St. Anne’s NS is a Roman Catholic School, which aims to promote a safe and warm learning environment for all; an environment, which will encourage each child to fulfil his/her potential in a caring and supportive surrounding. We promote positive relations between all members of the school community, for the benefit of our pupils. We recognise that each child is unique and has individual interests and needs. We provide an inclusive education setting and endeavour to meet the needs of all our pupils. We place a strong emphasis on the relationship between staff and pupils, which contributes to a hard-working and enjoyable atmosphere.
A Rounded Education in a Busy School
In keeping with the ethos of the school, it is the aim of the staff, the Board of Management and the parents to provide every child with a wellrounded, inclusive education, catering for their needs and talents in so far as possible. We take great pride in the various achievements of all our pupils. We have received the Award for Science and Maths Excellence for the past few years. Our Green School, Active School, Health Promoting School Committees, along with our Student Council, work tirelessly to achieve their aims. Our debating teams have represented the school with distinction. Our sports teams have had great success in hurling, football, camogie, rounders, athletics and equestrianism. Our musicians and drama group have represented us in Scór. Our quiz teams have excelled in the various competitions. Our chess and draughts competitions are keenly contested each year. Talents in the areas of music, art, sport, drama and technology are nurtured along with talents in the more academic subject areas.
Board Of Management
The Board of Management/Manager is the body of persons nominated by the Patron, Bishop of Ferns and recognised by the Minister of Education and Skills and is charged with the direct governance of the school, i.e. responsibility for management, administration, appointment of teachers and all financial matters pertaining to the school.
There are eight members of the Board of Management –
• Two direct nominees of the patron (Bishop);
• Two parents (one mother, one father) elected by the parents; The Principal and one other teacher elected by the teaching staff;
• Two community members proposed by the above nominees. There are usually 5/6 meetings of the Board of Management each year.
Daily Schedule
School begins at 9:20 am. Class teachers collect their classes from the yard each morning. Morning supervision begins at 9:00am each day.
Break-times: 11:00 – 11:10am & 1:00 – 1.30pm
Junior and Senior Infants finish school at 2.00pm.
An After-School facility operates from 2pm in our school. Parents/guardians may wish to avail of this service.
Classes from 1st – 6th finish at 3:00pm.
School Uniform
The school uniform consists of a royal blue jumper/sweater (with school crest), white polo t-shirt and dark grey pants/pinafore/skirt. Tracksuit bottoms are worn on PE days. The uniform can be purchased at Hores Stores in Wexford Town or at Wallaces of Wellingtonbridge.
The Primary School Curriculum
The curriculum is presented in seven subject areas, some of which are further sub-divided into subjects. Further information can be found on the website www.ncca.ie
Language - Gaeilge and English
Social, Environmental and Scientific Education (History, Geography and Science)
Arts Education (Visual Arts, Music and Drama)
Physical Education
Social, Personal and Health Education
Religious Education
School Bus
The majority of our pupils come to school on one of the buses that service the school. To book a seat on a school bus or check the routes, contact Bus Eireann at www.buseireann.ie.
School Books
A book rental scheme is operated in the school. Book lists are circulated in June for the coming school year.