Focus on Finland at Valladolid International Film Festival

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Focus on Finland




Focus on Finland

60 th Valladolid International Film Festival 2015


Dear Friends of Cinema,

Estimados amigos del cinema,



inland has the joy and honor of being the Guest Country at the 60 th Valladolid

inlandia tiene el placer y el honor de ser el país invitado en la sexagésima edición

Film Festival. The festival will showcase a

del Festival de Cine de Valladolid. Les

wide and interesting selection of different

ofrecemos una amplia e interesante muestra

Finnish films – classic films from the past

de la filmografía finlandesa -clásicos de las

decades, documentaries, dramas and short

pasadas décadas, documentales, dramas y

films – a total of 24 films in different sections.

cortometrajes- en total 24 películas incluidas

We hope our films will offer you a chance to

en diferentes series. Esperamos que esta

glimpse at the landscape of this Northern

selección de películas les sirva de ayuda

nation’s soul. We believe our films will touch

para conocer el espíritu de este pueblo del

you, make you laugh and evoke in you both

norte de Europa. Estamos convencidos que

thoughts and feelings.

nuestras películas les emocionarán, harán

A warm thank you to Festival Director Javier Angulo and Denise O’Keeffe for

reír y despertarán tanto pensamientos, como emociones.

this wonderful opportunity and many

Mi mas cordial agradecimiento tanto a

congratulations on the Festival’s 60 th

Javier Angulo, Director del Festival, como


a Denise O’Keeffe por ofrecernos esta

magnífica oportunidad y mi más sincera

Jaana Puskala

felicitación al festival en su 60 aniversario!

Head of international promotion

The Finnish Film Foundation

Jaana Puskala Directora de Promoción Internacional Fundación Cinematográfica Finlandesa

Front cover: The White Reindeer by Erik Blomberg Page 2: Restless Blood by Teuvo Tulio Back cover: Drifting Clouds by Aki Kaurismäki Editors: Jaana Puskala, Jenni Domingo, Maikki Rantala Photos: The Finnish Film Foundation, National Audiovisual Institute Lay-out: Maikki Rantala Printed by: Premedia Helsinki, 2015


Official section – Sección Oficial

The Girl King 7

Meeting point – Punto de Encuentro

2 Nights till Morning 8

Time of History – Tiempo de Historia

Marzia, My Friend 9

Official section, short films – Sección Oficial, cortometrajes

Merry Christmas 10

Meeting point, short films – Punto de Encuentro, cortometrajes

Reunion 11

Focus on Finland – País Invitado: Finlandia Documentaries:

The Iddle Ones 12

The 3 rooms of Melancholia 12

Steam of Life 13

The Punk Syndrome 13

Finnish Blood, Swedish Heart 14

Feature films:

Drifting Clouds 14

Bad Family 15

The Good Son 15

Open Up To Me 16

Village People 16

The Disciple 17

They Have Escaped 17

The Grump 18

The White Reindeer 19

The Boys 19

The Earth is a Sinful Song 20

The Man Who Couldn’t Say No 20

The Wedding Walz 21

The Collector 21

Directors and producers attending Valladolid 2015 22




The Girl King The Girl King is the story of Sweden’s Queen Kristina, an enigmatic young woman who defied convention, challenged tradition and changed the course of history. Torn between reason and passion; between her female body and being raised as a prince; between the ancient and modern worlds and between the brilliance of her educated mind and the terror of the emotions she could not understand. ORIGINAL TITLE Tyttökuningas DIRECTOR Mika Kaurismäki SCREENWRITER Michel Marc Bouchard PRINCIPAL CAST Malin Buska, Sarah Gadon, Michael Nyqvist, Lucas Bryant, Laura Birn, Hippolyte Girardot, Francois Arnaud, Patrick Bauchau, Peter Lohmeyer, Martina Gedeck PRODUCED BY Marianna Films Oy/Mika Kaurismäki, Anna Stratton, Rainer Kölmel, Arnie Gelbart, Wasiliki Bleser, Martin Persson DURATION 106 min SALES The Yellow Affair Spanish distributor: Film Buro/Aquelarre Screenings: Press screening: Thursday October 29 th at 12.00, Teatro Calderón, Official screening: Thursday October 29t th at 19.00, Teatro Calderón Repetition: Friday October 30 th at 16.30, Teatro Cervantes

Mika Kaurismäki Mika Kaurismäki’s first film Liar (1980) was an overnight sensation. It marked the beginning of a new era in Finnish cinema, in which the Kaurismäki brothers led the way. Since then Mika Kaurismäki has made a host of feature films and documentaries, including The Worthless, Rosso, Zombie and the Ghost Train, Helsinki Napoli, LA Without a Map, Mama Africa, Brasileirinho, Three Wise Men, The House of Branching Love and Road North, which was one of the most popular films in Finland in 2012 with almost 300 000 admissions. Mika has completed two new films in 2015 –The Girl King and Homecoming. The director will be present at Valladolid.

Official Section Sección Oficial

followed by press conference


2 Nights till Morning A one-night stand between two strangers in a foreign country and without a mutual language takes an unexpected turn as a volcanic ash cloud prevents all flights

Meeting Point Punto de Encuentro

from taking off.


ORIGINAL TITLE 2 yötä aamuun DIRECTOR/SCREENWRITER Mikko Kuparinen PRINCIPAL CAST Marie-Joseé Croze, Mikko Nousiainen PRODUCED BY Elokuvatuotantoyhtiö Mjölk/Mikko Tenhunen DURATION 84 min SALES Wide Management Screenings: 1st screening: Wednesday October 28th at 11.30, Teatro Zorrilla Main screening and presentation: Thursday October 29 th at 22.00, Teatro Zorrilla

Mikko Kuparinen Kuparinen’s (b. 1979) first feature film was the romantic comedy Body Fat Index of Love, 2012. His short films have won main prizes at international film festivals; Sirocco won the H.C. Andersen Award, the Grand Prix at the Odense Film Festival in Denmark in 2013. Sirocco and Mikko were also chosen for the “10 Directors to Watch” DVD published by four Nordic film magazines. The director will be present at Valladolid.

Marzia, My Friend Marzia, My Friend is the story of an Afghan woman in her twenties, who – just like all young people – dreams of love, freedom and an interesting job. But because she lives in Afghanistan, her dreams are revolutionary. Ultimately Marzia’s story becomes a symbol of the wider struggle of Afghan women: it is about the right to make

ORIGINAL TITLE Marzia, ystäväni DIRECTOR/SCREENWRITER Kirsi Mattila PRODUCED BY Pohjola-filmi/Elina Pohjola, Piia Nokelainen DURATION 80 min, 2015 SALES Filmdelights Screenings: 1st screening: Tuesday October 27th at 11.45, Broadway Cinema 11 Main screening and presentation: Thursday October 29 th at 21.30, Broadway Cinema

Kirsi Mattila Kirsi Mattila is a documentary director-screenwriter and a freelance journalist. Mattila has worked as a journalist since 1980 and she has written and directed a number of educational programs and documentaries for TV and film. Her selected filmography includes documentaries such as Niki and Niki’s Brother (2008), 80 Years of Student Theatre (2006) and the Joy of Giving Birth (2004). The director will be present at Valladolid.

Time of History Tiempo de Historia

decisions about your own life.



Merry Christmas Merry Christmas is a Christmas story about Asko, a tram driver who finds an abandoned baby. Who does the boy child belong to? Who is missing him? Asko decides to find out. Merry Christmas is a comical interpretation of the traditional Christmas gospel set in a modern-day Helsinki. ORIGINAL TITLE Hyvää joulua DIRECTOR Matti Ijäs SCREENWRITER Juha Lehtola, Matti Ijäs PRINCIPAL CAST Pertti Sveholm, Aili PRODUCED BY Scenes Oy/Juha Lehtola DURATION 10 min, 2015 SALES Scenes Oy Screenings: Press screening: Sunday October 25th at 12.00, Teatro Calderón Official screening: Sunday October 25th at 19.00, Teatro Calderón Repetition: Monday October 26th at 16.30, Teatro Cervantes

Matti Ijäs Matti Ijäs, born 1950, is known for his feature films Things We Do for Love (2013), Blue Corner (2002) and Blindfolded (1999). Ijäs has also enjoyed an extensive career in television; his directorial works include The Wrestler (1985) and The Inspection (1988). Matti Ijäs has been awarded the Prix Italia, the State Prize for Cinema and in 2002 he received the Order of the Lion of Finland – Pro Finlandia Medal for his vast career in Finnish film. The director will be present at Valladolid.

Young Anja accompanies the dead of her hometown to the afterlife. When she joins her brother on the couch moments before his heart attack, things are different. Can they make up and dance their way to the next world together? ORIGINAL TITLE Tuolla puolen DIRECTORS/SCREENWRITERS Iddo Soskolne, Janne Reinikainen PRINCIPAL CAST Selma af Schultén, Janne Reinikainen, Riitta Havukainen PRODUCED BY Bufo/ Misha Jaari, Mark Lwoff DURATION 15 min, 2015 SALES Bufo Screenings: 1st screening: Wednesday October 28th at 11.30, Teatro Zorrilla Main screening and presentation: Thursday October 29 th at 22.00, Teatro Zorrilla

Iddo Soskolne Iddo Soskolne (b. 1975 in Jerusalem) graduated with honours as a cinematographer and screenwriter from the Sam Spiegel Film & TV School in Israel in 2003. His graduation films travelled to numerous festivals including Cannes Cinéfondation, Berlin and Clermont-Ferrand. Reunion is his first film as a director. The director will be present at Valladolid.

Janne Reinikainen Janne Reinikainen (b. 1969) is a Finnish theatre director, actor, and screenwriter. His latest TV project is the series Napamiehet, in which he worked as a screenwriter, director, and actor. Reunion is Janne Reinikainen’s first film as a director.





The Idles Ones 2001 • 90´

Focus on Finland País invitado: Finlandia

The Idle Ones is a description of the


The 3 Rooms of Melancholia 2004 • 85´

state of affairs—somewhere on the

The Chechen war. The inability of

edge of Europe—where the lack of a

adults to resolve the war gives rise to a

regular job is becoming a way of life for

generation upon whom hatred has been

some of the younger generation.

visited with vengeance. Children have

Original title: Joutilaat Director: Susanna Helke, Virpi Suutari Script: Susanna Helke, Virpi Suutari Cinematography: Harri Räty Production company: Kinotar Oy, Sales: Kinotar Screenings: Sat 24.10. 11:45 Sala Broadway 1

taken the burden of hatred which they believe springs from within. There is no need to seek its causes. The transposed hatred casts a pall over the depths of their minds: they are accompanied throughout their lives by inexplicable melancholia and sudden outbursts of rage. Original title: Melancholian 3 huonetta Director: Pirjo Honkasalo Script: Pirjo Honkasalo Cinematography: Pirjo Honkasalo Production company: Oy Millennium Film Ltd., Sales: Deckert Distribution Spanish distributor: Parallel 40 Screenings: Sat 24.10. 16:30 Sala Broadway 1


Steam of Life

The Punk Syndrome

2010 • 84´

2012 • 90´

Naked Finnish Men in saunas speak

The Punk Syndrome is a film about the

straight from the heart and, with

Finnish punk rock band Pertti Kurikan

the warmth of rusty stoves, cleanse

nimipäivät, which later was the Finnish

themselves both physically and mentally

representative in the 2015 Eurovision

as the film moves towards its deeply

Song Contest. The film follows the

emotional and unforgettable finale.

band´s four mentally challenged

Original title: Miesten vuoro Director: Joonas Berghäll, Mika Hotakainen

members’ journey from the rehearsal room to festival stages and ultimately, into the limelight.

Script: Joonas Berghäll,

Original title: Kovasikajuttu

Mika Hotakainen

Director: Jukka Kärkkäinen, J-P Passi

Cinematography: Heikki Färm,

Script: Jukka Kärkkäinen, J-P Passi

Jani Kumpulainen

Cinematography: J-P Passi

Music: Jonas Bohlin

Music: Pertti Kurikan nimipäivät

Production company: Oktober Oy,

Production company: Mouka Filmi,

Sales: Films Transit International

Sales: Autlook Filmsales



Wed 30.10. 12:00 Sala Broadway 10

Sun 25.10. 11:45 Sala Broadway 1



Feature films

Finnish Blood, Swedish Heart

Drifting Clouds

Focus on Finland País invitado: Finlandia

2013 • 90´


1996 • 96´ This film has a story, which is not very

The journey of a father and son

hard to understand, especially if you

becomes a musical, delving into

have seen the film. The main characters

the emotional memory and history

(altogether two) form a family. In the

of Finnish migration to Sweden, an

beginning they are happy. Then the

exploration of shame, guilt, crime,

trouble comes. By the end they are

alcoholism and family secrets.

happy again. Almost the same can be

Original title: Laulu koti-ikävästä Director: Mika Ronkainen Script: Mika Ronkainen Cinematography: Vesa Taipaleenmäki

said about the supporting characters, although they are never—in cinema— as important as the main characters, except for Wolter Brennon. — A.K.

Music: Anna Järvinen, Darya Pakarinen, Love Antell, Markus Fagervall and

Original title: Kauas pilvet karkaavat

several other artists

Director: Aki Kaurismäki

Production company:

Script: Aki Kaurismäki

Klaffi Productions,

Cinematography: Timo Salminen

Cast: Kati Outinen, Kari Väänänen, Elina

Sales: Klaffi Productions

Salo, Sakari Kuosmanen, Markku Peltola

Spanish distributor: Parallel 40

Production company: Sputnik Oy,

Screenings: Sat 31.10. 20:00 Sala Broadway 11äki, Screenings: Fri 30.10. 19:30 Sala Broadway 9 Sat 31.10. 19:15 Sala Broadway 10

Feature films

Bad Family

The Good Son

2010 • 92

2011 • 87´

After going through an ugly divorce,

After a scandalous premiere, actress

a father must raise his son on his own

Leila escapes to the old family

while the mother has custody of the

summerhouse with her two sons. The

daughter. Sixteen years later, the

explosive and arrogant Ilmari, her older

mother passes away, and the brother

son, is Leila’s protector and confidant.

and sister meet once again. The father

The peaceful vacation is disrupted when

thinks his son has a crush on his sister.

Leila invites her artist friends over for

The son rebels against his father, who

a rowdy weekend. After the party Leila

copes poorly with the situation. The

invites one of the guests, Aimo, a writer,

father ends up alone with his own

to stay. Ilmari is immediately hostile

demented father.

towards the intruder. As Leila begins to

Original title: Paha perhe Director: Aleksi Salmenperä

fall in love, Ilmari begins to suspect that Aimo might be dangerous.

Script: Aleksi Salmenperä

Original title: Hyvä poika

Cinematography: Tuomo Hutri

Director: Zaida Bergroth

Music: Ville A. Tanttu

Script: Jan Forsström, Zaida Bergroth

Cast: Ville Virtanen, Pihla Viitala,

Cinematography: Anu Keränen

Lauri Tilkanen

Music: Mi and Láu

Production company: Sputnik Oy,

Cast: Elina Knihtilä, Samuli Niittymäki,

Eero Aho, Anna Paavilainen, Eetu Julin

Sales: The Match Factory

Production company: Oy Bufo Ab,

Screenings: Sun 25.10. 20:00 Sala Broadway 1 Mon 26.10. 11:45 Sala Broadway 1 Sales: Level K Screenings: Tue 27.10. 22:00 Sala Broadway 9 Wed 28.10. 11:45 Sala Broadway 9


Focus on Finland País invitado: Finlandia

Feature films


Open up to Me

Village People

2013 • 95´

2013 • 95´

Open up to Me is an intense

Urho Kaleva Kekkonen, the long-time

psychological drama about sexual

president of the Republic of Finland, is

identity. In modern relationships

scheduled to visit Alli’s Bar on his way to

nothing can be taken for granted

northern Finland. He is blindly worshiped

anymore. There is no ready-made

and the nearer the visit draws, the more

model for love. We have to create our

envy, competition and dirty tricks we see

own morals. We have to draw lines and

in a small town. No one is spared from

sometimes, when our hearts tell us to,

the brutality!

cross them.

Original title: Kekkonen tulee!

Original title: Kerron sinulle kaiken

Director: Marja Pyykkö

Director: Simo Halinen

Script: Elias Koskimies (based on the

Script: Simo Halinen

short story “Alli’s Bar” in the novel

Cinematography: Hena Blomberg

“Urho Kekkonen Straße” by Pia Pesonen)

Music: Jarmo Saari

Cinematography: Konsta Sohlberg

Cast: Leea Klemola, Peter Franzén,

Music: Antti Lehtinen

Ria Kataja,

Cast: Wilma Rosenqvist, Merja Larivaara,

Emmi Nivala, Alex Anton

Marjaana Maijala, Konsta Mäkelä,

Production company: Edith Film,

Miina Turunen

Production company: Solar Films Inc.,

Sales: The Yellow Affair


Sales: Solar Films Inc.

Thu 29.10. 22:00 Sala Broadway 9


Fri 30.10. 11:45 Sala Broadway 9

Wed 28.10. 22:00 Sala Broadway 9 Thu 29.10. 11:45 Sala Broadway 9

Feature films

The Disciple

They Have Escaped

2013 • 93´

2014 • 102´

An isolated island in the Baltic Sea in

When a boy and girl meet at a detention

the summer of 1939. Thirteen-year-

center for troubled youths, they steal

old Karl comes to the island to work

a car and flee together. Thus begins a

as lighthouse master Hasselbond´s

journey with endless escapes.

assistant. Master Hasselbond turns

They Have Escaped is a film about

Karl down because of his young age.

fragile love, childhood dreams and the

Karl struggles desperately to stay on.

violence of reality.

Karl and Hasselbond’s oppressed son, Gustaf, become friends, but their friendship turns into rivalry and hate when Hasselbond starts to favor Karl over his own son.

Original title: He ovat paenneet Director: J-P Valkeapää Script: J-P Valkeapää, Pilvi Peltola Cinematography: Pietari Peltola Music: Helge Slicker

Original title: Lärjungen

Cast: Roosa Söderholm, Teppo

Director: Ulrika Bengts

Manner, Pelle Heikkilä, Petteri Pennilä

Script: Roland Fauser, Jimmy Carlson

Production company: Helsinki-filmi Oy,

Cinematography: Robert Nordström

Music: Peter Hägerstrand

Sales: The Yellow Affair

Cast: Erik Lönngren, Patrik Kumpulainen, Niklas Groundstroem, Amanda Ooms, Ping Mon Wallén Production company:

Screenings: Sat 24.10. 22:00 Sala Broadway 9 Sun 25.10. 11:45 Sala Broadway 9

Långfilm Productions Finland Oy, Sales: Långfilm Productions Screenings: Mon 26.10. 22:00 Sala Broadway 9 Tue 27.10. 11:45 Sala Broadway 9 17

Feature films


The Grump

Restless Blood

2014 • 103´

1946 • 91’

The Grump is a story about a die-hard

A drama directed by Teuvo Tulio, the

man in his eighties who is outspoken and

father of Finnish melodrama. Two sisters

stubborn. He thinks everything was much

fall in love with the same man, creating a

better in the old days. The story unfolds

love triangle with ill-fated consequences.

Focus on Finland País invitado: Finlandia

as the Grump falls down his basement


Sylvi, the main character who becomes

steps and hurts his ankle. His city-

blind, is played by Regina Linnanheimo,

dwelling son finds him, and according to

one of the biggest stars from the early

doctor’s orders, the Grump must attend

years of Finnish cinema.

physiotherapy in the city, which means he must stay with his son and daughter-

Original title: Levoton veri

in-law. Now the Grump must face a

Director: Teuvo Tulio

changing world.

Script: Teuvo Tulio, Regina Linnanheimo Cinematography: Pentti Lintonen

Original title: Mielensäpahoittaja

Music: Tauno Marttinen

Director: Dome Karukoski

Cast: Regina Linnanheimo,

Script: Tuomas Kyrö, Dome Karukoski

Eino Katajavuori, Toini Vartiainen

Cinematography: Pini Hellstedt

Production company: Teuvo Tulio

Music: Hilmar Örn Hilmarsson Cast: Antti Litja, Petra Frey,


Mari Peronkoski, Ilkka Forss

Thu 29.10. 19:30 Sala Broadway 1

Production company:

Fri 30.10. 16:45 Sala Broadway 1

Solar Films Inc., Sales: The Yellow Affair Spanish distributor: Film Buro/Aquelarre Screenings: Fri 30.10. 22:00 Sala Broadway 9 Sat 31.10. 11:45 Sala Broadway 9


The White Reindeer

The Boys

1952 • 74’

1962 • 106’

The White Reindeer is a real gem

Mikko Niskanen is a director who

among Finnish classics, a film we love to

has succeeded exceptionally well in

screen abroad. The film is set in fabled,

portraying the Finnish lifestyle from an

mythical and wild Lapland. A woman is

individual perspective in, for example,

transformed into a reindeer, and with

Eight Deadly Shots.

the intensity rising, we get to watch this

His film The Boys is set in post-World

strange woman, who is thought to be a

War II Lapland as German troops are

witch, journey towards destruction.

pulling out. We see the war and its

The White Reindeer can also be

destruction from the perspective of

considered a successful art film where

boys on the verge of adulthood.

exquisite camerawork and poetic

The life of the main character Jake is

music support female lead Mirjami

turned upside down, and he is faced

Kuosmanen’s fantastic performance.

with a big change.

The film was awarded at the Cannes Film Festival in 1953.

Original title: Pojat Director: Mikko Niskanen

Original title: Valkoinen peura

Script: Mikko Niskanen,

Director: Erik Blomberg

after Paavo Rintala’s novel (1958)

Script: Erik Blomberg,

Cinematography: Olavi Tuomi

Mirjami Kuosmanen

Music: Einar Englund

Cinematography: Erik Blomberg

Cast: Vesa-Matti Loiri, Uti Saurio,

Music: Einar Englund

Hannu Vironmäki, Liisa Nevalainen,

Cast: Mirjami Kuosmanen,

Kauko Helovirta

Åke Lindman, Kalervo Nissilä

Production company:

Production company: Junior-Filmi Oy

Oy Suomen Filmiteollisuus



Mon 26.10. 20:00 Sala Broadway 1

Sun 25.10. 18:00 Sala Broadway 1

Tue 27.10. 16:45 Sala Broadway 1

Mon 26.10. 16:00 Sala Broadway 1 19

Focus on Finland País invitado: Finlandia



The Earth Is a Sinful Song

The Man Who Couldn’t Say No

1973 • 108’

1975 • 103’

The Earth Is a Sinful Song is one of

Risto Jarva’s The Man Who Couldn’t

the Finnish films you can’t forget easily.

Say No is a fine portrait of the culture

The portrayal of the people of Lapland

and attitudes of the free and radical 70s.

and their harsh living conditions can

The film, shot in a beautiful old wooden

be described as gritty; that as well as

house in the idyllic neighborhood of

the depiction of their everyday life will

Vallila, Helsinki, is a comedy, which is

stay with you a long time. As we watch a

not that common in Finnish film where

young woman grow into an adult, we also

most are dramas. The main character is

get a good picture of what the different

played by Antti Litja, who also plays the

seasons in Finland look like, thanks to the

lead in Dome Karukoski’s The Grump

masterful camerawork by Kari Sohlberg.

(2014); another example of a long-time

Original title: Maa on syntinen laulu

favorite actor of Finns.

Director: Rauni Mollberg

Original title: Mies, joka ei

Script: Rauni Mollberg,

osannut sanoa ei

Pirjo Honkasalo, Panu Rajala,

Director: Risto Jarva

based on Timo K. Mukka’s novel (1964)

Script: Jussi Kylätasku, Risto Jarva

Cinematography: Kari Sohlberg

Cinematography: Antti Peippo

Music: Hannu Sinnemäki

Music: Markku Kopisto

Cast: Maritta Viitamäki,

Cast: Antti Litja, Kirsti Wallasvaara,

Pauli Jauhojärvi, Aimo Saukko,

Matti Ruohola, Vivi-Ann Sjögren

Milja Hiltunen, Niiles-Jouni Aikio

Production company: Filminor Oy

Production company: RM-Filmi Ky



Wed 28.10. 19:30 Sala Broadway 1

Sat 24.10. 19:30 Sala Broadway 1

Thu 29.10. 16:45 Sala Broadway 1

Sun 25.10. 16:00 Sala Broadway 1


The Inspection / The Wedding Waltz 1988 • 56’

The Collector 1997 • 96’ The debut film of director Auli Mantila

The Inspection is a film made for TV

is an exceptionally striking masterpiece

and an example of excellent ensemble

from the female director, now also a

work by the filmmakers and actors. This

producer, known for her original style.

film, spiced with dark humor, enjoys a

The main character of the film is Eevi,

cult status, especially among Finnish

a young woman who definitely doesn’t

men. People can recite lines from it, and

have her life together. She’s someone

it’s typically watched on a Friday night

we wouldn’t even want to get to know,

with beer and friends, which is natural,

but the director takes us on a journey

as the central theme of the film is

into her broken mind. Holding our

friendship between men. Director Matti

breaths, we get to watch her actions and

Ijäs has made a long and fine career; all

their consequences. Leea Klemola gives

in all he has directed 36 films.

an excellent performance as Eevi.

Original title: Katsastus Director: Matti Ijäs

She also stars in Simo Halinen’s film Open Up to Me.

Script: Joni Skiftesvik, Matti Ijäs,

Original title: Neitoperho

Timo Torikka, based on several

Director: Auli Mantila

short stories by Joni Skiftesvik

Script: Auli Mantila

Cinematography: Pauli Sipiläinen

Cinematography: Heikki Färm

Music: Antti Hytti

Cast: Leea Klemola, Elina Hurme,

Cast: Vesa Vierikko, Sulevi Peltola,

Rea Mauranen

Markku Maalismaa, Kaija Pakarinen

Production company: GNUfilms Oy

Production company: Yleisradio TV 1



Tue 27.10. 19:30 Sala Broadway 1

Fri 30.10. 18:00 Sala Broadway 11

Wed 28.10. 16:45 Sala Broadway 1

Sat 31.10. 16:00 Sala Broadway 11



Marja Pyykkö One of the most promising Finnish new

Mika Kaurismäki Mikko Kuparinen Kirsi Mattila Matti Ijäs Iddo Soskolne

generation movie directors Marja Pyykkö (b. 1975) has graduated from UIAH. Her first feature film Run, Sister, Run is a milestone in the way it portrays the rebellion of the Finnish youth. Village People is Pyykkö’s second feature; a

directors and producers attending valladolid 2015

tongue-in-cheek comedy about people

Zaida Bergroth

longing for a miracle, something or

Zaida Bergroth (b. 1977) has directed

someone to change their lives for good.

the awarded short films Glass Jaw

The story is set way up in Finnish Lapland

(2004) and Heavy Metal 2006). Her first

where everything is twisted but nothing

feature was Last Cowboy Standing

is as it seems. Pyykkö has directed

(2009), which won the Flash Forward

numerous short films and commercials.

-award at Pusan FF 2009, as well as the

As a second-generation movie

Finnish Jussi awards for best screenplay

professional, she has lived and breathed

and best sound design. At Chicago IFF

film since early ages as an actress,

it won Golden Hugo in New Directors

assistant director, casting director and

Competition. The film was also Finland’s

property master before her career

nominee for Nordic Council’s Film Prize.

launched her to the director’s chair.

Simo Halinen Born in 1963, Simon Halinen is a writer/ His TV works include the TV film

Liisa Penttilä-Asikainen

Minerva (1997), the mini-series The Girl

Liisa Penttilä-Asikainen is the CEO

with a Pig Tale (2004) and three-part

and Executive Producer of production

black comedy Golden Retriever (2007)

company Kaiho Republic. Since 2001

His first feature film was Cyclomania

Penttilä-Asikainen has produced awarded

(2001). Open Up to Me is his second

short films, TV series, and feature

feature. Halinen has also written two

Some recent examples include Aku

novels: Idänsydänsimpukka (2004) and

Louhimies’s film Naked Harbour (2012)

Lemmenomenia (2008).

and Simo Halinen’s film Open Up To Me

Zaida Bergroth 22


director, working for film and television.

Simo Halinen

Marja Pyykkö

(2013). She has also co-produced e.g.

between the Finnish film industry and

Lars Von Trier’s Dogville (2003) and

international festivals, sales companies and

Peter Greenaway’s Eisenstein in

distributors around the world.

Guanajuato (2015). Penttilä-Asikainen is

Mrs. Puskala is Finland’s representative

a member of ACE and Board member of

in European Film Promotion (EFP), an

the Finnish Film Foundation.

umbrella organization of promotional institutes of different European countries,

Mark Lwoff

and has been a member of the board

Producer Mark Lwoff (b. 1976) is one

of EFP since 2009. She is also Finland’s

of the founding associates of the

representative in the Festival Group of

production company Bufo in 2007.

Scandinavian Films.

His productions have included feature,

films Zaida Bergroth’s The Good Son,

Tel. +358 50 593 2068

Pirjo Honkasalo’s Concrete Night, Akseli Tuomivaara’s Korso and Jörn

Jenni Domingo

Donner’s film Armi Alive!. He’s currently

Jenni Domingo works as a Coordinator

developing White Point, an action film to

of Feature Film Promotion at The Finnish

be directed by Akseli Tuomivaara in 2016.

Film Foundation. She has a background of TV documentary production, as well as working in the film festival organization.

The Finnish Film Foundation

Good films in every genre are her inspirer, organizing things and solving matters her aspiration.

Jaana Puskala,

Jaana Puskala has worked in the

Tel. +358 40 841 2849

International Promotion department of the Finnish Film Foundation since 1990. She was the acting Head of International Promotion during 2003–2006 and was appointed the Head of Feature Film Promotion in 2008. As the Head of Feature Film Promotion she is responsible for promoting Finnish feature films abroad as well as building and reinforcing contacts Jaana Puskala

Liisa Penttilä-Asikainen

Mark Lwoff

Jenni Domingo 23

Focus on Finland


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