The Gabber: February 9, 2023

Page 8

History in the Re-Making

Pedestrians passing by the apartment building at 3000 Beach Blvd. S. last week may have noticed a curious metamorphosis underway. The square lines once visible where

the columns of its arcade met the second story of the building have transformed into graceful, curving arches. What they may not realize is that this nearly 100-year-old build-

ing is taking a step back into its past. Walter O. Brooks built the building known to Gulfport history as “The Holiday Inn” (no relation to the

continued on page 10

THE GABBER.COM Digital subscriptions provided by the City of Gulfport No. 2799 February 9, 2023- February 15, 2023 History
shows the Holiday Inn apartments in full swing
with much of the historic facade still

2908-B Beach Blvd. S. Gulfport, FL 33707 727-321-6965

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Serving Gulfport, South Pasadena, St. Petersburg West, Downtown St. Petersburg, Kenneth City, Tyrone, Tierra Verde, St. Pete Beach, Pass-A-Grille, Treasure Island, Pinellas Point, Madeira Beach, Pinellas Park


Barry Loper and Cathy Salustri Loper

Deadlines Friday at 5 p.m.




The views and opinions expressed in this publication are not necessarily those of the publishers, advertisers, or employees of the Gabber. The Gabber is not liable for any errors in advertising beyond the cost of the first printing of any advertisement. Contents of this publication may not be reproduced or copied without permission of the publisher.

Thanks to "Gulfport's Oldest Business" for sponsoring our candidate forum. Their sponsorship ensures we could pay our sta for their time at the forum.

Thanks to the City of Gulfport for hosting us in the Catherine A. Hickman Theater, and thanks to all who participated.

2 | February 9, 2023 - February 15, 2023


St. Pete Beach Parking

In reference to Mr. Petrilla, who is running for the mayor’s office of St. Pete Beach: I find his comment, “St. Pete Beach residents have a right to convenient access to our beaches with designated resident-only beach parking spaces” a bit absurd. They have it. My husband and I have been coming to this beautiful area for about nine years, for three months during the winter. We are beach people and would go almost everyday, if possible – but it’s too costly. We have found that all of the beach parking is permit only (residents, or it states “resident parking only”) and visitors or snowbirds have to pay the atrocious fees for the meters that have gone up since last year, ridiculously, in price! I tried to pay for a parking permit at city hall a few years ago and was rudely told by the employee that I couldn’t since I wasn’t a resident of St. Pete Beach. I offered to pay the yearly fee for a permit, even though [I was] only staying three months, and she still refused to issue one. The visitors to your city, no matter how long their stay, bring a lot of revenue to your area. I think residents have a lot of access and few parking issues. Perhaps you should consider the people that aren’t residents and make it easier for them. If [we’re] at the beach for five hours a day, at $3.50-3.75 an hour for parking, [it costs] almost $20 a day, [which] is crazy and not doable for most! –Deb Schaefgen,

About Police Violence

We live in an inclusive and accepting paradise here in Gulfport, but occasionally the often-ugly outside world intrudes on our tranquility. The horrific beating of Tyre Nichols has captured world attention. This human was savagely beaten by men who looked like him and had municipally sanctioned authority – under lawful circumstances – to confront, detain and arrest him – under the auspic-

es of “to serve and protect.” These cops (criminals in blue with a badge) were apparently very comfortable flaunting their bully antics on an open street corner in plain view –evidence that they had likely done this often before to others, and they feared no repercussions for their crimes. All this furthers the claim, backed by persistent day-after-day videos of cops’ unwarranted abuse of power across the country, that we have a policing problem in this country, especially when “special” task forces are created to “get tough on crime.” Before retiring, I saw far too many of these tactics backfire many times in my years of legal practice in Baltimore, MD. Nothing indicates there are any such problems here in Gulfport, but a nationwide police culture of abusing authority, ill-advised “elite” task force creation, and bolstered by civilians’ blindly parroting “back the blue” has no place in a country grounded on the rule of law. The law works both ways and protects everyone. A blue uniform and badge are not a license for bullies. I back the blue when cops – like everyone else – follow the law – like everyone else. Desmond Tutu’s quote resounds at this time: “If you are neutral in situations of injustice, you have chosen the side of the oppressor.” The granting of authority

REMEMBER: Today is the first day of the rest of your life!

to a person to investigate, detain, and arrest others has to come with checks and balances on that trend toward abusing that authority. Otherwise, credibility – the ultimate badge of legitimate authority –withers as society devolves to chaos. —W. Scott Hannon, Gulfport

Correction: Treasure Island Candidate

In the Feb. 2 edition of The Gabber, our article “Decision: Treasure Island” referred to candidate Ashley Wagner as Ashley Dochinez. Her name on the ballot is Ashley Wagner.

The Gabber Newspaper encourages letters (one per person, per month). Include your real name and city, and please keep it short – <250 words. We may edit letters for content, clarity, and length. We don’t print letters that incite violence, include attacks on private citizens, or that intentionally mislead people. Letters may appear online and/or in print. Comments on The Gabber’s website and social media may get printed. Opinions expressed do not necessarily represent the views of The Gabber owners, advertisers, or staff. Send letters to news@ or 2908-B Beach Blvd. S., Gulfport, FL, 33707. | February 9, 2023 - February 15, 2023 3

I have worked with Christine and Michael for over a decade. They have proven to be admirable public servants and fervent defenders of Gulfport. We may not always agree on the issues, but I know them to be honest, diligent and compassionate supporters of the people of our community. Their only agenda is keeping Gulfport a beautiful, inclusive full-service city that we can all be proud to call home. They are committed to preserving the unique character of our town while tackling the crucial but difficult tasks of preparing us for future challenges. If you love Gulfport, chances are these two Councilmembers had a hand in some aspect of that as staunch supporters of improving our infrastructure, public lands, environmental resilience, climate for local businesses, resident services and fiscal responsibility. I trust them to do right by Gulfport, and I hope you will too.

4 | February 9, 2023 - February 15, 2023
Re-Election THE STORAGE HOUSE 727-327-9598 1219 49th Street South • Gulfport Office Hours: Mon-Fri 8~5 / Sat 8~2 NEED MORE SPACE? We’re The Moving Place! 24-Hour Access • First-Floor Convenience • Climate & Non-Climate Controlled units available We sell boxes, locks, and moving supplies. We are a small family owned business and will not increase your rates every 6 months like a corporate facility. CALL TODAY FOR OUR BEST RATES!
Mayor Sam Henderson backs Brown and Fridovich For

Decision: South Pasadena Half-Dozen Vie for Commission; Here’s More About Them

Six candidates are vying for two open seats on the South Pasadena City Commission in the upcoming March election. All but one of them responded to our questionnaire.

The Gabber reached out to each candidate at the email address provided on his or her qualifying documents at the city clerk’s office. They are listed below in the order that they submitted their responses.

All commission seats in South Pasadena are at-large, and the top two overall vote-getters win the two seats on the commission.

Michael Burgmaier has lived in South Pasadena seven-and-a-half years, and is a retired fire lieutenant who served Pinellas County for 32 years. He has never held an elected office and was prompted to run by residents in his community who discussed their concerns about the city.

Burgmaier wants to work on alleviating the traffic concerns of his fellow residents, saying that some side-street entrances, driveways, and business entryways have become dangerous since the installation of the SunRunner bus lane.

“As citizens of South Pasadena, most citizens feel we should have had a voice or a referendum vote on the construction of the bus lane,” he said.

Marj Lorand has lived in the city for 35 years and is a retired educator and school administrator.

“Several years ago, I became concerned about the direction our city appeared to be going in plans for redevelopment. I regularly attend meetings, contact city staff, and speak out in public comment opportunities on those issues. Often, I have found that many of the plans are at odds with the residential feel of our city,” Lorand said when asked what prompted her to run.

“We have a terrific location on Boca Ciega Bay and I want to protect it from misuse and overdevelopment. Most folks I know agree that we want to keep the city the

tranquil place that it is to live.”

A newcomer to public office if elected, Lorand outlined three major goals for the city: responsible redevelopment, protecting Boca Ciega Bay, and improving public participation in city government.

Gail Neidinger is a 30-year resident; she and her husband bought their home in the city in December 1992. She retired after a career that included several senior management positions in telecommunications, financial investments, and college education.

Neidinger is a former city commissioner; she served three three-year terms that concluded in March 2021. During that time she was commissioner of the Finance, Public Works, Community Improvement, and Public Safety departments.

“In these roles, I learned and was actively involved in the operation of each department and participated in detailed annual budgets to ensure that we spend our tax dollars wisely for the best interests of our city,” she stated. “I served as vice mayor three times during my tenure. After two years out, I am ready to run again and use my learned experience to help with the management of our city.”

If elected, Neidinger plans to be actively involved in all aspects of the job

including participation in county and state organizations such as the Tampa Bay Regional Planning Council (on which she previously served for eight years), the Suncoast League of Cities,

S. Pasadena continued on page 6

Phone: 727-851-8310

Email: | February 9, 2023 - February 15, 2023 5 news
South Pasadena Commission has two seats up for grabs, and the top two vote getters win them. MONROE ROARK Political advertisement paid for and approved by Ian O-Hara for City Council Endorsed by DAWN FISHER Former Council member and beloved Gulfport Litter Lady

and the Florida League of Cities.

“I will develop and encourage a welcoming environment for current and future businesses, promote citizen involvement in city government, and provide our firefighters/first responders with a safe, modern, functional fire station that we can all be proud of,” she said.

Tom Reid, an incumbent commissioner running for re-election, is a seven-year city resident and has lived in Florida for 20 years. He has worked in sales for more than 40 years.

He was first prompted to run in 2019 after serving as chairman of the Charter Review Committee, which made the largest number of proposed changes to the city charter, all of which were approved by the voters.

“I was encouraged to run by several people in the city after that success,” Reid said.

First elected in March 2020, Reid serves as South Pasadena’s current vice mayor and commissioner of public safety. Among his goals if re-elected is continuing to encourage more citizen involvement.

“I believe that an engaged and involved public leads to more informed and thoughtful decisions on the part of elected officials,” he said.

Reid hopes to continue his advocacy efforts on behalf of the city through the Florida League of Cities and the Suncoast League of Cities,

saying that both organizations work diligently to protect the home rule –the concept that decisions which affect localities are best made at the local level.

He serves on several FLC committees and as SLC vice president.

If re-elected in South Pasadena, he said, he is on track to be SCL president in two years, “which will give our city and all 411 cities in Florida a powerful voice on local issues in Tallahassee.”

Other priorities for Reid include ensuring the city has the best fire and emergency medical services possible, and working to attract businesses “that can fill the empty lots that dot Pasadena Avenue.”

Felix Day arrived in South Pasadena three years ago from the western US. His career experience includes being an architect specializing in low impact development, water quality, watershed and stormwater management, as well as a salmon naturalist with certification in low impact development and stream restoration.

Why is he running?

“My neighbors asked me to,” he said. “That is community in the best sense of the word.”

Day cited his professional background and his diplomatic skills in getting projects done through collab-

oration as the reasons for his neighbors’ request.

As for being previously elected, Day pointed out only that while a student at Lakeland High he was elected National Honor Society president for the chapter covering Polk and Osceola counties. He added that his most recent electoral victory was when a courtroom jury appointed him foreman.

Day says he looks at South Pasadena and imagines what it should be 30 years from now –sustainable, energy-independent, safe and resilient, with excellent water quality for drinking, landscaping, and habitat.

“What did we learn from Hurricane Ian?” he asked. “To quote those who have come before us: The future is now, not ‘next year.’”

Ronald Mack qualified to run but later issued this statement: “Because of recent business commitments, I have decided to withdraw from the South Pasadena election. In the future, when I can devote the necessary amount of time to the position, I will reconsider running.”

Bonnie Quick, an incumbent commissioner running for another term, did not respond to The Gabber’s questionnaire.

6 | February 9, 2023 - February 15, 2023
S. Pasadena continued from page 5 GULF BEACHES LAW, P. A. ESTATE PLANNING ELDER LAW PROBATE CORPORATE www.Gul fB eache Karen S. Keaton, Esquire Your Trusted Local Attorney! Karen S. Keaton, Esquire Estate Planning including Trusts, Wills, Health Care Directives, and Powers of Attorney, Trust & Probate Estate Administration, Elder Law including Medicaid & Special Needs Trusts, Corporate & Business Planning We are available for phone consultations! 2816 Beach Blvd. S., Gulfport, FL 33707 • (727) 822-2200 • Hate anyone different from me • Go bankrupt and lose my home if a family member gets sick • Have my children gunned down in their classroom Thank God I live in Where I am free to

Going Up! Next Stop: Gulfport Council

Mixed-Use Gets First Approval on Beach Boulevard

A plan for a mixed-use two-story development on Beach Boulevard has received the go-ahead from the Gulfport Planning and Zoning Board; Gulfport City Council will likely consider it later this month.

Joe Guenther requested a conditional use for the lot adjacent to BoTiki on the south side, to allow a structure with non-residential uses on the first floor and residential uses on the second floor. The board voted 5-0 to recommend approval with a stipulation recommended by city staff that the applicant proceed with the permitting process for the building within one year of council approval. Otherwise the conditional use would expire.

This is essentially what happened the last time this process was begun, when a site plan was submitted in 2019 for a commercial structure on the lot. At that time a variance was granted regarding parking spaces, but the process halted after that and the variance expired.

Guenther explained that he tried to keep the elevation the same as BoTiki – which he also renovated

– to make both buildings uniform, but FEMA regulations governing construction in a flood zone made the project cost-prohibitive.

“We just couldn’t get it done,” he said. “That is part of why we redrew the entire project with a different architect and a different engineer.”

The new structure will be an arcade building, Guenther said, with plenty of “old Florida” style. Its northern wall will attach to BoTiki’s southern wall all the way across, and that wall will be fire-separated to prevent a blaze in one building from transferring to the other.

“We’re trying to keep it with the old-Florida look,” Guenther told The Gabber. “In the front, we’re trying

to tie in the look to the Casino, to keep the old-Gulfport charm.”

Mike Taylor, principal planner for the City of Gulfport, told The Gabber Guenther presented the design based on meeting both the Florida building code and FEMA requirements. The design incorporates something called “building modulation;” an example of this includes the building front. The front porch of the new building will match the line of Bo-Tiki, but the second floor will be set back, given the building a “stepped” look. This design, Taylor explained, helps lessen the visual impact of buildings that must be taller due to those regulations.

When asked if any of the proposed residential units upstairs

Guenther continued on page 11 | February 9, 2023 - February 15, 2023 7 Lisa Pence Independent Sales Representative Florida License W566896 Call 727-560-3674 • LinkedIn: LisaPenceMedicare • Medicare Health Plans Medicare Supplement Insurance Plans Medicare Advantage Plans Part D Prescription Drug Plans My assistance is 100% complimentary —there’s no cost to you!
This vacant lot south of Gulfport’s BoTiki could look like this, pending council approval. JOE GUENTHER

Gulfport Candidate Endorsements

Here’s Who Police and Firefighters Support

Gulfport’s two police unions are backing Councilwoman Christine Brown’s (Ward II) reelection bid in Ward II, but are split in the Ward IV race between incumbent Michael Fridovich and challenger Ian O’Hara.

The union representing Gulfport firefighters is also backing both Fridovich and Brown, according to the candidates.

“I’ve got the firefighters. I’ve got the PBA,” Fridovich told The Gabber, referring to backing from the Pinellas County Professional Firefighters Association and Suncoast Police Benevolent Association Inc.

The former represents Gulfport firefighters while the latter is one of two unions representing the Gulfport Police Department.

“I’m a strong supporter of both the police and firefighters and try to get them what they need to function properly,” said Fridovich.

But the Fraternal Order of Police Pinellas Lodge 43 is backing O’Hara, according to Douglas Weaver, president of the local law enforcement union. Weaver said Monday the O’Hara backing came after canvassing of rank-and-file Gulfport Police Department officers.

O’Hara was disappointed in the PBA’s endorsement of Fridovich arguing he would be more aggressive in securing police pay increases than the incumbent.

“I’m very disappointed the PBA endorsed Michael,” he said.

He was expecting the FOP endorsement and said increasing police compensation is a top priority, noting the overtime costs and strains on existing staff when the agency is short staffed.

“We have to bring our pay up,” O’Hara said in an interview with The Gabber.

O’Hara said Gulfport ranks second last in police pay in the county and he wants to bring that up.

“We have the money to do that,” he said. “We should at least be number two in the county.”

Christine Brown told The Gabber she is also enjoying support for Gulfport’s public safety unions.

“I am endorsed by the Police Benevolent Association (PBA), the Fraternal Order of Police (FOP) and the Pinellas County Professional Firefighters Inc., Local 4966,” Brown told The Gabber. She points to her direct experience as well as her support for public safety.

“I was a volunteer firefighter for the City of Gulfport for 10 years back, when they had volunteers. And I do have a law enforcement officer in my family (my daughter is married to a sheriff’s deputy),” said Brown, who is being challenged for her seat by Greg

Simek and Christopher Butler-Jones.

“Regarding both professions, I do know how hard they work, how challenging their schedule is and how stressful, both emotionally and physically their jobs are.”

Officials from the local firefighters union declined to comment on or confirm its council endorsements citing a policy of not speaking with the news media. Gulfport’s municipal elections take place March 14.

Sasha Lohn, general counsel and executive director of the Suncoast PBA, cited the incumbents support for increasing police pay.

“We are donating money to both Ms. Brown and Mr. Fridovich’s campaigns to help them get the word out about their goals to increase police officer pay and morale in the city of Gulfport. A healthy police department is the foundation of a healthy city,” Lohn said.

Lohn pointed to GPD pay and staffing challenges. Gulfport Police Chief Robert Vincent told The Gabber earlier this month that department had eight openings for its 33 sworn officer positions.

Gulfport PD pay starts at less than $62,580; however that includes a $9,694 signing bonus split between the city ($3,000) and state of Florida ($6,694) as part of a recruitment push launched by Governor Ron DeSantis last year. The starting base salary for Gulfport officers is $54,316.84.

8 | February 9, 2023 - February 15, 2023 Home Decor • Unique Gifts • Jewelry Glassware • Lamps • Wall Art / Prints Stained Glass Artist on Site GULFPORT ANTIQUES & COLLECTIBLES 5812 28th Ave. S. Call De Ann 727-224-5126 • Follow Us on Facebook!

Starting salary for the Tampa Police Department is $65,977; starting pay for the St. Petersburg Police Department is $62,067; and in Clearwater, it’s $59,411 per year.

“Gulfport Police officer pay is very low and, as a result, Gulfport is having an extremely hard time recruiting and keeping its police officers. Gulfport cannot fill vacancies in its Police Department effectively when a new police officer can make $10,337.40 more per year for her family by driving ten minutes south and working for the city of St. Petersburg,” Lohn said.

Both Fridovich and Brown said Gulfport faces challenges in recruiting and retaining officers when they have to compete with larger neighboring and nearby departments.

“We do have budget constraints sometimes,” Fridovich said, pointing to Gulfport operating its own full-service police department.

Some beach and other smaller Pinellas County communities have contracted out law enforcement operations to the Pinellas County Sheriff’s Office. Fridovich said he wants Gulf-

Gulfport gathers

port to keep its own police force.

Brown said she wants to restart efforts to build a new Public Safety Complex on 49th Street.

“I brought it back a couple years ago, but COVID put the brakes on it.  I believe the time is right to revisit this potential project. I would like it if funding can be made available for a stateof-the-art Public Safety facility at the 49th street Neighborhood Center,” she said.

Brown said the police department needs to have facilities that can better service the increased numbers of female officers. She also said police departments across the country are facing staffing challenges.

Both Fridovich and Brown were first elected in 2012. Cohen also cited the pair’s “deep institutional knowledge” on the police staffing issue.

Simek, a small business owner who is making his first run for elected office, said there can be built-in biases in favor of political incumbents.

“The normal policy of most trade groups is to endorse the incumbent as long as the incumbent has shown

a willingness to collaborate in the past,” Simek said. “They do this because of the statistically high chance of the incumbent usually winning re-election, so it is a probabilistic bet. This makes sense and if the situation were reversed I probably would very likely do the same - as the saying goes ‘better the devil you know than who you don’t.’”

Simek said his campaign has been more focused on lack of affordable housing in the city and fostering entrepreneurship, artists, and small businesses in Gulfport. He has concerns about the rises in homelessness and drug overdoses tied to fentanyl.

He also wants a comprehensive examination of turnover at the police department.

“I know from running my own small business that turnover is a killer and I believe the reasons why should probably be investigated more completely. Typically, employee turnover is usually attributed to both compensation issues and company culture & employee recognition,” Simek said. | February 9, 2023 - February 15, 2023 9 AMAZING FOOD, CRAFT BEERS & MICROBREWS SAFE, SOCIALLY-DISTANCED DINING INSIDE AND OUTSIDE VETERAN OWNED • EARTH AND DOG-FRIENDLY GULFPORT BREWERY + EATERY • 3007 BEACH BLVD • (727) 954-4109 • GULFPORT-BREWING.COM

History continued from cover

chain) in 1925. It was characterized by elegant Mediterranean Revival features such as its double-decker arched colonnade and cornices of terra cotta tiles. When completed, it stood not at the corner of Beach Boulevard and 30th, but Davis Boulevard and Bon Air Street, and a flag waved proudly at the northwestern corner of its roof. The building has not moved, but the street names have changed.

In the 1930s, The Holiday Inn housed a variety of businesses on its first floor, including the G. Jarrell Grocery, the Gulfport Tavern, the Gulfport Spa Restaurant, and the Modern Oasis Restaurant. During the same period, immediately next door (3002 Beach Blvd. S.), played host to Virginia Easters Beauty Shop and Charles Hegener’s barber shop, where patrons could enjoy a 25¢ haircut.

But, as Poul Hornsleth of R.W. Caldwell Realty & Insurance points out, the site’s history goes back even farther than that. In 1905, it was the location of the Veteran City Post Of-

fice (recalling our town’s brief stint as a retirement community for Civil War veterans).

Caldwell Realty acquired the building in 1988, when it served as an apartment complex. Time had not been kind to the structure. The wiring was dangerously antiquated; along the back of the building ran what Hornsleth calls the “sideways stair-

case” which tenants teetered precariously up and down. And the pretty arches along the colonnade? Ridden with termites.

The current restoration of the arches is the latest in a series of improvements – including some landscaping and a new bike rack – that Caldwell has made. And hopefully, it won’t be the last; he’s hoping to install mini split air conditioners to replace the old window units and he’s curious to see if there’s any trace of the old half-moon arches in the upper windows. What happens next will depend on costs.

Whatever changes come, here’s hoping this lovely old Gulfport gem will continue to serve our community for another hundred years.

10 | February 9, 2023 - February 15, 2023
Recent renovations to the Sunshine Inn building have restored the original arched tops of the colonnade. When Caldwell acquired this property in the 1980s, the wooden armatures had to be removed due to termite damage.
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Guenther continued from page 7

The proposed plans for the second floor, which will offer rentals – although not short-term ones.

could be operated as short-term rentals, Taylor said during the P&Z meeting that city code does not allow such a use in a mixed-use development. That means the new units can only be rented for a onemonth minimum and no more than three times in a single year.

Multiple board members complimented Guenther on the beauty of the design for his project, and there was no public comment for or against it. A city official said the application would likely be considered by council at its Feb. 21 regular meeting.

Pending council approval, Guenther will proceed with structural engineering permitting process, which he hopes won’t take more than six months.

Either way, this coming week, he will remove two diseased laurel oaks, which two different arborists told Guenther had reached the end of their life spans. | February 9, 2023 - February 15, 2023 11
JOE GUENTHER This is what the lot looks like now. MONROE ROARK

Pastor Marks 30 Years at Bethel in St. Pete Church Celebrating Centennial in 2023

Bethel Community Baptist Church has begun a year-long centennial celebration to recognize its position in the south St. Petersburg community since 1923. That is indeed a milestone.

Another noteworthy achievement is the tenure of its pastor, Bishop Dr. Manuel Sykes. He marks a milestone anniversary this month in his own right, having led the congregation for 30 years.

The Jacksonville native came here after serving for five years as a pastor in Newark, New Jersey. When he arrived in February of 1993, Bethel was meeting in its previous location, in the area around 5th Avenue South and 16th Street near Campbell Park. The development of what is now Tropicana Field necessitated a change of venue, and the congregation moved to its present home on 54th Avenue South in 2002.

Sykes acknowledged that attendance numbers since then have been up and down.

“We had more early in my tenure,” he said, adding that the church overall is “still recovering” from the COVID-19 pandemic.

“Middle adults and up” and “primarily Black” is how Sykes described the age range and racial makeup for most of the present congregation.

“If we were more of a reflection of the current neighborhood it would be a lot more mixed,” he

said. “Most of our people moved with us from the former location.”

The move itself was a challenge relatively few pastors face, and it emphasized the practical aspects of his leadership role as well as the spiritual.

“I wasn’t a builder so there were some lessons learned,” he said. “I had to do a lot of things that were new – dealing with funding and loans, contractors and plans, the whole navigation of a new church. At the end of the day, it’s about trying to lead a group of people from what they’ve known to what they don’t know. That was a lesson as well.”

Sykes has been in place long enough to see babies born within the church body, watch them grow up, and then perform marriages for them. His own children are spread out across the country, with three of them having moved out of the nest, and the youngest still at home at 16.

He is the state bishop for Florida within the Full Gospel Baptist Church Fellowship, which includes roughly three dozen churches all over the state. This has allowed

him to serve as a leader among other pastors and a mentor to younger men with much less time in ministry.

When asked what advice he would give young preachers just starting out, this is what he said:

“Build a good home foundation. If you are not married, don’t just jump up and get married to be a pastor. Make sure your selection is what God wants. A good home foundation is really the foundation of a good, strong ministry.

“Learn the personality of your church.

Unless you have very rapid growth, the church had a culture long before you came, and not understanding that culture in terms of membership and harmony.

“Do everything you believe God wants you to do, respecting the past but also carefully forging the future so you’re not moving so fast that you run into resistance from people on account of fear. Be prepared, biblically and otherwise. Be a professional in what you do. Don’t have people thinking you’re not up to the task because you’re not learning or studying. You’ve got to prepare yourself.”

Bethel has a solid group of lay leaders who support Sykes, some who have been around most or all of his tenure and others who have been brought in through the years. He knows that he will not be their pastor indefinitely.

“I try my best to listen. I know the time will come [for him to retire], and I will be willing to move along with God’s direction,” he said. “There is a future ahead, and I would love to see God bless us with a really good future. I’d like to leave it better than I found it.”

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From St. Pete to the Super Bowl

Lakewood/USF Alum Coming Up Big For Chiefs

A former star at Lakewood High School played a key role Sunday night, Jan. 29, in helping the Kansas City Chiefs win the AFC Championship and earn a berth in Super Bowl LVII.

On a frigid Kansas City evening, the Chiefs defeated the Cincinnati Bengals 23-20 on a field goal with three seconds left. The home team’s leading receiver was Marquez Valdes-Scantling, with six receptions for 116 yards and a touchdown.

The game was tied at 13 in the second half when Valdes-Scantling caught a 19-yard scoring pass from Patrick Mahomes to give the Chiefs the lead.

This was the third time the fifthyear wide receiver had played in a conference championship game, having done so in 2019 and 2020 for the Green Bay Packers in the NFC. But this is his first trip to the biggest game in the sport.

He starred for Lakewood in 2011 and 2012, with 28 catches for 600 yards and six touchdowns as a junior, while posting 50 receptions for 800 yards and 14 touchdowns as a senior.

From there he went to North Carolina State, starting a few games as a true freshman before missing some time with an injury and then racking up more receiving numbers as a sophomore before transferring to the University of South Florida. There he finished in the top ten in most career receiving categories despite playing only two seasons.

In the spring of 2018 the Packers selected him with the final pick in the fifth round, and he became the

15th Lakewood alum taken in the NFL draft. He spent four seasons at Lambeau Field before signing with the Chiefs as a free agent. So nearly all of his passes as a pro have been thrown by one of two likely future Hall of Famers: Mahomes and Aaron Rodgers.

The Super Bowl is scheduled for Sunday, Feb. 12, at State Farm Stadium in Glendale, Ariz. Kickoff is set for 6:30 p.m. EST and the game will be televised on FOX. | February 9, 2023 - February 15, 2023 13 sports
Marquez Valdes-Scantling hits the turf with a touchdown catch during the recent AFC Championship Game in Kansas City.
Retired educator and administrator Active participant in local government Marj LORAND for Commissioner South Pasadena ELECTION DAY is MARCH 14TH 727-954-4431 5500 1st Ave N St. Petersburg Gentle, Friendly and personalized care Family Dentistry Invisalign Botox for clenching and grinding Nitrous oxide gas for dental anxiety Dr. Shoopak DN20913 Dr. Gutu DN17133
35-year resident of South Pasadena

Puzzle and Pets

Gulfport’s Best Puzzle Tournament and Pet Mayor Candidates


Gulfport pet mayor candidates showed up for their spotlight meet and greet with Robert Boyd from ABC Action News.

The Gulfport Historical Society and Friends of Strays teamed up to

continue the tradition of Gulfport’s pet mayor election.

Anyone can vote for our fearless paw-litical leaders. Each vote costs $1. All the proceeds benefit the Gulfport Historical Society and Friends of Strays.

Puzzled Puzzlers

The Gulfport Senior Center held their fifth annual jigsaw puzzle tournament on Jan. 31.

Eleven teams of four worked together to strategically complete a 500 piece puzzle of a taxi in a city surrounded by pink flowers.

After the two hour limit, first place went to Team Canada! Only three out of the four were from there. The team’s uniform had a Canadian maple leave with their slogan: Canadians are Puzzling.

Team Crazy Quilters didn’t place, but were thrilled to have finished the puzzle and had fun.

14 | February 9, 2023 - February 15, 2023 gabberlife Get your Legitimate Emotional Support Animal Psychiatric Service Dog Consults & Letters Tasha Holland-Kornegay, PHD, LCMHC 919-601-1313 K.F.M., M.D. • 727-300-0933 KAREN MONROE, M.D. 401 33rd St N., #F • St. Petersburg 33713 “...we will help you through the entire process.” No fee if you do not qualify. KFM MD • 727-300-0933 KAREN MONROE M.D.
Team Crazy Quilters may not have placed, but they had a blast puzzling away. CAMERON HEALY Pet Mayor Candidate Pickle in his luxurious stroller with his supportive parents. CAMERON HEALY

Happy Valentine’s

Valentine’s Decor Around Gulfport | February 9, 2023 - February 15, 2023 15
Photos By June Johns Susan Morgan holding a “LOVE” pillow at Custom House Decor. An inflatable pink gnome at 2714 53rd St. S. A dinosaur for all seasons at 5314 53rd St. S. Monica Cujino, owner of Gulfport Florist on 58th Street South, with flowers.

Gulfport Senior Center 5501 27th Ave. S. • 727-893-5657 • /gulfportseniorcenter

Annual registration required. Free, residents; $50, non-residents. All programs subject to change without notice. Mon.-Thurs., 8 a.m.-7 p.m. and Fri, 8 a.m.-4 p.m. Stop by, join our weekly newsletter, or like us on Facebook for a full calendar of events.

Fitness Center now open! To provide physical distancing, the hourly capacity is limited. You must call to pre-register.

Supplemental food assistance for qualifying Gulfport Seniors in need is available at the Senior Center. Pantry is open on Mondays and Thursdays from 1 p.m. - 3 p.m. Proper verification required prior to use of the pantry.

GEMS (Gulfport Extended Mobility Service) provides affordable Door-to-Door transportation service, rides to medical appointments, shopping, and much more for Gulfport residents, 55 years of age or older or disabled. 727-893-2242.

Medical Equipment Lending Program provides gently used wheelchairs, walkers, canes, crutches and other medical equipment to seniors who need it. Supplies limited.


Medicare & Health Insurance Assistance

Frustrated trying to navigate the insurance world? We have you covered! Make your appointment today.

Memory Screenings Worried about your memory? St. Anthony’s Memory Disorder Clinic offers free & confidential memory screenings.

SNAP Benefit Assistance Feeding Tampa Bay will meet with you to help you apply for SNAP benefits.

Gulfcoast Legal Assistance Do you need assistance, with lifetime planning docs, Medicaid/Medicare issues, Social Security issues, food stamp issues, family law issues, consumer/debt collection Issues, or housing/ contract Issues? Call to make an appointment with a legal representative. By appointment only.

Rhythm & Groove Jam Session Let’s make music together at our new monthly hootenanny. Bring your instrument & join others for a casual jamming group. Open to anyone & everyone, all instruments, all levels of experience, & listeners. D Hall. Feb. 9, 3 p.m.

Senior Prom Show up to dance the night away. Tickets $20 each, $25 at the door. Purchase tickets at the Senior Center and the Casino. Proceeds to benefit The Gulfport Senior Center Building Campaign Fund! Casino. Feb. 13, 7 p.m.

Death Talks: Meet the Death Doula Take the mystery & fear out of death and dying with these end-of-life discussions. Room 107. Feb. 14, 3 p.m. Wellness Wednesday Monthly Wellness

Checks Make your health a priority & track your progress with these free monthly wellness screenings. Th Lobby. Feb. 15, 9 a.m. Farmer’s Market Bring your tote bags & help yourself to some healthy, fresh fruits & vegetables. N. Parking Lot. Feb. 15, 11:30 a.m.

In the Kitchen with Chef Jack: Thai Chicken & Vegetables Improve your culinary skills with step-by-step instruction from Chef Jack. MUST pre-register. D Hall. Feb. 16, 4 p.m. Clubhouse Chatter Open discussion about the MLB season & your hometown Ray’s. Rm. 106. Feb. 17, 10:30 a.m.

Art Adventures: Ancient Art of Batik Explore the ancient by decorating an egg using the original batik method. Bring your curiosity and love of adventure – creativity will just happen! MUST pre-register. Rm. 106. Feb. 17, 1 p.m. OTC with Cliff Your OTC (Over-The-Counter) benefits allow you to order drugs & supplies at no cost. Swing by and let Cliff help you place your order. Lobby. Feb. 21, 9:30 a.m.

iPhone / iPad Instruction Class Learn the basic functions of your Apple iPhone or iPad. Presented by the Gulfport Library. MUST Pre-register. Rm. 107. Feb. 21, 1 p.m. Happy Birthday to YOU! Come celebrate this month’s Birthdays with friends, food, & fun whether it’s your birthday or not. D Hall. Feb. 22, 3 p.m.

EPIC Coffee Connections EPIC Generations invites LGBTQ+ adults for coffee, friendship, & support. Rm. 106. Feb. 24, 10 a.m.

Movie Matinee Take a break from the hustle & bustle and enjoy a movie on the big screen. Call for movie title. Theater. Feb. 24, 1 p.m.


Manatee Viewing Center Bring a bag lunch. Feb. 15; $15 members / $20 non-members. Seaside Seabird Sanctuary & Lunch at The Joint. Feb. 22; $10 members / $14 non-members.


Monday Mile Walking Club 8 a.m., call for location

Spanish Conversation 8:30 a.m., Room 107

Chair Exercise/Yoga 9:30 a.m., Theater Lobby

Spanish for Beginners 10 a.m., Room 107

Stretch & Strength 10 a.m., Casino

Wisdom Healing Qigong 11 a.m., Theater Lobby

Mahjong 12 p.m., Room 107

Dominos 1 p.m., Theater Lobby

Strength Training & Aerobics 1:30 p.m., Dining Hall

Chair Volleyball 3 p.m., Dining Hall


Gulfport Senior Citizens Harmonica Club

9 a.m., Room 107

Line Dancing for Beginners 10 a.m., Neighborhood Center

Tai Chi 10 a.m., Casino

Gulfport Quilting Club 10 a.m., Room 106

Texas Hold ‘Em 11 a.m., Theater Lobby

Contract Bridge 1:30 p.m., Theater Lobby

New Horizons Band of Gulfport Jazz Practice 4:30 p.m., Room 107

New Horizons Band of Gulfport Concert Practice 6 p.m., Dining Hall


Senior Moments 8:30 a.m., Room 107

Gentle Mindful Yoga 10 a.m., Neighborhood Center Investment Discussion Group 10 a.m., Room 107

Stretch & Strength 10 a.m., Casino Bunco 10:30 a.,m., Theater Lobby

Widowing Tribe 12:30 p.m., Room 107

Canasta 1 p.m., Theater Lobby

Bingo 1:30 p.m., Dining Hall

Intermediate Spanish 6 p.m., Room 106

Cardio Drumming 5:30 p.m., Dining Hall

Gulfport Toastmasters 6 p.m., Room 107


Guided Meditation 10 a.m., Room 107

Tai Chi 10 a.m., Casino

Texas Hold ‘Em 11 a.m., Theater Lobby

Contract Bridge 1:30 p.m., Theater Lobby

Strength Training & Aerobics 1:30 p.m., Dining Hall

Italian Language Classes 6 p.m. and 7 p.m., various rooms


Wellness Movement 9 a.m., Room 106

Beginners’ Yoga 9 a.m., Casino

Gulfport Writers’ Workshop 9:30 a.m., Room 107

Knitting & Crocheting 10 a.m., Theater Lobby

Chair Yoga 9 a.m., Casino

Bridge Instruction 12:30 p.m., Room 107

Dominos 1 p.m., Theater Lobby

16 | February 9, 2023 - February 15, 2023

Catherine Hickman Theater 727-893-1070

The Laramie Project This play is about the reaction to Matthew Shepard’s murder and contains strong language & mature themes. Tickets and info at Feb. 10, 11, & 17: 8 p.m. Feb. 11,

5501 27th Ave. S.

12, 18, & 19: 2 p.m. Special benefit performance for LGBTQ Resource Center on Saturday, Feb, 18: 7:30 p.m. $20 & up

AARP Tax-Aide Free, individualized tax preparation for low-to moderate-income taxpayers. Call 727-755-3112 to request an appointment. There will be no walk-in tax preparation. You will need to bring your important documents to the site. For everyone's safety masks are required. Call 1-888-687-2277 for additional information or visit Mondays & Fridays (except Feb. 17, 20), 10 a.m.

Teen Space Spend time with friends and make new ones. Play games, make art, watch movies, or just hang out. Activities vary – and what we do is up to you! Ages 1218 only. Tuesdays, 4 p.m.

Storytime Join us for stories, rhymes, music. Thursdays, 10:15 & 11 a.m.

Garden Grandpa If you have little ones in grades K-5, join us the first Wednesday of the month in the Reading Garden. Mr. Albert will share his knowledge of gardening and sustainability through storytelling and

hands-on fun. Mar. 1, 4 p.m.

Come & Go Craft Drop in for creative, self-directed crafting. For all ages, but some pieces might be on the small side. Supplies are limited and are on a first come, first served basis. Crafting located on children’s area tables.

Feb. 4, 10 a.m.

Grown-Up Movie Series One of the greatest musical icons and composers of her time, Lydia Tár, leads a prestigious orchestra in Berlin. Making history as the first female conductor in Germany, she must live up to her name as she records her latest symphony. Rated R. Call 727893-1074 for title. Mar. 4, 1 p.m.

STEAM Club STEAM is short for Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math. Join us for a special visit from the Great Explorations Children's Museum outreach team who will introduce us to the science of bubbles, explosions, and reactions. Feb. 22, 4 p.m.

SHINE Presentation: Medicare Basics Presentation on Medicare Parts A, B, C, & D and

what they mean to you. FMI, visit Feb. 15, 1 p.m.

Gulfport Book Club Discuss “Nemesis” by Philip Roth. Available as print and audio. Feb. 16, 2 p.m.

Craig Pittman: “The State You’re In” The Circle of Friends of the Gulfport Library welcomes the award-winning writer to speak at our annual meeting. This native Floridian zeros in on the uniqueness of our state with humor but also with an eye on environmental solutions. Refreshments served at 6:30 pm prior to the program. Feb. 16, 7 p.m.

ReadOut: A Festival of LGBTQ Literature

This year’s theme is Literary Queeries – valuing the literature, one presentation at a time! Celebrate published and emerging authors with panels, individual readings, and workshops. For additional information and a detailed schedule of events visit . Live at the Library and Zoom. Feb. 17-19.

Gulfport Casino Ballroom 727-893-1070 • 5500 Shore Blvd. S.

Disco Party Feb. 10: 7 p.m., hustle lesson; 8 p.m., dance. $10.

Senior Prom Prom attire encouraged! Benefiting Gulfport Senior Center Building Campaign Fund. Tickets available at Casino & Senior Center. Feb. 13, 7 p.m. $20 pre-sale; $25 at door

Sock Hop with The Impacs Advance tickets available at Casino & Beach Bazaar. $15 / $25 for two. Tickets purchased day-of: $20.

Annual registration: $3; $25, nonresidents


Intermediate and advanced Mon., 9 a.m.-1 p.m.

Beginners Tues., 9 a.m.-1 p.m.

All levels Tues., 6-8:30 p.m. and Thurs., 9 a.m.-1 p.m.

Adult Basketball Wed. & Fri., 9 a.m.-1 p.m.; Thurs., 6-8:30 p.m.

Table Tennis Tues. & Thurs., 9 a.m.-1 p.m.

Game Room Mon., Wed., & Fri., 9 a.m.-1 p.m.


School Year Child Care Program Registration continues for the 2022-23 school year child care program for kids entering kindergarten through age 14. Bus transportation available from Pasadena Fundamental, Gulfport Montessori, and Douglas Jamerson Elementary. Program runs until 5:30 p.m., with extended hours

Music & Dancing with Carol Baker & Daniel Fugazzotto Feb. 19: 4 p.m., lesson; 5 p.m., dancing. $15 / $25 couples

Casino Weekly Dances Ballroom Lessons: Tues., 12 p.m. $15 / $25 couples

Argentine Tango: Tues., 6:30 p.m., $10

Swing: Weds., 7 p.m. $10

Latin Night: Thurs., 7 p.m. $10

until 6 p.m. for an extra charge. Please contact the Recreation Center for more details.

Teen Night! Registrations continue for the 2022-2023 Teen Night Program for teens in middle and high school, students 17 and younger. Recreation, social activities, field trips, cooking projects, guest speakers and service projects. Teens can use the gymnasium, game room and outdoor area. Mon., Wed., & Fri.: 6-9 p.m. Rec Center membership required: $3; $25, nonresidents.


Call instructor for more information. Want to teach a class? Call Jami: 727-893-1079.

Ballet Tues., 5:45 p.m., ages 5-7; 6:45 p.m. intermediate ballet, ages 8-16. $40/ month. Lisa: 727-742-2594.

Tap Tues., 7:45 p.m., intermediate. $20/ month. Lisa: 727-742-2594

Essentrics Toning Thurs., 9 a.m. $30/ month. Lauren: 248-875-7030

Danskinetics Tues., 10 a.m. $6/class or $20/month. Carol: 845-654-0609

Hatha Yoga Wed., 6:15 p.m. $12/class or $40/month. Denise: 727-251-8868.

Nia Mon., 10 a.m. $15/class, $40/month.

Christine: 727-692-1896

Youth Hip Hop Fri., 6:30 p.m., ages 7-9; 7:30 p.m., ages 9-16. $40/month. Lisa: 727-742-2594.

Hula Hoop Fitness Second & fourth Thursday, 6:30 p.m. $10/class. Maria:

Tai Chi Gung Mon. 6:30p.m. and Fri. 10 a.m. $15/class or $50/month. Call Kare 727-262-0880

Zumba Thurs., 6 p.m., $6/class, $20/ month. Magda: 727-214-7868. | February 9, 2023 - February 15, 2023 17 Recreation Center 5730 Shore Blvd S. • 727-893-1068 • Gulfport Public Library 5501 28th Ave. S. • 727-893-1074 • /gulfportlibraryfl • Mon.-Fri., 10 a.m.-7 p.m.; Sat., 10 a.m.-4 p.m.
All programs free and subject to change.

Devilishly Delicious Tyrone’s Newest Taco Joint Big on Flavor

One of us walked up and wanted the spiciest tacos on the menu. Another of us wanted the blandest.

We all wanted tacos.

And, as promised, Torchy’s Tacos delivered some “damn good” ones.

At the Jan. 30 media event, the St. Pete High Green Devils marching band greeted the crowd, as did a diaper-clad devil (we’re assuming there was a non-diaper-clad human inside the costume, and kudos to them for braving the warmest day this month in a furry red suit). As we walked into the restaurant, the staff hooted, hollered, and clapped for us.

This is not the reception most reporters get walking in anywhere, and we welcomed it. Turns out we were the first-ever customers at the first-ever Florida Torchy’s Tacos. It was the honor we didn’t know we needed after a long Monday at the office.

Torchy’s Tacos, a chain in 13 states, made Florida its 14th state when it opened on Feb. 1, and St. Pete’s Tyrone eatery marks its first Florida location.

While we almost always prefer locally owned businesses to chains, there’s no denying that chain restaurants employ local people, and, in

Torchy’s case, have the means to do some good: The company supports charities such as Make-A-Wish, and their website’s clear on two policies: ethically sourced foodstuffs and disposables made from 100% renewable materials (they’re pretty proud that their cooking oil gets turned into car fuel, so… 87 miles per taco, then?)

But how does the food taste?

In a word: good

Our table tried the chicken fajita taco (solid!), beef fajita taco (not as tasty as the chicken fajita taco, but

still pretty great), green chile pork (also pretty great), Crossroads (tasty, and also a nice touch of the ‘Burg in the name), shrimp (spicy!) and the Mo Faux (you really can’t go wrong with Beyond “meat”, even if it would be healthier to eat actual beef.) Our table agreed: the spicy sauces had more than a little kick, the drinks were delightful (the Camarena Cooldown was the perfect blend of sweet and tangy, with blue Curacao, tequila, and lime juice), and the street corn would have been a lot better had we not already gorged ourselves on tacos (next time, we’ll leave room, we swear!)

Torchy’s also serves breakfast tacos (because if you don’t have tacos for breakfast, can you even call yourself a taco lover?) and cocktails.

It feels a little odd to be able to get hard liquor at a counter-service taco joint, but it works. Plus, if the line for Portillo’s is making you crazy (what is up with that, anyway?), what better time to hop next door and chill with a taco or two (and trust us, two is more than enough – these are filling)?

And, hey, if their mascot looks a lot like the Little Devil from Richie Rich? Well, that makes the tacos even better.

Torchy’s Tacos, 2314 Tyrone Blvd. N., St. Petersburg.

18 | February 9, 2023 - February 15, 2023 food 2908-A Beach Boulevard (in the heart of the Village) 727-303-0976 un dries • Gulfport Gift Headquarters! • Kitchen & Serveware • Gourmet Foods • Gifts, Cards, Books • Stella’s Gear & Souvenirs
Tacos for everyone! Pictured: The Gabber’s Creative Director, Joey Neill, left, and features and events reporter, Cam Healy, right. CATHY SALUSTRI | February 9, 2023 - February 15, 2023 19 TWO BRAND NEW SPARKLING-CLEAN CLEARWATER LOCATIONS TO CHOOSE FROM Grand Opening & Ribbon Cutting March 21st 4pm-5pm 2611 SEVILLE BLVD, CLEARWATER FL, 33764 (813) 851-1185 VALUE32@VALUESTOREIT.COM Grand Opening & Ribbon Cutting March 22nd 4pm-5pm 26489 US HWY 19 N, CLEARWATER FL, 33761 (813) 771-7177 VALUE31@VALUESTOREIT.COM “Best Rates In town” “Ask About our Value Buster Guarantee” 4 MONTHS 25% OFF 4 MONTHS 25% OFF OFFICE HOURS: MON-SAT 9AM TO 6PM • SUN 10AM TO 2PM ACCESS HOURS: MON-SUN • 6AM TO 10 PM U-Haul Truck Rentals • Free Use of Push-Carts Best Access Hours • We Sell Packing and Moving Supplies
20 | February 9, 2023 - February 15, 2023 125 56th Avenue S, St. Petersburg, FL Call (727) 591-4917 today and speak to a Life Plan expert! We’re helping fight inflation! Save 23% OFF ENTRANCE FEES IN 2023! Showcased on the Gulfport Flamingo Tour of Homes Make your dreams come true in this quintessential 3BR/2BA, 1183 SF Gulfport home with a separate beautiful 300SF guest cottage and incredible outdoor entertertaining space. NOT IN A FLOOD ZONE! 5831 24th Avenue South, Gulfport New on Market! Sunday Feb 12 1pm – 4pm Offered for $635,000 For information, call or text Sharon Lardieri, Century 21 Integra, at 727-455-3556.

Solution on page 27

International Economics gabber on vacation

David Shiner traveled to the United Arab Emirates to run the Dubai Marathon. While there, he visited the recently completed Burj Dubai, a 160-story-tall building, which makes it the tallest in the world. Note the old-school Gabber Newspaper he has in his hand!

Have you taken The Gabber somewhere? We want to see your pictures! Please send a high-resolution photo and a brief description to news@ | February 9, 2023 - February 15, 2023 21
27 crossword
Solution on page

things to do

Senior Prom, Art Festivals, and Valentine’s Day Festivities

Thursday, February 9-

Sunday, February 19

This Is Our Youth  The Off-Central Players presents their February production of This Is Our Youth by Kenneth Lonergan. This performance follows 48 hours as three young adults try to navigate their transition from adolescence to adulthood. Experience the humor, pain, and compassion of their stories. Studio Grand Central, 2260 1st Ave. S., St. Petersburg. $15-35. Thurs., 7:30 p.m.; Sat.-Sun., 8 p.m.; and Sun., 3 p.m. 727-202-7019,

Friday, February 10-

Sunday, February 19

The Laramie Project The Ghostlight Young Company introduces its latest production of The Laramie Project. This performance is the reaction to the murder of Matthew Shepard, a gay college student at the University of Wyoming. This production contains strong language and mature themes that might not be easy for some to watch. Catherine A. Hickman Theater, 5501 27th Ave. S., Gulfport. $20. Fri.-Sat., 8 p.m.; Sat.-Sun., 2 p.m. Special performance Sat., Feb. 18 at 7:30 p.m. with half the gate going to Gulfport’s LGBTQ+ Resource Center: $30; $50, VIP (includes priority seating, drink, and gift).

Friday, February 10-

Saturday, February 11

Snoopy Art  Do you love Peanuts?

Tom Everhart will present some of his famous Snoopy art. Everhart is a fine art artist who worked directly with cartoonist Charles M. Schulz. Have a few drinks and snacks as you enjoy some of Everhart’s originals. Maybe you’ll get a chance to talk with him about his work while you’re there. Ocean

Blue Galleries, 284 Beach Dr. NE, St. Petersburg. Fri., 7 p.m.-9 p.m.: Sat., 1 p.m.-4 p.m. 727-502-2583,

Friday, February 10

Savor the Bay Savor the Bay lunch is a four-course sustainable lionfish and seafood lunch cooked by Chef Jon Hilton. This lunch and bar event benefits the mission to restore Tampa Bay’s watershed. Purchase your ticket online and you’ll automatically get entered to win either two nights at Tradewinds Beach Resort or a dinner date for two at RumFish Grill. RumFish Grill, 6000 Gulf Blvd., St Pete Beach. 1 p.m. $150. 727-329-1428,

Next Stop: Funkytown  Get your groove on at this Disco Party! Swing Time takes the soul train all the way to Gulfport every second Friday of the month. Show off your party moves or learn some new ones at the dance lessons before the party. Pull out all of your favorite moves, and – obviously – make room for the Hustle. Gulfport Casi-

no Ballroom, 5500 Shore Blvd. S., Gulfport. 7 p.m.-12 a.m. $10. 727893-1070,

Saturday, February 11Sunday, February 12

Gulfport’s Finest Art  As perhaps Florida’s most artistic city, Gulfport holds its eighth annual fine arts festival. Celebrate art from local and national artists as they display their finest work. Meet the artists, take home their beautiful creations, and enjoy live entertainment as you stroll through this festival of art. Veterans Park,  5350 31st Ave. S., Gulfport. 10 a.m.-5 p.m.

Saturday, February 11

Early Valentine’s Day Festival Celebrate Valentine’s Day early with Boyd Hill’s Valentine’s Day Festival. Get crafty and make a lovely homemade Valentine’s Day card for someone you love. You can also visit different stations on site featuring old fashioned candles, as well as sample some sweet treats. Save your spot by registering online. Pi-

22 | February 9, 2023 - February 15, 2023
Free Vegan Options Dog-Friendly
You can see incredible folk art at the Good Folk Show on Feb. 11. Featured here is “Mid Air” by Marquise R. and Dolores M. CREATIVE CLAY

nellas Pioneer Settlement, 3010 31st St. S., St. Petersburg. 10 a.m. $5.

Sunday, February 12

Wax Art Demonstration  Watch a live art demonstration hosted by the Treasure Island Art Guild. Enjoy the work of President of Florida Wax, Shelley Jean, as she shows an encaustic paint (essentially, painting with hot wax) demonstration. Come ahead of time to get a good look at the art show before Shelley Jean shows the crowd her artistic process. Treasure Island Community Center, 154 106th Ave., Treasure Island. 12:30 p.m. 727-547-4575

Winter Gardening Club St. Pete’s Garden Club holds winter gardening camp where kids grades 1-5 will learn gardening essentials. Here’s a great opportunity to teach curious kids about nature. Register online ahead of time. Snacks provided, but don’t forget to bring a water bottle! Gardening Club of St. Petersburg, 500 Sunset Dr. S., St. Petersburg. 1:30 p.m. $25-30. 727-381-8920,

The Good Folk Show  During St. Pete’s ArtWalk, stop by the Good Folk Show, Creative Clay’s February exhibit in the Good Folk Gallery. This gallery displays curated pieces from the vast collection of folk art created by Creative Clay artists. If you can’t see the artwork in person, make sure to check out the virtual tour online. Creative Clay, 1846 1st Ave. S., St. Petersburg. 5 p.m.-9 p.m. 727-825-0515,

Monday, February 13

Will You Go To The (Senior) Prom With Me? The Gulfport Senior Center invites everyone to senior prom! Don your best prom attire, dance, and enjoy a few drinks with your friends. This celebratory night is open to all ages, with proceeds benefitting the Gulfport Senior Center building campaign fund, support your seniors by attending

senior prom. Gulfport Casino Ballroom, 5500 Shore Blvd. S., Gulfport. 7 p.m.-10 p.m. $20-25. 727893-1231,

Tuesday, February 14

Paddle Into the Sunset  Spend Valentine’s Day on a rejuvenating paddle with Good Vibes Kayak and Goko Kayaks. Couples – and singles – can join this romantic sunset tour. They’ll have a guided meditation before the tour, and snacks for the paddle, but don’t forget something to drink! Kayak rentals range from $50-80; call ahead to reserve your spot. Shell Key Preserve, 2800 Pinellas Bayway S., Tierra Verde. 5 p.m.-7 p.m. $25-80. 727-565-6421, 727-336-9595

Wednesday, February 15

Decluttering 55+ Roundtable It’s time for an open conversation about the clutter that’s holding you back. Michelle Passoff holds a roundtable discussion to coach

adults 55 years and older through their decluttering process. This event enables participants to organize their clutter with ease, whether it’s emptying closets, eating and exercising in a healthy way, or integrating time for lost (or found!) passions. Sunshine Senior Center, 330 5th St. N., St. Petersburg. 1 p.m. 727-893-7133

Thursday, February 16

Oh, Florida!  Craig Pittman speaks after the Gulfport Circle of Friends meeting. Pittman, an award-winning journalist and the author of The State You’re In: Florida Men, Florida Women, and Other Wildlife, brings his Florida magic and dad jokes to the the library. He’s always a fun guy to hear speak, and his love for the state – despite some irregularities, which, of course, he’s happy to mention – shines through in his talk. Gulfport Public Library, 5501 28th Ave. S., Gulfport. 6:30 p.m. 727-893-1074; | February 9, 2023 - February 15, 2023 23

Who Do You Think Will Win The Super Bowl?

24 | February 9, 2023 - February 15, 2023
the gabs
Chuck Lutes, St. Pete: “The team with the most points.” Marella Lutes, St. Pete: “Chiefs.” Mark Phaneuf, St. Pete: “Sadly, the Eagles.”
free quote & DEMO (727) 360-7070 PVC FENCE PANELS CLEANED FROM $11 A PANEL
Sharon Potts, Seminole: “Eagles, because I like the bird.”


Friday 7PM

Beth-El Shalom

Messianic Congregation

Good Shepherd Old

Unitarian Universalist United Fellowship

During the pandemic join us Sundays on Zoom.

Discussion -10:30 Program - 11:00

For Zoom directions email us at

“You need not think alike to love alike.” - Francis David, 1534 | February 9, 2023 - February 15, 2023 25
17th St. & 29th Ave N St. Petersburg 345-7777
Vincent’s Thrift Shop
Gulfport Ave S. 33707
10 AM to 2PM Wednesday to Saturday Affiliated with St Vincent’s Episcopal Church 5441 9 th Ave N. • St. Petersburg, FL 33710 St.
Where ALL are welcome at the Lord’s table. Come and See...
(Entrance on 28th Ave.)
Sunday Mass 9:30am 727-403-7178 2728 53rd St. S. Gulfport, FL 33707
AN EPISCOPAL CONGREGATION 330 85th Avenue • St. Pete Beach Reverend Omar Reyes Sundays 10:00am Holy Eucharist Wednesdays 11:00am Holy Eucharist with Prayers for Healing 727-360-8406 •
Alban's is an inviting faith community striving to live out the Gospel of Jesus Christ. So, no matter who you are or where you are on life's journey, you are welcome here.”
10am Special worship rates starting as low as
Send an email to: Stories live on. Tell theirs. In par tnership with Remember your loved ones forever with us. • Free obituaries available; prices range from $10-$300 • Obituary on Legacy included
Paradise Lutheran Church on Treasure Island 10255 Paradise Blvd, Treasure Island Sunday Service
with Holy Communion 727-360-5739

Major Sweetheart This 3 1/2-yearold, 52-pound, All-American boy is a major athlete, major goofball and major buddy. Major will thrive in a home with no small kids.

Winona! This 7-month, 10 pound chihuahua mix has already seen some things in her short life. She came to Pet Pal with an injury, and surgeons had to amuptate her rear leg. She doesn’t seem to mind – she’s recovered, pain-free, and ready to go home with her new family.

In Bloom This little Tulip has an outgoing personality and can’t wait to make a new friend. Meet this 4-yearold at Pet Food Warehouse.

Pet Food Warehouse, 1830 61st Ave. N., St. Pete; 727-521-6191,

All pets spayed, vaccinated, micro-chipped and dewormed. Pet Pal Animal Shelter, 405 22nd Ave. S., St. Pete. 727-328-7738;

26 | February 9, 2023 - February 15, 2023

ForaLimitedTimeOnly, GiftCardsareAvailable!


There's never been a better time to quit with Group Quit

Tobacco Free Florida's Group Quit Sessions (in-person or virtual) now offer participants $50 - $125 in gift cards for their attendance.*

Group Quit offers free, expert-led in-person or virtual sessions for all Florida residents regardless of insurance status. Upon class completion, participants are eligible for nicotine replacement therapy such as gum, patches or lozenges.**

Pre-registration is recommended Call Gulfcoast North AHEC today at: 813-929-1000

*while supplies last **if medically appropriate for those 18 years of age or older | February 9, 2023 - February 15, 2023 27 solution
Learn more about all of Tobacco Free Florida’s tools and services at


If you have questions about advertising, please email us at or call 727-321-6965! Deadline: Friday 3 p.m.

Gulfport Computer Repair


Serving the greater St. Petersburg area. Family owned and local business. Providing in-home personal aid companion care, after surgery care, 24-hour care, dementia care, postpartum support, childcare, to name a few. 727-914-7472. St-Pete-Beach AHCA #299995153

JS COMPUTER REPAIR Mobile computer repair – $40 per visit/hour – 727-643-0697;

Over 30 years experience. Residential & commercial, new or remodel work, service upgrades, lightning arrestors, fans and lighting installed. State license #ER0007653.

Home Improvement THE TRASH QUEEN

Overwhelmed with the mess? Clean up/ clean out, inside and out. Recycling, organizing, and yard work. Free estimate from Kathy, Trashologist, licensed/insured, with truck/trailer. Call/text 845866-3867. Responsible, reasonable, and ready!


Bathrooms, kitchens. drywall, painting, custom high-end finishing. Any job undertaken, honest pricing. Insured, reliable. 347-973-0814.

CLEAN UP CLEAN UP CLEAN UP Handy helpers. Skilled labor, anything around the house from A-Z. Weeding, rock gardens cleaned, mulch, sod, and plants installed. Small trees planted and removed. Pressure washing. Free estimates. 30 years experience. Locally St. Pete /Gulfport: 407-2446045. James: 407-244-6045.

HANDYMAN SEMI-RETIRED All types of repairs. Small jobs welcome. Quality work at reasonable prices. Honest. Reliable. Free estimates. John: 727-410-2201.


Custom concrete patios, driveway extensions, custom steps, & all types of concrete repairs. Storage Building slabs. Over 35 years experience. Call Mark for a free estimate: 813-859-2023.


Residential/Commercial. All phases of remodeling or renovations. Roofs, kitchens, baths, room additions, new construction, doors, windows, stone or concrete work, flooring, and much, much more. Free estimates. CCC 1333727 CGC 059964. 727-410-7323.

28 | February 9, 2023 - February 15, 2023
Accounting Computer Service CLEAR NUMBERS BOOKKEEPING Virtual bookkeeping for small businesses and nonpro ts. Monthly packages customized to your needs or one time cleanups. Payroll available. QuickBooks Online Certi ed ProAdvisor. 10+ years experience. Call/text to
or email to
Handy Person Electrical Caregivers HOMEWATCH
Mon-Thu 10am-5pm 15 Years in Gulfport 45 Years Experience Computer Sales Fax, Copy, Print Fast Friendly Service 727-388-3493 2321 49th St S
ELECTRIC 24 Hour Service SERVICE WHEN YOU NEED IT! FREE ESTIMATES 525-0677 • Room Additions • Fuses to Breakers • Circuits Added • Ceiling Fans • Lightning Protection • Mobile Homes • Phone Wiring • Security Lighting & More Licensed Bonded Insured St. Lic. #EC0002881 CLARIE LAW OFFICES, P.A. Estate Planning • Administration Litigation • Family Law and DUI 727-345-0041
Heating & Air Conditioning
Serving all of Pinellas County Interior & Exterior Painting Pressure Washing Jim Cardullo 727-906-1069


Residential/Commercial. All roofing typesT.P.O., tapered systems, shingle, metal, tile, & flat roofs. Great prices, best warranties. Our general contracting division also does kitchens, baths, additions, new construction, and much, much more. Free estimates. CCC 1333727 CGC 059964. 727-410-7323.

Lawn & Landscape

James Fox Tree Service

Owner/Operator for over 25 years

“We make your trees feel beautiful”

Trees Cleaned • Bobcat Services

Stump Grinding • Hazardous Limb Removal

Storm and Roof Protection • Insured 727-322-1849 or 727-215-8601



Remove ugly rust-colored irrigation stains from vinyl fencing and most surfaces around your house or business, including signage. Free estimate and demonstration. Call/text 727-360-7070.


Tree removal, trimming, stump grinding. Also do yard work, mulching, weeding, and yard clean up. Call for estimate: 727-641-9033.


Licensed & Insured

Certified Arborist

Planting • Trimming

Tree & Stump Removal

Cabling/Bracing • Pruning/Shaping



The Gabber now provides Notary Services (in office only) at 2908-B Beach Blvd S., Gulfport. Our Notary Public is not an attorney licensed to practice law in the State of Florida, and may not give legal advice or accept fees for legal advice.


Pasadena Community Church / Life Enrichment Building / Classroom 3c, 227 70th St. S., St. Petersburg, Fl 33707. Free, no registration, 7 p.m. Call 727-410-1569 for more information. Website: https://

Moving / Hauling


Full service removal of junk/trash for your home or business. Appliances, furniture, TV, carpet, concrete, yard debris, paints/chemicals, overgrown lawns, etc. Hoarding, eviction, foreclosure clean outs. 727-623-7219.

HB HAULING SERVICES Hauling services available. We do everything from junk removal, demo, debris removal, estate clean out, and so much more. 12 . dump trailer. Mention The Gabber and get a discount. Call or text Kenny Baschuk at 727-793-5816 for free estimates.

SKIP’S MOVING & PICK-UP DELIVERY Have 14 foot box truck, willing to help. I’m the guy who moves everybody in and out of Town Shores. Available Monday thru Sunday. Call: 727-320-3297.


SEASONS BEST PAINTING & CONTRACTING, LLC Interior/exterior painting and power washing services. Over 25 years of experience. 727-506-3677. Licensed/insured. Lic. #C-11623



#CFC1430429 State-certified, residential/ commercial service. Senior and military discount. $25 o service with ad. Locally owned and operated.

Help Wanted

The Perfect Part-Time Job!

Flexible Hours...Tell Us When You Want To Work...


Menorah Life is seeking a full-time Life Enrichment Assistant (Activities) for our Samson Nursing Center. Ideal candidate will possess two years experience with the elderly in a long-term care facility. Experience in activities preferred. Email resume to


Retired and looking for something to do, extra income, or just need a PT job? We are an upscale boutique in John’s Pass for 40 yrs. Sales/Customer service experience required. $13hr + incentive plan. Call 727709-1970 & leave message. Email resume:

PART-TIME COMPANION/CAREGIVER NEEDED Senior male snowbird looking for part time assistance with companionship, personal care, transportation, meal prep, activity planning, etc. in Gulfport. 10-20 hrs/wk. Email

30 years experience. Painting expert plus wallpaper hanging and removing. Lic. #C9579. Call Arney: 727-900-3459.

PINNIX PAINTING, INC. In business locally since 1980. Interior, exterior, commercial, residential. Free Estimates. Lic. #C4334. Call 727-504-1508.

I am dependable, have 12+ years experience. Laundry, meals, errands/appointments. Have great driving record, and excellent references. 31 year Gulfport resident. Call Joseph: 727-564-0464. | February 9, 2023 - February 15, 2023 29 Plumbing
Miscellaneous Service Marine Repair
Supplement Your Income By Helping A Senior! Call Us Today At (727) 401-4700! License #: 234757, 299994709
Lee Claxton, I.S.A.
Place your classified line ads online! Deadline for classified ads is 3 p.m. Friday for the following week’s issue.

BUICK SKYLARK LIMITED SPORT 1996 One owner, Florida vehicle, 69k original miles, 3.1 litre 6 cyl, A/C. Runs excellent, good reliable transportation. everything works as it should. $2950. Call 727-748-9117.

LIONS CLUB Available for parties, weddings, meetings. Great waterfront location with full facilities. Call Jean for info and dates. 727-366-6341.

Legal Notices

FICTITIOUS NAME NOTICE Notice is hereby given that, sole owner, CRISTA BROESLER engage in business under the fictitious name “ThirdEyed Vibe™”, located in Pinellas County, Florida, intends to register said name with the Florida Department of State.

I buy old guitars & old musical instruments. The older, the better. Any condition. Please call or text 937-767-2326.


Our units are in great condition. Freshly renovated with new appliances. We have studios, 1 bedroom, 2 bedroom, 3 bedroom, and single family home! Text or Call our main office at 205-537-0207. You can reach our leasing agent at 727-254-9258.


Full two-story, fully renovated, single-family home with large yard! $2,395/month! Call or text 205-537-0207

Real Estate For Sale

30 | February 9, 2023 - February 15, 2023 General GULFPORT
Real Estate For Rent PAY LESS TO SELL YOUR HOME! Only 3-4% Commission! Jeff Thomsen, Realtor Realean Real Estate 727-222-0099 Wanted BUYING OLD GUITARS & OLD MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS
Stories live on. Tell theirs. In par tnership with Remember your loved ones forever with us. • Free obituaries available; prices range from $10-$300 • Obituary on Legacy included
Love The Gabber? Come work with us! Now hiring salesperson Commission-based Please email your resume and short letter of interest to Questions? Call us: 727-321-6965 Place your classified line ads online! Deadline for classified ads is 3 p.m. Friday for the following week’s issue.

Real Estate Snapshots Here’s What Sold in Gulfport & Along the Beaches Last Week

5900 Shore Blvd. S., #708 (Town Shores)

This one-bedroom, one-and-one-half bath condo, built in 1972, listed for $299,900 and sold for $249,900. It has 1,170 square feet.

5940 30th Ave. S., #304 (Town Shores)

This 1,120-square-foot condo, built in 1971, has two bedrooms and one bath. It listed for $249,000 and sold for $225,000.

5617 Newton Ave. S. (Tangerine)

This 1,056-square-foot home has three bedrooms and one bath. It listed for $210,000, but sold for $217,500.

2900 45th St. S., #13 (Waterfront District)

This 865-square-foot condo, built in 1963, has two bedrooms and one bath. It listed and sold for $199,900.

5137 9th Ave. S. (Tangerine)

2914 57th St. S. (Waterfront District)

This three-bedroom, two-and-a-half bath home, built in 1957, listed for $599,999 and sold for $582,500.

This two-bedroom, two-bath home, built in 1947, has 729 square feet. It listed for $205,900 and sold for $180,000.

5136 Newton Ave. S. (Tangerine)

This 1952 home listed and sold for $170,000. It has two bedrooms and one bath. | February 9, 2023 - February 15, 2023 31
4758 Baywood Pt. Dr. S. Only waterfront home with a dock & pool for under a million dollars! JUST LISTED!!! DEEP WATER DOCK. BEAUTIFUL POOL. OPEN FLOOR PLAN. WONDERFUL GARDENS.

Sciatica is used to describe nerve pain that originates in the lower back, radiates deep into the buttock and travels down the leg Better known as, a literal ‘PAIN IN THE BUTT.’ All jokes aside, we understand how painful and debilitating sciatic pain can be. The burning sensation is unbearable. The shooting pain makes staying active almost impossible.

Long car rides are out of the question and standing for extended periods of time, forget it. You spend your entire day trying to get comfortable only to find that it’s nearly impossible.

You've tried the stretches. You've tried ice and heat. You've even tried massage, physical therapy and exercises with little to no relief!

At AAIM |Achieve Acupuncture & Integrative Medicine, we offer a PROVEN SOLUTION to TREAT your sciatic pain and back pain! Stop living in pain and START LIVING AGAIN!

Dr. Gibbons and her staff specialize in treating chronic pain, complicated neurological conditions such as neuropathy and autoimmune conditions that leave other professionals scratching their heads.

Call now to schedule a consultation with Dr. Gibbons. Or visit ACHIEVEACUIM.COM to learn more.

32 | February 9, 2023 - February 15, 2023
Stand up to your sciatic pain! Are you seeking relief from crippling BACK PAIN or SCIATIC PAIN? 701 49th St N st. petersburg, fl 727-272-3587 call today!

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