C.B.S. Thurles
“Promotingfullpersonalandsocialdevelopmentincaring Christiancommunitiesoflearningandteaching.”
Edmund Rice Schools Trust![](https://assets.isu.pub/document-structure/230808152729-4400f185c3649dd75e64410d9dff7659/v1/12327feaf1e33bc6fb2bd8fe021e2d71.jpeg)
“Promotingfullpersonalandsocialdevelopmentincaring Christiancommunitiesoflearningandteaching.”
Edmund Rice Schools TrustIt is with great excitement and expectation that I, as Principal, welcome prospective students to our school. There is an old Chinese proverb that states, ‘Teachers open the door, but you must enter by yourself.’ I invite you through this prospectus to enter the world of CBS Thurles and to sample an array of pursuits from the academic to the liberal, from sporting to musical, from individual pursuits to team pursuits.
You will be challenged and encouraged in our school, and you will have the opportunity not just to discern what your talents are but also to use those talents and develop them to their optimum. We offer you a team of committed, dedicated teachers whose prime concern is to help you achieve your dreams. I am very proud of this school, but I am even prouder of our students. You can see the work of our students and their achievements as you traverse these pages, and you will perceive the dreams that they have made come true. Our teachers operate on a very simple principle in CBS Thurles ‘Docendo Discimus’ (by teaching, we learn). We will learn as much from all of you as you will from us, and together we can achieve great things academically in the classrooms, on the sport’s field, in the music room, in the art room in the debating chamber. I know we will make excellent mentors and guides if you allow us to.
I invite you to visit us in person and investigate the many other successes on our website, www.cbsthurles.ie where you will gain a flavour of life in our school. In CBS Thurles, friendships are made, strong bonds are formed, and the exciting world of knowledge, success and endeavour is open for you. Have no fears about Secondary School, it is a time to be embraced and enjoyed. You will progress through the years and leave as happy, confident and innovative people.
That is the wish of us all in the CBS and I hope we can accomplish that goal together.
Tiernan O’Donnell PrincipalThurlesC.B.S.isaplaceof learningwherestudents arepreparedforadultlife, academically,emotionally, spirituallyandculturally. We strive for a safe environment, free from bullying.Weaimtopromote theChristianvaluesinspired bythevisionofBlessed Edmund Rice. We seek to createanatmosphereof respectfortheneedsand talents of all members of our schoolcommunity,while challengingalltoreachtheir fullpotential.
Mr. Ollie Kelly DeputyPrincipal Dr. Tiernan O’ Donnell Principal• Nurturing faith, Christian spirituality and Gospel-based values
• Promoting partnership in the school community
• Excelling in teaching and learning
• Creating a caring school community
• Inspiring transformational leadership
“CBS Thurles develops a caring and inclusive learning community which optimises the possibilities for all our students”
At present CBS Thurles offers 4 programmes:
Transition Year Programme
Leaving Certificate Vocational Programme
The Department of Education introduced a new framework for the junior cycle on a phased basis in September 2014. The rational underpinning the new Junior Cert is to enable learners to achieve their full potential and contribute to Ireland’s economic, social and cultural development. As a progressive school we are continually updating our curriculum and developing the programme we offer at Junior Cycle.
“The school offers a broad curriculum and hasrecentlyintroduced Home Economics, which isprovingapopular optionwithstudentsand parents.Shortcourses areofferedaspartofthe newjuniorcycle,andTY andLCVPareoptions available to students in seniorcycle.Asubject samplingprogramme, which runs in the first term,allowsfirst-year studentstoexperience subjectsbeforedeciding onoptions”
The Transition Year Programme is a unique one year optional programme that promotes the personal, social and educational development of students and prepares them for their roles as autonomous, participative and responsible members of society. TY enables students to make the transition from the more dependent type of learning associated with the Junior Cycle to the more independent learning environment associated with the Senior Cycle. It encourages the development of a wide range of transferable critical thinking and creative problem solving skills. In addition to traditional subjects TY students experience a wide range of interesting modules such as:
Film Studies Home Economics
Law Studies
Eagles Flight
Mini Company Enterprise Education
Young Social Innovator Gaisce
GAA Coaching Course
Spanish GAA Future Leaders & Coaching
Career/Personal Development
Community Care Scifest
Social Studies
Irish Culture and Heritage
First Aid
Forensic Science
Car/Driver Safety
Media Studies
Work Experience
Young Scientist
Team building
We welcomed past pupil and former Student of the Year 2018 Bryan O’Mara back in the school in May who interviewed all our TY students as part of their end of year assessment. We have developed a TY programme based on the following principles
• Learning for maturity, with a focus on personal development, social awareness and resilience
• Promotion of practical and academic skills
• Learning through experience of adult and working life, as a strong foundation for personal maturity and development
“Looking back on my years in this school I can wholeheartedly say that for me transition year was my favorite of them all. TY, I think personally helped me to come out of my shell and allowed me to venture into new avenues that hadn’t even come to mind before. TY really allows you to make so many new friends as you go on lots of trips throughout the year and take part in so many different activities in the school. I think TY really brings you closer as a group without you even noticing. Having a break from studying for exams is also such a breath of fresh air. TY allows you to improve on things that you may have struggled with in class in 3rd year. I would definitely recommend TY if you are someone who is willing to get involved in all the activities that are available for you.”
Mark Davidson, 6th year 2023We provide a wide variety of subjects for the Leaving Cert.
English Physics
Applied Mathematics
Agricultural Science
Construction Studies
French Music
Home Economics
Career Guidance
Computer Studies
LC Physical Education
Physical Education
Accounting Design & Communication Graphics
Link Modules
This is a Leaving Certificate Programme designed to give a strong vocational dimension to the Leaving Cert. The programme combines the traditional Leaving Cert with a new and dynamic focus on self-directed learning, enterprise, work and community. A meeting is held for all 3rd Year parents to provide information on all the options available after the junior cycle.
Each year we schedule study skills seminars for 1st, 3rd and 6th year students. We are passionate about helping students become better learners so that they achieve their academic and life potential.
“CBS Thurles affords every student a great start in their educational journey. My time in the school allowed me to develop both socially and academically. Without a doubt, it has laid strong foundations for my journey through life.
I chose the CBS due to its long history of academic success and its wide range of extracurricular activities it offers to all students. During my time there, I had a huge interest in music and thankfully the busy music department nurtured and grew my interest. Trad groups, choral competitions, talent shows, and school musicals are a few of the activities that all students have the opportunity to participate in. Undoubtedly, the school has a strong hurling tradition and is a proud sporting school. There is certainly something for every student at CBS Thurles. There is a great atmosphere of support and friendship throughout the school. Teachers always do their utmost to ensure each student is happy and content, whilst also ensuring they achieve their academic potential. The school allows all students to follow their passions and stand out in their own unique way.
I am proud to say I attended the school and hope that each student that decides to attend has the same amazing experience I had”
Canice Ryan, Student of the Year 2022 Patrick Dowling, Student of the Year 2023Whole School Evaluation Report
“Theschoolpridesitselfonthequalityofpastoralcarewhichpermeatesall aspectsofitswork.Classtutors,yearheads,guidancecounsellors,adedicated careteamandallstaffmembersworkcloselytogethertoensurestudentshave thenecessarysupportsforahappyschoollife”
WSE-MLL Report DES 2019
Each First Year class is assigned a Class Teacher. The role of the Class Teacher is primarily a pastoral one. They keep in close contact with the class to ensure that the students are settling in satisfactorily and the class works well together. There is also a Year Head who looks after the whole year group and makes contact with parents when required. The Year Head works with the Class Teacher to try to make each students’ experience of life in C.B.S. Thurles a productive and happy one. In addition each student is assigned a Buddy from Transition Year who help the First Years integrate into life of the school.
Some features of our induction programme:
• Parent information evenings pre and post entry.
• Two Induction Days before other year groups return to school.
• 1st year students prepare for secondary school with two information visits to the school before the summer.
• Cairdeas – Transition year students paired with 1st Year students to offer support with settling in.
• Homework Club
• Team Building Activities
• 1st Year Tour
• Inter Class-Hurling League
• Several extra curricular activities to help students to get to know each other.
The school uses the resources provided by the Department of Education and Skills to make provision for students with special educational needs. We work closely with and are supported by NEPS (National Educational Psychological Service). The Learning Support Team in C.B.S. Thurles is committed to providing a comprehensive and effective learning support service for students to enable all students to achieve their full potential. Team teaching helps students in the classroom while some students are withdrawn for extra support. Special Needs Assistants offer other supports to individual students and are an important part of the Learning Support Team. A key cornerstone of the success of our AEN department is the trusting relationships built up with all the stakeholders, students, parents and the AEN team. All of our work in the AEN department is done in consultation with parents and student to achieve the best outcomes for your sons.
“Inclusivepracticesare promotedtobenefitallstudents, includingthosewithadditional education needs.”
• 3 Modern Science Laboratories
• 2 Computer Rooms
• 2 Woodwork Rooms
• Tech Graphics/DCG Room
• Music Room
• Art Room
• Gymnasium
• Canteen
• Assembly Hall
• Engineering Room
• Railway Field
• Wifi/Apple TV in all Classrooms
• Home Economics Room
• Library
• Edmund Rice Room
• 3 Learning Support Classrooms
• State of the art Astro-Turf Facility
– including 4G pitch, hurling and ball walls, outdoor basketball court and spectator viewing area.
“Therewasanorderly andpositiveatmosphere throughouttheschool duringtheevaluationand all observed interactions werepositiveand respectful.Learning environments were maintainedtoahigh standard and were clean and well decorated.”
WSE-MLL Report DES 2019
At CBS Thurles we pride ourselves in the variety of extracurricular activities on offer to students. We try to cater for all our students and each year we respond to their needs and ambitions in numerous fields of endeavour.
We have a long and distinguished record in sport and extra-curricular activities. Activities include:
Athletics Swimming Homework Club Games Club
Hurling Equestrian Breakfast Club Squash
Annual Sports Day
Something Novel Book Club
Football Musicals French Club Film Club Dodgeball
Rugby Debating German Club Chess Club Tag-Rugby
Basketball Educational Tours Club Gaeilge Regional/National Competitions Handball
Soccer Choral Group Computer Club Zambian Immersion Project Cross Country
Golf Traditional Music Green Schools Student Exchange Programme
Annual Fun Run
Recent Inspection Report
Recent Inspection Report
“Animpressiveandvariedrangeof co-curricular and extracurricular activities is available to students.”
“There is a broad curriculum onoffer,andteachersarevery committedtoprovidingarange of extra and co-curricular opportunitiesforstudents.”
The school is committed to a policy of recognition, encouragement and reward of positive behaviour. We have in place excellent school and class routines where students are clear on the boundaries and expectations. Students are given recognition for:
Outstanding achievements Attendance
Sporting accomplishments
Extra-Curricular success
Good manners, demeanour and behaviour Academic success
We encourage our students to take part in all aspects of school life, both curricular and extra-curricular. Our philosophy is that all should have the opportunity to represent their school / community in whatever field of endeavour they aspire to.
We are very aware of how dramatic a change it is for any student to transfer to a new school. The transition from primary to secondary school is a significant challenge in a child’s life. As a school we enjoy excellent relations with our colleagues in our feeder primary schools we try our best to meet all of the primary school teachers so that we can get a true flavour of the student intake into CBS Thurles.
We are also acutely aware of the many varied needs that pupils present with as they start in secondary school. We have a tailored special education leads model that we feel really helps students and the various challenges they present with. Our induction programme begins in January and includes 6th class students visiting our school on several occasions throughout the semester, during this time they meet with new friends and teachers engage in team building activities and learn more about the school.
• We operate a very a very effective induction program for our first years to help them settle in and familiarize themselves with their school. This includes visits to the school and meetings with parents.
• Your son will be in a class of no more than 24 students.
• First year students will have a base classroom with their lockers located outside of each class.
• Guidance related learning in key areas of student managing their study times. First years will engage with many assessment for learning techniques such as mind maps and timelines.
• We have a buddy system for first year students called on Cairdeas whereby trained senior students help first years to feel safe and happy in school.
• Students can experience all of our option subjects up to Christmas and then can decide on what subjects to focus on for their junior cycle.
Each classroom is fully equipped with high-speed broadband, WIFI and other relevant I.T infrastructure. Students also have access to on-site support and easy access to charging trolleys located around the school.
• Information Communication Technnology (ICT) is used in CBS Thurles to enhance the learning experience for all. We aim to prepare your son for the ever-changing environment in which they live and in which they will work in the future.
• Equipped with eBook technology, device management software and various apps to support learning are widely used by students in Junior Cycle and Transition Year.
• Although these devices are popular they are not compulsory.
• Students use their laptop/iPad devices simultaneously with physical textbooks to avail of the benefits of both learning styles.
Assist us in providing a modern classroom experience for students.
Provides an environment for remote learning if needed.
Free access for all staff and students to the following Microsoft products – Word, Powerpoint, Excel, Access, Notepad and Teams.
The Parents’ Council is an active and valued part of our school community. A committee is elected each year to represent the general body of parents and membership of the council is open to parents/guardians of all students attending the school. The Parents’ Council meets regularly during the year.
The Students’ Council is a representative body of students elected by the student body. The Council works closely with a member of staff in giving students an active voice and an avenue in which they can become involved in school life.
The wellbeing of our students is paramount in our school community. It is simple a “happy” student learns better.
Career Guidance and Counselling is at the heart of our Pastoral Care System at CBS Thurles. Our Guidance Counsellors have a caring and supportive role in the school where students can get advice and supports about a range of issues. From personal issues to study skills to college advice and information, the Guidance Counsellors are on hand to meet with students in a confidential environment where they can be cared for and supported throughout their time in the school.
Counselling helps pupils explore their thoughts and feelings and the choices open to them. It gives care and support to pupils learning to cope with the many aspects of growing up and school life within their personal circumstances. CBS Thurles endeavours to offer guidance to all our students. The Guidance Team liases with Year Heads, Class Teachers, Learning Support Teachers, Subject Teachers, Deputy Principal and the Principal. They also have regular contact with parents, psychologists, employers, colleges, social services, counsellors and the Department of Education.
The Career Guidance and Counselling Department within CBS Thurles provides support for all students in three main areas:
• Personal and Social Guidance
• Educational Guidance
• Career and Vocational Guidance.
The well-being of our students is at the core of what we value as it is vital in order for students to achieve their full potential.
We are proud to be a Jigsaw ‘One Good School’ with staff involved in the one good adult programme which is available to our students wherever they may require a little bit of extra help. We nurture positive relationships with peers and staff to help our students feel safe supported and connected to the school community.
The importance we place on well-being is evident throughout our curriculum, especially in first year students partake in classes focusing on resilience and team building which has a particular focus on promoting positive mental health and well-being.
Each student seen as unique and their individual potential matters.
Academic excellence is promoted and students are encouraged to do their absolute best. We are proud that 10 of our Leaving Certificate Class of 2022 were awarded academic scholarships. We have an excellent staff with highly dedicated teachers.
A supportive and caring pastoral care team help support your son’s education and welfare.
A strong learning support team help provide for students with additional education needs.
A wide range of extra-curricular activities with a proud tradition of participation and achievement.
We promote high standards of behaviour and discipline to ensure a safe and secure learning environment.
A board range of subjects options in Junior, Transition and Senior Cycles.
We have a taster programme for 1st year students to experience a whole range of Junior Cycle subjects to allow them make informed subject choices based on their experience.
A buddy system where each 1st year student is paired with a transition year for support and encouragement.
A canteen facility where hot or cold lunches/dinners can be ordered. Supervised study evening/first year homework club.
Lunchtime activities.
Excellent facilities – improvements are being made year on year.