the company was formed, we had a little capital so investing in some heavy equipment and machinery was a challenge.
The availability of skilled workers was another challenge.
In the early 90s, many sugar factories who had purchased our products were shut down due to their own reasons, indirectly affecting our future work with them.
• Which was that point that triggered the growth of the company?
When you want to maximize the return on investment, with efficient and targeted marketing you get those results.
With the upcoming technology, we started moving along with it, by investing in machines, doing inhouse research and development. The Products/Services-
• What are the products/services the company focuses on? How are your services different from those in the market?
Lubrication represents the single largest opportunity in machines reliability.
Micro Precision make Lubricators guarantees proper lubrication to reduce the friction and abrasions caused by direct metal -to metal contact, transport heat generated by friction, guarantees long life of machines and precision bearings and prevents harmful rust and corrosions.
Micro Precision manufactures a variety of Oil Lubrication Systems based on the different types of Industries with their different requirements related to the type of lubricants, oil viscosities, oil delivery and oil pressure.
For Rubber Industries, Micro Precision manufactures high pressure lubricators for Rubber Intermix, “Rubber Kneaders” Banbury mixing mills with the brand name “Oilube-R”.
These lubricators are capable of delivering less viscous oil (very thin) oil at the maximum pressure of 6,000 P.S.I. ensuring high life of dust stop seal / gland seal.

The pumping elements mounted on the lubricator can deliver variety of oils, less viscous oil like S.S. 16, Elasto 245 to high viscous oil like Elasto 760. The flow of oil/stroke is adjustable to give output of oil as per requirement.

For Sugar Industries, Micro Precision is the leading manufacturer of Mill Roll Lubricators with the brand name “Oilube-D”. Lubricators are available in 2 different types i.e. Motorized & Sprocket wheel chain driven. These lubricators have facility of fine control of oil from 0.00 cc/stroke to 0.1 cc/stroke. These lubricators are suitable for Oliver, Vacuum filters, Roller Mills.

For Forging Industry, Micro Precision makes high Pressure Lubricators which are capable of delivering high viscous oils like Elasto 710, Gear oil 460 at high pressures of 1500 P.S.I. This gives guaranteed oil delivery to the bearings increasing the life of bearings. These lubricators are also suitable for grease. technology in terms of online marketing to increase product awareness, extending business networks
As per the customer’s requirements we also provide Control panel along with the lubricators. Customization related to increased oil capacity is also done. We are known in this field for “Quality Products & Services”, examples include Interchangeability of the spares and proper heat treatment of the parts. Our products and services are trusted and well acknowledged by all our customers. We also undertake overhauling and repair of the lubricators, to increase the efficiency over the years.

As said, our products and services do stand out differently from other as we follow the customer centric and quality-oriented approach.
• How do you decide to take the company a step further in terms of your products/services?
In this changing world, we need to evolve as per the changing needs of the customer. At Micro Precision, we strive for continuous improvement. I believe that a continuous improvement approach is necessary to keep ahead of the game. Also, the use of digital • Is there any new addition to the list of products/services? Anything exciting you would like to share?
Currently, Micro Precision is focusing on techniques to merge IT in the manufacturing world.
With the heterogeneous mix of Information Technology and manufacturing, we are working towards analysing the massive amount of manufacturing data to increase the efficiency of the manufacturer. Analytics has the potential to boost the manufacturing business and give a competitive edge in the marketplace.
About Leadership
I have completed my Bachelors in Engineering (Computer Science) from MIT, Pune. After which I worked in Cognizant Technology Solutions as a Java developer for 2 years. I then perused my Masters in Information System from the University of Maryland Baltimore County, USA. Currently, I am the Managing Partner of Micro Precision. • Can you please brief us about your professional experience?
As a managing partner, I have met and conversed with many people. Every day you get to learn something new for them. Be it a shop floor staff, Chief Engineers or Upper Management.
Coming from a Computer Science background, getting moulded into a completely different field was definitely challenging.
As we know, the mechanical industry is said to be a maledominated field. I had been undermined and have heard so many things like why do you want to handle machinery and get lubricants and grease all over you? “It’s a man’s job to handle a core mechanical industry, it does not come naturally to women”.
• How do you look after your employees? What makes your team unique?
At work, I deal with the workforce, which is mainly men in their forties. But that has never been a problem.
It is very important that the workforce should be equally enthusiastic about their work. More than an Entrepreneur
• Can you tell us what your favourite book is? And your favourite part of the book (if any)?
Recently, I have read “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People” by Stephen Covey and I have learned a lot from it. It is an inspiring and very positive book and one of my favourites.
• One person, who you admire the most?
My father, Sachin Pise. I admire him the most. He rightfully balanced his personal and professional life. He has given us so many life lessons that I still look up to and cherish every day. Even though he is not with us, the positivity and his strength will always be with us. In a true sense, he is the backbone of our company and family.
What I follow is transparency in communication and I also ask them their views or ideas and inputs to promote continuous learning for them as well as for myself.
I have learned that we should trust our team but have regular checks and accountability.
• Is there any special experience with your clients you would like to highlight?
So, we have an esteemed client from Malaysia who flew to India for a business trip in 2015. He had visited our factory and he was so impressed with the quality of lubricators and its functioning that he purchased 5 units of lubricators in just one go. • Whose business story do you find the most inspiring?
I find Mr. Ratan Tata’s business story inspiring.
• Which is the most inspiring quote you have read?
“However difficult life may seem, there is always something you can do and succeed at”
• It’s a rat-race out there. How do you cope with that?
Understand what you really want to achieve, set our priorities and work towards your goal.
Just don’t follow the crowd. Explore the ways were others turn out.
Message to young girls! Never Give up! Prioritize! Give equal importance to your professional and family life. Find time for yourself. Focus on what you really like, your passion, ambition, dream big.
I also encourage girls and young women to challenge maledomination wherever it occurs. Just because a particular space has historically been occupied by men does not mean it should remain that way. With awareness and a little cheerleading, young women can become more confident participants in any male-dominated space.