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Q4: Why do you choose to go the cinema over watching a film at home? What do you like about the cinema?

Larger Screen


“I like the sense of event. The ability to enjoy the full cinematic experience without distractions.”

Many people described the act of going to the cinema as being an event in itself. It is clear that people choose to go to the cinema not only to see a film, but also for the experience - the journey to and within the cinema.

“When I used to go to the cinema I loved the huge screen and surround sound, which made me feel like an invisible character in the film.”

Many of the responses mentioned better visual and sound quality as a reason to visit the cinema, and how this contributes to a greater feeling of immersion in the film.

Other reasons why people choose to go to the cinema included:

New Films

Several responses mentioned the excitement of going to the cinema when a film is newly released. The anticipation of a film that we have been waiting on for some time can make the cinema experience even more thrilling. The contrast between the long wait and the shorter experience of going to see the film interests me and is something I will consider going forward with my own project.


“The full immersive experience. It’s much easier to become focused and really fully enjoy a film when watching it at the cinema.”

Many people mentioned the immersion at the cinema, and that there is no distraction, especially from phones. Not being able to pause the film to use our phones or talk in the cinema allows us to focus on enjoying the film.


Some responses described cinema as an event - a treat for special occasions or a different activity to do with friends and family. Considering that almost half of people surveyed said that they visit the cinema every few months, it seems like the full experience is something that people like to do on occasion, to savour it and enjoy it more.


“I like hearing a crowd laugh or cry at certain parts of a movie and it feels like we are all one big group together with the same feelings.”

Many of the responses mentioned a togetherness with the rest of the audience that is not as prevalent when watching films at home. This sense of connection and shared experience is something which I hope to bring into my own design, as the significance of mutual social experience can help to unite people and create a more compassionate society.

Q5: Is there anything you don’t like about going to the cinema? What do you think could be improved about the experience?


“Cinemas can be wasted by fellow movie goers, smaller auditoriums could possibly reduce this risk”

Many responses to this question mentioned other audience members distracting from the film, with noise or the smell of food. Some suggested that smaller auditoriums or more spacious seating could help to reduce this and create a more enjoyable experience.

Price Comfort

Many people said that the price was too high, especially of drinks and snacks. Lower costs of tickets would mean that the cinema is more accessible.

Some responses mentioned that newer reclining seating is often more comfortable and allows the audience to have more space.


Some people said that the film choices in cinemas don’t always suit them. Often cinemas show large blockbuster releases but fewer show lesser-known, old or arthouse films.

Q6: Would you be interested in visiting a secret or hidden cinema?

78 of the 94 people surveyed said that they would be interested in visiting a secret or hidden cinema. At the beginning of the survey, I asked whether people were interested in filmdiscussing film and/or filmmaking - and 75.5% of people said that they were. Considering this, and that 6.4% of the respondants stated that they never go to the cinema, it seems that a secret cinema is something which has appeal to many, including those that are not as interested in film. Though the majority (59.6%) of people who took my survey are under 35, the idea appealed to people of all ages.

Q6: What is your favourite film and why?

The answers to this question were very varied, from The Shining to Life of Pi, Parasite to Grease, Joker to Elf. 84 different films were mentioned, accompanied by many different reasons why they were favourites.

The films span across many genres and decades, the earliest being The Wizard of Oz (1939), and latest Ticket to Paradise (2022).

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