The Gabber: February 23, 2023

Page 9

The Oyster is Your World

When was the last time you enjoyed a sunset at the Gulfport Municipal Marina? As you watched that gorgeous procession of orange, purple, and blue playing out in the clouds, did you know that a humbler, but no less extraordinary process

was unfolding just beneath your feet – where thousands of oysters are slowly, steadily cleaning the waters of Boca Ciega Bay?

“One adult oyster can filter 50 gallons of water a day. They are Mother Nature’s kidneys!” says Pe-

ter Clark, president and founder of Tampa Bay Watch, the conservation organization that helped install 500 vertical oyster gardens at the marina and more at private docks in the surrounding area. These 18-inch

Oysters continued on page 8

THE GABBER.COM Digital subscriptions provided by the City of Gulfport No. 2801 February 23, 2023- March 1, 2023
Two Tampa Bay Watch volunteers carry a concrete oyster reef ball (also known as an oyster dome) into the water for installation. The community-based habitat restoration organization celebrates its 30th year this month. TAMPA BAY WATCH

2908-B Beach Blvd. S. Gulfport, FL 33707


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Barry Loper and Cathy Salustri Loper

Deadlines Friday at 5 p.m.

Leaning in to Change

Last weekend, ReadOut 2023 proved once again that attempts to stifle emerging voices also amplify attention to the resilience and creativity their stories contain. Love of the written word and the craft of writing brought ReadOut to life in 2018. Lesbian energy carried it through COVID-19, creating a global community virtually when we couldn’t meet face-to-face. This year’s hybrid festival widened the circle yet again to welcome authors – and audiences – across the LGBTQ+ rainbow at the Gulfport Public Library and around the world. Thank you, Florida Humanities and the LGBTQ Resource Center for funding, The Gabber for your cover story, the City of Gulfport and public library for Zoom access, staffing and onsite space, and, most especially, the team of dedicated volunteers who committed hundreds of hours bringing ReadOut 2023 to fruition. Kudos to Ghost Light Young theater for revealing the complexity of Matthew Shepard’s story on stage. Huge hugs to our authors and audiences – ReadOut couldn’t happen without you. We look forward to celebrating LGBTQ voices with ReadOut 2024, leaning into the truth that differences some use to divide us are, in fact, opportunities for deeper knowledge and connection. –Susan Gore, on behalf of the ReadOut 2023 Organizing Team and the LGBTQ Resource Center Board

ReadOut is For LGBTQ?

I’ve written to the committee requesting an explanation but, so far, have gotten no response. This is what I wrote:

This is NOT the “6th annual ReadOut: A Festival of LGBTQ Literature” because, for the first five years it was “ReadOut: A Festival of LESBIAN Literature.” It is absolutely not the same. What happened to the motto from a couple of years back: “Lesbian Voices Persist and Prevail?” I sincerely believe men’s, trans’ and all other voices are valuable and should be heard but not (as usual) at the expense of rare and precious lesbian space. Over and over, lesbians work hard to build something special for lesbians only to have others see their success and take it over for themselves. Why not respect lesbians and go do the work of building a separate event, inclusive of those other voices? I am heartsick and don’t even want to attend your festival this year but if I could, I would come just to be sure the issue was addressed. It seems you’re  trying to fly under everyone’s radar and pretend that this coup did not happen and there are no negative repercussions. I’ve been so proud of Gulfport Library and the work of so many women to create and present this rare and special event for lesbians and do it amazingly well. Now it’s been stolen away. I’ve watched this happen so many times. I’m sure the same old rationalizations were made, but it seems jealousy and laziness and, I have to say, misogyny, won out. Again.

The views and opinions expressed in this publication are not necessarily those of the publishers, advertisers, or employees of the Gabber. The Gabber is not liable for any errors in advertising beyond the cost of the first printing of any advertisement. Contents of this publication may not be reproduced or copied without permission of the publisher.

I appreciate the article about ReadOut but wish you had addressed what seems to me an obvious question. For the last five years, this wonderful festival, created by a loving and dedicated group of lesbians for lesbians, was billed as  “ReadOut – A Festival of Lesbian Literature.” Suddenly, this year, with no explanation at all, it has become “ReadOut – a Festival of LGBTQ+ Literature” and features a male keynote speaker.

I am obviously very unhappy with the turn of events and, although I realize it probably won’t even constitute a blip on your news radar, I needed to address the issue in some fashion. I’ve also discovered that several lesbian planning committee volunteers were “dismissed” to effect the changeover. Again, this is an old, painful pattern I have witnessed many times. It makes me sad. And tired. Thanks for reading and for all your fine work. –Caroline Bloodworth

Voices continued on page 21

2 | February 23, 2023 - March 1, 2023 voices REMEMBER: Today is the first day of the rest of your life!
@gabbernews @gabbernews @gabberlife

It has been my honor to serve you on the Gulfport City Council. When you are filling out your ballot at home or at the polls, please cast your vote for

I want to continue working to preserve Gulfport’s unique identity, build on our legacy as a full-service city and maintain our low millage rate. I would appreciate your vote on March 14th. Citywide voting means everyone votes. | February 23, 2023 - March 1, 2023 3 Political Advertisement paid for and approved by Christine Brown for Gulfport City Council, Ward 2. VOTE March 14th 727-501-5857 • From your block to the docks, we all agree Gulfport Rocks! It’s the best place to live, eat and play, watching the sun set on the bay. When you’re ready to vote, please remember this quote. Christine Brown won’t let you down.
the Gulfport you came here for, the Gulfport you stayed here for and the Gulfport you call home.

Pyramids, RVs, and Freedom

Much is said about what makes Gulfport special. We refer to the art, the music; diversity and tolerance for human variation. Perhaps a spontaneous spirit. “Quirky” and “weird” in shorthand.

However defined, many of us agree that this special character exists and seek to preserve it. Let me put forth a theory: that this vibe thrives in a free-spirited social, political, and regulatory climate and is choked off in a conformist environment.

Using a very broad brush here, it’s fair to say that every community, balances “freedom” with “conformity”; the rights of the individual to do as

they please vs. the rights of the community to have order. Both are essential. Conformity....that instinct to walk in step with our sisters and brothers, might be humanity’s defining trick. With it, we teamed up to survive our formative millennia in a dangerous world. We created civilizations and kept the trains running on time. We would be, literally, nowhere if we couldn’t surrender our individuality and form into tribes.

But conformity is not friendly to imagination and creativity. Whoever conceived of the Great Pyramid of Giza, the world’s tallest structure for 4000 years, was not walking in easy lockstep with their neighbor but envisioning a world others could not see, one with a structure reaching seemingly to the heavens. This was independent thinking, unconstrained by the status quo.

Similarly, all artists are “independents” rather than “conformists” because they envision what is not there and bring it into being for the rest of us to respond to. However it came about, Gulfport is and should remain a safe place for these independents and their fellow-travelers.

For that to happen, conformity must be kept on a leash. The teeter totter of our civic and regulatory life needs a small but deliberate tilt in favor of freedom, understanding that freedom is messier than conformity and always comes with a price.

Which brings up the elephant in the room: “tolerance.” Mostly we think we have it but it’s all fun and games until we’re asked to tolerate something we don’t actually like, or that (get ready for it) might affect our property value. Another story now, right?

But we can often overcome our intolerant urges with simple selftalk, starting with an ego check (could it be that I’m actually not the center of the universe?). How seriously am I actually affected by this?

Or we can take pleasure in another’s exercise of freedom. It’s our freedom, too!

And civil discussion can work wonders. Before calling in a code enforcement airstrike on our neighbor, we can talk with them, listen to them. See with their eyes. We can seek compromise.

Lastly, Florida is just full of high-conformity communities. Some are right here in Gulfport. Lovely places. Before you make it your life’s work to bend this rare and precious haven for independents to your ways, consider “voting with your feet” and giving your home over to someone who will gladly pay the price for the freedoms found here.

Jonathan Micocci is a Gulfport resident, Realtor and occasional contributor to The Gabber.

4 | February 23, 2023 - March 1, 2023 opinion Responsible redevelopment Protecting Boca Ciega Bay Increasing Public Input and Participation MARCH 14TH ELECT Marj LORAND for Commissioner South Pasadena Paid for by Marj Lorand for Commissioner Paid by Christopher Butler-Jones for Gulfport City Council, Ward 2 Questions? Have ideas? Need help? Call me @ (727) 564-7038 VOTE CHRISTOPHER BUTLER-JONES FOR CITY COUNCIL & FOR YOU

Smile! You’re on Casino Camera

New Weather Camera Up and Running at Casino

Thanks to a new, state-of-the-art camera, people around the globe can see pictures from the Gulfport Casino.

A proposal went before city council a few months ago and has come to fruition on the southeast side of the casino.

another site maintained by WeatherBug, which shows similar camera pictures. Shea added that people can Google “Gulfport Florida cam-

era” and find the appropriate page.

It currently does only time-lapse photography, according to Mather.

“We are working with Earth Networks right now to get the actual [live video] stream, which will be really nice,” he said. “But that timelapse photography is pretty nice, too.”

The system allows 10 Tampa Bay to show viewers live shots of Gulfport during thrice-daily weather reports.

As far as the pan-tilt-zoom functions, the television station has control over those.

“We were offered [the ability to control it], but wanted the experts to have full access to that,” said Shea. “We just wanted the ability to get into the camera and access the stream.”

Supervisor Justin Shea and IT Director Dave Mather told council at its Feb. 7 meeting the camera was live. It began with a request from 10 Tampa Bay chief meteorologist Bobby Deskins at last May’s annual hurricane seminar in Gulfport.

Cultural Facilities Events

Shea said a site survey and planning meeting last July at the casino led to a counci resolution (passed later that month) for placing of a weather camera on the Casino.

The camera has pan-tilt-zoom capabilities. The City did not pay for the camera.

“If the city purchased this camera out of pocket, we’d pay $3,000 plus the mounting gear and the installation,” said Shea. “These services were provided to the city at no cost via the Earth Networks agreement.”

Shea showed a few high-definition images taken by the camera, and said the Earth Networks would make future images available for viewing. The city’s website links to | February 23, 2023 - March 1, 2023 5 news
Paid for and approved by Michael Fridovich, non-partisan, for Gulf-port City Council, Ward 4
"My number one issue is and will continue to be constituent's issues. I appreciate your vote!" - Michael Fridovich
Keep Michael Fridovich working for Gulfport! Vote by mail or at the Polls on March 14! The new camera mouned on the roof of the historic Gulfport Casino. MONROE ROARK

Candidates Explain Gulfport Issues as They See Them Part One of Three

The Gabber Newspaper Staff

The Gabber asked the five candidates for Gulfport City Council to answer five questions. Over the next three weeks, we’ll print their answers. Candidates had 24 hours to answer, as successful candidates will make decisions in real time during meetings. We also gave candidates a word count; when the candidate ran over, we cut the word count at the specified length and indicated as much. We have edited only for syntax and spelling. Elections take place Mar. 14.

What are the key issues facing Gulfport, and how – specifically –will you tackle them? (200 words)

on many issues. What we can and I have always done is to continue working on our streets, sewers and sidewalks, etc.

Ian O’Hara, challenger: The key issues facing Gulfport are lack of clarity, lack of communication, lack of accessibility, and lack of lobbying In Tallahassee for things we need to fight for.

Ward II

Christine Brown, incumbent: Gulfport is a full-service city. Police, Fire, Public Works, Library, Recreation Center, Senior Center, Marina, Playgrounds, Beach, Theater, Casino, Community Development. 12,000 residents, 68 miles of roads, 32 miles of unpaved alleyways, recreational fields and more than a dozen buildings to maintain. I believe

that a full-service city supports our sense of community, our lifestyle, and our high level of personal service. I want to continue working to preserve Gulfport’s unique identity, build our legacy as a full-service city, and maintain our low millage rate which has remained the same 4.039 mils for 11 years. For the benefit of our residents, businesses, and community organizations it is important for our city to continue to maintain our high quality of life by investing in the priorities that are important to residents.

I am dedicated to working closely with the city manager to ensure our financial sustainability by continuously monitoring the fiscal environment and financial forecasts to approve a conservative budget that balances the public service needs with the available resources of the

6 | February 23, 2023 - March 1, 2023 K.F.M., M.D. • 727-300-0933 KAREN MONROE, M.D. 401 33rd St N., #F • St. Petersburg 33713 “...we will help you through the entire process.” No fee if you do not qualify. KFM MD • 727-300-0933 KAREN MONROE M.D.
Ward IV Michael Fridovich, incumbent: Between the lack of home rule and Supreme Court our hands are tied MICHAEL FRIDOVICH IAN O’HARA PATRICK GRANEY

city. The City of Gulfport makes every effort to provide a full range of valuable essential services, so each resident can lead a positive, healthy, active, and rewarding life.

Christopher Butler-Jones, challenger: Gulfport needs to improve in the way it communicates with the community. City Hall needs to be clear and transparent with citizens and to keep people up-to-date with what’s going on, whether it’s good, bad, or anywhere in between. Voices need to be heard; phone calls and e-mails need to be answered in a timely manner. I’d like to have regular town hall meetings for the whole city (and not just for my ward). Anything that would allow City Hall to better know what the people want and need would be amazing improvement –especially if it would also bring the community and give neighbors an opportunity to know each other.

Greg Simek, challenger: The number one issue facing Gulfport is af-

fordability. Rents are increasing two times or more on units that haven’t been updated since the landlords bought them in the 1980s. For all the rhetoric about “keeping Gulfport Gulfport” it is important to acknowledge that the folks who can currently afford the steep $500/ square foot price tag do not define the city’s historical identity. Rather it’s the artists, musicians, and dedicated workforce who have largely sculpted Gulfport’s eclecticism and charm. They are all getting priced out and moving away, which in turn jeopardizes our city’s character. The affordability issues have been going on for three years and the current Council’s piece-de-resistance has been to reactively sign the county’s laughable “Tenant Bill of Rights” which is significant only in that it now requires landlords to provide a 60-day instead of a 30-day notice window for rent increases. Yep, that’ll really solve the crisis (j/k)!

On my website gulfportforward.

com I itemize multiple solutions including strategic density increases to create missing middle housing, disincentivizing derelict properties from remaining nonproductive, and allowing accessory dwelling units on a broader spectrum of permissible lots.

Next week: Diversity and parking downtown.

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to know why Gulfport does things the way they do? Send your questions to and we'll get the answers!

cords of recycled oyster shell can be installed under docks and piers, where they gradually expand into a suspended reef, providing not just cleaner water, but also habitat for other marine species.

If you know where to look, you can find other traces of Tampa Bay Watch’s work all around the bay, from salt-marsh plantings in Clam Bayou and Osgood Point to a huge installation of 9,700 oyster reef balls and 450 tons of oyster-shell reef at MacDill Air Force Base protecting the shoreline against huge vessel wakes from the transport ships entering and leaving Port Tampa. These projects reflect the organization’s focus on community-based habitat restoration, engaging 10,000 volunteers each year in the work of rebuilding the habitat that keeps the bay healthy.

Founded in 1993, Tampa Bay Watch turned 30 this month. Over the last three decades the organization has enjoyed what Clark describes as “solid, slow, steady growth” – not unlike the many oyster reefs TBW has fostered. What began as a small group of environmental scientists and educators 30 years ago is now an organization of 52 full- and parttime staff, spanning two facilities: the Tierra Verde Marine Science Center, perched along the road to Fort De Soto, and a new Discovery Center at the St. Pete Pier.

Both locations have allowed TBW to expand into the other side of its mission – education. The Tierra Verde and St. Pete Pier sites currently serve 3,500 students and 2,500 students respectively each year through field trips and camps. Clark envisions more to come: The organization would like to establish a mobile education component that could bring programming to schools

(Title I schools in particular) and create a presence at local events.

“And we need to keep moving the needle in terms of improvements in water quality,” adds Clark. Tampa Bay’s overall health has improved a lot in the last 30 years. Clark cites, for instance, the 10,000-acre increase in sea grass beds, which provide critical habitat for marine species, since 1993. But rising sea levels and the continued threat of harmful algal blooms call for more work ahead – larger oyster reef installations and a move toward living shorelines that provide additional habitat and water filtration while helping protect terrestrial creatures like ourselves from the impact of storms.

Whatever new projects the future may bring, Clark says, the organization’s mission will remain focused on community-oriented stewardship. Readers can join in upcoming TBW restoration projects or encourage their companies, churches, schools, and other community groups to get involved.

Because after all, our home isn’t just the houses, streets, and beaches we’ve come to love – it’s the habitat that keeps it all afloat.

8 | February 23, 2023 - March 1, 2023 727-954-4431 5500 1st Ave N St. Petersburg Gentle, Friendly and personalized care Family Dentistry Invisalign Botox for clenching and grinding Nitrous oxide gas for dental anxiety Dr. Shoopak DN20913 Dr. Gutu DN17133
Oysters continued from cover Tampa Bay Watch uses tools such as concrete oyster reef balls, sacks of recycled oyster shells, and grass plantings to create a resilient living shoreline on Fantasy Island in Hillsborough Bay. TAMPA BAY WATCH

Overheard at the Feb. 7 Gulfport City Council Meeting

About the Sunflower School

“Sunflower School is having a fundraiser spring fest. It is in the Presbyterian church and has been there for 50 years, started by Eckerd College students. The church decided to close their doors and sold the building to the school, which is terrific, at a price they could afford. They’ve already raised half the money for it so they’re excited about that. They’re going to have a spring fest March 4 from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the school, and they would love for everybody to come out and support them. They have

lots of things going on there that day..” – Vice Mayor Christine

About ongoing negotiations with the Boca Ciega Yacht Club

“The city attorney has provided the BCYC’s attorney a draft agreement that is basically in their hands.” – City Manager Jim

“Last I heard, their attorney had been out for surgery. But she was presenting it to their board. They would return it to us, and we would bring it forward to council, pursuant to your direction.”

Former Council member and beloved Gulfport Litter Lady | February 23, 2023 - March 1, 2023 9
Political advertisement paid for and approved by Ian O-Hara for City Council
Endorsed by DAWN FISHER
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SPC Program Empowers Black Male Students FAAME Providing Students Opportunities For Success

A new St. Petersburg College program is empowering Black male students to achieve success in their college career. Gulfport native Demetrius Henry, currently a first-year student at SPC, expressed his appreciation for the school’s Florida African American Male Experience (FAAME) program.

After a tough year suffering from “senior-itis” at Lakewood High School, Henry says he regained his motivation and became more goal-oriented through FAAME. He plans to get an associate’s degree in information technology, and hopes to further his education at his dream school, Florida A&M University.

During his senior year of high school, Henry met FAAME Coordinator Ernest Greer who introduced him to the program. FAAME provides students with a clear path toward their degree completion and offers educational services including “one-on-one tutoring, mentorship, and academic advising support.” Not only are students provided guidance, but they receive scholarships for financial support.

“They’ll take care of everything so you can just focus on your classes,” Henry explained.

FAAME stems from SPC’s Brother to Brother program, partnering with Community Foundation Tampa Bay

and Helios Education Foundation. Helios Education Foundation awarded “a Community Investment Grant for $1.6 million” to help fund the school’s program, and the initiative currently serves 250 Black male students at SPC, according to Helios.

“The ongoing decline of African American students, particularly male students, in higher education highlights the urgent need for improved access to academic success,” SPC President Tonjua Williams said. “That’s why we are so excited and grateful for the continued support of Helios Education Foundation in our efforts to enhance the African American male experience at St. Petersburg College.” This program provides networking

and internship opportunities, workshops, and study abroad and alternative break trips. Many of these trips allow students to tour Florida colleges and universities.

At the beginning of the fall semester of 2022, Henry and other FAAME students took a weekend trip to tour Florida State University and Florida A&M University. Other students also took a tour of Florida Atlantic University and Florida Memorial University. The students decide where they’d like to visit at their weekly meetings. Once a trip is proposed, it must be approved by Program Manager Antonio Seay.

Henry described FAAME as a “great experience with great people, and a great environment.” He said he has found a place where he belongs and knows that others feel the same way.

“I’ve always been a people person. I’ve always been interested in talking to people, going out, and socializing, but this program literally expanded my group,” Henry told The Gabber. “But not just like, they’re my friends, but they’re people that push me to do better. We’re all pushing each other to be great and be successful.”

You must be a male SPC student and participate in Brother to Brother meetings to be eligible. The application process is all online for anyone who wants to further their education through this program at SPC. Read this article at for the web address to apply.

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SPC student Demetrius Henry and FAAME Coordinator Ernest Greer meet every Monday in FAAME’s lounge. CAMERON HEALY

Free Will Prep Available for Low-Income Veterans The Program Has a March Deadline

A specific group of local residents will have access to some free legal services in the coming weeks.

Stetson University College of Law is partnering with the Community Law Program and the St. Petersburg Bar Foundation to provide free simple wills and advance directives for low-income veterans and spouses over 60. The Wills for Warriors program was offered previously but has not been available since 2020, according to those affiliated with it.

Those who qualify will receive individualized assistance from local professionals “who care deeply about veterans and aging individuals,” said one official.

The program will take place in March. Walk-in appointments are not available; applicants are invited to schedule appointments before March 15 by calling 727-562-7577. Appointments are limited, so they encourage early applications.

Wills for Warriors gets support from Stetson Law’s Center for Excellence in Elder Law, which was established to meet the increasing need for legal education and research in the field of law and aging, and to assist eligible veterans and their spouses in the development of such essential documents.

To qualify, applicants must be 60 or older and have low incomes and

limited assets. Individuals who own real estate outside the state of Florida are not eligible to participate.

Stetson Law students and volunteer attorneys from the Pinellas County Community Law Program will assist the Center for Excellence in Elder Law with this program.

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Applicants Get a Do-Over Policy Change for Gulfport Boards

A policy change is coming for future meetings of Gulfport’s Board of Adjustment and Planning & Zoning Board.

Vice Mayor Christine Brown reported to council that a recent Board of Adjustment meeting saw an applicant’s request receive a tie vote because at least one board member was absent or did not vote for some other reason. A tie vote means “no,” as far as the applicant is concerned.

“I didn’t know the tie doesn’t go to the runner,” Brown commented, using a long-time baseball analogy.

When asked for further details, Gulfport Community Development Director Fred Metcalf informed The Gabber that two such votes took place at the Jan. 11 Board of Adjustment meeting. One was a variance request for 2520 50th Street South to reduce the side yard setback and allow for the proposed construction of a 12-by-12-foot accessory structure. The other was a variance request for 2846 Skimmer Point Dr. S. to reduce the setback on one side for the installation of a proposed new dock.

Brown asked at the council meeting if a change could be made so that, if there is a similar situation in the future, the applicant could have the option of waiting until the

next meeting to have his or her case heard. She also wanted to allow the applicant affected by this recent incident to be able to reapply without starting the entire process from the beginning, which can be a tedious and costly proposition.

City Attorney Andrew Salzman said it would be no problem to adopt that policy, and he received council

consensus to proceed.

“The board can announce at the beginning of any meeting in which all of them are not there that an applicant has the option to wait until the next meeting,” said Salzman.

City Manager Jim O’Reilly said he would make sure the members of those boards were informed about the new policy.

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A tie vote means “no” when people go before boards like Gulfport’s Planning & Zoning. Moving forward, applicants will have the chance to reschedule if there’s a chance of a tie vote.
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FEMA Pays Up Council Addresses Sewer Maintenance, Ian Cleanup

Question: How many sanitary sewer manholes are in Gulfport?

Answer: 694.

City officials contracted in early 2020 to have all of them inspected and graded to eliminate locations where wet weather can infiltrate the sewer system. Nine manholes received a poor grade, and those will be refitted with a new protective lining to prevent inflow and infiltration. The City Council voted Feb. 7 to approve a $92,421.65 contract with Engineered Spray Solutions for this work, piggybacking on an existing contract with Sarasota County.

Also approved was an $89,310.33 payment to Southern Disaster Recovery Inc. for emergency vegetative debris removal and disposal, as well as a corresponding budget amendment. This project was necessitated by Hurricane Ian, which swept through town last fall and left a great deal of limbs and brush scattered about.

According to city officials, staff worked with several local contractors to clean up the streets and stored approximately 7,200 cubic yards of vegetative debris at a city facility on 49th Street.

Southern Disaster Recovery began removing this material Nov. 29 and finished the job Dec. 9. The city

will be filing a claim with the Federal Emergency Management Agency and expects reimbursement of the costs.

Total expenses related to debris removal as a result of Hurricane Ian amounted to $129,870. The anticipated reimbursement share allocation is 75% federal, 12.5% state, and 12.5% required to be funded by the city. That means Gulfport would be responsible for $16,234 and the budget amendment would address that.

In a separate action, council approved an agreement for disaster monitoring and management services so that debris removal operations are done properly. City officials noted that debris removal generally accounts for the largest portion of

disaster recovery costs while also leading to the most federal funding being lost due to mismanagement and not working within FEMA guidelines.

A revised personnel manual for Gulfport employees was approved. City Manager Jim O’Reilly said the changes were mostly editorial and to provide for conformity with state and federal law. It was also noted that some outdated provisions were removed and grammatical changes made.

“It’s a living document,” said City Attorney Andrew Salzman. “As legal issues come up, we bring it in and want to put it in the manual to make sure everybody is protected and knows what they can and cannot do.”

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Gulfport is paying the bill for Hurricane Ian debris removal and should get FEMA reimbursement. MONROE ROARK

Prison, Pickleball, and the Green Comet Things Said In and Around Gulfport

think I just figured out my next karaoke

“Do you think it’s time for the trick shot now, Ray?” –Dennis Swain speaking to his 97-year-old teammate Ray, as the Town Shores Embassy building battled the Nottingham building in bocce ball

“When are the pickleball courts at Chase Park going to be finished?” –Mike Bauer at the Gulfport Rec Center’s indoor pickleball court waiting for the next game with 15 others as pickleball becomes the fastest-growing sport in the U.S. with

36.5 million participants, beating basketball, golf, and tennis

“Acceptance.” –Patricia Hayman’s response when asked her favorite thing about Gulfport

“Maybe we can do a weekly lottery for who gets the police called on them the most?” –Dick Taylor talking about Tap House’s third birthday party, where the police showed up for a noise complaint

“In a city so involved with its benches, I hope they have plenty of covered benches. They could even make them green!” –Flora Brandt talking about the new Chase Park pickleball courts in Gulfport

“Right after I got out of prison, we headed straight to this beach.” –Charlotte Tugwell at Sunset Beach looking for the Green Comet, talking about being stuck at home after surgery | February 23, 2023 - March 1, 2023 15 according to gulfport TWO BRAND NEW SPARKLING-CLEAN CLEARWATER LOCATIONS TO CHOOSE FROM Grand Opening & Ribbon Cutting March 21st 4pm-5pm 2611 SEVILLE BLVD, CLEARWATER FL, 33764 (813) 851-1185 VALUE32@VALUESTOREIT.COM Grand Opening & Ribbon Cutting March 22nd 4pm-5pm 26489 US HWY 19 N, CLEARWATER FL, 33761 (813) 771-7177 VALUE31@VALUESTOREIT.COM “Best Rates In town” “Ask About our Value Buster Guarantee” 4 MONTHS 25% OFF 4 MONTHS 25% OFF OFFICE HOURS: MON-SAT 9AM TO 6PM • SUN 10AM TO 2PM ACCESS HOURS: MON-SUN • 6AM TO 10 PM U-Haul Truck Rentals • Free Use of Push-Carts Best Access Hours • We Sell Packing and Moving Supplies
–John Kenney listening to the song, “Tequila,” played on the saxophone at the Tap House (it’s only lyric is “tequila”)

Gulfport Senior Center 5501 27th


S. • 727-893-5657 • /gulfportseniorcenter

Annual registration required. Free, residents; $50, non-residents. All programs subject to change without notice. Mon.-Thurs., 8 a.m.-7 p.m. and Fri, 8 a.m.-4 p.m. Stop by, join our weekly newsletter, or like us on Facebook for a full calendar of events.

Fitness Center now open! To provide physical distancing, the hourly capacity is limited. You must call to pre-register.

Supplemental food assistance for qualifying Gulfport Seniors in need is available at the Senior Center. Pantry is open on Mondays and Thursdays from 1 p.m. - 3 p.m. Proper verification required prior to use of the pantry.

GEMS (Gulfport Extended Mobility Service) provides affordable Door-to-Door transportation service, rides to medical appointments, shopping, and much more for Gulfport residents, 55 years of age or older or disabled. 727-893-2242.

Medical Equipment Lending Program provides gently used wheelchairs, walkers, canes, crutches and other medical equipment to seniors who need it. Supplies limited.


Medicare & Health Insurance Assistance

Frustrated trying to navigate the insurance world? We have you covered! Make your appointment today.

Memory Screenings Worried about your memory? St. Anthony’s Memory Disorder Clinic offers free & confidential memory screenings.

SNAP Benefit Assistance Feeding Tampa Bay will meet with you to help you apply for SNAP benefits.

Gulfcoast Legal Assistance Do you need assistance, with lifetime planning docs, Medicaid/Medicare issues, Social Security issues, food stamp issues, family law issues, consumer/debt collection Issues, or housing/contract Issues? Call to make an appointment with a legal representative. By appointment only.

EPIC Coffee Connections EPIC Generations invites LGBTQ+ adults for coffee, friendship, & support. Feb. 24, 10 a.m.

Movie Matinee Take a break from the hustle & bustle and enjoy a movie on the big screen. Call for movie title. Feb. 24, 1 p.m.

Ballroom Dance Lessons Led by Larry, you are bound to learn the ropes with this 5-week class. MUST Pre-register. D Hall, Mondays, 5:30 p.m.

Poetry Workshop A four-week course offered by Keep St. Pete Lit. Participants will have the opportunity to perform their poems at a special reading open to the community. Rm 106, Mar. 1, 10:30 a.m.

Veterans Coffee Connection Veterans of all service eras are invited to gather for coffee, support, friendship & to learn about available community resources. Rm 106, Mar. 3, 10 a.m.

Gulfport ROCKS! Join the party and create some fun rock art. All supplies provided. MUST Pre-register. Sponsored by Moore Medicare Options. Rm 106, Mar. 3, 1 p.m.

Art Show Join the Advanced Senior Artist during their art show as they share their work from 2022. D Hall, Mar. 3, 6 p.m.

Wisdom Healing Qigong Heal yourself naturally from any chronic conditions or illness that you may have with the Wisdom Healing Qigong. Th Lobby, Mondays, 11 a.m.

HCA Lunch & Learn: Hernias Over 5 million people in the US suffer from a hernia. What is a hernia? How to live with it? When to make a change and how to fix it? D Hall, Mar. 7, 2 p.m.

Health Talk with Labrador Primary Dr. McCoy provides valuable information and useful tips. Rm 107, Mar. 9, 12 p.m.

Welcome to the Club Come meet the Crew at this informative based meeting to welcome new members to the Senior Center.

Rm 107, Mar. 9, 2 p.m.

Rhythm & Groove Jam Session Bring your instrument & join others for a casual jamming group. Open to anyone & everyone, all instruments, all levels of experience, & listeners. D Hall. Mar. 9, 3 p.m.


Call (727) 893-2242 to find out this month’s Getaway destinations


Monday Mile Walking Club 8 a.m., call for location

Spanish Conversation 8:30 a.m., Room 107

Chair Exercise/Yoga 9:30 a.m., Theater Lobby

Spanish for Beginners 10 a.m., Room 107

Stretch & Strength 10 a.m., Casino

Wisdom Healing Qigong 11 a.m., Theater Lobby

Mahjong 12 p.m., Room 107

Dominos 1 p.m., Theater Lobby

Strength Training & Aerobics 1:30 p.m., Dining Hall

Chair Volleyball 3 p.m., Dining Hall


Gulfport Senior Citizens Harmonica Club

9 a.m., Room 107

Line Dancing for Beginners 10 a.m.,

Neighborhood Center

Tai Chi 10 a.m., Casino

Gulfport Quilting Club 10 a.m., Room 106

Texas Hold ‘Em 11 a.m., Theater Lobby

Contract Bridge 1:30 p.m., Theater Lobby

New Horizons Band of Gulfport Jazz Practice 4:30 p.m., Dining Hall

New Horizons Band of Gulfport Concert Practice 6 p.m., Dining Hall


Senior Moments 8:30 a.m., Room 107

Gentle Mindful Yoga 10 a.m., Neighborhood Center

Investment Discussion Group 10 a.m., Room 107

Stretch & Strength 10 a.m., Casino

Bunco 10:30 a.,m., Theater Lobby

Widowing Tribe 12:30 p.m., Room 107

Canasta 1 p.m., Theater Lobby

Bingo 1:30 p.m., Dining Hall

Intermediate Spanish 6 p.m., Room 106

Cardio Drumming 5:30 p.m., Dining Hall

Gulfport Toastmasters 6 p.m., Room 107


Guided Meditation 10 a.m., Room 107

Tai Chi 10 a.m., Casino

Stretch & Strength 10 a.m., Casino

Texas Hold ‘Em 11 a.m., Theater Lobby

Contract Bridge 1:30 p.m., Theater Lobby

Strength Training & Aerobics 1:30 p.m., Dining Hall

Italian Language Classes 6 p.m. and 7 p.m., various rooms


Wellness Movement 9 a.m., Room 106

Beginners’ Yoga 9 a.m., Casino

Gulfport Writers’ Workshop 9:30 a.m., Room 107

Knitting & Crocheting 10 a.m., Theater Lobby

Chair Yoga 10:30 a.m., Casino

Bridge Instruction 12:30 p.m., Room 107

Dominos 1 p.m., Theater Lobby

Chair Volleyball 1:30 p.m., Dining Hall

16 | February 23, 2023 - March 1, 2023

Catherine Hickman Theater 727-893-1070 • 5501 27th Ave. S.

Nan Colton as Mina Miller Edison FMI: 727-893-1244. Sun., Feb. 26, 4 p.m. Tickets $20 at Senior Center Foundation Office, Beach Bazaar, or

Colleen Orender Nashville recording artist. FMI: 727-893-1244. Sat., Mar. 4, 7 p.m. Tickets $30 general admission / $45 premium at Senior Center Foundation Office, Beach Bazaar, or

AARP Tax-Aide Free, individualized tax preparation for low-to moderate-income taxpayers. Call 727-755-3112 to request an appointment. There will be no walkin tax preparation. You will need to bring your important documents to the site. For everyone's safety masks are required. Call 1-888-687-2277 for additional information or visit money/taxes/aarp_taxaide/. Mondays & Fridays, 10 a.m.

Baby Time For children two and younger and their caregivers with infants & young toddlers. Older siblings also welcome. Tuesdays, 10:15 a.m.

Teen Space Spend time with friends and make new ones. Play games, make art, watch movies, or just hang out. Activities vary – and what we do is up to you! Ages 12-18 only. Tuesdays, 4 p.m.

Storytime Join us for stories, rhymes, music. Thursdays, 10:15 & 11 a.m.

Garden Grandpa If you have little ones in grades K-5, join us the first Wednesday of the month in the Reading Garden. Mr. Albert will share his knowledge of gardening and sustainability through storytelling and hands-on fun. Mar. 1, 4 p.m. Come & Go Craft Drop in for creative, self-directed crafting. For all ages, but some pieces might be on the small side. Supplies are limited and are on a first come, first served basis. Crafting located on children’s area tables. Mar. 4, 10 a.m. Grown-Up Movie Series One of the greatest musical icons and composers of her time, Lydia Tár, leads a prestigious orchestra in Berlin. Making history as the first female conductor in Germany, she must live up to her name as she records her latest symphony. Rated R. Call 727893-1074 for title. Mar. 4, 1 p.m.

Get Growing City horticulturist, Toffer Ross, answers all your questions about gardening, trees, and landscaping in Florida. Mar. 8, 11 a.m.

STEAM Club STEAM is short for Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math. Recommended for Grades K-5. Children must be accompanied by an adult. Mar. 8, 4 p.m.

St. Patrick’s Day Wreath Use burlap, green felt,a nd embellishments to make festive door wreaths. Registration required and opens Mar. 2; call 727-8931074 or email to sign up. Mar. 9, 2 p.m.

SHINE Presentation: Medicare Basics

Presentation on Medicare Parts A, B, C, & D and what they mean to you. FMI, visit Mar. 15, 1 p.m.

Gulfport Book Club Discuss “On the Road” by Jack Kerouac. Available as print and audio. Mar. 16, 2 p.m.

Gulfport Casino Ballroom 727-893-1070 • 5500 Shore Blvd. S.

Tardi Gras A benefit for the Enroy Foundation, Inc. Live music, door prizes, costume contest, food-to-order by Tiki Bar & Grille. Feb. 24: 7 p.m., $15.

Contra Dance with Tampa Friends of Old Time Dance Feb. 26, 3:30 p.m., Contra lesson; 4 p.m., dancing with band & caller. $10 admission

Annual registration: $3; $25, nonresidents


Intermediate and advanced Mon., 9 a.m.-1 p.m.

Beginners Tues., 9 a.m.-1 p.m.

All levels Tues., 6-8:30 p.m. and Thurs., 9 a.m.-1 p.m.

Adult Basketball Wed. & Fri., 9 a.m.-1 p.m.; Thurs., 6-8:30 p.m.

Table Tennis Tues. & Thurs., 9 a.m.-1 p.m.

Game Room Mon., Wed., & Fri., 9 a.m.-1 p.m.


School Year Child Care Program Registration continues for the 2022-23 school year child care program for kids entering kindergarten through age 14. Bus transportation available from Pasadena Fundamental, Gulfport Montessori, and Douglas Jamerson Elementary. Program runs until 5:30 p.m., with extended hours until 6 p.m. for

Ballroom Dance with USA Dance DJ and dance hosts, plus a lesson. Feb. 27, 7 p.m. $10; $7, USA Dance members, $10 non-members

Casino Weekly Dances

Ballroom Lessons: Tues., 12 p.m. $15 / $25 couples

Argentine Tango: Tues., 6:30 p.m., $10

Swing: Weds., 7 p.m. $10

Latin Night: Thurs., 7 p.m. $10

an extra charge. Please contact the Recreation Center for more details.

Teen Night! Registrations continue for the 2022-2023 Teen Night Program for teens in middle and high school, students 17 and younger. Recreation, social activities, field trips, cooking projects, guest speakers and service projects. Teens can use the gymnasium, game room and outdoor area. Mon., Wed., & Fri.: 6-9 p.m. Rec Center membership required: $3; $25, nonresidents.


Call instructor for more information. Want to teach a class? Call Jami: 727893-1079.

Ballet Tues., 5:45 p.m., ages 5-7; 6:45 p.m. intermediate ballet, ages 8-16. $40/month. Lisa: 727-742-2594.

Tap Tues., 7:45 p.m., intermediate. $20/

month. Lisa: 727-742-2594

Essentrics Toning Thurs., 9 a.m. $40/ month. Lauren: 248-875-7030

Danskinetics Tues., 10 a.m. $6/class or $20/month. Carol: 845-654-0609

Hatha Yoga Wed., 6:15 p.m. $12/class or $40/month. Denise: 727-251-8868.

Nia Mon., 10 a.m. $15/class, $40/month. Christine: 727-692-1896

Youth Hip Hop Fri., 6:30 p.m., ages 7-9; 7:30 p.m., ages 9-16. $40/month. Lisa: 727742-2594.

Hula Hoop Fitness Second & fourth Thursday, 6:30 p.m. $10/class. Maria:

Tai Chi Gung Mon. 6:30p.m. and Fri. 10 a.m. $15/class or $50/month. Call Kare 727-2620880

Zumba Thurs., 6 p.m., $6/class, $20/ month. Magda: 727-214-7868. | February 23, 2023 - March 1, 2023 17 Recreation Center 5730 Shore Blvd S. • 727-893-1068 • Gulfport Public Library 5501 28th Ave. S. • 727-893-1074 • /gulfportlibraryfl • Mon.-Fri., 10 a.m.-7 p.m.; Sat., 10 a.m.-4 p.m. All programs free and subject to change.

business beat

No Pizza, No Problem

Tommy’s Hideaway Officially Opens

Each meal is made with tender love and care by co-owners of Gulfport’s newest food joint, Tommy’s Hideaway. Tom Lussiano and Larisa Curbelo may have had to put their pizza-making dreams on pause, but that didn’t stop them from coming true.

Tommy’s Hideaway officially opened Feb. 7 and received great feedback from the Gulfport community. People flooded the doors the first day and they’ve been busy ever since, according to Lussiano.

Since they don’t have pizzas on the menu just yet, they’re noticing customers mostly order subs for lunch and their specialty pasta dishes for dinners. Lussiano said they have more than 250 fresh sub rolls in their kitchen each day, ready for whatever crowd comes in.

“We have a meatball appetizer and

a meatball sub, so we sell a lot of those. And then the wings we have three different styles of wings. So people are getting a chance to try that food where they might not have with the pizza,” Lussiano said.

The two noticed the restaurant already has regulars. Curbelo recalled a couple came in every day since the place opened. She said another couple stated they’re going to try something different every day. With no pizza to order, Curbelo said it’s a nice opportunity for people to taste their other options.

“We make everything with so much attention,” Curbelo said. “Every plate that leaves the kitchen, we make sure it was made with love because it’s important to us.”

Lussiano said no plate leaves that kitchen without a big thumbs up from


They wouldn’t be able to run the restaurant without the help of their servers. Lussiano said all four of the employees stayed from the previous restaurant, Dog Pier.

“We are very fortunate,” Lussiano said. “We’re trying to create this little family that is gonna go on this fun little journey with us and so far, it’s been great.”

These owners don’t just sit back and watch the money roll in, they make an effort to be hands on. Lussiano and Curbelo wear long black aprons over their black t-shirts and their black Tommy’s Hideaway hats while in the kitchen and out front with the customers.

“We’re here 14 hours a day, so we get in at like 8 o’clock. He starts rolling his meatballs. We make everything fresh in the mornings,” Curbelo said.

Lussiano credited Curbelo with how hard she works preparing her homemade red sauce in the mornings – and she makes a lot of it.

The two look forward to being a part of the community now they are officially open. They plan to donate to and participate in Gulfport’s 19th annual Get Rescued festival on Feb. 25.

“We want to be involved in the community so I think this is a good start for us,” Curbelo said. “We are going to do a menu special for that day.”

They hope to serve Gulfport their pizza options soon. Once they receive the city’s approval, they have Joe Hashim to work his pizza magic. According to Lussiano, Hashim is a local who has over 30 years of pizza experience.

Lussiano told The Gabber the only barrier remaining for pizza is approval from the City of Gulfport’s Community Development department. The Gabber spoke with Clark Streicher, Gulfport’s building official, about the status of the permits and found it could be another three weeks before the city approved the permit, at which time Lussiano would have to pay for the permit and get another inspection before the city can clear the business to use its pizza oven.

Tommy’s Hideaway, 3121 Beach Blvd. S., Gulfport.

18 | February 23, 2023 - March 1, 2023
Co-owners Tom Lussiano and Larisa Curbelo said they work 14 hours every day preparing and serving customers. TOM LUSSIANO

The Lovable Pets of an Artistic Community

Gulfport’s ‘Show Us Your Pets’ Exhibit Opens

Show Us Your Pets , Gulfport: That’s the message the Gulfport Arts Center sent with its third show in its inaugural year.

And that’s what artists did. This exhibit, which opened Feb. 18, features 10 artists with more than 20 pieces of art, both two-dimensional and sculpture. Artists submitted photography, fine art, sculptures, and fabric. Featured artists include Beverly Boyarsky, Clara Gowen, Eve Pitts, James C. Spoth and Amanda Hagood, Kim Wilder Hinson, Stevie and Charlotte Cerf, Susan Hess, and Tamara Simmonds.

David Kanter and Marissa Stewart-Dix, board members for the Gulfport Historical Society and cochairs for the art steering committee in the Gulfport Art Center, sent an open call to Gulfport artists in January through social media and by contacting previous featured artists directly.

“We were like, why don’t we keep everything cohesive with Get Rescued going on, with Pet Mayor going on, and then we do Show Us Your Pets to see what kind of really awesome animal-oriented artwork we could get from our very dog, cat, and all sorts of variety of animal loving community,” Kanter explained.

Unlike the first show, juried by the director of Tempus Projects, a Tampa arts collective, this time the Center asked Arin Greenwood to jury the show. Greenwood is an avid animal shelter advocate, a writer, and served on the board of Friends of Strays. Stewart-Dix said Greenwood was “incredibly qualified” to juror the show.

On Saturday, Feb. 18, the gallery held its opening reception with tables of snacks and treats for everyone. Friends of Stray set up an information table in the corner of the gallery where visitors could learn more about the animal shelter and vote for pet mayor.

Some of Gulfport’s pet mayoral candidates showed up in support of their neighborhood friends. Even a couple of the candidates were a part of the show. Admiral Byrd’s family made a life-like papier-mâché sculpture of him. This mixed media piece won “Best in Show.”

Stewart-Dix mentioned the committee is grateful the City of Gulfport let them have this art space, because that’s usually the hardest part for art organizations.

“Like the city manager, Jim [O’Reilly], he’s been a huge support for all of this,” Kanter said. “He really appreciated our vision for what we were thinking about doing with the space and trying to do, which is truly to continue to create a community art space here in Gulfport that can serve not only Gulfport but truly all Pinellas, but you know with a focus on all age stuff and with a focus on youth work and youth education.”

Kanter said all of the art center’s exhibits have been fun so far and allowed Gulfport’s artists to display their creativity.

“I think this event is very Gulfport.

It’s about pets. It’s about community. The Gulfport Art Center is about community. And David, when you say art services organization, I think heavy on the service,” Stewart-Dix said. “So combining those two things just for this exhibit alone is it’s just a very Gulfport thing.”

Gulfport Arts Center, 2726 54th St. S. Gulfport. First Friday (Mar. 3) and by appointment. 727-201-8687; arts@ | February 23, 2023 - March 1, 2023 19 Get your Legitimate Emotional Support Animal Psychiatric Service Dog Consults & Letters Tasha Holland-Kornegay, PHD, LCMHC 919-601-1313
Kim Wilder Hinson drew a hyper-realistic picture of her cat entitled “Knysna of the Aqua Eyes.” KIM WILDER HINSON James C. Spoth and Amanda Hagood created a papier-mâché version of their pet mayoral candidate, Admiral Byrd. CAMERON HEALY

Calling All St. Pete Artists

PSTA’s Juneteenth Bus Wrap Contest Returns

The Pinellas Suncoast Transit Authority (PSTA) is hosting its second bus wrap design contest for artists in the St. Pete community to demonstrate their best design commemorating Juneteenth. Artists have until

Feb. 28 to submit a bus wrap creation encapsulating the holiday.

According to the National Museum of African American History and Culture, Juneteenth is a federal holiday that celebrates the ending of

slavery in the United States. June 19 is also considered the African American Emancipation Day since more than 250,000 people were freed in 1865, two years after the Emancipation Proclamation went into effect.

In order to honor this day, PSTA will debut the winner’s design on June 19, 2023. The winner also receives $1,000 cash and the opportunity to speak at a media event about their work and inspiration. The winner will be notified by March 27.

“Last year’s winning design was exquisite, so we are ecstatic to host another successful contest celebrating Juneteenth,” said Brad Miller, chief executive officer of PSTA.

Artist Donavon Brutus won the first Juneteenth Bus Wrap Contest in 2022. His piece entitled “Routes to Revolution” included multiple hands forming fists in the colors of various inclusive flags.

Brutus said when people see his bus wrap he wants them to recognize that “this kind of work of fighting for equality, inclusion, and equity, it doesn’t really stop and we have to continue fighting.”

On June 19, PSTA will host a debut event full of celebration, entertainment, Juneteenth swag, and more.

Take a shot at a design and learn more about the contest online at

20 | February 23, 2023 - March 1, 2023
PSTA hosts their second annual Juneteenth Bus Wrap Design Contest. Artists have until Feb. 28 to submit their work. PINELLAS SUNCOAST TRANSIT AUTHORITY

Solution on page 27

Just Kidding

Voices continued from page 2

Lost and Found Art

I participated in the Gulfport Fine Arts Festival last weekend and, in spite of the stormy weather, the crowd was big and sales were brisk. A lady bought one of my small butterfly paintings (gold metallic background) [because] it would go well in her house. She paid and asked me to keep it [and said] she would be back for it. I stashed it somewhere in the gear boxes. When the lady came back on Sunday, I could not find the painting. Eventually, the lady decided to take another butterfly painting (blue metallic background) and said she would make it work… I felt terrible. Where did the thing go? Only Sunday evening packing up I found the painting in the bottom of one of the gear boxes! I would love to get in touch with the lady and give her her original choice and also have her keep the “replacement” one. I hope she gets this message. –Monika Watson, Gulfport (Publisher’s note: The Gabber has Monika’s phone number)

The Gabber Newspaper encourages letters (one per person, per month). Include your real name and city, and please keep it short – <250 words. We may edit letters for content, clarity, and length. We don’t print letters that incite violence, include attacks on private citizens, or that intentionally mislead people. Letters may appear online and/or in print. Comments on The Gabber’s website and social media may get printed. Opinions expressed do not necessarily represent the views of The Gabber owners, advertisers, or staff. Send letters to or 2908-B Beach Blvd. S., Gulfport, FL, 33707. | February 23, 2023 - March 1, 2023 21
Solution on page 27 crossword

Gulfport’s Get Rescued, Tardi Gras, and the Blueberry Patch

Thursday, February 23-

Tuesday, March 4

Eight Nights of Nature Films This environmental film festival celebrates 25 years this weekend. Join the celebration of Visions of Nature/ Voices of Nature for eight days. Each day the festival features films from around the world to raise awareness and promote discussions about the relationships between nature and humans. These films are open to the public so bring your nature-loving friends and family. Eckerd College, 4200 54th Ave. S., St. Petersburg. Feb. 23-25, Feb. 28, March 1-4. 7 p.m. 727-864-7978,

Friday, February 24

Learn the Art of Portraits  Do you want to take art more seriously?

The Treasure Island Art Guild hosts a portrait workshop every Friday morning. The workshop provides easels and live models for you to paint or draw. Call ahead to save your spot. Treasure Island Community Center, 154 106th Ave., Treasure Island. 9:15 a.m.-12 p.m. $7-10. 727-547-4575, mytreasureisland. org

Toes in the Water, Bum in the Sand  St. Pete Beach’s Spring Concert Series begins with the tribute band Homegrown: The Zac Brown Band Experience. Set up your blankets and chairs with your friends and family. Check out the food, beer, wine, and other drinks available to purchase, then sit back and

enjoy some live music. Horan Park, 7701 Boca Ciega Dr., St. Pete Beach. 7 p.m.-9 p.m. 727-363-9245,

Tardi Gras  Couldn’t book a trip to New Orleans? No problem because Gulfport hosts its own annual Tardi Gras. This fundraiser dance and parade benefits the Enroy Foundation, an organization for the arts. Get rowdy for the Beach Boulevard parade at 6:15 p.m. Enjoy live music at the dance from Gulfport Swamp Opera. Dress up for the costume contest, check out the dance lessons, and participate in the 50/50 raffle. Mardi Gras-themed meal available for purchase from Tiki Bar & Grill.  Gulfport Casino, 5500 Shore Blvd. S., Gulfport. 7 p.m.-9:30 p.m. $15. 727-893-1070,

Saturday, February 25

Wild Wetlands Hike Time to get adventurous! Explore Florida’s natural wetland ecosystem on Boyd Hill’s wild wetlands hike. Learn all about the unique plants and special animals that you may see. Register online and invite your friends and family to tag along. Boyd Hill Nature Center, 1101 Country Club Way S., St. Petersburg. 10 a.m.-11:30 a.m. $5. 727-893-7326,

22 | February 23, 2023 - March 1, 2023 things to do Free Vegan Options Dog-Friendly Home Decor • Unique Gifts • Jewelry Glassware • Lamps • Wall Art / Prints Stained Glass Artist on Site GULFPORT ANTIQUES & COLLECTIBLES 5812 28th Ave. S. Call De Ann 727-224-5126 • Follow Us on Facebook!
Smooch a pooch at Gulfport’s 19th annual Get Rescued festival on Feb. 25

Paw-some Animal Rescue Festival Fall in love with some furry friends at Gulfport’s 19th annual Get Rescued animal festival and fun-raiser. Support animal rescue groups and pet-friendly vendors. Participate in activities including raffles, pet food and supplies drives, and the famous weiner dog derby. Learn more about responsible pet care and watch animal training demos. All are welcome, even your leashed fourlegged buddies. 3101 Beach Blvd. S., Gulfport. 10 a.m.-5 p.m.

Stay Swaggy with DJ Fresh Who doesn’t love dinner and a show? Good thing The Club at Treasure Island hosts Tampa Bay musicians weekly for guests. Check out the Tampa Bay icon DJ Fresh who has been in the music industry for over 15 years. Enjoy his mixes of EDM, hip hop, and old school jams during your evening meal. The Club at Treasure Island, 400 Treasure Island Causeway, Treasure Island. 12:30p.m.-4:30 p.m. 727-367-4511,

Peace, Love & Blueberries  The Dallas Bohrer’s 9th Annual Peace, Love & Blueberries Festival returns to Gulfport for a night to celebrate the life of Blueberry Patch founder Dallas Bohrer. Enjoy live entertainment and handcrafted artwork from your neighborhood artists. Boogie the night away to music from artists such as Soul Jam, Shoeless Soul, Lei-

fy Green & The Various Vikings, Daniel Mohr, Josh Plummer, and many more talented people. The Blueberry Patch, 4923 20th Ave. S., Gulfport. 3 p.m.-11 p.m. 727-914-0226,

Food Trucks + Video Games Support small businesses at this food truck rally and market every last Saturday of the month. Purchase any item from the market’s food trucks and vendors and you’ll receive a free pass into Unlimited Video Games Superstore. Play all your favorite video games and eat yummy food. Unlimited Video Game Superstore, 6901 US Hwy 19 N., Pinellas Park. 5 p.m.-9 p.m. 727-753-9435,

Sunday, February 26

Thrift Shop Sunday Curated Heat hosts a new monthly thrift market partnered with the Hunger + Thirst Group. Spend the last Sunday of each month secondhand shopping some awesome vintage pieces. Check out more than 15 local vendors and makers that sell vintage clothing, jewelry, shoes, decor, and more.  Lost and Found, 2420 Central Ave., St. Petersburg. 1 p.m.-6 p.m.

Homemade Strawberry Shortcake Florida’s strawberry season is finally upon us. Celebrate this deli-

cious fruit by learning how to make the perfect strawberry shortcake with fresh strawberries from the Tampa Bay area. Register online and bring your friends and family who love to learn new recipes. Boyd Hill-Pioneer Settlement, 2900 31st St. S., Gate 2, St. Petersburg. 2 p.m.4 p.m. $5. 727-893-7326, anc.apm.

Outdoor Jazz Concert Spend your Sunday evening with some outdoor, live music. Sit back and listen to sensational music from The New Horizons Concert Band and Jazz Bands of Gulfport. Grab a lawn chair or a blanket to enjoy the show with your friends and family. The Pavilion at Clymer Park, Gulfport Blvd. S. and Beach Blvd. S., Gulfport. 3 p.m.-4 p.m. 727-893-1000

Thursday, March 2

Run the Grand Prix Start Grand Prix weekend with a timed 5k race on the St. Pete track. The Wellcare Ambetter Health 5k starts and ends on Bay Shore Drive NE, on the water side of North Straub Park. The race continues on the route through downtown’s Firestone Grand Prix track. Register prior to the race and you’ll receive a chipped race bib, a dry-fit race shirt, and a custom finisher’s medal.  North Straub Park, 400 Bay Shore Dr. NE, St. Petersburg. 6 p.m.9 p.m. $40-50. | February 23, 2023 - March 1, 2023 23 Marj LORAND for Commissioner South Pasadena ELECTION DAY is MARCH 14TH Responsible redevelopment Protecting Boca Ciega Bay Increasing Public Input and Participation Paid for by Marj Lorand for Commissioner
24 | February 23, 2023 - March 1, 2023
What Have You Always Wanted To Learn?
the gabs
Photos by Cameron Healy
VA: “I’ve always wanted to learn sign
Ali Dizinno, Alexandria,
Dawn Peterson, Tarpon Springs: “How to surf.” Hailey Harrison, Seminole: “To speak fluent Spanish.”
“I want to learn the Italian language like my ancestors.” EXPERIENCE COUNTS – AND SAVINGS ADD UP Find out about the Competitive Rates and Special Benefits available through our agency for all your insurance needs! Ready to learn more? Contact our agency now! Call today for your FREE , no obligation quote. HOME • FLOOD AUTO • BUSINESS COMMERCIAL 727-344-4500 6524 1st Ave. N., St. Petersburg, FL 33710
Mary Gerard, Gulfport:


17th St. & 29th Ave N

St. Petersburg 345-7777

Friday 7PM

Beth-El Shalom

Messianic Congregation

Good Shepherd Old Catholic

2728 53rd St. S. Gulfport, FL 33707

(Entrance on 28th Ave.)

Where ALL are welcome at the Lord’s table.


“St. Alban's is an inviting faith community striving to live out the Gospel of Jesus Christ. So, no matter who you are or where you are on life's journey, you are welcome here.”

727-360-8406 •

St. Vincent’s Thrift Shop

5124 Gulfport Ave S. 33707

Hours 10 AM to 2PM

Wednesday to Saturday


Unitarian Universalist United Fellowship

During the pandemic join us Sundays on Zoom.

Discussion -10:30 Program - 11:00

For Zoom directions email us at

“You need not think alike to love alike.” - Francis David, 1534

Paradise Lutheran Church on Treasure Island 10255 Paradise Blvd, Treasure Island

Sunday Service

10am with Holy Communion

727-360-5739 | February 23, 2023 - March 1, 2023 25
with St Vincent’s Episcopal Church 5441 9 th Ave N. • St. Petersburg, FL 33710 Sunday Services 10AM Misa en Español: Domingos 12PM
Sunday Mass 9:30am 727-403-7178
85th Avenue • St. Pete Beach
Holy Eucharist
Reverend Omar Reyes Sundays 10:00am
11:00am Holy Eucharist with Prayers for Healing
an email to: C ity O f G ulfp O rt M eetin G s City Clerk’s Office • March 2023 All meetings are open to the public and are held in the City Hall, City Council Chambers, 2401 53 rd Street South, In Person, unless otherwise noted. Meetings may occasionally be added, cancelled or rescheduled after this list is published. Please check the city’s website for updated information. March 1, 2023 Planning and Zoning Board – No Meeting March 14, 2023 Senior Citizens Advisory Committee – 8:00 am Senior Center – 5501 27 th Ave. S. March 8, 2023 Board of Adjustment – 6:00 pm March 7, 2023 City Council – 6:00 pm Municipal Election Day Polls Open 7:00 am to 7:00 pm March 14, 2023 March 21, 2023 City Council – 6:00 pm Special worship rates starting as low as $30/week. Send

Bugs in the House Once you meet Bugs, you’ll fall in love. This 1 year old, 35-pound pit mix is high energy and a ball of fun. Her adoption fee is $75. You must own your home to adopt Bugs.

Mamma Mia There’s no resisting this sweet girl. Mia is a sucker for a game of fetch and loves long belly rubs. This 7 year old, 78-pound German Shepard would love to be a part of a family. You must own your home to adopt Mia.

Pinky Promise Do you love cuddles and snuggles? Pinky is the perfect match for you. She may not be pink but this tan-and-black adult ferret would love to come home with you. Call Pet Pal for details.

All pets spayed, vaccinated, micro-chipped and dewormed. Pet Pal Animal Shelter, 405 22nd Ave. S., St. Pete. 727-328-7738;

26 | February 23, 2023 - March 1, 2023 pets ForaLimitedTimeOnly, GiftCardsareAvailable! There's never been a better time to quit with Group Quit Tobacco Free Florida's Group Quit Sessions (in-person or virtual) now offer participants $50 - $125 in gift cards for their attendance.* Learn more about all of Tobacco Free Florida’s tools and services at
Quit offers
supplies last **if medically appropriate for
Pre-registration is recommended. Call Gulfcoast North AHEC today at: 813-929-1000
free, expert-led in-person or virtual sessions for all Florida residents regardless of insurance status. Upon class completion, participants are eligible for nicotine replacement therapy such as gum, patches or lozenges.** *while
those 18 years of age or older
PET PAL ANIMAL SHELTER PET PAL ANIMAL SHELTER PET PAL ANIMAL SHELTER | February 23, 2023 - March 1, 2023 27 solution ADVERTISING DEADLINE FOR NEXT THURSDAY’S ISSUE IS FRIDAY BY 5 p.m. 125 56th Avenue S, St. Petersburg, FL Call (727) 591-4917 today and speak to a Life Plan expert! We’re helping fight inflation! Save 23% OFF ENTRANCE FEES IN 2023!


If you have questions about advertising, please email us at or call 727-321-6965! Deadline: Friday 3 p.m.

Computer Service

JS COMPUTER REPAIR Mobile computer repair – $40 per visit/hour – 727-643-0697;

Gulfport Computer Repair

CLEAN UP CLEAN UP CLEAN UP Handy helpers. Skilled labor, anything around the house from A-Z. Weeding, rock gardens cleaned, mulch, sod, and plants installed. Small trees planted and removed. Pressure washing. Free estimates. 30 years experience. Locally St. Pete /Gulfport: 407-2446045. James: 407-244-6045.


Tile, roofing, painting, everything. I do it all. Call Karen for consultation: 727-557-4247.



In-Home services: Internet security, training, virus & spyware removal, maintenance and repair, data recovery. (PC & Mac)

Health / Fitness

Over 30 years experience. Residential & commercial, new or remodel work, service upgrades, lightning arrestors, fans and lighting installed. State license #ER0007653.

Serving the greater St. Petersburg area. Family owned and local business. Providing in-home personal aid companion care, after surgery care, 24-hour care, dementia care, postpartum support, childcare, to name a few. 727-914-7472. St-Pete-Beach AHCA #299995153


It’s Spring Cleaning time and you should be outside. I’ll take care of the inside. I’ll do what you don’t want to. Call Laura at 727557-4247.


Bathrooms, kitchens. drywall, painting, custom high-end finishing. Any job undertaken, honest pricing. Insured, reliable. 347-973-0814.

HANDYMAN SEMI-RETIRED All types of repairs. Small jobs welcome. Quality work at reasonable prices. Honest. Reliable. Free estimates. John: 727-410-2201.


Custom concrete patios, driveway extensions, custom steps, & all types of concrete repairs. Storage Building slabs. Over 35 years experience. Call Mark for a free estimate: 813-859-2023.

28 | February 23, 2023 - March 1, 2023
Accounting Cleaning / Housekeeping CLEAR NUMBERS BOOKKEEPING Virtual bookkeeping for small businesses and nonpro ts. Monthly packages customized to your needs or one time cleanups. Payroll available. QuickBooks Online Certi ed ProAdvisor. 10+ years experience. Call/text to 727-248-0714 or email to
Handy Person Electrical Caregivers HOMEWATCH CAREGIVERS OF ST. PETE
Mon-Thu 10am-5pm 15 Years in Gulfport 45 Years Experience Computer Sales Fax, Copy, Print Fast Friendly Service 727-388-3493 2321 49th St S MAYNARD ELECTRIC 24 Hour Service SERVICE WHEN YOU NEED IT! FREE ESTIMATES 525-0677 • Room Additions • Fuses to Breakers • Circuits Added • Ceiling Fans • Lightning Protection • Mobile Homes • Phone Wiring • Security Lighting & More Licensed Bonded Insured St. Lic. #EC0002881 CLARIE LAW OFFICES, P.A. Estate Planning • Administration Litigation • Family Law and DUI 727-345-0041 Home Improvement Heating & Air Conditioning

Expert Leak Repair Serving

Lawn care and service.

Servicing Gulfport, Pasadena and St Petersburg Areas. Contact Ph. 727-947-2423


Residential/Commercial. All phases of remodeling or renovations. Roofs, kitchens, baths, room additions, new construction, doors, windows, stone or concrete work, flooring, and much, much more. Free estimates. CCC 1333727 CGC 059964. 727-410-7323.


Residential/Commercial. All roofing typesT.P.O., tapered systems, shingle, metal, tile, & flat roofs. Great prices, best warranties. Our general contracting division also does kitchens, baths, additions, new construction, and much, much more. Free estimates. CCC 1333727 CGC 059964. 727-410-7323.


Overwhelmed with the mess? Clean up/ clean out, inside and out. Recycling, organizing, and yard work. Free estimate from Kathy, Trashologist, licensed/insured, with truck/trailer. Call/text 845866-3867. Responsible, reasonable, and ready!


Remove ugly rust-colored irrigation stains from vinyl fencing and most surfaces around your house or business, including signage. Free estimate and demonstration. Call/text 727-360-7070. Lawn


Tree removal, trimming, stump grinding. Also do yard work, mulching, weeding, and yard clean up. Call for estimate: 727-641-9033.

Miscellaneous Service


The Gabber now provides Notary Services (in office only) at 2908-B Beach Blvd S., Gulfport. Our Notary Public is not an attorney licensed to practice law in the State of Florida, and may not give legal advice or accept fees for legal advice.

Moving / Hauling

HB HAULING SERVICES Hauling services available. We do everything from junk removal, demo, debris removal, estate clean out, and so much more. 12 . dump trailer. Mention The Gabber and get a discount. Call or text Kenny Baschuk at 727-793-5816 for free estimates.



30 years experience. Painting expert plus wallpaper hanging and removing. Lic. #C9579. Call Arney: 727-900-3459.

SEASONS BEST PAINTING & CONTRACTING, LLC Interior/exterior painting and power washing services. Over 25 years of experience. 727-506-3677. Licensed/insured. Lic. #C-11623

PINNIX PAINTING, INC. In business locally since 1980. Interior, exterior, commercial, residential. Free Estimates. Lic. #C4334. Call 727-504-1508.


Time to refresh the interior/exterior of your house or business? High quality, professional painting. Free estimates. Lic.#9894. Insured. 727-365-1088.




#CFC1430429 State-certified, residential/ commercial service. Senior and military discount. $25 o service with ad. Locally owned and operated. | February 23, 2023 - March 1, 2023 29
Marine Repair Help Wanted The Perfect Part-Time Job! Flexible Hours...Tell Us When You Want To Work... Supplement Your Income By Helping A Senior! Call Us Today At (727) 401-4700! License #: 234757, 299994709
James Fox Tree Service Owner/Operator for over 25 years “We make your trees feel beautiful” Trees Cleaned • Bobcat Services Stump Grinding • Hazardous Limb Removal Storm and Roof Protection • Insured 727-322-1849 or 727-215-8601 LIC#0700008985 Lee Claxton, I.S.A. Certified Arborist 727-220-0226 Planting • Trimming Tree & Stump Removal Cabling/Bracing • Pruning/Shaping AFFORDABLE PROMPT • RELIABLE Licensed & Insured
& Landscape
Weekly, bi-weekly or monthly. We mow, blow, edge, trim your trees and hedges.
All Your Roofing Needs FREE ESTIMATES


Menorah Life is seeking a full-time Life Enrichment Assistant (Activities) for our Samson Nursing Center. Ideal candidate will possess two years experience with the elderly in a long-term care facility. Experience in activities preferred. Email resume to


Menorah Life is seeking a full time or part time handyman/painter for our healthcare campus. Please send resume or email a note to No phone calls, please.


PLOT Tree lined, beautiful quiet spot at Memorial Gardens, 54 Ave./49 St. N. Can add bench(es) and/or cremation tower for many people. $12,000. Please call 727-381-5363.

Legal Notices


Notice is hereby given that Dr. James Moran LLC engage in business under the fictitious name “Florida Dental Transitions”, located in Pinellas County, Florida, intends to register said name with the Florida Department of State.

DBA Build and Design Construction LLC will be using e2Value*Research as fictitious name/dba.


Our units are in great condition. Freshly renovated with new appliances. We have studios, 1 bedroom, 2 bedroom, 3 bedroom, and single family home! Text or Call our main office at 205-537-0207. You can reach our leasing agent at 727-254-9258.


Eton Building. Enjoy beautiful light in this end unit with newly updated cabinets and countertops in both kitchen and bathrooms. Nice size master bedroom with walk-in closet. Please call or text 727-403-1714 for your private viewing. (HOA fee $620)

Yard /


O’Neill’s Marina is looking for fishing enthusiasts to join our team. We have part-time positions in our bait shop. These positions are perfect for an active retired person with a flexible schedule looking for a little extra spending $.

Contact Alysia at or call 727-867-2585, option 4

Positions Wanted

CAREGIVER I am looking for a live-in position in exchange for room and board with a modest fixed income. Licensed, excellent references. Call Lorraine: 727-410-2500.

Club Chalet MHP Community Sale, 7880 54th Ave. N, Sat. 8 a.m. -2 p.m. Small furniture, tools, appliances, clothes, TVs, books, dishes, linens, jewelry, & much more! Public welcome, lunch available.

Furnished Rentals


Furnished studio, newly remodeled, walk to everything. Available by month, April 1 thru December. If you take nine months, there is a discount. Includes utilities (water, sewer, internet, electric), TV, full bath, laundry. $1,500/month. Call Carole: 724-316-1937.


2005 DODGE RAM 1500

74,000 miles. New water pump in 2020; two new tires in 2021; oil changed and tires rotated regularly. $6,500 OBO. Call 419348-6692, leave message.


OLD - NEW CAR BROCHURES From early 1950's to about 2019, mostly from New Car Shows. Make a legitimate offer and they can be yours, including 4-4 drawer cabinets. I'm moving and I need someone else to have them. Call 727-307-9738.

CLINICAL PROJECT MANAGER Clinical Research Co. (Saint Petersburg, FL) seeks Clinical Project Manager - review and approve site selection for trials and develop trial plans. Review and update Risk Register and mitigation plan. Facilitate internal audits and Hazardous Areas inspections. Collaborate with other clinical project manager on clinical trial operations &amp; clinical monitors on project teams with resource allocation by reviewing site performance. Resolve issues and submit site monitoring reports and provide feedback to the project manager. Mail resumes to HR, Hill Top Research, Inc, 4711 34 th St. North, Saint Petersburg, FL 33714

30 | February 23, 2023 - March 1, 2023 General GULFPORT LIONS CLUB Available for parties, weddings, meetings. Great waterfront location with full facilities. Call Jean for info and dates. 727-366-6341. Real Estate For Rent PAY LESS TO SELL YOUR HOME! Only 3-4% Commission! Jeff Thomsen, Realtor Realean Real Estate 727-222-0099 Wanted BUYING OLD GUITARS & OLD MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS I buy old guitars & old musical instruments. The older, the better. Any condition. Please call or text 937-767-2326. PLACE YOUR CLASSIFIED LINE ADS ONLINE! Deadline for classified ads is 3 p.m. Friday for the following week’s issue.
Real Estate For Sale
Garage Sale

Real Estate Snapshots Here’s What Sold in Gulfport & Along the Beaches Last Week

2019 55th St. S. (Tangerine)

This two-bedroom, one-bath home, built in 1947, has 720 square feet. It listed for $389,999 and sold for $377,000.

5113 16th Ave. S. (Tangerine)

Built in 1946, this two-bedroom, two-bath home has 702 square feet. It listed for $239,990 and sold for $227,000.

3114 59th St. S., #410 (Town Shores)

This one-bedroom, one-bath condo, built in 1972, has 1,060 square feet. It listed for $225,000 and sold for $210,000.

2900 45th St. S., #14 (Marina)

With two bedrooms, one bath, and 865 square feet, this 1963 condo sold after two days on the market. The seller listed it for $197,000, and it sold for $191,500.

2850 59th St. S., #608 (Town Shores)

This one-bedroom, one-bath condo, built in 1974, has 815 square feet. It listed for $130,000 and sold for $152,000.

5526 14th Ave. S. (Tangerine)

This 2016 home has three bedrooms, three baths, and 2,228 square feet. It listed for $785,000 and sold for $750,000.

Treasure Island

10065 S. Yacht Club Dr. (Paradise Island)

This three-bedroom, two-bath home, built in 1969, has 1,987 square feet. It listed for $910,000 and sold for $900,000.

JUST LISTED!!! | February 23, 2023 - March 1, 2023 31
Gray St. S. Two bedroom Two bath with an over sized garage. And bonus room.

What Would You Do Without Neuropathy Pain?

"Several years ago I was diagnosed with cancer and underwent chemotherapy treatments. I'm now in remission and blessed to still be here but I was in so much pain. My feet and hands were constantly burning - a tingling sensation, almost like when your leg or arm falls asleep," shares Beth of St. Pete Beach.

Beth was suffering from Chemotherapy Induced Peripheral Neuropathy (CIPN). While chemotherapy kills cancer cells it also causes a lot of other damage throughout the body. 30-40% of cancer patients treated with chemotherapy result in peripheral neuropathy.

"Standing all day was not just a challenge, it caused me physical agony. Keeping up with my busy schedule - forget about it. I couldn't even go for walks on the beach." Beth, like so many others, was prescribed gabapentin to help with the pain and told there was nothing anyone could do - in their words 'there is no treatment for neuropathy.'

Then Beth found Dr. Rebecca Gibbons, RN, DOM, LAC of Achieve Acupuncture & Integrative Medicine. By blending the time-tested science of acupuncture with more modern, medical technology, Dr. Gibbons has designed a real solution for peripheral neuropathy

"Acupuncture is incredible at restoring blood flow and stimulating damaged nerves, preventing them from dying off,” tells Dr. Gibbons. “We take our treatments a step further by integrating ATP Resonance BioTherapy™ which targets specific nerves in the body using microcurrent. ATP therapy is like watering a plant. This treatment will stimulate the blood vessels to grow back around the peripheral nerves and provide them with the proper nutrients to heal and repair.”

After only four weeks of treatment Beth is already seeing improvement.

"I can't wait to see how I feel at the end of my program! I used to think that this pain was just the price I have to pay for still being alive. Dr. Gibbons has really given me hope for a better life!"

The number of treatments needed to allow the nerves to fully recover will vary from person to person and can only be determined after a detailed neurological and vascular evaluation.

Dr. Gibbons and her staff specialize in treating chronic pain, complicated neurological conditions and autoimmune diseases.

For more information about Dr. Gibbons and what she treats, visit or if you are ready to schedule, call (727)272-3587 for a comprehensive consultation.

32 | February 23, 2023 - March 1, 2023

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