The Franchise Woman Social Media Tips
Overcoming Roadblocks to Leveraging Social Media O
by Angela CotĂŠ
ne of the coolest advantages of franchising is the opportunity for franchise partners to grow their businesses by connecting with their local communities. After all, if connecting to the local community wasn’t valuable to a franchisor, why would they bother offering franchises? They would probably make more money simply expanding at a corporate level, and recouping all of the revenue for the company itself. Connecting with the local community is how we grew my family business to almost 500 franchise locations across Canada. We encouraged an organic approach over traditional paid advertising because, let’s face it, our franchisees had enough business expenses to worry about. In this day and age, we have an amazing marketing opportunity on platforms like Facebook and Instagram that are an effective way to reach our local audience at little or no cost.
The Franchise Woman