2019 Green Vale Magazine

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The Green Vale School 2018-2019 Board of Trustees President Hartley R. Rogers

Vice Presidents Gabrielle S. Bacon Catherine B. O’Neill Kearney H. Staniford

Treasurer Jeffrey L. Busconi James M. Beard Daniel R. Bystrom Christoph Cushman '88 Todd Edgar Susan P. Foley Christopher L. Garcia Gwendolyn M. Gillies Michelle Elliott Gokey Sandeep Jauhar Melissa A. Meister Valerie Ohrstrom Brendan O'Brien Duo Liu (Emma Qin) Konrad P. Schwarz Julia T. Weidinger Alfred C. Winkler Joanna G.S. Wriedt

Ex Officio Jesse N. Dougherty, Ed.D. Amy Garcia

Green Vale Magazine is published annually for families, alumni and friends of The Green Vale School.

1st Graders create sand rangolis to celebrate Diwali.

Contents The New ABC's of Teaching Literacy Social Emotional Learning in Early Childhood 4th Grade Social Justice Reading Groups Learning to Listen 8th Grade Develops Speaking & Presentation Skills Five-Year NYSAIS Accreditation Student Accomplishments Faculty News Development Events A New Gear: Construction and Campaign Update In Memorium Alumni Milestones Class Notes Alumni Events Then and Now

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New Approaches, New Questions & New Learning are ready for a

New Building Dear Green Vale Community,

It is an exciting time for Green Vale. Those of you in the Long Island area will have noticed extensive campus construction visible from Northern Boulevard. Indeed, the year-long project to build a new all-school library, new technology and science facilities, and all new academic spaces for the Upper School grades is nearly complete. Financed by donors to the New Gear capital campaign, this project will enable the Portrait of Learning — our educational roadmap — to be further actualized. With six temporary pod classrooms and an active construction site, we had envisioned this school year to be “a little hectic” to say the least. The community was prepared with a sense of humor, anticipation of good things to come, and a school-wide theme of “flexibility” to see us through. However, thanks to excellent project management and exceptional preparation on the part “The project has already inspired new ideas of teachers last summer, the year has been excellent and with minimal in classrooms across all divisions.” disruption. Students are as joyful as ever throughout their full days. For us, this is everything. The pages of this Magazine will reveal some excellent work done by students, teachers, and parent volunteers. Fortunately, the construction has already inspired new ideas in classrooms across all divisions. From an emphasis on social emotional learning to new ways to integrate technology skills to tweaking of curriculum texts, Green Vale is laser-focused on what we want our students to gain during their years here. Thank you to all who have contributed to forming Green Vale’s exceptional community over many years of excellence.

Jesse Dougherty, Ed. D. Head of School

Green Vale Magazine

“I’m seeing spelling at levels I’ve never seen before in 1st Grade.” — Sarah Hossfeld

The New ABC's of Teaching Literacy Even while the community eagerly awaits the opening of new spaces for math, science, and technology, the preeminence of literacy as a pillar of a Green Vale education is unchanged. As memorialized in the Portrait of a Graduate, students leave GVS able to communicate with precision and resonance. In a variety of ways, the School is doubling down on this promise, through faculty development, adoption of new methodologies and texts, and curricular enhancements school wide.

It Starts With Phonics Having taught hundreds of children to read over 27 years at GVS, Sarah Hossfeld knows a thing or two about the building blocks of literacy. Yet she and her colleagues are newly abuzz over Wilson Fundations®, Green Vale’s newly integrated phonics curriculum for Pre-K through 1st Grade, with 2nd Grade being added next year. Fundations® is a multisensory phonics, spelling, and handwriting system. Concepts and skills are introduced in a cumulative manner that is seamless year to year, unit to unit. The program, coordinated by Carol Rausch, consists of training, materials, and on-site consultants to establish the basis for advanced skills in phonemic awareness, word study, vocabulary, fluency, comprehension, and written composition. While these skills have always been taught, this program ensures they are presented explicitly, sequentially, and systematically, with built-in assessments to measure progress and the ability to differentiate content for different levels of learner. Advanced readers are able to work on advanced decoding of multisyllabic, even unfamiliar words. Struggling readers learn techniques they can apply forever. The importance of a foundation in phonics to a child’s long-term reading ability is far beyond “sounding out words”. They must learn to identify patterns and rules of language, and master “phrasing” so that reading actually makes sense. What is the intended rhythm of a sentence? Which words are emphasized? This is where the visual meets the auditory.


Balanced Literacy at Teachers’ College…and at Green Vale The notion of balanced literacy recognizes reading and writing as intimately connected. Last year, GVS introduced “literacy blocks” to the daily schedule in Kindergarten through 4th Grade so that an extended period of time could encompass both disciplines and increase curricular and instructional coherence. Within these blocks, a “workshop” model is used, wherein time is scaffolded between teacher-directed instruction, teacher-guided activities, and independent work. In addition, the School invested significantly in building classroom libraries with leveled guided reading texts. In Kindergarten, the sole focus of homework is reading from their “book baggies” carefully compiled with the help of the teacher. Dean of Academics Pam Velastegui has been heavily focused on the progression of reading instruction from grade to grade and saw a need for teachers to be more aligned. To this end, six teachers representing Kindergarten, 2nd, 4th, and 7th Grades attended the Teachers’ College Reading & Writing Institute last summer. Upon their return, the group presented to their GVS

“When are we going to learn about the vowel digraph?” — 1st Grade student peers outlining the purpose of the TC workshop approach, as well as guidance on implementation, how to determine teaching points, small group instruction, assessment, conferring, student ownership, developing student voice, and record keeping.

Success is Connected to Assessment As a School, Green Vale has also looked closely at how best to monitor, measure, and report student progress — and how to use the results. Last year, teachers underwent training in the Fountas & Pinnell reading assessment system; this year, they have begun to incorporate it. Geared toward increased individualization of student learning and informing what is taught next, F&P assessments are now done throughout the year in Kindergarten through 5th Grade.

Literacy in Older Grades Enhancements to teaching reading and writing are cropping up in the Upper School grades as well. 7th Grade English teacher Tyler Wood attended the Teachers’ College workshop along with the Lower School teachers. The humanities department is piloting elements of the Teachers’ College writing philosophy by adding workshop time to class periods. Teachers are also exploring new ways to encourage individual student voice and to improve context (and therefore impact) of grammar lessons. The humanities curriculum is increasingly interdisciplinary. In 6th Grade, both history and art focus on ancient Greece and Rome, so the Shakespeare text for English is now Julius Caesar instead of Midsummer Night’s Dream. Elie Weisel’s Night has been re-added to 8th Grade as a profound link to Holocaust studies in history.


Self-awareness strengthens the ability to learn from others.

Social Emotional Learning

A long-standing tenet of a Green Vale education is the integration of character development through formal as well as spontaneous lessons and conversations. In the Early Childhood division, the importance of Social Emotional Learning is taking on some new and impactful manifestations. EC Director Kelly Flink has established an SEL-themed book club for teachers in the four EC grades. Kelly first reads each book aloud during a faculty meeting and initiates a discussion among the adults. Teachers each receive a copy, and every classroom proceeds to read the book and conduct an ageappropriate lesson surrounding its themes. Titles have included I am Human: A Book of Empathy by Susan Verde which reminds readers that we can all hurt and be hurt, and because we are human, we can make choices. Another selection was The Best Part of Me which invites us to recognize and celebrate visible differences among people. The Grumpy Monkey is about honoring and naming our emotions in order to manage

Pillars of SEL Self-Management • Self-Awareness • Social Awareness • Relationship Skills • Responsible Decision-Making •


them effectively. These books are the foundation of a growing SEL library. The result of every grade, every classroom discussing the same books is a common set of references for micro-lessons and problem-solving among the community of students and teachers. In addition, teachers are taking inventories of books to ensure that all classrooms contain sufficient “windows and mirrors” through which children can recognize themselves and learn about others, in addition to balancing genres and reading levels. This exercise is inspired by a TED talk by Grace Lin: “The Windows and Mirrors of your Child’s Bookshelf.” Because social emotional skills are best honed at school as well as at home, Green Vale has launched a speaker series for parents featuring outside experts in the field, including an expert from Yale University’s Center for Emotional Intelligence. Each session focuses on a distinct aspect of child development and yields practical take-

When acts of kindness are “spotted”, they are recognized and celebrated.

aways for supporting young children’s emotional and intellectual growth in and out of school.

EC Development Series: Parent Seminars 2018-2019 Setting and Keeping Appropriate Limits for Young Children The Social Emotional Experience (age-specific sessions) Children’s Literature as a Tool for Social Emotional Learning Sibling Rivalry Appropriate Discipline for Young Children Fostering Gratitude, Resilience, Empathy, and Self-Control


4th Grade Social Justice Reading Groups

For six weeks during the winter, 4th Grade reading periods are configured into small book clubs where texts, assignments, and discussions derive from a student-selected topic related to social justice. In keeping with the Portrait of Learning’s emphasis on student-driven learning, the element of choice is important. Without knowing which teacher was leading which topic, or what their friends were choosing, students followed their own personal interest after an introduction to all five topics. The idea of shaking up the reading curriculum during the winter and using it to bring social justice into the classroom came after three 4th Grade teachers attended “Social Justice Saturday” at Teachers’ College two years ago.

Another key element to this unit is the integration of students from all homeroom sections to form these groups. According to Valerie Field, “It’s good for kids to have academic and social experience with people beyond their homeroom. It also encourages kids to discover new common ground when groups are not formed along social lines or reading ability.” Each 4th Grade teacher plus reading specialist Carol Rausch chose a topic of personal importance, knowing that their own passion would be contagious. The themes all stemmed from the United Nations Goals for Sustainable Development, the 17 global goals set by the United Nations General Assembly in 2015 for the year 2030. Teachers used the “World’s Largest Lesson” with audio clips designed to translate these goals for young students. Regardless of the topic they selected, all students came to understand three themes of the global goals: • End

Extreme Poverty. • Fight Inequality and Injustice. • Tackle Climate Change. This year’s group themes were as follows: 1. world-changing women featuring Hidden Figures; 2. the impact of plastic in the oceans featuring realistic fiction by a marine biologist; 3. bullying; 4. protecting life on land and how humans impact the environment using a children’s version of Jane Goodall’s work; and 5. the quest for clean water featuring A Long Walk to Water. All groups incorporated various types of content: articles, fiction, and websites. Beyond reading skills, the unit had three additional components. These were to form an opinion and write a research-based persuasive essay, work as a team to educate the rest of the 4th Grade using an original slide presentation (and leveraging technology skills), and to understand different ways to take action.


Learning to Listen (to one another, and to the world) Back in September, technology and info. instructor Julie Rooney found herself with a quiet Sunday at home. With a cup of tea, she put her feet up and opened the New York Times Magazine. This was not just any edition of the Magazine : it was an audio version of the storied print section. The magazine she held in her hand featured travel photography, but no text. To appreciate the images, the reader had to listen to an accompanying soundtrack at www.nytimes.com/voyages which contained the distinct sounds of the place pictured, along with explanation from experts. The sound of flowing lava...the sound of coral reefs...Julie texted Karenn Ressa, her teaching partner, IN ALL CAPS.

in a choice of topics ranging from wind power to Chilean salt flats to life in downtown Lagos, Nigeria. Students presented on their topic and explained the origin of the associated sounds. They also banded together to solve a fully audio crossword puzzle by Will Shortz. The teachers also approached the importance of listening from a Social Emotional Learning angle. Increased confidence, happiness, and success in interpersonal relationships can all be traced to conscious listening. Julie and Karenn point to research that shows how listening is being ignored in schools, and that students are distinctly lacking in this important academic and interpersonal skill. Listening comprehension is directly tied to reading comprehension. ListenWise, a research group and provider of resources to teachers, assures that listening skills can be taught and developed in people of all ages.

All afternoon, Julie and Karen wrote back and forth in excitement about using this as the basis of an exciting program for GVS info (a combination of technology and library) classes. In the months that followed, the two developed a unit for 4th-6th Grades to experience The Times audio travel but also to consider and challenge their own capabilities as auditory learners and consider the importance of listening in interpersonal relationships. The lessons consisted of dividing students into groups based on common interest

For the 6th Grade, the final project was the creation of an original podcast. This was a way to connect the auditory lessons with research, a traditional element of info. class. With student-generated topics ranging from recipes, game shows, conspiracy theories, and gender pay disparity, the students will enter their work in a national student podcast contest through National Public Radio. Julie and Karenn also had fellow teachers experience an abbreviated version of the program during one of the newly introduced “Faculty Share” meetings.

“Think about it: When it comes to sound, print readers are always being deprived.” — Introduction to the 9/21/18 New York Times Magazine 7

8th Grade Develops Speaking & Presentation Skills

The 8th Grade year is a highlight of the Green Vale experience for many reasons: the experience of being leaders and role models at the age of 13-14, the process of carefully considering high school options while still being firmly rooted in a family-like setting, and the addition of special curricular additions such as public speaking. In the fall, they have classes devoted to interviewing skills. This prepares many students for private high school admissions interviews and all students for future job searches. During the winter, one English class per week is devoted to a generalized verbal communications class led by local expert Julia Ireland. To form complete, well rounded communicators, says Ireland, “Natalie Hatami is in charge of teaching the written word. I do the spoken word.” She views the term “public speaking” as antiquated, since being a successful communicator entails so much more. Anyone can be good at speaking; like anything else, it’s a question of practice. In sections of only six or seven students, every student speaks in every class. With assignments that include personal shares, informational presentations, persuasive pitches, and impromptu speaking, the term “talk” is used instead of “speech” to underscore the everyday, real-world applicability of these skills.

Students practice in pairs as well as in front of the whole group, filmed by Ms. Ireland. They receive their video with comments from Ms. Ireland by the end of each class day. So that class time can be devoted to speaking practice, she works with students online between classes to develop their topic and outline. For each “talk”, they establish goals for content, delivery, opening, and closing. Ireland teaches students to speak from an outline, never a verbatim script. The goal is not to memorize but to speak authentically. Practicing your talk reveals new ideas — one never delivers a talk the same way twice. The culmination of the 8th Grade speaking program is the long-standing GVS tradition of the Warner Speech Contest which narrows the entire 8th Grade into three finalists who present at the year-end academic awards assembly.


Recent Winners of the Warner Speech Contest 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004

John Jervis Adrienne Coleman Katherine Foley Trace von Stade Caché Minnott Elizabeth Gherlone William Shea Simmons Gaines Philip Decker Melissa Zubizaretta Marielle Lafaire Anthony Russo Mindy Weiss Logan Hoover Charlotte Russell

Accreditation In March, Green Vale welcomed a team of peer-school evaluators from New York State Association of Independent Schools who visited for two days to complete the School’s five-year review. Five years after a decennial evaluation, NYSAIS requires each accredited school to prepare a report in direct response to the follow-up recommendations received. The visiting committee then performs an evaluation of progress the school has made with special attention to the areas of enrollment, finance, administration, governance, and curriculum. The report highlighted four themes that characterize Green Vale’s current and future identity as a school:

Academic excellence To deliver the highest quality education, the School challenges each student to be his/her best through high expectations and by tailoring instruction to individual needs and levels. It is central to the School’s mission to understand students as learners, help them realize and deploy their strengths, and rise to their challenges.

Well rounded students A central tenet of a Green Vale education is the focus on the whole child. Our program is designed to foster the intellectual, emotional, physical, and social growth of students. This is achieved through rich offerings that include classes in traditional academics, the arts, wellness, life skills, and physical education for all ages.

Trace von Stade

2015 Warner Speech Contest Winner

Community based upon respect, responsibility, caring, and citizenship A key feature of the Green Vale experience is the development of students’ character both in spontaneous and deliberate moments. Character education is the unifying principle at the heart of every division and every classroom. Students explore the meaning of character through leadership, service opportunities, and interactions with adults and peers throughout the day. They are taught that their actions affect themselves, other people, and the environment, with both local and global impacts.

Diversity of ideas, backgrounds, and cultures

Katrina Schwarz

2018 Warner Speech Contest Finalist

At Green Vale, students benefit from learning to participate in a diverse community. A safe, nurturing environment promotes mutual respect, cooperative learning, and ultimately academic achievement. The School is committed to maintaining a community of learners who work together and appreciate one another’s differences. Students come to understand that differences in culture, race, religion, ideology, geography and community lead to the richest form of learning available.


Student Accomplishments Marcus Meshechok, 8th Grade, Math For decades, the American Mathematics Competition has pursued a mission to strengthen the capabilities of the next generation of problem-solvers. 8th Grader Marcus Meshechok’s score earned him a gold medal.

Charlotte Abramovitz, 5th, Irish Step Dance Charlotte began Irish dance lessons at age four and soon was competing at traditional Irish arts and culture festivals. By age eight, she had achieved championship status, meaning she had competed and won in each category of dance (jig, slip jig, reel, treble jig and hornpipe) through five different levels. She currently attends dance class ten hours each week and also practices yoga and plyometric drills at home. For Charlotte, Irish dance is more than a hobby; it is pure passion for every tap of the toe and every trebling beat. This winter, Charlotte earned a medal at a competition in Ireland and is on the way to qualifying for next year’s World Competition.

Samantha Maynard, 7th Grade, Sailing Last summer’s Around Long Island Regatta included world class adult sailors for a three-day, 205 nautical mile race — along with 7th Grader Samantha Maynard. Samantha was part of the six-person crew aboard the 37-foot Hunter boat “No No Nanette” owned by GVS technology & robotics instructor Harvey Bass. Bass is passionate about mentoring young people and spreading an appreciation for sailing, so he has been manning his boat with junior sailors for the ALIR race since 2007. While aboard, Samantha was responsible for tacking, jibing, and trimming the sails. She said the 30-mile stretch to the finish was the most challenging leg, taking over 17 hours. After the race, Samantha reported: “I’ve never had this feeling. The accomplishment was just great.”


Lower School Math Prowess GVS had four out of the top 10 winners in the Nassau County Sumdog Math Competition in January. The entire 3rd and 4th Grades participated in this week-long contest through “Sumdog”, a website that improves math skills through online games among students nationwide. Out of 706 students who participated, Etelle Silvera placed 3rd, Luciana Salsone placed 5th, Muhammad Hidirligil placed 7th, and Evan L’Esperance placed 9th.

Whit Kelsey, Pre-Nursery, General Ingenuity With purposefully open-ended creative play, you never know what’s going to happen. During a session with manipulatives, a small peg became lodged inside a larger toy. Three-year-old Whit was determined to extricate the peg but failed repeatedly. He asked to take them home to try his hand at solving the problem. After some creative problem solving, HE DID IT! (The trick was a butter knife and some soap.)

Steven and Matthew started tae kwon do when they were three and four and soon were training three or four days per week. This year, they earned black belts by finishing a four-year program consisting of ten distinct skills that culminated with a four-hour test of everything

Steven and Matthew Radoslovich, 2nd & 3rd Grades, Tae Kwon Do they had learned. Matthew is likely the youngest student ever to earn a black belt at World Taekwondo Academy. The boys’ favorite aspects included nunchuck training and sparring. While Steven sees a future as possibly an assistant master, Matthew has turned his attention to a new passion: hockey!

Samuel Winkler, 8th, Chorus In February, Samuel traveled to Kansas City for five days to sing at the American Choral Directors’ Association 60th Anniversary Jubilee Conference as part of an elite honor choir along with other serious singers from all over the country. Admittance to this group is highly selective: only about 20% are accepted based on extensive audition tapes with a classical solo, scales, and vocalises.


Faculty News Professional Development Day

‘Teaches Tolerance’ The faculty devoted a day to an interactive workshop led by the non-profit organization “Teaching Tolerance”, a project of the Southern Poverty Law Center. The unifying theme for the workshop and for future efforts school-wide is the “Social Justice Standards” a road map for anti-bias education at every stage of K–12 instruction. The Standards consist of four domains: identity, diversity, justice and action. They provide common language, structure, and learning outcomes that educators can use to guide curriculum development and make schools more just and equitable.

In large and small groups, teachers confronted questions such as how to promote social justice dialogue both pro-actively and spontaneously, how to audit both teaching and environment for dominant perspectives, and the components of identity that contribute to privilege or discrimination. Helping all students understand their own identity enables appropriate selfawareness and ultimately empathy. A key take-away was the need to teach social injustice in order to promote understanding of social justice.

“The highest result of education is tolerance.” — Helen Keller

Ken Pexton’s Band Tours Europe

Ensemble band leader and woodwind instructor Ken Pexton plays tenor saxophone and clarinet in a successful jazz quartet called “Walking Distance”. The New York Times named their recent album, “Freebird”, as one of the 20 best jazz albums of 2018, calling it “utterly fresh.” This winter, the band performed in seven European venues spanning Switzerland, The Netherlands, and the UK.


Joe Quartararo Retires

After 52 years of teaching, including the past 17 at Green Vale, the widely beloved Mr. Q. is retiring. Joe has also taught algebra, calculus, and statistics at Nassau Community College for over 30 years at night and on weekends. A little-known fact is that Cathy Iannotta once took a course taught by Joe at NCC. Since 1980, Joe has also run the Continental Math League, an organization that creates and promotes academic contests and competitions that motivate schools and students to dig deeper into their intellects. Joe’s impact on the Green Vale community extends beyond his talents as a teacher of extended honors programs in Upper School. To enhance GVS math culture, he brought the American Mathematics Competition, the fun observance of Pi Day on March 14 and the St. Jude’s Math-a-Thon fundraiser, as well as promoted Johns Hopkins Center for Talented Youth programs among students. Beyond math, Joe introduced weekly themed trivia quizzes where advisory groups collaborate and compete for coveted bragging rights and prizes. Each year, Joe ran a Super Bowl pool for faculty, to “build morale, not morals”. Each December, he gave plates of holiday cookies from his favorite bakery to every bus driver and Green Vale administrator. Mr. Q.’s smile, school spirit, and love for his colleagues and students will be missed dearly.

Valerie Field Represents GVS in Finland

30 NYSAIS educators traveled to Finland in March to experience the Finnish education system first hand. The tour was inspired by the work of Professor Pasi Sahlberg, the Finnish educator and author of FinnishED Leadership: Four Big, Inexpensive Ideas to Transform Education. With the guidance of Dr. Sahlberg’s colleague Mikko Salonen, the itinerary included visits to several schools in Helsinki and Joensuu alongside education policy experts from a Finnish university. The Finnish system has resulted in exceptional assessment outcomes and is grounded in a profound commitment to equity, a non-competitive approach to achievement, highly individualized learning, and design as part of pedagogical thinking. “Interestingly, the research their system is based on comes from top American universities. “As a small country,” notes Field, “They are committed to enacting principles proven to work. There is tangible attention to child-centered education. The concept of ‘no rush’ is everywhere. Art and music are everywhere. Technology is everywhere. And children are encouraged to practice independence to a much greater degree.”


Development Events


Sunday Night Lights Family Picnic & John Ruecker Field Dedication

Holiday Boutique Father’s Day Mother’s Day


The capital campaign, A New Gear, announced at last year’s 95th Anniversary celebration has been successfully completed. Hartley Rogers, President of the Board, announced at this year’s Gala that Green Vale had exceeded its ambitious goal of raising $15 million. With gifts that included the largest single gift ever made to Green Vale, the community of current and past parents and alumni demonstrated a powerful belief in the School’s vision and trajectory.

A New Gear Builds New Spaces Renovated Iselin Center opened fall 2018 The main level of the Iselin Center was reconfigured to feature a 6th Grade common area, four brand new Harkness table classrooms, two new traditional classrooms, and division director’s office. The lower and upper floors now boast new flooring, lighting, and wall paint, improving the spaces dramatically. Going forward, the Iselin Center will house humanities, language, and arts classes.

New building to open by fall 2019 As construction work continues ahead of schedule, the School eagerly anticipates the opening of the most significant campus enhancement since the Watters Center. A three-level all-school library will underscore the importance of connection to the larger world indicated in the Portrait of Learning, the value of books, and the importance of collaboration. There will be innovation labs for all grades to explore design and engineering, oversized science labs for 4th-8th Grades including marine science facilities, new technology classrooms, and an Upper School math wing.


During excavation, workers discovered additional space on the bottom level that wasn’t accounted for in the blueprints. Administrators determined that the “bonus space” would be ideal for an audio-visual production studio complete with green screen. Plans are already in place to add elements of digital editing into current student projects using this new studio.


In Memoriam Robert A. Bryan ‘45 The Reverend Robert A. Bryan died in December at the age of 87. He is best known for serving isolated fishing communities in the remote reaches of the Quebec and Labrador coasts for over 50 years and establishing the Quebec-Labrador Foundation, a not-for-profit with the mission of fostering stewardship of cultural heritage and the environment. He was born in Mill Neck, NY and attended Green Vale along with his three older sisters: Hope Bryan Oelsner ‘33, Ruth Bryan Colgrove ‘38, Joy Bryan Bacon ‘44. He then attended The Hotchkiss School, Yale University and Yale Divinity School. He was ordained as an Episcopal priest in 1958. As a Yale undergraduate, he and his friend Marshall Dodge produced a series of comedy albums with stories depicting Maine fishermen and woodsmen with dry, classic humor. These formed the basis of what is now a seminal album of New England humor and storytelling: “Bert and I...And Other Stories from Down East” (available on amazon.com). During his college years he also learned to fly. After a canoe trip in the Quebec wilderness in 1955, he convinced the Anglican Archdiocese of Quebec to let him establish an aerial ministry on the Quebec North Shore. Using a seaplane purchased with royalties from Bert and I, Bryan was able to tend to parishioners and simultaneously serve as an air ambulance pilot, logging tens of thousands of hours in various seaplanes with signature yellow paint. In the winter the planes were fitted with skis.

“I picked up sick patients and carried them to hospital in an emergency, delivered lobsters, tossed mail and messages from the air, fished in remote lakes and hunted in the bush, and visited the simple homes of my parishoners in one of the most remote sections of North America.” — Bobby Bryan’s autobiography Many of these communities had no electricity, indoor plumbing, or roads. They were connected to the “outside” only by the occasional supply ship, by seaplane, and in the winter by dogsled or snowmobile. He started the Quebec-Labrador Foundation to bring high school and college volunteers into these villages to teach swimming, team sports, and tutor children. This program is now the Quebec-Labrador Foundation/Atlantic Center for the Environment (QLF) and continues its work today with a focus on stewardship of natural resources and cultural heritage and a global network of leaders.

“Bobby dedicated himself to the betterment of life, education, medical help, and the like, to the people of the Lower North Shore. He was ambulance driver, teacher, preacher, lawyer, friend, and everything in between.” — Larry Morris, President Emeritus, Quebec-Labrador Foundation

Destined to be a pilot since this GVS composition at age seven.

“The happiest moments of my life have been involved in human service.” — Bryan, on receiving The Hotchkiss School Alumni Award in 1986 17

Joan Clarke GVS Teacher Joan Clarke died in January at the age of 75 after a long struggle with multiple sclerosis. Prior to her retirement in 2008, she spent 39 years at Green Vale throughout Early Childhood and then as an indispensable assistant in the Lower School library. She was meticulous in cataloging and tracking down overdue books. An animated storyteller, she would lead “pajama storytime” on special evenings, reading aloud and presenting finger-puppet plays. Joanie also presided over the

Early Morning Room, providing a great support to many parents. Joan was in the first graduating class from North Shore High School and went on to attend the Duchesne Residence School in NYC. She is also a graduate with honors from the State University of New York in Old Westbury. Prior to her time at Green Vale, she taught at Friends Academy. In the words of library director Karenn Ressa, “Joanie gave 110% all the time and was a die-hard Green Vale cheerleader!”

Barry P. Newberger Trustee, 2000-2008 Barry Newberger passed away in July 2018 at the age of 63 of progressive supranuclear palsy, a neurodegenerative disease. A beloved member of the Green Vale community, Barry was the father of Nick ’05 and Grant ’12, and served on the Board of Trustees from 2000-2008, during both a capital campaign and construction of the Schwerin Early Childhood Center. His wife of 36 years, Andrea, was actively involved in the Parents’ Association. Born and raised in New York City, Barry graduated from Stuyvesant High School and attended Haverford College. He founded the merger arbitrage firm Avery Capital Management. He was a long-time supporter of charitable causes including the Jewish Congregation of Brookville, the Breast Cancer Research Foundation, and the

Ellis Laurimore “Larry” Phillips ‘62 Larry Phillips died in October at age 70 of complications from type 1 diabetes. He was a harpsichordist and organist, composer, music critic, and philanthropist. Larry Phillips’ professional music career spanned over four decades and included solo and ensemble concerts, international prizes, and original compositions now part of the Unitarian Universalist hymnal. Phillips was born in Rosyln Heights and attended Green Vale before moving to London when his father was appointed Special Assistant to Ambassador John Hay Whitney. Later, at Deerfield Academy, Phillips’ musical abilities earned him his own set of keys to the chapel for practicing the organ. He then entered Harvard University where he


United Jewish Appeal Federation. At the end of his life, he split time between La Quinta, CA and Brookville, NY. Continuing his fight against PCP, Barry donated his brain tissue to Columbia University Medical Center for neurodegenerative brain research.

majored in French while also studying music at the Longy School of Music. He earned advanced degrees from the Conservatoire de Musique de Montréal and the New England Conservatory of Music. Larry Phillips was Music Director for the First Parish Church in Waltham, MA from 1982-2002. In 1992, Larry became the third president of the Ellis L. Phillips Foundation, started by his grandfather, founder of the Long Island Lighting Company. The foundation’s purpose remains dedicated to identifying “what needs to be done” and providing strategic investments that serve as catalysts for the greater good. Through the foundation and Larry’s own leadership and engagement, he contributed much to the cultural scene in Boston and to music nationwide. He held leadership positions on numerous boards related to music and the arts throughout his life. Phillips was also a quietly effective advocate for LGBT rights. He was an originator of the 1984 petition to change Harvard’s antidiscrimination clause to include sexual orientation, making Harvard the first American university to take this step.


John Lorenz '47 October 8, 2018

Ellis "Larry" Phillips III '62 October 31, 2018



Melissa Moffett Rumbough '48 August 2, 2018

Robin Bradley Martin '63 March 21, 2019

William Copp '01 Emma Craft October 20, 2018

Peter Ward '39 June 3, 2018

James Duryea '57 May 17, 2018

Marcia Devendorf Morrell '75 January 17, 2019

Robert A. Bryan '45 December 12, 2018

Althea Powers '59 August 7, 2018

Jonathan Rausch '95 October 9, 2018

Herbert L. Smith III '45 March 15, 2019

Deborah Pierce Kuhnel '60 July 11, 2018

Lily Haydock '04 Frank Sanders IV September 8, 2018 Will Ahmed '05 Leily Amirsardary September 1, 2018

The community service theme for 8th Grade is mental health. One of the beneficiaries is America’s Vet Dogs, which trains service dogs for struggling veterans.

Courtney Lenoir '07 CJ Stavrakos December 29, 2018

Births Stephen Lari '87 James Elliott Dowling Lari December 17, 2018 Elizabeth Pilkington Brown ’96 Laura "Barrett" Balmer Brown October 1, 2018 John-Robert LaPorta ’98 Matthew LaPorta September 2018 Elizabeth “Lily” Evans Tierney ’98 Haven Cutting Campbell Tierney September 5, 2018 K. Alexander Daigh, Jr. ’00 Charles Carter Daigh March 20, 2019 Graham Gardiner '01 Catherine Smith Gardiner December 6, 2018 Victoria Pool Holm '01 Charlotte Holm June 15, 2018 Meredith Aaron Gebhardt ’04 Madelyn Adi Gebhardt May 12, 2018

Congratulations to the GVS Class of 2019!

Our 8th Graders were accepted into the following secondary schools: Archbishop Molloy High School Berkshire School Brooks School Chaminade High School Cold Spring Harbor High School Collegiate School Deerfield Academy Dominican Academy Episcopal High School Friends Academy Grace Church School Groton School Holy Trinity High School The Hotchkiss School Kellenberg Memorial High School Kent School The Lawrenceville School The Loomis Chaffee School Long Island Lutheran High School

Middlesex School Millbrook School Paul D. Schreiber Senior High School Pomfret School Portledge School St. Andrew's School St. Anthony's High School St. Dominic High School St. George's School St. Paul's School Stuyvesant High School Suffield Academy Tabor Academy The Thatcher School The Taft School Trinity School (NYC) United Nations International School Westminster School


Class Notes ‘33

Helene Peters Victor

The Alumni Office recently learned of Helene’s death on December 31, 2017; she was 99. Helene was predeseased by her husband Martin and brother Ralph Peters ’44. She is survived by her three daughters, Amy Victor Palmer ‘68, Helen Victor Remmel ’74, and Tina Victor ’75.


Peter M. Ward

It is with regret that we share the news of Peter’s death on June 3, 2018; he was 93. After Green Vale,

Florence graduated from Chapin High School. She volunteered for the Gray Ladies, working at the veterans’ hospital in New York until she married Jerome Monks in 1948 and later married J. Burchanal “Burch” Ault.


Nancy Bryan Taylor

“I have finally retired from InnocentiWebel, Landscape Architects after 48 years. Sandy Taylor Goodwin ‘67 lives in Charleston, Nancy Taylor ‘71 lives in Boston and Donald Taylor ‘73, lives in Nashville. We all loved Green Vale, the Blue team & send congratulations to Peter Zaloom for a huge career at GV & who was much beloved by all. Go Blue!”


Herbert L. Smith III

Peter attended St. George’s School in Newport, Rhode Island, the University of Pennsylvania and its Law School. He was a partner at Chadbourne & Parke in New York City for over 35 years and served on various committees of the New York City and New York State Bar Associations, and the American Bar Association. Peter also served as a director and a vice president and member of the executive committee of the Legal Aid Society of New York, a director of the New York Lawyers for the Public Interest, and a trustee of the Norwalk Maritime Aquarium. In addition, he served in the United States Naval Reserve and was a lifelong sailor. Peter is survived by his wife Audrey, and their children and grandchildren.


Florence Hunter Ault

The Alumni Office recently learned of Florence’s death on December 14, 2016; she was 88. After Green Vale,


It is with regret that we share the news of Herb’s death on March 15, 2019; he was 88. After Green Vale, Herb attended St. Mark’s School and Lenox School, and later graduated from Williams College. He served in the United States Army in Germany before his career on Wall Street as a senior partner at Murphey, Marseilles, Smith & Nammack. Herb is survived by his children (Herbert L. Smith IV & Ranna Murnane Smith ’78 and Victoria Smith Walsh ’77 & Nelson Walsh) and several grandchildren (including Samantha Smith ’03, Herbert L. Smith V ‘05, Morgan Smith ’05 and Christopher Smith ‘09).


John L. Lorenz

It is with regret that we share the news of John’s death on October 8, 2018. After attending Green Vale from Kindergarten through 4th Grade, John graduated from the Buckley School in New York City, St. Paul’s School and Harvard College. He served as a lieutenant at the United States Army Nike Site in Bristol, Rhode Island before settling on the North Shore of Boston. John enjoyed a long career in publish-

ing, and finally taught history and coached athletics at the Brookwood School in Manchester-by-the-Sea, Massachusetts. After retirement, John spent time in both Maine and Palm Beach. He is survived by three daughters, two sons, seven grandchildren and two great-grandchildren. John was predeceased by his older son.

‘48 Melissa (“Missy”) Moffett Rumbough

It is with regret that we share the news of Missy’s death on August 2, 2018. After Green Vale, Missy graduated from Miss Porter’s School. Later in life, she was actively engaged with the Whitehall Foundation, an organization which supports neuroscience research. Missy was predeceased by her husband J. Wright and sister Helen Moffett Brooks ‘44. She is survived by her two sons, Jeb Rumbough ’68 and Doug Rumbough ’72, four grandchildren and one great-grandchild.

Elizabeth Cushman Putnam

“Besides the wonderful friendships that still are strong today, I have many favorite memories - from during the winter when we slid down that wonderful huge (or so it seemed!) toboggan slide which, sadly, is no more, to remembering some of the wonderful teachers we were fortunate to have (Miss Deakins and Miss King to name but a few) that made learning such fun and challenging. Also, during the Second WW, annually, (Memorial Day?) the school (All of us grouped with our class) marched, 2 by 2, in step, to the playground while the Stars and Stripes and other stirring music by John Philip Sousa was played over a loud speaker. Then the school, all grades, did proscribed calisthenics in time with the rousing music. (we had practiced a great bit). It was great!! There was also a May Pole, and then we marched back inside the school building. Looking back on that day, I felt it was a great way to keep us kids feeling united with our country particularly while being at war, and it also helped make one feel very proud of being an American. My husband, Bruce, died peacefully March 2 at home here in VT of pneumonia having fought for several years the good fight against Parkinson’s and A fib. I am glad for his sake that it is over. Until he had been so ill we both had been very involved with our families— East to West coast— and the

organizations in which we both had been active - Student Conservation Association (DC), Merck Forest(VT), Bennington (VT) Museum and the Lake Sunapee(NH) Protective Association. I send my best wishes to my classmates and other friends at Green Vale... and think often of the great times we had at GVS.”


Keith Lorenz, Jr.

“Last summer I had lunch with Eddie Harding ’50 in Maine. We had also attended together Miss Stoddart’s School for Little People, in Lattingtown, graduating in 1941. I barely recognized him from Miss Stoddart’s. (I had transferred to Buckley in Manhattan after first grade at Green Vale.) We reminisced about Miss Valentine, what a wonderful first grade teacher she was at Green Vale, who had taught me how to pronounce: “Bonjour. Je suis heureux. Au revoir…” Later I saw Eddie again at St. Paul’s. By that time he was just considering buying a razor blade. He is still using it.”


Anthony S. Hoyt

“Moved to Palm Springs, California at the end of 2016. Just got tired of snow and cold weather.”

‘53 Dusty Reeder: hreeder@arcusa.com

Jill Galston Walsh

Jill and classmates Anne Bleecker Corcos ’53 and Phyllis Polk Wells ‘53 celebrated their 80th birthdays last October.


James “Jay” Duryea

It is with regret that we share the news of Jay’s death on May 17, 2018; he was 74. After Green Vale, Jay attended Aiken Prep, Middlesex School and Boston University. He served in the United States Marine Corps and was a director of the New York Stock Exchange where he worked for 35 years. Jay is survived by his

wife of 51 years, Linda Vander Poel Duryea ‘62, and their children Mindy Duryea ‘84, Megan Duryea Scott ‘87 and Oakley Duryea ‘92.

‘59 Larry Schmidlapp: lschmid2@optonline.net

Paul Fowler

Paul visited campus last October to attend “Making a Difference”, a student assembly with India Howell ’72, the Founder of Rift Valley Children’s Village and Tanzanian Children’s Fund.

Pictured from left to right: Paul Fowler ’59, Head of School Jesse Dougherty, and friend.

Althea Powers

It is with regret that we share the news of Althea’s death on August 7, 2018; she was 74. Althea is survived by her husband, two children, three grandchildren, sister Marjorie “Babs” Powers Ade ‘60 and brother Tom Powers ‘61. She was predeceased by one son.


Susan Babcock

“Living on a farm in Virginia. Lots of herbal medicine and healing work in person, as well as quantum realm to anywhere! Beautiful and peaceful. Set up nonprofit for helping others to help themselves and for nature awareness - The Mustard Seed Foundation.”

Deborah Pierce Kuhnel

It is with regret that we share the news of Deborah’s death on July 11, 2018. After Green Vale, Debbie attended The Masters School in Dobbs Ferry and Wheaton College. She began her career in the publishing industry at Seventeen Magazine, and then

Random House and the National Enquirer. Later she worked in the legal arena and finally as an editor providing syntax solutions across all professions. She was predeceased by her husband, and is survived by her son and stepson.

Patricia Corey Montgomerie

Patricia attended the memorial of classmate Deborah Pierce Kuhnel ’60 on September 29, 2018.


Cindy Higgins Roby

“I have lived in California since 1972! Nonetheless I keep in touch with my Green Vale friends, especially at Christmas. My two sons are wonderful adults! Son Jay and his family live in Atlanta. As I write this, his eldest is hearing from boarding schools. Wasn’t I just a Green Vale school ninth grader waiting to hear? Son Nick lives and works nearby. I retired about ten years ago but am involved in the community, serving on the boards of several non profits.”


Robin Bradley Martin

It is with regret that we share the news of Robin’s death on March 21, 2019. After Green Vale, Robin attended Choate and graduated cum laude from the Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. For much of his career, he worked in politics serving Presidents Nixon and Ford, as well as the Department of Transportation. Robin was an avid lover of racquet sports, and deeply committed to serving his community through United Way and countless other organizations. He was predeceased by his father Alastair B. Martin ‘28, and is survived by his wife (Jocelyn) and children.


Vicky Radsch

“My husband and I are performing as ‘Notable Journey,’ an acoustic guitar duo with radio play on indie stations across the country. I recently went to Indian Wells,

California for the big Pro BNP Paribas Tournament held in early March. I brought my Federer Federation cap for Roger Federer to sign. He hasn’t signed it yet, although, Djokovic and Nadal have. Maybe next year...”

‘65 Innis O’Rourke: ior3@optonline.net

George W. Potts

“I am greatly enjoying my retirement after almost 35 years in the industrial sales world. My wife Elissa (Traymon) Potts continues to operate her family’s business, the Fife ‘n Drum Restaurant & Inn, here in Kent, CT - going on 46+ years! Now I get to work for her, as her go-to online marketing guru and in-house music man, playing a few solo performances and sitting in with some of the great musicians who live in Litchfield County. Life is good!”


James R. Steers III


Elizabeth B. Patterson

The Alumni Office recently learned that Elizabeth passed away.


India R. Howell

India Howell returned to campus last October and spoke to Green Vale students in the Lower and Upper Schools about her experience as Founder of Rift Valley Children’s Village and Tanzanian Children’s Fund.

‘73 Nancy Toher Hawkins: nthawkins123@aol.com

Alan E. Eyre

Alan Eyre continues to work as a diplomat for the U.S. State Department and is currently studying the Arabic language prior to an overseas assignment in the Middle East.

Tracy Brent Huntington

“I am finally a grandmother of a beautiful little girl named Lily Huntington Hager born March 15, 2018.”

‘74 Mimi French: mimif3@gmail.com

Gail Hearn Capelovitch Pictured from left to right: Ridgely Beale ‘64, Sterling Pile ‘66 and Jim Steers ‘67

‘69 Marian Lindberg: mel1@optonline.net

Suzanne Dean

“I have spent my life as a musician, composer and songwriter. I was an associate professor at Berklee College of Music for 20 years until 2017. I now have a non profit called Artists for Wildlife Conservation. We raise funds for other wildlife conservation organizations. We recently had a very successful fundraiser. In this photo are friends and associates involved with the live music at our event.”

“I was in La Jolla, California last May for a wedding which was magical. While there, I had the pleasure of spending time with the bride’s grandmother Joan Jessup Eddy ‘44 and her sister Mary Jessup Amonette ‘35. Both are amazing ladies and, from what I understand, Mary won the Derby Medal at graduation.”


‘75 Hank Kimmel: hwkimmel@gmail.com

Francis B. Gilbert III

“Continuing my career within the sports industry and Olympic Movement, I recently joined the US Anti-Doping Agency (USADA) as their Managing Director - Operations, Marketing & Development. Yes, the same group that brought down Lance Armstrong. Living in Westport, Connecticut. Our oldest is in digital advertising and living in New York City; our middle son is at Harvard; our daughter is in high school and my wife Jenifer continues as a GC running her company That Girl Construction. Wishing Peter Zaloom the best as he moves into the next great chapter of his life. Thanks for making Green Vale so special!”

golf entertainment facilities throughout the US, called 1UP Golf. Recently he was back in New York to tend to his father, who recently lost his battle with cancer. He found his Green Vale baseball hat in his dad’s closet and was reminded of how special Green Vale was to not only him, but his parents as well.


Brendan Higgins

‘76 Helen Bonebrake: hmbonebrake@gmail.com

Helen Bonebrake

Helen recently had lunch with several classmates coming from Maine, Philadelphia, Connecticut and Long Island.

‘96 Alexis Moed: moedbc03@gmail.com

Elizabeth Pilkington Brown

“On October 1, we welcomed Laura “Barrett” Balmer Brown.”

‘98 John LaPorta ‘98: johnrlaporta@gmail.com

Elizabeth “Lily” Evans Tierney

Marcia Devendorf Morrell

It is with regret that we share the news of Marcia’s death on January 17, 2019; she was 58. After Green Vale, Marcia graduated from The Ethel Walker School and Pine Manor College. She is survived by her daughter, sister Andree Devendorf Welsh ‘71, brother and cousin George Devendorf, II ‘82 among other relatives.

of Jonathan’s death on October 9, 2018; he was 38 years old. Jon is survived by his fiancé (Laurie), children (Leacadia and Trevor), and parents (Carol and Sam Rausch).

Brendan Higgins has spent the last 25 years working in the television industry. He presently works at “The Wendy Williams Show” where he has been Wendy’s Stage Manager for the past 10 seasons. Some of Brendan’s other credits include “New Years Rockin’ Eve With Ryan Seacrest,” “The Rosie O’Donnell Show,” “The Tony Danza Show,” and “Martha Stewart.” He and his wife Suzanne live in Forest Hills with their two boys, Jack Marley and Pete McQueen.

Haven Cutting Campbell Tierney was born on September 5, 2018. She was welcomed home by her adoring older brother Bayard.

John-Robert LaPorta

‘90 JoAnne Constance Kenny: jkenny25@me.com

Alexandra N. Carton

Pictured: Evelyn Van Ingen Fell ’76, Lucie Meyer Couture ’76, Suzan Laidlaw Malloch ’76, Helen Michalis Bonebrake ’76, Dina Cathy Solomon ‘76

’85 Suzannah McLain Smith: suzannahsmith6@gmail.com

John R. Humphrey, IV

John is currently living in San Diego, California with his wife Michelle, and they have an 8 year old son, John Robert. John is launching a rollout of


“Living in Huntington (still miss New York City); however just recently changed jobs to Partner & Owner handling commercial, personal, life and health insurance. This summer, back to competitive sailing and getting involved again with other events and activities. Other than that, recently drove by Green Vale and honestly have to say: 100% the BEST education I ever received, truly!”

“My wife Heidi and I welcomed our son, Matthew, last September. His sisters Stella and Nadia have been thrilled to have him at home. My parents have

‘95 Jonathan Connors: jtconnors23@yahoo.com Andrew Korson: korsonian@gmail.com

Jonathan L. Rausch

It is with regret that we share the news

William M. Copp ‘01

moved close to us here in Connecticut to be near their grandchildren.”

‘99 Lee Lee Robinson Duryea ‘99: leelee.duryea@gmail.com Dave Knott: dmknott@gmail.com

Maryn R. Soref

“In 2018, my partner and I launched Vibe World, a globally based production company in immersive and traditional media capturing the Vibe of locations worldwide. We focus on creating and curating meaningful content, and supporting visibility for nonprofits and humanitarian efforts (also locally supported, culturally inspired unique travel experiences worldwide).”

‘01 Vicky Pool Holm: vickymholm@gmail.com Rylan Soref: rylan.soref@gmail.com

William M. Copp

William married Emma Craft on October 20, 2018 at Seawanhaka Corinthian Yacht Club in Oyster Bay. Pictured in photo below: Top Row, L to R: Ian Gumprecht ’92, Christopher Colley ’10, Lily Colley ’05, Alexandra Vandeventer ’07, Celeste Vandeventer ’10, Larry Schmidlapp ’02, Peter Smith ’02, Eduardo Canet ’02, Peter Lynch ’01, Rylan Soref ’01, Alex Canet ’04, Nick Watson ’08 Bottom Row, L to R: Graham Gardiner ’01, James Gardiner ’02, Joanie Choremi ’04, Isabel Vandeventer ’05, Hilary Copp ’04, Court Hoover ’02, James Hull ’00, Emma Craft Copp, William Copp ‘01, William Hull ’01, David R. Holmes ’99, Linda Gardiner, Dianne Copp, Christina Holmes McKeon ’94, Jacqueline Moore Watson ‘77, Charlotte Schmidlapp ’01, Natalie Schwerin Roth ’01 (Not pictured: Jenny Moore Vandeventer ’76)

Victoria Pool Holm

Molly D. Forlines

Molly is working at Hospital for Special Surgery in New York City.

Logan M. Hoover

Vicky and her husband Owen welcomed a beautiful baby girl, Charlotte Holm, on June 15, 2018. She was 7lbs 1 oz, and 19.5 inches long.

‘04 Lily Haydock: lily.haydock@gmail.com Zach Remsen: zachremsen@gmail.com

Megan F. Bostock

Megan has started her own calligraphy business, and is working as a wedding and events planner with L. Marie Events. She and her husband Devon moved into their new house in Locust Valley in September.

Meredith (“Merrie”) Aaron Gebhardt

Merrie and her husband Michael proudly welcomed Madelyn Adi Gebhardt into their family on May 12, 2018. Their new family of three moved back to New York in July and are enjoying being closer to family and friends there.

‘06 Alison Browne: alisongbrowne@gmail.com Ripley Hartmeyer: rhartmeyer7@gmail.com Lauren Russo: lerusso15@gmail.com

Sterling B. Brinkley III

Sterling is still living in Mexico City (almost 5 years at this point!) in the Roma neighborhood made famous by Alfonso Cuaron. He is working in finance, and on the side he is a coowner of an art gallery named Galeria Mascota and helping video artists produce work. He sees classmate Clay Jones ‘06 whenever back stateside. “Abrazo!”

Logan continues his work on Capitol Hill for Congressman Tom Reed, the Republican Leader for Social Security. He handles this legislative portfolio, among many others, in his new position as Senior Legislative Assistant.

Wyatt A. Linder

Wyatt is heading back to the US in a few weeks after a few years finishing his masters in political science at the University of Vienna. He also wrapped up a one year contract with the International Atomic Energy Agency at the end of March.

Ryan J. Postal

Ryan just started a new job as an Account Manager at RhythmOne (digital video ad sales) and recently attended the Waste Management Open in Phoenix.

Ines N. Tamaddon

Ines is currently in Williamsburg, Brooklyn where she enjoys a quiet(er) side of urban living. She works as a Senior Content Strategist at New Lab, a platform for scaling frontier technology located in the Brooklyn Navy Yard, to curate and promote the impactful stories coming out of the entrepreneurial community. In her free time, she is always planning her next trip to Mexico, trying to flex her green thumb, and generally soaking in the art and culture of our vibrant city.


Courtney Lenoir Stavrakos ‘07

Courtney Lenoir Stavrakos

Courtney married CJ Stavrakos on December 29, 2018. Pictured above.

‘11 Grace Lafaire: gslafaire@gmail.com

John A. Forlines IV

Jack is an analyst at BlackRock, Inc. in New York City.

Grace S. Lafaire

Grace is engaged to be married and was valedictorian of Georgetown University.


Ian G. Broadbent

Ian started his freshman year at Southern Methodist University this past fall.

Arielle P. T. Warren

Arielle is proud to report that she continues her competitive figure skating career at Boston University, on its national championship figure skating team. Arielle is majoring in communications and marketing at BU, and working at the school’s Unleashed Public Relations Agency. For the upcoming summer, Arielle is delighted that she has secured an internship at A&E Networks History Channel.

Lilly H. Havens


Jade Bajic

Jade volunteers at a local hospital playing the violin for patients. Picured: Jade Bajic ’16 and Director of Lower School Linda Gardiner

‘17 Ella Barry: ellabarry1010@gmail.com Austen Flink: pkaflink@aol.com James Yarian: 21982jy@chaminade-hs.org Christopher Lall: chrislall611@gmail.com

Alexa Janow

Alexa is a sophomore at Dominican Academy in New York City.

‘18 Daniella Burke: dlburke726@gmail.com Tomas Cushman: tomas.cushman@gmail.com Jack Jervis: jkjerv@gmail.com Eric Suh: jentris13@gmail.com Isabella Zhang: bellaezhang21@gmail.com

Lilly and her mother Wendy Doubleday Havens ’71 visited campus last November and showcased their company Busy Beads bracelets at Green Vale’s Holiday Boutique.

Jack Jervis

Jack is playing squash and varsity tennis at Friends Academy.

Manu Kadiyala

Pictured: Arielle (center) with some of her teammates from the Boston University figure skating team


Manu made the varsity cross country team at Episcopal High School.

Olivia G. Schwab

“I love school, but miss the GVS teachers and community.”

Peyton A. Randolph

Peyton has committed to playing Division 1 soccer at Manhattan College in Riverdale.


Save the Dates Green Vale Mets Night May 22 @ 7:00 • Citi Field Open to all current families and alumni

Contact ashaheen@greenvaleschool.org for ticket purchase info.

Last Summer’s Reunions

50th Reunion

Members of the classes of 1993 and 1998 celebrated their 20th and 25th reunions with cocktails, dinner, and a sneak peek at the new construction with Jesse Dougherty.

Invitation to follow

Alumni Events

June 8 • The Green Vale School

65th Reunion September • TBD

Young Professionals Gathering, NYC Alumni in their twenties, thirties, or just thirsty gathered at Dorrian’s Red Hand in January for an Alumni and Developmentsponsored evening of laughs, memories, and new GVS connections.

Recent Graduates Dinner During Thanksgiving vacation, classes of 2015-2018 donned shirts from their new high schools for dinner with former teachers.

In recognition of Peter’s extraordinary contributions to Green Vale and to hundreds of students, the School plans to name a lab in his honor in the new Math & Science Center.


We invite you to join others in supporting this effort by making a gift “In Honor of Peter Zaloom” at www.greenvaleschool.org/support or by contacting the Development Office.

Then and Now “I think of Marshall and I think of a humble, kind person and an incredibly hard worker. And that smile!”

Marshall Warren ‘15

— Linda Gardiner, Lower School Director

At Green Vale, Marshall Warren ’15 was an MVP award-winner in soccer, hockey, and baseball as well as Gold captain. At graduation, he was awarded the Julian Award for best athlete. The Warren family also includes sister Arielle ‘13+ and father Lewis Warren, former board member 2006-2010. After graduating from GVS, he attended Portledge School for two years and will complete high school in Northville, Michigan where he is the Assistant Captain of the USA Hockey National Team Development Program. In the past two years, he has competed all over the world, including the U18 World Juniors in April. In the fall, he will join the team at Boston College where he plans to major in business at the Carroll School of Management. Marshall credits the GVS teachers and coaches for providing a stellar academic and character education. Some of his best friends are GVS classmates. “Green Vale

Marshall Warren’s Graduation Tile

will always be a special place to me,” says Marshall. “I felt embraced and encouraged by the community. I was always made to feel that anything I put my mind to would be possible.”

“He was an outstanding skater and puck handler that could score as a defenseman.” — Bill Hiss, GVS Coach

The Annual Fund is critical to helping Green Vale inspire, engage, and challenge every student at every level.

The Green Vale School Annual Fund 2018-2019

closes June 30.

The Green Vale School is a designated 501c3 charitable organization. Please direct questions to the Development Office at 516.621.2420 or greenvaleschool.org


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@greenvaleschool get an inside peek at the learning, the fun, and the magic of daily life at GVS.

CHANGE OF ADDRESS REQUESTED Parents of alumni: kindly provide the GVS Alumni Office with a correct address if your child has moved.

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