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2 concept

“a means of escapism from reality that helps with my own mental well-being and interests to explore exciting and creative possibilities”

One of the most common responses to this question was the need for a distraction from everyday life, or escapism. This intrigued me - why are so many people looking for an escape? However, on further consideration, perhaps no matter what is happening within our lives, we all could benefit from stepping away from our own world and into another. To see from another perspective can often be both insightful and inspiring in our own lives.

“It allows you to get immersed in a story”

Many people mentioned film’s ability to draw the audience into a story, and to provide insight into the mind of the characters. Storytelling has always been a significant form of communication, and allows us as an audience to become more understanding of and compassionate towards others.

There were many more key aspects of film which were mentioned in response to why people watch films. This included:


Several answers described film as a form of entertainment, providing enjoyment or allowing us to relax and focus on a story.


“It can make you rethink our own world and how we each live our lives, giving you a new perspective on the way we live.”

Many people mentioned that film provides us with an insight into other lives and perspectives. Film offers us new ways of thinking and allows us to reflect on our own lives and the lives of those around us.


“I think films are unique in that they bring every art form together”

Some answers talked about film being an accessible art form, and that the filmmaking, sound, writing, acting and design all contribute to a greater experience for the audience.


“I watch films to become immersed in a world different from my own”

Many responses mentioned film’s ability to transport us to and immerse us in new worlds. They can take us to places that we haven’t seen before, and create imaginary worlds both fantastical and horrifying.

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