rachel jones series editor: carl laferton
Tim Chester, author of You Can Pray
e long for God to be powerfully at work in the lives of our family and friends; and so we pray for them. But often our prayers can feel shallow, repetitive and stuck in a rut. This little book is bursting with fresh inspiration to energise your prayers for friends and family, in whatever situation they’re facing. It has five simple suggestions for each person, drawn straight from the Bible, because when we pray in line with God’s priorities, our prayers are powerful—they really do change things.
Trevor Archer, FIEC Training Director ISBN 978-1-91030-739-7
praylo cover.indd 1-3
rachel jones
“Brilliantly simple but hugely effective.”
things to pray for the people you love
“Read this book and invigorate your prayers.”
things to
pray for the people
you love Prayers that change things for your friends and family
28/10/2015 15:25