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Gulfport Council Notes
Actions Taken at the July 18 meeting
By Lisa Leveroni
Here’s what happened at the July 18 Gulfport City Council meeting.
Editor’s Note: For the July 18 Gulfport City Council meeting and the Aug. 8 meeting, The Gabber Newspaper’s beaches reporter will cover Gulfport Council. Her reaction to Gulfport’s city council meeting — as opposed to the ones along the beaches — reinforced the difference between Gulfport and many other Pinellas governments.
Going to a Gulfport City Council meeting is stepping out your front door on a perfect sunshiny day. Everyone is smiling and greeting each other. Everyone knows and likes their neighbor. There are no arguments or anger; no negative discussions or disagreements; only cooperation, pleasant conversation and getting things done. Cue the Tinkerbells.
OK, maybe it’s not that much of a fairy tale, but if you go to a Council meeting in Gulfport, the time may seem to fly by with positive communication and a productive community attitude.
City Infrastructure First
The July 18 meeting began with a presentation on the utility rate sufficiency study. Andrew Burnham, vice president of Stantec Consultant Services, produced documentation of Gulfport’s water and sewer usage, along with rate projections through 2028. While last year, there was no rate increase, Burnham projected “a structurally balanced budget” and an
8% increase in rates this year and in subsequent years. Usage remained stable.
Jacob Sanderson presented a Citywide Sidewalk Inventory. This covered the conditions of sidewalks throughout Gulfport, including ADA compliance, ramps, and “stress points” or areas of non-compliance due for repair. He presented visually, using Google Maps.
Overheard at Gulfport City Council: Boca Ciega Yacht Club Lease
At a point in the proceedings, the imminent resolution of lease issues between Boca Ciega Yacht Club and the City of Gulfport was addressed by Gulfport Mayor Sam Henderson. He said, “Aren’t we supposed to fight about it for nine or 10 months before it happens?” The room broke into gales of laughter.
Gulfport People Speak Out
Public comment saw participation from many residents. Karen Love thanked city council members for a variety of accomplishments. These included code enforcement and short-term rentals converted to long term, the fire department social worker, a cleaning station and life ring on the pier, the “conservative budget,” sidewalks and much more.
Jeri Reed and Melisssa Helmbold (of the Gulfport Merchant’s Chamber) talked about the 49th Street Neighborhood Building and the referral meeting for businesses working together with the GMC. Tommy Bixler from the Lions Club Foundation complimented the City on the 4th of July parade and bringing veterans together. Also, the Lions Club will take part in Feeding Tampa Bay, Thursday, July 27 from 4-6 p.m. in a food drive. Margarete Tober also gave kudos to Gulfport for July 4 and to the technology group for the city passing ordinances from the last meeting.