She is Smart, Driven and Successful
Don’t Let Perfection Get in the Way
of Getting it Done by Elizabeth Denham
As a successful entrepreneur, franchisor Shelly Sun bears the weight of responsibility for more than 340 locations, 200 small business owners and more than 20,000 families served by BrightStar Care® and BrightStar Senior Living® and Memory Care. And she tackles that role while raising twin sons, making time for herself and nurturing
10 The Franchise Woman
relationships with her vast circle of friends and mentors. How does she do it? The recipe is simple: Don’t let perfection get in the way of getting the job done. “I think we put a lot of expectations on women as a society,” Sun said. “And we put them on ourselves as women. The same
questions about work/life balance are not frequently asked of men or fathers, yet they are involved in their children’s lives as well. For me, it’s about giving myself permission not to be perfect every single day and to look at my journey as a woman, as a mother and as an entrepreneur over time. I look back and make sure that I have