8th Grade Global Studies
International News around the Harkness Table
Each week, 8th Grade students* gather in small class sections to learn about current events around the globe. Students quickly realize that what may be ‘in the news’ in America does not always reflect major happenings in other countries. Dr. Richard Quinlan, an expert in 20th and 21st century genocide as well as other international topics, opens students’ eyes to geopolitical events around the globe. Using non-American news sources such as the BBC, Agence France Presse, Africa News Agency, Al Jazeera, World is One News, (India), and DW Germany, Quinlan presents a timely topic each week, such as:
• Eritrea invading Ethiopia • Uyghur persecution in China • Return of Taliban in Afghanistan • Coup in Sudan • Peaceful protests violently quelled in Khazakstan • Russia’s invasion of Ukraine (and build-up of military prior to invasion) The goal with these discussions is to “get kids thinking globally. Don’t disengage; stay connected. Explore,” says Quinlan. With their simultaneous study of 20th century U.S. history, GVS 8th Graders are primed to understand current-day parallels with notions such as the cold war, nationalism, alliances, diplomacy, identity and exclusion based on race, language, and religion. *Except for those enrolled in Latin as a sixth course
“Just because it's a country you've never heard of, doesn’t mean it’s not interconnected.” — Dr. Quinlan 9