The Gonzalez Times Issue 4 Post ICON Edition

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July 16 2015 | VOLUME I | ISSUE IV

“It’s faith in something and enthusiasm for something that makes life worth living” - Oliver Wendell Homes

The Gonzalez Times The Official News Letter of the NJ District of Key Club

Division 14

Glossary Page 1…….. Edition Cover Page 2…….. Glossary & LTG Memo Page 3…….. Governor’s Blog Page 4…….. International Convention Recap Page 5…….. New International Officers Page 6…….. Outside Org. ( St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital ) Page 7…….. Outside Org. ( American Cancer Society ) Page 8 ….. Youth Opportunities Fund Page 9 ….. Youth Opportunities Fund Cont. Page 10 ….. Advocacy ( Autism ) Page 11 ….. DCM and OTC Schedule & Divisional Project Update Page 12 …. District Website Guide Page 13 …. District Website Guide Cont. Page 14 …. Keeping In Touch ( Social Media ) Page 15 ..... Want to be featured? #njkeyclub Page 16..... Board Contact Information Page 17 ..... Edition Summary

Dear Division 14, I hope you are all having a wonderful summer full of fun and service. All through summer, key clubbers all over the world continue to serve their community in a number of ways, such as conducting beach and city clean ups, volunteering at a soup kitchen, conducting park clean ups and even holding fundraiser picnic. While the school year is over, the key club year is still in full swing. I would like to thank this division for all the hard work that you all do. As a result, your community is becoming a better place and you are impacting the world in a great and amazing way. Have fun this summer and don't forger to stay active in your community!

Stephania Gonzalez 2015-2016 Division 14 Lieutenant Governor

Governor’s Blog NJ District Governor Josie Suddeth Published by Josie on June 23rd, 2015.

Hello New Jersey Key Clubbers!

I hope this post finds you in good spirits - ICON has begun! I am writing this post on the bus on the way to Indy. Today we went to Hershey’s Chocolate World and Magic Mountain in Columbus, Ohio. Tomorrow we will leave Columbus, Ohio and head to the actual convention. We will go to the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, participate in activities with the entire K-Family, elect the International Board, and more! With the election of the new International Board, we will get a new trustee in mid-July - keep on the lookout for ICON updates!

The K-Family Picnic is an annual event hosted by Circle K. There will be a service project, volleyball, and many other summer activities! It is July 19th from 10:30am-4pm at 100 Green Island Road Toms River, NJ 08573. There is a Facebook event page so just check that you are attending. It is going to be a lot of fun and I strongly recommend that you and your clubs attend! Summer is upon us and I hope you all have exciting plans for the summer - summer is very different since it’s harder to meet with everyone, but there are certain activities that are always best during the summer: some ideas are lemonade stands, beach clean ups, gardens, and summer games. Thank you so much for reading this, and please don’t hesitate to contact me with any questions.

Yours in Caring and Service,

Josie Suddeth

2015-2016 New Jersey District Governor

International Convention Indianapolis, Indiana

Congratulations to Devin Sun from our very own New Jersey District for being elected International Trustee! For the 2015-2016 Service Year

Last month, at the 2015 International Convention in Indianapolis, Indiana Kiwanians, Circle K members, and Key Clubbers all came together to celebrate the 100th anniversary of Kiwanis International. The New Jersey District of Key Club was well represented with attendees from the immediate past district board , the new district board and general members from all over the state. With a week of fun we said our goodbyes to the old international board and elected a new board for the 2015-2016 service year.

“ International Convention was one of the best experiences of my life, I not only strengthened the bonds with so many of my friends from the New Jersey District, but I also had the opportunity to make lifelong friends with people from all over the world as I learned what key club was really about. Key Club isn’t just about serving you community. It has a global impact on everyone around us . At ICON, I realized that there are so many people who shared the same passion for service I had. I encourage everyone to go to International Convention next year. It was truly a life changing experience” - Megan Nevola

Lieutenant Governor of Division 19

2015 - 2016 International Officers

International President Rip Livingston

Your 2015 - 2016 International Trustees

International Vice President Addison Clipfell

International Trustee for the NJ District Kacie Hines

Outside Organizations St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital Founder of

St Jude Children’s Research Hospital

Danny Thomas was once a young man, like many, who was unsure of life’s direction. Thomas sought guidance from the patron saint of hopeless causes, St. Jude Thaddeus; Thomas vowed to build a shrine in the patron’s name if the saint would point the path he should take. The result was St. Jude Children’s Hospital. St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital first opened on February 4th, 1962 with the mission of advancing cures, and means of prevention, for catastrophic diseases through research and development. Through the eyes of founder Danny Thomas, his vision insisted that no child shall be denied treatment based on religion, race, or a family’s ability to pay. As a Key Clubber, the most efficient method is to raise funds through hosting a Team Up for St. Jude event. Team Up for St. Jude is a student-led, student-run program in which high school students raise both funds and awareness for St. Jude while showing their school spirit at the same time. Students can start letter-writing campaigns to get the word out, or host side events during high school spirit events to raise awareness and donations. It is essential to participate your event and provide them the materials supplied by St. Jude for fundraising. Fundraising plays such a large role in St. Jude’s Research Hospital because the hospital keeps a tradition of not charging the families a single dollar for treatment, travel, housing or food. St. Jude Children’s Hospital thoroughly believes that this should continue because all a family should worry about is helping their child live, not lofty expenses. With a goal of 100% survival, and currently at 80%, the hospital could be even more successful with more fundraising. With the partnership of Key Clubbers across the state, St. Jude could greatly increase the development of cures and soon get to 100% survival for childhood cancer cases. The help of St. Jude has increased the survival from 20% to more than 80% in over 50 years, and with the help of New Jersey’s Key Club, we can help St. Jude eradicate childhood cancer. Let’s Team Up for St. Jude!!

Outside Organizations The American Cancer Society

The American Cancer Society is an organization that works tirelessly to save lives and makes strides towards eradicating cancer. On May 23rd, 1913, 10 doctors and 5 laypeople in New York City founded the American Cancer Society (ACS), and it was initially called the American Society for the Control of Cancer (ASCC). Researchers funded by the ACS have contributed to nearly every major cancer research breakthrough that has been seen in almost 70 years since the start of ACS’s research program. They’ve helped establish the link between cancer and smoking; developed cancer-fighting drugs and biological response modifiers such as interferon; and much more. As a Key Clubber, there are many ways to help the American Cancer Society achieve their goal. Donating is obviously crucial to the success of any organization, especially to one fighting cancer. However, personal donations are not necessary; soliciting funds from community members is a very effective way of raising funds. The American Cancer Society is well known for many of their events, such as Relay for Life, Making Strides for Breast Cancer, Determination, and Coaches vs. Cancer. The most renowned of their events is Relay for Life, which is an organized, overnight community walk. Teams are formed and they raise funds while members of each team take turns walking around the track. Camaraderie is built throughout the night through food, games, and activities with a family-friendly environment. Relay for Life events are very successful events, and a huge amount of fun to all of those who participate. A Key Club could help organize and recruit participants for a Relay for Life event (or any other American Cancer Society event), making it a huge community event. More than one million people in the United States get cancer each year. As Key Clubbers, we can do as much as we can with volunteering at the many ACS events and through fundraising for their events. It is also important to remember that even though your Key Club may not be able to host an event, or very few American Cancer Society opportunities may arise near you, advocating is essential to the success of any organization. The use of social media, and first hand encouragement of others to get involved, can go a long way!

Youth Opportunities Fund The Youth Opportunities Fund (YOF) is an endowed fund for Key Club International that provides funds to help Key Clubs execute their service opportunities. The YOF is established through gifts to the G. Harold Martin Fellowships – a fellowship that aims to fund service projects and recognize people who unselfishly contribute their time to the Key Club Program. YOF grants can help your club perform the service project of your dreams; start looking around your school, community, or world for things that need improvement! Applications are due on October 15th at 11:59 EST each year – do not miss the deadline, there is only one funding cycle per year! The Key Club International Board’s decision will be mailed no later than January 1st, 2016. Clubs may request financial assistance for said service project ranging anywhere from $100-$2000. The YOF committee usually allots the funds to clubs who ask for a portion of the total cost of the project, and to projects that are working with other organizations to fund and complete the project. In 2010, Warren Hills Regional High School Key Club in Washington, New Jersey, was awarded $2,000 to organize an association and create a 72-plot organic vegetable and flower garden with two water pumps and a deer fence for the community. Out of this small plot of land, they were able to produce and donate over 1,000 pounds of food from the garden to their local food pantry. Now, the Key Club is working on adding 23 more plots, 4 water pumps, brick walkways and birdhouses…not to mention the wheelchair-accessible plot this spring! I challenge YOU to apply for the YOF grant and make an impact as big as Warren Hills Regional! The current application for the YOF grants can be found on

Advocacy “To speak on behalf of those who cannot speak for themselves “

Key Club Every year, the New Jersey District selects an Advocacy Focus regarding an issue within our community. This 2015-2016 Service Year, our district plans to do exactly that by advocating for those who suffer from autism. Our state has the highest rate of autism in the Union, with 1 out of 45 children born in New Jersey being affected with the disorder. Without support from organizations such as Key Club, many families are virtually helpless. We canand will- change that by providing a voice for those who must deal with this disorder every day of their lives. In order to make a change in our community as a whole, we must work to raise awareness of how serious a problem autism is within New Jersey. To do this successfully, we plan to partner with some of the organizations from within the state and across the country to create the greatest amount of change possible, and provide the most opportunities for the clubs of our district to support the cause. The New Jersey District has already officially partnered with Ms. Beth Callahan, a public advocate for autism awareness. Our district participated in the Go the Distance for Autism Bike Ride on May 31st, a community fundraiser for four educational and treatment programs for kids and adults with autism across the state. This is one of many district events that can make change for the sufferers of this disorder.

Divisional Council Meetings & Officer Training Conference Calendar Meeting Date


Rain Date

Sat. August 22nd, 2015

Magic Fountain Ice Cream and Grill Sat. August 29th, 2015 ( Elizabeth )

Sat. Sept. 19th, 2015

Magic Fountain Ice Cream and Grill Sat. Sept. 26th, 2015 ( Elizabeth )

Sun. October 18th, 2015

Panera Bread ( Woodbridge )

Sun. October 25th, 2015

Sun. Nov. 22nd, 2015

Panera Bread ( Woodbridge )

Sun. November 29th, 2015

Sun. Dec. 20th , 2015

Panera Bread ( Woodbridge )

Sun. December 27th , 2015

Sun. January 17th, 2016

Panera Bread ( Woodbridge )

Sun. January 24th, 2016

Sun. Feb. 21st, 2016

Panera Bread ( Woodbridge )

Sun. February 28th 2016

Sun. March 20th, 2016

Panera Bread ( Woodbridge )

Sun. March 27th, 2016

Dates, Times and Locations are Subject to change ***

Divisional Project Attention Division 14! Through the whole 2015-2016 Service year Division 14 will be raising funds for the March of Dimes Foundation for Premature Child Birth Research. Please Remember to Bring Change To “Spark Change”- District Secretary Sarah Park


Event Date

Money Collected

Spring Northern Regional Training Conference

5 / 9 / 2015


May Divisional Council Meeting / OTC

5 / 30 / 2015


June Divisional Council Meeting / OTC

6 / 20 / 2015

$14.38 Total Money Collected $36.31

NJ KCI District Board Contact Information

Executive District Board District Governor Josie Suddeth…………… District Secretary Sarah Park………………… District Treasurer Bobbie Bottinger…… District Editor David Guirgis……………………… District Webmaster Shannon Peng…………… Your LTG Division 14 LTG Stephania Gonzalez Mena… 908 - 977 - 3049


The Gonzalez Times Regional Training Conferences All clubs are REQUIRED to send all of their Officers for Official Training to ATLEAST ONE of the following Regional Training Conferences in order to be recognized at the District Convention at the end of their term. From 9am - 1pm Locations are Subject to Change! 

Fall RTC South: September 12, 2015 ……………...West Deptford High School

Fall RTC Central : September 13, 2015 ………….…….Phillipsburg High School

Fall RTC North: September 19, 2015…………,,,………...Millburn High School

Divisional Council Meeting August 22nd Magic Fountain Ice Cream & Grill at 300 Williamson Street, Elizabeth NJ 07202 at 12:30 pm.

IMPORTANT DEADLINES! CMRF: 7th of Every Month Make sure to stay updated with the NJ District on Social Media with…

Twitter: @njkeyclub Instagram: @njkeyclub Make sure to stay updated with Division 14 with…

Instagram: @NJKCDiv14

Upcoming District Events 

ICON 2015 (June 23rd—30th)……………………………….Indianapolis, Indiana

Fall Rally: October 11, 2015……………….…….Great Adventures Jackson NJ

Key Leader: December 2015……………………..Camp Lebanon, Lebanon NJ

DCON: April 1-3, 2016…………………………..Ocean Place, Long Branch

Please email me pictures and anything else you would like to post on the Division News Letter to the email listed below. I would love to feature your clubs on any of the Divisional social media cites!

Please feel free to contact me with any questions, suggestions, or concerns. 

Email:  Website:  Remind: text ( @njkcdiv14 ) to ( 81010 ) - to receive divisional updates and reminders

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