Most Influential Leader in AgriTech Industry 2024

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Vineet Trakroo CEO, Chief Evolution Ofcer, Evolution Strategy Advisors LLP

Thorsten de Jong

Managing Director, Finyoz


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Editor’s Note

Transforming Global Health: The Journey and Vision of metaBIX Biotech

InthiseditionofTheEntrepreneurTimesMagazine,wearethrilledtopresent ourcoverstoryonmetaBIXBiotech,atrailblazingcompanyattheforefront oftheagritechindustry.Aspartofour"MostInfluentialLeaderinAgritech Industry2024"feature,wedelveintotheinspiringjourneyand groundbreakinginnovationsledbyLauraMacció,Co-FounderandCEO, alongwithhervisionaryco-founders,OscarFigueiraandAndrésPio.

metaBIXBiotechisrevolutionizingthefieldofanimalandplanthealth throughtheseamlessintegrationofbiotechnologyandartificialintelligence. Theirpioneeringtechnologyanticipatesdiseaseoutbreaks,significantly enhancingtheefficiencyandsafetyofagriculturalpracticesworldwide.With amissiontocreateahealthierfuturethroughproactivediseasemanagement, metaBIXBiotechexemplifiesthepotentialofinnovationtodrive sustainabilityandglobalwell-being.

LauraMacció,withherextensivebackgroundinbiotechnology,leads metaBIXBiotechwithunwaveringdedication.AlongsideOscarFigueira, whoseexpertiseinproductionmanagementensuresoperationalexcellence, andAndrésPio,adatascienceluminaryfromprestigiousinstitutionssuchas MITandHarvard,theteamembodiesthesynergyofdiverseexpertisedriving transformativechange.

ThisfeatureexploresmetaBIXBiotech'sadvancedAI-drivendiagnostic technology,theircommitmenttosustainability,andthestrategic collaborationsthathavepropelledthemtotheforefrontoftheindustry.As theycontinuetoexpandtheirimpactandleadthewaytowardsmarter,more accessiblediseasedetection,metaBIXBiotechstandsasabeaconof innovationandexcellenceintheagritechsector.

JoinusaswecelebratemetaBIXBiotech'sremarkableachievementsandtheir visionaryleadership,shapingthefutureofagriculturewithcutting-edge technologyandunwaveringcommitmenttoahealthierworld.

Editor-in-Chief The Entrepreneur Times Magazine

18. 22. 30. 08. 36.

Laura Maccio, Co-founder & CEO, metaBIX Biotech

Mindset Matters: Cultivating the Entrepreneurial Mind

Vineet Trakroo - CEO, Chief Evolution Officer Evolution Strategy Advisors LLP

Networking Alchemy: The Power of Building Connections in the Entrepreneurial World

Thorsten de Jong, Managing Director, Finyoz

Cover Story

Transforming Global Health: The Journey

and Vision of metaBIX Biotech

Our mission has always been clear: to develop cutting-edge technology that anticipates disease outbreaks, improving efciency and safety in the agricultural and public health sectors." –

n the rapidly evolving fields of biotechnology and artificial intelligence, metaBIX Biotech stands out as a transformative force Co-founded by Laura Macció,OscarFigueira,andAndrés Pio, the company is dedicated to revolutionizing disease detection and management across the animal, plant, and human health sectors.With a diverse team bringing expertise from biotechnology, data science, and food production, metaBIX Biotech aims to create globally accessible, sustainable solutions for earlydiseasedetection.


The founding of metaBIX Biotech is a story of ambition and innovation. Laura Macció, with a strong background in biotechnology, joined forces with Andrés Pio, a data science expert, andOscarFigueira,whobringsovertwodecades of experience in food production Their collectivevisionwastointegratebiotechnology with AI to improve disease detection and management, focusing on prevention over reaction. This global approach not only addresses a significant market opportunity but also reflects their commitment to promoting a healthierfutureforall.


metaBIXBiotech'stechnologyisattheforefront of revolutionizing disease prediction By allowing customers to anticipate outbreaks at least15daysinadvance,theyofferasignificant improvement over current solutions. Their innovative "disease meteorology" platform providesdeepinsightsintotheglobalmovement ofdiseasesandpredictsfutureemergingdiseases or pandemics This technology not only enhances animal health but also supports the development of new products like health insurancestailoredtoemergingdiseasepatterns.


The mission of metaBIX Biotech to revolutionize disease prediction and management is the driving force behind their daily operations and strategic decisions. Their vision of a world without microbiological threats guides their efforts to develop advanced technology for proactive prevention. This long-term goal of acting as a globalhealthbarometerensuresthateverydecision meetscurrentmarketneedswhileadvancingglobal health.


metaBIX Biotech's AI-driven diagnostic technology combines an air sampling device with advanced AI algorithms. The device captures microorganisms and dust particles in production environments,andthedatacollectedisanalyzedto predict and issue Early Risk Alerts for potential disease outbreaks. This non-invasive, populationwide diagnostic approach provides real-time data, enablingveterinariansandagriculturalmanagersto makeinformeddecisionsandmitigaterisks.


WhatsetsmetaBIXBiotechapartistheirabilityto detect a wide variety of pathogens from a single environmental sample, identifying biological agents before visible outbreaks occur. Their AI algorithms process this data to issue early warnings, allowing for quick action to prevent disease spread. Additionally, their platform offers unique visualizations of the 'Environmental Pressure of Infection', providing critical informationforproactivehealthmanagement.


To ensure the accuracy and reliability of their predictive models, metaBIX Biotech employs rigorous validation methods. They use standardized sampling techniques and accredited laboratoriestomaintaindataquality.TheirAI

Strategic Collaborations and Partnerships

Strategic collaborations are vital for metaBIX Biotech. Partnerships with leading veterinary pharmaceutical companies and strategic alliances in Asia have expanded their reach and tailored solutions to regional needs. These collaborations enhance their innovation capacity, validate their technology, and position them as leaders in biotechnology and AI for animal and plant health.

Cover Story


ThefutureofAIandbiotechnologyinanimalhealthis promising,withtrendsindiseasepatternanalysisand molecular-level treatments offering exciting advancements. metaBIX Biotech is poised to lead these innovations, improving agricultural efficiency, sustainability,andanimalwelfare.Theircommitment toresearchanddevelopmentensurestheystayatthe forefrontoftechnologicaladvancements.


metaBIX Biotech’s customer journey begins with understandingspecificdiseasedetectionneeds.They provide customized services, training, and continuous support to maximize the platform’s benefits. Their interactive visualizations empower clientstomakeinformeddecisions,offeringnotjusta technological tool but a partnership for improved animalhealth.


Speed, accuracy, customer-centricity, innovation, trust, commitment, and ease of use define metaBIX Biotech’s culture. They prioritize efficiency and reliability,understandandaddressclientneeds,foster creativity, maintain integrity, and ensure their platform is user-friendly These values guide their mission to improve global health through advanced diagnostics.

"We believe that the integration of biotechnology and articial intelligence will revolutionize how we manage health, making it proactive rather than reactive." – Oscar Figueira, Co-Founder


Looking ahead, metaBIX Biotech aims to establish a strong global presence, with projectedsalesof$100millionby2028.Their vision includes expanding into new markets and sectors, developing personalized diagnostic solutions, and creating a "disease meteorology" system for global disease anticipation. Strategic collaborations and ongoing research will drive their growth, making significant contributions to public healthandsustainability.

Conclusion: A Healthier Future Through Innovation

metaBIX Biotech is leading the charge in transforming how we predict, manage, and prevent diseases. Through their groundbreaking integration of biotechnology and AI, they offer innovative solutions that improve animal health, enhance food safety, and contribute to global sustainability. Their journey, driven by a clear mission and vision, reflects the power of interdisciplinary collaboration and ethical innovation. As they continue to expand their impact, metaBIX Biotech remains dedicated to creating a healthier future for all, leveraging the best of scienceandtechnologytoaddresssomeofthe mostpressinghealthchallengesofourtime.

In the dynamic world of entrepreneurship, success often hinges on more than just a groundbreaking idea or a robust business plan. The key differentiator lies in the mindset of the entrepreneur—the way they approach challenges, handle setbacks, and embrace opportunities. Cultivating an entrepreneurial mindset is not only crucial for personal growth but also essential for navigating the unpredictable terrain of business. In this article, we explore the signicance of mindset in entrepreneurship and offer insights into how aspiring entrepreneurs can cultivate the right mindset for success.



Atthecoreofanentrepreneurialmindsetisthe power of positive thinking. Entrepreneurs who approach challenges with a positive outlookarebetterequippedtofindinnovative solutions and persevere through tough times. Apositivemindsetfostersresilience,allowing entrepreneurs to bounce back from failures, learn from mistakes, and continuously adapt to changing circumstances. Embracing challengesasopportunitiesforgrowth,rather than insurmountable obstacles, is a hallmark ofasuccessfulentrepreneurialmindset.


In the fast-paced world of business, adaptability and flexibility are indispensable qualities. Entrepreneurs with an adaptable mindset recognize that change is inevitable and view it as a chance to pivot, evolve, and stay ahead of the competition. Whether it's adapting to market trends, technological advancements, or unforeseen challenges, an entrepreneurial mindset thrives on the ability toembracechangeandturnitintoastrategic advantage.


Entrepreneurship inherently involves risk, and those with an entrepreneurial mindset understand that calculated risks are often necessaryforinnovationandgrowth.Viewing failure not as a roadblock but as a stepping stonetosuccess,resiliententrepreneurslearn from their experiences and use setbacks as opportunities to refine their strategies. The abilitytonavigateuncertaintywithresilience is a defining characteristic of an entrepreneurialmindset.


An entrepreneurial mindset is fueled by a thirst forknowledgeandagenuinecuriosityaboutthe world. Successful entrepreneurs are lifelong learners, constantly seeking new information, insights, and skills that can contribute to their ventures.Embracingagrowthmindset,theyview challenges as opportunities to acquire new knowledgeandskills,enablingthemtostayatthe forefrontoftheirindustries.


Entrepreneurs with a growth-oriented mindset recognize the value of collaboration and networking.Buildingasuccessfulbusinessoften requires a diverse set of skills and perspectives. Entrepreneurs who actively seek out collaboration opportunities and foster strong networks are better positioned to access resources,expertise,andsupportwhenneeded.A collaborativemindsetenhancesproblem-solving capabilitiesandopensdoorstonewpossibilities.

In conclusion, the entrepreneurial journey is as much a mental game as it is a strategic one. Cultivating an entrepreneurial mindset is an ongoing process that involves fostering positive thinking, embracing adaptability, taking calculated risks, and continuously learning and collaborating. Aspiring entrepreneurs can harnessthepowerofmindsettonotonlynavigate the challenges of entrepreneurship but also to thriveandinnovateinanever-evolvingbusiness landscape. In a world where change is constant, the entrepreneurial mindset is the compass that guides individuals towards success in the unpredictablejourneyofentrepreneurship.

Vineet Trakroo
Special ProleVineet Trakroo

Special Prole- Vineet Trakroo


Trakroo believes that participative leadership is essential for success.Aleader must be part of the team, involved in operations, and understand the frontline'spainpointstomakeinformeddecisions. Data-savvinessisalsocrucial,asinsightshiddenin datacandeterminesuccessorfailure.Additionally, the ability to motivate and reward teams, understand changing policy, technology, and economicscenarios,andspotopportunitiesisvital forfuture-readyleadership.


AtEvolutionStrategyAdvisorsLLP,innovationis fostered through the early adoption of technology, suchascloudservicesandanalyticssince2014.By analyzingdatathatorganizationsgeneratebutoften overlook, they identify insights impacting business. The use of OKR (Objectives and Key Results) techniques, derived from those used by Google and Intel, has helped deliver results for clients over the past five years. Cross-pollinating ideasfromdifferentindustries,theyhaveimproved sales processes by learning from best practices in pharma,industrial,andautomotivesectors.


Choosing the right customers has been a challengingdecisionforTrakroo,aimingto buildfocusandvalueintheirofferings.By selecting clients who value their work the most and where they can offer better service,theyhavehadtorefusebusinessto grow in their chosen direction This strategic decision, though difficult, has enabled them to offer tailored and highqualityservices.


For Trakroo, strategy is partly about risk mitigation. Their recommendations are designed to create systems where errors or failures can be easily identified. By analyzing data and pinpointing the right causes that create the desired effect, they convert these causes into action points or key performance parameters, keeping potentialrisksinfullview.

Special Prole- Vineet Trakroo


Understanding a client's corporate culture is critical to the success of any execution. When running business transformation projects, Trakroo delves deep to understand an organization’s competencies and decisionmaking criteria. Bringing future issues to the forefront often requires cultural change and the abilitytostayaheadofthecurve.Innovation,for instance, is a cultural aspect that should permeate across functions, not just confined to products.


Advising companies on digital transformation, Evolution Strategy Advisors LLP integrates these processes into overall business transformation. By digitizing sales processes, theygathervaluabledatatounderstandcustomer buying processes and journeys. This data, combined with other business performance metrics, helps monitor and diagnose challenges regularly.Teachingfrontlineemployeestoselfanalyzeperformancewithdataisakeyaspectof theirapproach.


Trakrooadvisesentrepreneurstoseeklong-term sustainableadvantageswhilebeingpreparedfor technologicalupgrades.Intheageofgenerative AI,evaluatingitsimpactonsolutionsofferedis crucial.

Legacy and Future Goals

Trakroo’s journey began with the goal of enabling organizations to perform better and compete globally. Aspiring to touch at least 1,000 brands and help them grow exponentially, they are currently working with 60 companies and 105 brands. These highperformance companies will contribute to industry growth and generate wealth for employees and the nation.

In essence, Vineet Trakroo's insights reect a profound understanding of the evolving business landscape, emphasizing the importance of adaptability, data-driven decisionmaking, and fostering a culture of innovation for sustainable success.


Edition July 2024

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