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Premiership Trophy on the Rock 'ere we ge,'ere we ge, ere we ge
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While legendary footballer and manager Sir Bobby Robson may have been the talk of the Rock's older football fans during his recent visit to promote the new e-business service introduced to Gibraltar by Barclays Bank, the Premiership Trophy which accompanied the footballer was the draw card for most children.
Dozetis of boys and girls wear ing the soccer strips of their favour ite teams,queued up at the Barclays International offices in Regal House to be photographed with one of the world's most sought-after pieces of sporting silverware.
And Barclays staff members were equally keen to be pictured with the trophy - described by one of the two securitv guards who ac company it everywhere as "price less". Weighing more than eight kilos- half of which is the silver of the urn-shaped trophy,and the bal ance its malachite base- it also rep resented a significant public rela tions coup by local Barclavs direc tor Tim Streatfeild-james who ar ranged for the "pot" and Sir Bobby to visit the Rock.
The Trophy's two minders ap pear to stick to it round the clock. Even when it is safely on show in the trophy room of whatever club has won it in any a particular year one of the tattooed guards is always near at hand. The pair are em ployed by Barclays to do nothing else but mind it!
So it probably required a fair bit of diplomatic skill by StreatfeildJames to prize the huge silver"urn" on its malachite base away from the tattooed guards for the childrenand,later, Friday afternoon custom ers of the Main Street branch — to be photographed with it.
"Literally dozens of kids turned up in their soccer strips to be pic tured with the cup," StreatfeildJames tells me."And it wasn't just the kids...their parents wanted to be pictured too."
The bank had arranged for(and paid)local photographer Anselmo Torres to photograph the young fans and later arranged for custom ers to be photographed with the cup.
"Bank staff and customers who were photographed were each asked to contribute £1 towards charity and the bank has matched those contributions," StrcatfeildJames said. "We're not sure quite how much was raised but it will have run to several hundred pounds which will go to whichever local charitv the staff choose."