Best Franchise To Own in 2024

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Editors note

In this special edition of Franchisee First—our "Best Franchises to Own in

2024" issue—we're thrilled to feature Casey Ridley, the visionary Founder and President of The Designery, as our cover story. Casey’s entrepreneurial journey is a powerful example of how resilience, innovation, and a deep commitment to service can turn a single business idea into a thriving national franchise.

From a promising start in surgical medicine to building a household name in the home services industry, Casey’s story is about adaptability and the willingness to pivot toward new opportunities. His approach to franchising, centered on community engagement, cutting-edge technology, and unwavering support for franchisees, is exactly what makes The Designery one of the best franchises to own in 2024.

In this feature, we delve into Casey’s inspiring career shift, his passion for innovation, and the strategic vision that has led The Designery to stand out in a competitive market. We also highlight the key lessons for aspiring entrepreneurs and franchisees, showcasing why The Designery has become a model of consistency, growth, and customer satisfaction.

We hope this story sparks inspiration and insights for those looking to invest in a franchise with a solid foundation, a forward-thinking approach, and a leader who truly cares about making a difference.Welcome to the future of franchising. Welcome to The Designery.

Warm regards,


Casey Ridley

The Entrepreneurial Journey of Casey Ridley: From Medicine to Business Leadership

20. Franchisee or Entrepreneur? Level of Risk and Control

26. Subway: A Case Study in Franchise Growth

32. Why ‘Franchisee First Magazine’ is a Game-Changer for Your Franchise Success

38. Navigating Global Franchise Marketing: Strategies for Success

The Designery Franchising


After graduation, Casey acquired a surplus company that would later become The Designery. Recognizing that the current state of the business was far from where it needed to go, Casey set out to transform the business. This required a complete strategic overhaul, beginning with a rebrand that modernized the company's image and services. Casey’s focus was on creating a customer-centric experience that prioritized convenience, personalization, and cutting-edge technology.

Key to this transformation was the introduction of virtual reality tools in The Designery’s showrooms. These tools allow customers to visualize their new spaces in a highly immersive environment, giving them confidence in their design choices. To ensure the new approach was viable, Casey tested it by opening several corporate stores, which provided valuable insights and helped refine the customer experience. The success of these stores confirmed that the business model was scalable, leading him to franchise the company to reach a wider audience.



TheCOVID-19pandemicbroughtunprecedented challengestobusinessesacrossindustries,and TheDesignerywasnoexception.Asanessential business,itremainedopen,butnewsafety protocolswerequicklyimplementedtoprotect bothcustomersandemployees.Socialdistancing, mandatorymasks,andstrictcleaningprocedures wereintroducedtocreateasafeshopping environment.

Beyondtheseimmediatemeasures,Casey recognizedtheneedtoenhanceTheDesignery’s onlinepresence.Thecompanyexpandedits digitalengagement,offeringvirtualconsultations andutilizingitsexistingvirtualrealitytoolsto continueservingcustomerswhowereless comfortablevisitingshowroomsinperson.This experiencereinforcedtheimportanceof flexibilityandadaptability,lessonsthatwill continuetoinfluencethecompany’sstrategyin thefuture.


Forthoseaspiringtostarttheirownventures, especiallyinthehomeservicesorfranchising sectors,Caseyoffersvaluableadvice.Firstand foremost,heemphasizestheimportanceof understandingyourmarketandcustomers. Thoroughresearchisessential,notonlyduring theinitialstagesbutthroughouttheentire entrepreneurialjourney.

Forfranchisors,maintainingconsistencyand supportingfranchiseesarecrucialtolong-term success.Entrepreneursmustensurethateveryone involvedsharesthesamevisionandcommitment toexcellence.Lastly,Caseyunderscoresthe importanceofadaptability—beingreadytopivot whennecessarycanmakethedifferencebetween successandfailureinarapidlychangingbusiness environment.


CaseyisparticularlyexcitedaboutthefutureofThe Designery,especiallywiththelaunchofnewproduct lines,includingGEappliancesandoutdoorcabinets. Theseadditionsexpandthecompany’sofferings, furthersolidifyingTheDesigneryasago-to destinationforcreatingbeautifulspaces.

Onthetechnologyfront,Caseyandhisteamare constantlyexploringadvancementsthatenhancethe customerexperience.Virtualrealityisalreadyakey componentoftheirshowrooms,butthecompanyis alsolookingintoAIandotherinnovationsto personalizeandstreamlinethedesignprocessfurther.


Givingbacktothecommunityisanintegralpartof Casey’sphilosophy TheDesignery,asapartof HomefrontBrands,supportsOperationHomeFront, providingassistancetomilitaryfamilies,aswellas CarsonScholarsFund,anonprofitdedicatedto creatingliterary-enrichedenvironments.Inaddition, Caseyispersonallyinvolvedwithhisalmamater,the UniversityofGeorgia’sTerryCollegeofBusiness,to helpshapethenextgenerationofbusinessleaders.

Casey’scommitmenttocommunityengagementisnot onlyaboutcorporateresponsibility;it’salsoabout fosteringasenseofpurposewithinhisteamand makingameaningfulimpact.Thisdrivetogivebackis attheheartofbothhispersonalandprofessionallife, reflectinghisbeliefthatsuccessisaboutmorethanjust business—it’saboutmakingapositivedifference.

Insummary,CaseyRidley'sentrepreneurialjourney, frommedicinetofoundingTheDesignery,isa testamenttohisresilience,adaptability,and unwaveringcommitmenttoservice.Through continuousinnovationandcommunityinvolvement,he hasbuiltasuccessfulbusinessthatismakingalasting impactonboththehomeservicesindustryandthe communitiesitserves.


In the Franchisee world, the decision to become a franchisee or start your own business as an entrepreneur is important. This decision is frequently based on a variety of considerations, including risk tolerance, desire for control, and personal business objectives. While franchising gives a regulated path with established support structures, entrepreneurship allows the freedom to innovate and create a distinct brand. This blog post delves into the complexities of both paths, concentrating on the levels of risk and control involved in each, to assist potential business owners in making informed judgments.

Franchisee or Enepreneur?


Understanding the Franchise Model

Conversely,thosewhovaluecreativityandwishtopursuetheiruniquevisionmayfindentrepreneurship moresatisfying.Thispathallowsforgreaterinnovationandadaptability,cateringtonichemarketsor personalintereststhatmaynotfitwithintheconfinesofafranchisemodel.However,thischoice requiresasolidriskmanagementstrategy,astheroadtosuccesscanbeunpredictable.

Ultimately,bothmethodsincludedifferentamountsofriskandcontrol.Franchiseesbenefitfromlower riskbutlessautonomy,whereasentrepreneursvaluecreativeflexibilityattheexpenseofhigher unpredictability.Prospectivebusinessownersshouldconsidertheirrisktolerance,financialstatus,and long-termambitionstochoosewhichpathbestfitstheirvisionforsuccess.


FranchisingBasics:Explorethefoundationalprinciplesoffranchisingandhowitoperateswithin variousindustries.

EntrepreneurialStrategies:Studyeffectivestrategiesforlaunchingandscalingastartup,including fundingoptionsandmarketresearch.

RiskManagementTechniques:Delveintoriskassessmentandmanagementtechniquesthatcanhelp entrepreneursmitigatepotentialpitfalls.



SmallBusinessManagement:Understandtheessentialsofmanagingasmallbusiness,fromoperations tofinance.

MarketingStrategies:Learnabouteffectivemarketingtechniquesforbothfranchisesandindependent businesses.

LegalConsiderationsinFranchising:Familiarizeyourselfwiththelegalaspectsandagreements involvedinfranchising.

Finally,whetheryouchoosetofranchiseorstartyourownbusiness,youmustgraspthelevelsofrisk andcontrolassociatedwitheach.Yourdecisionshouldreflectyourowngoals,values,anddesireto tacklethechallengesofbusinessownership.

Case Study : Subway

Subway, the world's largest submarine sandwich chain, has become a quintessential example of franchise success. With over 40,000 locations in more than 100 countries, Subway's growth trajectory has been nothing short of remarkable. This case study delves into the key factors driving Subway's success as a franchise business.

Customer-Centric Approach:

Subway's customer-centric approach has been instrumental in its franchise success. By offering customizable sandwich options to cater to diverse tastes and dietary preferences, Subway has carved out a niche in the highly competitive fastfood market. The brand's emphasis on fresh ingredients, healthy choices, and value-driven pricing resonates with consumers seeking convenient and nutritious meal options.

A Case Study in Franchise Growth



Subway's franchise model is renowned for its relatively low initial investment compared to other fast-food chains. This affordability has attractedadiversepooloffranchisees,including entrepreneurs, small business owners, and aspiring restaurateurs. With flexible store formats and location options, Subway offers franchisees the opportunity to enter the restaurant industry with minimal financial barriers.

ExtensiveTrainingand Support:

Subwayprovidesextensivetrainingandsupport to its franchisees, equipping them with the necessarytoolsandknowledgetosucceed.From comprehensive training programs for new franchisees to ongoing operational support and marketing assistance, Subway ensures that its franchisees have the resources they need to run theirbusinesseseffectively.Thiscommitmentto franchisee success fosters loyalty and collaborationwithintheSubwaynetwork.


Subway'sstrategicapproachtoglobalexpansion has fueled its rapid growth and market penetration. By adapting its menu offerings and marketing strategies to suit local tastes and preferences, Subway has successfully expanded into diverse international markets. The brand's ability to localize its product offerings while maintaining its core value proposition has enabledittothriveinregionswithvariedculinary cultures.


Subwayhasembracedtechnologyandinnovation to enhance the customer experience and streamlineoperations.Frommobileorderingand digital loyalty programs to online delivery services, Subway leverages technology to meet the evolving needs of today's consumers. By staying ahead of digital trends and embracing innovation, Subway continues to drive customer engagement and loyalty in an increasingly competitivemarketplace.


Subway's success as a franchise business can be attributed to its customer-centric approach, low initialinvestment,extensivetrainingandsupport, strategic global expansion, and embrace of technology and innovation. By prioritizing franchisee success, maintaining brand consistency, and adapting to changing consumer preferences, Subway has established itself as a globalleaderinthefast-foodindustry.


is a Game-Changer for Your Franchise Success

In the highly competitive field of franchising, getting ahead of the curve is essential for success. Franchisee First Magazine is known as a vital guide for franchise owners, offering useful insights, tactics, and inspiration appropriate to their individual needs. In the following piece, we are going to look at why this magazine is a game changer for franchise success.


Intoday’sdigitalage,technologyplaysasignificant roleinthesuccessofanybusiness.FranchiseeFirst Magazinefrequentlycoverstechnological advancementsthatcanbenefitfranchisees,suchas:

PointofSale(POS)systems:Evaluatingthebest optionsforefficiencyandreporting.

Customerrelationshipmanagement(CRM)tools: Implementingsystemsthatenhancecustomer interactionsandretention.

E-commercesolutions:Exploringonlinesales avenuesforfranchisesthattraditionallyoperateoffline.

Understandingandutilizingtechnologyeffectivelycan setfranchiseesapartfromtheircompetition,making thiscoverageparticularlyvaluable.


Sustainabilityisbecomingincreasinglyimportantin allsectors,includingfranchising.FranchiseeFirst Magazineprovidesinsightsintobuildingasustainable franchisemodel.Thisincludes:

Eco-friendlypractices:Implementinggreen initiativesthatattractenvironmentallyconscious consumers.

Communityengagement:Strategiesforgivingback tothecommunity,whichcanenhancebrandloyalty

Sustainablesupplychains:Tipsonsourcing materialsresponsiblytoreduceenvironmentalimpact.

Franchiseeswhoprioritizesustainabilitynotonly contributepositivelytotheplanetbutalsoattracta growingdemographicofeco-awareconsumers.


In conclusion, Franchisee First Magazine is undoubtedly a game-changer for franchise owners looking to elevate their success. With its tailored content, expert insights, practical tips, and focus on community building, the magazine equips franchisees with the resources they need to thrive in a competitive landscape. By staying informed and connected through this publication, franchisees can enhance their operations, adapt to industry changes, and ultimately achieve greater success. If you’re a franchisee seeking to improve your business, subscribing to Franchisee First Magazine may just be the best decision you make for your franchise journey.


Expanding a franchise business globally offers unparalleled opportunities for growth, market diversication, and brand exposure.

NavigatingGlobal Marketing: FOR SUCCESS


Forgestrategicpartnershipswithlocalbusinesses, influencers, and industry associations to enhance brand visibility and credibility in new markets. Collaborate with reputable franchise brokers, consultants, and master franchisees who possess intimateknowledgeoflocalmarketdynamicsand canfacilitatemarketentryandexpansion.

Data Point: A study by McKinsey & Company found that strategic partnerships can accelerate market entry and increase market share by up to 30%ininternationalmarkets.


Empower franchisees with comprehensive training and support programs to effectively execute marketing initiatives and uphold brand standards in diverse global markets Provide ongoing guidance, resources, and access to centralizedmarketingtoolsandmaterialstoensure consistency and alignment across all franchise locations.

Data Point: Research by Franchise Business Review indicates that franchise systems with robust training and support programs experience higher franchisee satisfaction rates and revenue growth.

Expanding a franchise business globally presents immenseopportunitiesforgrowthandsuccess,but itrequiresstrategicandtargetedmarketingefforts tailored to each unique market. By conducting comprehensive market research, developing localized marketing strategies, leveraging digital channels, cultivating strategic partnerships, and prioritizing franchisee training and support, franchise brands can unlock global growth and establish a strong presence in international markets.

Data-driven insights and proven strategies serve as invaluable tools in navigating the complexities of global franchise marketing, enabling brands to effectively connect with diverse audiences, drive engagement, and drive revenue generation on a global scale.

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