Anticipating emerging challenges Human Security In 2020 the Human Security Cluster provided content and tools to over a thousand professionals though in-person and online courses, as well as webinars. Our primary goal was to widen the horizons of security professionals by providing insights into the concept of human security and how it can be incorporated into comprehensive security policy- and decision-making. In the year of the COVID-19 pandemic we focused on health security, while maintaining our work on the environment-security nexus. Both topics continue to be crucial in the larger conversation about peace and security. We adopted the new GCSP approach to online learning and offered several virtual learning journeys to cater for an increased interest in specific topics. Firstly, in response to current events and demand from our clients, we ran a series of webinars on Health Security and COVID-19 Best Practices. The course was offered in English and French in order to reach a larger public and allow an exchange of practices on ways to deal with the pandemic. Secondly, the Cluster offered two courses dealing with the environment-security nexus: the 2nd edition of the Summer Academy on Land, Security and Climate co-organised with Initiatives of Change, and the 3rd edition of the Environment and Security Course. These online courses bought together a truly international audience and shared best practices in addressing climate change, environmental degradation and environmental peacebuilding. Finally, our offerings included contributions to the three advanced GCSP courses – LISC, ESC and NISC – and allowed the three groups of participants to connect the dots between traditional and emerging human security challenges and discuss possible solutions. In addition to executive courses, the Cluster reached out to a wider public by organising public discussions in webinar form. In the context of the GCSP webinar series on Global Crisis, Global Risk and Global Consequences, we discussed The New Business as Usual? Environment and COVID-19, where we focused on the link between the pandemic and how it may influence common action in the area of the environment, including climate change. During the GCSP 25th Anniversary celebrations the Human Security Cluster offered three events: “Are We Finally Ready? What Have We Learned from Past Pandemics?”, which covered the latest developments in health security in light of the COVID-19 pandemic; “A ‘New Normal’ for the Planet?”, which addressed the urgency of climate action and connected it to a larger discussion of ecological security; and, finally,
38 | 2020 Annual Report | Transformative Journeys to Create a Safer World