Franchise Journal July 2022

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FRANCHISE Journal LEARN How Abrakadoodle Makes a Difference p. 88

THE SCOOP The Educational Niche Advantage p. 116

HOW TO Virtual Skills Lead to Real Success" p. 74


JULY 2022/

THINK BIG! with Carson Scholars Fund see page 16


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March 13-14, 2021 DALLAS

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MayTAMPA 15-16, 2021

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October 16-17, 2021 WASHINGTON DC

Dulles Expo Center DALLAS September 17-18, 2022

Irving Convention Center AUSTIN November 2021 Palmer Event6-7, Center October 1-2, 2022


Fort Worth Convention Center October 8-9, 2022


Lone Star Convention Center November 12-13, 2022


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JULY 2022



16 CARSON SCHOLARS FUND THINK BIG: How the Carson Scholarship Program Inspires Youth by Pam Marshner 22

CHILDREN’S ART CLASSES Q&A with Stephanie Larsen by Rich LeBrun


HI-LITE Hi-Lite Tomorrow’s Entrepreneurs by Kyle Heck


ABRAKADOODLE Demand for Arts Education Fuels Growth for Abrakadoodle by Seth Lederman


A Legacy For Your Children by Greg Mohr


CREATERY WORKSHOPS Arts & Crafts: Family Focused and All Under One Roof! by Janice Charles



34 46

KIDOKINETICS Impacting the Lives of Children by Sean Krimmer


SKILL SAMURAI Q&A with Skill Samurai Founder by Magnus Nilsson Jr


FLOOR COVERINGS INTERNATIONAL Franchisee Helped Build Small Businesses Into Super Stars, Now He’s Ready to Do the Same for His! by Rhonda Sanderson

60 NOW MASSAGES Meet the Team Behind The NOW Massages’ Growing Presence in South Florida 66

SEASHORE ACADEMY Ride the Wave with Seashore Academy by Samantha Stanich-Romasiewicz





70 BUILDING KIDZ NOW is the Time For ECE, and Building Kidz is the Place To Be by Michael Peterson

106 TEMPORARY WALL SYSTEMS School is in Session with Temporary Wall Systems by Samantha Stanich-Romasiewicz



SKILL SAMURAI Virtual Skills Lead to Real Success by Abi Pepin


TUTOR DOCTOR Frank Milner, the CEO Filling the Educational Gap with Tutor Doctor by Mariah Carrion


SNAPOLOGY Can Kids Franchises Change the World?


ABRAKADOODLE Abrakadoodle Makes a Difference While Building Successful Franchises by Ms. Rosemarie Hartnett

94 SHARKEY’S CUTS FOR KIDS Partners with HairToStay to Help Subsidize Scalp Cooling Treatment for Low Income Cancer Patients 100 RAD AIR

RockBox Fitness is Always Teaching its Franchise Owners by Samantha Stanich-Romasiewicz

116 CORPORATE CLEANING GROUP The Educational Niche Advantage by Patrick Rozmus

122 PILLAR TO POST HOME INSPECTORS® Former Boeing Employee Chooses Pillar To Post Home Inspectors® As New Career by Rhonda Sanderson 128 DADDY’S CHICKEN SHACK Arrives as Category Disruptor

136 LA BIKINI It’s Sugar Time for This Savvy Couple Who Invest in Beauty Industry ‘Market Disruptors’ Like LA Bikini by Rhonda Sanderson

Rad Air Helps Apprentices Learn by Doing by Kinsey Cooper WWW.FRANCHISEJOURNAL.COM | JULY 2022


The quality of an elite private education with the flexibility and freedom of homeschooling.


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welcome “IF YOU CAN READ THIS, THANK A TEACHER.” It’s a cliche, but it’s true. If it weren’t for education at all levels, you wouldn’t be able to read, write, speak, think critically, make informed decisions, know right from wrong, effectively communicate, or understand how the world works. Another famous quote that proclaims the importance of education comes from George Orwell, “If people cannot write well, they cannot think well, and if they cannot think well, others will do their thinking for them.” It goes without saying that an educated population advances a society, but why, exactly, do different subsets of education matter? Does STEM education really make a difference, and do we need to be spending precious dollars on STEM education? Unequivocally, the answer is yes. In the modern world the fact that STEM education has lapsed and is, at the same time, more important than ever has created a




burgeoning category for franchise entrepreneurs. In addition to traditional tutoring and testing businesses, the past few years have seen an uptick in specialized Math and Science centers for parents who want their children to have a head start in life by focusing on the areas that are most in demand. Learning how to learn is important as is inculcating a love of lifelong learning at an early age. Many studies have shown the correlation between advanced degrees, earnings potential and stability of employment so the practical benefits are obvious. However, life long learning creates an orientation for understanding. Learning is not a finite component of life. It is the foundation that continues as the world changes. The things we learn in the past we many not use today, think of your high school calculus classes, but the fact that you were able to create a precedent of learning means that you will be able to absorb new information in the future. Indian leader Mahatma Gandhi was getting on a train. One of his sandals slipped off and fell to the ground. The train was moving, and there was no time to go back. Without hesitation, Gandhi took off his second sandal and threw it toward the first. Asked by his colleague why he did that, he said one sandal wouldn’t do him any good, but two would certainly help someone else. Most education has become a mastery of a very large body of information, even if it’s not what could be considered lifeworthy or likely to matter, in any meaningful way, in the lives learners are

expected to live. However, like Gandhi throwing his other shoe so that someone could benefit from it, so does learning create a lifelong orientation in the student to think about how the world around them will operate based upon events that are occurring. Early high-quality education is critical as students who are given a high-quality education perform better than the other students in many areas, both academically and socially. These students: • Scored higher on standardized testing • Had higher attendance rates • Had fewer discipline referrals • Were rated higher by their teachers in terms of behaviors, social interactions, and emotional maturity. The list of studies showing the importance of early childhood education goes on virtually forever. In addition to the educational advantages students with high-quality early education see, they also often find more pleasure in learning. When parents and teachers instill a love of learning early on, children are more likely to continue to love learning as they go through school. While there are 130,930 public and private K-12 schools in the U.S., according to the National

Center for Education Statistics (NCES) the demand for additional educational resources is growing at a historic pace. • Elementary schools: 87,498 • Secondary schools: 26,727 • Combined schools: 15,804 Other: 901 While public schools educate the vast majority of children, the ability to have additional resources to help kids achieve is a resource that will continue to be in high demand by parents. Franchising has stepped into that gap with the creativity of entrepreneurs coupled with the increasing education demands of the modern world and you have a business climate that is not only rewarding but also meaningful. The franchise companies highlighted in this month's issue of Franchise Journal have created a meaningful opportunity that makes sense not only for today but for generations to come.

Let the learning begin!

Nick Neonakis

Editor, Franchise Journal




Chantae Arrington ART DIRECTOR

Brenda Lesch




CONTRIBUTORS Mariah Carrion Janice Charles Kinsey Cooper Ms. Rosemarie Hartnett Kyle Heck Sean Krimmer Rich LeBrun Seth Lederman Pam Marshner Greg Mohr Magnus Nilsson Jr Abi Pepin Michael Peterson Patrick Rozmus Rhonda Sanderson Samantha StanichRomasiewicz


If you want to get ahead in franchising, The Franchise Journal has the most concepts and tactics to help you become a business owner.

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THINK BIG T by Pam Marshner

How the Carson Scholarship Program Inspires Youth to Reach Their Full Potential and Then Reach a Little Further 16


he rich history behind the co-founding of the Carson Scholars Fund (CSF) is inspirational in itself, but the real story lies in the scholars they select to represent them. Cofounded by Dr. Ben Carson and his wife Candy, the CSF seeks to guide students to embrace the THINK BIG philosophy. Each letter represents a commitment leading to an ultimate result. The Carson’s wisdom and life experience prompted them to give back to youth to inspire and motivate them. They recognize the value of education and service; two key components of the missions of the Carson Scholars Fund. The Carson Scholarship Program is unique in the fact that it recognizes and rewards students as young as fourth grade. Studies have shown that having college and career discussions early on in the life cycle of a student

leads to better preparation in understanding and achieving goals in high school. To date, over 10,500 scholarships have been awarded to deserving students across the country. Over $8 million has been paid out to over 800 accredited colleges and universities. The alumni network consists of over 6,000 members representing almost every sector of industry in the United States.

Carson Scholars are truly representative of what it means to be American. They come from all walks of life, ethnicities, values and backgrounds. The common factor each scholar possesses is the inclination to use the gifts they have been given, the obstacles they have faced and the character they possess to create something bigger than themselves. The program encourages educators to nominate students who exhibit excellent leadership potential through their academic pursuits, but also through the character they show in solving civic problems and giving back to their communities. To be considered for this prestigious recognition, a

student must possess a 3.75 GPA or above and demonstrate a commitment to community service. Students in grades 4-11 across the country are recognized as Carson Scholars without regard to race, gender identification, faith, political affiliation or financial need. Once selected as a Carson Scholar, the student receives a $1,000 college scholarship held in trust until graduation and matriculation to higher education, a recognition package and an invitation to a regional celebration. The students are celebrated in grand style, often in front of 500-1,000 people including celebrities, business and community leaders, educators, family and peers. WWW.FRANCHISEJOURNAL.COM | JULY 2022



“As I look back on my life experiences, I especially reflect upon two of the most influential ideas that have changed my life, as well as my perspective on how I should live my life. The f irst is f rom Dr. Carson and his ‘THINK BIG’ acrostic concept. THINK BIG does not offer pat answers or promise a life of ease, but it does show how a person should view problems, evaluate them, react to them, and eventually overcome them. The philosophy in THINK BIG can be applied by all individuals to their own lives and help them to make the most of the gifts that God has given them. This taught me to appreciate what I have been given, to value my relationships, and to pursue knowledge and my faith. The second idea is f rom my pastor who taught me this: “While surviving life’s challenges is a good thing, and achieving levels of success have value, nothing is greater than f inding signif icance. There’s a big difference between these three levels of living, especially between success and signif icance. Success is something that happens to you. Signif icance is something that happens through you.”

Once named as a Carson Scholar, students are encouraged to reapply each year through their senior year in high school. The repeat recognition encourages students to continue on their path and lead by example. Once the scholar is named, the organization maintains communication with the student to encourage and reinforce their accomplishments. Five-time Carson Scholar Else Drooff recently shared that being nominated for the Carson Scholarship when she was in fourth grade truly changed her life. “My fourth-grade teacher, Mrs. W. changed my life when she nominated me for the Carson Scholarship in 2006. She made me believe that I could be a leader.” Else goes on to share positions she ran for (sometimes successfully,



sometimes unsuccessfully) throughout high school. Now a young adult, having received a bachelor’s degree from Dartmouth College and completing post graduate work at Johns Hopkins University, Ms. Drooff is motivated to give back to future generations. Else is currently interning with Else Drooff, 5-time scholar

Coschool in Bogata, Columbia. She ends her thoughts saying, “I have been fascinated with the world of education, wondering what could happen if every ten-year-old believed they were just as special as I once did.” Pivoting back to Dr. Carson, one must understand his background and what brought him and Candy to where they are today. Both grew up in Detroit, surrounded by very few of life’s luxuries. What they both had were parents who worked hard, parents who imparted on them the importance of education and imagination. At the age of 33, Dr. Carson became the chief of pediatric neurosurgery at Johns Hopkins Hospital, making him the youngest major division director in the hospital’s history. This would be among an extensive list of outstanding firsts

for Dr. Carson. Dr. Carson’s accomplishments have earned him a place in medical history. He performed the first and only successful separation of craniopagus (Siamese) twins joined at the back of the head in 1987. He also performed the first fully successful separation of type-2 vertical craniopagus twins in 1997 in South Africa. In his career, Dr. Carson became a professor of neurosurgery, oncology, plastic surgery and pediatrics at the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine and directed pediatric neurosurgery at the Johns Hopkins Children’s Center for over 29 years. He became the inaugural recipient of a professorship dedicated in his name in May 2008. He is now the Emeritus Benjamin S. Carson, Sr., M.D. and Dr. Evelyn Spiro, R.N. Professor of Pediatric Neurosurgery, having retired on June 30, 2013. He later went on to run for president and work as the Secretary of Housing and Urban development under the Trump administration. One might say Dr. Carson has a unique perspective on how the brain functions. Through his words, we can understand a little more about the complexities of the human brain and also the vast potential it delivers to each of us. “If you have an average brain, you are capable of almost anything because of the complexity of our brains; billions and billions of neurons, hundreds of billions of interconnections. It can process more than two million bits of information in one second. It never forgets

anything you have ever seen, ever heard. With something like that sitting up here, why would you ever have to utter the words, I can’t.” Each year, the Carson Scholars Fund use impartial judges to score the applications received. It may be said that it is a constant reminder that our youth are our greatest resource for the future. Their words are often poignant, brave, moving and inspirational. Each and every one holds a message we can all learn from…

Hannah Pothen, 2021 Carson Scholar On a nomination application, 2021 Carson Scholar Hannah Pothen wrote, “The culture today is setting the mark low. Teenagers are being told that it is okay to neglect responsibility in favor of having fun, but this message is not sustainable. It is possible to ignore obligation, but it is impossible to avoid consequences. This is why it is vital to foster a love of learning, practice prioritizing time, and find courage to step into the uncomfortable. These qualities are the foundation of a fruitful and disciplined life, so they will never lose their importance.

My math teacher has a quote hanging on a poster in his room. It reads, ‘If you are not willing to learn, no one can help you. If you are determined to learn, no one can stop you.’ This quote highlights the importance of the individual’s desire to learn. If one enjoys discovering new information, learning will never feel like a chore. When a person begins to awaken to the beauty of learning, the whole world is transformed. … When a person wants something they become invested in the outcome. If they are invested in the outcome, the quality of their work will soar. This is why it is vital to find pleasure in learning. When a person learns to love the act of learning they open doors for themselves.” At the end of the day, Dr. and Mrs. Carson may have co-founded the organization which challenges young students to become compassionate leaders, but it is the scholars themselves who persevere and become our nation’s leaders of tomorrow in a world which continually becomes more complex. As Else wondered, we all should ask ourselves, ‘What could happen if every ten-yearold believed they are just as special as she once did?’ Investing in a Carson Scholar is a chance to fulfill the dreams of a student who shows both promise and compassion. To donate, volunteer or request more information about the Carson Scholars Fund, please visit their website at WWW.FRANCHISEJOURNAL.COM | JULY 2022


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Q&A with Stephanie Larsen, Owner of Children’s Art Classes Franchise by Rich LeBrun, Consultant, The Franchise Consulting Company


f you can find a business owner that has passion for their business, that has carried on through the generations, then I would have to say Barbara Gay, the founder of Children’s Art Classes, is that person. I had the opportunity to interview Stephanie Larsen who is Barbara’s daughter and now the CEO of the company who carries on the passion with the greatest of enthusiasm and now is ready to franchise the business to spread the creativity and fun and fantastic business model to those around the country. In this interview you will get a chance to get a inside look at what makes this brand stand out among the competition.



RICH: Tell me the story of why you started this business? STEPHANIE: The business was started by my mom, Barbara Gay, back in 1997. Barbara was a single mom who needed a way to support my sister and I and have time to be with her kids. She was teaching art in the public schools and started this curriculum, which is now part of Children’s Arts classes, based upon what she had learned in college. She wanted to see what would happen with children if she raised the bar for them to learn art in a better way. So off she went, started the business out of her garage which grew quickly

and let her afford to quit her job as a public-school teacher. She went on to open her first retail location. Children’s Art Classes in New Mexico gave my mother a wonderful lifestyle, but ultimately, she sold her business to be closer to myself and my sister. Mom and I knew we always wanted to have a studio together, so we decided to open a studio in Jacksonville, Florida, in 2009. Timing was perfect as there was a movement among schools to cut back or eliminate art from the program. In 2013, we open

our second location in Orange Park, Florida, that is now owned and operated by my sister, Jessica Grotberg. By 2018, we had opened our third location in Ponte Vedra Beach, Florida. Understand the need for what our studio provides our youth, and what it can mean for their futures, we had thought about franchising many years ago. Learning a little about what is involved with franchising your business seemed extremely daunting. A fellow franchisor, friend and father of one of my students that I taught for 8 plus years, introduced us to Dennis Mulgannon and his team. Realizing the uniqueness of what we do, and the quality of our program, Dennis took us on as one of his brands, and CAC Franchising, LLC began!!

from 3 or 4 years old through adults. Every student can start wherever they are in life. The quality of our students’ art is jaw dropping. We don’t have to sell our classed because the proof speaks for itself. Our expectation is high on our students and by doing so, our students produce art they

RICH: What differentiates your brand from the others in the market? STEPHANIE: It’s what the kids are producing. It’s an education than can build



can be proud of, and we can see their self-esteem grow exponentially. This is our mission and our culture and what we are most proud of. RICH: Do you have a program for children with special needs such as autism? STEPHANIE: Many of our students in our classrooms have special needs. If you, as an owner, wanted to dedicate a class to a specific group, such as autistic children, you have the ability to do so during the day. Our core curriculum is offered afterschool hours and on Saturdays, so morning to early afternoon hours are open to add additional classes to your schedule. In our Jacksonville studio, for example, we soon will be offering art therapy to kids as we identified the need in our community for this. RICH: What’s your vision for the future of the business? STEPHANIE: We want to grow at a nice pace where each studio can become successful. That said, we believe the program should be available to children in every neighborhood across the country. I am dedicated to the success of our owners and our teachers and want to ensure that quality is at 100% at all times. We are being selective in choosing the right owners to ensure our strategic growth. RICH: What do you want your future franchisees to know about you? STEPHANIE: I want them to know that I am hands on and



love to work with our owners. I have high expectations for our students as I have seen the impact it has made with our kids in all facets of their lives. Parents are blown away when they see the results and the quality of work their child is producing. Between the selfesteem and confidence, the student feels and the quality of work, our students return year after year! We have had 3 kids last year go off to college on art scholarships based up their portfolios, and I currently employ one of my first students who took lessons from me for 10 years! She teaches for Children’s Art Classes three days a week now! It is very important to me to work hard to keep that culture throughout our owners.

STEPHANIE: I believe this industry can only get better as parents will do whatever they can for their kids. When the economy gets hard, parents will give up other things in life but won’t compromise their kids. Parents tend to figure it out. I’m a mom, I will work harder to give to my kids what they need. I watched how the pandemic has such a stifling effect on our children and I get a front row seat to seeing our students come out of their shells and see their self esteem rise. From that perspective, I feel the need has never been greater.

Furthermore, we have lived through the tough times from the dot com era, a recession, and a pandemic and yet we continue to grow and maintain our success. ABOUT THE AUTHOR Rich LeBrun is the founder and CEO of LeBrun Advisory group Inc. and owner in the Franchise Consulting Company, working with clients around the US and many parts of the world. Rich is an author of “What’s My Next Move”. Rich is a certified franchise broker (CFB) and certified commercial investment manager (CCIM). Contact Rich at 847-912-4310 or at rich@

RICH: Who is your ideal owner? STEPHANIE: We are looking for owners who are passionate about the business and children. This is a passion business. This business is very fulfilling and a great way to give back to the community. This business. once up and running is a low-key operation, very few moving parts, easy to run and if want to can be run part time with a full-time teacher who is organized, loves children, and has great communication skills. The owner doesn’t have to be an artist! Owners can learn to teach this program, as the curriculum is comprehensive. RICH: What do you see in the future for the industry of child education? WWW.FRANCHISEJOURNAL.COM | JULY 2022



Hi-Lite Tomorrow’s Entrepreneurs by Kyle Heck, Consultant, The Franchise Consulting Company


oday’s youth face a different set of challenges and opportunities compared to their parents. For our Kids and Education issue, I spoke with Jessica Villegas of Hi-Lite Coaching and Consulting about the guidance she gives teens and young adults in building a values-based plan for their careers and discovering entrepreneurship as they think about their futures. Jessica developed a values-based workshop to identify a student's top 5 values and align goals with those values to develop a vision and a mission statement just like a business would. These teens and young adults walk away with mission, vision, and values which help develop a plan and sense of purpose for where they are going in their life. While their plan will change over time, this foundation gives them a sense of confidence and competence to make those next step decisions. YOU PROVIDED COACHING AND MENTORING IN THE CORPORATE WORLD, SO WHY CHANGE YOUR FOCUS TO THE YOUTH? “I’m drawn to youth because I worked in the corporate space and was coaching a lot



of young people who were getting their first corporate job. Many of them came in unclear about the career path that they truly wanted. They had degrees in completely different areas than they were applying for. As I worked more with them and teens, I found a really common thread that they lacked direction and purpose.

I thought that was just a "me problem" because when I was young, I had the same issues. I went to school for different things and wasn't clear what I wanted to do with my life, and my interests still changed even into my 40s. I felt like young people needed to gain more clarity

sooner and the confidence to make some of these big decisions with a sense of direction and purpose, instead of pressure based on limited experience and self-awareness.” WHAT ARE TODAY'S YOUTH ASPIRING TO AS THEIR DREAM CAREERS? “I see a lot of entrepreneurship. I have several clients who like to make little things on the side and do little Etsy businesses and participate in environmental awareness, making environmentally friendly products and selling them. I also see an environmental, architectural movement. It seems to

be a creative time for this generation. They want to be in creative roles that stimulate change into the future with design and entrepreneurship, and they learn about the basics of entrepreneurship through their own projects.” Jessica highlights plenty of entrepreneurship opportunities for young people to get started such as Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts programs and school entrepreneur clubs. Her students find they can successfully sell products at local farmers markets and on their school's campus. "I have one client who created her own reusable utensil that comes in a container. It's environmentally friendly, and she sells them at the Windermere Farmer's Market." Jessica has another client who is building his own pressure washing business, a critical service for every Florida community, to raise money for his first car. CONSIDERING THE RISING COSTS OF TUITION AND STUDENT DEBT, DO YOU TALK TO PARENTS ABOUT ALTERNATIVELY HELPING THEM START A BUSINESS WITH THAT MONEY? "I have mentioned it to a couple parents. I definitely think it is something to explore because you can spend the hundreds of thousands of dollars on college, or you can make that first time investment in a small business and they can learn so many life lessons that will help clarify what it is they truly want to do or go to school for, and that small business can fund

their education and their future for many years to come." Compared to starting f rom scratch, Jessica sees f ranchises as, "a safe bet into the entrepreneurial experience because you have it packaged for you and the process in place. I wish when I was younger, I knew more about f ranchises. I think more awareness of this being an option for people out of high school or out of college is integral to them being able to make the most educated decisions for their next steps." Hi-Lite's 4-week workshops begin with Empower Transform Achieve, the values based coaching program Jessica developed for her own life. Following weeks cover Financial Literacy, College and Career Prep, and Mental Wellness and Leadership. These workshops are ideal for high school students and college students to bring focus to the next stage of their lives. Group workshops are held in Winter Garden, Florida, and Jessica provides private coaching in person and online. FOR A COMPLIMENTARY CONSULT WITH JESSICA, visit https://hilitecoaching. 407-982-0582 ABOUT THE AUTHOR Kyle Heck is a franchise consultant in Winter Garden, Florida with over 15 years of experience in business process analysis now helping entrepreneurs navigate the franchise world. Contact him at 765-586-6170 or kyle@



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Demand for Arts Education Fuels Growth for Abrakadoodle by Seth Lederman, Consultant, The Franchise Consulting Company


or decades, we have heard about the vital role that arts education plays in our children’s schooling. Unfortunately, the news has also been filled with ongoing reports of cuts to arts education funding in public schools. While 91% of Americans feel the arts are essential to a well-rounded education for children when money gets tight, programs connected to the arts and music are often the first cut. For instance, many schools made significant cuts to

has been shown to reduce dropout rates for students with a lower socioeconomic status. Additionally, lowincome students who receive a significant amount of arts education graduate from college at twice the rate of their peers with less engagement in the arts. Ongoing arts education boosts SAT scores, and it can reduce the proportion of students who receive disciplinary infractions. Both educators and parents overwhelmingly feel that ongoing arts education is beneficial to students, but if

collaborative learning for students that is not only personalized but also focuses on creativity, in particular. Classic examples of edutainment are aquariums, zoos, botanical gardens, science museums, and children’s museums. Basically, any place that incorporates an educational aspect with an element of amusement or entertainment could fall under this category. Edutainment isn’t new. Walt Disney used the term back in

“ART IS TOO IMPORTANT NOT TO SHARE.” — Romero Britto their arts education during the 2008-2009 recession as per-pupil spending in public schools fell. What exactly is the state of arts education in the U.S., and how can parents and educators address the demand (and need) for arts education for America’s youth? THE STATE OF ARTS EDUCATION IN THE U.S. Few will dispute the important role arts can and does play in educating America’s children and young people. Ongoing arts education



public schools aren’t being given the funding to engage students properly, what’s the answer? CHILDREN’S EDUCATION AND EDUTAINMENT INDUSTRY One way that the gap between what arts education is offered in public schools and the demand from parents is being addressed is through the growing children’s education and edutainment industry. Edutainment is a blending of education and entertainment to create interactive and

the 1950s. Studies have shown that this merging of education and entertainment can improve student outcomes by promoting skills like critical thinking and increasing engagement. And the category is growing as more and more parents seek ways beyond school to expand their child’s education and curiosity. North America is the largest edutainment market, with the segment expected to experience growth of 17% between now and 2026, pushing the industry past $10 billion.

GET STARTED EXPLORING FRANCHISE OPPORTUNITIES IN THE CHILDREN’S SEGMENT One way to meet the growing demand for more arts education for America’s youth is through the edutainment industry, which abounds in franchise opportunities. Savvy entrepreneurs know that no matter what else is happening, parents will find a way to give their children the best advantages so their sons and daughters may have a more prosperous and comfortable life. Tapping into that reality is a smart way to approach owning your own business and feel a more profound sense of contentment and purpose from your job. The Abrakadoodle Franchise offers opportunities to bring parents, schools, and community sites together to seek quality art programs for kids and adults. Featuring painting, sculpture, sketching, designing, molding, balancing, thinking, creating, and more, Abrakadoodle offers academic school day programs for charter schools, public and private schools, classes, camps, parties, and other events beyond the school day. THE ABRAKADOODLE FRANCHISE OPPORTUNITY Buying into a franchise system lowers your risk by providing a proven system to succeed for those contemplating going into business. Abrakadoodle is a low-cost, mobile, homebased franchise. It offers low overhead and a quick ramp-up.

Franchisees don’t have to worry about competition because they will have a large, protected territory. And because parents value a quality education for their children, Abrakadoodle franchisees thrive in any economy. Out-of-pocket costs for an Abrakadoodle franchise include the initial franchise fee of $25,900 to $56,900, with the total investment falling from $37,842 to $80,492. Abrakadoodle franchisees benefit from the franchisor’s respected, knowledgeable management team that has delivered educational programs to more than 2 million kids worldwide. The company has won some of the International Franchise Association’s (IFA) highest awards for leadership and vision. It has become a leader in education franchising with more than 20 years of experience. Franchisees don’t have a teaching background to be a part of the Abrakadoodle family. Most Abrakadoodle owners are not teachers

but have skills in building relationships, experience in marketing, sales, or customer service, and a genuine enthusiasm for education and kids. New franchisees may teach some initial classes when they first launch their location, but they will hire, train and supervise a staff of teachers. If you’re interested in exploring an Abrakadoodle franchise, or any franchise opportunity, the intelligent choice is to work with an experienced franchise advisor. They can help you save time and money, while also ensuring you find a franchisor match that will lead you to become a successful business owner. ABOUT THE AUTHOR Seth Lederman, CFE, a Franchise Acquisition, and Development Specialist, is a multi-faceted entrepreneur with over 30 years of experience in small business success, including ownership and sale of his own business enterprises. He is a frequent contributing author to The Franchise Journal and is on the exclusive Forbes Business Council. Contact him at 312-307-1297 or at seth@





Close to double industry average margins Pandemic Proven? Our system grew units open and doubled systemwide revenue during the pandemic!

Now is the Best time in the past two decades to open a Building Kidz preschool. 7 out 10 homes with children have both parents working Our nation is supply constrained and we offer the most flexible business model in the industry

Commercial lease rates have not reached pre-pandemic levels nationally

AWARD WINNING FRANCHISE Top 500 Franchise according to Entrepreneur Magazine 2 years in a row.

Make a global difference in the lives of children. Franchisor dedicates 25% of profits to help underprivileged children


For more information visit:


A Legacy For Your Children by Greg Mohr, Consultant, The Franchise Consulting Company


recently interviewed Stan Miller who is the International Best-Selling Author of “Your American Legacy”. Stan helps people creates powerful strategies that instill lasting values for generations. Stan says he loves talking to business owners, because at the end of the day, although I'm a lawyer, I'm really a businessman. That's what I do. I'm really, really an entrepreneur. But I've been an estate planning attorney for a long time. But one of my one of the frustrations that I've had, in all the years of my practice, is frequently I would get into conversations, really intense, in-depth conversations with clients, who have shown me a real passionate desire to make an impact on their family in a way so that after they were gone, their children or grandchildren, or great grandchildren would be contributing to and making the world a better place. Part of my process, Stan says, is to have people spend a little time just identifying the values that are most important to them. And then in the process of that, connecting to the stories in their life, where they derive that life experience from. I tell some of those stories in my book about people that have been influential to me. One



of the things I'll tell you that we're doing now, my wife and I just moved to a new home, it's not a brand-new home, but it's new to us. And we're in the process now of decorating and one of the things I'm doing is, I'm getting photographs of people that that represent the values that I think really matter. I'm going to have a picture of my father, up there, I have an uncle that was profoundly influential on the I'm going to put Abraham Lincoln up there. I'm putting Dwight Eisenhower

up there. He's one of my one of my heroes, I've got some others, but I'm putting those pictures on the wall so that when one of these days whenever we have grandkids, I want to be able to take the kids in there and ask and have them asking who's that I see there. And I want to be able to tell the story of why that person's on my wall. Because I think identifying models, connecting to the stories of what those people did, and why it mattered

and what impact it had in the world. It has a profound influence. And particularly if its family members are able to capture those stories and preserve them. So, they're not lost, and the stories do get lost, and families are dispersed, they move away and are lost forever. And all that value that could have been so powerful and so compelling, is just not accessible. We encourage people to identify the stories, get the written down, get them recorded, so that they're preserved in a way that can be passed on and can be influential in the lives of people that aren't even born yet. Stan says one of the things that he has really become a serious advocate of is, I

Sit down at the kitchen table and develop a mission statement, I think it's a fair question to say to the kids, look, we've just made a contribution to our family endowment fund that community foundation. So tonight, we're going to have a conversation about what this family, our family, what we made to this community, and what kind of impact we want to have on the community and on the world. And invite everybody around the table to weigh in. And to truly engage on that. Build some rituals around these meetings and set it up so that every time you have a teenager, you know, 13 or 14, let them know, a year ahead of time, you're coming

"I ENCOURAGE EVERY FAMILY I SIT DOWN WITH TO CREATE SOME VERSION OF THEIR OWN FAMILY CHARITY." — Stan Miller, International Best-Selling Author of “Your American Legacy” encourage every family I sit down with to create some version of their own family charity. This is so easy to do. You can go down to the local community foundation, wherever you live, and set up a donor advised fund for really modest amounts of money are no legal fees and setting it up. There are no tax returns to file, it's there, there. There's no maintenance in it. But what I love to see families do is to make a contribution, not at death, not when you die, but together as a family.

to the next meeting. And you're going to be expected to come up with ideas about how you want to make the world better, because we have some money here and we're going to write some checks. We're going to send money out to people to do things that make that can make an impact on the world. And we want you involved and engaged in that. I'm just so convinced that that systematic that proactively and systematically engaging in acts of generosity are just

the single most powerful tool to positively influence younger generation family members. ABOUT THE AUTHOR Greg Mohr is the Wall Street Journal Best Selling author of “Real Freedom, Why Franchises Are Worth Considering and How They Can Be Used For Building Wealth”, and has managed restaurants, been a microelectric circuit engineer, owned and operated dry cleaners, storage units, rental properties, and franchises. Greg has helped hundreds of people invest in a few hundred franchise units. Greg is also the podcast host of the Franchise Maven Podcast. Contact Greg at 361-772-6401 or greg@



Recruiting Specialists

We’ve added EXECUTIVE SEARCH to our popular model


TAKING EXECUTIVE RECRUITING TO THE NEXT LEVEL While we will still maintain our staffing services in our CORE niche, expanding into Executive Search opens up more possibilities, for the same, low price franchise offering, thereby exponentially increasing franchisees ability to maximize ROI in a home based, low overhead, professional model.

With the Patrice & Associates Executive Search channel, franchisees can: Create an additional revenue stream to impact ROI Place professional, management and C Suite positions both in and outside of hospitality Take advantage of industries and job functions that are booming RIGHT NOW! Secure higher fees

Examples of Recent Executive Search Placements include: Multi Store Operations Supervisor, Brand Grocery Store Chain Executive Chef, Hospital Chief Operating Officer, Lawn Care Company Director of Marketing, Nationwide Dry Cleaning Company Director of Finance, Global Entertainment Company

About the Pandemic Patrice & Associates has continued to service its clients throughout the Pandemic and beyond. With more and more businesses beginning to resume operations, they are calling on us to help them re-staff and backfill positions in our CORE niche of Hospitality and Food/Beverage. We’re getting leads for new clients every week that want our help. As the economy rebounds, we’ll be there to help our client’s staff back up!



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Arts & Crafts Family Focused and All Under One Roof! by Janice Charles, Consultant, The Franchise Consulting Company


eramics, canvas painting, woodworking, hand embroidery…a new franchise all under one roof with different things to create daily! We recently sat down with Jennifer Winslow, the CEO of Createry Workshop out of Littleton, CO with their new blockbuster family focused arts & craft franchise. JANICE CHARLES: Tell us about the Createry Workshop. What is it and how was it developed? JENNIFER WINSLOW: Createry Workshop is a family focused arts and crafts studio with a mission to connect people through creativity. Createry Workshop began as a small neighborhood studio and after school arts program for children and has grown into a multi-level creation location. In the beginning we focused on canvas painting for classes, afterschool programs and parties. Through the years we have added a larger option of arts and crafts and have created a drop-in DIY option, homeschool program, summer camps, family events, corporate teambuilding, fundraising and adult create nights.



JC: Many people wonder how businesses are started. What was your “Aha Moment” that led you to start Createry Workshop? JW: While teaching afterschool programs, I realized how open to creativity kids are. I also noticed kids with ADHD and sensory issues seemed to thrive when creating art. Most especially with my son! When he was creating, building something, or drawing he calmed down and focused. This became the aha moment and my purpose to share creativity with the world.

JC: What is your “WHY” for Createry Workshop JW: Createry Workshops’ mission is to go back to old school, hands-on creating. We believe connecting to one another outweighs the importance placed on technology and believe everyone has creativity just waiting to burst out. Our approach is a step-by-step creating system that makes creating easy for all ages. JC: Tell me about your background along with your Husband, Eric and how you are the perfect team

to develop this creative franchise! JW: I am a chronic creative and cannot remember a time when I was not creating something. I have a bachelor’s degree in graphic design and worked many years as an Art Director and Designer. Once I became a Mom, I found entrepreneurship and opened a children’s interior design shop, mural painting business and hand painted

furniture business. My next big adventure was designing artwork for a paint and sip mobile company in which I also developed an after-school arts program. Eric has over 30 years of experience in the design, branding and Creative Director field working for national brands. He also ran his own Creative Design Firm for 10 years. Eric has been passionate about visual expression ever since he could hold a pencil. His instincts taught him art and design can persuade, teach, and touch hearts. In business, this equates to driving business. Eric is a thinker and a craftsman who is equally fascinated by the deep work of human-centered design strategy and the fine points of meticulous execution. We are the perfect team to create and lead this business with over 60 years of combined creative experience, brand building and entrepreneurship.

JC: Talk about the family / kiddo focus of Createry Workshop – what results are you seeing as people engage and create? JW: We’ve experienced the joy of seeing so many families and kids create in our studio. It is amazing to see how creativity sparks collaboration in family groups, or kids in camp with the mission of solving a creative problem. Creativity is a natural fire starter of friendships in camp. The kids that may be a little shy, come to life as the project moves forward and each child can create differently. Kids love seeing what other kids create. JC: After my visit, I was excited with all the different things that I personally could come back to create! The Paint Splatter artwork area looked like a TON of fun and something that anyone, especially adults would enjoy. What kinds of arts/crafts can people make while visiting the WWW.FRANCHISEJOURNAL.COM | JULY 2022


the opportunity to create a memorable piece of art while delivering a fun experience! All of these options can take place at schools, homes, offices, rec centers, restaurants, or parks. You name it and we’ll deliver! Brick and mortar locations offer more revenue opportunities to create at a physical location. Options include drop in DIY creating, classes, camps, workshops, parties and events. The owner also has the option to bring in other creatives to teach at the location and rent the space. For Example, a sewing program is a great option. Brick and mortar locations also provide a snack shack, party decor upgrades and a splatter paint room. Each location is encouraged to work within their community to partner with other creatives and entrepreneurs to enhance the total creating experience.

CW? You don’t specialize in any one thing, which really opens the door to repeat visitors and multiple revenue sources in a franchise model. JW: The options are unlimited as to what you can create. However, here are a few of the categories /types of options we provide: • Canvas and mixed media • Whimsy Wood - MDF cut shapes • Wood signs • Paint and Go Ceramics • Hand embroidery • Season crafts JC: Createry Workshop is a



fantastic f ranchise option for a Brick & Mortar location but you also talked about a Mobile Unit. Tell us more about your vision for these options: JW: Mobile Units give the ultimate scheduling flexibility because the owner can choose when and where to host classes, camps and events. Project options are the same as listed above, but there is not a drop in option. Mobile works on a class, camp, corporate event, party or event system where the owner sets the time and place. There are so many options where

JC: Who are your customers? JW: The majority of our customers are kids ages 4-14 and women. JC: Where do you see CW going in the next 12 months? JW: 6 brick and motor franchises and 20 mobile units with a full line of whimsy wood product! Within 5 years — 154 locations JC: What type of individual are you looking for in a Franchisee? JW: We are looking for individuals or teams that are passionate about children’s art education and connecting communities. A team that has

business savvy and creative flair. A team (or individual) that has the ability to manage and inspire a team and run the business with independence and energy. CONTACT JENNIFER WINSLOW and The Createry Workshop can be reached at: createryworkshopfranchise@ for franchising inquiries. ABOUT THE AUTHOR Based out of Thornton, CO, Janice Charles is one of the leading Franchise Experts in the US. Specializing in Franchise Development and Growth, she handles all aspects of the franchising process with over 40 years of franchising experience.



Club Pilates is the community you get to build with not just your team but all the members that walk through your doors. It’s amazing to see how people from all fitness levels and ages can experience the benefits of Pilates and truly impact their lives. I believe in the concept, I believe in what we’re bringing, and I love that Club Pilates is really for everyone.” - Sheri Walker - La Grange, IL

Mike Gray Club Pilates President 6 Years at Xponential 27 Years Industry Experience

THE OPPORTUNITY Affordable & accessible reformer pilates for the masses Not a fad - Pilates has existed for 100 years 9x larger than the 2nd Pilates provider

Founded in 2007, Club Pilates is the largest Pilates brand by number of studios, designed with the vision of making Pilates more accessible, approachable and welcoming to everyone. Based in Irvine, CA, Club Pilates has appeared in Entrepreneur Magazine’s Franchise 500 list four years running, as well as The Fastest Growing Fitness Franchise by Inc. Magazine’s Inc. 5000 and Inc. 500 years running.

Executive model/semi-absentee - scalable High Value Proposition, Reasonable price point

THE MODEL Membership based - EFT reoccurring revenue Straight forward business model - manager operated, minimal staff Proprietary training programs, wide array of classes Studios range 1,500 - 1,800 Sq. Ft. Max class size is 12 reformers

Club Pilates offers extensive training certification for its Instructors. Its 500-hour training program includes


instruction on Pilates, barre, Triggerpoint, and TRX

Item 7 Range | $185,800 - $388,200*

Suspension Trainers.


* Please see Item 7 of the 2022 FDD for explanatory notes and details. Xponential Fitness, LLC is a franchise seller/broker representing Club Pilates Franchise, LLC (“Club Pilates”). This advertisement does not constitute a franchise offering or the solicitation of an offer to buy a Club Pilates franchise which may be made only after your receipt of the Club Pilates Franchise Disclosure Document, which first must be registered with certain states. Club Pilates franchises are offered solely by means of the franchise disclosure document issued by Club Pilates Franchise, LLC, 17877 Von Karman Ave., Suite 100, Irvine, CA 92614, and at (949) 346-9794. Certain states and foreign countries have laws governing the offer and sale of franchises. If you are a resident of one of these states or foreign countries, Club Pilates will not offer you a franchise unless and until it has complied with all applicable legal requirements in your jurisdiction. Please consult with your franchise seller/broker at Xponential Fitness for an updated list of jurisdictions where franchises can be sold. RESIDENTS OF NEW YORK: This advertisement is not an offering. An offering can only be made by a prospectus filed first with the Department of Law of the State of New York. Such filing does not constitute approval by the Department of Law. RESIDENTS OF MINNESOTA: MN Franchise Registration Number: 7774. Copyright © 2022 – Club Pilates Franchise, LLC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.


Impacting the Lives of Children Attracted this Seasoned Franchise Consultant to the Opportunity by Sean Krimmer, Consultant, The Franchise Consulting Company


s a 12-year veteran of the franchise industry (6 years on the franchise development side and the past six years as a franchise consultant) I have seen thousands of franchise concepts. Two things that have always held true with franchise concepts related to children is they typically have a solid track record of financial performance and a “feel good” aspect. What’s better than running a business that touches the future in a meaningful and impactful way and also provides



the financial and lifestyle freedom as a result?! After years of selling franchises and now helping clients find franchise opportunities to invest in, I decided to look into owning a franchise. With my busy schedule it was imperative to partner with someone who had the background and skillset to run the day-to-day aspect of the business. I didn’t

have to look any further than my own family, my sister! We looked at a number of different options pre-COVID only to find ourselves halting our discovery process due to the market uncertainty. It just wasn’t the right time for us. Fast forward a year later and we found ourselves anxious to start the process again. This is when I found the perfect opportunity for both of us! As a franchise consultant I get to sit in on franchise concepts’ “overview” webinars to learn more about their opportunity. These calls go over every aspect of the brand. When I sat in on

KIDOKINETICS’ CORE BUSINESS IS DELIVERING PHYSICAL EDUCATION ENRICHMENT PROGRAMS TO SCHOOL-AGE CHILDREN FROM 6 MONTHS TO 12 YEARS Kidokinetics’ webinar I knew right away that this was the brand for us! I didn’t even make it to the end of the webinar before I sent a text to my sister, it read: “I found our franchise!!” Why was I so positive about our fit with the Kidokinetics brand? Easy, the 1-2 punch of both of our backgrounds and the team and message behind the brand! My sister holds an undergraduate degree in physical education and a master’s degree in sports science. The last decade has seen her run all of the corporate wellness programs and fitness centers for our area’s largest hospital group. Couple this with my extensive background in sales and marketing and it was a no-brainer to join Kidokinetics! A bit more about the Kidokinetics opportunity: Kidokinetics’ core business is delivering physical education enrichment programs to school-age children from 6 months to 12 years. As many schools and preschools have limited programs for fitness and physical education, the need for third party providers like Kidokinetics are in high demand. These institutions provide us with consistent recurring revenue opportunities. Wherever there are families and children, there are opportunities for our programming. Our Kidokinetics programming is delivered at venues such as private schools,

Montessori's, day care facilities, Pre-schools, community recreation centers/parks, and private residences. Let’s take a closer look at the worldwide epidemic of which is childhood obesity. In the United States, the percentage of children and adolescents affected by obesity has more than tripled since the 1970s.1 Data from 2015–2016 show that nearly 1 in 5 schoolage children and young people aged 6 to 19 years in the United States has obesity. Since the passage of the No Child Left Behind Act, nearly half of school administrators (44%) reported cutting significant time from physical education and recess to increase time spent in reading and mathematics. Kidokinetics brings a multisport physical education program that is desired

by parents and kids alike. The flexibility of ownership, including Owner/Operator, Semi-Absentee, or Passive, can appeal to any candidate’s lifestyle and still allow them to impact the children in their community. Our goals are to provide a healthy and safe environment for children and to create lifelong movers who develop strong active habits early in life. The way we see it, Kidokinetics is not a fad or trend, rather a necessity for our community. ABOUT THE AUTHOR Sean has over 25 years business development experience, the last 12 in the franchise space. He has been head of development for 8 different franchise brands and has spent the last 6 years assisting individuals and business owners explore the franchise universe! Contact Sean at 513-278-3276 or at sean@



Kidokinetics P L A Y CO N F I D E N T

Kidokinetics is a multi-sport physical education enrichment program delivered at schools, day care facilities, community centers and private events Owner-operator, semi-absentee, or NEW passive model Home based, low overhead Easily scalable, low investment for multi-unit opportunities Proprietary bus. mgmt. system and sports-based curriculum Adjusted net margins of 50% at company or affiliate locations*


l r o w e h t e g n a Ch

Centralized Digital Marketing Support 60 day launch period

Investment Range

Net Worth

Franchise fee

Liquid Cash

$81,000 – $106,220 $150,000 $60,000 Royalty



t c a t n o C

Ashley Cross 513.582.5747

Rachel Stender 612.226.1408

*This information is based on financial information from company owned or affiliate locations. Past performance is not a guarantee of future results. Individual results may vary. Please review the Kidokinetics Franchise Disclosure Document for additional information. ForThree, LLC (“Rep’M”) is a franchise seller/broker representing Kidokinetics. This information is not intended as an offer to sell, or the solicitation of an offer to buy a franchise. It is for information purposes only. An offer is made only by a Franchise Disclosure Document (FDD). Currently the following states regulate the offer and sale of franchises: CA, HI, IL, IN, MD, MI, MN, NY, ND, OR, RI, SD, VA, WA and WS. If you are a resident of one of these states or a country whose laws regulate the offer or sale of franchises, we will not offer you a franchise unless and until we have complied with applicable pre-sale registration and disclosure requirements in your jurisdiction.

JULY 2022 | WWW.FRANCHISEJOURNAL.COM 48Copyright© 2021. Kidokinetics, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

Painting, Coatings & Surface Restoration Semi- Absentee

Gross Revenues: $1,505,972 Net EBITDA: $259,779

Investment Range:

Owner Operated

Gross Revenues: $352, 589 Net EBITDA: $121,245



Subcontractor model

Industry Average Paint Ticket

Average ticket 3x industry average


Semi-absentee opportunity Estimating & proposal building service provided by franchisor

Lime Average Ticket

Proprietary sales system


40+ commercial & residential services offered


Fewer Projects Needed






Q&A with Skill Samurai Founder by Magnus Nilsson Jr, Consultant, The Franchise Consulting Company


e had the pleasure of sitting down with Founder Jeff Hughes for an exclusive interview detailing an emerging brand, Skill Samurai! We are excited to share this exciting education franchise with you!




WHAT IS SKILL SAMURAI? Skill Samurai is the world’s first franchise focused on career-

readiness education. Our STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math) program promotes our mission of becoming a leader in lifelong enrichment. In this day in age, students are being consumed by devices and technology. We are helping kids channel their technology obsession and turn it into something that actually encourages them to explore and understand and even turn it into a thriving career after high school. We strive to prepare students at an early age for the changing workplace infrastructure and help mitigate the severe shortage of STEM employees in the workforce. To kick this off, tell us how the idea of Skill Samurai began and why you created the business? I created it back in 2017 after going to my kids school and seeing they had nowhere near enough computers for nearly 300 kids. I quickly realized that my kids wouldn't be prepared for the future if they weren't given the chance to learn the skills and disciplines necessary for the industry. I asked some parents and they agreed. So we began running camps and programs at first, and soon began considering turning it into a business. Over the next few months, we expanded all across Canada with the

effort to test the waters within different markets. Currently, we've grown to 11 units across the US, Canada, and Australia with plans to expand to 18 by September. HOW DOES SKILL SAMURAI PREPARE STUDENTS FOR THE REALITY OF THE EXPONENTIAL GROWTH OF TECHNOLOGY? There's a number of ways. First, real program languages used at Facebook, Google, and Microsoft are a part of the curriculum. Within our programs, a student can take an 8 year course to prepare them directly to work at said big tech companies. We also prepare them for career certifications as well so that

they are career ready by the time they graduate from high school. With 40 certifications and career paths within the sector, students have an abundance of options and opportunities to choose from. CAN YOU TALK ABOUT THE CHANGING JOB CLIMATE AND WHY LEARNING STEM SKILLS ARE SO IMPORTANT? In today's climate, a four year university degree isn't required for many employers. They want experience, skills, and loyalty. Our programs are designed to prepare them for those new and emerging jobs as well as provide continued education throughout their early career and beyond.

HOW HAVE SKILL SAMURAI FRANCHISEES BEEN PERFORMING THROUGH THE PANDEMIC AND CURRENT MARKET CONDITIONS? During the pandemic, we were able to switch everything to virtual without any roadblocks. Parents saw that having something for their kids to do throughout all the lockdowns and shutdowns was a good thing. Within the current climate, universities are increasing tuition with rising inflation, so that makes our courses even more appealing with prices like $3,000 for a 10 month course. With that, one of our goals is to work with local employers who are struggling WWW.FRANCHISEJOURNAL.COM | JULY 2022


sufficient, which will lead to personal freedom. A lot of the world's problems can be solved with enough coding and computer engineering. WHAT MARKETS ARE PRIORITY FOR YOUR GROWTH? Florida, Texas, and California are big markets for us. WHAT WOULD IT COST TO OPEN ONE SKILL SAMURAI? Our on-the-go model is lower cost. Working out of temporary rented space will run between 110k-140k for an all in initial investment. Our brick and mortar model runs between 144k - 308k all in.

with staffing, because we can connect students with employers to solve the employee shortage within the IT industry while providing new professionals with great job opportunities. WHAT DOES PROVIDING STEM EDUCATION DO FOR STUDENTS WHO MIGHT NOT OTHERWISE HAVE ACCESS TO IT AND HOW DOES THAT AFFECT THE COMMUNITY ? WHAT IS SKILL SAMURAI DOING INTERNATIONALLY FOR STUDENTS WITH MINIMAL EDUCATION AVAILABLE TO THEM? Great question. Since 2017, Skill Samurai has been working to empower students' lives through education. We have sponsored a number of international projects such as teaching sewing and business skills to women in Bangladesh. We have orphanage construction in India as well as education for children in Nairobi, Kenya. WHAT WOULD A WORLD WITH ENOUGH ENGINEERS/CODERS ETC. LOOK LIKE? HOW WOULD THAT CHANGE HUMANITY FOR THE BETTER? In one way, there would be a generation of people who are able to solve their own problems and create employment through their own ideas. As more people do that, more people are self-

WHAT ARE SOME QUALITIES OF OUR TOP PRODUCING FRANCHISEES? The ability to network, they aren't necessarily programmers or teachers either. They are people who can network and bring in more students. Talking with teachers, principals, professors to expand networks within their community. REVIEW THE DIFFERENT REVENUE STREAMS WITHIN SKILL SAMURAI. WHICH ONE IS THE BULK OF YOUR SALES? We have five different revenue streams, our main one is the monthly memberships. Summer camps & holiday camps, Birthday parties, In school programs, and career certification programs are other revenue streams. WHAT KIND OF TRAINING WILL I GET FROM SKILL SAMURAI IF I OPEN A LOCATION? Just over 100 hours of training with close to 40 hours of it being at an in person center for director training. Also included is certification, software training, as well as training for student/parent interactions. HOW ARE CLASSES SCHEDULED? We offer the most flexible schedule in the industry. Once parents pay for the monthly membership, they can schedule a new time to come in each week. If they have more than one child, they can drop all their kids off at the same time even if they are not in the same courses or at the same levels.




FASTSIGNS of New Orleans, LA

When Did You See The Sign?™

FASTSIGNS of Arlington, TX

FASTSIGNS provides candidates with an Item 19 including full profitability information. And you’ll enjoy owning a business with these compelling features: • Business-to-business hours

• Professional business clientele

• Low staffing requirements

• Attractive margins

Fast Franchise Facts Franchising Since: Founded 1985 ®

Total Franchise Operating Units: Over 700 in 9 countries Minimum Liquid Capital: $80,000

Franchisor Support

Minimum Net Worth: $300,000

• Site selection and build-out

Total US Investment: $218,596 - $298,679 Total Canadian Investment: $257,626 - $338,718 CAD

• Four weeks of training, including one week of training in a FASTSIGNS center, followed by two weeks at our Dallas Headquarters, and one week of onsite training in your new center

Franchise Fee: $49,750

• Pre-opening marketing blitz to drive your sales and reduce ramp time

VetFran & First Responders Discount: $24,875 Franchise Fee

• Grand opening support and guidance from an Outside Sales Manager and Brand Ambassador

Royalty (per unit): 6% (Reduced to 3% for 12 months)

• Dedicated Business Consultants to assist with business/finances training, marketing and sales, production and staff management

Advertising Fund (per unit): 2% (Reduced to 1% for 12 months) FASTSIGNS has over 400 markets approved for development in the US and Canada and is also seeking Master or Area Developer expansion in markets worldwide

• Franchisee Mentor Program to guide you and lend support in every aspect of your business • 24-hour web-based learning management system that keeps you and your staff up-to-speed and in-the-know in this fast-paced market


WWW.FRANCHISEJOURNAL.COM | JULY 2022 53 214-346-5679 | |


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Franchisee Helped Build Small Businesses Into Super Stars, Now He’s Ready to Do the Same for His! by Rhonda Sanderson, CEO, Sanderson & Associates

#FranchiseStars Rhonda Sanderson is a franchise expert who has owned and operated Sanderson & Associates and Sanderson PR, both specializing in, traditional, social media and crisis PR in the franchise space since 1986. She has authored many articles, helped grow numerous franchise chains and is considered one of the Top 30 Small Business Influencers (Fit Business) in the U.S. Find her at Rhonda@sandersonpr. com or on LinkedIn where she is the author of Franchise Stars at https://www.linkedin. com/in/rhondasanderson-a6b658/




teve Terhune already has a wealth of experience in scaling a small, local business to incredible growth. Only now he’s ready to do it again for himself. The 49-yearold Brentwood resident spent 27 years involved in all aspects of custom manufacturing businesses, helping build one into a national player, and ultimately, the secondlargest supplier in its industry. Now Mr. Terhune is taking his wide-ranging skill set and putting it to use as a franchise owner with Floor Coverings International, the brand that’s consistently ranked No. 1 in the mobile flooring category, visiting customers’ homes in their Mobile Flooring Showroom stocked with thousands of flooring samples from top manufacturers. Launching operations in May, Floor Coverings International of Portsmouth will serve customers throughout the Seacoast region of New Hampshire and surrounding towns and communities. “My many years of experience doing nearly every task for a manufacturing company provides a solid foundation for starting and

running my own business with a specific focus on providing great products and the very best customer service experience,” Terhune said. Mr. Terhune left his previous career and position due to the COVID-19 pandemic. “It was ultimately a blessing in disguise because it afforded me the time and focus to evaluate and chart the next course in my own career and my family’s life,” he said. Born and raised in a military family – Terhune’s father was in the United States Army for 22 years before retiring as a Lieutenant Colonel – Terhune said it helped create a strong core family unit while also providing him the unique opportunity to travel the world at a young age. “It helped us appreciate the value of local community, while giving perspective on how other cultures and people live and associate,” Terhune said. That sense and value of community carried forth in


Terhune’s business career because he has also owned two small businesses: one that provided consulting services for customers of the manufacturing start-up where he worked at the time, and the other a residential real estate rental business that offered affordable, quality housing for Rochester-area residents. So, when it came time for him to leave the corporate world behind and look for opportunities to either buy or build his own business, he was more than prepared. “It allows us to take control of our own destiny, build a successful business in our state and community and give back to our future employees and customers in a much more personal and meaningful way,” Terhune said. In Floor Coverings International, Terhune joined a company that has tripled in size since 2005 by putting a laser focus on consumer

buying habits and expressed desires, its impressive operating model, growth ability, marketing, advertising, and merchandising. Floor Coverings International further separates itself from the competition through its customer experience, made up of several simple and integrated steps that exceed customers’ expectations. For this, Floor Coverings International was given the Innovation Award for Customer Response from Franchise Update Media in 2020, and the same award again in 2021 for Best Use of Technology. Franchise Update is the benchmark publication and conference entity that is the Gold Standard of Franchising. With the home improvement industry booming, the flooring market is also keeping pace. The global flooring market was estimated to reach $409 billion in 2021, according to Grand View Research. The market is

expected to grow at an annual rate of more than six percent through 2028, reaching overall sales of $621 billion. “It’s great to see the flooring Industry manufacturers creating new products through technology to improve product quality and be more environmentally friendly and sustainable,” Terhune said. ABOUT FLOOR COVERINGS INTERNATIONAL Norcross, GA-based Floor Coverings International has ranked consistently as the No. 1 Mobile Flooring Franchise in North America by Entrepreneur Magazine. The 181 franchisees and their Design Associates offer a unique in-home experience with a mobile showroom that comes directly to the client’s door. More than 3,000 flooring choices are available to view in the home with and alongside the existing lighting, paint, and furniture. The company will open several more locations throughout the U.S. and Canada through franchise expansion in 2022. For franchise information, please visit www.opportunities. and to find your closest location go to www.



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Meet the Team Behind The NOW Massages’ Growing Presence in South Florida


OW Massage Franchise Owners Danny and Rose Figueroa have a long history as business owners in South Florida. After opening their first boutique in Ft. Lauderdale last fall, the couple are set to open five more locations in the Miami area. We caught up with the Figueroas to discuss what motivated them to invest in the booming wellness industry and their plans for growing The NOW in their local community. Plus, The NOW’s Co-Founder & Chief Creative Officer Gara Post shares insights on how the brand works with Franchise Owners to drive success locally and create a unique culture amongst owners, boutique teams and guests. HOW DID YOU FIRST HEAR ABOUT THE NOW MASSAGE? A friend of ours had initially reached out to us for advice on various franchise opportunities. Given our entrepreneurial backgrounds, we were happy to lend our expertise and throughout the process of researching different brands and concepts, we became personally interested in wellness opportunities. When we saw what was happening



DANNY AND ROSE FIGUROA in the self-care space — all the momentum and all the potential — we knew we wanted to be a part of that. That’s when we came across The NOW Massage and it was clear. — Danny and Rose Figuroa, South Florida Franchise Owners WHAT LED YOU TO BECOME NOW MASSAGE FRANCHISE OWNERS? When we first introduced The NOW to our family and friends and saw their excitement, we knew we had found the right concept. The NOW’s design-driven aesthetic and straightforward menu of high-

quality, customizable massage services really drew us in. The NOW provides an experience that is completely new to the massage space and to guests in our area. We never in a million years thought we would become franchise owners, but we are so glad we invested in a truly innovative brand where we identify with the core values. — Danny and Rose Figuroa, South Florida Franchise Owners HOW ARE GUESTS IN SOUTH FLORIDA ENJOYING THE NOW MASSAGE? Since opening our first NOW location in September, we

have been overwhelmed by the response! It’s been very satisfying to see how guests react to the boutique and how many times they thank us for bringing The NOW to Ft. Lauderdale. We truly feel like we are giving back to the local community by offering an oasis to relax and recharge through the healing benefits of massage therapy. We personally enjoy what we do and we are proud to be franchise owners of NOW Massage boutiques. There is no better place to live and run a business than South Florida, and we are excited to grow The NOW’s presence as we continue to expand in the market. — Danny and Rose Figuroa, South Florida Franchise Owners WHO IS THE IDEAL NOW MASSAGE FRANCHISE OWNER? The NOW Massages’ ideal franchise owner is a multi-unit operator and entrepreneurial self-starter with a passion for wellness. We have built an inclusive culture upon a common set of Brand Truths – encouraging our franchise owners to “Live In The NOW,” which means to be present and take time to recharge and reconnect within. Also, “Care For Those Who Care For Others,” is one of our core values and calls on our franchise owners to foster an environment where team members feel valued, recognized and rewarded. One of our favorite brand truths is “Kindness is Magic,” positive

energy is really important and creates a circle of warmth for our guests. Danny and Rose are ideal franchise partners and we’re excited for them to open more NOW boutiques in South Florida. — Gara Post, Co-Founder & Chief Creative Officer WHY IS NOW THE TIME TO BUY A NOW MASSAGE BOUTIQUE? Owning a NOW Massage franchise is a good investment for multiple reasons. For starters, the global wellness economy is forecasted to grow 60% by 2025*. The NOW Massage also boasts competitive buildout costs, a recurring and predictable revenue stream, in-depth training and support across real estate, operations, marketing and more, plus a seasoned executive team with a combined 50 years of experience. All of this contributes to a scalable

GARA POST model that allows for franchise owners to easily open multiple units. Finally, there is a pride of ownership that comes with owning a NOW Massage boutique that our franchise owners really embrace. It is truly a lifestyle brand where guests can come to disconnect from the outside world and WWW.FRANCHISEJOURNAL.COM | JULY 2022


reconnect within through the healing benefits of massage. (*Global Wellness Institute) — Gara Post, Co-Founder & Chief Creative Officer NOW MASSAGE The cost to open a NOW Massage franchise ranges from $414,850 - $767,600, including a $60,000 franchise fee. For more information on franchising with The NOW Massage, visit thenowmassage. com/own-a-boutique. NOW Massage Franchise Owners Danny and Rose Figueroa have a long history as business owners in South Florida. After opening their first boutique in Ft. Lauderdale last fall, the couple are set to open five more locations in the Miami area.














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CONSERVA IRRIGATION As the only irrigation franchise with a focus on water conservation, Conserva Irrigation is transforming the $7.1 billion irrigation industry. Featured in the Inc. 5000 FastestGrowing Companies list for two years in a row, the Conserva Irrigation franchise is a thriving business model that provides rapid client acquisition, reoccurring revenue streams, and scalable growth opportunities. Ready to gain professional and financial freedom with one the fastest growing eco-friendly franchises? Consider a future with Conserva Irrigation.

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Ride the Wave with Seashore Academy Seashore defines homeschooling by creating a joyful learning environment while providing custom schooling, adaptive learning and an academically intensive curriculum. by Samantha Stanich-Romasiewicz, Content Specialist, FranDevCo


harpen those pencils, zip up those backpacks: it’s time to get ready to learn! Do you want to empower other parents to send their children to a private academy 1 to 5 days per week? Do you want to provide parents the freedom and flexibility of homeschooling combined with the quality of a private education? Seashore Academy is specifically designed to bring joy into the educational experience. Franchise Owners can help families customize their child’s schooling for academic excellence. SEASHORE ACADEMY HAS THE EXPERIENCE Seashore Academy has a 15:1 student/teacher ratio and 11 years of experience empowering parents. The combination of traditional values, rigorous academics, a flexible weekly schedule, and real life based classes such as entrepreneurship, financial management, public speaking and product design, all uniquely prepare students for the challenges of the future.



Seashore Academy hands Franchise Owners a proven business system. The franchise provides industry-leading marketing programs and unparalleled training. It is a franchise with its sights on long-term attainment. CUSTOM SCHOOLING: THE BEST OF HOMESCHOOLING AND PRIVATE EDUCATION Seashore Academy provides families with the quality of an elite private education, but is based on a homeschool model where families customize

each student’s academic schedule to best suit the individual needs of every child. Homeschooling is the current reality for many families with over 5.5 million homeschooled students in the United States alone, according to the most recent Homeschool Marketer Demographic Report. It is estimated that the value of the U.S. education market will

reach $1.96 trillion in 2025. The New York Times reported 1,268,000 students have left public schools since the start of the pandemic in 2020. Enrollment fell another 2.5% in the fall of 2020, and it has yet to rebound. With homeschooling on the rise, Seashore Academy is growing fast and growing strong. SEASHORE ACADEMY FITS INTO ANY FRANCHISE OWNER’S LIFE The team at Seashore Academy provides continued support to Franchise Owners such as training, a structured curriculum fully scoped and sequenced, daily lesson plans, tuition billing, payroll, legal contracts and more. The academy is proud to be a family-style business where Franchise Owners can bring their own children to work and integrate their families’ lives in their work. Seashore Academy is a franchise that brings the freedom of learning and working to an owner’s

community. It also creates a safe haven of traditional values in the community as Franchise Owners step into a franchise that is 100% patriotic. The academy is proud to instill respect, kindness, joy and empowerment in their students and staff members. Franchise Owners have the opportunity to create a loyal community and extensive opportunities for multiple campuses. SEASHORE ACADEMY PROVIDES HIGH QUALITY ACADEMICS AT AN AFFORDABLE PRICE The franchise offers high yield unit economics for Franchise Owners because Seashore Academy has a lower initial investment and works within the community to create an ideal campus, additional camps and tutoring programs providing even more options for parents and students. The academy’s culture, organization and campuses are also designed to provide less liability for parents and

more socialization for children compared to more traditional small homeschooling groups. THE IDEAL FRANCHISE OWNER WANTS TO MAKE A DIFFERENCE IN OTHERS’ LIVES Seashore Academy looks for potential Franchise Owners who are passionate about providing educational alternatives and have the desire and passion to inspire children to learn in different atmospheres. They ask their franchise owners to be diplomatic, have strong leadership skills, and the ability to grow and learn in an educational setting. Seashore Academy looks for franchisees who are cooperative and collaborative. You don’t have to have an education or teaching background to succeed with Seashore! If you believe you have these qualities and want to create a joyful learning environment for children and staff members, Seashore Academy could be the perfect franchise for you!

ABOUT THE AUTHOR Samantha Stanich-Romasiewicz, one of FranDevCo’s content writers, is a graduate of E.W. Scripps School of Journalism at Ohio University and has an MA/MFA from Wilkes University. Her degrees in journalism and creative writing help her create content to promote brands. WWW.FRANCHISEJOURNAL.COM | JUNE 2022


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NOW is the Time For ECE, and Building Kidz is the Place To Be by Michael Peterson, Founder and President, Franchise Beacon


arly Childhood education is a space fraught with questions right now. The underpinnings of society, in been flux for 2+ years , are starting to settle and the question of childcare is front and center in the minds of all parents and many potential entrepreneurs. Can you commit to going back to the office if your child’s preschool keeps closing? Is now the right time to get into the ECE market? What are the longterm impacts on “Generation C” from 2 years of minimal socialization? How can we, as parents, individuals, and a society minimize and reverse those effects? I have worked with one of the leading preschool franchises for 7 years, I am businessperson who is analysis and data driven, and I have written extensively on the subject of Covid’s impact



on small business. I may be able to offer some insight and clarity to folks who are considering going into the ECE space. I have been part of the Building Kidz Worldwide franchise organization almost since its inception. When I first met the founders in 2015, I was intrigued by their model, purported numbers, and passion. I didn’t know much about the industry though, so I decided to educate myself on education. What I learned supported Building Kidz assertions. A report from the Executive Office of the President (December 2014) pegged societal ROI at $8.60 for every ECE dollar spent. Half of this return is from increased earnings of the child throughout their lifetime, the rest from increased parental earnings, lower engagement with law enforcement, and reduced expenditures on remedial education. Outside of the straight dollar return, the report stated that pre-kindergarten age education leads to a “change in cognitive functioning and brain development” likely accounting for characteristics

such as IQ that are often considered to be hereditary. Outside of the government, the numbers looked just as strong then and kept getting stronger. Zion Market Research pegged the 2017 U.S. market at $13.5B, and in February of 2020, a report by Facts and Figures had the 2019 global ECE Market at $245B and projected to grow over 10% CAGR until at least 2026. Then 2020 happened, and before the dust settled it was clear that some businesses operating within the industry were prepared, nimble, and forward thinking while others were just hoping ‘this would all go away’. Building Kidz was definitely in the former group, and the decisions from the top led to franchisees first surviving and then quickly thriving. Parents of Building Kidz students could also meaningfully engage in the workforce knowing they would have a place for their child to be cared for, educated, and socialized. Building Kidz leadership quickly developed a lending relationship with an SBA lender, before the CARES

act even had a name, and every one of their franchisees that needed PPP was able to secure it. They had an online engagement model deployed within a week of the first stay-at-home order to help ease the burden of parents suddenly sharing workspace with their toddlers and preschoolers. Shortly after the pandemic began preschools were declared essential. Building Kidz guided their franchisees on what has now become known as ‘podding’, essentially segmenting portions of the children and staff so that if someone was infected the school could still remain operational, months before these procedures became commonplace. Today, the preschool business is looking better than

ever. Adoit Market Research recently recast growth projections for the global ECE market (of which North America accounts for 39%) to 15% CAGR for the next 6 years. Beyond the growth projections, the real estate landscape is changing in our favor. According to a new forecast from Cushman & Wakefield, the postpandemic market has 95 million unoccupied square feet of real estate, and likely won’t return to pre-pandemic occupancy until 2025. This affects not only landlords but also municipalities, as vacant properties have a direct effect on the tax base and an indirect effect on the overall financial stability of the area. As businesses that are willing to sign a long-term lease and

offer a service in a significantly under-served market, preschools are suddenly sought-after tenants. Sanjay Gehani, Partner and Chief Marketing Officer of Building Kidz, also serves on the City Council and is the former mayor of Foster City, CA. When sharing his thoughts with me on the industry outlook, he said “I have a unique perspective in that I look at this both through the lens of a preschool owner and that of someone intimately involved with local governance. From the local government side, we are seeing more flexibility when it comes to property usage permits in almost all areas of the country. As a businessman in the childcare industry, I know that leaders in our industry are fortunate enough to exist in the quadrant of doing good for society and financial independence. With so many models being threatened by an online replacement, there is a tremendous opportunity for growth in a business which simply cannot be replaced by an app anytime soon.” This is most certainly the time to consider joining the early education industry, and I can think of no better partner on that journey than Building Kidz. ABOUT THE AUTHOR Michael Peterson is the founder and President of Franchise Beacon, a boutique franchise consulting firm. He is a best-selling author in the franchise space and his writings have been featured in leading international business journals such as The International Business Times and Indian Management Magazine.



We were inspired by the mission to serve all people of all shapes, sizes, and abilities, and attracted to the stability and expertise of the largest group of boutique fitness studios. It’s a simple business model and we love impacting the lives of people that walk in our doors. Everyone has a purpose and has a place in our boat.” - Chad & Shelley Ramsey - Row House Cool Springs

Nik Kish Row House President 2 Years at Xponential 26 Years Industry Experience

THE OPPORTUNITY Executive model/semi-absentee - scalable


High Value Proposition, Reasonable price point One of the most effective forms of full-body exercise Demographic age range is 18-78 years

Founded in 2014, Row House is the largest indoor

For all fitness levels

rowing brand by number of studios, offering incorporated personalized performance metrics,


resistance training, rowing and stretching exercises

Membership based - EFT reoccurring revenue

to build aerobic endurance and muscular strength.

Straight forward business model - manager operated, minimal staff

The low-impact nature of rowing workouts makes

Proprietary training programs, wide array of classes

Row House accessible to a broad range of consumers

Studios range from 1,800 - 2,500 Sq. Ft.

with six signature Row House class formats including

Max class size is 25 rowers

introductory, interval-based, strength training, stretching and two endurance-based formats. Its high quality instructors are trained through a specialized training program for Authorized Rowing Coaches, known as ‘RH University’.


Item 7 Range | $247,116 - $483,316* CONTACT INFO

* Please see Item 7 of the 2022 FDD for explanatory notes and details. Xponential Fitness, LLC RH is a franchise seller/broker representing Row House Franchise, LLC (“Row House”). This advertisement does not constitute a franchise offering or the solicitation of an offer to buy a Row House franchise which may be made only after your receipt of the Row House Franchise Disclosure Document, which first must be registered with certain states. Row House franchises are offered solely by means of the franchise disclosure document issued by Row House Franchise, LLC, 17877 Von Karman Ave., Suite 100, Irvine, CA 92614, and at (949) 346-9794. Certain states and foreign countries have laws governing the offer and sale of franchises. If you are a resident of one of these states or foreign countries, Row House will not offer you a franchise unless and until it has complied with all applicable legal requirements in your jurisdiction. Please consult with your franchise seller/broker at Xponential Fitness, LLC RH for an updated list of jurisdictions where franchises can be sold. RESIDENTS OF NEW YORK: This advertisement is not an offering. An offering can only be made by a prospectus filed first with the Department of Law of the State of New York. Such filing does not constitute approval by the Department of Law. RESIDENTS OF MINNESOTA: MN Franchise Registration Number: 8453. Copyright © 2022 Row House Franchise, LLC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.


Virtual Skills Lead to Real Success by Abi Pepin, Content Writer, FranDevCo Skill Samurai offers after school coding and robotics classes that help students channel their obsession with technology and turn it into something that will prepare them for their futures.


hen it comes to parents preparing for their children to return to school, a new schedule of extracurricular activities also returns. While some after school programs are simply used as a place for students to go while their parents are still at work, Skill Samurai is much more than that. As the world’s first Franchise focused on career-readiness education,



STARTING AT A YOUNG AGE! Skill Samurai strives to prepare students at an early age for the changing workplace infrastructure and help mitigate the severe shortage of STEM employees in the workforce. Skill Samurai believes elementary school is the ideal time to introduce students to computer science. Learning to code helps students foster critical thinking skills that will help them be successful throughout the rest of their educational careers. The programs that Skill Samurai offers helps students not only thrive academically, but socially while building self-esteem, resilience and confidence. PREDICTABLE REVENUE STREAMS With a membership business model, Skill Samurai’s Franchise Owners earn predictable, recurring revenue. The membership model is designed for busy families, allowing parents to enroll their

children at any time with no contracts. Parents are able to book any class, any day with as little as a one hour notice. The combination of a brick and mortar and an on-the-go model allows Franchise Owners to to attract more clients, resulting in natural cross-marketing and repeat business. Skill Samurai’s year-round program and summer camps help provide a surplus of opportunities for their Franchise Owners and students. With a wide variety of programs that continue to create predictable revenues like After School Coding

Classes, School Holiday Coding Camps, Career Readiness Education, Kids Coding Birthday Parties, Signature Coding Programs, and STEM programs for schools, Franchise Owners are instantly set up for success. RECESSION RESILIENT Skill Samurai resides within three distinct industries, summer camps, other instructions, and birthday parties, which combined, have grown in the United States to over $30.1 billion. As parents prioritize their student’s future success through education, the industries Skill Samurai falls under are recession resilient. Because of the way technology is replacing jobs with computers at an increasing rate, the need for STEM programs aren’t going to slow down anytime soon. Enrichment education is a need-based service, as parents continue to support their children’s future. FRANCHISE OPPORTUNITY Skill Samurai looks for business professionals who

want to join their mission to change the world. Potential Franchise Owners should share Skill Samurai’s vision for providing a unique, industry-leading service to the students in their communities. Owners don’t have to teach the classes themselves, so no prior teaching or technology experience is required. Because a portion of the


revenue is generated by securing partnerships, Owners should have networking abilities and be ready to get out into the community to foster relationships with businesses throughout their community. If this sounds compelling to you, reach out to to learn more about this careerreadiness Franchise! ABOUT THE AUTHOR Abi Pepin, a Content Writer for FranDevCo, is a recent graduate from Appalachian State University. With a degree in communications, journalism, she is using her writing skills to create content that promotes brands. WWW.FRANCHISEJOURNAL.COM | JUNE 2022



Frank Milner, the CEO Filling the Educational Gap with Tutor Doctor by Mariah Carrion, Consultant, The Franchise Consulting Company


wning a Tutor Doctor franchise is an opportunity to join one of the fastest growing franchises in a rapidly expanding, recession-resistant industry while making a difference in your community. Tutor Doctor franchisees, who manage a team of professional tutors, benefit from our successful one-to-one tutoring model that provides at-home service to students of all ages. Utilizing a home-based business model, Tutor Doctor eliminates the need for high overhead costs associated with a traditional bricks and



FRANK MILNER mortar business. With over 400 franchises in 15 countries, there has never been a better opportunity to join our team! The man behind the company, pours his heart and soul into everything he does and, while he is always quick to give credit to his franchisees, his story is inspiring as well. Frank Milner earned a BA in Business Administration from York University in Ontario, and held several impressive posts in the years following his graduation. He worked at ARAMARK as a sales director, Cintas as Director of Facility Services and WSI as Vice President of Channel

Development. Milner met the founder of Tutor Doctor, John Hooi, in 2007. At the time, the franchise was facing numerous challenges. It had grown to encompass a Canadian-based network of six franchisees, yet it was struggling to maintain its momentum and expand beyond what it had already achieved. So, Milner stepped in to help. Frank's own academic struggles as a child influenced his decision to go into the education sector. And when he did, his own children were a source of inspiration to him. They were aged just 11 and 13 when he joined Tutor Doctor. His recognition of the value of education began when Milner’s family first moved from Johannesburg, South Africa, to Toronto, Canada, in 1977. “It was really challenging,” Milner remembers. “We went from a very comfortable lifestyle where we had a nice house, a swimming pool, a big garden, cars and private school

"THE IMPACT OF MY FRANCHISE, BOTH TO MY OWN FAMILY AND OTHERS’, NOW AND IN THE FUTURE IS SOMETHING THAT I’M INCREDIBLY PROUD OF.” — Tutor Doctor Franchisee to emigrating to Canada where we had absolutely nothing.” Despite struggling with having to occasionally eat from paper plates, Milner still believes they had good reasons to leave. It had been his brother who first decided to exit South Africa. During his military service, the brother had been stationed close to the Angola border and experienced his fair share of fighting. Once he came back he never wanted to put on the uniform again and decided to depart. “My parents said, ‘wait a second, we are a family and if you are going to move, then we are going to move together as a family,’” Milner recalls. This family orientation carries through to how Tutor Doctor

treats its franchisees. Now, Tutor Doctor has franchises across many countries, from the US and Canada to the UK, Mexico, Nigeria and Saudi Arabia. This international ambition really sets Tutor Doctor apart as an education franchise. They teach hundreds of thousands of children every year. As the fastest growing inhome tutoring franchise in the world, franchisees work with families to thoroughly assess a child’s needs and then carefully select the best-fit tutor based on goals, personality and learning style. Tutors then visit students at home or work with them via an online platform, so that they can learn in the

comfort of their own home, at a time that suits them. Tutor Doctor franchisees arrange and oversee the tutor/student relationship for a truly bespoke solution and exceptional level of service. Education is the lifeblood of humanity and Tutor Doctor has shown that business with heartfelt care for franchisees and students is one that never goes out of style. ABOUT THE AUTHOR Mariah Carrion’s role has always been to match great people with incredible and simplified business opportunities. She is passionate about building relationships and helping entrepreneurs be in control of their own destiny. Mariah can be reached at 469-616-4664 or at mariah@



Xponential has been very successful with other brands. And so this being their ninth brand we’ve, we had a real sense of comfort that this was also going to be very successful. You have the edginess, the cool factor and then you have a team that’s been successful doing this….we had a real sense of security that we were going to be successful and the team was going to ensure success. That’s what we wanted to be a part of!” - Karen & Nate Nelson, West Frisco, TX

Shaun Grove Rumble Boxing President 7 Years at Xponential 26 Years Industry Experience

THE OPPORTUNITY Multi-unit opportunity with wide open markets

10 ROUNDS. 2 FISTS. ZERO EXPERIENCE NECESSARY. Founded in New York City in 2017, Rumble is a group fitness concept delivering a combination of boxinginspired circuits and the transformative power of

Social community - Celebrity backed Executive model/semi-absentee - scalable High value proposition, Reasonable price point Rumble’s a no BS, authentic experience - every time.

THE MODEL Membership based - EFT reoccurring revenue

resistance training. Pro and amateur fighters glove up

Straight forward business model - manager operated, minimal staff

together, no matter their fitness level or skill, to reveal

Proprietary training programs, wide array of classes

their inner fighter. The experience is a 45-minute, 10-round, full-body cardio and strength workout crafted around specially designed water-filled, teardrop-style boxing bags.

2,500-2,700 sq/ft for boutique and 3,500-4,500 sq/ft for signature


Item 7 Range Boutique | $393,700 - $575,900* Item 7 Range Signature | $3,258,833 - $4,028,333* CONTACT INFO

* Please see Item 7 of the 2022 FDD for explanatory notes and details. Xponential Fitness, LLC is a franchise seller/broker representing Rumble Franchise, LLC (“Rumble”). This advertisement does not constitute a franchise offering or the solicitation of an offer to buy a Rumble franchise which may be made only after your receipt of the Rumble Franchise Disclosure Document, which first must be registered with certain states. Rumble franchises are offered solely by means of the franchise disclosure document issued by Rumble Franchise, LLC, 17877 Von Karman Ave., Suite 100, Irvine, CA 92614, and at (949) 346-9764. Certain states and foreign countries have laws governing the offer and sale of franchises. If you are a resident of one of these states or foreign countries, Rumble will not offer you a franchise unless and until it has complied with all applicable legal requirements in your jurisdiction. Please consult with your franchise seller/broker at Xponential Fitness, LLC for an updated list of jurisdictions where franchises can be sold. RESIDENTS OF NEW YORK: This advertisement is not an offering. An offering can only be made by a prospectus filed first with the Department of Law of the State of New York. Such filing does not constitute approval by the Department of Law. Copyright © 2022 Rumble Franchise, LLC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.


Can Kids Franchises Change the World? (as you’re reading this)? How is it going to impact the world your children and grandchildren will be living in?


ranchise opportunities that focus on children, kids franchises, whether it’s educating them, entertaining them, or both, are quite popular. What’s more, franchiseesthe people who buy franchises in this space, have the potential to change the world. What does that mean? More on that later. In any event, one of the reasons kids franchises are so popular has to do with the high number of two-income households. In a nutshell, if you and your spouse are both working, there’s not a lot of time to plan quality activities (outside of your home) for your kids. But there’s another reason. And it’s a biggie.



THE WORLD IS CHANGING AT LIGHTNING SPEED Our world is changing so fast, it’s hard to keep up with everything. As a result, it’s fair to say that the world of tomorrow is going to look a lot different than today’s world. Here are a few things to ponder: • Will your children’s world be dominated by self-driving vehicles? • Work wise, will they go to an office, or will they be working from home? • Will automation displace significantly more workers than it does today? • Are farmers going to become obsolete? And what about the technology that’s being thought up right now

KIDS FRANCHISES: THE FUTURE IS NOW Today’s parents are starting to realize the importance of STEM*, and in the case of Snapology, STEAM.** *STEM is an acronym for Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math. Now, it’s one thing for me to tell you how important STEM is; it’s quite another when it comes from the U.S. Department of Education. “If we want a nation where our future leaders, neighbors, and workers have the ability to understand and solve some of the complex challenges of today and tomorrow, and to meet the demands of the dynamic and evolving workforce, building students' skills, content knowledge, and fluency in STEM fields is essential.” **STEAM is an acronym for Science, Technology, Engineering, Art & Math. And those are the things Snapology, the premier kids franchise, specializes in teaching. If you’d like to help our children prepare for the future...for their future, read on.

“IF WE WANT A NATION WHERE OUR FUTURE LEADERS, NEIGHBORS, AND WORKERS HAVE THE ABILITY TO UNDERSTAND AND SOLVE SOME OF THE COMPLEX CHALLENGES OF TODAY AND TOMORROW, AND TO MEET THE DEMANDS OF THE DYNAMIC AND EVOLVING WORKFORCE, BUILDING STUDENTS' SKILLS, CONTENT KNOWLEDGE, AND FLUENCY IN STEM FIELDS IS ESSENTIAL.” CHANGING THE WORLD Imagine how good you would feel if you could change the world. A good example of someone who’s changing the world right now is Elon Musk, one of the most forwardthinking people in the world. Case in point; his automotive brand, Tesla Inc. The company just produced its 1 millionth fully electric vehicle that emits no tailpipe emissions and consumes no fossil fuels. In addition, through Space X, Elon Musk is in the process of testing and building large spaceships that will be able to reach Mars in the not too distant future. There is no question that Elon Musk will go down in history as one of the greatest inventors of our time. The upshot of all this? Elon Musk was once a kid. Or, Mary Barra, who’s been the chairman and CEO of the General Motors Company since January 15, 2014. Not only did Barra change

the world by becoming the first female CEO of a major automaker, in 2015 she helped GM achieve record global sales, earnings, and net income. Furthermore, it’s important to note that Barra obtained a Bachelor of Science degree in electrical engineering and was inducted into the engineering honor society Tau Beta Pi. She’s an engineer! Finally, in April 2014, Barra was featured on the cover of Time's “100 Most Influential People in the World.” THE SNAPOLOGY KIDS FRANCHISE IS CHANGING THE WORLD The co-founders of Snapology, Laura and Lisa Coe, both with backgrounds in science and math, are on a mission. Their mission is to provide children with an opportunity to engage in playful learning activities that stimulate creativity and an interest in learning. Franchisees in over 150 locations offer engaging programs (facilitated through their teachers), for kids in: • Technology • Science

• Math • Engineering • Robotics • Coding • Art Getting children involved in STEAM-based activities early on at minimum helps prepare them for the increasingly complex subjects they’ll be studying in school. Lastly, what if you had an opportunity to help the next Mary Barra or Elon Musk reach their potential? You could change the world. For more information, and to find out what it’s like to be a Snapology franchisee, go to www.snapologyfranchising. com.

Laura Coe



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Allegra Centers provide graphic design, printing, mailing, promotional products and marketing services needed by virtually every local business and institution. As an owner, you’ll benefit from the unsurpassed network support provided by Alliance Franchise Brands – a world leader in marketing and visual communications. Among the other advantages of acquiring an Allegra Center:

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Abrakadoodle Makes a Difference

While Building Successful Franchises by Ms. Rosemarie Hartnett, President & Co-Founder, Abrakadoodle


ranchises that successfully bring educational programs to children and earn a place of trust within the communities they serve have the privilege of making a difference in the lives of children. This was clearly evident as Abrakadoodle franchise owners, along with the schools and communitybased sites where we run art education programs, brought the academic year to a close by celebrating



student achievement through a number of art shows across the country. What better way to see the overwhelming success of the program that prides itself on its mission to bring communities together by providing the very best in arts education for children. A shining example was Abrakadoodle Metro Detroit, run by franchise owners Dawna and Al Kelly, who hosted their annual art show at Voyager College Prep with participation from 15 local schools. The pride and

joy expressed by students and parents was amazing. Another inspiring example was Abrakadoodle Northern Virginia, run by franchise owner Sue Walia, who hosted an art show at St. Thomas More Catholic School. With almost 500 art pieces, the show reflected all the hard work done by students throughout the school year, as well as the scope of the Abrakadoodle curriculum. A great fit for communityminded individuals, Abrakadoodle franchise owners have seen the relationships forged with schools and community-based host sites where Abrakadoodle classes, camps and special art events are run, grow even stronger as we have emerged from COVID. The flexibility of the brand’s home-based model, as well as the scope of its programming, has enabled its franchise owners to help host sites re-open quickly. Families and host sites know they can trust and rely on Abrakadoodle. They know that they can find Abrakadoodle whether looking for summer

camps, after-school classes, birthday parties or special art events throughout the entire year. Franchise owners know they have the programming, marketing tools and support that will help them to build a business well positioned to become the “go to” program for all things arts and creativity related. They also know that their efforts make a real difference to the children, their parents and to the host sits they serve. They know the benefits of introducing children to artists, art techniques, a wide range of art materials and art styles from the around the world, all while building creativity and problem-solving skills in children. “Abrakadoodle is a franchise that actively supports the growth and business development of its franchise owners through multiple revenue streams. Our franchise culture promotes collaboration and the sharing of best practices. As an education franchise in the children’s services sector, we feel privileged that the educational programs that

our franchise owners bring to the communities we serve make a positive difference in the lives of children. We were extremely proud to see so many communities come together in celebration of the artwork created by our students. It was wonderful to see the joy expressed by our students and their families in so many of the art shows held this year,” remarked Rosemarie Hartnett, President & CoFounder of Abrakadoodle. As a leading art education franchise, Abrakadoodle taps a strong and growing industry in the children’s education services sector, where there are almost 80 million children within our program demographic. Our fine art programs, along with our STEAM based programs, build important skills needed for students to compete in

a global economy. Yearly spending for specialized products and services for children is estimated at over $500 billion dollars in the US alone! With multiple program revenue streams, franchise owners build sustainable and recurring business throughout the entire year. Owners generate revenue through school contracts where Abrakadoodle becomes the art program for schools, community-based sites that run enrichment classes throughout the day and afterschool, camp programs during the summer and whenever school is not in session, as well as in-school field trips. As a global brand, Abrakadoodle also has franchises in China, Singapore and Australia. ABOUT THE AUTHOR Rosemarie Hartnett, CFE, is Co-Founder and President of Abrakadoodle, Inc., a global leader in children’s art education services. Ms. Hartnett oversees all of Abrakadoodle’s operations, franchise support, sales, growth initiatives and training services worldwide. WWW.FRANCHISEJOURNAL.COM | JUNE 2022


Kids Coding, STEM and Career Readiness Education.

OWN A FRANCHISE THAT MAKES A DIFFERENCE Future Focused | Recession Resilient Effortless Staffing Community Oriented

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The best in Boutique Fitness Xponential Fitness is the largest global franchisor of boutique fitness brands. The company operates a diversified platform of ten brands spanning across verticals including Pilates, barre, cycling, running, rowing, dancing, stretching, boxing, yoga, and functional training.

Anthony Geisler is the Founder and Chief Executive Officer of Xponential Fitness. He is a fitness franchising veteran with over 20 years buying and building household names. After successfully growing LA Boxing into the largest boxing, kickboxing and MMA fitness franchise in the U.S., he then sold it to UFC Gyms and saw there was more opportunity in specialized workouts in a boutique, premium setting. Geisler bought Club Pilates in early 2015, a small collection of boutique Reformer Pilates studios concentrated in California that is now the largest Pilates brand worldwide. In 2017, Anthony recognized there was further opportunity with scheduled boutique fitness and ormed Xponential Fitness to acquire and build the best brands across every major modality in boutique fitness. He formed a founding Xponential team and recruited the industry’s experts for each brand’s growth.

Xponential’s leadership team has decades of experience in fitness and wellness franchising. We have the network, resources, platform, and playbook in place to ensure continued growth and expert support every step of the way.

Semi-Absentee Executive Model

Proven Marketing & Sales Systems that Harness a Recurring Revenue Model


Sarah Luna President

Ryan Junk Chief Operating Officer

7 Years at Xponential

5 Years at Xponential

14 Years Industry Experience

27 Years Industry Experience

Exceptional Franchisee Support from the Minute Agreement Signed

Resources & Network to Ensure Continued Growth & Support








US STATES | For more information contact 17877 Von Karman Ave, Suite 100, Irvine, CA, 92614 | © 2022 Xponential Fitness, LLC.


Sharkey’s Cuts for Kids Partners with HairToStay to Help Subsidize Scalp Cooling Treatment for Low Income Cancer Patients


airToStay is the first and only national nonprofit organization dedicated to helping lowincome cancer patients afford scalp cooling, a treatment that can dramatically reduce chemotherapy induced hair loss. Sharkey’s Cuts for Kids is launching a Targeted Fund to support cancer patients in the New England region.

Thanks to the generosity and commitment of Scott Sharkey, Sharkey’s Cuts for Kids will offer eligible patients financial support for this lifechanging treatment that is often not covered by health insurance in the U.S. Scalp cooling—and the preservation of hair —helps foster normalcy during a challenging time. Patients can maintain a sense of privacy and control, which

“HAIRTOSTAY GAVE ME THE ABILITY TO SMILE IN THE MIRROR AND FACE CANCER WHILE EVERYTHING ELSE SEEMED TO BE FALLING APART. I AM FOREVER GRATEFUL.” in turn can contribute to well being and healing. Chemoinduced hair loss is one of the most devastating side effects of cancer treatment. In fact, at least 8% of female patients actually turn down chemotherapy due to fear of hair loss. To date, HairToStay



provides on behalf of Sharkey’s is life changing. Thanks to the pledge from Sharkey’s Cuts for Kids— children and families can enjoy a fun and fruitful haircut experience, knowing their business is helping end chemo- induced hair loss for someone else’s loved one. fund treatment for one new cancer patient for every new Sharkey’s Cuts for Kids franchise will be ongoing. This is just the beginning of the Sharkey’s/ HairToStay collaboration to end chemo cuts and level the playing field for patients and their families already struggling with a devastating diagnosis. Whether it is a parent of a young child, a teacher, a job seeker, those with public facing careers or simply any person wanting to look in the mirror and not see a reflection of a cancer patient, the financial support HairToStay With each haircut, the child is given a token to put in a box designated for the charity of their choice.



has subsidized nearly 3,500 individuals across the country. Sharkey’s HairToStay Fund will support patients in CT, RI, NH, VT & ME. An initial contribution by Scott Sharkey to jumpstart the fund will be augmented by in salon philanthropic activities. Sharkey’s Cuts for Kids donates a percentage of every haircut throughout the brand to charity. With each haircut, the child is given a token to put in a box designated for the charity of their choice; inspiring and engaging the young clients and their families. A commitment to



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I could see we shared the same values as Xponential and passion for fitness and specifically running. Running has transformed our lives so it was a no-brainer for us to open a STRIDE studio. It truly feels like a partnership and I always know who to go to for whatever support I need. There is also an Xponential Playbook that has been customized for STRIDE that allows me to execute thoughtfully and leave my fingerprint on the business.” - Bryan Cliver, Franchise Owner, Crown Point, IN

Jeff Stokes STRIDE Fitness President 3 Years at Xponential 26 Years Industry Experience

THE OPPORTUNITY First mover advantage - NO national brand franchise competitor 170M people participate in running, jogging and walking

WALK. JOG. RUN. TRANSFORM. Founded in 2017, STRIDE FITNESS is a treadmill-based

Executive model/semi-absentee - scalable High Value Proposition, Reasonable price point

interval training concept, delivering a total-body


workout designed for every fitness level. An engaging

Membership based - EFT reoccurring revenue

program led by dynamic authorized coaches and

Straight forward business model - manager operated, minimal staff

utilizing heart-rating monitoring technology, STRIDE

Proprietary training programs, wide array of classes

offers a supportive and inclusive environment

Studios range from 1900-2500 sq ft

providing three signature class formats including

Max class size is 25 treads

interval, endurance-based and strength training.


Item 7 Range | $372,412 - $533,512* CONTACT INFO

* Please see Item 7 of the 2022 FDD for explanatory notes and details. Xponential Fitness, LLC is a franchise seller/broker representing STRIDE Franchise, LLC (“STRIDE”). This advertisement does not constitute a franchise offering or the solicitation of an offer to buy a STRIDE franchise which may be made only after your receipt of STRIDE’s Franchise Disclosure Document, which first must be registered with certain states. STRIDE franchises are offered solely by means of the franchise disclosure document issued by PB Franchising, LLC 17877 Von Karman Ave., Suite 100, Irvine, CA 92614. Or by phone at (949) 490-5989. Certain states and foreign countries have laws governing the offer and sale of franchises. If you are a resident of one of these states or foreign countries, STRIDE will not offer you a franchise unless and until it has complied with all applicable legal requirements in your jurisdiction. Please consult with your franchise seller/broker at Xponential Fitness, LLC for an updated list of jurisdictions where franchises can be sold. RESIDENTS OF NEW YORK: This advertisement is not an offering. An offering can only be made by a prospectus filed first with the Department of Law of the State of New York. Such filing does not constitute approval by the New York Department of Law. RESIDENTS OF MINNESOTA: MN Franchise Registration Number: 9441. Copyright© 2022 Stride Franchise, LLC ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.


Rad Air Helps Apprentices Learn by Doing by Kinsey Cooper, Content Specialist, FranDevCo


he hottest days of summer signal a return to air conditioned classrooms for school children across the country but for Rad Air Complete Car Care, learning takes place on the job. Rad Air is focused on keeping their technicians up-to-date on the latest training and they are continuously working to keep the pipeline filled with

100 JUNE 2022


potential workers for their Franchise Owners. ON-THE-JOB LEARNING Rad Air has been a trusted source for automotive repairs for nearly five decades and that means they have had plenty of time to figure out how to keep all locations supplied with well-trained workers, including visiting schools to instill and nurture a love of cars, keeping technicians up to date on training, and operating an apprenticeship program. There’s a lot that can be learned in

a classroom but some skills require more handson experience to truly master. As part of Rad Air’s commitment to sustainable talent acquisition, anyone interested in becoming an automotive technician or mechanic can start their journey by shadowing a current Rad Air technician as an apprentice to learn the ins and outs of theirjob. The main qualifications to become an apprentice are a clean driving record, a professional and courteous attitude, and a willingness to learn and complete assigned training. Once joining the program, apprentices can expect to receive a training and development plan, be given quarterly learning goals and be assigned a shop mentor. Duties include assisting technicians with automotiverelated services and repairs, helping maintain the shop environment, and attending their multiple trainings. After just one year, that apprentice will know how to complete basic repairs, including oil changes, tire rotations, installing batteries and more. Within two years, an apprentice can create a lifelong, fulfilling career!

MEET SUCCESS STORY ANDREAS HOBBS Mechanic Andreas Hobbs started his career with Rad Air three years ago. After joining the team, Rad Air was able to secure a scholarship for Andreas to attend the two-year Cuyahoga Community College automotive technology program to level up his skills. Now a talented, dedicated employee, Andreas enjoys the upbeat, fun culture he works in and the challenge of completing jobs. Beyond just feeling loyalty to Rad Air for the work he does and the training he received, Andreas’ long-term goal is to become a Rad Air Owner and run multiple locations.

TRAINING IS A COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE In addition to apprenticeships and training to launch a career in automotive repair, Rad Air keeps its current employees up to date on training. This is a critical part of their competitive advantage in the marketplace. The automotive care and repair industry has been around since the first vehicle was sold and the market is valued at $63 billion with expectations it will reach $75 billion by 2026. The vast majority of vehicle repairs are still on internal combustion engines but as electric and hybrid vehicles keep making a foothold, there is an increasing demand for trained mechanics to service

those vehicles. Clients of Rad Air know that when they drive their car into a bay, they will receive exceptional customer service and be working with a team that has the skills to complete repairs correctly. Not all of their competitors can say the same. JOIN THE RAD AIR FAMILY Rad Air is looking for empathetic Owners to join their growing franchise family who are open to learning proven systems; who have previous experience in sales, marketing, management or automotive services; and who have a broad understanding of business principles. Ideal examples include a corporate job changer that’s looking for their next challenge or a mechanic who wants to take their career to the next level. For more information, reach out at ABOUT THE AUTHOR FranDevCo's content writer Kinsey Cooper has spent her career in marketing, public relations and strategic communications. She uses her skills to help brands showcase what makes their business unique. WWW.FRANCHISEJOURNAL.COM | JUNE 2022





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School is in Session with Temporary Wall Systems by Samantha Stanich-Romasiewicz, Content Specialist, FranDevCo School buildings don’t have the luxury of being out of commission. If a school has to undergo repairs or renovations, the building can’t be closed down during the process. That is where FranDevCo’s newest brand, Temporary Wall Systems (TWS), swoops in and saves the day! SEAMLESS AND CONVENIENT SOLUTIONS Temporary Wall Systems offers full-service rental modular wall containment solutions hat provide an airtight, durable, attractive and cost-effective solution for any construction needs. They are dedicated to creating a safe, budgetfriendly, zero-waste, time-saving environment for spaces under construction, which makes them an attractive option for spaces that can’t stop activities when renovations begin, like in a school. Temporary Wall Systems can section away the telltale signs of construction or other disruptive activities. It is like an adult version of putting your folder up on your desk so nobody can copy your work! TWS’ temporary walls make it so no noise or debris gets into the classroom. Students, teachers and staff don’t have to deal with the inevitable noise and dust pollution that accompanies construction. A LUCRATIVE CONCEPT SERVING NUMEROUS INDUSTRIES Temporary Wall Systems is a smart investment choice because their services are in demand across the multitude of new construction



and renovation projects that take place in a wide array of industries such as healthcare, data centers, commercial spaces, airports, public transportation, retail, universities and hospitality. Now is an especially good time to invest because the commercial property remodeling industry is a $35 billion market in the U.S. and construction is one of the world economy’s largest sectors with $10 trillion spent on construction-related goods and services every year, In addition, renovation and expansion accounts for 73% of all hospital construction projects with an estimated $9 billion spent on projects that require proper containment solutions. One of the biggest selling

points for the TWS business model for Franchise Owners is the flexibility and passive income they gain. The modular wall systems are simple to install, so there’s no need to punch a time clock. Once the system is in place, Owners collect rental income without much additional work until they are set to be dismantled and removed.

• Remote, on-demand support • Turnkey sales and marketing programs and material • A confidential operation manual

SUPPORT AND AFFORDABILITY In addition to being a profitable concept, Temporary Walls Systems also is an affordable franchise opportunity for first time Franchise Owners. Owners can start their franchise from their home and build their business with confidence that it will be scalable when it’s time. Because TWS is part of the Homefront Brands family, Owners are also benefiting from the expertise of a seasoned team of franchise professionals who have helped build a thoughtful support system, including: • Help to get started • Extensive training

FRANCHISE OPPORTUNITY Temporary Wall Systems is looking for Franchise Owners with general business and construction knowledge as well as strong leadership skills. Potential Franchisees should work with integrity, be cooperative and collaborative in their work, show dedication and hardwork, and have superior communication skills. If this sounds like you or a client, reach out to for more information!

Thanks to the construction industry expertise of their founders and brand leaders, Juli & Ryan Lemire, Owners also know there is a real need for these solutions.

ABOUT THE AUTHOR Samantha Stanich-Romasiewicz, one of FranDevCo’s content writers, is a graduate of E.W. Scripps School of Journalism at Ohio University and has an MA/MFA from Wilkes University. Her degrees in journalism and creative writing help her create content to promote brands.





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grow a healthy business Saladworks is the original create-your-own, fast-casual salad franchise. Healthy – USDA reports that American adults are choosing healthier foods such as fruits and vegetables to support a healthier lifestyle. That’s why nearly half of all Millennial and Gen Z consumers buy 3+ entrée salads per week away from home. Saladworks is on-trend.

grow a healthyequipment-light business and easy Simple – Our concept is asset-light, Saladworks is the original create-your-own, to operate. No fryers and salad no hood means less expensive fast-casual franchise. buildout costs for Healthy you.– USDA Just chop, sliceadults and dice to serve the reports that American are choosing healthier foods such as fruits and vegetables to support a tastiest create-your-own salads is turn-key. healthier lifestyle. That’s whyaround. nearly half of all Saladworks Millennial and Gen Z consumers buy 3+ entrée salads per week away from home. Saladworks is on-trend.

Accessible – The fast-casual landscape is overbuilt and Simple – Our concept is asset-light, equipment-light and easy to operate. No fryers and no hood means less expensive cluttered with create-your-own burger, sandwich, pizza, buildout costs for you. Just chop, slice and dice to serve the tastiest create-your-own salads around. Saladworks is turn-key. Mexican and smoothie concepts. Landlords are looking for Accessible – The fast-casual landscape is overbuilt and healthy concepts like ours. We have market, venue, format cluttered with create-your-own burger,the sandwich, pizza, Mexican and smoothie concepts. Landlords are looking for Saladworks is the original create-your-own, concepts like ours. We have the venue, format and footprint you healthy want. Saladworks ismarket, available. fast-casual salad franchise.

grow a healthy business

and footprint you want. Saladworks is available.

* Details located at Item 19 inside Saladworks Franchise Disclosure Document.

Healthy – USDA reports that American adults are choosing healthier foods such as fruits and vegetables to support a healthier lifestyle. That’s why nearly half of all Millennial and Gen Z consumers buy 3+ entrée salads per week away from home. Saladworks is on-trend.

$1,227,858 median net sales for top quartile*

Simple – Our concept is asset-light, equipment-light and easy to operate. No fryers and no hood means less expensive buildout costs for you. Just chop, slice and dice to serve the tastiest create-your-own salads around. Saladworks is turn-key.

* Details located at Item 19 inside Saladworks Franchise Disclosure Document.

t sales for top quartile*

Accessible – The fast-casual landscape is overbuilt and cluttered with create-your-own burger, sandwich, pizza, Mexican and smoothie concepts. Landlords are looking for healthy concepts like ours. We have the market, venue, format and footprint you want. Saladworks is available.

$1,227,858 median

* Details located at Item 19 inside Saladworks Franchise Disclosure Document.

$1,227,858 median net sales for top quartile*


RockBox Fitness is Always Teaching its Franchise Owners by Samantha Stanich-Romasiewicz, Content Specialist, FranDevCo


ack to school time is the perfect season to look into a boutique fitness franchising opportunity! Parents are finding themselves with more time to focus on their career goals and are spending less time entertaining their children. People are able to find time in their schedules and ready to join a community to help get into shape and meet new friends. Investing in a fitness franchise like RockBox Fitness is a great way to give back to your community’s well-being and help others succeed!



CONTINUED EDUCATION RockBox Fitness aims to help their franchisees at every step in the process. As Franchise Owner’s communities go back to school, so does RockBox. The company values education and makes sure its Owners get the right tools and training to succeed. RockBox Franchise Owners receive a total of 50 hours of training that includes a combination of online, classroom and on-site training. During the on-site training, known as Training Camp, the Home Office team covers everything from Boxing 101

to marketing, coaching, hiring, and sales. RockBox University, the online learning management system, provides 24-hour support and contains everything Owners need to operate a successful business. There are modules, training, documents, videos and assessments for the franchisees and their teams. Franchise Owners also have a call center for support that provides full coverage of lead generation and lead nurturing supported by the company’s home office. FIELD AND REAL ESTATE SUPPORT Franchise Owners are supported and educated from the very beginning. Owners get the support of national partners specializing in real estate and construction. Owners get assistance needed for the challenging task of site selection, lease negotiation and build-out. By leveraging its purchasing power and experience, RockBox vendors maximize efficiency,

proactively avoid delays, and get Owner’s studio(s) up and running on, or sometimes under, time and budget. These partners provide an all-encompassing, transparent opening solution, and allow Owners to concentrate on day-to-day operations, training and preparing to run a successful studio. Franchise Owners are never without support or education, and it doesn’t stop at fitness or the first few days of business. The RockBox team sees themselves as a marketing company that focuses on health and fitness, so they help Owners market their space and get members in the door.

CURRENT INDUSTRY RockBox is part of the $96.7 billion fitness industry, specifically the boutique fitness section. The IHRSA notes that boutique memberships expanded 74% from 2012 to 2015, compared to 5% for health clubs. The studio teaches its members that it is more than a space to take a class or two. RockBox is a way to kick-start the mental and physical health of everyone who walks through the door. Aside from the fresh approach to fitness, Owners also see growth in their franchises because of RockBox’s unparalleled marketing approach. IDEAL FRANCHISE OWNER RockBox looks for Franchise Owners that want to inspire and show that fitness can be fun. The ideal Franchise Owner creates an environment that fosters positive change in their community and wants to do more than just own a gym. RockBox Franchise Owners are supported by a dedicated home office who understand the true value that Owners bring to their organization and community. Franchise Owners come from different backgrounds from business athletes and

medical sales professionals to IT executives and project managers. However, they all have one thing in common: they want to lead a successful team. Franchise Owners should have a passion for health and wellness and want to turn that passion into business results. RockBox also looks for Owners with strong sales and management experience and leadership skills. The company is community and family oriented and everyone on the RockBox team has the authentic desire to help others. Owners don’t have to be in the fitness industry or even have fitness experience as long as they want to see business results in an organization that provides support as it supports others. If this sounds like a family you want to be a part of, franchising RockBox is for you! For more information, reach out to

ABOUT THE AUTHOR Samantha Stanich-Romasiewicz, one of FranDevCo’s content writers, is a graduate of E.W. Scripps School of Journalism at Ohio University and has an MA/MFA from Wilkes University. Her degrees in journalism and creative writing help her create content to promote brands. WWW.FRANCHISEJOURNAL.COM | JUNE 2022




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800-693-5859 *These are average Gross Sales for US CertaPro Painters® franchisees who were in operation for the full 12 months of 2019. All figures are based upon information provided to CertaPro® by US franchisees, who operated a CertaPro Painters® business for the full 12 months of the respective year, including those that are certified to perform commercial services. Some franchisees own more than one territory. The financial performance of a CertaPro Painters® business will vary depending upon a variety of factors. Please see item 19 of our FDD for complete details. Each CertaPro Painters® business is independently owned and operated.

THE NUMBER OF PEOPLE IN AMERICA AGED 65 AND OLDER WILL HIT 70 MILLION BY 2020 Now is the best time to start a business in this $300 billion dollar industry.

From personal care to privateduty nursing, ComForCare’s mission is to help provide a safe environment for seniors who are aging in place, allowing them the grace, dignity, and pride they deserve. ComForCare is known throughout the industry for developing specialized senior care programs including Alzheimer’s care.

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Estate sales often manifest when people find themselves at a crossroads in their lives. They may be downsizing upon retirement, dealing with the death of a loved one, or moving to assisted living. We provide an organized and professional way to sell their personal estate.

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The Educational Niche Advantage by Patrick Rozmus, Development Director, Corporate Cleaning Group


s children return to the classroom, parents, teachers and staff want to know that they are learning in a safe, clean environment. But cleaning a building as complex and with as many diverse uses as a school requires specialized knowledge and expertise. That’s how Corporate Cleaning Group (CCG) found their niche–or, more accurately, four niches–in the combined $139.6 billion janitorial and commercial cleaning industries.



NICHE MARKET STRATEGY BENEFITS OWNERS AND CLIENTS Corporate Cleaning Group is a full-service commercial janitorial service that is uniquely positioned thanks to an early partnership with the University of Michigan that gave Founder Len Yakuber experience in cleaning medical facilities. Leveraging that expertise and combining it with other industry-specific knowledge, Len created a strong competitive advantage for CCG based on cleaning specialized facilities.

Corporate Cleaning Group’s Niche Market Strategy focuses on 4 distinct B2B markets: religious, educational, healthcare, and corporate businesses. This strategy, in combination with a commitment to excellent customer service and high-quality services, builds lasting business relationships and creates a steady flow of revenue. The facilities in the 4 markets CCG focuses on have unique needs and requirements that most cleaning companies don’t understand and can’t meet. That’s how CCG stands out from the very first interaction with a potential client by incorporating industryspecific knowledge into bids. From there, clients are often delighted to discover tailored cleaning plans, tight quality control and top notch customer service, and they are very likely to stay loyal for the long-term. "When Corporate Cleaning Group started cleaning our school, changes were noticed immediately,” commented Brad Massey, former Principal of St. Paul Lutheran School in Ann Arbor, Mich., shortly after signing with CCG. “Pictures and corners were being regularly cleaned. A new

mode of communication was implemented which allowed for immediate feedback. Our account manager has been very approachable. I am very happy with our service." BUSINESS SMART AND SUPPORTIVE While other cleaning companies could have turned away from tackling the tougher jobs, Corporate Cleaning Group leaned in and now offers compelling selling points that make gaining and keeping new clients straightforward. This is a great opportunity for potential Owners looking for a lowinvestment concept with high potential profitability because the CCG business model includes multiple revenue streams, allows Owners

to charge premium pricing and results in residual business. That means Owners only need a smaller group of clients to reach high revenue potential. Plus, Corporate Cleaning Group is closing in on 30 years in business and has been franchising for 15 years, which means Owners are getting the benefit of support systems and tools that have been tried and tested to relieve pain points and put real success within reach. Two of the biggest concerns new Owners usually have are related to sales and staffing, which is why Owner supports include a Client Acquisitions Team and an Employee Road Map. The Client Acquisitions Team works with each Owner to build prospect lists; send out initial mailers introducing the business to customers; make cold calls to prospects; and set up sales appointments. That means Owners can focus on in-person sales efforts like dropping off materials and running appointments. With

an Employee Road Map, Owners are armed with the resources to build the right team, including a monthly webinar on training and hiring, an outline of the recommended candidate profiles, and an employment model. WHAT MAKES A SUCCESSFUL PARTNER? Corporate Cleaning Group looks for partners who are well-rounded business managers with a broad understanding of business principles and a willingness to learn. Husband/wife, parent/ child and other family or partnership teams are a great fit and all Owners need great people skills, drive, experience building and managing a team, and the ability to follow a proven business model. Because culture is critical to CCG, each potential Owner is asked to take a personality test to ensure everyone has the knowledge to understand and support each other. If you or a client you are working with seems like a good fit for CCG, reach out at corporatecleaninggroup@ ABOUT THE AUTHOR Patrick Rozmus holds a BA in Business Management from State University of NY at Plattsburgh and he has spent his whole career helping people. He has almost 15 years experience in executive search and staffing and 13 years in franchise development where he has provided guidance to people in advancing in their careers or helping them grow into entrepreneurship through franchising. WWW.FRANCHISEJOURNAL.COM | JUNE 2022


My brother and I wanted to find a business that resonated with us and what our core beliefs were. Growing up surfing and being active everyday then progressing to professional rugby but now with families meant we naturally gravitated towards the gym environment and opening a BFT means we can create that fitness focused community we’ve always enjoyed, along with creating a legacy for our children. As soon as we came across the programming and training methodology backed up by head office and how they operate, it became a no-brainer for investing in BFT. This business model is also amazing for anyone who is outside of the industry.” - Mitch & James Aubusson, NSW, AU (Former Professional NRL Players)

Lou DeFrancisco BFT President 5 Years at Xponential 18 Years Industry Experience

THE OPPORTUNITY Delivers a need in the marketplace Science-based training technique

TRANSFORM YOUR TRAINING. Founded in 2017 in Melbourne, Australia by fitness industry veteran Cameron Falloon, BFT offers a community-based 50-minute functional training and strength-based program across 13 workouts.

Inclusive of all fitness levels Executive model / semi-absentee opportunity i.e. scalable High value proposition with reasonable price point Recognizable international brand

THE MODEL Membership based - EFT recurring revenue Straightforward business model - manager operated, minimal staff

BFT uses science and technology based training

8-week progressive training model - wide array of classes

techniques to drive individual member health goals in

Xponential Fitness resources for growth & support

an inclusive, coach-led group environment.

Studios range between 2,200 - 3,000 SQFT

By combining cardio with resistance programs, members benefit from training a different energy system and different muscle types every day to

Max class size is 36


Item 7 Range | $362,700 - $548,600*

diversify movement patterns that aim to reduce fat and create lean muscle.


* Please see Item 7 of the 2022 FDD for explanatory notes and details. Xponential Fitness, LLC is a franchise seller/broker representing BFT Franchise Holdings, LLC (“BFT”). This advertisement does not constitute a franchise offering or the solicitation of an offer to buy a BFT franchise which may be made only after your receipt of the BFT Franchise Disclosure Document, which first must be registered with certain states. BFT franchises are offered solely by means of the franchise disclosure document issued by BFT Franchise Holdings, LLC, 17877 Von Karman Ave., Suite 100, Irvine, CA 92614, and at (949) 346-9764. Certain states and foreign countries have laws governing the offer and sale of franchises. If you are a resident of one of these states or foreign countries, BFT will not offer you a franchise unless and until it has complied with all applicable legal requirements in your jurisdiction. Please consult with your franchise seller/broker at Xponential Fitness, LLC for an updated list of jurisdictions where franchises can be sold. RESIDENTS OF NEW YORK: This advertisement is not an offering. An offering can only be made by a prospectus filed first with the Department of Law of the State of New York. Such filing does not constitute approval by the Department of Law. Copyright © 2022 BFT Franchise Holdings, LLC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.


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Former Boeing Employee Chooses

Pillar To Post Home Inspectors As New Career ®

by Rhonda Sanderson, CEO, Sanderson & Associates

“Happy to be aboard,” said Mohamed Patel, a Sugar Land Texas resident and the new owner of Pillar To Post Home Inspectors, serving the Greater Houston Area, “It’s quite the time to be in home inspection”, Patel said. “The housing market is through the roof, no pun intended,” he said with a grin. “Unfortunately, in order to compete to buy a coveted home, some people waived the right to a home inspection,” Patel continued. “The biggest mistake one can make.” The post-horror stories of skipping a home inspection are coming out daily. So many that Pillar To Post has been encouraging



“post buy” inspections with great tips on how and why buyers need them. As far as choosing home inspection as a new career, these are industry facts. The U.S. building inspector industry, measured by revenue, is estimated to have a market size of $4.9 billion in 2022, according to global research firm IBISWorld. Why it works so well for Mohamed is because he is a natural problem solver. He said he enjoys off-roading as a hobby because “getting

stuck and finding a way out is like a big puzzle.” With a meticulous eye and nature, Mohamed made airplane parts for Boeing before deciding on a career in home inspection. “Both jobs take a careful eye for details and detecting,” said Mohamed. “Those are skills I happen to have and enjoy using.” One of the many reasons Mohamed chose Pillar To Post Home Inspectors, is the innovative technologies the company recently

THE U.S. BUILDING INSPECTOR INDUSTRY, MEASURED BY REVENUE, IS ESTIMATED TO HAVE A MARKET SIZE OF $4.9 BILLION IN 2022, ACCORDING TO GLOBAL RESEARCH FIRM IBISWORLD. introduced. These advanced technologies, along with the business model, provide an exceptional home inspection with unique and innovative features that are all delivered within a seamless brand experience. All developed pre-pandemic and ready to be utilized when the pandemic struck, the new features further highlight Pillar To Post Home Inspectors’ standing as a visionary in its industry. The new package with features is called the Ultimate Home Inspection and here are the components: PTP360 is available with every home inspection and provides an interactive, 360-degree visual inspection summary that brings the inspection report to life and includes every room and a home’s exterior. It can be accessed anywhere, anytime from any device and shared with family or contractors.

PTPEstimates provides a cost estimate for inspection summary items. This upgrade is extremely useful for sellers who do a pre-listing inspection, letting them learn what recommended repairs will cost based on prices charged in their area. Estimates can be requested with one click. PTPFloorPlan provides an accurate floor plan of the entire home. This useful upgrade can be used to determine furniture fit and placement, and also provide exact dimensions to contractors for estimating purposes. PTPHomeManual is an upgraded service that provides a digital owner’s manual for a home, letting users download manuals/ warranty information, find safety recalls on appliances, learn the age and useful

remaining life of systems and much more. “I’m happy to have found a career I was made for and it’s also my own business now, two goals achieved at once. The Pillar To Post family has welcomed me with open arms and I have found the training, networking, marketing, and support on the level of the biggest players in the corporate world,” said Patel. ABOUT PILLAR TO POST HOME INSPECTORS® Founded in 1994, Pillar To Post Home Inspectors is the largest home inspection company in North America with home offices in Toronto and Tampa. There are nearly 600 franchises located in 49 states and nine Canadian provinces. They’ve ranked in Entrepreneur Magazine’s Franchise500® for 25 years. Long-term plans include adding 500 to 600 new franchisees over the next five years. For further information, please visit www.

ABOUT THE AUTHOR Rhonda Sanderson is a franchise expert who has owned and operated Sanderson & Associates and Sanderson PR, both specializing in, traditional, social media and crisis PR in the franchise space since 1986. She has authored many articles, helped grow numerous franchise chains is considered one of the Top 30 Small Business Influencers (Fit Business) in the U.S. Find her at or on LinkedIn where she is the author of Franchise Stars at WWW.FRANCHISEJOURNAL.COM | JUNE 2022


We were looking for a differentiated franchise opportunity and we found it with AKT, a best-in-class, revolutionary boutique fitness experience. We have been impressed since the first day with the quality of the resources and significant investment in brand development. It is exciting to be part of the Xponential family and have the opportunity to leverage proven systems and resources and a team of dedicated individuals who are committed and invested in your success!” - Paul and Jodi Duma- Franchise Area Developer - South Florida

Melissa Chordock AKT President 4 Years at Xponential 9 Years Industry Experience

THE OPPORTUNITY Executive model/semi-absentee - scalable


High Value Proposition, Reasonable price point No national franchise competitor

Founded in 2013, AKT is a full-body workout that


combines cardio dance intervals with strength and

Membership based - EFT reoccurring revenue

toning, which are effective and accessible for all

Straight forward business model - manager operated, minimal staff

fitness levels. AKT is fueled by positivity and the

Offering 4 class types for an effective and efficient workout

belief that movement has a powerful, lasting impact.

New class content curated every 3 weeks

With four signature class formats including dance-

Studios range from 1,800 - 2,200 Sq. Ft.

based, cardio and strength circuits, strength training intervals and toning.

Max class size is 30 bands


Item 7 Range | $320,616 - $495,516* CONTACT INFO

* Please see Item 7 of the 2022 FDD for explanatory notes and details. Xponential Fitness, LLC is a franchise seller/broker representing AKT Franchise, LLC (“AKT”). This advertisement does not constitute a franchise offering or the solicitation of an offer to buy an AKT franchise which may be made only after your receipt of the AKT Franchise Disclosure Document, which first must be registered with certain states. AKT franchises are offered solely by means of the franchise disclosure document issued by AKT Franchise, LLC, 17877 Von Karman Ave., Suite 100, Irvine, CA 92614, and at (949) 346-9794. Certain states and foreign countries have laws governing the offer and sale of franchises. If you are a resident of one of these states or foreign countries, AKT will not offer you a franchise unless and until it has complied with all applicable legal requirements in your jurisdiction. Please consult with your franchise seller/broker at Xponential Fitness AKT for an updated list of jurisdictions where franchises can be sold. RESIDENTS OF NEW YORK: This advertisement is not an offering. An offering can only be made by a prospectus filed first with the Department of Law of the State of New York. Such filing does not constitute approval by the Department of Law. RESIDENTS OF MINNESOTA: MN Franchise Registration Number: 8674. Copyright © 2022 AKT Franchise, LLC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.


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Daddy’s Chicken Shack Arrives as Category Disruptor

The chain initiated a franchise strategy, with a menu that leverages Southeast Asian, American South, and Japanese cuisine.


he rise of Daddy’s began in 2013 with Webb’s Los Angelesbased fine-dining catering business, Taste of Pace. For one event, she was asked to make sliders and tacos, which wasn’t a part of her menu. But Webb made it work, and developed a fried chicken sandwich recipe with sriracha mayo, Thai-style slaw, buttermilk fried chicken, and a brioche bun. The food was a hit and drew the praises of actress and singer Mandy Moore, who was in attendance. Webb began to brainstorm, wondering if this could turn into something bigger. “The next day I called my dad,” she recalls. “It’s so fun to call your parents to tell them



about these crazy L.A. stories. And I said, ‘Dad, it could be a retirement plan. You can just hang out in the Venice pier wearing a Hawaiian shirt, flirting with the ladies, frying the chicken.’ And I said, ‘We can call it Daddy’s,’ and he has this big belly laugh. And I said, ‘Oh, Daddy’s Chicken Shack. That has a good ring to it.’” Married couple Pace Webb and Chris Georgalas operate Daddy’s Chicken Shack in a tight, 700-square-foot space found on Craiglist in Pasadena, California. There’s little to no foot traffic, no bathrooms, no indoor seating, and it’s positioned in front of a red curb, which means no parking. Those factors didn’t prevent the restaurant from seeing

a 200 percent jump in sales during the pandemic. It also didn’t deter a host of investors from inquiring about growth opportunities, leading Webb and Georgalas to investigate whether to expand corporately or through franchising. The research led to Dr. Ben Litalien, founder of FranchiseWell, an agency that consults with the likes of UPS and IKEA. Then that partnership blossomed into an investment from Dave Liniger, the co-founder of global real estate franchise RE/MAX, who chose Daddy’s out of 200 potential candidates. Now, the chicken brand is in the midst of building a state-of-the-art flagship restaurant and franchise training facility in Houston with tech innovations, a creative interior, and of course, high traffic, bathrooms, seating, and parking. “[Liniger] is the king of franchising, and he’s made

all the mistakes,” Webb says. “And he’s like, ‘We’re going to partner together, and I’m going to show you what I’ve done that has taken me 50 years, and it won’t take you 50 years. That’s the value that I bring to the table in addition to the capital.’” Daddy’s selection of chicken sandwiches is best described as a confluence of Southeast Asian, American South, and Japanese culture, partly an ode to Georgalas, who is halfJapanese. For instance, the Big Daddy sandwich comprises napa slaw and sriracha mayo, while the Spicy Daddy features sambal, cilantro, and ginger mayo. For dessert, the restaurant offers salted miso chocolate chip cookies, baked fresh each day. The idea remained dormant, although the sandwich was continually perfected. Then Webb met Georgalas in 2015, who took a bite and declared, “This is your Shake Shack. This is how you’re going to reach people with your delicious food and your message.” At the start of 2018, Webb and Georgalas opened

Daddy’s at Smor gasburg food market. The weekly event attracted roughly 4,000 customers when the restaurant joined, but saw upwards of 13,000 at some points. Hundreds of sandwiches were sold each day, along with positive feedback. Later that year, around August, Georgalas found the 700-square-foot location in Pasadena. The couple signed the lease soon after and moved in about 18 days. Daddy’s officially opened November 1, 2018, while Webb maintained her catering business and Georgalas kept his job in the finance sector. Also, Webb was carrying their first child. “I had two babies at once,” Webb says. “I had a restaurant, and a little [human] baby.” Given the location and less-than-stellar amenities, both knew relying on signage and the storefront wouldn’t be enough to attract custom ers. But Georgalas, who has a background as a Wall Street trader for Deutsche Bank, remembered the

e-commerce shift he saw with the acceleration of Amazon and the precipitous fall of Blockbuster. He and Webb knew the same movement was happening in the restaurant industry. So the two set out to create a tech stack, back when they didn’t know the terminology for it. Daddy’s became one of the early customers of Ordermark (now called Nextbite)—an online ordering solution that offers integration of third-party delivery providers—and played around with facial recognition kiosks and autonomous delivery. By the end of 2018, Daddy’s was on 11 delivery apps and offered native online ordering. Georgalas says he and Webb essentially “Frankenstein’d” what turned into a productive omnichannel system. “Trying to stay slightly ahead of the tech, but not so far ahead of it that it wasn’t something that our customers wanted,” Georgalas says. “We really spent a lot of time reverse engineering what our customers really wanted WWW.FRANCHISEJOURNAL.COM | JUNE 2022


from us and how they wanted to access our food. We’re confident with our food, but we were like, how is anybody going to know about us, that we’re in this place, and nobody’s ever heard of us before?” Those issues won’t be a problem at the upcoming restaurant prototype in Houston, scheduled to open at the end of February. The store is standalone, although Webb doesn’t expect that model to represent any more than 25 percent of future locations; most are likely to be inline or endcap restaurants. The flagship intends to show potential franchisees an example of the “biggest, baddest thing you could have” and then modify from there. The standalone prototype is 2,400 square feet with 51 seats and will offer selfordering kiosks and a drivethru lane strictly for picking up mobile orders, similar to Chipotle’s accelerating Chipotlane business. The dining room will be minimized in favor of a larger kitchen that houses two make lines—one for in-store customers and another for



takeout and delivery orders. “The worst thing you want for an in-person customer is, ‘Hold on, we’re really bogged down with delivery orders,’” Webb says. “It’s the biggest diss I think you can give inperson diners somewhere.” The store’s interior was crafted by Webb’s father, an artist and graphic designer, and Harrison, a global consultancy company that’s assisted with designs of several restaurants, including Fogo de Chão and Maggiano’s. The result is an authentic-looking shack that mismatches different elements of a house. Throughout the store, customers will see windows of random sizes and other odd placements, like a door hanging from the dining room ceiling. While the American South is the front-facing aesthetic, Japanese minimalism is a design backbone, Webb says, with a store layout that facilitates easier wayfinding. “I always say it looks like somebody’s house that they’ve lived in for 50 years, and they remodel every 10 years a different room,” Webb

says. “Some different elements to it.” The Daddy’s owners have already hosted discovery days at their Pasadena location, which the two enjoy showcasing despite the small size. Webb views it as an opportunity to inform candidates on what’s doable in 700 square feet and juxtapose those feats to what’s even more possible with the additional resources of the larger, well-equipped prototype. The restaurant will likely select Texas as a starting point and grow contiguously to ensure efficient and effective growth. The brand is in negotiations currently with prospective operators, and Georgalas and Webb anticipate the company will have more to share in the early part of 2022. Webb says there’s been an “impressive” amount of interest, and Georgalas attributes that to Daddy’s laser focus on understanding how its branding, employees, and food make people feel. “The way we look at things is, how is our interaction in any aspect of our business, whether we’re talking to potential multi-unit operators or we’re interacting with our staff, our staff interacting with customers as a whole, I always think about how is that interaction?” Georgalas says. “Do we make somebody feel better? Did we make somebody feel worse? And I think that’s what we’re really trying to build this business around.” Visit us at

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British Swim School Franchising, LLC | 2829 Guardian Lane, Suite 100 | VA Beach, VA 23452. This information is not intended as an offer to sell a franchise or the solicitation of an offer to buy a franchise. It is for informational purposes only. The filing of an application for registration of an offering prospectus or the acceptance and filing thereof by the New York Department of Law as required by New York law does not constitute approval of the offering or the sale of such franchise by the New York Department of Law or the Attorney General of New York.




As North America’s largest full-service outdoor lighting company, Outdoor Lighting Perspectives helps our valued clients enhance the beauty, safety, and security of their homes with the power of low-voltage lighting. The Outdoor Lighting Perspectives business model boasts a quick rampup, strong gross profit margins, and a recurring revenue stream making it an attractive franchise opportunity for franchise operators, investors, and entrepreneurs. For those looking for a business endeavor designed to achieve your personal career, lifestyle, and income objectives, consider building a bright future as an Outdoor Lighting Perspectives franchise owner.

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It’s Sugar Time for This Savvy Couple Who Invest in

Beauty Industry ‘Market Disruptors’ Like LA Bikini by Rhonda Sanderson, CEO, Sanderson & Associates


Joe and Jessica Davis in front of one of their Jacksonville LA Bikini locations



lready veterans of more than a dozen years in the wellness and beauty industry, Joe and Jessica Davis look for brands that “disrupt the market” and the couple believe they have found that potential with L.A. Bikini, the franchise concept that combines a novel “sugaring” hair removal technique with a forwardthinking business model. The couple already owns three Massage Envy locations in downtown Chicago and one Amazing Lash Studio in Jacksonville Beach. Sugaring uses an all-natural sugar paste formulation to remove unwanted hair in a natural way without the harsh chemicals used in the outdated hot-wax Brazilian. Sugaring is a healthier, less painful way to remove hair that also inhibits hair growth, all of which helps to achieve the smoothest skin possible – and a loyal following. “We look for brands that disrupt the market through innovation and offer a superior product or service within the market,” Joe Davis said. “L.A. Bikini is one of those brands.” The couple operates two L.A. Bikini studios. They opened

Jessica Davis of LA Bikini Displays Some Sugaring Product

their first location – L.A. Bikini’s first entry into the Florida market in Jacksonville Beach, Florida in January 2020 and a second studio in Jacksonville, Florida this past April. “Our journey to opening the first L.A. Bikini in Florida began with an interest in the hair removal industry,” Jessica Davis said. “As we researched and explored hair removal brands, we were underwhelmed by waxing. We believed there had to be a better option. L.A. Bikini provided that better option by replacing wax with sugar that goes on cool, comes off easily, and leaves skin unbelievably smooth. Sugaring just made sense to us and it became clear that opening a sugaring hair removal studio was the best option. It’s an exciting brand that is doing hair removal differently and better!” The Davises are not only franchise owners, but Area Representatives for L.A. Bikini, recruiting other potential

St. Augustine. Additionally, projections call for 10 locations in the Miami area within 6 years, seven in Orlando within five years and seven studios in Tampa, also within five years. “We relocated to North Florida about five years ago and absolutely love this area,” Joe Davis said. “We saw all the growth and development

franchise owners to open multiple locations. Area Representatives commit to opening from seven to 20-plus units in designated territories over periods ranging from five to 10 years. The Davises’ territory encompasses Jacksonville, Neptune Beach, Atlantic Beach, Ponte Vedra Beach, Jacksonville Beach, and



Joe Davis is Area Rep for LA Bikini Growing all of Florida

and became interested in opening a business that had a lot of potential and could be relevant for a long time. L.A. Bikini is a fantastic fit.” L.A. Bikini is in growth mode since it began franchising in 2015. It already has locations in seven states, and its ambitious growth plan calls for having 100 studios open across the country by 2027, eventually expanding to more than 300 locations. While using sugar to remove unwanted body hair is actually an ancient technique, it took L.A. Bikini to find a niche

with the unique service and help it stand out in a competitive industry with little differentiation. L.A. Bikini offers a forwardthinking business model combined with state-of-theart technology; smaller, more efficient studio footprints that result in lower operating costs and fewer employees; and unique membership models that give customers special rewards and savings with only a short-term commitment. L.A. Bikini is striving to offer transformative hair

removal by creating a mutually rewarding relationship between its owners, employees, and guests. That is a formula for success that has individuals like the Davises bullish on the growth of the concept. “Clean beauty is a growing trend… the idea that remarkable results can come from healthier products,” Jessica Davis said. “And we love the fact that L.A. Bikini focuses on a single service – sugaring hair removal – and is a recognized expert in providing superior service in that segment as opposed to offering many services and simply being average at each of them.” ABOUT L.A. BIKINI Hoover, AL-based L.A. Bikini combines a unique sugaring hair removal technique that customers actually look forward to getting with an innovative business model that rewards customers with lifetime membership benefits without an ongoing contract. Franchising was launched in 2015 and L.A. Bikini expects to have 100 studios open by 2027, eventually growing to more than 300 locations nationwide.

ABOUT THE AUTHOR Rhonda Sanderson is a franchise expert who has owned and operated Sanderson & Associates and Sanderson PR, both specializing in, traditional, social media and crisis PR in the franchise space since 1986. She has authored many articles, helped grow numerous franchise chains is considered one of the Top 30 Small Business Influencers (Fit Business) in the U.S. Find her at or on LinkedIn where she is the author of Franchise Stars at



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