The Gabber: July 22, 2021

Page 27


Solution on page 31

...For Your Thoughts

Solution on page 31

Welcome, Malachy!



Gulfport residents David Kanter and Shaheen Mamawala welcomed their son Malachy (mal-ah-key) Wayne Mamawala-Kanter on July 11. Coming in as a flyweight of 6lb 11oz and 20 inches. Malachy is a fourth generation Floridian who enjoys mitten tossing, beard grabbing and making faces inspired by the film “Zoolander.” Having heard the lore of Gulfport’s Pet Mayor, he hopes to one day have the opportunity to put in a bid for Tiny Mayor on a platform of equitable naps, milk and cuddling. Until then, he looks forward to meeting many of you at Gecko Fest! | July 22, 2021 - July 28, 2021


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