1 minute read
Ethereal Crescent
I knelt before them Beseeching with my sealed lips Caught with the raindrops of the soul Offering the shattered slivers of my heart. All I see is darkness, and here I dwell Born, out of the fury of their hearts
Shaped, out of the judgment of their dreary eyes. I fear their names
I fear the sound of my blunders blowing over their proud throne It kept me latched me in a thorny crucifix. And then, someone spoke A sound that gives birth to the sky A music that brought the ocean to waver And His name—was beginning and the end. He picked up the shattered heart that I had extended Calmed the screaming soul in me Unstitched my sewn lips and Brought me to my sinful feet. And in exchange of the glass heart, He named me Laom, a light that would never fade A shining soul that would never be filled with darkness For I— Laom, is the hope of the world The lantern of your paths Fear not the darkness, nor the grief But celebrate the light of my present.