Best Franchises to Follow in 2024

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Chief Acquisitions Ofcer

Kampgrounds of America, Inc. (KOA)

Helen Yu Founder & CEO Tigon Advisory Corp.


Embracing the Outdoors with Kampgrounds of America, Inc.: A Conversation with Chris Fairlee Best Franchises to Follow in 2024


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Editor’s Note

Embracing the Outdoors with Kampgrounds of America, Inc.: A Conversation with Chris Fairlee

WelcometothecoverstoryofthisspecialeditionofTheEntrepreneurTimesMagazine, wherewespotlightthe"BestFranchisestoFollowin2024."Inthisissue,wedelveinto theworldofoutdoorhospitalityandtheremarkablejourneyofKampgroundsofAmerica, Inc.(KOA).Aswecelebrateinnovation,resilience,andentrepreneurialspirit,KOA standsoutasabeaconofexcellenceinthefranchisingworld.

OurcoverstoryfeaturesChrisFairlee,theChiefAcquisitionsOfficeratKOA,whoshares insightfulperspectivesonthecompany’sentrepreneurialethos,itscommitmentto innovation,anditsunwaveringsupportforveteransandthebroadercommunity.Sinceits inceptionin1962,KOAhastransformedthecampingexperience,growingintothe world’slargestsystemofopen-to-the-publiccampgroundswithover500locationsacross NorthAmerica.

Inthisinterview,ChrisFairleeshedslightonKOA’sjourney,fromitshumblebeginnings onthebanksoftheYellowstoneRivertoitspositionasanindustryleaderinoutdoor hospitality.Hediscussesthecompany’sinnovativeinitiatives,suchasthe“Campground oftheFuture,”anditsdedicationtoenhancingcustomerexperiencesthroughcontinuous improvementandfeedback.

KOA’smissionof“connectingpeopletotheoutdoorsandeachother”resonatesdeeplyin theiroperationsandinitiatives.Withastrongfocusonfamily,community,andcustomer satisfaction,KOAhascreatedathrivingnetworkoffranchiseeswhoarepassionateabout deliveringmemorablecampingexperiences.

WeareparticularlymovedbyKOA’scommitmenttogivingback,exemplifiedbytheir supportfortheCareCampsFoundation,whichprovidesmedicallysupervisedcampsfor childrenbattlingcancer Thisdedicationtosocialresponsibilityunderscoresthe company’scorevaluesanditsbeliefinthehealingpowerofnature.

Aswenavigatethrough2024,KOA'sstoryservesasaninspirationforaspiring entrepreneursandestablishedbusinessownersalike.Theirjourneyisatestamenttothe powerofinnovation,community,andtheentrepreneurialspirit.

Wehopethiscoverstorynotonlyinformsbutalsoinspiresyoutoexplorethe possibilitieswithinthefranchisingworldandbeyond.JoinusaswecelebrateKOA,a franchisethatexemplifiesexcellenceandcontinuestosetthestandardinoutdoor hospitality


Editor-in-Chief The Entrepreneur Times Magazine


20. 26. 32. 08. 36.

Chris Fairlee, Chief Acquisitions Officer Kampgrounds of America, Inc. (KOA)

Investing in Yourself: The Catalyst for Entrepreneurial Success

Helen Yu - Founder & CEO Tigon Advisory Corp.

Scaling Up: Strategies for Growing Your Entrepreneurial Venture

Patrick Henry - President & CEO GroGuru Inc.

Embracing the Outdoors with

Kampgrounds of America, Inc.:

A Conversation with Chris


Kampgrounds of America, Inc. (KOA) has been a part of the outdoor hospitality industry for over 60 years. Its mission is to connect people to the outdoors and each other. The company has more than 500 campgrounds across North America. Chris Fairlee, Chief Acquisitions Ofcer at KOA, shares insights into the company's journey, innovations, and dedication to customer service and community.

Cover Story

We believe in the power of community and collaboration. By fostering a sense of belonging among our franchisees and encouraging the sharing of best practices, we help the entire system grow and thrive.”


KOA's commitment to innovation has earned it the titleofMostInnovativeFranchise."Our'Campground of the Future' initiative has introduced forwardthinking products like sky decks, energy-efficient buildings,rechargingstations,andsolarfields,"Chris shares. Since 2014, KOA has published the North American Camping Report, now the Camping and OutdoorHospitalityReport,whichprovidesvaluable insights into camping trends and guest expectations. "Understanding the importance of connecting people to the outdoors, we share this data to help grow the industry,"Chrisexplains.


KOAcampgrounds are owned by a diverse group of individuals and families passionate about hospitality andoutdoorrecreation."62%ofourparksareowned byindividualownersandoperatorswhotypicallyown one property," Chris notes. The remaining campgroundsareownedbymulti-parkinvestors,both multi-generational campground operating families and business investors, who recognize the financial potentialofowningmultipleproperties.KOA'slegacy franchisorsystemincludesseveralmulti-generational owners, passing down their campgrounds to the next generation.


ForthoseinterestedinowningaKOAfranchise,there are several pathways: purchasing an existing KOA campground,convertinganindependentcampground, or building a new one. "Our franchise models allow business owners to achieve their unique goals while delivering an unparalleled camping experience," Chris says. The KOA Difference is built on Camper Growth, Revenue Growth, Operational Excellence, and KOA Family, making ownership a rich and rewardingexperience.


KOA's mission is to connect people to theoutdoorsandeachother."Ourvision istobetheworldleaderindefiningand advancing the business and experience of outdoor hospitality," Chris explains. KOA's core values family-oriented, passionate, entrepreneurial, customerfocused, and innovative guide their operationsandinitiatives."KOAYellow Prideembodiesourdedicationtoservice and hospitality, helping people get outside because we know it changes themontheinside,"Chrisadds.

Ensuring High-Quality Customer Service

Camper satisfaction is paramount at KOA. Using the Net Promoter Score (NPS) system, KOA gathers direct feedback from campers to continually improve their services. "Our franchise owners take great pride in their campgrounds, reflected in our system NPS score of 70, designating KOA as WorldClassinhospitality,"Chrisshares.


KOA offers diverse camping options, fromRVandtentsitestoDeluxeCabins. "We want the outdoors to be accessible and enjoyable for everyone," Chris emphasizes KOA's accommodations include RV-friendly sites with various amenities, tent sites with essential conveniences, and Deluxe Cabins featuring modern comforts like air conditioning, gas grills, private bathrooms,andkitchens.

Our 'Campground of the Future' initiative has introduced forwardthinking products like sky decks, energy-efcient buildings, and solar elds. Innovation stands as a core value at KOA.”


By supporting Care Camps, we help families battling cancer enjoy care-free camping experiences, focusing on fun and creating lifelong memories.”

Tailored Camping Experiences

KOA campgrounds cater to different types of campers through its three brands. "KOA Journey campgrounds are perfect for quick stops, KOA Holidays offer more amenities for longer stays, and KOA Resorts provide a comprehensive vacation experience," Chris explains. Each brand is designed to meet the unique needs of campers, ensuring a memorable outdoor experience.

Supporting Pediatric Oncology Patients

KOA is deeply involved with the Care Camps Foundation, a nonprot organization that funds pediatric oncology camps across the U.S. and Canada. "Since 1984, we've been raising money to support these camps, impacting 38,000 children and families annually," Chris shares. By supporting Care Camps, KOA helps families battling cancer enjoy care-free camping experiences, focusing on fun and creating lifelong memories.


Kampgrounds of America, Inc. continues to redene the camping experience through innovation, community support, and a commitment to connecting people to the outdoors.

Under the leadership of individuals like Chris Fairlee, KOA remains a dynamic and beloved brand in the outdoor hospitality industry. Whether you're a rst-time camper or a seasoned outdoor enthusiast, KOA offers something for everyone, making every camping trip a memorable adventure.

CXO Spice is not just a platform; it's a channel where innovation is translated into realworld applications.”

Being recognized among the Top 50 Women in Tech is an honor, but the real achievement lies in fostering diversity and inclusion in the tech ecosystem."

By posing thoughtful questions and offering informed insights in the boardroom, Yu is contributing not just to individual companies but to the broader narrative of technological progress. Her approach ensures that innovation is not just a buzzword but a tangible force driving growth and resilience.


Entrepreneurshipinthetechlandscapeisnoeasyfeat, andHelenYuacknowledgestheperpetualchallenge ofbalancingstrategicvisionwithtacticalexecution. Her approach of seeking guidance from a personal Board of Directors exemplifies a humility and openness to learning that sets her apart in the everevolvingtechlandscape.

Envisioning the Future: AI, Cybersecurity, and Beyond

In contemplating the future ofAI and cybersecurity, HelenYuseesalandscapewheretheintegrationofAI becomes paramount The democratization of AI bringsforthaneedforsecuredatasharingtocombat emerging threats. Her vision foresees a delicate equilibrium between AI adoption, robust cybersecurity measures, and heightened employee awareness to ensure the industry's resilience in the faceofevolvingchallenges.


As Helen Yu looks ahead, her vision for the tech industry transcends individual success. She aspires to be a multiplier, enriching the lives and knowledge of others. Her legacy is not about personal accolades but about catalyzing growth and empowermentonabroaderscalewithinthetechrealm.


Beyond the boardroom and tech domains, Helen Yu finds inspirationinnature.Herpursuits,fromjoggingtoscalingMount Everestbasecamp,mirrorthedynamismandresiliencerequired inthetechworld.Speakingatconferencesandengaginginboard roles complements these endeavors, enriching her perspectives andhoninghertimemanagementskills.

In conclusion, HelenYu's journey and contributions to the tech industry paint a portrait of a leader whose impact extends far beyond individual success. Her endeavors, from CXO Spice to board directorship, showcase a commitment to innovation, diversity, and empowerment.As the tech industry continues to evolve,HelenYustandsasaluminaryguidingthewaytowarda future where technology not only advances but also uplifts and empowersallwhoengagewithit.

In the dynamic landscape of tech, curiosity, courage, and critical thinking are the keys to mastery."



Strategies for Growing Your Entrepreneurial Venture

Inthedynamicworldofentrepreneurship,theabilitytoscaleupisoftenacrucial determinant of long-term success. Scaling up involves expanding your business operations, increasing market share, and enhancing overall efficiency Here are key strategies to consider as you embark on the journey of growing your entrepreneurialventure.

Firstandforemost,asolidfoundationisessential.Ensurethatyourcoreprocesses, team, and infrastructure are robust enough to support growth. Investing in technology and systems that can scale with your business is vital for long-term sustainability.

Strategicpartnershipscanplayapivotalroleinscalingup.Collaboratewithother businesses that complement your offerings or target the same audience.Thisnot only expands your reach but also provides access to shared resources and expertise.

Diversification is another effective strategy. Explore new markets, products, or services that align with your brand. This can mitigate risks associated with dependenceonasinglerevenuestreamandopenupnewavenuesforgrowth.

Moreover, fostering innovation within your organization is key. Encourage a culture of continuous improvement and creative thinking.

Embrace new ideas and technologies that can give your venture a competitive edge in the market.

Effective marketing and branding are crucial during the scaling-up phase. Clearly communicate your value proposition to your target audience and differentiate your brand from competitors. Leverage digital channels and social media to amplify your reach and engagement.

In conclusion, scaling up requires a holistic approach that encompasses infrastructure, partnerships, diversification, innovation, and strategic marketing. By adopting these strategies, your entrepreneurial venture can navigate the complexities of growth and thrive in an everevolving business landscape.


Edition July 2024


Kampgrounds of America, Inc. (KOA)Embracing the Outdoors with Kampgrounds of America, Inc.: A Conversation with Chris Fairlee

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