Maia Pace-Jackson - Dissertation

Page 38

34 ‘Special’ schools, it would further the strengthening and protection of provisions for disabled children, giving the issue more exposure. Furthermore, to introduce children to differences, and disability could strengthen empathy and understanding, leading to a normalisation of disability. It is an issue of prejudice, and stigma based historical rhetoric that able-bodied children's learning capacity will be affected by the presence of a child with special educational needs and disability.

Second: The importance of fairness.

Social policy must put fairness at the heart of decision making. Reflecting constituents' needs as diverse individuals referring to the constituents for input, emphasising active community engagement and communication. A government that has not had the same experiences as the people it governs must make it a priority to become informed and socially aware in a contemporary context.

I would like to infer a possible reason for the continuing unsuitable policy by revisiting Social Identity theory mentioned in chapter two. We are taught to consider the origins of prejudice, coming from lack of knowledge of, ‘out-groups’ who we do not identify with, usually because of a lack of knowledge or exposure to the group. Lumen Learning describe the origins of prejudice and discrimination and they provide the example of, “public and private schools are still somewhat segregated by social class.” 121 The Sutton Trust provided a

121 Lumen learning, Why do Prejudice and Discrimination Exist? [n.d.] <> [Accessed 22 January 2021] (para. 1 of 7).

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