The Gibraltar Magazine May 2020

Page 16


Local Business: Know Your Market The importance of understanding demographics for business.


ith tourism grinding to a halt due to the Corona crisis, businesses in Gibraltar have had to rely entirely on the local market. For many businesses this has meant a change in the clientele base and a shift in the profile of the typical customer. In order to succeed in the new business environment, especially in the short term until tourism recovers, business owners must better understand the local market to ensure a good product fit. A key element to understanding the local market is understanding the market demographics. Business owners are always looking for an edge in marketing products and services to generate more revenue and profit margins. Understanding customer demographics is one of the most important factors for improving your overall business, and it also has a significant influence on the effectiveness of your marketing strategy. At Benefit Business Solutions we have been assisting retailers and 16

It is one of the most important factors for improving your overall business.

other businesses in configuring the right product mix for them in light of the new market conditions and conducting CostBenefit Analysis to measure the potential effectiveness of planned marketing strategies. One such example has been a local clothing retailer on Main Street considering adding a collection of top-quality branded business suits for men as part of their new product mix. Assuming there will be negligible tourism, is there sufficient local demand to justify buying the stock of branded business suits? Demographics to the rescue! We

can start by assuming that the potential local market will consist of men at working age of 18-65. However, given that in Gibraltar there is also a significant number of cross-border employees, rather than looking at Census figures, a better source of information would be the Employment Survey Report as it includes figures of cross-border employees. According to the 2018 Gibraltar Employment Survey Report, there were 29,995 employees working in Gibraltar in October 2018. Out of this total figure, a total of 17,846 were men working in the Private Sector, Ministry of Defence and Public Sector. However, not all men wear a business suit for work and so a further analysis into sector breakdown was necessary, as GIBRALTAR MAGAZINE MAY 2020

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Articles inside

What to Wear: Working from Home

pages 80-85


pages 88-89

How to Travel Without Leaving Your Home

pages 69-73

Netflix and Chill

pages 74-75

My Love Life and Other Failures

pages 76-79

Pati’s Journey Within

pages 60-64

Confessions of a Beauty Addict: Multimasking

pages 65-68

Music: Apalosbreeze

pages 50-54

Poverty on the Rock

pages 40-41

A Zookeeper’s Diary

pages 42-45

Bookish: Our Monthly Book Club

pages 58-59

Runaway: Tamara Levy

pages 38-39

University? Completed It

pages 48-49

Art Club with Bea Garcia

pages 55-56

The Importance of Being Self Sufficient

pages 46-47

Local Business: Know Your Market

pages 16-17

Love and Business

pages 24-28

Project X: What's In Store?

pages 14-15

How to Protect Your Mental Health

pages 29-33

Working Minds: Leading Through Change

pages 22-23

Four Jills in a Jeep

pages 34-35

Hearts of Gibraltar: Talking to Brenda Cuby

pages 36-37


pages 10-13
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