Dr.Saundersharborsanadaptiveleadershipstyle,ablendof variousapproachestailoredtotheneedsofhisteam.Whilehe acknowledgesthepresenceofdifferentmodels,likeservant leadership,hisapproachismorenuancedandflexible.Throughout hiscareer,Dr.Saundershasexcelledinsurroundinghimselfwith talentedindividuals,whomhereferstoaspossessingan “everyday genius.” Hisabilitytounlockthispotentialinothershasbeenkey tothesuccessofthecompanyandtheteamsheleads. “A leader must recognize and nurture the unique abilities of each team member to achieve collective success,” hesays.
Hisadaptivestyleinvolvesunderstandingthediverseneedsofhis team.Somemembersareself-startersandrequirelittlemorethan delegation,whileothersbenefitfrommentorshipandcoaching. “It’s our duty as leaders to identify who needs guidance and help them grow,” Dr.Saundersemphasizes.Thisapproachhasfostered strongloyaltywithinhisteams,withmanyhigh-performing “unicorns”followinghimthroughouthiscareer “When a team loves what they do and enjoys working together, that’s when the magic happens.” Hisabilitytobuildandmaintainsuchteamshas significantlycontributedtohislong-termsuccess.
Businessestodayfaceseveralchallenges,manyofwhichare sharedacrossindustries,includingrisinginterestrates,increased capitalcosts,inflation,geopoliticalunrest,andtheuncertainty broughtonbythecurrentelectioncycle. “Companies are cautious, unsure of their next steps, yet aware that action is necessary,” Dr Saundersnotes.Innavigatingthesechallenges,business transformationbecomesessential.Hebelievesthattransforming thecompanyanditsclients’businessesisvitalforpositioning themforsuccessinthecomingmonthsandyears. Hiscompany, QuantumPerformancePartners,whichisheadquarteredinGolden, CO,specializesinhelpingprivateequityfirmsinthelowermiddle market,wherecurrenteconomicconditionshavechallengedhis client’soriginalinvestmentthesesexplaining: “Operational improvements are the solution when market conditions shift.” To addressthesechallenges,thecompanyfocusesonseveral strategies.Theseincluderedesigningrevenuemodels,product mixes,andexploringnewsaleschannels.Efficiencyisalsoa priority,withDr.Saundershighlightingtheneedtogrowwithout addingsignificantcosts.“It’s not about layoffs but finding ways to do more with less,” hesays.Technologyplaysacrucialrolein thesetransformations,withAIbeingasignificantfactor “AI isn’t new to us, but it’s become a key element in driving business transformations, from e-commerce platforms to improving customer experiences,” saysDr.Saunders,whoseexperience, coupledwiththeteam’s,makesthemwell-equippedtointegrate technologyintobusinessoperations.
Translating Core Values into a Culture of Growth
Dr. Saunders has always been guided by a set of core values that shape his company’s culture. Over the past 15 years, these values have remained constant and are integral to how the business operates.
• The rst core value is ownership. Dr. Saunders believes everyone in the company must think and act like an owner, not a renter. “When you own something, you treat it with care and responsibility,” he explains. He often uses the analogy of driving a rental car versus your own car. Just as one might take risks with a rental car that they wouldn’t with their own, Dr. Saunders emphasizes that the people in his company must treat the business as their own. “Our clients are their clients, and this business is theirs too,” he adds.
• The second core value is living it. For Dr. Saunders, his team must be highly respectable and respected team players. He stresses the importance of playing for the name on the front of the jersey, not the back. “We win together and sometimes lose together, but we do it as a team,” he says. Dr. Saunders is proud of the collaborative spirit within the company, where everyone
• supports one another and no one seeks individual credit at the team’s expense. “What makes our team special is their brilliance but their respect for each other and their commitment to the team,” he notes.
• The nal core value is continuous improvement—making it better. Dr. Saunders encourages his team to continuously seek ways to improve, whether it’s after a client pitch or a completed project. “Feedback is a gift, not a criticism,” he emphasizes. After every signicant effort, the team conducts an after-action review, much like the military, to identify areas for improvement. This approach fosters a culture where feedback is valued and used as a tool for growth. “When our team members share feedback, it’s not uncommon to see emails expressing gratitude for the ‘gift’ of their comments,” Dr. Saunders says.
This culture is what makes us stand out and what keeps our team dedicated, even if it means responding to an email at 2:00 in the morning,”
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Withover25yearsofexperienceinadvancedanalytics,Dr Saundersattributesmuchofhissuccesstothefoundational influencesofhisfatherandgrandfather,bothofwhomwere chieffinancialofficers.Theyinstilledinhimastrong quantitativemindsetandapassionforteaching,shapinghis adaptiveleadershipstyle.Reflectingonhiscareer,Dr. Saundersstates, “I owe a lot of my success to the lessons I learned early on from my family. Their approach to datadriven decision-making has been a guiding principle throughout my professional journey.”
Dr.Saundersspentthefirst15yearsofhiscareerin operations,wherehisabilitytoconnectbusinessdecisions withdatasethimapart.Earlyinhiscareer,herecallsan interactionwitharegionalvicepresidentwhowas impressedbythesuccessofDr.Saunders’store.When askedwhathewasdoingdifferently,heexplained, “You have this system full of data. By analyzing it, I made
informed decisions to ensure we never ran out of stock and strategically placed high-demand items where they would be most visible.” Thisearlyrecognitionofthepowerof dataledhimtotransitionintomoreadvancedanalytics, ultimatelyleadinghimtopursuefurthereducationinthe field.HistimeatHumanawaspivotal.Dr.Saundersfound himselfdeeplyinspiredbyworkingwithateamofbrilliant minds,includingepidemiologists,mathematicians,and evenaRussianrocketscientist. “I used to joke that I was the dumbest guy in the room, but in reality, I was surrounded by some of the smartest people I’ve ever met,” hereflects.Thisenvironmentfueledhispassionforusing datatoimproveindividualfunctionsandentirebusinesses.
much of that transformation can be achieved through technology, from infrastructure to analytics,” heexplains. Bybuildingastrongtechnologicalanddata-focused foundation,Dr.Saundersbelievesbusinessescanmake betterdecisionsinrealtime,ultimatelyhelpingprivate equityfirmsandtheirclientsachievetheirgoals,distinguish themselvesfromtheircompetitors,andincreasethesizeof theircompetitivemoats.Throughouthiscareer,Dr. Saundershasconsistentlyemphasizedtheimportanceof teamworkandthevalueofdata.Heasserts, “It’s not about me; it’s about the team. We all believe in the tremendous value of data. If we can access and utilize that data effectively, we can make better business decisions, benefiting everyone involved.”
Summarizing Dr. Saunders’ take on AI’s role in inuencing leadership decisions and future business strategies, here’s what he states:
• AI is set to revolutionize various business functions, from marketing to accounting.
• AI has already proven its potential by passing professional exams, such as the legal bar, and enhancing productivity across sectors.
• Quantum computing, not just AI, will be the true game-changer, elevating technology to new levels of efciency and capability.
• Combining AI and quantum computing will lead to exponential growth, but ethical considerations must be addressed to ensure a balanced advancement.
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Dr.SeanSaundersoftenreflectsonthejourneythathas shapedhisleadershipapproach,emphasizingthat successisrarelyachievedinisolation.Whenasked abouttheindividualswhohaveinfluencedhim,he quicklyacknowledgesthatitisnotjustonepersonbut ratheracollectiveofmentorsandguideswhohavehad alastingimpactonhiscareer.Drawinginspirationfrom Newton’swords, “If I have seen further, it is by standing on the shoulders of giants,” Dr.Sean underscorestheimportanceofthementorswhohave guidedhim.Henotes, “We are not born with all the knowledge and skills we need; we grow through the lessons imparted by others.” Hisjourneyhasbeen markedbythesupportandwisdomofthosearoundhim, fromhisearlydaysinhighschooltohisprofessional life.
Dr.Seandidnotcomefromanaffluentbackground.His parentsandgrandfatherwereCFOsofsmaller companies,andhisfamilylivedmodestly.Reflectingon hisupbringing,hesays, “My house in high school was maybe 800 or 900 square feet at most, so I wasn’t born with a silver spoon in my mouth. I had to work hard, and that work ethic was instilled in me by my parents and early mentors.” Thesevaluesofhardworkand perseverancebecamethecornerstoneofhissuccess.
Throughouthiscareer,Dr.Seanhasbeenfortunateto havementorswhorecognizedhispotentialandprovided himwithopportunitiestogrow. “I was lucky enough to have people who saw something in me and pulled me into different departments, giving me responsibilities that allowed me to improve and learn,” heshares.These experiencesnotonlygavehimabroadunderstandingof businessoperationsbutalsotaughthimtheimportance ofresilience.“Likeanyone,Ihadmyshareoffailures, butmymentorsweretheretosay, “Yes, we failed, but what did we learn, and how do we get better?’That’s why one of my core values is to make it better.”
Asaleader,Dr.Seanbelieveshisprimaryresponsibility istodevelophisteam,justashismentorsdidforhim. “The greatest responsibility you can ever be given is to lead others,” he often tells his team. “When you are a leader, it is your principal duty to help others and change the trajectory of their lives.” Hetakespridein seeinghisformerteammembersadvancetoCEOs, CFOs,andCOOs,knowingthatheplayedapartintheir success.
Dr.Seanoffersthreepiecesofadviceforaspiringleaders. First, “Be humble. No matter how much experience you have, always remember that there’s more to learn.” He believeshumilityallowsforgreaterlearningandadaptability inanever-changingworld.Second, “Be willing to work hard. Success is never easy, and staying up-to-date with technology and industry trends is crucial.” Lastly,heemphasizesthe importanceofmentorship: “Seek out mentors who can guide you and provide honest feedback. Most leaders want to give back, and if you approach them humbly, they will be willing to help.”
Did you know Stockholm holds the world’s rst national city park? The city is built on 14 islands connected by over 50 bridges, offering unique, beautiful waterfront views. About 30% of the city is covered by water, which enhances the city’s charm and makes the city an amazing destination for outdoor activities for residents and visitors. The city’s wonder doesn’t stop here; there are many things for you to explore. Whether you’re interested in cultural events, enjoying local foods, or attending festivals, the city has something for everyone.
In this article, you will learn about the rich and fascinating history of the city, some of its interesting facts, and a brief guide on how to explore the city.
It is a big Swedish holiday celebrated at the start of the summer. At this festival, people dance around a maypole, sing songs, and eat traditional foods like herring and strawberries. It’s a fun and lively festival.
This event is celebrated between late July and early October. The city is lled with colorful parades, music, and activities that promote equality and diversity.
Nobel Prize Award
Each year this event is celebrated on the 10th of December. This event is celebrated in the city for important achievements in science, literature, and peace.
The festival is celebrated in October. It is a popular music festival where famous jazz artists from around the world perform in different spots across the city.
The festival is celebrated on the 13th of December. In this festival, a girl dressed as “Lucia” leads a candlelit procession. People sing carols and enjoy special saffron buns.
This event is celebrated in early June. In this event, famous runners from all over the world participate and run through the beautiful streets and islands of the city. It’s a big event for athletes and spectators.
This festival is celebrated in October. You can enjoy the city’s creative scene, local artist shows, live music performances, and many theatrical acts.
These events are great for enjoying the city’s traditions, music, and celebrations throughout the year.
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Did you know Amway started in a tiny basement in Ada, Michigan? It began by selling cleaning products but quickly grew into a major global company. Now, it sells over 450 products, including health and beauty items, and operates in more than 100 countries. With yearly sales over $8 billion, it is famous for its great products and helpful community projects. Learn how this small start became a big success story!
In this article, you will learn about Amway’s history, challenges, marketing strategies, and inuence on the global market.
Brand History of
Amway was started in 1959 by Rich DeVos and Jay Van Andel in Ada, Michigan. They wanted to create a company where people could sell products directly to others and build their businesses. They named it “Amway” to reect their vision of the “American Way.”
At rst, it sold cleaning products, but soon it added more items like vitamins and beauty products. By the 1970s, it began selling its products in other countries. One of their key products, Nutrilite vitamins, became very popular.
In the 1980s and 1990s, it continued to grow and started selling online. They also introduced new brands like Artistry for skincare.
In the 2000s, it focused on making it easier for people to buy products online and start their own businesses through digital tools.
Today, it is a global company, operating in over 100 countries. It helps people become entrepreneurs and offers a wide range of products, from health and beauty to home care.
Instead of selling products in stores, it relies on people called distributors. These are individuals who sign up with it to sell its products directly to others.
Personal Sales:
Distributors buy products at a discount and then sell them to customers, often through personal meetings, online, or in small events.
Building a Team:
It can also recruit others to join as new distributors and earn money not just from its sales but also from the sales made by its recruits.
Earning Money:
It makes money in two main ways:
Earn a prot from selling products to customers. Receive bonuses based on the sales made by their team of recruits.
Training and Support:
It provides training and support to help distributors learn how to sell products effectively and grow their business.
It has been a major player in the direct selling industry for decades, known for its wide range of products and unique business model. From humble beginnings to becoming a global powerhouse, Amway has built a strong reputation for quality and innovation. But beyond the surface, there are some surprising details about this company that many people don’t know.
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Here are 5 interesting facts about it that
might surprise you:
It sells more than 450 products, including vitamins, beauty items, and home goods. This diverse range allows them to cater to various customer needs and preferences, reinforcing their extensive market reach and adaptability.
It makes over $8 billion in sales each year. This success story reects the company’s robust global network and the loyalty of millions of distributors and customers who believe in its products and business model.
They sponsor the Amway Center in Orlando, Florida, where many sports and events happen. This sponsorship not only boosts their brand visibility but also connects them with a wide audience through popular events held at the center.
They were the rst to make a liquid laundry detergent that works in all types of washing machines. This innovation showcased their commitment to practical solutions and set a new standard in the industry.
It has earned several prestigious awards, including the Direct Selling Association (DSA) Award for excellence, the Best Practices Award for innovation, and the Consumer Choice Award for product quality. The company has also been recognized with Green Business Awards for its commitment to sustainability and eco-friendly practices.
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