6 minute read

Of Bulls& Mud Topical

by Alan Gravett

It's a dog's life being a bull in Spain. If you are lucky they just cut off your tail and sell it to the nearest restaurant. If you are not you are groomed for death. However well you perform, even a serious goring of the matador, you will still end up dead.

But, and I have this on very flimsy authority, the bulls have a plan to evade this fate.They intend to flee to Gibraltar.

How do 1 know this you quite rightly ask? Well, steps are being taken here to repel them.

And how do I now this you ask even more sceptically?

Well {and I did tell you the au thority was flimsy), I am relying on personal observation and 1 see cars appearing here with bull bars. Now why would you want one of these abominations, unless you sus pected an invasion of bulls.

So, there you are. All very logi cal. The fact that you do not see any bulls in Gibraltar bears witness to the efficacy of bull bars.

These gas guzzling vehicles are all the rage in the USA(whose Gov ernment denies the scientific evi dence that humans cause global warming), but they do have ranches there so there is some ex cuse for their use. Here farms are few and far between.Ofcourse, we may be misled by their occasional description as"off road" vehicles".

But"off road" does not mean you can park on the pavement!

The use of these vehicles is preva lent in the UK(where they are also known as Chelsea tractors), and also deplored. But fortunes await the quick-witted.

Two guys in a pub came up with an idea which has made them wealthy. So that Chelsea tractors can impress their neighbours with their apparent weekend activities they sell, and are now exporting to the USA,spray on mud.

Market Fresh Mussels £4.95

Our (iish is .serM'tl ir» a whiu* >vini*, garlic ond cream sauce, also available a»

II uuiin roui'He

Ilomeniade Chicken Liver Pate. - £4.25

Srni-il nitli uii (irniiKc »au(x- and nci-oiii|>aiiieHl i\ilh IoanI aiid buIlM*

Ring Prawns Pll-Pii £6.95

Pci-IhI kinti scncd in ii finnn nllvc oil. fcariic und riiilli snurp

Spanish Manchego Cheese & Jainon Pala Negra X7.25

'IWic S|i(iiiish navoiirs. Manchc^i) <-hoc!>t> and famous Paio Ncgra ham

Freiicli Onion Soup £3.25

Served wilh oroiilons and topped with inellcd cheese

Fretich Avocado and Smoked Salmon - - £5.95

Sen ed on <i base of salad leaves and dres.sed In a balsamic vinegar

Tomato and Mozzarella Salad -£4.25

Pure atiil simple, beef tomatoes served with KiilTalo Mo/.^ui'eUa Cheese

Deep fried fela cheese - - - - £4.45

Seived with a salad ganiish

Main Courses

Fresli Fillet of Duck Breast £12.95

Pan Iried & sealed, then llnished m the oven with o speelnl orange sauce

Dover Sole - - £12.50

Mui'ket fresh Dover sole brushed vvilli lloni- llien pait-fHed,served with butter. pareJey S lemon

Tournedo Rossini - £12.95

The Hnest eiit olThe llllel. ^led K seived on ii li-oiilon base,topped witii pate and Pnto Negni Junuiii, tlien covered with a sweet denii-glas s«u<-e,this dish is eooket! to yoiu" liking

Fresh Fillet of Beef £12.50

Cooked to your taste, plain grilled or s<-rved with a elioiee of.saiiees: Pepper. Bine Chee.se. Chasseur, Brnntly. Oarlie Ikitler

Lord Nelson's TVaditional Fish and Chips £8.50

Kreshly haltered in the gallev's seerei recipe hatter, served with ehlps & mushv peas

Liver and Onions _ £7.95

Pan-fried i-alves livers sauleeil with onions,red wine & gravy,served with mashed potatoes

Fillet of Chicken Breast £8.95

Fresh ehlekeii breast serv eil in a ehoi<-e of sauces: Cream of Mushroom. Uai4ic aitd

Prawns, Pepper or Bine Cheese saiiee

Stir Fried Pork £9.95

Tentler strips of pork fillet cooked with soy sauee.servr-d with bean sprouts

Fetlucini Marinara £8.25

.Served with inlxoil seiifootl. cooked in a rich limiato, & white wine saure

Vegetarian Pasta Bake - — £5.25

Bilked ill the oven,covered with cheese sauee (V)

Scottish Salmon Steak X10.50

Fresh grillerl snhnon steak, served vvitit melted butler & lemon

Mussels in White Wine £8.95

Our signature dish - IVe.sh niuasels cooked In white wine, g^lic & cream


Bring on the Years

n 1995,1 wrote in The Gibraltar Ma^aziiw about a large portion of Gibraltar's population turing 50 years of age. The Baby Boomers: those of us born in 1945, most as a result of our parents' reunion af ter a long separation during the war years. At the time I wrote some were in shock,I know I was. 50, how did that happen?

Now here we are, 2005 and we will be aged 60,senior citizens al most. But, as I walked around town this past summer while on holiday from my home in the United States, and came across a lotofmypeers,1 couldn't help but marvel at how well we look. The men,most with their distingushed "salt and pepper" hair and the women so well groomed.

Let me tell you, we are looking mighty good (for our age),despite our humble beginnings as scrawny post-war kids.

So I say,"bring on those years" this is a batch of fine wines, and you know what they say about wine!

Chocolate Tart

Rich ehorobtte tail, dusted wiili ehoe late powiler & served with iee-en*am

Homemade Lemon Tart hat can vve sav!

Strawberi7 Cheesecake

DelieUiiis homemade erenm mixed with elieese. Icipjied witJt strawbenv|nm

Apple Pie 'lyadilionai warm,served with iiv ireain

Ice Cream VanlUa.strawberry or Clio«x)late a(hoiee of(ream and/or chocolate syrup

Peacll Melba Half poarh with rleh cn*um topprd wilii syrup of chuoulatc & s\ru\)

All desserts £3.75


FxpreSSO • strong, black coffee in a sniidl cup

Cappuccino - Kxpresso.steamed milk mixed with the exprcsso and tupped w ith foamed milk

Latte - 1/1 expreoso,2/3 steamed milk

Americano • Expresso shot in a cup of hut water

MochaCCinO - Express© with hoi ehoroiale & foamed milk

MaCChlatO - Elxprcsso shot with whipped cream

Romano - expresso with a twist of lenioii peel

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Dr Carsten Rudolf Steiner BSc DC Member of the British Chiropractic Association

Back to better health with Chiropractic for headaches, dizziness, neck and lower back pain, sciatica, osteoathritis and sports injuries. College Clinic, Regal House. Tel: 75769

Samuel Ihffui BOS



Visiiinn Orthodonlist & Oral SurKcoii 62 Main Street, Suite 6. PO Box 909, Gibraltar Tel: 76817


GMadeline Andlaw

PG Dip (BACP Registered)

For either short or long term therapy, stress ahd anxiety: relationship or work difficulties; tow self esteem: powerlessness; depression; conflict; crisis counselling • eg: bereavement, redundancy. 19a Line Wall Road Tel; 74814 Urgent: 54028785

To advertise in the health & medical section of The Gibraltar Magazine Tel: (-F350) 77748

^ ForallyourPharmaceutical needs

# Louis' Pharmacy

Open: 9 - 7 Monday - Friday, Saturday 10 -1.3()pni, Closed Sundays Unit FI2. International Commercial Centre, Casemates. Tel; 44797

St Bernard's Hospital - Harbour Views Road All

James Giraldi Critical Care Unit 71012

Millicent Macintosh Maternity Ward 51297

John Mackintosh Male Medical Ward 48132

Captain Muchison Ortho Trauma Ward 48123 Rainbow Paediatric Ward 48152

Dudley Toomey Surgical Ward 48153

Primary Care Centre

2nd Floor International Commercial Centre

Weekend and Public Holiday Opening Hours (Use Irish Town Entrance)

Clinic Hours: Saturday: 9am -11 am, 5pm - 6pm Sunday & Public Holidays: 10am -11 am, 5pm - 6pm


Bener Advice Bener Health

The Gibraltar Citizens Advice Bureau (GCAB) is linking with the Gibraltar Health Authority (GHA)to provide a holistic advice and information service to users of St Bernard's Hospital, Europort.

The aim is to improve access to advice and information, not just about medical issues, but about the wider social issues which impact on the health of the individual and the family.

CAB research has found that CAB services are more accessible in outreach venues such as health settings, and reach clients who would not otherwise seek help.

tion process allows for the intercon nected problems such as unem ployment,a'lationship breakdown and debt,which may be factors con tributing to anxiety, worry and de pression to bo dealt with effectively in one place.

Citizens Advice Bureau

Advice services in health care settings are an excellent way of bringing advice to those who find it diffi cult/impossible to reach services, people who are sick, disabled, eld erly and their carers. Advice projects can focus on the families and carers of people who are ill.

When ill health strikes, whether it is suddenly as a result of an acci dent or gradually due to debilitat ing illness, it can bring all sorts of problems, anxieties and concerns. The Citizens Advice and Informa-

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