MANILA -- The Philippine economy grew at a faster rate in the third quarter of the year at 7.6 percent, higher than the revised gross domestic product (GDP) growth in the second quarter at 7.5 percent, the Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA) reported Thursday.
In a press conference, PSA Undersecretary Dennis Mapa said this is the sixth consecutive quarter that the economy recorded expansion.
The country’s GDP growth from July to September 2022 is also higher than the 7-percent increase in the same period in 2021.
“The third quarter’s GDP exceeded the median analyst forecast of 6.3 percent,” National Economic and Development Authority (NEDA) Secretary Arsenio Balisacan said.
Balisacan said the average GDP growth for the first nine months of the year stood at 7.7 percent.
“With this, we are on track to achieving the government’s growth target of 6.5 to 7.5 percent for 2022.
Given the latest GDP outturn, our economy needs to grow by 3.3 to 6.9 percent in the fourth quarter,” he said.
The PSA reported that all major industries improved their performance in the third quarter of 2022 compared to the same period last year, with agriculture, forestry and fishing growing by 2.2 percent; industry, rose to 5.8 percent; and services, up by 9.1 percent.
Services contributed 5.8 percentage points to the 7.6 percent GDP growth in the third quarter, followed by industry which shared 1.6 percentage points, and agriculture, forestry and fishing at 0.2 percentage points.
By industry, wholesale and
retail trade, repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles contributed 1.9 percentage points to the GDP growth in July to September period, followed by financial and insurance services at 0.77 percentage points and construction at 0.76 percentage points.
Compared to last year, the sector of accommodation and food service activities expanded by 40.6 percent, which is the largest across industries. Transportation and storage also improved by 24.3 percent and construction increased by 12.2 percent.
“This economic performance largely benefitted from the further easing of mobility, including the resumption of face-to-face classes, which boosted consumption among Filipinos,” Balisacan said.
The NEDA chief added that the relaxation of borders and simplifying
travel protocols supported the recovery and growth of local tourism and other sectors.
In terms of spending, household final consumption expenditure is the largest contributor to GDP in the previous quarter at 5.9 percentage points, exceeding the share of
construction at 1.5 percent percentage points, durable equipment at 0.7 percentage points, and government final consumption expenditure at 0.1 percentage points.
“This turnout signifies that Filipino families are close to returning to prepandemic life, as more people visit restaurants and hotels and engage in recreational activities within the country,” Balisacan said.
He reiterated that the Marcos administration will continue to address economic challenges faced by Filipinos, especially the faster increase in prices of goods and services as well as poverty.
PH economy 'far from recession' -- Pangandaman
The Philippines' 7.6-percent economic expansion in the third quarter of 2022 signifies that the country is "far from recession," Budget Secretary Amenah Pangandaman said Thursday.
This, after the Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA) reported that the Philippine economy grew at a faster rate in the third quarter of 2022 at 7.6 percent, higher than the revised 7.5 percent growth in the second quarter of the same year.
"This confirms that the outlook for the economy is positive," Pangandaman, who is part of President Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr.'s economic team, said in a statement.
"We continue to support this with a firm fiscal consolidation plan. We can move forward with confidence that the Philippine economy is sound and far from recession," she added.
Pangandaman noted that she and her fellow economic managers
said Dr. Jose Luis Perez, during a news briefing organized by Ethnic Media Services, in partnership with the California Department of Public Health. Other speakers at the briefing included Dr. Nisha Viswanathan, Director of UCLA’s Long COVID Program; and Michelle Burroughs, Director of Community Engagement and Outreach at the UC Riverside School of Medicine’s Center for Healthy Communities.
By Tracy DeFore / counT y oF San Diego communicaTionS oFFice
SAN DIEGO, CA -- On election night, we all want to know the results right away, but counting ballots takes time. Here are some reasons why:
* Over 1.9 million registered voters.
* Every active registered voter received a ballot in the mail.
By SuniTa Sohra Bji/emS
An estimated 4 million people in the US have permanently dropped out of the workforce due to long Covid, which can include an array of symptoms that last well after the initial infection.
Experts say the nation lacks the resources to handle the predicted swell of such cases.
Long Covid is characterized as people experiencing a multitude of symptoms for three months or longer after first being infected. Such symptoms include: tiredness, fatigue, malaise, fever, shortness of breath, brain fog, dizziness, headaches, and sleep disturbance. People also experience psychological symptoms such as depression and anxiety.
More than 21 million Americans have experienced long Covid. A paper released last month in the scientific journal Nature found that almost half of people who had experienced Covid had not fully recovered two months later.
People who have underlying health issues — such as diabetes, hypertension, asthma, and obesity —
are at greater risk for developing long Covid. Vaccines and therapeutics taken early in the infection are significant tools in staving off the disease. The three W’s — washing hands, wearing a mask and watching one’s distance from others — are also helpful in preventing infections.
However, lower-income people may lack the ability to access therapeutics in time for it to be effective. Paxlovid, for example, must be started within five days of an infection. And, because of work and living conditions, they may also lack the ability to maintain the distance required to prevent infections.
Few people have availed of the updated booster, also known as the bivalent vaccine. Less than 10% of Californians have taken that shot, according to data from the California Department of Public Health. Nationally, only 20 million people have taken the updated booster, about 8.5% of the total population, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
“Four million people not working and not contributing to our economy is a significant burden to our society,”
Perez is the Chief Medical Officer of the South Central Family Health Center in Los Angeles. His clinic takes in primarily Latino and African American patients that — through their employment — have a high degree of contact with the community, which puts them at higher risk of a Covid-19 infection.
“Symptom control is the bedrock of management,” said Perez, noting that there is no cure for long Covid. The clinic helps its patients access physical therapy, mental health services, and treatments for specific issues brought on by Covid.
“So, no cure. Just let’s make your foggy brain less foggy. Let’s make your joint pain less painful. Let’s try to get you back in some kind of semblance of your normal life. The important thing here is to treat it holistically, treat the person as a whole person,” he said.
Viswanathan, of UCLA’s Long Covid program, agreed with Perez’s approach to managing the illness. Her clinic also employs a symptoms-based strategy to manage fatigue, shortness of breath, brain fog, and the loss of taste and smell, among other issues.
“When we have patients with shortness of breath, for example, we
* Mail ballots can be counted if postmarked on or before Election Day and received up to 7 days after.
* Those not registered can conditionally register and vote provisionally up until Election Day.
So, what can you expect on election night?
The first set of unofficial election night results comes in shortly after 8 p.m. This will include mail ballots received before Election Day and vote center ballots from early voting between Oct. 29 – Nov. 7.
For the latest results update on election night, you can visit sdvote. com or follow the Registrar’s office on Twitter.
After the first unofficial report, election night updates will include vote center ballots cast on Election Day only. There will be no more updates to mail ballots on election night.
The Election Day ballots come in after the vote centers close at 8 p.m. There will be a gap in time for the next set of results due to poll workers packing up supplies and driving in from the county’s 218 vote centers.
Upon arrival to the Registrar’s office, the vote center ballots will be scanned, and results will be
periodically updated until all of the vote center ballots have been counted.
Since there are fewer vote center locations compared to the traditional polling place model, the Registrar’s office expects to provide less frequent result updates.
The final unofficial election night results may not come in until midnight or 1 a.m. and will only cover the ballots that could be counted immediately. The counting of ballots does not end election night.
What’s left to count?
Mail ballots. The Registrar’s office mailed over 1.9 million ballots for this election and a portion of those were dropped off at vote centers, official ballot drop box locations, or picked up by the U.S. Postal Service on Election Day. Mail ballots sent right before or on Nov. 8 have seven days to arrive if postmarked by Election Day.
Then there are provisional ballots. People who missed the Oct. 24 registration deadline may
conditionally register and vote provisionally in person up to and on Election Day.
Once their voter registration is processed and the Registrar’s offices confirms the voter did not vote elsewhere in the state, the voter registration becomes active, and the provisional ballot is counted.
After election night, the next release of unofficial results is scheduled to be posted by 5 p.m. on Thursday, Nov. 10. Additional updates will occur at the discretion of the Registrar of Voters. The Registrar’s office will be closed on Thursday, Nov. 24 and Friday, Nov. 25 in observance of Thanksgiving.
However, the results must be certified by Dec. 8, and the Registrar expects to use the full certification period to make sure the results are accurate. All updates will be posted on with the final certified results posted on Dec. 8.
For more information, visit or call (858) 565-5800.
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San Diego’s No. 1 Source of News & Information for the Filipino Community • An Award-Winning Newspaper
Q3 The Pandemic’s Collateral Damage: Long Covid
BOOSTING TIES. President Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr. joins Cambodian business leaders in a roundtable meeting in Phnom Penh on Thursday (Nov. 10, 2022). The Philippines and Cambodia agreed to enhance collaboration in digitization, low-cost housing, and other fields as it would help in accelerating post-pandemic economic recovery. (MNS photo)
PH economy grows faster at 7.6% in
Pampered Pinay: Giving Thanks
Somehow, my friends, November has arrived. Whew! Where did the year the year go?
I’m so proud of our community, which has led and engaged in efforts all year to uplift and empower our people in a wide spectrum of ways. Everywhere I look, there is a member of our community stepping up to coordinate an event, organize support for new policies and up and coming leaders, develop new initiatives to address a host of issues…and so much more.
Kudos to all of you hardworking folks! You give your time, talents, and energy to help move us forward and upward. Now is when we must take a moment to celebrate and give thanks.
Here are some of my favorite quotes that remind us all that an attitude of gratitude, genuine grace and humility, perpetuates communal success:
“A thankful heart is not only the greatest virtue, but the parent of all the other virtues.”
“Feeling gratitude and not expressing it is like wrapping a present and not giving it.”
~William Arthur Ward
“There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.”
~Albert Einstein
“Thanksgiving, after all, is a word of action.”
~W.J. Cameron
“Thanksgiving comes to us out of the prehistoric dimness, universal to all ages and all faiths. At whatever straws we must grasp, there is always a time for gratitude
and new beginnings.”
~J. Robert Moskin
“If you are really thankful, what do you do? You share.”
~W. Clement Stone
“As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them.”
~John Fitzgerald Kennedy
“Gratitude can transform common days into Thanksgiving, turn routine jobs into joy, and change ordinary opportunities into blessings.”
~William Arthur Ward
“The roots of all goodness lie in the soil of appreciation for goodness.”
~Dalai Lama
“When our perils are past, shall our gratitude sleep?”
~George Canning
“The unthankful heart... discovers no mercies; but let the thankful heart sweep through the day and, as the magnet finds the iron, so it will find, in every hour, some heavenly blessings!”
~Henry Ward Beecher
“We can only be said to be alive in those moments when our hearts are conscious of our treasures.”
~Thornton Wilder
“Thanksgiving Day comes, by statute, once a year; to the honest man it comes as frequently as the heart of gratitude will allow.”
~Edward Sandford Martin
“All that we behold is full of blessings.”
~William Wordsworth
“Let us remember that, as much has been given us, much will be expected from us, and that true homage comes from the heart as well as from the lips, and shows itself in deeds.”
~Theodore Roosevelt
Check back every week for ways to pamper yourself and those you love.
Why? The answer is simple: YOU DESERVE IT!
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are attributing the country's robust economic performance from July to Sept. 2022 to "continuing" efforts to further reopen the economy, increased mobility with the resumption of in-person classes, faster Covid-19 vaccination rollout, and initiatives to address unemployment and poverty.
Faster growth in wholesale and retail services, financial and insurance activities, and the performance of the construction industry also contributed to the economic expansion in the third quarter of this year, she said.
Reflection of hard work
Pangandaman said the latest growth rate is an indication of the Marcos administration's strong resolve to bring progress and development to the country.
"This is truly good news and reflects the hard work of the President and the Cabinet in pushing for progress towards our Agenda for Prosperity, in spite of external challenges,” she said.
"The 7.6-percent growth shows that socioeconomic objectives can be achieved amid a high inflationary environment, tightening monetary policy stance and even the depreciating peso against the US dollar," she added.
Pangandaman also serves as chairperson of the Development Budget Coordination Committee (DBCC), which designed the Medium-Term Fiscal Framework and the eight-point socio-economic agenda of the current administration.
She said the latest economic growth "jumpstarts the first out of 24 quarters of economic recovery and transformation" under the leadership of Marcos.
"The positive growth is consistent with the overall goal of the current administration to reinvigorate job creation and poverty reduction. The Q3 GDP and fiscal performance is expected to steer the economy back to its high-growth path in the nearterm," Pangandaman said.
Sustaining growth
Pangandaman said the Philippine economic team would take the necessary steps to sustain the economic growth.
She said the Marcos administration
would take advantage of economic opportunities and targeted programs such as the Targeted Cash Transfer (TCT) Program, Fuel Subsidy Program, Fuel Discount Program, and Service Contracting Program.
Pangandaman said financial assistance granted to farmers, free public transportation rides for students, and distribution of benefits to health workers were done in the third quarter of 2022.
According to World Bank’s latest Global Economic Prospects, the Philippines is projected to grow at one of the fastest paces among Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) economies this year.
Marcos, speaking before the Cambodian business leaders in Phnom Penh on Wednesday, said his administration is able to handle the Philippine economy well, given the
country's latest economic figures.
PH on right track to sustaining growth: PBBM to Cambodian bizmen
The Philippine government is on the right direction to ensure the country's strong economic recovery, President Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr. said Thursday, as he wooed Cambodian businesses to invest in the Philippines.
In a roundtable meeting with Cambodian business leaders in Phnom Penh, Marcos said the country's economic figures are a testament to its sustained growth momentum.
“It looks like the route that we have taken is taking the economy in the right direction,” Marcos said during the roundtable discussion.
“We would like to invite [you] at the very least, for you to have a look at the opportunities that are available
and finally, I suppose, at some point, since we are not so far away, to come," he added.
Data from the National Economic and Development Authority (NEDA) showed that the Philippine economy grew by 7.6 percent in the third quarter of 2022, faster than the 7.5 percent reported in the second quarter of 2022 and the 7 percent posted in the third quarter of 2021.
While he acknowledged certain external challenges, Marcos noted that the Philippines still has many investment opportunities for foreign businesses.
"I think the Philippine economy, the important elements are in place and you can feel that our economy is trying to grow but is really being pummeled by the forces outside of which we have no control,” he told Cambodian businessmen," Marcos said.
Marcos also assured Cambodian investors of a conducive regulatory environment, citing the policies and procedures his administration are implementing to ensure the success of public-private partnerships, as well as government-to-government partnerships.
Touting the recent Philippines’ economic achievements, Marcos stressed the improvements in the country's labor market, with the unemployment rate settling at 5 percent in September, the lowest record since the onset of the pandemic.
'Different' economic transformation
Marcos guaranteed that foreign business and investors would experience a "different" economic transformation, as the country is on track toward strong recovery.
“I do not talk about the recovery
of the economy, I talk about the transformation of the economy because the new economy is going to be different from everything that we did in 2019. And so this is what we are looking forward to and I hope to see you all in the Philippines soon,” Marcos said.
"And we will explain to you exactly what we have done and why we have done it and where we have arrived in that process of transforming the economy,” he added.
Marcos said his administration is working for direct investment into the country to boost its manufacturing sector and make it a significant contributor to the gross domestic product (GDP).
This, as he noted that the micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs); agriculture; and energy are deemed "basic economic drivers."(MNS) Filipino Press November 11, 2022 November 17, 2022 • 5
• Masonry • Plumbing • Carpentry • Plaster • Electrical • Glazing • Painting • Flooring CAREERS IN CONSTRUCTION WORKSHOP The new Southeastern Live Well Center will be a beautiful, environmentally-friendly facility located near the historic intersection of Market Street and Euclid Avenue. Upcoming trade worker opportunities in quarter 3 and 4 in 2022: SCAN ME TO REGISTER INFORMATION Scan the QR code to complete our worker inquiry form or email us at to connect with us. Black IPO TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 2022 | 1PM-3PM JACKIE ROBINSON FAMILY YMCA 151 YMCA WAY, SAN DIEGO, CA 92102 RSVP: HTTPS://NOVEMBER2022.EVENTBRITE.COM Enjoy Refreshments! Opportunity Drawing! • Carpet • Grading • Site concrete • Acoustic Tile PH ECONOMY Continued from page 1
Vietnam ‘important partner’ in ensuring food security -- PBBM
MANILA -- The Philippines considers Vietnam as an “important partner” in ensuring food security, President Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr. said Thursday.
He made the remark during a bilateral meeting with Vietnamese Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh on the sidelines of the 40th and 41st Association of Southeast Asian Nations (Asean) Summit and Related Summits in Phnom Penh, Cambodia.
During their meeting, Marcos cited that Vietnam accounts for 90 percent of the Philippines' rice imports.
He told Chinh that he looks forward to working closely with Vietnam and having greater engagement toward enhancing relations in agriculture and other areas, such as trade, investment, defense, and maritime security.
"As we have observed, the Philippines and Vietnam since the beginning of our diplomatic relationship have had a burgeoning, a growing relationship, both in the political and security side and of course, in terms of trade and in people-to-people exchanges," Marcos said.
The President welcomed the increased total trade between the Philippines and Vietnam but noted a significant trade imbalance between the two countries.
He expressed hope that Vietnam would help the Philippines address this problem.
"In the past few years, we have seen the great success, the great economic success that Vietnam has enjoyed and with that, even Filipino investors have started to go to Vietnam to be part of this development in your country, and since then our trade has increased,” he added.
The Philippines earlier reestablished the Philippine Trade and Investment Center in Ho Chi Minh, which is expected to enhance economic relations between Vietnam and the Philippines.
Marcos also said the continued dialogues would be beneficial, including intelligence and strategies exchanges in dealing with maritime concerns.
Chinh, meanwhile, expressed eagerness to work with the Philippines in addressing maritime issues, particularly illegal fishing, and balancing trade.
He underscored the need for new approaches in addressing the present challenges and called for adherence to the Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the South China Sea.
The Vietnamese leader also lauded Marcos for the Philippine government’s effective coronavirus disease 2019 (Covid-19) response and for achieving one of the highest gross domestic product (GDP) growth rates in Asia.
The Philippines has de-escalated quarantine protocols and posted a GDP growth of 7.6 percent despite a high inflation environment, according to the Philippine Statistics Authority.
‘Common ground’
Meanwhile, Marcos raised the need for Asean to "find common ground” in dealing with pressing concerns, which include rising United States-China tensions over
Taiwan, as well as the crisis in Myanmar.
"All of these issues are of extreme importance and of extreme urgency.
And that is why I believe Asean must find common ground from which to face those challenges,” he said.
China claims Taiwan as a breakaway province, while Taipei has insisted on its independence since 1949.
Relations between Taiwan and China appear to have deteriorated sharply after the visit of US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi in August.
Myanmar’s military seized power in February 2021, ousting the elected government of Aung San Suu Kyi.
The takeover resulted in widespread public protests that were suppressed with deadly force.
In response, armed opposition to military rule has arisen.
Israel shares sustainable agri practices to PH
Experts from Israel shared best practices on smart and sustainable agriculture to Filipino stakeholders Thursday, reflecting Israel's interest to further boost technical cooperation with Manila.
In a learning exchange at the Bureau of Plant Industry, Ambassador Ilan Fluss said Israel is keen to assist the Philippines move from traditional farming to modern smart agriculture that is based on science, technology, and sustainability, among others.
"We can bring best practices, technical assistance and work together in partnership," he said in his speech. "As the Ambassador of Israel to the Philippines, I look forward to materializing the visions for the agriculture sector of the Philippines to address the request of President Marcos."
Israeli expert Nina Lehmann underscored the need to adopt smart and sustainable practices as agriculture is a sector extremely vulnerable to climate change.
"We cannot rely anymore on rain, we have to support the plants in times when rain is not on time. The changing climate also has an effect on the appearance and behavior of pests and disease," she said, adding that government support and the use of technology are among the vital components of smart farming.
In her lecture, Lehmann shared cow breeding -- a major contributor to climate change for emitting greenhouse gases -- could also be sustainable if done the correct way, which includes processing cow manure as nutrient substance for plants.
Eli Simenski, meanwhile, tackled crop management and the need to carefully study all stages of pest's development to identify appropriate and effective solutions.
Moshe Broner, an Israeli expert in water engineering, also highlighted the importance of water management and constant improvement of soil.
Israel has been active in promoting cooperation with the Philippines, particularly on agriculture, a sector where Israel is a known powerhouse.
Last March 2022, Lehmann and Broner also visited the Philippines to hold consultations with Filipino
farmers in Tarlac and Nueva Ecija.
The two are also among the Israeli experts tapped by a Filipinoowned farm to boost its cacao yields.
Agri, infra damage due to Paeng tops P11-B -- NDRRMC
Damage to agriculture and infrastructure from Severe Tropical Storm Paeng has reached more than PHP11 billion, the National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council (NDRRMC) reported Thursday.
In its latest situation report, the agency placed damage to agriculture at PHP6.19 billion in the Ilocos, Cagayan Valley, Central Luzon, Calabarzon, Mimaropa, Bicol, Western Visayas, Zamboanga Peninsula, Northern Mindanao, Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao (BARMM), and the Cordillera regions.
About 144,682 farmers and fisherfolk were affected by the tropical cyclone.
Meanwhile, infrastructure damage was estimated at PHP5.05 billion in the Ilocos region, Cagayan Valley, Central Luzon, Calabarzon, Mimaropa, Bicol, Western Visayas, Central Visayas, Northern Mindanao, Davao region, Soccsksargen, BARMM, and Cordillera.
Damaged houses were put at 53,906 -- 47,988 were classified as "partially damaged" and 5,108 were categorized as "totally damaged".
The total number of verified deaths from the tropical cyclone stands at 127, while the number of those injured has reached 146, with 117 confirmed.
A total of 19 out of 30 reported missing persons have been validated.
Paeng affects over 89K farmers, fishers -- DA Severe Tropical Storm Paeng has affected 89,142 farmers and fishers in 12 regions in the country, according to the Department of Agriculture-Disaster Risk Reduction and Management (DADRRM).
In its latest bulletin, the DADRRM said the cost of agricultural loss has reached more than PHP3 billion.
"Damage and losses have been reported in Cordillera Administrative Region, Cagayan Valley, Central Luzon, Calabarzon (Cavite, Laguna, Batangas, Rizal, and Quezon), Mimaropa (Mindoro, Marinduque, Romblon, and Palawan) Bicol, Western Visayas, Central Visayas, Eastern Visayas, Zamboanga Peninsula, Central Mindanao, and Soccsksargen regions amounting to PHP3.41 billion affecting 89,142 farmers and fishers, with the volume of production loss at 207,854 metric tons and 89,011 hectares of agricultural areas," the DA-DRRM said. As initially indicated, the highest incurred loss was recorded in rice production, amounting to PHP2.05 billion.
Following rice production is the PHP717.68 million worth of loss in high-value crops; PHP205.11 million for corn; PHP201.73 million in fisheries, particularly in fish ponds, seaweed farms, nonmotorized boats, and municipal fishing boats; PHP192.15 million in agricultural infrastructure
Marcos OKs DOE offshore wind power devt plans
MANILA -- President Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr. has given his nod to the Department of Energy's plan to explore and develop the country's offshore wind (OSW) potential as a source of clean and sustainable energy, Malacañang announced Wednesday.
This developed, after Marcos presided over a meeting with DOE officials at Malacañan Palace in Manila on Wednesday morning to discuss "immediate and medium-term" plans to improve the energy sector.
"In a meeting at the Malacañan Palace on Wednesday, President Marcos instructed DOE Secretary Raphael P.M. Lotilla and other energy officials to move forward with the agency's offshore wind energy production initiatives," Undersecretary Cheloy Garafil, officer-in-charge of the Office of the Press Secretary (OPS) said in a statement.
Garafil noted that during the meeting, the DOE also made a proposal to create an Offshore Wind Development and Investment Council that will serve as a one-stop shop for OSW developers.
Marcos, Garafil said, backed the proposed creation of the council that will be composed of relevant government agencies, but stressed that the DOE should oversee the regulatory functions to streamline coordination and simplify the approval process.
"It should be the Department of Energy [which] should be talking with the OSW developers, in consultation with the council, of course. It has to be led by the DOE," Marcos, as quoted by the OPS, said.
Bringing down electricity prices
In a media interview while onboard the presidential plane en route to Cambodia, Marcos reiterated his commitment to push for lower rates of electricity.
Marcos said he met with the DOE officials to discuss the “short-term, medium-term, and long-term” energy requirements in the country.
“We spent a long time talking about how to bring down the prices,” he said, noting that the DOE found a way to rationalize power supply.
Marcos also noted that there have been ongoing talks with local cooperatives to discuss how “they can sell power at the cheapest price possible.”
Based on the World Bank's OSW Roadmap, the Philippines has the capacity to deploy 40 Gigawatts of OSW electricity by 2050.
Currently, there are 42 approved offshore wind contracts with an indicated capacity of 31,000 Megawatts (MW), based on the data presented by the DOE to Marcos.
Private sector's 'strong interest'
The DOE also noted the "strong interest" from the private sector, especially from countries considered "leaders in offshore wind technology" such as Denmark, Norway and the United Kingdom.
“This is more than enough to cover the 500,000 MW projected peak demand the country will require by 2040 based on DOE's medium to longterm power outlook,” Lotilla told the President.
Lotilla emphasized that the power that will be generated through OSW projects would be used to help the country meet its energy needs, as well as to produce alternative fuels, such as Green Hydrogen.
Citing the DOE report, Garafil said hydrogen may be converted into ammonia, which is a primary component in the production of industrial fertilizers used in agriculture.
The DOE said hydrogen may be
converted into ammonia, which is a primary component in the production of industrial fertilizers used in agriculture.
In 2021, the DOE signed a memorandum of understanding with Australia's Star Scientific Ltd. and Japan's Hydrogen Technology Inc. to explore the potential of hydrogen as a source of energy for the Philippines in the future.
Contingency plans
Garafil said the DOE also presented to Marcos its November 2022 to December 2023 outlook which showed that power reserves in Luzon may fall below ideal levels, given the continued shutdown of the Ilijan Power Plant in Batangas City, which has a total capacity of 1,200 MW.
"As a contingency, the energy department proposes to run the Ilijan Power plant, a dual-fuel power station in Ilijan, Batangas City, using diesel fuel to produce 420 MW, as well as implement the Interruptible Load Program," Garafil said.
Garafil added that the DOE and concerned government agencies are closely coordinating to address the delays in the National Grid Corporation of the Philippines' (NGCP) transmission line projects to free up power capacity for 2023.
She said the DOE would also release "short-term" action plans that will serve as guide of the energy sector for 2022 to 2024, pending the release of the Philippine Development Plan (PDP) 2023-2028.
The DOE has also developed the Philippine Energy Plan 2020-2040, a 20-year plan which includes energy sector initiatives and projects that seek to ensure sustainable, stable, secure, adequate, accessible and inexpensive energy.
The 20-year plan is setting a target of 35 percent share of renewable energy in the power generation mix by 2030 and 50 percent share by 2040.
Marcos, in his first State of the Nation Address delivered on July 25, emphasized the need to prioritize clean energy and tap natural gas and nuclear power to meet the Philippines' energy demands.
No security threat around Malampaya after Navy ship patrol
The Puerto Princesa, Palawanbased Western Command (Wescom) announced that there are no reported intrusions or security threats around the Malampaya Natural Gas to Power Project (MNGPP) platform.
This came after the BRP Artemio Ricarte (PS-37), one of the three Jacinto-class patrol vessels in service, completed its three-day maritime patrol mission off the platform and its more than 500 km.-long pipelines on Tuesday.
"We are happy to note that PS37 reported zero intrusion into the MNGPP exclusion and safety zones. More importantly, PS-37 established (a) naval presence in this critical area, which is greatly appreciated by the MNGPP management and other stakeholders, " Wescom Joint Task Force Malampaya deputy commander Navy Capt. Arnel Teodoro said in a Facebook post late Tuesday.
It was the BRP Artemio Ricarte's first mission to the area since 2013.
Malampaya is a deepwater, onshore, ultra-deepwater pipeline project. It uses state-of-the-art technology to extract natural gas and condensate from the depths of the Palawan basin and processes the gas in a nearby shallow water production platform and transports it to three provinces through an underwater pipeline.
An onshore gas plant in Batangas
receives the gas for further processing before sending it to five power-plant customers.
The BRP Artemio Ricarte proceeded to its patrol mission in northern Palawan shortly after the completion of its repair and upgrade activities. It left Naval Base Heracleo Alano in Cavite City last week. (MNS) House urged to probe NPC budget cuts leading to power outages Northern Samar Rep. Paul Daza on Wednesday urged the House of Representatives to look into the budget allocation for the sound operation of Small Power Utilities Group (SPUG) to maintain power supply to missionary areas.
In a privilege speech during the plenary session, Daza said the National Power Corporation (NPC) failed to provide the guaranteed fuel subsidies for the diesel-powered generators of SPUG plants after the state-owned firm can no longer acquire any fuel from suppliers because of its substantial unpaid debt running to billions of pesos.
He noted that the “missionary areas” that SPUG generation companies (gencos) cover can be found in around 34 provinces, including Catanduanes, Marinduque, Masbate, Mindoro, Palawan, and parts of Northern Samar.
“If the power plants servicing these areas are not provided with a steady, reliable supply of diesel fuel, then approximately 900,000 Filipino households may be plunged into total darkness by July,” he said.
Under Republic Act No. 9136 or the Electric Power Industry Reform Act (EPIRA) in 2001, SPUG gencos are third-party power plant operators put into service by the NPC for Missionary Electrification Areas, which are areas not connected to the country’s major power grids.
“Let us be reminded of who and what gets sidelined when power supply comes up short: students, employees, economic opportunities, and the modern quality of living of our fellow Filipinos,” Daza said.
Daza said the NPC received budget cuts for its 2023 proposal, from the initially requested PHP45 billion slashed down to PHP32 billion by the Department of Budget and Management (DBM).
The NPC warned that this budget cut would further aggravate the company’s unpaid debt situation with fuel suppliers, and lead to power plant closures.
Citing the DBM, Daza said the NPC’s Corporate Operating Budget was not reduced, and that the subsidy portion in their budget was actually raised from PHP3.8 billion to PHP5.07 billion.
The DBM also purportedly approved the release of a PHP2.9 billion Special Allotment Release Order to NPC, on top of an existing PHP1.02 billion issued for SPUG gencos in particular, he added.
"This representation believes that to move forward, we must request the NPC for a detailed breakdown of their SPUG genco funding requirements and transactions. Now, if there is indeed appropriate funding for SPUG gencos, then something in the budget pipeline is broken, because clearly, Mr. Speaker, wala o kulang-kulang po ang nakakarating sa fuel suppliers ng mga SPUG gencos natin (the funds reaching the fuel suppliers for our SPUG gencos are not enough or close to nothing)," he said. (MNS)
Bill on PH virology institute hurdles House panel
6 • November 11, 2022 - November 17, 2022 Filipino Press
See MARCOS on 14
TOMB REPAINTING. A cemetery caretaker repaints one of the tombs at the Barangka Municipal Cemetery along A. Bonifacio Avenue in Marikina City on Wednesday (Oct. 26, 2022). As a caretaker, he said he prepares the tombs ahead of the influx of visitors on All Saints’ Day or "Undas". (MNS photo)
PRICE ADJUSTMENT. An attendant fills up the fuel tank of a motorcycle rider at a gas station along Congressional Road in Barangay Salitran III, Dasmariñas City in Cavite on Tuesday (Nov. 8, 2022). Diesel and kerosene prices increased by PHP0.50 and PHP0.35 per liter, respectively, while gasoline prices increased by PHP1.40 per liter, amid developments in the international market and the continuing Russia-Ukraine conflict. (MNS photo)
See VIETNAM on 14
“The Vietnam Red Cross estimates that three million Vietnamese have been affected by dioxin, including at least 150,000 children born after the war with serious birth defects.”
Senior expert on Vietnam Andrew Wells-Dang, referring to the toxic chemical in Agent Orange/27 January 2022
SAN DIEGO, Calif. – By the time this particular paper’s edition would have come to print, the Vietnam Veterans Memorial Fund (VVMF) will have hosted a very special Veterans Day Observance at The Wall. In addition to celebrating the service of all our military veterans especially our Vietnam veterans, this year also marks the 40th anniversary of the dedication of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial in Washington, D.C.
And nearly half a century since the end of the Vietnam War, there remains an urgent need for the United States and Vietnam to address the harmful bequest of Agent Orange, a defoliant sprayed by the U.S. military over parts of southern Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia – an area about the size of Massachusetts – that continues to this day to impact the health of local populations.
Little is also known however of one of the tragic legacy of those who have served and sacrificed in the Vietnam War. And just a reminder, too hundreds of thousands of U.S. soldiers, sailors, Marines and airmen were also exposed to Agent Orange.
In point of fact, the soldiers are dying. But, even more appaling… the children they have left behind are suffering. Sometimes we hear from the veterans, but it is usually the wives and children that send us these poignant messages.
“I lost my husband from a cancerous brain tumor 13 months ago. My son has disabilities including Tourette’s syndrome, mental retardation, mild Cerebral Palsy, hydrocephalus and he is profoundly deaf. He will never be able to live on his own.”
“My father passed away in 1998. He had many health problems including type ll diabetes. He was only 50 years old. Agent Orange has been a part of my life from the moment I was born. I was born without my right leg, several of my fingers and my big toe on my left foot. My mother had three miscarriages. My younger brother (age 29) has to wear bifocals and suffers from chronic joint pain.”
“I was in the infantry in the area where the highest concentrations of Agent Orange was used. My eldest daughter had chronic myelogenous leukemia.”
“I served four tours in Vietnam.
We have three children…one daughter with a heart defect, another daughter with scoliosis and digestive problems and a son born with a defective optic nerve in his right eye that has left him blind in that eye. There is no history of birth defects on either side of our family.”
“I am a 57 year old Vietnam vet who was exposed to Agent Orange. At age 41, I had to have an emergency heart bypass. I have had six heart attacks since my surgery. Our youngest daughter suffered with learning disabilities through grade school and high school. Her first child was born in 2002 with complex congenital heart disease and fetal hydrops. He only lived five hours. I feel that I passed on something to our daughter because I was exposed to Agent Orange.”
Since 1991, Birth Defect Research for Children has recorded thousands of cases like these reported by Vietnam veterans in their National Birth Defect Registry.
Approximately 2.6 million veterans served in Vietnam including yours truly. Statistically 3-6% of all children are born with some kind of birth defect. Begging the question -- Are these just unfortunate coincidences or has Agent Orange exposure left a legacy of disabilities in Vietnam veterans’ children that may possibly extend into future generations? There is now an impressive body of scientific evidence showing increased in birth defects and developmental problems in the children of Vietnam veterans and others exposed to dioxin-like chemicals.
Sprayed extensively by the US military in Vietnam, Agent Orange contained a dioxin contaminant later found to be toxic to humans. Despite reports by Vietnamese citizens and Vietnam War veterans of increased rates of stillbirth and birth defects in their children, studies in the 1980s showed conflicting evidence for an association between the two. In 1996, the US National Academy of Sciences reported that there was evidence that suggested dioxin and Agent Orange exposure caused spina bifida, a birth defect in which the spinal cord develops improperly.
The US Department of Veterans Affairs’ subsequent provision of disability compensation for spina bifida-afflicted children marked the US government’s first official acknowledgement of a link between Agent Orange and birth defects.
By 2017, spina bifida and related neural tube defects were the only birth defects associated with Agent Orange.
FYI: Plant physiologists first developed herbicides as tools of chemical warfare toward the end of
The Philippine Catholic Church in tandem with Cardinal Antonio Tagle, head of the Vatican’s Dicastery for the Evangelization of Peoples, should address three different areas to help Filipinos discern their synodality path: Communist inspired insurgency, Filipinos incomplete conversion to Catholicism, and the form of government best suited for the Filipinos.
The fact that over 80% of the country’s population is Catholic, means that the Church has an outsized role in redirecting the trajectory of the country. Whether it is in government, private corporations, institutions of learning, or the general public, a Catholic is always involved in one way or another. Thus, the pulpit will be an important tool if used properly and effectively. But to do that, it is time for it to fully embrace and redefine what is liberation theology in the context of the Philippines.
Manila Archbishop Jose Advincula was right when he said the “Church does not know the poor,” but is wrong to say that “the poor do not know the Church.” The poor do and they have a long memory of their
plight. Thirty-one million Filipinos in the last presidential election, mostly Catholics, associated their disgust with the Aquino Yellows to the Church because of its perceived closeness with the rich and the socalled elites of society.
So, where do they need to begin?
For starters, review the history of Philippine democracy in the context of the unfinished Philippine revolution. It is timely too with Andres Bonifacio Day celebrating its 70th year. The Katipunan movement is the rightful marker in history to reinvent the Philippines because the Katipunaninspired Philippine Revolution in 1896 was a true revolution from the masses that Bonifacio was part of, against a colonial power, Spain.
Andres Bonifacio was the founder and supreme leader of the Katipunan that was founded in Biak-na-Bato, Bulacan and grew to several chapters in neighboring provinces. The revolutionary movement was divided between two feuding factions, Magdiwang and Magdalo who had their own ideas of how to conduct the revolution. Bonifacio was allied with the Magdiwang faction.
Triiodobenzoic acid (TIBA), and he showed that in low concentrations TIBA quickened the flowering process of soybean plants. In high concentrations, however, the same compound caused the leaves to fall off, killing the plants. The military scientists at Fort Detrick used the results from Galston’s dissertation to investigate other compounds that similarly defoliated and killed plants.
Agent Orange, the most extensively used herbicide in the Vietnam War, comprised an equal mixture of two such compounds: 2, 4-D (2, 4-Diichlorophenoxyacetic acid) and 2, 4, 5-T (2, 4, 5-Trichlorophenoacetic acid). The Monsanto Company in St. Louis, Missouri, and Dow Chemical in Midland, Michigan, produced most Agent Orange, which the US military sprayed throughout Vietnam to destroy dense jungle to gain a tactical advantage over the North Vietnamese guerrillas, the Viet Cong. Agent Orange, named for the colored stripe on the steel containers, was used in conjunction with other herbicides like Agent Purple, Agent Blue, and Agent White in a military campaign called “Operation Ranch Hand.” Between 1962 and 1971, the US military dispersed roughly nineteen million gallons of herbicides over an estimated 3.6 million acres in South Vietnam. Approximately twelve million gallons of Agent Orange were sprayed, making it the most heavily used herbicide during the conflict.
Scientists worldwide protested the military use of herbicides in Vietnam. Groups like the American Association for the Advancement of Science in Washington, D.C. warned against the potential longterm consequences of spraying herbicides in high concentrations on the landscape and civilians in Vietnam. As a result of the scientists’ lobbying efforts and the public’s growing opposition to the war, the US government contacted Bionetics Laboratories in Yorktown, Virginia, in the mid-1960s to conduct a study on the toxicity of herbicides used in Vietnam. In the report, which was published in 1969, Bionetics researchers stated that Agent Orange contained a contaminant called 2, 3, 7, 8-Tetrachlorodbenzodioxin
(TCDD), a dioxin that caused increased rates of stillbirths and birth defects in pregnant rats exposed to it.
In 1970, the US Surgeon General’s office reported that 2, 4, 5-T, the compound of Agent Orange that contained the TCDD contaminant, may be hazardous to human health.
According to Barry Commoner and Thomas Webster in “Dioxins and Health” (Schecter & Gasiewicz 2003), “the current scientific evidence argues not only that dioxin is a potent carcinogen, but that the non-cancer health and environmental hazards of dioxin may be more serious than believed previously.”
These authors report “that dioxin appears to act like a persistent synthetic hormone interfering with important physiological signaling systems that can lead to altered cell development, differentiation and regulation. The most troubling consequence is the possibility of reproductive, developmental and immunological effects at the levels of dioxin-like compounds present in the bodies of the average person.”
Since studies of Vietnam veterans exposed to herbicides in Vietnam have found much higher levels of dioxin in their bodies than the average person, these effects should be detected at an even greater frequency in the veterans and their children.
In 1996, the National Academy of Sciences found “limited/suggestive” evidence of an association between Agent Orange exposure and spina bifida, a neural tube defect, in all veterans’ children. In 2000, Dr. H.K. Kang with the Environmental Epidemiology Services of the Veterans Health Administration published a study that found the risk of moderate-to-severe birth defects was significantly associated with the mother’s military service in Vietnam. These findings resulted in the Veterans Administration funding assistance programs for spina bifida in the children of male or female Vietnam veterans and for all birth defects without other known causes in the offspring of female veterans.
Additional studies provide further evidence that many more birth defects may be associated with dioxin-
Discerning the synodality path for Filipinos, Part 4
The factionalism consumed the movement and resulted in multiple loses and defeats. The Magdalo (named after Mary Magdalene) faction was based in Cavite and led by Aguinaldo. Aguinaldo invited Bonifacio to come to Cavite to hash out differences between the two factions, thus the Tejeros Assembly.
The Tejeros assembly that became a Convention in 1897 exposed the genesis of today’s sad state of political discourse in the country and the seeming irreversibly wrong trajectory of Philippine governance. Assembled to discuss the defense of Cavite against the Spaniards, it became an election to decide who will lead the revolutionary government. Bonifacio who convened the assembly as the Supremo (Supreme President) had no choice but to accede to the vote.
The election was clearly staged to embarrass Bonifacio. First, the Assembly voted that everyone honor the result of the election. Then, the election itself gave Aguinaldo (and the Magdalos) a resounding majority (146 votes of 256) with Bonifacio finishing second with 80 votes.
Four other elected officials were from the Magdiwang factions and the last position that Bonifacio was elected to, Director of the Interior, was contested by Daniel Tirona because Bonifacio did not have a lawyer’s diploma. Bonifacio, who did not have good education, was deeply embarrassed, outsmarted and declared the election void due to
allegations of electoral fraud (prefilled ballots, more ballots cast than those present (dagdag-bawas)).
Since Bonifacio did not recognize the election, viz-a-viz, Aguinaldo’s ascendancy as the first president of the republic, he and his brother were ordered executed. Aguinaldo actually commuted their sentences to life imprisonment but was prevailed upon by Aguinaldo’s well-educated and well-off advisers “for the good of the country.” Another casualty of Aguinaldo’s regime three years later was another Magdiwang firebrand, General Antonio Luna who was also executed by Aguinaldo’s men after being lured into the lion’s den like Bonifacio.
The Pact of Biak-na-Bato was a truce signed by Aguinaldo in 1897 with the Spanish Governor-General thereby ending the Philippine Revolution and sending Aguinaldo and five others in exile to Hong Kong. The rebels were paid $MXN800,000 (Mexican Pesos) in three installments after each condition was met (departure and surrendering of arms).
When the Spanish-American War broke out in 1898 Admiral George Dewey sailed from Hong Kong to Manila Bay where he defeated the Spanish Fleet in the Battle of Manila Bay. Later that month, Aguinaldo was transported back to the Philippines by the U.S. Navy where he took control of the Philippine revolutionary forces on land and surrounded Manila while the U.S. Navy blockaded the city.
Aguinaldo declared the Philippine Declaration of Independence on June 12, 1898, and subsequently, elected the Malolos Congress which was composed of wealthy and educated men. The Malolos Constitution embodied many things including the Kartilya and the SanggunianHukuman, the charter of laws and morals of the Katipunan. These were espoused by Apolinario Mabini (Aguinaldo’s chief adviser) and President Emilio Aguinaldo, both members of the Freemasonry.
The most contentious issue during the crafting of the Political Constitution of 1898 that became known as the Malolos Constitution, was about the Filipinization of the Catholic Church but under a churchstate unity that Aguinaldo and Mabini supported. This concept espoused what Fr. Jose Burgos fought for the secularization of the clergy and allowing native priests to become parish priests. Fr. Burgos along with two other priests, Mariano Gomez and Jacinto Zamora were martyred in connection with the Cavite Mutiny of 1872.
The preponderant concern of the national movement was supportive of the Filipino clergy. The vote was held, and the church-state separation won by one vote despite the lobbying of the only Filipino Catholic clergy in the Revolutionary Congress, Gregorio Aglipay.
Aglipay’s contention was that Catholicism was the basis of society
and government because it is the religion of the majority of Filipinos. Mabini fought hard to have the separation, but Aguinaldo needed the cooperation of the Filipino clergy for the revolution. As prime minister, Mabini recommended that the voting was inadmissible and convinced Aguinaldo to postpone the implementation. Consequently, the Malolos Constitution never saw the light of day as fighting broke out between Philippine and American forces.
A year later, Fr. Gregorio Aglipay convened the Paniqui, Tarlac assembly that declared itself independent of the Spanish ecclesiastical hierarchy, confirmed allegiance to Rome, and vowed it would not accept any foreign bishop “unless approved by native priests.” Aglipay was excommunicated for “usurpation of authority,” but Aguinaldo kept him as the movement’s Chief Vicar.
General Emilio Aguinaldo’s revolution against the Spaniards and the Americans were revolutions against colonial rule but the Malolos Congress showed it was dominated by, and included Aguinaldo, the principalia, the ruling class in Spanish Philippines. Aguinaldo was captured by the United States in 1901 and swore allegiance to the same, thus ending the war. History tells us that the principalia or the ruling elite soon collaborated with the United States to protect their economic privileges. To be continued… Filipino Press November 11, 2022 November 17, 2022 • 7
World War II. During the 1950s and 1960s, US researchers continued to develop means of chemical warfare at Fort Detrick in Detrick, Maryland - their experimentation built on the dissertation of Arthur W. Galston, a graduate student at the University of Illinois in Urbana-Champaign, Illinois. Galston studied a particular synthetic chemical called 2, 3, 5-
Jesse T. Reyes Filipino Potpourri
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Spiritual Life
Meeting God in Community
Every Monday, Wednesday and Friday, Peter and I are fetched by a van driven by Brendon, (with other seniors) to attend the adult day health care program at the Open Arms AHDC Center. We consider ourselves fortunate that at this stage of our life, we can still expand our circle of friends and participate in activities that will keep us active, alert and enthusiastic. Talking with some of the participants and interacting with them, makes us feel rejuvenated.
I was looking for a topic to share with my readers, and I found these words of wisdom from my Spiritual Formation Bible, “Meeting God in Community”.
We were not created to live in isolation. No person “is an islands entire of itself”, wrote the poet John Donne. While no one questions the need for periods of solitude and refreshment in our lives, faith tends to thrive most readily when shared and experienced with others. Without the connections community affords us, we experience what someone once called “spiritual loneliness”. For we meet God not just as we sit alone in quiet corners but in and through the people with whom we live, work and interact as we go through our daily routine.
Relationships present us with both a remarkable privilege and an awesome responsibility. Proverbs 27:17 tells us that “as iron sharpens iron, so one (person) sharpens (and
Aurora S. Cudal-Rivera My
Personal Testimony
shapes) another. As other people’s lives touch ours, they help to form our faith and make us who we are. As we touch others, we reflect God’s love to them.
Relationships with other believers have extraordinary power in our lives because Jesus is present in them. Jesus knew how important people are in conveying God’s grace and presence. “Where two or three come together in my name, “ he said, “there am I with them” (Matthew 18:20). Within our churches, small groups, families and friendships, we learn from one another. We find encouragement. We challenge to follow God more faithfully. Other Christians enable us to walk as we should when we might otherwise have strayed or wandered. God uses relationships to form us, and relationships form us so that God can use us.
As I read these words of wisdom, I am encouraged to view my
participation in the Open Arms Adult Health Day Care as an opportunity to help. “It is a privileged to nurture another person, to be trusted to hear another’s dreams and concerns, to pray for someone. In so doing we may discover myriad ways to use the gifts that God has given us to benefit our family in Christ as well as for our own growth and enjoyment. As we help others, we too will be helped. As we comfort and teach and encourage, we will be comforted, taught and encouraged in turn. As we experience community, we find our own lives enriched, in turn providing us with more to give to others.”
My prayer: Lord, open my eyes so I may see the opportunities to help others. Open my mind so I may understand and learn to accept others as they are. Open my heart so I may be able to reach out in love and deepen my faith as I interact with others. Amen.
Beware of placing too much expectation on others
Do your best to come to me quickly, for Demas, because he loved this world, has deserted me and has gone to Thessalonica. (2 Timothy 4:9-10)
Adversity molded the apostle Paul into the greatest warrior for Christ the world has ever known. But there were times when adversity and disappointment took its toll on this rugged warrior. We can sense Paul's hurt and discouragement near the end of his second letter to Timothy: Do your best to come to me quickly, for Demas, because he loved this world, has deserted me and has gone to Thessalonica... At my first defense, no one came to my support, but everyone deserted me... Do your best to get here before winter (4:9-11, 14, 16, 21).
Do you hear the pain in those words? Twice he urges Timothy to come to him. Do you feel his anguish when he twice speaks of being deserted by his friends?
In most of his letters, Paul seems to have an invincible spirit. Yet he was a man who suffered, felt betrayed, and was at times very lonely. However,
Danny Hernaez From Whom All Blessings Flow
Paul chose to look at life from a heavenly perspective. That's why he could write:
We are hard pressed on every side, but not crushed; perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted, but not abandoned; struck down, but not destroyed. We always carry around in our body the death of Jesus, so that the life of Jesus may also be revealed in our body (2 Corinthians 4:8-10).
Paul had experienced a level of opposition and suffering that you and I can scarcely imagine. People said they would do things but did not follow through. He could not depend on certain people. Yet he was not crushed, and he refused to give in to despair. He viewed his life as a continual process of dying.
of UC Riverside spoke about the disparities in access to care for long Covid. Perez’s patients may take one or two buses to get to his clinic.
His goal was to live in such a way that the life of Jesus would be revealed in his response to adversity.
Beware of placing too much expectation on others. Realize that people will let you down from time to time, but do not let that impact your faith. Trust God to work even through these disappointments.
The disciples thought they suffered their greatest defeat when Jesus died on the cross. However, this defeat became the greatest victory on earth. Christ's death gave liberty. Forgiveness came to all men. New life came forth - new strength for the disciples. Resurrection and new life came as a result of a "defeat."
Greetings in the Lord!
We are now on the 33rd Sunday in Ordinary time, one week before the feast of Christ the King which is also the last Sunday in Ordinary time. Last Sunday the topic of our reflections dwelt on the meaning communion of saints, prayer as the medium by which we could bind ourselves in their wonderful mystery and the reality of heaven in our Catholic faith. Today’s gospel reading concerns the glorious coming of Jesus. Luke mentions this even in the latter part of the chapter: “Then they will see the Son of Man coming in a cloud with power and great glory.” (Lk, 21:27). In the first reading Malachi prophesied in a similar way: “Lo, the day is coming; there will arise the sun of justice with its healing rays.” (Malachi 3:19-20. Our psalms today make us sing praises for the coming of Jesus as Lord and King “to rule the earth with justice” (Ps. 98:5-6,7-8,9).
The early Church Fathers and the mystics considered this coming of Jesus as his second coming or the middle coming, apart from his final coming on Judgment Day. Their vision of Jesus, coming “with power and great glory” is based in the central petition of the Lord’s prayer” “They kingdom come, their will be done on earth as it is in heaven.” In this prayer, they see Jesus fulfilling God’s Kingdom here “on earth as it is in heaven.” Its future universal manifestations is portrayed as an ear of peace and an exalted type of Christian holiness in the life of the Church, during which Jesus gloriously reigns, with the definitive
Continued from page 7
contaminated herbicide exposure in Vietnam. In 1990, an independent scientific review of the literature was sponsored by the American Legion, the Vietnam Veterans of America, and the National Veterans Legal Services Project. Seven prominent, independent scientists and physicians on this Agent Orange Scientific Task Force concluded that elevated incidences of specific birth defects in the children of Vietnam veterans were found in several studies. These included spina bifida, oral clefts, cardiovascular defects, hip dislocations and hypospadias. In addition, defects of the digestive tract and “other” neoplasms like neuroblastoma were also higher in Vietnam veteran’s children.
Aschengrau & Monson from the Harvard School of Public Health conducted a study (American Journal of Public Health 1990) on paternal military service and the risk of late pregnancy outcomes. The scientists reported that Vietnam veterans’ risk of fathering an infant with one or more major malformations was increased at a statistically significant level. In a study by Field and Kerr with the Department of Pediatrics at the University of Sydney (Journal of Medical Genetics 1988), the authors reported patterns of malformations among Vietnam veterans’ children involving the central nervous system, skeletal and cardiovascular systems.
Fr. Agustin T. Opalalic
defeat of Satan. The Catechism of the Catholic Church describes the second coming of Jesus as the new presence of the Holy Spirit in the human spirit, who – the sacraments – transforms and restores man to God’s likeness. In the Eucharist, he comes again as the “Lord of hosts” and the “Sun of Justice with its healing rays.” It is a mighty sign and a pledge of that Day to come.
Jesus cautions us not be deceived by those claiming that “the time has come.” Such deception is also found in 2 Thessalonians 2:1-3, which is the background for th4e second reading. Instead of a specific time, Jesus gives us signs. These signs seem to have already come to pass in the New Testament. In the Acts of the Apostles, in the Epistles and in the Book of Revelation, we read of famines and earthquakes, the Temple’s desolation. We read of upheavals due to persecutions – believers imprisoned and put to death, testifying to their faith with wisdom in the Spirit. These signs show us the pattern for the life of the Church. We too, live
prenatal/pre-conceptual exposures. When compared to non-veteran’s children in the registry, the children of Vietnam veterans have shown consistent increases in learning, attention and behavioral disorders; all types of skin disorders; problems with tooth development; allergic conditions and asthma; immune system disorders including chronic infections; some childhood cancers and endocrine problems including thyroid disorders and childhood diabetes. More and more studies of prenatal exposures to dioxins and similar chemicals are adding support for these associations.
No doubt about it, the new research on dioxin and dioxin-like chemicals is exciting and holds promise to unravel the intricate ways that these chemicals can alter embryonic development. For my two cents, I say the fact-finding should continue…but it is now more than 60 years since President John F. Kennedy gave final approval to “Operation Ranch Hand” – a massive effort to defoliate the forests of Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos with an herbicide known as Agent Orange. And the calls just keep coming, so to speak…”I have two daughters. One was born while I was in Vietnam. She is healthy. My other daughter was born three years after I returned. She has lupus, Sjogrens’ syndrome and a disease that has destroyed the cartilage in her nose, hip and ankle.”
in a world where our present day temples had actually become empty symbols, bringing us into terrible crisis of faith. We see the religious persecution of Christians in the middle east and in Asia, the hurricanes last year in the East coast, the recent earth quake the rocked the central Visayan Island and the most terrifying and deadly typhoon that raged the Eastern Visayan provinces in the Philippines.
What is the meaning of all these? In all these adversities, Jesus calls us to persevere” “By your perseverance you will secure your lives.” We should take the apostles for our models, as Paul counsels in the second reading (2 Thessalonians 3: 7-12). Waiting for Jesus does not mean sitting in idleness. It means living with him and for him in whatever work he has given us to do. Knowing that someday he will come back and ask us for an accounting should make us more engaged with life 9n this world as his follower. Like the apostles, we must persevere in the face of unbelieving relatives and friends; and of forces and authorities hostile to man, to nature and to God. All these persecutions, calamities that we encounter and witness should be opportunities for giving testimony to the faith, of expressing our generosity and love for those who are immediately affected by them and as well as thanking the Lord for sparing us from them while learning to move forward with deeper faith and hope in his coming into the world for the second time.
has consisted of trying to convince the public that their common sense is wrong and that experts know best. In this case, the public’s view has been largely correct. Dioxin is a dangerous and unwanted chemical pollutant.”
The Vietnam veterans are not scientists, but their “common sense” has told them that their children have disabilities because of their service and herbicide/chemical exposures in Vietnam.
FYI: Vietnam veterans who would like to add information about their children’s birth defects or disabilities to the National Defect Registry sponsored by Birth Defect Research for Children can register online at
Agent Orange happened to Americans. But I honestly believe that it is quite essential to also remember that most of the exposed and harmed by these herbicides were the Vietnamese, as well as Laotians and Cambodians in ”secret” wars – the victims of Agent Orange the U.S. has never acknowledged or taken responsibility for spraying the herbicide during the Vietnam War. Certainly, generations of ethnic minorities have endured the consequences.
may talk about doing things like pulmonary rehabilitation or breath retraining, which is the idea that you can slowly retrain your diaphragm to take deeper breaths, which can help our patients with that sensation of shortness of breath.”
She added that for many patients struggling with fatigue, “creating a mindfulness practice that incorporates meditation, acupuncture… can be really successful in managing these symptoms.” An anti-inflammatory diet that’s primarily plant based — eschewing meat, sugar, and alcohol, but focusing on whole grains and nuts — can also help with long Covid symptoms.
Both doctors and Burroughs
Viswanathan’s patients have, on occasion, flown in on private jets. She noted that many low-income patients may not have health insurance that is accepted by the clinic, or may lack the resources to support a healthy diet and mindful practices.
“Black people are not receiving the same quality of care as their white counterparts, and this contributes to a shortened lifespan. Researchers discovered that several severe racial and ethnic disparities have led to higher COVID mortality rates in Black Americans,” said Burroughs.
She also noted that Black people participating in her center’s town halls have reported facing challenges getting their providers to even believe
that they have long Covid symptoms. “They feel unheard and they often feel unseen and are sent away not receiving treatment for the symptoms that they presented with,” she said.
“If the Black community continues to not receive proper care, treatment and diagnosis for long haul COVID, it could result in other social injustices like the inability to work, triggering financial instability, which could cause them to lose health insurance and then render them potentially homeless.
I know this sounds really extreme, but it’s possible. This has actually happened,” said Burroughs. She noted that providers have often failed to correctly diagnose long Covid for Black people, rendering them unable to qualify for disability insurance.
All three speakers discussed the need to create a pipeline of diverse health care professionals.
The Ranch Hand study of Vietnam veterans who were involved in herbicide spraying has been analyzed several times for adverse reproductive outcomes. The 1995 analysis found modest but significant increases in spontaneous abortion, defects of the circulatory system and heart, all anomalies, major birth defects and some developmental delays in the Ranch Hand veterans’ children. There were also increases in spina bifida in the children of Ranch Hand veterans with high dioxin levels.
Associations between Agent Orange and other dioxincontaminated herbicides and structural defects like spina bifida, oral clefts, heart defects and hypospadias may just be the “tip of the iceberg.” The more frequent outcomes of prenatal exposure to dioxin perhaps will be in the area of immunological, neurological and neuroendocrine outcomes.
Since 1990, Birth Defect Research for Children has collected data on birth defects and developmental disabilities in the children of Vietnam veterans through the National Birth Defect Registry. The Registry was designed through a collaboration of seven prominent scientists to identify patterns of birth defects and disabilities in children with similar
“My husband died two years ago from Agent Orange-related problems. He was a Navy Seal and served three tours in Vietnam. We have three children. Our eldest was born with a congenital heart defect. He has had 7 open heart surgeries. Our daughter was born with a brownish birth mark on one of her legs. Our youngest son is on Ritalin because he has attention disorder.”
“I am an Agent Orange widow. My husband died 6 years ago. Two of my children were born after my husband returned from Vietnam. Both are insulin dependent diabetics. The youngest also suffers from gastric and thyroid problems.”
“I have two daughters. One has spina bifida and is covered through the VA program. My other daughter has had seizures since age 3 and recently has been diagnosed with a brain tumor. The VA says her problems are not related to my service in Vietnam.”
“My husband is a 100% disabled service connected veteran of the Vietnam war. His disabilities are due to Agent Orange exposure. We have two sons ages 26 and 15 that are both ADD (Attention-deficit disorder)/ADHD (Attention-deficit/ hyperactivity disorder) and get skin rashes on their feet and hands.”
In the publication “Dioxins and Health,” Thomas Webster and Barry Commoner comment, “Much of the media coverage of the dioxin debate
Agent Orange is highly visible in Vietnam’s museums. The War Remnants Museum, the major historical museum in Ho Chi Minh City (previously Saigon) devotes several rooms to the topic – all painted orange – with walls covered with photographs and information. It would be hard for any museum visitor, whether Vietnamese or foreign tourist, to miss the story of the American military’s use of herbicides and the disabling consequences. The museum is high on the official list of tourist attractions, along with Saigon’s Notre Dame Cathedral and the French colonial post office.
Here in the U.S., in contrast, Agent Orange does not appear in American national and veteran museums. The Smithsonian’s National Museum of American History has a smart section on the Vietnam War but nothing on Agent Orange. Veterans’ struggles are instead remembered through private veteran events, documentary films and the Traveling Quilt of Tears.
As for how poorly most Americans read history and stories from the past, I’m afraid that is about our future, too. And for that, I say there are two main messages about Agent Orange – First, the United States caused destruction to the environment and human health and should acknowledge its responsibility to address it; Second, Agent Orange’ main theme should always highlight the humanity of people with disabilities -- showing the horrors of war and a genuine hope that promotes a sense of shared compassion and peace to all. So, what say you folks?
10 • November 11, 2022 - November 17, 2022 Filipino Press
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Maja Salvador explains decision to accept ‘The Iron Heart’
During the media launch of the show, Salvador admitted that it was an easy decision for her to accept the project, especially because of her long history with Star Creatives – the production team behind “The Iron Heart.”
“Madali lang ako napapayag. Of course, it’s under Star Creatives.
Ang dami ko na nagawang magagandang shows sa Star Creatives – Legal Wife, Bridges of Love –- iba yung alaga sakin ng Star Creatives family,” she said in the press conference.
“Eksakto yung timing ng pagpasok ni Maja. We couldn’t be happier to have her onboard. We’re very thankful kay Maja na tinanggap niya,” he said.
Salvador also shared that the project was not new to her but she considered it important because it is with ABS-CBN. “Hindi siya bago sakin pero sobrang importanteng ito because it's ABSCBN. Ang ABS-CBN ay ang ganda gumawa ng isang teleserye. Na-miss ko gumawa ng isang love story,” she said at the end of the media launch.
Pia Wurtzbach considers NYC Marathon experience 'a life lesson'
MANILA -- To say Pia Wurtzbach was overwhelmed after finishing her first marathon is an understatement.
In a lengthy Instagram post, the former Miss Universe titleholder said the New York City Marathon wasn’t just a race for her.
“A life lesson. Probably the best run of my life. I saw and felt so much. I AM SO HAPPY and grateful, inspired, humbled, and emotional… lahat na,” she said.
MANILA -- Amid the intrigues hurled against her after appearing in different TV networks, Maja Salvador’s comeback in ABS-CBN surprised her legion of supporters.
On Saturday, the Kapamilya actress for nearly 20 years stepped foot on the network once again as she is included in the cast of the upcoming Kapamilya series “The Iron Heart.”
According to the actress, she immediately flew to Cebu after some revisions of the script to join Gutierrez in filming the series.
Salvador, however, is not a recurring cast member of the show, calling her appearance as a special participation.
Gutierez, for his part, was grateful to the actress for accepting the project.
Salvador’s casting in “Iron Heart” comes over two years since “The Killer Bride,” her last ABSCBN project which concluded in January 2020 or two months before the onset of the pandemic in the country.
Following the lockdown and the subsequent franchise denial of ABS-CBN, Salvador appeared in programs on TV5 and GMA-7. She remains visible on both networks, in addition to her forthcoming ABS-CBN return. (MNS)
Remulla set to update UN body on PH human rights policies
MANILA -- Justice Secretary Jesus Crisin Remulla on Thursday said he is set to leave Friday for Geneva, Switzerland to give a clear message on President Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr.’s human rights policies at the United Nations Human Rights Council’s (UNHCR)'s regular Universal Periodic Review (UPR) scheduled next week.
The UPR is a peer-review mechanism of the UNHRC wherein the promotion and protection of human rights in all countries are reviewed on a regular basis.
"I am going to the UPR with a very clear message: The Philippines, under the leadership of President Ferdinand R. Marcos, is working to deliver transformational reform of its justice and law enforcement sectors – to enhance the enjoyment of human rights of all our citizens –
based on the rule of law and respect for due process," said Remulla in a statement.
"I will also inform about gains made during the first 100 days of the Marcos administration in terms of protection of vulnerable groups, such as migrants and children," he said.
Furthermore, Remulla said the Philippine delegation will also share ongoing initiatives of the Marcos administration’s comprehensive reform program “Real Justice in Real Time” which includes, among others, concrete measures to decongest Philippine prisons; improve case build-up through cooperation between prosecutors, investigators, and the Commission on Human Rights (CHR); and reaching out to civil society to strengthen witness protection.
He will also provide updates about progress made in connection with earlier recommendations of the international body.
While in Geneva, Remulla said he is also scheduled to meet with Filipino community leaders to brief them about developments here at home and get to know them better.
This is the fourth time that the Philippines will participate in the UPR. Previous reviews took place in 2008, 2012, and 2017.
Aside from Remulla, the Philippine delegation consists of other senior officials from the Department of Justice (DOJ), the Presidential Human Rights Committee Secretariat, and the Department of Foreign Affairs, including the Permanent Mission of the Philippines to the United Nations in Geneva. (MNS)
As one of the 170 runners from the Philippines who joined the run, Wurtzbach said her medal “represents how important it is that we keep the promises we make to ourselves.”
“To me, it was running because I wanted a new challenge, a new discipline — to be healthier & to step out of my comfort zone, to see how far I can go. I knew it would take time and dedication to achieve it but I wanted to stick to that promise no matter where
life or work pulled me,” she said.
“Over the years, I got used to being at the service of others and most of my decisions revolved around work or
pleasing others. This time, I stuck by running a marathon for me. This was my way of taking care of myself. And now, it has enriched my life so much because it has put me in a better place, so I feel recharged & energized to be of service to others,” she added.
Wurtzbach then went on to thank her family and friends including her boyfriend Jeremy Jauncey who tracked her and cheered her on.
“I’m grateful for all the support and cheering on ground and online. I saw your signages, your messages, and posts — kahit sobra yung kaba ko and yung pagod 5 hours in, lumalakas loob ko,” she said.
It was back in July when Wurtzbach revealed that she is joining her first marathon.
She has been using her social media platform to inspire people to try running as a way to stay strong and fit, among her other advocacies. (MNS)
12 • November 11, 2022 - November 17, 2022 Filipino Press Filipino Press November 11, 2022 November 17, 2022 • 13 STAY SAFE EVERYONE WEAR YOUR MASK WASH HANDS OFTEN