Green Vale Magazine

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The Green Vale School 2016-2017 Board of Trustees

Contents Portrait of a Graduate: A Template for Success


Richer Learning through Teacher Collaboration



A Classic Project is Reinvented


David R. Gelfand

Mothers’ Day: A tradition is established


Vice President

Susan Jones Reflects on 37 Years at Green Vale


Gabrielle S. Bacon Hartley R. Rogers

Faculty News


Spring Gala


Alumni Inspire Students with Global Experience


In Memoriam


Alumni Milestones


Class Notes


What’s New?


Then and Now


Treasurer Jeffrey L. Busconi

Secretary Christoph Cushman ‘88 Timothy S. Broadbent Matthew J. Bruderman W. Russell G. Byers, Jr. George J. Eberle Susan P. Foley Christopher L. Garcia Sandeep Jauhar Scott M. Kravet Hugh R. O’Kane ‘93 Melissa A. Meister Catherine B. O’Neill Valerie Ohrstrom Konrad P. Schwarz Kearney S. Staniford Julia T. Weindinger Alfred C. Winkler Joanna G.S. Wriedt

Ex Officio Jesse N. Dougherty, Ed.D. Gwendolyn M. Gillies

Green Vale Magazine is published annually for families, alumni and friends of the Green Vale School.

Celebrating Balance at Green Vale Dear Green Vale Community, Every year, the School selects a theme to explore and embrace throughout the year. For 2016-2017, it was “Balance.” The theme has captured well the tenor of Green Vale, past and present. While we maintain and value all that has led to Green Vale’s success over generations, we are also keenly aware of the need to balance that with the importance of perpetual improvement, innovation, and being prepared for the future. “You see, we cannot draw lines and compartments and refuse to budge beyond them. Sometimes you have to use your failures as stepping-stones to success… He paused, considering what he had just said. 'Yes', he repeated. 'In the end, it's all a question of balance.” — Rohinton Mistry, A Fine Balance

One outcome of this mindset is the “Portrait of a Graduate” study we completed and feature in this issue. I have been told time and time again that our graduates personify the Green Vale mission — that they are “our product.” Instead of taking this for granted, we derived a specific template to ensure our program leads to the continuity we seek. Likewise, our faculty is working with Grant Lichtman, author of #EdJourney, on examining our curriculum, teaching methods and spurring creativity. Examples of how these efforts are being applied are detailed in the pages that follow.

Finally, as we welcome new members of our community annually, we must also say difficult goodbyes at times to others. In June we will say farewell to two members of the senior administrative team: Susan Jones, Director of Early Childhood will retire after 37 years, and Liz Remsen, Director of Advancement after 12. On a personal note, as I approach the end of my second year, I must once again say the Dougherty family is privileged to be a part of this welcoming and vibrant community that enables us to balance work and home life so comfortably.

Jesse Dougherty, Ed.D. Head of School

Green Vale Magazine

Portrait of a Graduate:

A Template for

Success When Jesse Dougherty was first named Head of School and commenced his “listening tour.” he was struck by how frequently Green Vale’s strengths were articulated in terms of its graduates. To help ensure the School’s success in preparing students for future endeavors, Dr. Dougherty sought to create a “Portrait of a Graduate” — a way to be more specific about Green Vale’s goals for students and more deliberate in achieving them. “By envisioning our end product, we’re able to work backwards in order to be as purposeful as possible about everything we do, beginning in Pre-Nursery,” says Dr. Dougherty. “The Portrait of a Graduate gives teachers a lens through which to prioritize projects and plot students’ progress toward these ends. This is a critical document that will guide our future.” This Portrait of a Graduate represents the collective work of many. For 18 months, teachers, administrators, and graduates have provided insight into what exactly contributes to a Green Vale graduate’s success and sense of self. Six primary attributes resulted:


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Intellect Honed Subject by Subject Awareness of breadth; mastery of specifics

Ability to think deeply in different intellectual arenas

The critical skills needed to ask the right questions

Healthy Body — Healthy Mind Pro-active management of overall wellness

Conscientious decision-making on and off the playing field

Sports experience correlates to life experience

Upholder of the Community: Global Thinker Attuned to common ground more than difference Understanding one’s own capacity to make a difference

Finding bridges to the larger world

4 5 6

Appreciation for Art and Artists Understanding of the creative process Experiencing art as a challenge, an outlet, an alternative form of expression Understanding art’s connection to individuality and vulnerability

Internal Compass Leads to Self-Reliance Faith in perseverance Character education combined with executive functioning Trust in community enables personal ethics

Uses Language with Precision and Resonance Conviction and personality in speaking and writing Confidence in an emerging personal voice


Richer Learning through Teacher Collaboration Green Vale’s faculty are always looking to expand the traditional notions of “classroom,” “subject,” “teacher,” and “textbook.” In addition to relying on increasingly diverse materials, technology, and “outside-the-box” assignments to truly engage, they are looking to oneanother. Even within the limitations of a full schedule for students and for teachers alike, the adage “where there’s a will, there’s a way” has proved its truth.

History, Art, and Mythology Meet at The Met In planning a trip to The Metropolitan Museum, teachers from the Art, History, and English departments (Dee Dee Copp, Karenn Ressa, and Alison Newman) knew they wanted to supplement the museum docent’s guided tour through the Greek and Roman galleries. The idea of a scavenger hunt took hold. On a Saturday before the trip, the teachers visited The Met to devise an original scavenger hunt to further engage the students with the museum itself and with classical sculpture, objects, portraiture, frescoes, and artifacts. Another idea to enrich the experience focused on illustrated Greek vases to meld studio art, art history, and literature studies. Rotating in groups, students alternated between observing and sketching vessels on display and listening to a discussion led by Newman, a Classics specialist, on the vases’ historical context, decorating techniques, and iconography to decipher the scene depicted on each vase.

Off-Campus learning connects seamlessly with classroom curriculum.

The day proved to be a true culmination of academic studies from the fall term: in English, students had been studying Greek mythology and reading Homer’s “The Odyssey”; in History, they learned about the significance of ancient Greek civilization and its wide-ranging impact on Western culture. After the trip, the lessons continued. In art class, the students adapted their vase sketches into ceramic versions and then illustrated them with references to their own original nature myths produced as a creative writing exercise in English.

Student adaptations of vases observed at The Met.


Stereotypes in Literature and in Life This year, when Tyler Wood explored the theme of “stereotypes” in 7th Grade English, he devised the syllabus to lead up to a series of current events seminars led by history teacher Rich Quinlan that reflected the stereotype theme in a “real time, real world” context. The students began the unit by reading three texts: a personal narrative “Mother Tongue” by Amy Tan, in which the author contemplates how her Chinese background affected her American life and education; “Night” Elie Weisel’s renowned Holocaust memoir; and an article entitled “Escape from Camp 14” about a survivor of a North Korean prison camp. Comparing these accounts, Mr. Wood and his students delved into the issue of cultural, religious, and political stereotyping. Duly steeped in this thinking, the students were then joined by Mr. Quinlan for an overview of conditions in present-day Syria and the resulting refugee crisis. They saw a film narrated by Jay Johnson, former Secretary of Homeland Security, about the immigration and vetting process. Issues of acceptance, false fear, and human rights were discussed as well as the concept of how to view different regions of the world and prevent terrorism using both “hard” and “soft” power. In a culminating assignment, students wrote personal narrative responses to the literary, historical, current events, and peer-generated thinking to which they had been exposed. In Quinlan’s words: “This unit embodies what the study of Humanities really is. The only way to teach history is to encompass current events. ‘History repeats itself’ is 1000% correct.” Tyler Wood added: “This effort lays the groundwork for what we hope will be future opportunities for this type of collaboration. There’s so much knowledge here to tap into.”


A Classic Project is


3rd Grade Blazes a Trail to The Boardroom

Among Green Vale’s various academic traditions is a 3rd Grade science assignment where students research an animal indigenous to the Northeastern United States and report on how the animal has adapted to its environment. Science teacher Rick Geismar decided to enhance the project by giving students real-world context for examining ecosystems before assigning the animal. What better way to connect students to their learning than the immediacy of the Green Vale campus? What followed has become The 3rd Grade Green Vale Biodiversity Project. In the spirit of innovation and cultivating “peak learning experiences” that the School has adopted, Mr. Geismar has developed the animal research project into a long-term, multidisciplinary collaboration between Science, Technology, and Library.

Inventory of campus flora & fauna Throughout the fall, students compiled an inventory of plant and animal life within Green Vale’s 40 acres. Outdoor journaling, turning over rocks, and Mr. Geismar’s knowledge as a naturalist led to sightings of owls, flying squirrels, and red-tailed hawks.

Upping the research ante This project changed assumptions of when to introduce various research methodologies. By following students’ lead, Library Director Karenn Ressa made this the youngest Green Vale grade ever to 1. use Chromebooks to locate relevant library materials in an applied, organic way; 2. use Noodlebib to begin properly citing sources; and 3. use the student portal to consult teacher-uploaded materials. One student even led peers to join in using Google slides as a notetaking platform. Others elected to use color-coded index cards. That students were asserting their own preferences for organizing their work was testament to how this project and approach have empowered them to “own their learning.”

Students take ownership while faculty model a growth mindset Following presentations to peers of their individual research, the students will then come together to determine which animal(s) could thrive in the Green Vale environment if they were to be attracted or introduced. They will work together on a presentation to Green Vale’s Board on which species should be encouraged on campus. In implementing this new project “in real time,” the teachers involved have been modeling behaviors and attitudes that we are increasingly asking of students as we prepare them for today’s world: risk taking, adaptability, operating outside of a known comfort zone, and valuing questions as much as answers.

“Soon after Rick explained his vision, the project took on a life of its own.” — Anthony Schettino, Technology Instructor


“This day is for you to see, first hand, how the culture of the school helps to promote learning: A culture where the prevailing attitude is hopeful, where students are compassionate and mindful, and the surroundings foster an inner motivation to be our best selves.”

Mothers’ Day: A tradition is established

— Dr. Jesse Dougherty’s Mothers’ Day Address

The first annual Mothers’ Day, held February 17, was a successful echo of Green Vale’s Fathers’ Day event held each October. Mothers experienced classroom routines, participated in work alongside their children, and were treated to musical performances. While many mothers visit campus regularly for drop-offs, pick-ups and to volunteer, over half of them also work outside the home. This day offered them a special chance to see the academic side of school life. Visit to view more photos and a video of Dr. Dougherty’s address.


Susan Jones Reflects on 37 Years at Green Vale Early Childhood Director Susan Jones will retire this June after 37 years in the Early Childhood division at Green Vale, 20 of those as Director. Generations of young lives have been shaped by Susan’s influence and she leaves as her legacy the strongest independent Pre-Nursery - Kindergarten program on Long Island. We sat down with Susan for a glimpse of Green Vale through her eyes.


Tell us about your early time at Green Vale

Through a colleague I met while teaching at Westbury Friends School, I began substitute teaching at Green Vale in 1980. By that fall, I had been hired as the School’s first Pre-Nursery teacher. It was a brand new program then: I taught Pre-Nursery for two years, then Nursery, then Kindergarten for about 14 years. I fell in love with Green Vale from day one. I am still awed by the physical beauty and by the sincere friendliness of this community — from faculty to students to parents to staff.


What stands out about the faculty you’ve worked with?

I’ve established such strong relationships within the EC division and school-wide. I will miss that a lot — my work extends into my social life. In my later years I’ve enjoyed mentoring the young teachers. They bring fresh ideas to the table, perhaps with new technologies or methodologies being taught in graduate schools, but I can add the perspective that comes with experience.


What has changed most in 37 years?

Yes there have been changes brought about by innovations in technology or adding specials to the daily schedule, but I have to say the great constant is the reason we’re all here: the students. Children have changed very little. They may be exposed to more, but young children are innately still innocent open vessels, seeking and absorbing information at a rapid rate. Working with them every day you have great influence — you are their model.


What has it been like working with so many parents?

Now that I’m older I’m viewed as a resource and a guide, especially with current parents whom I knew quite well as children. I still remember as a young teacher — parents would fly right to the older teacher with their questions. Now I am that person!


A colorful Kindergarten in 1992.

The Schwerin Early Childhood Center under construction in 2000.


What’s a particularly fond memory?

It came as a wonderful surprise when the Board decided to raise funds for the Schwerin Early Childhood Center. In doing that, they have permanently honored young children. It’s very unusual for a school to have a separate facility for early childhood. Through the design process, the teachers were involved to an extent that truly honored them as well.


What have you liked about being at Green Vale?

Working with the Schwerin Center designers, Susan used this sweater to indicate the interior color palette she preferred over their suggestion of bright primary colors.

I’ve had many friends in my life who have been teachers elsewhere. They never got to see their students grow up. Here, students always come back, and I have seen them become parents. Some of their children are miniatures of them!


What are you most proud of?

I am proud of the adolescents and adults that I see my former students become. I’m frequently amazed (but not completely surprised) by their accomplishments and life paths. I am proud that Green Vale’s early childhood program has maintained what I believe is an optimal balance between “academics” and play-based learning. I am also proud of the wonderful new families we’re able to attract year after year who appreciate our joyful and stimulating environment.


What are you going to do next?

I’m not entirely sure — but I feel better talking to others who have retired after a long career. I’m told there are plenty of things to do in this world other than work! For sure I will spend more time with my daughter and her family in Rhode Island. I have always had writing as an avocation. It’s even crossed my mind to write a screenplay set at Green Vale!


What will you miss most?

Teaching and learning literacy has changed little since 1995.

I’ve never not gone to school. I will miss going to school. The pace of a school year and of a day is ingrained in me…I will probably eat lunch at 11:15 for the rest of my life. Honestly, I’ll miss the connections I’ve made.


Mrs. Jones, are you the boss of me?

This is a question I’ve been asked by more than a few children over the years. Without hesitation, I always answered, “Why, yes I am.

” 9

Faculty News Green Vale Partners with Renowned Educator As part of a comprehensive future planning process to perpetuate our mission and tradition of excellence while adapting to a changing world, The Board and Head of School believe the faculty’s voice and vision for Green Vale should be front and center. Dr. Dougherty told teachers: “I want your input as we define the optimal balance between tradition and innovation. I want you to feel agency and choice when it comes to our pedagogy.” Last summer, Green Vale faculty read the acclaimed book #EdJourney: A Roadmap to the Future of Education by author Grant Lichtman. The school year commenced with an allfaculty video conference with Lichtman, and Green Vale has since partnered with Lichtman to facilitate forward thinking as it pertains to our educational approach. Lichtman has worked with school teams across the nation to develop a capacity for growth, change, and consensus building. In his book, Lichtman speaks of change and innovation as “simply finding new ways to create value.” During an all-day session with the entire faculty in February, Lichtman led a process of creative reflection to begin to define a collective vision of what great learning looks like: A Portrait of Learning to supplement our Portrait of a Graduate. Some powerful themes have already started to emerge, such as a desire for more meaningful collaboration between teachers and engaging students authentically with realworld problems.


New Dean Sharpens Focus on Faculty Development by Dr. Pamela Velastegui, Dean of Academics

In keeping with Green Vale’s commitment to deepening the learning experience for students, I have been tasked with analyzing the scope, sequence, and coherence of the entire academic curriculum to ensure that it’s meeting the School’s goals.

Another important focus is a collaboration with the division directors to support faculty professional growth and development. We look at two primary channels for teachers to maximize their impact and success: 1) a formalized program of self-reflection, peer evaluation, and annual goal setting; and 2) access to additional training, education, and exposure gained outside Green Vale.

In this second category, Green Vale is fortunate to have significant endowed funding to enable faculty to take regular advantage of opportunities such as attending conferences, taking graduate courses, participating in NYSAIS workshops, observing other schools, presenting at seminars and traveling to other countries. This year, we have made a greater effort to capture and share knowledge and experience gained through these professional development experiences through “Teacher Share” days to bring added value and growth to colleagues.

Faculty Accolades

Jessica Chen General Music & Choral Director For the second consecutive year, Ms. Chen was invited to lead a session at the Balanced Mind Conference, a symposium for arts educators. Her topic this year was “Ways to Take Your Choral Concert to the Next Level.” Also this year, Jessica has been named Repertoire and Resources Chair for Children’s and Community Youth Choirs for the New York State chapter of American Choral Directors Association (ACDA). Jessica was also featured as a guest conductor in Suffolk County’s All-County Festival.

Peter Zaloom 8th Grade Dean & Science Teacher; Rocketry Coach

Alison Newman Upper School Latin & English After only joining Green Vale in September, Alison Newman, a Classics and Latin specialist, was invited to address The Classical Association of the Middle West and South, a highly prestigious conference. She presented an abstract entitled “Thrasyleon: Man or Bear? Transformation through eo in Apuleius’ Metamorphoses.” The three other presenters in her category were professors from Duke, Stanford, and Brigham Young Universities.

The Team America Rocketry Challenge (TARC) awarded Peter Zaloom “Outstanding Team Advisor” for 2016. TARC is the world’s largest student rocket contest and a key piece of the aerospace and defense industry’s strategy to develop the next generation of engineers. The award was presented in Washington, D.C. before an audience of the top 100 rocketry teams (including Green Vale) selected to compete in the TARC finals. Green Vale’s success under Zaloom in top competition is particularly noteworthy as the age eligibility extends through 12th grade.



To view photos from the last two Spring Galas, please visit


Alumni Inspire Students with

Global Experience This winter, two young graduates returned to campus to address students in Harris Theater about their aid work across the world. Both credited Green Vale with building the skills and motivation to pursue their ambitions.

Emily Prey, ‘07 Founder, The Center for Girls, Chaing Rai, Thailand After Green Vale, Emily Prey attended Portledge School and then went on to Williams College where she studied History, Political Science, and Women’s Studies. A year after graduation, she cofounded a nongovernment organization (NGO) in Cambodia that offered free English education to children living in poverty. Following her true passion for women’s empowerment, Emily then moved to rural Thailand where she co-founded another organization, The Center for Girls ( whose mission is to provide life skills, leadership “Being unequal in society may training, human rights education, seem normal, but it is not okay.” and counseling programs to members of the local communities, especially those at risk for human trafficking. Education is everything; walls and electricity are secondary.

Green Vale students were awed to learn about life in a bamboo hut with no running water or wifi, tarantulas, and strict laws Emily with The Center for Girls co-founders. against stepping on currency featuring the king’s image. Emily’s passion for helping people empower themselves made these seem like small sacrifices. She spoke about the happiness and gratitude of very poor youngsters she works with— and the joy of presenting them with their first bicycles, musical instruments, and trip to the ocean. “In terms of knowing how to help these communities, “A baby cow came in at 3:00 in the morning and the best thing we can do is listen. They know moo’d in my face.” what they need.”


Emily Prey, ‘07

Matthew Catapano, ‘92 Field Officer, Doctors Without Borders, South Sudan Matthew Catapano went from Green Vale to North Shore High School to the University of Vermont. His early career was devoted to television and advertising: creating programming for MTV and developing public service campaigns.

Hearing about the rewards of service first-hand.

Matthew added levity throughout his presentation: “I’m not a parent and I’m not a doctor, but I now know how to deliver a baby every 15 minutes.” He described friendships with people who grew up during a genocide or who were virtually immobilized due to polio. “These are funny, silly, quirky human beings like we all are. They don’t want to switch lives — they just want things to be a little better. People are people; everybody there has a story and a family and joy and sadness.”

“I was an advertising guy, but now I’m a humanitarian.” Matthew Catapano is welcomed by former teachers.

Inspired by the mission of Doctors Without Borders to deliver medical care to people in crisis, Matt decided to change his trajectory and apply to become a foreign aid worker. He was offered a position as a hospital administrator in Aweil, South Sudan, which has been mired in ongoing civil war. Students in Grades 4-8 were riveted by the presentation from the moment he clicked his first slide image and stated: “I’m Matt, and this is my goat, Miss Cleo.” Through a display of his own photographs, Matt depicted the challenges of accomplishing simple tasks in a war-torn, impoverished region. He spoke about his involvement in setting up a hospital facility where there’s no water or infrastructure and disease is rampant. During a malaria outbreak, the hospital was admitting 100 patients per day. His pictures depicted life in an enclosed compound where it was rarely safe enough to go out for a walk and temperatures ranged from 90-115 degrees. “If you’re hungry you can’t go to the store and buy something. There is no store.”

The hospital in Aweil, South Sudan where Matthew worked.

While acknowledging that life “I love Green Vale, in a war zone is very difficult, I love Long Island, Matt delivered a universal message about service: “It’s but it’s a big world.” a way to connect with other people and learn the joy other people derive from a totally different way of life. It’s an incredible way to learn and experience the world.”


In Memoriam Peter F. Clifton GVS Headmaster 1967 - 1974 Peter passed away on August 3, 2016 at his home in Water Mill, NY. Peter was born on January 27, 1926 in Overbrook, PA. to Gorham and Margaret Clifton, who predecease him, as do brothers Mark and Charles Clifton. In his youth, Peter attended Episcopal Academy and graduated from the Choate School in 1944. During World War II, he served proudly in the US Merchant Marine Corps in the South Pacific. After the war, he received his BA from Harvard College in 1949 and a Masters Degree from Columbia’s Teachers

College in 1959, and began his long and distinguished career as an educator at St. David’s School in NYC. Peter, his wife Alice and their four children (Suzanne Clifton Walsh ‘69, Peter F. Clifton, Jr. ‘71, Alexandra Clifton Wade ‘73 and Alicia Clifton Chabot ‘79) came to Green Vale in 1967. There are many highlights from Peter’s service as Headmaster. During his tenure, Nursery and Pre-Kindergarten classes were added to Green Vale’s curriculum. In 1969, the first class of boys stayed for the 9th Grade. That first year, the graduating class consisted of four boys and seventeen girls. Peter was involved in overseeing the planning of, and the fundraising efforts for, what is now the Iselin Center. Peter was also instrumental in creating Green Vale’s first tuition aid program for minority children. In the spring of 1974, Peter left Green Vale and moved to Cambridge, MA to become the head of the Harvard College Fund. He loved swimming in the ocean near his home on Long Island’s East End, preferably in the company of his many friends and his loving family, who will keep his warm and generous spirit close by.

Ogden M. Phipps ‘54 Former Trustee 1977 - 1989 Dinny passed away on April 6, 2016; he was 75. Dinny was a graduate of Deerfield Academy and Yale University. Dinny was a member of the Board from 1977 to 1989, serving as President from 1981 to 1986. Dinny was the great grandson of Henry Phipps, the partner of the steel magnate Andrew Carnegie; the grandson of Henry Carnegie Phipps and Gladys Livingston Mills Phipps; and the son of Lillian Bostwick Phipps. Between 1976 and 1994, Dinny served as chairman of the board of Bessemer Trust, the private bank and investment advisor established by the Phipps family in 1907. He also was chairman of Bessemer Securities Corp. from 1982 until 1994. He continued to serve on the two Bessemer boards until he retired in 2015. A New York native, he was chairman and CEO of the New York Racing Association Inc. from 1976 to 1983. He was elected chairman of The Jockey Club in February 1983 and served in that capacity until he retired in August 2015 to become


honorary chairman. Phipps Stable campaigned numerous winners of prestigious American Thoroughbred races. Dinny is survived by his wife of 46 years, Andrea; children Kayce, Kelley, Lilly ‘86, Daisy ‘88, Samantha ‘89 and Ogden ‘93; and 24 grandchildren. He was predeceased in 2007 by his sister, Cynthia Phipps ‘60.

Alumni Milestones Marriages


Jordan Pagonakis to Laurence R. Jollon ‘91 February 26, 2016

Henry to Missy and Philip M. Pidot ‘91 January 18, 2016

Victoria Lampley to Michael C. Berens ‘94 June 20, 2015

William “Wells” to Oakley V. Duryea ‘92 and Elizabeth Robinson Duryea ‘99 July 27, 2016

Robbie to Kimberly and John J. O’Kane ‘99 March 8, 2016

Foster to Rachel and O’Donnell Lee ‘92 May 14, 2016

Charlotte to John and Samantha Nick Darsie ‘03 September 16, 2016

Bode to Bari and Jeffrey T. Steiner ‘92 December 9, 2015

Grayson to Wayne and Victoria Weiss Dalton ‘03 March 25, 2016

R. Woodward Millen ‘54 October 6, 2015

Teagan to Arianne and Hugh R. O’Kane ‘93 July 14, 2016


John W. Payson ‘54 October 16, 2016

John M. Thatcher, Jr. ‘31 November 7, 2013

Ogden M. Phipps ‘54 April 6, 2016

Mary Bullard Rousseau ‘32 October 22, 2015

Sandra L. Read ‘66 July 6, 2013

F. Thomas Ward, Jr. ‘33 February 6, 2016

Lawrence B. Van Ingen, III ‘67 November 30, 2016

John B. Jessup ‘37 May 20, 2015

John A. Adamo ‘85 August 18, 2016

Elsie Janeway Apthorp ‘42 May 12, 2016

Christopher K. Shea ‘10 April 8, 2016

Jeb Armstrong to Alexandra Connors Armstrong ‘96 February 7, 2015 Colleen Simeral to William S. Gardiner ‘98 June 25, 2016 Milena Duke to David R. Holmes, Jr. ‘99 May 21, 2016 Rashel Shehata to Bradley G. Hoover ‘00 January 31, 2016

Hunter to Valerie and Michael S. Kivowitz ‘94 March 16, 2016

Alex Jeffery to Graham B. Gardiner ‘01 September 12, 2015

James to Sasha and Ashley Heise Freger ‘96 June 30, 2015

Henry Kegan to Katherine Hollo Kegan ‘02 April 11, 2015

Sloane to Jessica and Bradley C. Spiegel ‘96 October 16, 2015

Benjamin Smiles to Meagan Lesko Smiles ‘02 October 24, 2015

Katherine to Konstantine and Kristen Colletta Traganas ‘96 September 3, 2015

Michael Gebhardt to Meredith Aaron Gebhardt ‘04 August 22, 2015

Hunter to Matt and Megan Drucker Genkin ‘97 July 9, 2015

Eleanor “Nora” to Colleen and Christopher B. Ciullo ‘98 February 10, 2015

Cora Cavanagh Cushny ‘47 May 26, 2016 John B. Loveland ‘48

Pierce to Hanna and Taylor T. Robinson ‘98 June 15, 2016

James B. Alley, Jr. ‘50 September 2, 2015 Arthur D. Pratt ‘50 February 9, 2016 Elisabeth Nicholson Holmes ‘51 October 12, 2015 Cornelius M. Ulman ‘52 February 27, 2016

Priscilla Janeway Sherwood ‘44 April 9, 2015 Maurice G. DeLand ‘46 May 17, 2016


Class Notes ‘31 John M. Thatcher, Jr. The Alumni Office recently learned of John’s death on November 7, 2013. After Green Vale, John attended St. Paul’s School and Yale University. After serving as a captain in the U.S. Army, he and his wife, Dottie, moved to Greenwich, CT, where they raised their three children. At that time he worked initially for Riddell Petroleum Corporation, a family concern, and then as a stockbroker with Mitchell Hutchins, Inc., a brokerage firm that became a part of Paine Webber Inc. His interests included skiing, golf, music, cooking, and painting. He was on the board of the Greenwich Academy and the Weston Playhouse. He was predeceased by his son, John M.P. Thatcher III and his sister, Katherine T. Leach ‘35.

‘32 Mary Bullard Rousseau It is with regret that we share the news of Mary’s death on October 22, 2015. Mary was an accomplished artist and the fourth generation resident of The Sturges Cottage, a National Historical Landmark. After Green Vale, Mary attended Chatham Hall in Virginia and then Manhasset High School which was designed by her father who was a prominent architect. She moved in 1938 to the Sturges Cottage in Fairfield and attended the Art Students League in New York City for two years, specializing in child and dog portraitures. In 1942, Mary married Henry Harwood Rousseau. She enjoyed spending her summers at the Arbor House in Blue Hill, Maine. Mary was a longtime member of Trinity Episcopal Church in Southport, an honorary member of the Country


Club of Fairfield, a member of the Mill Plain Improvement Society and a founding member of the Fairfield Women’s Exchange. She was a lifetime member of the Colony Club in NY, a founding member of the National Art Museum of Sport, a fellow of the Morgan Library and a member of the CT Trust for Historic Preservation. In addition to her husband, Henry Harwood Rousseau, she was predeceased by her three brothers, Roger, Henry and Jonathan Bullard.

‘33 F. Thomas Ward, Jr. It is with regret that we share the news of Thomas’ death on February 6, 2016.

‘37 John B. Jessup It is with regret that we share the news of John’s death on May 20, 2015. After Green Vale, John attended St. Paul’s School and Princeton University. John’s residential construction career included many years as a general contractor building notable homes designed by architect Cliff May. He continued designing his own additions and upgrades for many clients. John enjoyed winemaking and caring for his vineyard. He was an avid skier and tennis player. John was a faithful and generous friend to many throughout his long life. John was the brother of Richard Jessup ‘35 who died in 2012. Surviving sisters are Mary Amonette ‘35 and Joan Eddy ‘44.

‘42 Elsie Janeway Apthorp It is with regret that we share the news of Elsie’s passing on May 12, 2016; she was 88. She was pre-deceased by her husband William O. Apthorp who

died in 2013 as well as her sister, Priscilla Janeway Sherwood ‘44. After Green Vale, Elsie attended Miss Porters School and Smith College. Survivors include her brothers, Harold W. Janeway ‘50 and Edward G. Janeway, Jr. ‘46.

‘44 Lorinda Payson de Roulet “I have 5 great grandchildren.”

Priscilla Janeway Sherwood The Alumni Office recently learned of Priscilla’s death on April 9, 2015. After graduating from Wheelock College, Priscilla married Thomas K. Sherwood III. Priscilla and Thomas had three daughters. Later she lived in Burlington, VT, and Brookline, MA, where she returned to Wheelock College to study Family Systems Therapy. She delighted in her grandchildren, always keen to hear about their adventures and misadventures, and always supportive of their journeys.

‘46 Maurice G. DeLand It is with regret that we share the news of Maurice’s death on May 17, 2016. He is survived by two sisters, Sarah Deland Marshall ‘52 and Martha Jane Hoffman ‘58 and son Charles Maurice DeLand. He enjoyed tennis, skiing and soaring. He dedicated his career to Kodak.

‘47 Cora Cavanagh Cushny It is with regret that we share the news of Cora’s death on May 26, 2016. Cora started riding ponies in horse shows at a young age and showed as a junior in equitation and hunter classes in the top horse shows of the time, including Piping Rock Horse Show and the National Horse

Show at Madison Square Garden. Cora’s involvement with horse shows extended far beyond just competing in them, she also ran several horse shows on Long Island, and judged and stewarded horse shows all over the country. In the 50’s, 60’s and 70’s, Cora ran the Helping Hand Horse Show at the Grace Estate in Old Westbury, the Vixen Horse Show, held at the McLintock Estate in Upper Brookville, and Meadow Brook Horse Show, held at the Hickox Estate in Old Westbury. All of the proceeds from her horse shows were donated to the United States Equestrian Team. In the mid 1950’s, Cora helped develop the newly formed Meadow Brook Hounds Pony Club, serving as it’s District Commissioner for almost a decade, leading many Meadow Brook Hounds teams to the Pony Club National Rally. She was the District Commissioner in 1960 when the Meadow Brook hosted the National Rally at Whitney Stables on Wheatley Road in Old Westbury. She was Chairman of the United States Pony Club’s Competitions Committee from 1961-65, and was elected to the United States Pony Club Hall of Fame in 2005. In 1996, the Long Island Professional Horseman’s Association honored Cora with the James Walsh award, given to an individual whose actions merit unique distinction by their accomplishments, furthered the goals of an equine organization, provided inspiration to those in the sport, were a creative force for change, helped the horses in the sport and benefitted equestrian sport. Cora was pre-deceased by her husband, Theodorus Van Wyck Cushny, brothers Frank Cavanagh ‘38 and James Cavanagh ‘33, and sister B.C. Bradley. She is survived by her sister, Sara Cavanagh Schwartz ‘53, children Theodorus Van Wyck Cushny Jr. ‘71, and Alix Michel ‘81, Lillian Cushny ‘73, Michael Cushny ‘79, Coralie Galyean ‘81, grandchildren, and a great-grandson.

‘48 John B. Loveland It is with regret that we share the news of John’s death.

Elizabeth Cushman Putnam “Life is very busy and full with family and friends. I was honored by receiving The Robert Marshall Award from The Wilderness Society - and the National Recreation Resources Leadership Award from the Society of Outdoor Recreation Professionals for my work with founding the Student Conservation Association (SCA). SCA is 60 years old with almost 80,000 alumni! All this thanks in part to the excellent start I had at The Green Vale School, for which I am very grateful.”

‘50 James B. Alley, Jr. It is with regret that we share the news of James’ death on September 2, 2015. He was the son of James Burke Alley and Esther Hall Alley. His father worked for President Franklin D. Roosevelt as the lead counsel for the Reconstruction Finance Corporation which played a major role in overcoming the Great Depression in the United States. He had a curious nature: he worked as a roustabout in the Oklahoma oil fields while in school, completed basic training in the U.S. Army in Texas after college, and then worked as a corporate lawyer at Debevoise and Plimpton in New York City, but he found his true calling as a lawyer in Santa Fe serving the interests of every constituency that came to him for help. He was strongly opposed to undesirable development and served on the board of the New Mexico Environmental Law Center. In the late 1960s, as the attorney for the Upper Pecos Association, he fought an initiative to put a paved 26-mile highway across Elk Mountain in his beloved Pecos Wilderness, and the case went all the way to the U.S. Supreme Court before the highway proposal was finally defeated. He was predeceased by his brother, Dr. Harrison H. Alley ‘52, and his sister, Jane J. Edgerton, and is survived by his sister, Cynthia A. Andrews ‘57, his wife Elisabeth, his children and grandchildren.

R. Anderson Pew “Due to health problems, John Willock, was unable to get to Maine for our annual mini-reunion. Woody Waldron

and Andy Pew are in good health but confilicting schedules prevented our annual dinner.”

Arthur D. Pratt It is with regret that we share the news of Artie’s death on February 9, 2016, in Naples, FL.

‘51 Elisabeth (“Robin”) Nicholson Holmes It is with regret that we share the news of Elisabeth’s death on October 12, 2015. Robin attended St. Michael’s and graduated from Miss Porter’s School to which she remained devoted throughout her life. Robin had many varied interests, notably gardening; needlepoint, knitting, reading, world affairs and perhaps most famously, the British Royal Family about which she could tell you everything. She worked extensively as a volunteer for the American Red Cross for many years in blood services, counseling, and disaster services, attaining the rank of Deputy National Director of Volunteers at National Headquarters in Washington. She is survived by her husband, Freddy, her children and grandchildren.

‘52 Cornelius M. Ulman It is with regret that we share the news of Neil’s death on February 27, 2016; he was 77. After Green Vale, Neil attended The Hill School and Princeton University. He and his wife, Barbara, moved to Craftsbury in 1996 as his long career as a reporter and editor with The Wall Street Journal was winding down. He loved the outdoors and was known to many as an enthusiastic skier and rower at the Craftsbury Outdoor Center. Having earlier been a sailor for many years, he took up flying in 2001. After earning his pilot license and instrument rating, he took dozens of friends, neighbors, and relatives up for scenic flights. He was active with the Catamount Trail Association and

served on the board of the Craftsbury Chamber Players. He was a member of the East Craftsbury Presbyterian Church. In recent years he returned to his interest in writing poetry. Some of his poems appeared in the Chronicle. He is survived by his wife of 52 years, Barbara; his son Nick, his daughter, Katharine Mertens, his grandchildren: Blair Mertens and Tessie Ulman, his sister Katharine Brush ‘44, his brother Stephen Van R. Ulman ‘46 and by many nieces and nephews.

‘53 Dusty Reeder:

Philip C. Iglehart “Philip is enjoying his retirement and finds ample time to pursue hunting up and down the East Coast. He spends August in Nantucket with Susan, where he enjoys the opportunity to be with his three children, their families and his six grandchildren.”

Charles C. Lockwood “Charlie and Poo sold their house on Dover, MA, and have moved to a smaller residence overlooking the 5th hole at The Country Club in Brookline, MA. In spite of a few added joints, he claims he is not as in good shape as he was 10 years ago, but then who is? When not in Bermuda or Brookline, he manages to travel up and down the East Coast finding old friends on what he refers to as a ‘moocharama tour’.”

Judith Sperry MacEwan “I see classmate, Anita Keefe, who left in 8th Grade, a great deal.”

Henry S. Reeder, Jr. “I retired last year as Chairman of Architectural Resources Cambridge (ARC), a firm that I helped to start 46 years ago and I am still busy working with private and public schools and colleges around the country. I find myself busier than ever with added local board and club responsibilities. Happily, there still is time to be on Nantucket in August with Susan and enjoy our three children, their families

and our nine grandchildren. Busy is a good thing for retirement, but not too busy to be able to enjoy fishing in Nantucket, Maine, the BVI and Mexico. We had a mini reunion with Philip Iglehart, Timmy Weld and Bunny Terry in MD, duck shooting.”

Edward V. Rossiter “Ned is retired from the public sector of teaching, where he was Head of the History Department at Newton North High School. He has been active at Brandeis University teaching in their education program. He maintains a busy schedule that he hopes will soon end. He was a founding Board member, now emeritus, of Land’s Sake, a Weston conservation group founded in 1980 to help preserve and manage remaining farm land in the town.”

H. P. Baldwin Terry, Jr. “Bunny lives in Canton, CT, and is retired from the world of Money Managers at UBS Financial Services in Hartford. He spends his summers in Small Point, ME, with his family.”

Frederic B. Underwood “Freddy, who is usually with us, had a tripping accident and damaged his shoulder. Forgoing an operation, he was busy with physical therapy and hopes to be back together soon. The accident was on his shooting shoulder which has curtailed an otherwise ambitious hunting schedule. He is confident that the GVS motto will guide him through this event: Optima Durant (the best endures). As we know, Freddy was a professor in the language department at Columbia University with Sanskrit as his specialty, a subject dear to our hearts.”

Francis (“Tim”) M. Weld “Tim retired from his New York practice as a Cardiologist and has moved to Nantucket with his wife Helena. He has won a long battle with the state to be able to practice in MA and now will be able to contribute his services to the Nantucket Cottage Hospital.”

‘54 Mimi Colgate Kirk:

R. Woodward Millen It is with regret that we share the news of Woody’s death on October 6, 2015. After Green Vale, Woody graduated from The Brooks School and the University of Virginia, where he was a 4-year member of the Varsity golf team


and then freshman Coach. He began his career on Wall Street finishing as a floor broker for Bache & Company. After a short time in Ohio working in the oil business, he returned to Locust Valley where he established Discovery Workshop, an eclectic gift shop that also held trunk shows along the East Coast. At the time of his death he was Chairman of the Whitney Trustees and a long term Board member of Palmetto Golf Club where he held numerous committee/board positions including President. He is survived by his sister Martha Millen Brosnahan ‘57, brother J. Michael Millen, and nephew John Daniel Chauncey Millen.

John W. Payson John Whitney Payson, art dealer, philanthropist, and advocate of civic causes, died unexpectedly on October 16, 2016; he was 76. John attended Bowdoin College and received a B.A. from Pepperdine University in 1966. Later, he was awarded an Honorary Doctor of Fine Arts from the Maine College of Arts, and an Honorary Doctor of Laws at Pepperdine University. His mother, Joan Whitney Payson, founder of the New York Mets, bequeathed part of her art collection to John upon her death in 1975. John in turn, donated significant works, such as Renoir’s Confidences and Prendergast’s Rhododendrons: Boston Public Gardens to the Portland Museum of Art. In 1987, he sold Van Gogh’s Irises, allowing him to establish the Joan Whitney and Charles Shipman Payson Charitable Foundation. The Foundation gave support to many institutions, including the Skowhegan School of Painting and Sculpture. John’s interest in the arts led him to serve on a number boards, including the Portland Museum of Art, the Williamstown Art Conservation Center, and the President’s Advisory Committee on the Arts at the Kennedy Center. He was involved with the Skowhegan School of Painting and Sculpture for many years, and he served as Chair of the Board of Trustees from 1981 to 1988. In Florida, John was a


fierce advocate for the arts. Previously, he served on the Board of Governors of the Florida ArtsPAC and was a Member and Vice Chair of the Florida Arts Council. In 2014, Secretary of State Ken Detzner appointed John Ambassador for Florida Arts. He enjoyed wing shooting, fishing, sailing, and motorsports. He had lived on Jupiter Island for forty-five years; the last thirty-one of which had been with his wife, Joanne D. Payson. In addition to his wife Joanne, John is survived by Joan Whitney Payson, his only daughter with Joanne; and Heather Lee Payson and Charles Sherwood Payson, two children from a prior marriage, and three grandchildren. John is also survived by two sisters, Payne Middleton ‘42 and Lorinda de Roulet ‘44.

‘56 Libbie F. Gerry “I am still writing music for the piano and loving it. Every day feels like something new will arrive and I look forward to the finished pieces. I recently visited Notre Dame in South Bend, Indiana, where the Music Department had chosen a gifted student to perform some of my work. He played 9 nocturnes and a sonata of three movements. I was very pleased with the performance and hope that I can follow his career for many years. I am now a grandma of 5: four boys and a girl. All of them live in California and I am planted in Ocala, FL. A lot of emailing and phoning and visiting when they come east. Still in touch with Janie Choate Beck and keep up with the news about Green Vale. A big hello to all classmates!”

Peter J. Pell

‘57 Magdelaine Anthony Smith “Fourth grandchild arrived in March 2016. Thanks to United Air Lines I fly up often! Still playing on my 65's tennis team. Playing golf when I can here in South Carolina.”

‘60 M.R.E. Theodore Baehr “My eldest son, Peirce, his beautiful wife Christina, and six children, are about to embark on building their artist and faith retreat on top of a spectacular mountain in Tasmania, Australia, visit: My Marine Major son, Jim, is moving to the prime prosecution position as an attorney in the U.S. Attorney’s Office in New Orleans having just put away a predatory DA, a corrupt detective and a Hollywood conman. My third son Robby and his wife Taylor are expecting their second child, and helping us to grow MOVIEGUIDE(r) beyond 34 million. My daughter Evy married Jeremy Carrol in June in Verona and then had a Hollywood Entertainment Industry packed reception in Hollywood in late August. My beautiful wife Lili designed our new offices and Tel and radio studios. I continue to watch miracles happen as radio and TV networks ask for our content, and the HOW TO SUCCEED IN HOLLYWOOD (WITHOUT LOSING YOUR SOUL), Annual Faith & Values Awards Gala & Report to the Entertainment Industry, and MOVIEGUIDE(r) grow.”

‘62 Judith Tabler Cook “My new book, “Foxhunting with Meadow Brook” published by Derrydale Press came out February in 2016. The Green Vale School and classmates (especially Russell Corey ‘61) were great assets during my research.”

Peter T. Hovey

Peter with his brother Haven ‘59 (and their grandchildren) on GVS campus for Grandparents’ Day.

“I am currently living in Kansas City, MO, retired. I volunteer at St. Joseph Medical Center, KCMO as a chaplain. I am married to Rita and we celebrated our 10th Anniversary recently. My daughters, Hollister and Porter, live in

Brooklyn, NY, and are the principals in Hovey Design, interior design.

‘64 Frederick D. Iselin “Derick and Sallie announce the wedding of their daughter, Tinsley Simonds Iselin, to Dakota Lee Hadley on April 11, 2015. They were married on the banks of the Ashley River at Lowndes Grove Plantation in Charleston. Derick is a financial advisor for Morgan Stanley. He left his hockey stick on Beaver Dam and picked up a tennis racket when he moved south after graduation from St. Mark’s School. Derick and Sallie live in the steeplechase capital of America, Camden, South Carolina. We enjoyed the 50th class reunion and look forward to the 100th.”

Pictured from left to right: Derick, Sallie, Tinsley and Dakota.

‘65 Innis O’Rourke:

William S. Eakins, Jr. “In New York, continuing to practice law and to serve on the boards of Asphalt Green and the NY Foundation for Senior Citizens. Still making it to Asheville most weekends and holidays. It is now a long time I have had the house there and have inevitably become involved in local charitable and civic affairs, serving on the board of the Western NC Historical Society and as vice-chair of the county Historic Resources Commission. I still enjoy my Central Park runs in NYC and mountain, river and trail runs in North Carolina, keeping focused by doing a few marathons and half marathons locally or places I want to visit people.”

George W. Potts “My wife Elissa (maiden name Traymon, Buckley CDS, Class of ‘68) and I have been living in Kent, CT, since 1976. She runs the Fife ‘n Drum Restaurant & Inn, which was started by her late Dad, Dolph Traymon, a pianist and longtime resident of Locust Valley. Unfortunately, with our busy schedules

we never seem to get back to Long Island, other than occasional trips out to my family’s old summer home in Quogue. After 30+ years I still enjoy running my manufacturers’ rep firm, while keeping myself busy as a “weekend warrior musician,” providing guitar, bass and vocals to a number of groups around the northwest corner. I am looking forward to catching up with many of my friends and classmates whom I haven’t laid eyes on for over 50 years!”

daughter. Also surviving her are her mother, Signa Lynch Read, a sister, Susan Read Cronin ‘68 and a brother, Stewart W. Read; two stepsisters, Marci MacNeu and Mindy Schwarz; and two stepdaughters from a previous marriage, Margaret W. Foley, Anne H. Foley. Her father, Alexander D. Read, predeceased her.

Peter T. Robinson

Rebekah Drew Guerra

‘66 Barbara Mills Still around and doing well due to marrying a famous doctor, Pamela Hopper, five years ago.

Sandra L. Read It is with regret that we share the news of Sandra’s death on July 6, 2013; she was 61. A graduate of The Madeira School and Williams College, she received her MBA from Columbia University. In 1983, after 20 years in New York City, where she served on the board of the Joffrey Ballet for over 10 years and worked for a variety of financial institutions, including Bankers Trust, Scudder, Stevens and Clark and Hartford Huntington, and managed the Williams Club, she moved to Aspen, Colorado, where she was known for her newspaper column, “Good News, Rumors and Outright Lies.” While living in Aspen, she was involved in a partnership, which was hired to run one of music television’s first channels, Country Music Television. In 1993, Sandra moved to Crested Butte, Colorado, where she served on the board of Western State University in Gunnison and was active in The Crested Butte Theater. Sandra continued her lifelong interest in theater after she moved back east to Dorset, Vermont, in 2000, by serving on the boards of The Dorset Theater Festival and The Dorset Players. She was also a volunteer at Hildene and The American Museum of Fly Fishing. The most fortuitous aspect of her moving east was the opportunity to find true love in her relationship with Paul, her husband of seven years. Sandra is survived by her devoted husband, three stepchildren and their partners, and a step-grand-

migration on Mexican families and to learn more about the causes of migration. Renee’s son, Chris Merz and his partner, Max Schwartzapfel are rolling out a community service web platform, Pleasantville, in schools in the New York area. Her daughter, Wendy Merz, graduated from Tulane University in May 2016. Renee’s husband, Carl Merz, is CFO of the Hapoalim Bank in NYC and enjoys a game of golf in his spare time.”

Peter’s four grandchildren. (l – r): Pierce and Ivy Robinson, Lila and Wells Duryea.

‘67 George Paul Kemp “Recently, my two boys, Andrew and Nathan, both graduated as engineers from LSU! One is in Baltimore working for Northrup-Grumman and the other works here in Baton Rouge for an internet startup. I am working as a consultant on restoring the Mississippi River delta and am a Commissioner for the regional authority responsible for keeping another hurricane from flooding New Orleans. I still do some research and teaching as an adjunct professor at LSU, but am semi-retired, as is my wife, Linda, who taught law school at LSU and later at Southern University. We have been married for 30 years. I am occasionally excited to see John LeboutilIier, with whom I shared the bus ride from Westbury, as a political commentator on TV!”

Lawrence B. Van Ingen, III It is with regret that we share the news of Lawrence’s death on November 30, 2016; he was 63.

‘68 Colleen O’Rourke Carson:

Renee Bradley Merz “Renee earned her Certified International Property Specialist (CIPS) designation in Costa Rica through the National Association of Realtors. She is partnering with Cathy Casalicchio at Daniel Gale Sotheby’s International Realty in Huntington. Renee traveled to Oaxaca, Mexico, with the Hagedorn Foundation as a delegate to study the effects of

“After graduating from Green Vale, I attended the Northfield School. I went from there to Wellesley College. I married Frank Guerra in 1976. We have 5 adult children. I have been involved in the start-up of two schools: Covenant School in Arlington, MA, a K-6 Independent school, and Boston Trinity Academy, a 6-12 Independent Christian School in Hyde Park, MA. I am currently a middle school English teacher and the Dean of the Middle School at Boston Trinity.”

Richard M. Harvey

“Won our 7th term as Colleton County Coroner unopposed. Harvey Enterprises providing continuing medical education programs throughout South Carolina.”

‘70 Lisa Hay Morrin “I live in pacific palisades, a small town part of Los Angeles, and have lived here since 1982. I am a realtor and have been doing this since before moving to California. I love it and have been very successful and happy. I have 2 golden retrievers and the 3 of us live in the home that I built for us at the turn of the century.”

‘72 India R. Howell “I am still living and working in Tanzania as the Executive Director of the Tanzanian Children’s Fund. I am now the legal guardian of 95 children aged 1 to 21 hence I manage to stay busy! I would

love to welcome any Green Vale alums and their families for a visit or to volunteer. I can promise it will be a life changing experience.”

‘73 Nancy Toher Hawkins:

Georgina Laidlaw Berger “I am living in Princeton, NJ. I am recently divorced and am moving on with the great life ahead! I continue to do a lot of charity work of many varieties. I have 3 grown children: Arianne, who is living in NYC working as an interior designer/decorator; Shannon is an art major and is the Director of the VoltzClarke Gallery in NYC; Chad is in investment banking, also in NYC.”

Lee Cushing DiPietro Lee published her first book, “Against The Wind,” in September 2015. “Against The Wind” is a memoir about Lee’s life as an endurance runner and ironman triathlete and how the lessons she learned through her training and racing helped her family cope when faced with unimaginable situations in life. Lee spoke at an Upper School Assembly at GVS in April 2016. It was an inspirational morning for all!

Tracy Brent Huntington “I am still traveling around the countryside, doing jobs in many places but concentrating this year on not traveling as much, working in one place at a time. My husband and I bought a house in Maine on the coast with a beautiful walking beach. His family has been going there for 70 years. We plan to spend more time there so that we can start relaxing more in our 60’s. My mother and I had Cora Michalis Thomas ‘74 and her parents for a luncheon at my mom’s new place in Rye, NY. It was so much fun catching up. I have also seen Lee and Lee Cushing DiPietro and John and Dianne Shiland Smith when we are in Florida. Our old neighbors Peter Harris ‘68 (and Harriet) have unfortunately moved away from Dover, MA but we have been lucky enough to catch a glimpse of them down in Florida as well.”


‘75 Hank Kimmel:

‘80 Lisa G. Bostwick

‘77 Lila Kirkland Huwiler:

Lelia Gwathmey Harrington “My best friends still are my classmates from GVS!”

Dorothy F. Van Gerbig Dorothy and Amanda Kirkland Hamilton ‘84 with GVS Upper School Science teacher, Peter Zaloom, at a horse show in Vermont in September 2015.

‘78 Georgine Howley Hertzwig

John R. Humphrey, IV “Still painting and teaching in San Francisco. Exhibited latest series inspired by the American Flag. Fortunate to gain Daphne Scalamandre ‘86 as a new collector. “Road Trip” 2016 (30” x 60” Acrylic on Wood) was inspired by summer travels in Colorado and New Mexico.”

Victoria Gilbert Maksymowicz “I would love to catch up with any Green Vale friends in NYC. I have been working with Saint David’s School (a K-8 all boys school) with a myriad of connections to Green Vale. I am also involved in a couple of causes dear to my heart — Language learning for all at Global Language Project and rowing off of the East River Esplanade. Photo is of my husband and myself in Salamanca, Spain, where I teach every summer. Hoping to connect with old friends!”

‘83 Harold Bost:

Anna G. Miller “I am a special Ed teacher in FL with a three year old son. Searching for a school like GVS for him.”

‘84 “Still living in Port Washington. Life is great. My husband Eric and I have two sons - Tyler who is studying Environmental Studies at Salve Regina University and is a pitcher on the baseball team at Salve as well. My other son Connor is in his senior year at Paul D. Schreiber High School and is in the decision process of colleges as we approach May 1st. Connor is looking to study psychology as he would like to be a Youth Group leader in the future. It seems like years since I have seen any of my classmates - hope that everyone is doing well.”


John A. Adamo It is with regret that we share the news of John’s death on August 18, 2016.

Gilbert W. Chapman III Gib with classmates Ward Meyer and John Jansing at the Dead & Co show at Madison Square Garden in October 2015.


Holly Spink Landon “My family and I moved to Los Angeles and we are settling in to our new adventure on the West Coast. After a change of career and graduating from nursing school in 2014, I am working at a local hospital in couplet care, helping new moms and babies after birth. The kids miss their friends and family in NY and NJ, but they are thriving in our new town and our lives are busy with baseball, Girl Scouts, dance, hiking, skiing and exploring this amazing state. If there are any local GVS alumni, please reach out to me!”

“John has founded 1UP Golf Development Group and is building Golf Entertainment Complexes throughout the US and abroad. He and his wife Michelle, who is a Master Business Coach, live in San Diego, with their son, John Robert Humphrey, V.”


William C. McClean, IV “I recently released a new album (my third), entitled ‘Let Me In’. It features musicians from Sheryl Crow’s band, Lynyrd Skynyrd, The Wallflowers, and more. It was recorded, mixed and mastered by Grammy-winning engineers in Nashville, TN, and is available now via all major online retailers (iTunes, Amazon, CD Baby, etc.).”

Daryle Bost:

Philip M. Pidot Cristina Mariani-May “I was selected by the editors of Food & Wine and Fortune to be listed as one of the top most innovative women in the food and drink industry. I feel very proud of what my team has helped me accomplish.”

Flip and his wife Missy welcomed their third son, Henry, on January 18, 2016, joining his brothers Charlie (Kindergarten) and George (Nursery).”

‘92 Oakley V. Duryea Oakley, LeeLee ‘99 and big sister, Lila, welcomed William Atwell “Wells” Duryea on July 27, 2016.

‘90 JoAnne Constance Kenny:

O’Donnell Lee

Alexandra N. Carton “Living in Huntington and having a great time. Working in the family business which started in 1933, now part of The B&G Group and offering insurance policies with 73 different insurance companies for personal/corporate needs. Licensed on the P&C side; as well as Life, Accident, and Health. Finally back to sailing and racing.”

‘91 Laurence Jollon: Heather Upton:

Rachel and O’D happily welcomed Foster Lee to the family on May 14, 2016. The Lees currently have two children who are loving their time at Green Vale, Charlotte (1st Grade) and Gus (Kindergarten) and are living in Locust Valley.

Jeffrey T. Steiner

Laurence R. Jollon On February 26, 2016, L.J. married Jordan Pagonakis in a small ceremony at Gramercy Tavern in New York City. The newlyweds reside on the Upper West Side of Manhattan.

“My wife and I welcomed our second child, Bode Samuel Steiner, to our family on December 9, 2015. Dylan was thrilled to become a big sister.”



Townsend Bancroft:

Jonathan Connors:

Katherine Jollon Colsher:

Andrew Korson:

Trish Constance D’Anna: Seth Pidot:

Hugh R. O’Kane

published my debut novel “THE LIGHT OF IVES Memories Remain” in both print and ebook formats.”

‘97 Lily Gray:

F. Page McClean “Page is in her second year as PhD student at the University of Colorado. Say hello if you’re passing through Boulder!”

Heidi O’Connell:

Megan Drucker Genkin

‘96 Alexis Moed:

Alexandra Connors Armstrong “Jeb Stuart Armstrong and I were married at the Colony Club followed by a reception there afterwards on February 7, 2015.”

“Hugh and Arianne welcomed their fourth child, Teagan Amelia, on July 14, 2016. Older siblings (Anna, PreNursery, Jack, Pre-Kindergarten and Hugh, Kindergarten) can’t wait for Teagan to join them at GVS!”

‘94 Eliza Geddes Franson:

Michael C. Berens Michael married Victoria Lampley on June 20, 2015, in Harbour Island. In attendance were classmates Robert Berens, Alex Robertson, Cooper Schmidlapp, Lindsey Spink and Clark Teagle.

Michael S. Kivowitz On March 16, 2016, Michael, his wife Valerie, and son Hunter, welcomed a little girl, Lainie Reese Kivowitz. Lainie weighed 6 pounds, 6 ounces and was 18 inches long. Everyone is doing great, and big brother, Hunter, has seamlessly transitioned to his new role!

Alexander T. Robertson Several members of the Class of 1994 enjoyed some time together bowling.

‘98 John-Robert LaPorta:

Christopher B. Ciullo

Brianne Goodman Dishaw

Ashley Heise Freger My husband Aleksander (“Sasha”) and I welcomed James Winn Freger on June 30, 2015. We love him to pieces! We currently live on the Upper West Side of Manhattan (although we are thinking of moving out to Long Island at some point in the not too distant future).

Taylor T. Robinson “Taylor and his family recently moved to Valentine’s Lane! They are very excited to be living so close to GVS. Their daughter, Ivy, is attending GVS in the Pre-Nursery class. Taylor, Hanna and Ivy welcomed Pierce on June 15, 2016.”

‘99 LeeLee Robinson Duryea: David Knott:

Elizabeth Robinson Duryea LeeLee, Oakley ‘92 and big sister, Lila, welcomed William Atwell “Wells” on July 27, 2016.

“Excited to share that I left my job in NYC and am now working in Admissions at GVS!!”

“C.B. and his wife, Colleen, welcomed their third daughter, Eleanor “Nora” Claire on February 10, 2015. Big sisters Caroline and Libby could not be more excited! The four ladies and C.B. live in Garden City.”

Ashley Banker Enthoven

William S. Gardiner

Bradley C. Spiegel Bradley and Jessica are excited to announce the birth of their daughter, Sloane Alexandra, born on October 16, 2015.

Kristen Colletta Traganas

(L to R) Mike Berens, Cooper Schmiddlapp, Eric McRoberts, Lindsey Spink, Clark Teagle and Alex)

“Matt and I welcomed Hunter Phillip Genkin on July 9, 2015. Big sister, Sophie, is thrilled.”

John-Robert LaPorta “John and his wife and two daughters live in Burlington, CT, where he practices Anesthesiology in New Britain, CT. He corresponds frequently with his best friend Chet Cunha.”

“My husband and I welcomed our second child, Katherine Liv, on September 3, 2015. Katherine joins older brother George. I also

Will and Colleen Simeral were married on June 25, 2016, in State College, PA. Will was attended by his brothers, Graham ‘01 and Jamie ‘02. Family and friends (including GVS friends, Darlene and Jack Becker, Susan and Bill Jones and Lorraine and Bob Campbell) joined in the celebration at the Centre Hills Club in State College. Will and Colleen currently live in Brooklyn and work in Manhattan.

Ashley and classmates enjoyed celebrating at D.R. Holmes’ wedding on May 21, 2016.


David R. Holmes, Jr.

‘02 Meagan Lesko Smiles:

Katherine Hollo Kegan

“D.R. and Milena Duke were married on May 21, 2016 at St. Dominic Church in Oyster Bay and celebrated with several Green Vale Alumni!”

John J. O’Kane John and Kimberly welcomed their second son, Robbie, on March 8, 2016. Older brother, Peter, attends GVS in the Pre-Nursery class. Peter is enjoying his class, his teachers and seeing his cousins at school.

‘00 Garett Vassel:

Bradley G. Hoover “Rashel Shehata and I were married on January 31, 2016 at the Brooklyn Winery in Williamsburg, Brooklyn.”

Kate married a fellow Episcopal High School classmate, Henry Kegan on April 11, 2015. They live in Georgetown, DC, and Kate works for a local lifestyle brand called SCOUT Bags.

Meagan Lesko Smiles Meagan was married to Benjamin Smiles on October 24, 2015 in Nantucket. She enjoyed having Caitlin Lesko ‘05, Ryan Lesko ‘07, Margot Webel ‘02 and Diana Grace ‘02 in her wedding party along with Eduardo Canet ‘02, Deuce Schmidlapp ‘02 and Court Hoover ‘02 all there to celebrate.

Victoria Weiss Dalton

“After graduating I moved to Mexico City where I have been working for almost two years. In June I went to Fayetteville, NC, to see my classmate Clay Jones graduate into US Special Forces. I hope Mr. Quinlan, Miss Iannotta, and Mrs. Pries are doing well!”

“Tory is a 3rd grade teacher in Pinellas County, FL. My husband, Wayne, and I just recently celebrated our son, Grayson Sonny’s, 1st birthday.”

‘04 Lily Haydock: Zach Remsen:

Graham B. Gardiner Gregory J. McWhir “Greg is currently a medical student at Touro College of Osteopathic Medicine. Considering a range of careers such as Hematology/Oncology, Emergency Medicine, and Critical Care.”

‘03 Cryder Bancroft: Carly Postal: Nick Remsen: Peter Wilson:

Samantha Nick Darsie “Charlotte Spangler arrived on September 16, 2016 weighing 7lbs and measuring

Sterling B. Brinkley III

Meredith Aaron Gebhardt

Jacqueline I. diGaloma

Merrie recently moved to Philadelphia, PA, with her husband, Michael. Merrie and Michael were married on August 22, 2015. Merrie has worked for Nielsen since graduating from Northwestern University in 2011 and in her current role leads the Early Career Programs team, overseeing university recruitment and talent development for early-career talent at the market research company.

Jackie is employed as a Marketing Manager with Universal McCann in San Francisco.

“Lily is working for a REIT in Philadelphia and would love to connect with any local GVS Alumni!”

Rylan Soref:



Constance A. Haydock


Graham and Alex Jeffery were married on September 12, 2015, at PAOWNYC, a family summer home in the Adirondack town of Inlet, NY. GVS alum in the wedding party were: Will Gardiner ‘98, Jamie Gardiner ‘02, Will Copp ‘01, Will Hull ‘01 and Peter Lynch’01. Additional Green Vale attendees: Anne and Stephen Watters, Susan and Bill Jones, Lorraine and Bob Campbell, Darlene and Jack Becker, Ellen Hull Woltz, Cathy Soref, Charlotte Schmidlapp ‘01, Eduardo Canet ‘02, Lawrence M. Schmidlapp ‘02 and Hillary Copp ‘04. Graham and Alex currently live in West Palm Beach, FL.

20 inches. Mom and Dad could not be more in love!!”

Zachary P. Remsen “I am currently in a two-year MBA program at the Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth. Very excited but missing my GVS classmates in the NYC area!”

Laura A. Van Igen Laura is working as a Design Assistant for the interior design firm Ralph Harvard.

‘05 Jamie Burchfield: Nick Newburger: Morgan M. Smith:

Nicholas A. Newburger “Nick works at Wheelock Street Capital and resides in Manhattan. He plays golf and tennis when he can fit it in and tries to occasionally stay in touch with his Green Vale classmates!”

Ripley D. Hartmeyer ‘06 “Ripley is still living in New York City and working in the Board practice for Spencer Stuart. She is enjoying playing lots of squash and often sees classmate David Wilson.”

Logan M. Hoover “Logan is still in Washington, D.C., working for Congressman Tom Reed and advising him on various policy issues. He recently graduated with a Masters in Professional Studies from the Graduate School of Political Management at George Washington University. On a side note, he is still bitter about losing to fellow classmate, Ripley Hartmeyer, by 16 votes in the school council race for President in the 9th Grade.”

Margaret V. Remsen “Working at Amity Search Partners and living near Union Square with two friends from Cornell!”

‘07 Victoria D. Baptiste Victoria graduated with a degree in history from Princeton University in 2014. She is currently working as a Legal Research Assistant at Davis, Polk & Wardwell in New York City and plans to apply to law school.

Emily G. Hawkins “Emily is currently the reigning Mean Girls trivia champion of NYC and recently graduated from St.

John’s University with an MS in Enterprise Risk Management.”

Gregory F. Lafaire I graduated from a five year architecture program at the University of Miami. I have begun work at OMNI Architects in NYC and am really enjoying it. I am making my way through all the boroughs for various design projects. I recently moved to Manhattan and am really liking living downtown.

Antonia B. O’Hara

‘09 Marielle Lafaire:

Rebecca L. Broxmeyer

Becky and a few ‘09 classmates— Marielle Lafaire, Daniel Broxmeyer, Eliza Wehrle and Sierra Linder— enjoying time together in Manhattan in June.

Samantha D. Kemper Samantha attends Colorado College.

Alexis Lostritto-Udell

Antonia is living in Jackson Hole, Wyoming. While living there, she and her cousin have started a company called ‘Indigo by Boutin’, and they work directly with merchants in both Jaipur and Udaipur, India, selling fair trade clothing, accessories, and home decor. Based out of both Jackson and Los Angeles, the company was launched recently and shown to be a great success. Ten percent of the proceeds go back to the Sambhali Trust Foundation, which promotes unity and independence for young girls while keeping them out of the marriage system. For more information please visit! We are so thrilled to be able to share such a passionate and growing company with the Green Vale community.

‘08 Holly Constants:

Francesca S. diGaloma Chessy is employed as an Assistant Account Executive at Ogilvy & Mather and lives in Manhattan.

Dominique J. Lippolis “Dominique graduated from Sacred Heart University and is working on her certification in school psychology at Adelphi University while working at a special needs school called The Vincent Smith School in Port Washington.”

“I graduated with a BBS in Visual Merchandising from LIM College in New York City, where I reside and will be attending Fordham Law School to obtain a Master of Studies in Law, in the first of its kind Fashion Law program.”

Ian R. Sigal

‘10 Billy Remsen:

Christopher K. Shea It is with sorrow that we share the news of Chris’ death on April 8, 2016. After graduating from Green Vale, Chris attended Episcopal High School and Bucknell University. Chris had an active life centered around his family, friends and school with numerous social activities including the FIJI fraternity, composing music and the squash team. Chris was a devoted son, brother, grandson, cousin and a friend to everyone he encountered. All who knew him loved him, and were blessed to have been touched by his laughter, his infectious smile and love of life. Chris is survived by his loving parents Katy Jansing (John ‘75) and Bobby Shea, brothers William ‘13 and Andrew ‘15 and step sister Olivia Jansing ‘12.

‘12 Grant Newburger: Caroline Zerilli:

Logan T. Dunn Logan is a sophomore at Franklin & Marshall College.

Tyler A. Dunn Tyler is a sophomore at The University of Pennsylvania.

Douglas S. Johnson Stark is a sophomore at St. Lawrence University. Stark spent the summer as a fly fishing counselor at a summer camp in Maine.

Casey M. Kemper Casey took a gap year after graduating from Hotchkiss. In late March of 2016, she hiked the 2,200 mile Appalachian Trail by herself. She is a freshman at Princeton University.

Jacob A. Murphy

‘11 Grace Lafaire:

Camilla G. diGaloma Cricket attends Colby College and plays Varsity squash.

James E. Heaney

Ian is attending Cambridge University in England to pursue a Masters in Philosophy in Translational Medicine (and of course, row!). Ian was recognized as a 2016 Merrill Presidential Scholar, the highest recognition given by Cornell University by a graduating senior. According to Cornell, “Since 1988, the Merrill Presidential Scholars Program has honored Cornell University’s most outstanding graduating seniors who reflect the highest standards of excellence in their class. Merrill Presidential Scholars rank in the top 1% of their class in their respective schools and colleges, and are chosen for their outstanding scholastic accomplishments and community engagement.”

“I am a senior at Georgetown. It’s always great to see GVS classmates Roger Dorr, Grace Lafaire and Joe Donohue around campus. Joe and I are rooming together this year!”

Grace S. Lafaire “I am studying finance and economics at Georgetown University. Aside from classes, I have enjoyed covering equities in the healthcare sector and serving as the vice president of trading in the student run investment fund on campus. I participated in the summer analyst program at Goldman Sachs. In my spare time, I love babysitting for Solon, the Watters’ granddaughter who lives a few blocks from campus.”

“Jake is a sophomore at Texas A&M in the Business Honors College majoring in Finance. Jake was Vice President of the freshman class last year and now serves on the student council for the Business School. Jake has signed an air contract with the US Marine Corps and spent 6 weeks at Quantico this past summer. He will go back the summer between his junior and senior year for another 6 weeks and after completion of that and his senior year at A&M he hopes to receive his commission as a 2nd Lieutenant in the Marines.”

Grant A. Newburger Grant is thrilled to be sophomore at Claremont McKenna College. This summer he was back in NY interning for both Senator Chuck Schumer and Senator Kristen Gillibrand in their Nassau-Suffolk Offices.

Siobhan E. Stocks-Lyons Very busy at The University of Denver studying Journalism and Political Science and working at a publishing company!

Pictured:Grace with classmates James Heaney and Joseph Donohue.


‘13 Louis J. Morledge, Jr.:

Johndee Baptiste Johndee recently graduated from Friends Academy where he earned all conference, division and state recognition in several sports as a three season athlete. He looks forward to continuing his academic and athletic careers at Franklin & Marshall College where he is a freshman. Johndee pictured here with his sister, Victoria ‘07.

Sloane A. Hughes Like her time at Green Vale, Sloane was actively involved at Friends Academy playing soccer, track and lacrosse, as well as involved with many local community and global service initiatives. During the summer of 2015, she traveled to complete an entrepreneurial leadership opportunity in Johannesburg, South Africa called the Global Scholar Program. This past summer, she interned at PENCIL, as a part of her Friends Academy Independent Service Project (ISP). She will continue her passion for leadership in business at Bentley University where she is a freshman.

and a minor in Finance at Wharton. Louis is a member of the Lightweight Crew Team.

Robert C. Parker Rob graduated from Friends Academy in June. He served as a leader of WATCH, the community service club at Friends, and started the Republican Club. This summer, Rob volunteered at StreetSquash in Harlem, an urban squash program. He is attending Deerfield Academy as a post-graduate student, where he enjoyed playing Varsity squash. Rob looks forward to attending Amherst College in the fall where he plans to continue playing squash.

William S. Bilicic William graduated from Culver and is attending Georgetown University. At Culver he played one doubles for the varsity tennis team and was able to reach the state finals two years in a row. He was also the Commander of his Unit, Battery B and graduated Captain, the highest rank you can receive at Culver. This summer he worked for Hillary For America as a member of the National Finance Team.

Andrew J. Gulotta Andrew graduated from Cold Spring Harbor High School where he was a National Merit Scholarship semifinalist. He was also Captain/President of the school’s robotics team. Andrew is a freshman at Worcester Polytechnic Institute.


Front Row (l - r): William Shea, Austen Schweber and Grant Elgarten. Second Row (l - r): Sloane Hughes, Ruby Viener, Matt DeMatteis, Emily, Tyler Riese, Christian Mandrakos, Jack Zerilli, Rob Parker, Johndee Baptiste and Tanner Kellan.

Tanner Kellan


Tanner graduated from Friends Academy in June and is a freshman at Boston College.

Christian C. Barakat

Christopher A. Bilicic Christopher graduated from Culver Academies and spent a gap year playing tennis. He looks forward to playing tennis in the fall at Trinity College where he will be a freshman.

Members of the GVS Class of 2013 at their final Friends Academy Meeting for Worship.

Pictured here at Friends Academy prom with GVS classmates: (l - r): Grant Elgarten, Christian Mandrakos, Johndee Baptiste, Tanner, Matthew DeMatteis and William Shea.

Isabelle R. Lewis

2013 GVS Classmates (l - r): Jack Zerilli, Rob Parker, Grant Elgarten and Christian Mandrakos were honored at the Friends Academy Fourth Day Honors and Cum Laude Assembly on June 8, 2016.

Alexander M. Perna Alexander graduated from Manhasset High School in June and is a freshman at St. John’s University.

Skylar M. Seitz

Isabelle graduated from Ashley Hall in Charleston, SC. She is a freshman at Vanderbilt University.

Alexander N. Lupenko Alex graduated from Portledge in June and is a freshman at West Virginia University. At Portledge, Alex was recognized for Excellence in Community Service for over 100 hours of community service. Alex and his brother, Chris ‘15, spent the summer at a unique cultural and spiritual camp in Greece.

Skylar graduated from Kellenberg and is a freshman at University of Alabama.

Griffin R. Sigal Griffin graduated from Tabor Academy and is a freshman at Tufts University.

Louis J. Morledge, Jr. Louis is a freshman at the University of Pennsylvania where he is continuing his love of political science with a dual degree in PPE (Philosophy, Politics & Ethics)

Emily H. Wachtler Emily graduated from Friends Academy and is a freshman at Syracuse University.

Christian is the President of the Locust Valley Chapter of Hippies for Hope which is a non-profit organization that tie dyes t-shirts and sells them at local fairs and festivities. The money raised is sent to two rural schools in Tanzania, Africa to promote education for children. Also, for every t-shirt sold, a t-shirt is donated to a local hospital. Christian donated over 30 shirts to both Cohen Children’s Medical Center and the Glen Cove Hospital. Photos were taken and Christian gave a short presentation about Hippies for Hope. (Christian spent 5 weeks in Tanzania last summer at one of the two schools mentioned) The t-shirts are very colorful and fun and they spread a smile and hope! The motto of Hippies for Hope is “Wear a Shirt, Give a Smile, Spread Hope.”

William C. Braff William, his twin brother, Andrew and GVS and St. George’s classmate, Charles Huschle, competed in the U.S. Squash High School Nationals Tournament at Westminster School.

Riggs W. Johnson “Riggs won the Atlas Award at the Locust Valley High School science research awards (among other things, this signfies that Riggs has entered 8 scientific competitions!). Thank You Green Vale! Riggs is also a member of the Varsity golf and tennis teams and is pursuing a full International Baccalaureate Diploma. Riggs also continues to be very active with squash.”

George’s School in Newport, RI. (l - r): Hadley Smith ‘13+, Rachel Smithie ‘14, Georgina Green ‘14, Harriet, Isabel Meyer ‘13+ and Christine Dejoux ‘13+.

Raymond Kemper Deke graduated from Eaglebrook and is now attending Suffield Academy. GVS Alumni in attendance at Fathers’ Day

William A. Parker Will is a junior at Friends Academy where he enjoys playing on the Varsity golf team.

Arielle P. T. Warren Arielle spent several weeks last summer in Zambia with the Kucetekela Foundation (KF) Club from Hotchkiss doing community service work. The KF Club at Hotchkiss is committed to raising funds to sponsor a Zambian high school student who is academically promising but financially disadvantaged. Last year the club raised $10,000 to sponsor two students.

‘14 Georgina C. Green

Isabella B. Perna Isabella is pursuing her art and is a junior at St. Francis Prep.

Julian M. Perna Julian is at the top of his track team at Manhasset High School. He also enjoys playing his guitar and trumpet.

‘15 Christopher A. Lupenko

Georgina, Natalie Huschle ‘15 and Rachel Smithie ‘14, students at St. George’s School in Newport, RI, participated in the U.S. Squash High School Nationals Tournament at Loomis Chaffee School and raised the Division 3 championship banner after a weekend full of exciting matches.

Harriet C. Jones Harriet is a junior at St. George’s where she is on the Varsity sailing team. Green Vale is well represented at St.

GVS Alumnae in attendance at Mothers’ Day

Chris is a sophomore at Portledge where he was recognized for Excellence in Community Service for over 100 hours of community service. Chris and his brother, Alex ‘13, spent the summer at a unique cultural and spiritual camp in Greece.

Molly Ann MacCormick Molly is a sophomore at St. George’s where she a member of the Junior Varsity lacrosse and squash teams and a member of the community service club.

Oliver M. Marcell Oliver is a sophomore at Regis HS in NYC. He is adept on the subways and

with his uber app! He stays busy with JV and travel soccer, class president responsibilities and the Hearn, the Regis speech and debate team. He enjoyed greeting old friends as a Green Vale CIT in June and a study abroad trip to Shanghai. Please keep in touch with him at ollymarcell@gmail.

Charles N. Merrill Chas is a sophomore at Friends Academy where he is a member of the Varsity cross-country and squash teams.

Alexander P. Morledge Sasha is a sophomore at Chaminade High School. He rows for the Varsity crew team in both the fall and spring, he is a writer for the school newspaper, Tarmac, as well as an officer in the Gold Glee Club and the Catholic League. Last year, he notably participated in USRowing’s Youth National Championship as a freshman with Chaminade’s Lightweight 8+.

Maxwell H. Scalamandre Max is a sophomore at Deerfield where he is a member of the Varsity water polo and swim teams.

Marshall C. Warren Marshall is a sophomore at Portledge where he was recognized for Excellence in Community Service for over 100 hours of community service.

‘16 Sonja Rose A. Bogolubov Sonja is a freshman at North Shore High School. She performed in the production of “Distracted.”

Leigh A. McDermott Iglesias Leigh is a freshman at Portledge where she plays soccer and is a member of the mock trial team.

Melanie Lynch Melanie is a freshman at Locust Valley High School where she plays tennis and is a member of the Interact Club.

Submitting Class Notes Is Easy Send news to the Alumni Office by email to or by mail to The Green Vale School Alumni Office, 250 Valentine’s Lane, Old Brookville, NY 11545. Please remember to include full names (with maiden name) and dates for marriages and births in order to be included in Milestones.


What’s New? An Update for At the start of the 2016-2017 school year, GVS launched a brand new website reflecting redesigned structure, content, and appearance. The result has been a better user experience, enhanced depth of useful and informative content and a more accurate reflection of Green Vale’s vibrancy and excellence. In addition, the new look echoes the visual appearance of newly updated Admissions and Advancement materials. The new site has improved the School’s image and profile for marketing purposes as well as streamlined daily life for parents, students, and faculty as all groups continue to rely less and less upon paper and email for communications.

Next Year’s New Kitchen Renovation When the students leave for the summer, they will say farewell to the kitchen that has served generations of Green Vale students using mostly the same equipment since the 1930s. While the beloved Dining Hall will remain unchanged, the preparation, storage, cooking, and dishwashing areas (along with the electrical, plumbing, and ventilation systems), will be demolished and modernized by September. New equipment such as a tilt skillet, pizza oven, dry-heat oven, and expanded walk-in refrigerator will be welcome additions for Food Service Director Joanne Ulm and her staff. This team has continued to innovate with ingredients, nutritional focus, and variety of from-scratch recipes despite the quirky and outdated facility. A high-efficiency dishwasher will consume less energy while allowing a switch to reusable drinkware to replace paper cups. Assistant Chef Jason Protter explains: “This kitchen renovation will allow us to try different methods and techniques to create new dishes for our students and faculty. Jason Protter, Assistant Chef and salad maestro, sources ingredients I can’t wait to play with from neighboring Rottkamp’s Farm. my new toys.” Joanne Ulm added: “There’s a certain amount of enthusiasm that comes with this renovation – and that enthusiasm is going to make GVS a better place.”

Jason’s Summer Kamut Salad 1) Simmer the kamut with water until tender, about 45 min. Drain water and cool. 2) Toss all ingredients and serve!


1 cup uncooked kamut (ancient grain similar to barley) 4 cups water 2 teaspoons salt ¼ cup olive oil ¼ cup red wine vinegar ½ cup red onion, chopped ½ cup red pepper, chopped ½ cup fennel, thinly sliced then chopped ½ cup seeded cucumber, chopped 2 cups halved grape tomatoes 1 cup lentils, cooked 2 tablespoons flat leaf parsley 4 tablespoons fresh mint

Then and Now

Emily Bruschi, ‘02 Emily Bruschi ’02 was one of Peter Zaloom’s students at Green Vale. She is now the veterinarian to his horse, Solomon. At Cornell College of Veterinary Medicine, she received the Gentle Doctor Award for outstanding patient care in the Equine Large Animal Hospital. Now, as part of Kit Miller Associates, Dr. Bruschi is a highly esteemed large animal specialist. Thanks to her, Solomon’s suspensory ligament is much improved.

The Green Vale School Annual Fund 2016-2017

closes June 30 Every year, your gift benefits every student, every teacher, and every classroom. A Green Vale education — and Green Vale friendships — last a lifetime.

The Green Vale School is a designated 501c3 charitable organization. For questions, please contact the GVS Advancement Office at 516-621-2420 or

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