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Hello Enchanted Friends:

I can’t believe that we are publishing a real digital issue of The Fairy Tale Magazine. After 15 years using fairytalemagazine.com as our address,we’refinallyatruemagazine!


Iwasonthisjourneybymyselfformanyyears(althoughsometerrific writersoccasionallyhelpedmealongtheway).Someyears,Iwouldhave to run stories and poems months after they were supposed to because I was teaching full time, so, to be honest, when we were Enchanted Conversation, the publication was frequently on life support. Then I retired,andbythenIhadmetAmandaBergloff.Iwasburnedouton fairy tales, andAmanda took EC over for a while. But as luck would have it, I began to miss EC, took EC over for a while. But as luck would have it, I beganto have it, I began to miss EC, and back to my hands it came. Eventually, Amanda came back too, and that’swhenthisnewbeginningbegantotakeshape.

This issue is the result of building community—at first between me and Amanda; then the many friends and supporters who had stuck with EC over the years began to form a bigger community with us through Zoom meetings. Kelly Jarvis also came along, and her talent, kindness and work ethic made everything better. Last year we decided to change our name (I was so sick of writing “Enchanted Conversation”!),andhereweare.

Much like “The Brave LittleTailor,” FTM is the result of us working despite formidable odds.After all, we are tiny and the internet is absurdly vast. Like the tailor, we’ve needed bravado and creativity to pull this caper off, and I think we’ve created an impressive first issue. You’ll see fabulous art and read stories and poems inspired by Greek myth, Robin Hood, summertime, godparenting, classic fairy tales, and more. We’ve got interviews with noted author Theodora Goss and artist Emily Balivet, five reprints fromthebestofEC,and,well,justgoaheadandreadthemagazine!

Before I go, some words of thanks: First to all of you for subscribing and taking a chance on the new form of this magazine. Thanks also to the terrific authors who submitted and were chosen for this issue. Thank you to Kelly Jarvis, for her talent, friendship and willingness to help us for free so much of the time. Enormous thanks to Amanda Bergloff, whose creativity, talent, prodigious work ethic, and a willingness to work for far too little money made this issue the gorgeous sight you’re about to dive into. Sheisatruefriendaswell.

Andthenthere’sTodd,myhusband.Hisunstintingwillingnesstofundthismagazineforover15 years showsalevelofloveandsupportthatmakehimsomuchmorethanafairytaleprince.Inlargewaysand small, every good thing that has happened in my adult life has come thanks to my decision to marry him almost40yearsago.




P.S:Don’tforgettoreadtheserializednovelGlassandFeathers,byLissaSloan.You’vereceivedfour segments,andthisCinderellastoryislikenothingyou’vereadbefore!Socheckyouremailforit.

The Fairy Tale Magazine


Kate Wolford

Art Director

Assistant Editor

Amanda Bergloff

Contributing Editor

Kelly Jarvis






MarciaSherman -JudeTulli


Art Resources

Pixabay, Wikimedia Commons, Picryl, Unsplash, Amanda Bergloff Art, Project Gutenberg, Google Art Project, The Public Domain Review

Copyright ©2023

No portion of The Fairy Tale Magazine may be reproduced, duplicated, or reprinted without prior written permission from the Publisher.

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