Bulletin - Fall 2016

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the Gunnery

FALL 2016


ON THE COVER: Kenyon Kay ‘18 “Bullseye Polaris” INSIDE COVER: Miranda Yang ‘17 “Stargazing”

the Gunnery FALL 2016

Frederick W. Gunn 200. . . . . . . . 4 The Long Lost Stray Shot. . . . . Meet The Prefects . . . . . . . . . . Class of 2016 Matriculation. . . Commencement 2016 . . . . . . . Prize Night . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Alumni Weekend. . . . . . . . . . . Alumni Halls of Fame. . . . . . . . Supporting The Gunnery. . . . .

10 12 13 14 17 35 40 42

Letter from Head of School. . . . . . . . 2 New Faces. . . . . . . . . . . 20 Trustee News . . . . . . . . 21 New Faculty . . . . . . . . . 22 Athletics . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Arts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 On Campus . . . . . . . . . 30 Off Campus . . . . . . . . . 34 School Store. . . . . . . . . 41 Recommended Reading. . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 Alumni Profiles. . . . . . . 51 Class Notes . . . . . . . . . . 53

a few words

from the Head of School Dear Gunnery Community,


HOPE THIS FINDS YOU WELL AND THAT YOU and your families enjoyed a wonderful summer and fall. Life on campus during the summer and now, as we

conclude the fall term, has been terrific, both in terms of major milestones for the school and, more importantly, in terms of the quality of the experience for our students.

Here are two small examples of the daily progress we are making as a school. First, this September’s Harvest Moon fell on a Friday night. Our new Director of Outdoor Programs,

“ ...the teaching and learning that happens on campus—whether in the classroom, EPAC, on the field, in the dorm or at the lunch table — is second to none.” – Peter Becker

Becca Leclerc, emailed all students to invite them to the Quad at the conclusion of study hall at 9:30 p.m. She’d built a roaring fire in a newly-acquired fire pit and Steve Bailey, chair of the Science Department and our “resident astronomer,” set up his big telescope so that students could study the moon. It was a crisp, clear evening as I walked down from Conroy House to find nearly one hundred students enjoying the evening, staring through the telescope and toasting s’mores. In an age when students (and adults) reach reflexively for their phones, it was such a joy to see students talking face-to-face over a fire, sitting next to each other staring up at the moon, and getting an impromptu astronomy lesson from Mr. Bailey. Second, we are piloting a new approach to residential life for ninth graders. As a school that has always prided ourselves on the structure and support we offer students, we realized that most ninth graders need more structure to their study time than they typically receive when they first arrive at boarding school. While the ultimate goal is to equip them to study effectively on their own, few students (including this one) arrive at boarding school with the requisite tools and habits. So, this fall, all ninth graders start study hall at 7:00 p.m. (rather

follow The Gunnery online – www.gunnery.org or you can also find us on these social media sites

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than 8:00 p.m. for the rest of school—younger students need

We are lucky to have Frederick Gunn as our “point on the

more sleep!) and study hall takes place in the Solley Dining Hall.

horizon” as we envision our future and move towards it. As

There, faculty and older student mentors are on hand to provide

you know by now, Mr. Gunn would be 200 years old this year.

real-time guidance and oversight as students get stuck or get

Reading his words, and reading about him in The Master of

distracted in their work. As the year progresses, we will remove

The Gunnery, one realizes why it is a productive and relevant

pieces of the scaffolding so that students can take pride in a

exercise to ask how he would respond to the issues of our time,

great first year at The Gunnery, and know they are prepared for

particularly how they impact students. Whether it is our political

tenth grade.

moment or the way using technology changes students, Gunn’s

These are just two examples of our efforts to constantly reconsider

words provide wise and prudent counsel without being rooted

our long-term goals for students and for the school and what we

in fear. He and Mrs. Gunn worked constantly for the good of

do day-to-day to achieve those goals—or to equip students to

their students, and towards a vision of the good life that would

achieve them. You should expect to see Outdoor Programs expand

ennoble and free students for lives of active citizenship, on local

here and become part of the fabric of every student’s experience,

and national levels. Our hopes for students today must remain at

not only for those who choose the Outdoor Club on fall and

least as bold and hopeful.

spring afternoons.

Enjoy this edition of the Bulletin magazine. Alumni: Remember

As we celebrate the opening of the beautiful new girls dorm,

to share your news, contact a classmate you haven’t heard from

Graham House, you should expect to see an even more ambitious

recently, and visit us here in Washington often. Thank you for

vision emerge from our long range campus master planning

your constant support.

process. We need to communicate clearly to our alumni, parents, and the town of Washington how our campus needs to evolve over the next five, ten and twenty years such that we can continue to deliver on our mission and attract students. You will see every facet of life at school continue to improve as we execute our five-year strategic plan to expand the teaching and learning that happens on campus. Whether in the classroom, EPAC, on the field, in the dorm or at the lunch table we expect to be second to none.


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by and about Mr. Gunn O N


Anniversary OF HIS BIRTH



s we contemplated

the celebration of Frederick Gunn’s 200th birthday in October,

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arranged for his education at Yale, Class of 1837, where he majored in botany.

there are reminders all around us of his lasting

Mr. Gunn desired to be a doctor but he could

legacy. Most are not as tangible as a school building

not bear suffering and so he became a teacher.

or a sepia-colored photograph but have shown

He courted and won the affection of Abigail Irene

to be even more lasting. Mr. Gunn’s philosophy

Brinsmade, daughter of Mary Wakeman Gold and

of education, with its emphasis on building

Daniel Brinsmade, graduate of the Tappan Law

character, curiosity and independent thinking,

School in Litchfield, a probate judge, a farmer and

remains to this day as part of the very fabric of the

a deacon of the church.

school he founded in 1850. What was regarded as “iconoclastic” at the time has proven to be universal. Today’s Gunnery graduates are not only prepared but eager to face the challenges of the 21st century and to realize their full potential as members of the global community.

Whether at college in New Haven in the 1830s, investigating slavery in Goldsboro, NC in 1843, in exile in Towanda in 1847–48, or visiting friends, relatives and students in Brooklyn, Mr. Gunn always yearned for the trees, hills and dales of Washington. Born in Washington, he returned there after college

Of Scottish heritage, the youngest of eight children,

to found the Washington Academy. When he went

Frederick William Gunn was born October 4, 1816

into exile because of his abolitionist views, he taught

to John N. Gunn, a respected deputy sheriff and

at the Towanda Academy at the behest of Henry

Mary (Polly) Ford, a religious woman who hoped

Booth who had ties to both towns. After his marriage

her youngest would be a priest. Sadly, both parents

to Abigail Brinsmade and the birth of his first child,

died when Mr. Gunn was ten. His oldest brother,

Mr. Gunn was welcomed back to Washington to

John, a successful farmer and prominent abolitionist,

found The Gunnery where it stands today.

Above: A letter Mr. Gunn wrote from Goldsboro, NC in 1843 with an abolitionist header




I have in my mind an ideal of a school. (You will pardon me, I was asked to speak of confidence between boys and their teacher, but, properly speaking, an ideal school should be composed about equally of boys and girls.). I have no time for the picture – a few traits must suffice. The school is situated in the country, or, if in the city, the generous city fathers have afforded it liberal space with trees and flowers – ample play-grounds kept scrupulously neat by the boys themselves. The buildings are not only commodious, but picturesque and attractive. The teachers are large-hearted and loving, and absolutely free from dyspepsia or any morbid tendency. A morbid teacher will communicate his favorite distemper to his whole school in one term. The boys are from all classes in society, and of all degrees of goodness, - and also many degrees of badness – just as they have always been from the time of that little kindergarten outside the city limits of Eden. You enter; the atmosphere is warm and genial. Love and confidence shine in every face, breathe from every lip. There is fun and frolic in every eye you catch. A martinet in education would probably consider it a scene of confusion and disorder. He would first convert the boys into little machines, receiving their motions from one large wheel, himself. But in this school of which I dream, there is cooperation, there is helpfulness, and, so far as the laws of nature will permit, equality. “ Confidence Between Boys and Teachers,” Mr. Gunn’s address at a Teacher’s Convention in Hartford, Conn., autumn of 1877

A Vanguard of Education ong before the Victorians accepted the education of girls as useful, Frederick Gunn welcomed them into his classes and included them in all the activities at the school. There is a story of Amy Kenyon playing baseball on the Washington Green. When she hit the ball, she contrived to wrap it in the folds of her ankle-length skirt and achieve a homerun while her teammates searched for the ball.


Mr. Gunn often reiterated that one needed to have a “boy-heart,” in order to understand and teach the young. His students recounted that he was always the first one selected when choosing sides for a student game. He would call a day off from recitations and accompany the children on nature walks during the glorious seasonal days in spring and fall. Similar to the home-school method of emphasizing the strengths of the individual child and building on them, he wrote to a parent, “I have sent Willie into the woods to paint nature today because it is something at which he excels. I have excused him from Latin grammar.” The Gunnery today is known for its success in electing girls to leadership positions. This year the school has dedicated a new girls’ dormitory. The Gunnery has conscientiously maintained its small size and strong advising system which allow it to tailor curricula and schedules to the needs of the iconoclastic student. An advanced student might be enrolled in supervised university online physics classes or a superior musician might be excused from other commitments to take part in a professional orchestra. Sam Posey, Class of 1962, said that he was given the key to the art room during his tenure at The Gunnery because of his many projects. Mr. Gunn was an early proponent of student government and many graduates wrote letters telling of his Sunday family meetings which allowed the boys to expose culprits who threatened the peace of the school as well as to determine what rules were

Left: The first photograph ever taken of a baseball game in progress on the Washington Green, at the first Gunnery reunion in August 1869. Right: The Waramaug Camp on Point Beautiful

important to keep. He abstained almost entirely from the fabled Victorian hickory stick, and instead attempted discipline of the punishment suiting the crime. One story tells of a student with a love for fishing which rivaled his teacher’s. On a particularly successful day, he begged permission to leave early in the morning to fish as long as he returned in time for class. He had such success that he stayed out the whole day risking dire punishment. However, in addition to a stern dressing down, Mr. Gunn admitted that he too might have been very tempted had the catch been that good. Fun in Athletics r. Gunn was one of the earliest proponents of athletics and physical exercise as essential to the educational curriculum and building of character. Every scholar had to belong to a baseball “nine” as the teams were called. They played an early form of hockey called “shinney” and a form of football which more nearly resembled rugby.


In the modern era, student government, the senior prefects for the whole school and the resident assistants in the dorms, as well as individual interest groups and clubs are given considerable leeway in governing themselves. An example was the complete change of the daily schedule a number of years ago to accommodate the current literature on the teenagers’ need for sleep that arose as part of a student petition. Another example is the expansion of the offerings available for after class (“co-curricular”) activities as an alternative to requirements to participate in team sports. A Man of Character & Conviction


r. Gunn’s willingness to stand up for his convictions and risk his livelihood, his marriage, and his home to stand against slavery is a story well known to Washingtonians. He was cautious in the face of his older brother, John’s, abolitionist

activities when he first returned from college in 1837, but embraced the concepts and, indeed, in 1843, travelled to visit his two sisters in Goldsboro, NC to confront slavery head-on. In 1847, he left his home and his fiancée Abigail Brinsmade in Washington, to form a school in Towanda, Penn. since he was unable to earn a living because the Washington church, citing biblical references, opposed the abolitionists. While teaching there, he wrote numerous letters to Abigail, about his abolitionist convictions and his experiences teaching women, Native Americans, and African Americans. As the controversy regarding the Fugitive Slave Act in the late 1840s raged, the tide of public opinion changed and Daniel Brinsmade arranged a land trade in 1849 to provide space for his new son-in-law, his daughter, and his grandchild to move back to Washington to found The Gunnery. Because of his reputation as a schoolteacher, several nationally prominent abolitionists sent their children to The Gunnery including Harriet Beecher Stowe, Henry Ward Beecher, John Fremont, and the Jervis and Olivia Langdon family of Elmira, NY whose daughter married Samuel Clemens. In addition, in the 1850s, Mr. Gunn welcomed his Native American cousins-in-law from the family of Elias Boudinot and Harriet Ruggles Gold and, in the 1870s, he participated in the Chinese Educational Mission which brought four young Chinese students to The Gunnery. In the 20th and 21st centuries, The Gunnery has welcomed students of all creeds and ethnicities as well as international students from more than 25 countries. The school was a founding member of the “A Better Chance” program during the turbulent Civil Rights period. In 1977, it returned to coeducation after 54 years and in 2016 is closer than it has ever been to the equal number of boys and girls, a balance that Mr. Gunn advocated for in his “ideal school.” Mr. Gunn is credited with creating the first library in Washington, in his living room. Citizens would periodically gather there




Left: Margot Gaggini ’17, Calista Connors ’17, Tori Vincelette ’17, Kayla Walewski ’17, Ele Schickler ’17, Gabby Bruck ’17, Daisy Bolger ’17, Center: Emma Wirt ’18, Christian Kummer ’18, Olivia Epley ’18, Right: Students on the school walk

stories. The students called it “gypsying.” The trips continued every other year during a summer semester until the war ended and, then, was continued yearly on Lake Waramaug until the end of Mr. Gunn’s life.

and the right to borrow books would be auctioned off, thereby providing funds for the acquisition of more books. It was because of this practice that Charles Goodyear, a local field hand who saved his salary in order to participate, came to be added to the Gunn household and educated with Mr. Gunn’s other students.

Since at least 1881, The Gunnery has commemorated the founders’ walks to Milford and his reverence for nature with a walk by the whole school in early October. Throughout its history, the school has had as part of its co-curricular program an exposure to the natural world, usually called the Outdoor Club. In recent years, the academic curriculum has expanded to include the protection and conservation of the environment. In 2016, Rebecca Leclerc was appointed as the school’s first full time Director of Outdoor Programs.

Later, the library was transferred to the church parish hall. In the 1890s, a group of philanthropists and citizens banded together to raise the money to build the Gunn Memorial Library which was dedicated in 1908. Ehrick Rossiter, Class of 1870, was the architect, Dallas Wyant, Class of 1902, was the contractor, and the fieldstone for the facade was brought from nearby farms by The Gunnery students. Nature as Educator r. Gunn majored in Botany at Yale and wrote his brother from New Haven how much he missed the hills and rivers of Washington. As a teacher he was entirely sympathetic to the wandering focus of students confronted with a beautiful day. He encouraged collecting of plants and insects, the woodland skills of fishing and tracking, and he would stop to explain natural wonders on the slightest provocation. What many students remembered throughout their days was his dismissal of school during a beautiful spring day and his lessons on the earliest flowers and creatures as they all walked in Steep Rock.


In 1861, the abolitionist undertook to prepare his students for the Civil War, by walking his scholars 37 miles to Welches’ Point in Milford, Conn. where they camped for a couple of weeks, practicing military drills, fishing, swimming, playing games, studying and gathering around the campfire to sing and share

Mr. Gunn’s 200th Birthday Celebration


rederick Gunn would have loved The Gunnery’s celebration of his 200th birthday! The school celebrates his birthday every year with a surprise school walk for faculty and students and suspension of classes, but this year we invited all alumni, current parents, and as many members of the Gunn family as we knew to join us and specified the day. The weather was cool and welcoming. It made for a merry band some 400 strong exploring the natural wonders of nearby Steep Rock and hiking eight miles to and from the pinnacle. They all reunited in The Gunnery quad for a picnic lunch and birthday cake. In addition to local parents and trustees, alumni from the 1960s to the 1990s were represented among the hikers. Among those alumni were some of the 43 members of the Gunn family who attended The Gunnery throughout its history. There were hikers ranging in age from 12 to at least 80, who, with their four-legged companions, experienced the walk in many different ways. Among the folks who made the trek were: Christine Armstrong P’19, Steve Baird ’68, Alex and Kim Bellinger ’68, Rick Bernard ’68,

David Burkhart P’19, David Coburn ’68, Hannah Cox P’18, John Herrick ’63 P’89 ’91, Peter Houldin ’92, Josh Johnston ’09, Dale Kesten ’68, Art Lobdell ’82, Judd Murkland ’68, Bobbe Navia ’83, Ben Nickoll P’19, Kirsten Peckerman, Trustee, Steve Post ’72, Julie Overton P’20, Heidi Rowe ’79, Neil Sutton P’20, and Patricia Thrane P’19. The walk, which originated shortly after Mr. Gunn’s death in 1881, commemorates his founding of recreational camping and love of nature as educator. This year, the walk was enhanced by input from his descendant educators and mentors: Chip Miller, a Gunn family descendant and Academic Dean, Rebecca Leclerc, newly appointed Director of Outdoor Programs, Rod Theobald, longtime advisor of Outdoor Club, and Lindsey Dirats, co-director of the LEADS Program. Theobald prepared the participants before signaling the start, Dirats created a moment of silence along the trail to contemplate the natural environment. Mr. Gunn’s promotion of fun and humor could be heard at the horse ring in Steep Rock as students engaged in games and shared the experiences of the morning while waiting for stragglers. A life-sized cutout of Mr. Gunn, with accompanying costume beards, glasses and hats, was a great draw for unforgettable selfies. Everyone gathered to leave their thumbprint on The


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Top (left to right): Celebrating Mr. Gunn’s 200th birthday with some delicious desserts; Exhibit attendees look at the model of the first Gunnery building; Bottom (left to right): Kim Bellinger, Chip Miller, Peter Bellinger, Ellen Bellinger, Mrs. Richard Platt, Cyrus Miller, Elisabeth Barsa Miller, Sheila Anson, her niece, Melissa Anson Smith, with four Smith children, and Richard Platt from Milford, Conn. representing the Gunn Clan; Paula Krimsky, archivist and curator of the exhibit, explains the family tree to Richard Platt

Gunnery crest as a lasting reminder of the celebration. The afternoon presented a unique opportunity to include the citizens of the town of Washington, nurturers of Mr. Gunn’s school for 166 years. A new exhibit detailing aspects of Mr. Gunn’s lasting legacy opened in the newly dedicated town park and gallery, the Judy Black Memorial Park and Gardens, a gift shepherded by an inspired board of citizen volunteers. Nearly 20 years of research into Mr. Gunn’s life and legacy as well as the genealogy of his family was on display for three weeks, thanks to the dedicated work of archivist Paula Gibson Krimsky, her colleague, Jessica Baker, Assistant Director of Marketing and Communications, and the new Director of Strategic Marketing and Communications, Ken Mason. Fortunately, the panels and banners of the exhibit that tell Mr. Gunn’s story will be displayed in other locations to be enjoyed by the wider community.





A RIDDLE WRAPPED IN A MYSTERY, INSIDE AN ENIGMA Mary Carew-Miller ’20, had grown up on The Gunnery campus and knew what it probably was: the long-lost Stray Shot!


inston Churchill applied this phrase to Russia in 1939 but we may just as well apply it to

Mike Zhang ’20’s spectacular find in Kirby Brook between the baseball field and the Mayflower Inn driveway. Mike, a freshman, newly arrived from China, was pursuing a favorite hobby, fishing, with the hope of securing a pet for his room. Instead, he found a seriously old, rusty, muddy, and very heavy metal ball with unintelligible gouges all over it. He approached some of his classmates including Mary Carew-Miller, Cailin Kessman, Jarred Drickler-Bourgart, and Will Hambley. Luckily, Mary, whose father is Academic Dean, Chip Miller, had grown up on The Gunnery campus and knew what it probably was: the long-lost Stray Shot!

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(L to R): Cailin Kessman ’20, Will Hambley ’20, Jarred Drickler-Bourgart ’20, Mary Carew-Miller ’20, Mike Zhang ’20

Mike Zhang was excited about his find. “I feel so honored to be part of the Gunn tradition, and the fact that I had only been here for a week just makes the experience so much more magical.”

was remarkably free of markings. In any case, Charlie Finnemore built a special case for it from which it was promptly stolen over Alumni Weekend (the one in the case is a wooden replica).

The group left Mary guarding the find while they went to get Mr. Miller to confirm their guesses about the ball. After a good wash and a weigh-in (87 lbs.), the ball still puzzled Mr. Miller who consulted the school archivist. But there were still more questions than answers. It wasn’t the first ball which came into play in 1959 because it was smaller than a beach ball. It wasn’t the third ball which was procured by Shane O’ Mara in 2003 to replace one lost in 1997 because it weighed a lot more than 36 lbs. and it was larger than a large softball. We’re not sure where the third ball is— perhaps buried on the Green.

In January 2013, Patrick Baker, Scott Schwind, and Van Wilshire all from the class of 1989 teamed up with Alli Carlin ’97 and Brandon Dufour ’02 to retrieve the ball from the Linen Rink and present it to the prefects at school meeting. This ball also had no markings. We think that the finding, stealing, and retrieving of the ball in 2009 and 2013 was a HOAX. We think the intrepid freshmen of the Class of 2020 have found the 1997 ball where it had been hidden 20 years ago. Tests still have to be conducted by our science students to determine rust rates and language students will be engaged to decipher the markings to help tell us how long the ball has been lodged in the creek. Mr. Miller thinks it may have been before 1997. Do we have anyone willing to confess to having perpetrated a very successful hoax which has provided a lot of marvelous Gunnery stories? Any tips or information can be sent to Paula Krimsky at krimskyp@gunnery.org.

The second ball has had a very checkered history. It is about the size of a soccer ball. As detailed in Red & Grays and Gunnery Bulletins, it is covered with engraved initials and the crest and other ownership indices of former holders. We think, but are not certain, that the first ball was lost in the mid-1970s and this ball came into play then. This ball was “misplaced” in 1997. Supposedly, it was found and given to Jim Graham in the Development Office anonymously in 2009. That ball, however,

As we investigate, the newly uncovered ball will be guarded by the head of school and the search for the 2013 ball hidden by Kyle Searles will continue.





Meet the Prefects


r. Gunn was renowned in educational circles in the mid19th century for advocating student government in the

(L to R): Matthew Danner, Eric Hoffman, Calista Connors, Grace van Tartwijk, Oliver Williams

school. He held “family” meetings every Sunday where

the students helped determine consequences for offenses, decided on schedules, and discussed school issues. The students have been involved ever since and have always worked with the faculty and administration to better the experience for the students while at The Gunnery. The first use of “prefect” was applied to our student leaders in 1937. Here we introduce the five Prefects with excerpts from their election speeches.

MATTHEW DANNER, Head Prefect: “There are two things that I took out of this experience, [going to the Harvard Economics Bowl]: First of all, never be afraid to lose, because in losing you can identify your mistakes and build off them. Second, never be afraid to step out of your comfort zone and try new things. Two years ago, before I got to The Gunnery, if you told me that I would be going to an Econ bowl, I would have laughed and thought there was no way, but I did and it was actually a lot of fun. These types of experiences are what make The Gunnery special. Going to an unfamiliar place and getting embarrassed doesn’t sound like the best way to spend your Saturday. However, when you’re doing it with people whom you know will pick you up when you’re down, it’s a lot easier to take a chance and stand up to speak your mind.” ERIC HOFFMAN: “I look back at my freshman year during Trainwreck, a game designed to isolate one unlucky kid from the rest of the crowd. Of course, I soon found myself standing in the middle, knowing I had to say my name and something else to make everyone get up and run. Being in that awkward situation was one of the most stressful moments I’ve ever been in. It wasn’t until one of the prefects running the station reminded me I could yell ‘trainwreck.’ Obviously

I took the advice of that Prefect and yelled my name and trainwreck so I could quickly get out of the middle. Even though that moment was stressful and awkward for me for that small amount of time, I was grateful for that Prefect who helped me. Ever since then, I knew I wanted to become someone that people can look up to.” CALISTA CONNORS: “We all will have our own unique Gunnery journey, and in that time we will each evolve and change into our future selves. I believe I can use my experiences to help others on their journey and help them form a meaningful connection to our school. I want to help next year’s shy, intimidated freshmen through their challenges and inspire them to find the confidence they need to make the most of their time here at The Gunnery.” GRACE VAN TARTWIJK: “With all this said, I learned that nothing gets handed to you; you need to work for something that you want to succeed in. I want to work hard for you, you as the student body and you as the faculty. I even want to make sure the faculty dogs get what they need. I want to help others build a sense of confidence and be their voice if they need change. I am willing to fail as badly as this portrait to try and help others find their masterpiece.” OLIVER WILLIAMS: “One of the most important jobs of a Prefect is to lead by example and to show how we can all learn from our experiences. I learned [from an experience] that by keeping my composure and showing strength in the face of adversity, I had given both myself and others a sense of confidence. It turned what could have been a terrible situation into a hilarious memory and a cherished lesson.”


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Georgetown University

Salve Regina University

Babson College

Gettysburg College

Santa Clara University

Bentley University

Hobart and William Smith Colleges

St. Lawrence University

Bishop’s University (CA)

Imperial College London

Trinity College

Brown University

Ithaca College

The University of Arizona

Bryant University

Johnson & Wales University

University of California, Berkeley

Carleton College

Lasell College

University of California, San Diego

Champlain College

Manhattanville College

University of Colorado at Boulder

College of Charleston

Marist College

University of Connecticut

College of the Holy Cross

McGill University (CA)

University of Richmond

Cornell University

Norwich University

University of Southern California

Dickinson College

Princeton University

The University of Tampa

Elon University

Providence College

University of Toronto

Emerson College

Purdue University

University of Vermont

Fairfield University

Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

University of Virginia

Fordham University

Rivier University

Wake Forest University

Franklin and Marshall College

Rochester Institute of Technology

Westfield State University

George Washington University

Roger Williams University

Williams College






THE CLASS OF 2016 Thomas Graham Bakeeff

Claire Elizabeth Geagan

Brittney Ann Longo

Nikos Alexander Schwarz

Daniel Robert Biernat

Daniel Lyle Haider

Weiran (Helen) Lu

Frederic Henry Short

Aidan Douglas Bond

Reilly Marie Haskins

Emma Rose Lubrano

Casey Ann Siemon

Zoë Isabel Cameron

Alexander Joseph Herbst

Evan Philip Lugo

John Andrew Siemon

Kathleen Alexis Carey

Christopher Michael Horn

Max Allan Luukko

Jan Catherine Silverman

Lliam F. Christiano

William Harrison Howell

Tessa Rose Lord Mackey

Taylor Robert Slade

Skylar Springer Cluett

Jennifer Wayne Hylwa

Lena Lai Mak

Morgan Ann Small

Alyssa Rose Cooke

Evan Michael Johnson

Hildy Caitlin Maxwell

Luke Nolan Smeltzer

Chloe Bleau Coppola

Samuel Sobrepeña Joslin

Mikayla Teresa Michals

Giorgio Spano

Connor Craig Dahlman

Ashley Nicole Judson

Tanya Sanjay Mittal

Demani Charmarr Spence

Jin (Lorrey) Dai

Armaan Kameli

Jake Curren

Patrick Stuart Sullivan

Cameron Drew Donaldson

Dae Yeon Kim

Thomas Mosher McGraw

Kevin Jacob Sun

Brett Roy Dooley

John Douglas Kolpak

John Baxter Mullen

Tuomas Artturi Tuominen

Morgan Emslie Dow

Trevin Paul Kozlowski

Matthew Garth Murphy

Ataman Enver Ugur

Sean Patrick Dowd

Jamie Leanne Lamy

Olivia Anne Ogden

Chad P. Varney

Laura Espinós Ramírez

Claire Reynolds Lavelle

Erica Goodfellow Payne

Emily Anne Williams

Semyon Fedotov

Matthew Raymond Lawlor

Joseph Joshua Pesce

Zikun Xu

Timothy Stewart Fisher

Han Gia (Ivy) Le

Colin Charles Riley

Jeremiah Gueomme Yoon

McKay Hamilton Flanagan

GeonEoy (Gunny) Lee

Jordan Clark Robert

Nathan Paul Fydenkevez

Miranda Renee Levin

Jackson Kennedy Royce

Joshua John Wayne Gagne

Zhaodong (Arthur) Li

Alexander Leonard Schamroth

2016 | 15


Ed Small presents the Head of School’s Prize to Hildy Maxwell ’16

Ed Small presents the Brinsmade Prize to Tessa Mackey ’16

The Gunnery Faculty

The Commencement Procession: (L to R): Senior Master Ed Small, Prefect-elect Calista Connors ’17, Head Prefect-elect Matthew Danner ’17, Prefect-elect Eric Hoffman ’17





Head Prefect-elect Matthew Danner ’17

Arthur Li ’16, Lorrey Dai ’16 and Andrew Richards, Visual Arts Chair

Reilly Haskins ’16, Matthew Murphy ’16, and Chloe Coppola ’16

Ed Small presents the Gunnery Cup to Sam Joslin ’16


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Board Chair, Gerrit Vreeland ’61 (second from right) and Jon Russillo present the Vreeland Rogers Athletic Awards to Reilly Haskins ’16 and Gustaf Westlund ’16

Raymond Reich, former science department head for many years, presents the Raymond W. Reich Award for Excellence in Physics to Ataman Ugur ’16

Jesse Perkins, Music and Visual Arts Teacher, presents the Malcolm Willis Award for Music to Sam Joslin ’16

Zoë Cameron ’16 and Patrick Dorton present Zachary Novick ’17 (center) with the Patrick M. Dorton ’86 prize for Quiet Leadership





Teddy Award winners Sean Douglas ’19 and Jean Feng ’19, along with Katy Varga and Elliot Fisher and the previous recipients (L to R): Samuel Joslin ‘16, Grace Herrick ‘17, Maxwell Ryan ‘17, Sydney Fydenkevez ‘18 and Mark Choi ‘18.

Former Dean of Students Chris Baudo presents the Dean’s Prize to Jamie Lamy ’16

Steve Bailey, Science Department Chair, presents Lena Mak ’16 with the Russell Sturgis Bartlett Memorial Prize for Excellence in Science

Rod Theobald presents the Frederick William Gunn Award to Trevin Kozlowski ’16

Ed Small presents Chloe Coppola ’16 with the McClellan Citizenship Prize

Bart McMann, History Department Chair presents the Katherine Kyes Leab History Prize for Moral Leadership to Sylvia Wang ’18

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Katy Varga presents the Pamela C. Taylor Award to Connor Dahlman ’16

The Gunnery chapter of the Cum Laude Society: Front Row (L to R): Karoline Theobald, Miranda Yang ’17, Rammy Xu ’16, Lena Mak ’16, Sam Joslin ’16, Jeremiah Yoon ’16, Ivy Le ’16, Tessa Mackey ’16, Hildy Maxwell ’16, Ataman Ugur ‘16, Carolyn Ross, Steven Gritti, Kara Gritti, Evan Johnson ’16, Gabrielle Bruck ’17; Back Row (L to R): Steven Bailey, Jarrod Sisk, Amy Paulekas, Alisa Croft, Alison Frye, Christopher Baudo, Seth Low, Craig Badger





NEWfaces The Gunnery is excited to announce that KEN MASON was recently named Director of Strategic Marketing and Communications and he has already immersed himself in all things Gunnery. Mason brings to The Gunnery nearly 30 years of strategic communications experience in the corporate, college, and, most recently, independent KEN MASON school settings. He has spent the last Director of Strategic 12 years as Director of Marketing Marketing and & Communications at Westminster Communications School. There he managed all communications work and developed and oversaw a comprehensive marketing program for the school. He is a frequent presenter at national, regional, and state marketing conferences and authored a chapter for the NAIS Handbook on Marketing Independent Schools. The Gunnery’s Head of School, Peter Becker, commented on Mason’s appointment within the context of boarding schools today, “Independent school communications offices have evolved over time from a focus on communicating with loyal alumni to playing a critical role with alumni, current and prospective families, and local and national media outlets. Families are more discerning than ever as they weigh the value proposition of boarding schools against local alternatives. As a small school in a hyper-competitive market, we have to be excellent at telling our story—at communicating what makes The Gunnery distinctive and why boarding is the best model of education available for high school students in 2016. Over the course of his career, Ken has become known as one of the best marketing and communications people in schools. He is a deliberate, strategic, long-term thinker who understands Mr. Gunn’s school and the market within which we compete. His leadership will ensure that we communicate effectively the great things that students and faculty do here each day.” Mason holds a B.F.A. from the University of Hartford in Graphic Design with an added concentration in marketing. He began his career as a senior training and communications officer for Connecticut Bank and Trust/Bank of New England before moving to the University of Hartford as Director of Alumni and Parent Programs, and The Hartford Insurance Group as a Marketing

Communications Analyst. For more than a decade, he was principal of Mason Design LLC, a graphic design and marketing communications firm with clients ranging from large corporations to start-ups, non-profits, and municipalities. Added Mason,“​It is especially exciting for me to be joining The Gunnery at a time of such energy and momentum. I look forward to working with the team that will continue to advance its mission and meet the ambitious goals of its strategic plan.” The Gunnery is pleased to announce that REBECCA LECLERC has been hired as the school’s Director of Outdoor Programs. “Becca is passionate about giving students the skills to discover for themselves how to engage with the outdoors in a life-transforming way,” said Head of School, Peter Becker. “She brings a wealth of experience REBECCA LECLERC and a demonstrated ability to work Director of Outdoor collaboratively with faculty and Programs staff across the school to expand the existing program and reintegrate Mr. Gunn’s philosophy into every part of school life.” Added Leclerc, “Outdoor programming offers a platform upon which students can challenge themselves in an unfamiliar, yet safe, setting, which translates into their broader educational growth. I am thrilled to join The Gunnery community and expand on the school’s historic and existing outdoor program.” Hiring a full-time Director of Outdoor Programs accomplishes one of the earliest goals of the strategic plan adopted by the Board of Trustees during the 2015–2016 school year. It is the school’s goal to integrate connections with the natural world, from everyday experiences on campus to, eventually, multi-day excursions that require wilderness survival skills, into the fabric of school life—curricular and co-curricular, residential life and leadership development, faculty professional development and student character development. Added Mr. Becker, “This will allow the school to leverage the inherent beauty of Washington and the Northwest corner of Connecticut while it develops a truly distinctive program.

Moreover, finding ways to get kids outside accomplishes multiple goals that seem increasingly difficult to achieve in the twenty-first century. Many people today rightly lament the impact that screens and social media, when used poorly, have on teenagers. Or they lament a lack of resilience and problem-solving ability or a decline in commitment to a common good. We believe that we must do more than wring our hands and provide rules about when, for example, students can and cannot be on their phones. Providing positive alternatives happens already in some ways through arts and athletics and we are uniquely situated to develop similarly strong outdoor programs. Mr. Gunn was on to something in the mid-nineteenth century from which we can learn today, but, to do so, requires leadership, time and attention. This is one reason for

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the Director of Outdoor Programs position and why Becca is the ideal person to develop the program.” Leclerc received her B.A. in Biological Sciences from Wellesley College. She just completed her seventh year as the Trips Coordinator for Camp Arcadia for Girls in Casco, Maine, where she has coordinated and led dozens of single and multi-night hiking and canoeing trips in Maine and New Hampshire as well as the Trip Department staff. Leclerc is certified as a Maine Trip Leader Instructor, in Wilderness First Aid, and as a Junior Maine Guide. She taught for four years at the New York Military Academy and, most recently, at KIPP Leadership Academy in New Orleans, Louisiana.

TRUSTEEnews JAMEY GALLOP P’15 ’18 served as a Gunnery Trustee for four years as a valuable member of numerous committees. His successful career in investment management made him a strong leader of the Investment Committee. During his tenure he helped to establish policies and processes that ensured the school’s financial sustainability. Jamey also provided a steady hand JAMEY GALLOP P’15 ’18 and valuable insight into matters of progress and growth while serving on other committees including Marketing and Communications, Student Life, Buildings and Grounds, and as a Member At-Large of the Executive Committee. Jamey and his family were always willing to lend their support in a variety of ways. During the October snow storm of 2011, Jamey and his wife Christie hosted six Gunnery students at their home for a week while the school was closed. We are very grateful to Jamey for his service, and to his family for their willingness to go the extra mile for The Gunnery!

ROBERT BELLINGER ’73 joined the Board of Trustees in April 2016. After graduating Cum Laude in 1973, Bob went to Amherst College where he earned a B.A. in Psychology and Black Studies with a concentration in Education. He then received an Ed.M from Harvard University Graduate School of Education with a concentration ROBERT BELLINGER ’73 in Teaching, Curriculum and Learning Environments. He then went on to earn a Ph.D in American History from Boston College. Bob is credited in numerous publications for contributions in African and African-American culture, music, and dance. He is currently writing a book called, The History and Culture of the Géwël Tradition, which is a collection of articles on the géwël tradition of Senegal, West Africa. Bob is an Associate Professor of history at Suffolk University and lives in Lexington, Mass. with his wife, Nailah.







s we begin our year of celebrating Frederick Gunn’s 200th birthday, we are excited to welcome new faculty members to campus. Whether teaching on a family sailboat, operating a non-profit to combat sports concussions, studying education in Australia, working at a campus community building at Cornell, or leading wilderness trips in Maine, the incoming faculty is a far-reaching bunch who promises to add lively and exciting depth to our campus and contribute to the mission. With a 24-hour commitment to facilitate the happiness, well-being, and growth of 297 teenagers, we hope the following brief synopses will show our readers how seriously we take our jobs.

TEACHING FACULTY LEADS PROGRAM Rebecca Leclerc, Director of Outdoor Programs – see page 20. Paige Decker, Teaching Fellow – graduated from Westminster School before matriculating at Yale University where she received a B.A. in American Studies and played for the Yale Women’s Division I Ice Hockey team. She then attended Tuck Business Bridge Program at Dartmouth. At The Gunnery, Decker will teach public speaking and pathways as well as coach JV Field Hockey, Girls Varsity Ice Hockey and Girls Varsity Lacrosse. In her free time, Decker likes to be active and outdoors and travel. She recently started a non-profit, “The Headway Foundation,” to combat sports concussions. ENGLISH Blaire Farrar, English faculty – received her B.A. from Brown University in American Civilization and her M.Ed. from DePaul University. Farrar comes to The Gunnery after spending two years homeschooling her two middle-school aged children while her husband and their family lived aboard a sailboat. They traveled from Maine down the east coast to Grenada and back. Prior to that Farrar taught writing and history at Taft for ten years. In her free time, she likes to hike and sail. Farrar lives in Washington with her husband Colin, son Owen, daughter Megan, and their pet rats Mazz, Rey and Etta. Timothy Poole, English faculty – received his B.A. in English and his M.Ed. at the University of Texas (Austin), where he rowed crew. Poole grew up in Chiang Mai, Thailand and was most recently a middle school English teacher in Texas. At The Gunnery, Poole will teach Expository Writing and Public Speaking and will coach crew. In his free time he likes to read, row and geek out about almost any topic.

SCIENCE Andrew Russo, Science faculty – graduated from St. Mark’s School before matriculating at Elon University with a B.S. in Chemistry. Russo comes to The Gunnery from Vermont Academy where he taught chemistry and forensics. He will teach chemistry and physics and coach JV Soccer, Varsity Basketball and Baseball. In his free time, Russo likes to play sports, especially golf. Brian Taggart, Science faculty – graduated from Skidmore College with a B.A. in Biology, an M.S. from Northeastern University in Marine Biology and received his Graduate Diploma in Education from James Cook University in Queensland, Australia. Taggart is coming to The Gunnery from Randolph-Macon Academy where he taught science. He will teach AP Biology, Freshman Science and coach JV Baseball. Taggart is a PADI certified scuba divemaster and in his free time likes to play with his son, read, take photos and cook. He lives on campus with his wife Adrienne, their son Archer and their two cats Hugo and Truffle. Charles Lovejoy, Science faculty – graduated from Choate Rosemary Hall before matriculating at Skidmore College where he earned a B.A. in Environmental Science. He is currently in the process of publishing his senior research regarding hormone-stimulated phytoremediation. In his free time, Lovejoy likes to hike and swim with his dog, Bo, and to read. HISTORY LaDarius Drew, History faculty – graduated from Wesleyan University with a B.S. in Political Science and Government, where he played football and track & field. At The Gunnery, Drew will coach football and basketball. In his free time, he likes to play video games, watch movies, and make music. VISUAL ARTS Lincoln Turner, Visual Arts faculty – received his B.S. from Ithaca College in photography and film production and his MFA in Photography from the San Francisco Art Institute. Turner is coming from Chase Collegiate School where he taught photography and filmmaking in addition to starting their rowing program. At The Gunnery he will teach black and white photography, digital photography, filmmaking and graphic design. He lives in Roxbury with his wife, Cindy, son, Graham, daughter, Lily, and their Anatolian Shepherd, Sarah, as well as two geckos, Nubs and Fast Lady.

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Front Row (L to R): Blaire Farrar, LaDarius Drew, Paige Decker, Jack Cantlay; Back Row (L to R): Brian Taggart, Charles Lovejoy, Rebecca Leclerc, Timothy Poole, Christopher Bernard, Dr. Jessica Matthews, Lincoln Turner, Andrew Russo, Catherine Moulton and Ken Mason

ADMINISTRATIVE ADMISSIONS Helen Waldron, Associate Director of Admissions – graduated from UConn with a B.A. in Psychology and a M.Ed. from the University of Hartford. She comes to The Gunnery from The Forman School where she most recently served as Associate Head of School and Director of the Center for Cognition & Learning. A native of Torrington, Conn., Waldron lives there with her husband, Marc, their two children, Levi ’18 and Theo, and their rescue dog, Gilly. Jack Cantlay, Assistant Director of Admissions – attended the Lawrenceville School before matriculating at Hampden-Sydney College where he received a B.A. in History. At The Gunnery, he will coach Varsity Football and JV Basketball. Cantlay likes to play basketball, listen to audiobooks, spend time with his friends and family, and doing anything else that gets him outdoors. DEAN OF STUDENTS Dr. Jessica Matthews, Dean of Students – earned her B.A. from Harvard University and an M.S. and Ph.D. in education from Cornell University. She comes to The Gunnery with expertise in developing programs that support student growth and cultivate a vibrant and inclusive campus community. Most recently, Matthews was at Cornell University where she served as Lecturer and Head Resident at the university’s program in Washington, D.C. In her free time she likes to work out, go hiking with her husband and their dogs, and bake delicious treats.

COLLEGE COUNSELING Christopher Bernard, Associate Director of College Counseling – received his B.A. in Political Science and a Master’s in Public Administration from Fairfield University. He most recently worked in Admissions at Fairfield University where he was the Assistant Director of Undergraduate Admission. In his free time, Bernard enjoys traveling, going to the movies and spending time with family and friends. MARKETING AND COMMUNICATIONS Ken Mason, Director of Strategic Marketing & Communications – holds a B.F.A. from the University of Hartford in Graphic Design with an added concentration in marketing. He brings to The Gunnery nearly 30 years of strategic communications experience and has spent the last 12 years as Director of Marketing & Communications at Westminster School. Mason is a frequent presenter at national, regional, and state marketing conferences and authored a chapter for the NAIS Handbook on Marketing Independent Schools. ATHLETICS Catherine Moulton, Head Athletic Trainer – graduated from Miss Hall’s School before matriculating at Colby Sawyer College with a B.S. in Athletic Training. Moulton is not new to the boarding school world and has lived on a boarding school campus since she was four-yearsold as a faculty child. She was most recently an athletic trainer at Post University, and, in addition to her athletic trainer duties at The Gunnery. Moulton will teach human anatomy & physiology. In her free time she likes to cook, travel, read and spend time with friends and family.





Graham House

On Saturday October 1, The Gunnery community gathered together for the dedication of Susan G. Graham House, the first major capital project, specifically for girls, since the school returned to its co-educational roots in 1978.

Jim Graham; Jonathan Linen ’62, Board of Trustees; Susan Graham H’12; Peter Becker; Gerrit Vreeland ’61, Chairman of the Board of Trustees; Steve Baird ’68

Susan Graham cuts the ribbon at the dedication of Graham House


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GUNNERYathletics The Gunnery Hosts 57th Founders Day Regatta


n Sunday, May 8th, The Gunnery hosted the 57th annual Founders Day Regatta at Lake Waramaug. Having endured rains that lasted seven days and even into the morning of the regatta, the spectators and rowers alike had their spirits buoyed when the sun broke through in the afternoon. The wet weather didn’t dampen the spirits of fans and schools who brought their colorful tents and enthusiastic attitudes to brighten the morning races. Organizing and running the regatta is always a team effort; coaches, rowers, emergency and parking personnel, and over 100 volunteers help to make the day a success each year. Although it Coach Gorman gets the Girls’ Varsity Crew team ready to race was brisk on the water and the boats battled substantial winds, the races were completed with elan and the winners were feted at an awards ceremony at day’s end. Twenty-one high school and boat club teams, with over 1,200 student athletes participated. Teams raced for a boys’ team overall points trophy (Salisbury School with 32 points) and a girls’ team overall points trophy (Connecticut Boat Club with 29 points).

Lauren Feldman ’17, Margot Gaggini ’17, Hildy Maxwell ’16, Claire Lavelle ’16, Calista Connors ’17, Grace Anne Herrick ’17, Helen Lu ’16, Tessa Mackey ’16, Moira Vieli ’18 and Casey Siemon ’16 from The Gunnery Girls’ Varsity Crew team.

The boys’ first boats also race for the George H. Lorenz Memorial Trophy (Salisbury with a time of 05:44.274) and the girls’ first boats race for the Kathryn L. Conroy Cup (Connecticut Boat Club 06:01.342). The Gunnery is proud to announce that for the first time in recent memory, all Gunnery Varsity Girls boats advanced to the finals and three out of four girls’ boats moved on to the grand finals with our 3V boat receiving a medal with a time of 08:09.039. The boys’ 1V boat also made it into the grand finals. Peter Becks Village Store owned by Gunnery alum Peter Feen ’99 and his wife Becky sponsored the event.



Lacrosse - Girls’ Varsity 6–6

Baseball - Boys’ Varsity 5–11

Softball - Girls’ Varsity 2–10

Golf - Coed Varsity


Tennis - Boys’ JV

Lacrosse - Boys’ JV


Tennis - Boys’ Varsity


Lacrosse - Boys’ Varsity 1 5–3

Tennis - Girls’ Varsity







Boys’ Lacrosse Captures Colonial Tournament and WNESSLA Titles

(10–0) capturing the Western New England Secondary School Lacrosse Association (WNESSLA) Division II title. The following members of the team were awarded with post-season accolades.


fter losing twelve seniors to graduation last season including All-American Logan Adams ’15, The Gunnery boys’ lacrosse team knew it would need to come together as a team quickly in order to have a successful season. The schedule, especially early in the season, had more games than practices so teaching opportunities were limited. Early in the season the team relied on a formidable defense that held opponents to an average of six goals per game, and raw athleticism to compile a 9–1 record in the month of April. The schedule became more difficult in May, and, early in the month, the squad faced traditional rivals, Berkshire at home

and Pomfret on the road. The games, both losses, were water-shed moments for the team. The Berkshire game, which was close until the final minutes, showed the team that they could play with any team in New England and the Pomfret game highlighted areas that needed to be improved on. After the loss to Pomfret, the team made adjustments, and the offense began to generate more chances for the team to capitalize on. The team finished the season 15–3 and was undefeated in their association,

Ted Childs Defensive Player of the Year Arden Cohen ’17 1st Team All-League Josh Gagne ’16 Tim Fisher ’16 Matt Danner ’17 Luke Smeltzer ’16 Jake MosherMcGraw ’16

All-League Honorable Mention Chad Varney ’16 Chris Horn ’16 Tom Bakeeff ’16 Vinnie Crea ’17 Sean Keleher ’17 Beven Dupre Assistant Coach of The Year Seth Low Mike Fuller Head Coach of The Year Mike Marich

Gunnery Spring Sports Excelled


his spring The Gunnery Golf team and Girls’ Varsity Tennis ended their seasons on a high note.

Jack Kennedy ’17 birdied his last 3 out of 4 holes to secure medalist honors with two other golfers at 73 at the KingswoodOxford Invitational for the Golf Team. Despite tallying the most birdies on the day, Kennedy finished third overall in a card off against 1st place Carrie-Ann Lee (Kent) and 2nd place Michael Kim (Exeter) who both

Front row (L to R) Michael Shea ’17, Jack Kennedy ’17; Back row (L to R): Cam Donaldson ’16, Coach Bart McMann, Jack Mullen ’16, Joey Rogalski ’18

had better aggregate tallies of pars and birdies. Led by Kennedy’s brilliant play, the Highlanders finished in 2nd place with a 394, only two shots behind winners Phillips Exeter Academy. Junior Michael Shea shot 79, while Cam Donaldson ’16 and Joey Rogalski ’18 both registered 80s. Finally, Jack Mullen ’16 played his best golf of the season with an 82. The team was overjoyed with their 2nd place finish at the KIT, which served as the final tournament for 23 of the top New England Prep Schools. The Girls’ Varsity Tennis team sent two singles players and two doubles teams to compete in the 2016 Suffield Academy Invitational Tournament. Competing with The Gunnery this year were teams from Suffield, Wilbraham & Monson, Williston, Ethel Walker, Marianapolis Prep, and Pomfret. Each of The Gunnery players went undefeated in the opening rounds, putting them all in the championship of their respective draws.

Daisy Bolger ’17, Morgan Small ’16, Louise van Tartwijk ’19, Erica Payne ’16, Grace van Tartwijk ’17, Olivia Ogden ’16

Grace van Tartwijk ’17 took 2nd place in the first singles draw and Daisy Bolger ’17 took 2nd place in the second singles draw. Olivia Ogden ’16 and Morgan Small ’16 took 2nd place in the second doubles draw. In the first doubles draw opening rounds, Erica Payne ’16 and Louise van Tartwijk ’19 defeated opponents from Pomfret, Wilbraham & Monson, and Marianapolis Prep. They then beat Williston to win the first doubles championship. The final result was the closest it has been in a long time at the Suffield Tournament. With the amazing play of The Gunnery girls, it was a wonderful end to a great season!


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his spring the Boys’ Varsity Lacrosse team finished the season strong with a 15–3 record and was undefeated (10–0) capturing the Western New England Secondary School Lacrosse Association (WNESSLA) Division II title. Many of the students received post-season accolades and we are pleased to announce two of our coaches also received awards. Head Coach Mike Marich was presented with the Mike Fuller Head Coach of the Year award and Assistant Coach Seth Low was presented the Beven Dupre Assistant Coach of the Year award. Coaches at other schools in the WNESSLA Division II voted on these awards. “I am very honored and humbled to receive the Mike Fuller Head Coach Award award,” said Marich. “It was a privilege to coach beside Seth Low and Ian Boldt every day. We had an incredible group of student athletes; they were a team in every sense of the word and represented our school with honor and class all season long.” Marich joined the Highlander coaching staff in 2013. A Long Island, New York native, he is a 1995 graduate of Hofstra


ike Marich was appointed the Director of Athletics in July. Marich most recently served as The Gunnery’s Director of Marketing and Communications and Head Boys Lacrosse Coach.

Marich holds a BBA from Hofstra University. He began his career as an Assistant Dean of Admissions at Hofstra University, before moving to Morgan Stanley as Vice President of Firmwide Recruiting, and then to Citigroup where he was the Director of Technology and Marketing for their Global Graduate Recruiting Group. “I am thrilled that Mike will lead The Gunnery’s athletic department at an important time in the history of our school,” Head of School Peter Becker said. “We are a school that has

University, where he played four years at defense for John Danowski. He has remained actively involved in the sport since graduation, coaching boys at all levels both in Westchester, NY and locally here in Connecticut. Low has worked with The Gunnery lacrosse program since 2005, including four years as the head coach. Prior to coming to The Gunnery, he coached at Winchester High School (MA). Mr. Low grew up in New Jersey where he played attack for Blair Academy and then for four years at Williams College. After college, he played with several club teams in Massachusetts and Connecticut and competed numerous times in the Vail Shootout at the Elite and Masters level. valued athletics since our founding. Mr. Gunn went against the prevailing thinking of his time to advocate for the importance of an active, physical life as part of what it meant to be a whole human being. I have great respect for Mike’s understanding the role that athletics plays in our institution and community and the valuable training ground it is for the development of character, teamwork, and competitive spirit. His ability to work across multiple constituencies in a collaborative, thoughtful, and proactive manner will be an important asset in this position. I am confident that under Mike’s leadership, working closely with our tremendous faculty, coaches, and staff, that The Gunnery will continue to build an athletic program that represents and serves our students, current and future, well.”





GUNNERYarts Gabby Lescadre ’18, Wins Halo Award for Best Standout Performance in an Ensemble Play


n May 31st, the 13th Annual Seven Angels Theater Halo Awards were presented at the Palace Theater in Waterbury. More than 5,000 theatrical students and their mentors from 64 regional schools, both public and independent, came dressed-to-the-nines to walk the red carpet and cheer for themselves and their schoolmates and perform numbers and scenes from the more 88 productions represented in the nominations that were awarded over two nights. Forty awards and several recognitions for each evening elicited deafening screams of delight and prolonged applause from the glittering crowd during the 3½-hour event. The Gunnery contingent consisted of faculty, parents, 22 performers, and student supporters including four seniors who had graduated the day before: Sam Joslin, Lena Mak, Sean Dowd and Zoë Cameron. The Gunnery community was delighted when an award was presented to one of our own, Gabrielle Lescadre ’18 for the Best Standout Performance in an Ensemble Play. Gabby’s parents were present to join in on the celebration. Director of Dramatic Arts Elizabeth Hawley Dayton ’08 said of her group, “I want to say how incredibly proud I am of the students who participated in the fall play and winter musical this year, and I want to thank all the people who have supported us in our efforts.” The Dramatic Society was chosen to present at the ceremony and performed the Finale from Shrek: The Musical. Tim

The cast of Shrek

Cervera ’17 provided the musical accompaniment for the performance. In addition to Lescadre’s award for a standout performance, The Gunnery thespians received five nominations from the Halo Awards committee for their two productions: the fall play And Then There Were None and the spring musical Shrek: The Musical.

• Best Performance by an Ensemble Cast: And Then There Were None • Best Comic Male Performance in a Musical: Timothy Cervera ’17 as Thelonius in Shrek the Musical

• Best Sound Design: Zoë Cameron ’16 for And Then There Were None

• Best Incidental or Original Music in a Play: Zoë Cameron for And Then There Were None

• Best Performance by a Leading Actress in a Contemporary Musical: Gabby Lescadre as Princess Fiona in Shrek. A special award, the Gypsy award is given to a member of the chorus (usually) “who is known in part for his/her dedication, professionalism, and seasoned performing career.” Samuel Joslin ’16 was The Gunnery’s representative to this elite group who follow a robe made from squares sewn by someone from each production.


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Student Receives National Award in AAPT Photo Competition Kenyon Kay ’18 received 2nd place overall in the Natural Gallery for the 2016 American Association of Physics Teachers (AAPT) High School Physics Photo Contest with his photo “Bullseye Polaris,” shown on the cover of this issue of The Bulletin. Jingqiong “Miranda” Yang ’17 was selected as one of the 100 photos for the final gallery for her photo, “Reflections on Religion.” There are over 1,000 photos submitted nationally each year to the AAPT photo contest and only 100 are selected. Students must submit an essay to go along with the photo that explains the physics behind the image. “Both of these students were assigned to take pictures in the Advanced Digital Photography class where they produced excellent work that Mr. Richards displayed in the lobby of the dining hall,” said Steve Bailey, Science Department Chair. “They had established themselves already as excellent science students and were a joy to engage in conversation about the physics of their pictures. They were instantly enthusiastic about the relationship between art and physics which ultimately resulted in their prize-worthy submissions. It was a testament to the dedication and timeconsuming efforts needed to get just the right picture coupled with the appropriate scientific essay. Well done to them both!” In order to create the photo “Bullseye Polaris,” Kay camped

out and took ninety-four long exposures for two hours and, then, layered the images over one another. This allows one to see the the paths the stars take. “The first time I did this photo process I was instantly hooked,” said Kay. “Surprisingly, it was not that complicated but it took a lot of time to complete. Before I came to The Gunnery I had an interest in photography but after taking photography courses my freshman and sophomore year my interest grew.” Kay is working to expand his portfolio on a website that he created and designed himself, at www.kenyonkay.com. Over the past ten years Kevin Shaughnessy ’09 (honorable mention), Boya Zhao ’13, and Zikun “Rammy” Xu ’16, were selected for the final 100 photo gallery that is displayed and judged at the AAPT National Meeting. Since 2008 The Gunnery has had 2–4 submissions per year to the contest.

Students Honored at Arts and Letters Luncheon April is National Poetry Month in the United States and at The Gunnery it is always a beehive of activity celebrating creativity and the arts at the school. On April 19th, students and faculty gathered to honor writers and visual and performing artists at the annual Arts and Letters Luncheon. As the community entered the dining hall, an exhibit of paintings, sculptures, ceramics, photographs, translations, and poetry by our student artists greeted them. Performing Arts Chair, Dr. Jennifer Wojcik, opened the festivities with the announcement of elections to the national Tri-M (Modern Music Masters) Music Society. The society has strict requirements including the maintenance of honor roll grades in non-music courses and high honor roll grades in music courses, as well as community service requirements. Wojcik inducted 16 new members: Julian Aviles ’19, Daisy Bolger ’17, William Brodhead ’19, Min Hyeong Cho ’17, Ethan Cox ’18, Sean Douglas

’19, Claire Geagan ’16, Stephanie Jung ’18, Taisiia Latypova ’18, Ivy Le ’16, Katie Nemergut ’19, Jenna Sittler ’18, Clint Son ’18, Timothy Tscheppe ’19, Sylvia Wang ’18, and Tony Zhang ’19. Jesse Perkins, Performing Arts faculty for music, presented the “annual coffee mug” to Sam Joslin ’16 for contributing most conspicuously to the success of the coffee houses each term. English faculty and publications advisor, Dr. Nick Benson, presented awards to seven seniors for their contributions to creative writing during their time at The Gunnery: Aidan Bond, Skylar Cluett, Chloe Coppola, Reilly Haskins, Miranda Levin, Tessa Mackey and Ataman Ugur. Visual Arts Chair, Andy Richards, announced the appointment of Kathleen Carey ’16, Skylar Cluett ’16, Reilly Haskins ’16, Miranda Levin ’16, Arthur Li ’16, Cheryl Liang ’17, Lena Mak ’16, Nikos Schwarz ’16 and Patrick Sullivan ’16 to the National Art Honor Society.





ONcampus Gunn Scholars Named for 2016–2017


n May, the Gunn Scholar Committee announced the selection of Dana Ross ’17 and Claire Lee ’17 as the Gunn Scholars for 2016–2017, enabling these students to pursue year-long projects of original historical research based on the contents of the school’s archives.

believe the research will be the most exciting part.” Ross will be able to interview Krimsky and gain access to his papers as he lives in Washington.

Dana Ross, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Andrey Ross of Moscow, Russian Federation, will study The Gunnery’s relationship to the Cold War, taking as her point of reference George Krimsky ’60 who reported from Moscow for the Associated Press in the 1970s and who spoke to the Gunnery students about his experiences. About her appointment, Ross said, “It would be very interesting for me to potentially do some research at my home back in Moscow, consequently getting two perspectives of the events, both from the American and Russian sides. Overall, both topics require much research since I am not particularly familiar with either, and I

Claire Lee, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Tom Lee of South Kent, Conn., will study the changing role of religion at The Gunnery. She chose to apply to the program saying, “When I was looking at schools in the fall of my 8th grade year, I was really intrigued when I heard about the Gunn Scholar

Dana Ross

International Student Summer Camp


ian (Johnson) Wu, who came from China for two years in 2010 to help The Gunnery initiate its Mandarin curriculum, brought 16 Chinese middle school students from Anqing to the campus this summer to introduce them to an American boarding school experience in addition to the many tourist spots and

cultural activities on their schedule. Most of the students were fairly fluent in English and enthusiastic to test their cultural and language skills. Local members of the Red and Gray student tour guides took the students on a lively campus tour and other local community members including the Bensons, the

Duttons, and the Krimskys invited them to enjoy dinners at home with an American family. The Gunnery faculty also stepped up to the plate: Monte Blaustein gave the students a taste of high school chemistry; James Balben introduced American history; Dr. Nick Benson led the students on a nature writing adventure in Steep Rock preserve; and Science Chair Steve Bailey introduced the wonders of physics as only a fun-loving, partially mad scientist can do. The students were mentored by Wu in preparation for their trip and came ready to share their culture with their American hosts. At the Congregational Church’s Green Fair, they gave a traditional dance exhibition and provided a table of souvenirs from their region. They clearly enjoyed Jian Wu (left) and Jon Croft, son of Alisa Croft, (center) with visiting students

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program and thought it was a very unique part of the school, … a program that can really not be found at any other high school in the area.” Lee said that she had been fascinated by the history of Litchfield County since she was a child: “One of the aspects of The Gunnery’s history that I have always been curious about is the original decision of Mr. Gunn not to affiliate with any religion and not to require religious classes or chapel for graduation.” Lee plans to trace the impact of religious belief and practice on the various administrations of the school through the years up to the present day. The Gunn Scholar program is an independent study mentored by the school’s archivist and a member of the history department. It is in its 14th year and is endowed by the Class of 1957. Researching topics in The Gunnery’s archives and at other pertinent venues

in the surrounding region, the students spend a term researching, a term writing and illustrating a book-length paper for publication, and a term preparing a presentation for the school community and the public. The Gunnery’s close association with the Gunn Historical Museum has provided an excellent venue for sharing the research with the citizens of Litchfield County. Claire Lee

Dr. Nick Benson with visiting middle school students

Coach Tanya Nongera put field hockey athletes through their paces at The Gunnery’s August camp.

exploring a typical country fair with its tag sale, book sale, plant sale, and auction, horse wagon rides and BBQ lunch. At the home dinners, the students, who attend Wu’s English classes in Anqing on their weekends to better prepare themselves

for the entrance exams to high schools, told of their arduous path to obtain the best education possible to assure their future and shared stories of family trips and celebrations as well as Chinese customs.

Coach Lincoln Turner and Coach Melissa Schomers led rowers at The Gunnery’s summer crew camp





The Gunnery Hosts a Unified Walk for the Special Olympics


n a Sunday afternoon in April, faculty, students and volunteers gathered at The Gunnery for a Unified walk around our campus with Special Olympics guests and their partners. The campus was organized with activity stations to promote nutrition, fitness, and health. For Visual Arts Chair, Andy Richards, and science teacher, Morgen Fisher, the three-hour event was the culmination of months of planning and coordination with the Special Olympics and various school groups. Inspired by Loretta Claiborne’s Speaker Series talk in 2013, Unified Walks, a non-competitive athletic opportunity, are a relatively new Gunnery activity aimed at providing a day of exercise and social interaction for members and their support partners. Five groups came for the walk: Special Olympics Hamden, Manchester Supported Living, Special Olympics–Oxford, the Special Olympics of Naugatuck and the Special Olympics of Windsor Locks. There were about 75 guests. While guests waited to register on the Solley Dining Hall terrace and for the festivities to begin, there were plenty of things to do. There was a nutrition booth with facts and posters showing the USDA balanced plate; there was a participation poster to sign; and a spring art show featuring the work of the Visual Arts Department, the Creative Writing Class and the Translation Club. Don Conklin from Special Olympics welcomed the participants and introduced the hosts. Head of School Peter Becker also welcomed the

participants and told them of his family’s eight-year association with the Special Olympics in both New Jersey and Connecticut. Krista Lucos ’04 gave a special presentation on healthy eating. Director of Communications for the Connecticut Special Olympics, Nora Mason attended. Heather Harmer, Sr. Manager for Healthy Athletes in the North American Region based in Washington, D.C. was there to observe the day’s activities with plans to replicate the program elsewhere.

The groups of participants then spread out to the various Activity Stations manned by 40 faculty and student volunteers. One requirement of the Special Olympics is a station where the participants’ weight and resting heart beat are recorded. Steve Bailey’s Green Club was based at Conroy House with bubbles, a trampoline, a bean bag toss and Frisbees. In Memorial Gym, the varsity boys’ and girls’ crew teams helped the participants master the intricacies of the erg machines. Down on the baseball field, members of the softball team and the baseball team were fielders for the guests’ softball toss. Coach Tanya Nongera hosted a field hockey experience at her station and the tennis athletes kept the courts lively. The activities were engaging for all ages and abilities. After moving through all the Activity Stations, the groups returned to the Solley Hall terrace where the athletes were recognized for their participation.

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Gunnery Student Participates in Discovery to Cure Program at Yale University


or six weeks in the summer, Eva Jones ’17, of New Preston, Conn., worked and studied as an intern in Yale University’s prestigious Discovery to Cure Internship Program. According to the Yale University website, “The Discovery to Cure Internship Program was established in 2003 by Dr. Gil Mor, Professor of Obstetrics, Gynecology & Reproductive Sciences, with the goal of exposing students from local schools to Yale’s biomedical laboratories to open their minds to pursue career opportunities in science and medicine. The initial program enrolled four students from two local high schools with the participation of two laboratories at the Department of Obstetrics Gynecology and Reproductive Sciences. Since then, the program has grown to include over 41 schools from throughout the country as well as internationally. The program is highly competitive (less than 12% acceptance) and since its inception a total of over 300 high school students, undergraduates and high school teachers have successfully completed the Program. Approximately 20% of the students have published their findings in peer-reviewed scientific journals.” Jones’s mother, Rosemary, discovered the program by chance during an alumni interview for the University of Chicago. Jones had been looking into summer programs to pursue her interest in medical research after taking AP Biology her sophomore year at The Gunnery. This program seemed like the perfect fit. In the process of applying for the program, Jones, and Steve Bailey, Science Department Chair at The Gunnery,

summer in a lab, squinting through a microscope or pipetting liquids; however, that was not the case. Instead, I was welcomed into the lab of Dr. Kimberly Yonkers, an attending physician of psychiatry at Yale New Haven Hospital who had dedicated a large portion of her life to psychiatric ailments, particularly substance misuse. Over the course of the summer, I was put on three of her studies and saw a different side of research.”

Eva Jones ’17

“ Seeing the impact we had on this woman affirmed my belief that I want to pursue a career in medicine.” visited Yale Medical School to attend a workshop on the Discovery to Cure program. About a half dozen scientists and doctors presented their specific areas of research and the opportunities for the high school interns during the summer. The trip solidified Jones’s interest in the program. When asked about her experience Jones said, “I was expecting to spend the

Jones was given the opportunity to reach out to people struggling with substance misuse and to see firsthand the power a physician can have to truly change a person’s life. One day in particular made a profound impact on Jones. “At the end of the day we saw one last patient who was an older woman whom her family believed was losing her mind to dementia,” Jones said. “By picking up on a few small details, we were able to diagnose her with early stage catatonia (a very severe manifestation of depression) and within minutes of prescribing the correct medicine she went from completely sedentary and barely able to hold up her arms to walking down the hallway. Seeing the impact we had on this woman affirmed my belief that I want to pursue a career in medicine.” Jones also noted, “This program has given me so much but none of it would be possible without Mr. Bailey, Mrs. Fisher and Dr. Carew-Miller’s guidance and support. I hope in the future other Gunnery students will have the opportunity to have an amazing experience like I did.” Jones plans to study medicine in college with a focus on neuroscience.





OFFcampus Parents of Alumni gathered this past spring on the Terrace of the Bourne Reading Room for an evening of reconnecting to The Gunnery. We plan to make this an annual gathering and look forward to seeing you next May. If you would like more information, please contact Christine Steiner at (860) 350-0189. Kris Collum ‘69 P’03 ‘06, Emily Anderson P‘13

Mark and Betsy Johnson P‘09 ‘19, Jack and Nancy Kelly P’08

Former Head of School, Michael Eanes H’90, Peter Clarke ’70

Simone Greenspan ’07, Hilary Benjamin ’08

This spring, Chris Hill ‘82 hosted a reception at WeWork Bryant Park in New York City to gather alumni and parents.

Patrick Brennan ’08, Kiersten Marich, Director of Major Gifts, Leigh Buckens ’02

Peter Houldin ’92, Chris Hill ’82, Carolyn Conto Ross Director of the Center for Academic Support, John Ross

Rory Capra, Lisa Matthews ’80, Poppy Baldwin ’80, John Robards ’80

weekend | 35


ALUMNIweekend 2016

Parade to the Meetinghouse


50th Reunion back in full force! Front row (L to R): Greg Slater, Bill Post, John Gimbel, Larry Posner, Ben Lyster, Leonard Abess 2nd row (L to R): Paul Cummings, Roberto Chaskel, Nick Clough, John Quayle, Chuck Fulkerson 3rd row (L to R): Rick Lazar, Rolf Drivdahl, Russ Jones, Ralph Singh Rakieten, Bob Shillady, Richard Merrill, Paul Nankivell, Chris Gotfredson

he Gunnery reunion participants didn’t let a little rain get in the way of their celebrations this year. The traditional red shirts of the 50th reunion class of 1966, the red and white class signs lifted proudly in the Alumni Parade, and the various glasses hoisted to lives well lived were accompanied by shouts of recognition and handshakes turning into hugs as The Gunnery’s Alumni Weekend got underway on June 10th–12th. The 220 graduates and their guests, Wykeham Rise alumnae, trustees, former and current faculty members, and friends of the school gathered to reconnect with each other, to reinforce their memories of the school and to enjoy the programs, sports and festivities provided. Friday afternoon saw the Washington Club prevail over the Gunnery Alumni in the annual Bourne Cup at the Washington Golf Club. The Friday night dinners took place on Bourne Terrace for the younger classes, for the 50th reunion class at Conroy House, a Hopkins bash for those before 1966 and the class of 1976, and the traditional G.W. gathering for the Wykeham women. The two Gunn Scholar presentations, Saturday morning and afternoon were impressive and generated numerous questions from





Parade to the Meetinghouse

David Hoadley ’51, Terry Allen ’81

Wykeham Rise attendees

Kathleen Killoy ’96, Jess Fletcher ’96, Allison Taylor ’96, Krystalynn Schlegel ’96

Lawrence Posner ‘66, Paul Ferla ‘66, Paul Nankivell ‘66

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Josh Vidro ’06, Altan Sadik-Khan ’06, Ahasan Budhrani ’06, Tom Boileau ’06, Megan Garguilo ’06, Liz McKenna ’06, Emma Kelly ’06, James Estreich ’06, Dillard Butler ’06, Brad Mahler ’06, Cameron Ahouse ’06

the floor. Evan Johnson’s extensive research into The Gunnery’s experiences with feminism from its earliest days through the early era of coeducation in the late ’70s and early ’80s presented a thoughtful, academic approach to a much-discussed current topic. Colin Riley’s investigation of the Cherokee Native American Boudinot family which was closely integrated into The Gunnery’s first years and the boys’ subsequent participation in the Civil War was a new story for most of the audience. Interested people can find the publications of their research on the Gunnery website. Many alumni took advantage of the improving weather Saturday afternoon to participate in the gala christening of two new shells at the Beebe Boathouse. Donated anonymously in honor of an alumnus, the boats were named for English faculty Pamela A. Taylor and Major Stephen Reich. Ed Small, who knew both honorees extremely well, gave an emotional tribute. While acknowledging Reich’s honors as a military hero and a star baseball player, Small chose to emphasize his childhood characteristics as a caring and kind sibling and an active community participant. Reich’s parents, former physics chair, Ed Reich and his wife Susan, broke the champagne bottle. Small continued with the theme of championing and caring when speaking of Pam Taylor, his treasured colleague. He brought tears to the eyes of alumni from the ’80s and ’90s who were her cherished students with tales of the extra miles Pam would go to prepare them in English. The Saturday night gala featured a disk jockey who played music from the ’70s and ’80s during dinner and populated the dance floor in record numbers with his music choices for the evening. The recent addition of a photo booth to reunions allowed funloving folks a chance to show off various hats, glasses and feather boas with their grins. Former faculty, Wally Rowe, Henry Mixsell, and Hugh Caldara were in attendance to reminisce. The Wykeham Rise graduates were, as usual, lively additions to The Gunnery mix.

This year, they had a special cocktail in the Reading Room where they presented Mr. Becker with a check for monies raised from their sale of their own art in an online auction. They also had a silent auction with four pieces including a Wykeham chair which Lynn Flanders took home. The threat of rain Saturday morning and afternoon brought lots of helpers to the Gunn Detective effort. Archive volunteers had combed the archives for photos which needed identification. With members of so many classes sharing information, some excellent stories were bound to emerge! Sarah Hauser surprised three members of the class of 1966 emerging from the basement archive. They shamefacedly confessed that, in the age of primitive technology, as seniors, they had bugged the former Bache Trustee Room which was being used by the faculty and Oggie Miller to discuss diplomas. Unfortunately, having run the wire under the rug and taped up the mike with one of the first twist-ties, they got only 30 minutes of cassette tape at a time so they were forced to race over on their bicycles to change the tapes every half hour. For some reason, probably discovery, they had had to abandon their equipment and were just checking to see if their recorder and wires had survived the last 50 years—they hadn’t. At the Annual Alumni Association Meeting, Head of School Peter Becker remarked that this year we celebrated the reunion of the first graduating class of coeducation with the class of 1981 (co-education returned in 1977). President of the Alumni Association Laura Eanes Martin ’90 and Omar Slowe ’97, President of the Gunnery Council, talked about the changes to the Alumni Association, re-energizing it and calling for volunteers to help make this new chapter a success. Martin and Sean Brown, Director of Alumni & Development, presented the Hall of Fame alumni awards which can be found on page 40.





David Case, John Merrill, Geoff Brown, Dean Matthews, and Dick Tager

Maribeth Blogoslawski, Walter Blogoslawski ’61

Tom Meek, Terry Allen, Brian Huff, David Kaplan P’13 ‘15, Trustee; Ellen Joy Liburt, Phil Dutton, Dana Beauvais, Alison Robbenhaar, Pamela Shad

Peter Riskind, Ellie Fields, Bill Affinito, Davina Perl Beacham, Michelle Riche, Patrick Dorton, Trustee, Benjamin Baldwin

Alan Frese, David Hoadley, Trustee Emeritus; and Bruce Bradshaw of the Class of 1951

Al Steiger, Ned Manuel, Pat O’Neil, Eoin Slavin (’75) and Duffy Brush

Evan Johnson ’16 giving his Gunn Scholar presentation

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Ed Small, Senior Master and Katy Varga, English teacher and crew coach christening the Pam “Tay” Taylor crew shell.

Todd Rubsamen ‘87 and Patrick Dorton, Trustee ‘86

Peter Riskind ’86, Davina Perl Beacham, Michele Riche ’86, Benjamin Baldwin ’86, Ellie Dix Fields ’86

Rick Delbuono ‘11, Karoline Theobald, English teacher

Belmont Stakes viewing party in the Emerson Performing Arts Center





The 2016 Inductees into The Gunnery’s Halls of Fame

Omar Slowe ’97, Trustee & President, Gunnery Council addresses alumni


ollowing Alumni & Development Director, Sean Brown’s remarks, Alumni Association President, Laura Eanes Martin ’90 P’20 helped to award the following;

The Arts and Letters Hall of Fame James Perse ’91 for his contributions as a fashion designer including his design of “the perfect baseball hat.” James’s company has grown from a one-man operation to a mainstream producer of a line of clothes that offer elegance and sophistication with simplicity and comfort. Peter Cree ’71 for contributions to the visual arts including teaching antique restoration and conservation of fine art. His collaboration with C.F. Martin Guitars for “The Art of the Acoustic Finish” was auctioned at Christie’s of New York in 2010.

Ben Lyster ’66 receives the Athletic Hall of Fame award

The Athletic Hall of Fame Ben Lyster ’66 honored for his champion tennis abilities. From his days at the Fairfield Beach Club in Fairfield, Conn. to his ranking of 5th in New England by the USLTA for 18 and under doubles during his time at The Gunnery. Most recently at the age of 60, Ben won the consolation finals in a regionally sanctioned platform tennis tournament, which included nationally ranked players.

Peter Cree ’71 receives the Arts and Letters Hall of Fame award

Alumnus of the Year Award Dick Tager ’56 for his devoted service to The Gunnery. Dick is the consummate Gunnery cheerleader and has worked tirelessly on behalf of the school, setting an outstanding example of a Gunnery alumnus. He has been on The Gunnery Board of Trustees since 2011 and has served as a member of numerous committees including Finance, Deferred Maintenance, School Life, and Buildings and Grounds. As Chair of Buildings and Grounds since 2014, major projects that were completed include South Street Fields, Barnes Turf Fields, and Susan G. Graham House girls dormitory.

Dick Tager ’58 receives the Alumnus of the Year award

w e N s ’ t W ha l Store

campus | bulletin | 41 41


oo h c S e h t at

S hop On line! The Gun

nery on line sch store is ool now op en.

www.gu nnery.o rg/store Women’s Jacket

Cutting Board

Sunglasses Gunnery

Winter Hat







ANNUAL FUND $1,332,610

ENDOWMENT INCOME $1,382,269 OTHER $567,550

INCOME $18,273,334 TUITION & FEES $14,990,905

Two accomplishments from this summer and fall epitomize why we here at school are so excited about and grateful for the generosity and enthusiasm of our alumni and parents. Record breaking giving to The Gunnery Fund, including to the Parents Fund, signals the excitement surrounding the school right now and it gives the school the cash resources over and above tuition that it has relied on historically to make possible our daily work with students. The Fund surpassed its participation and total giving goals through gifts of every size, from $25 to $10,000 and more. Every gift really does count. Opening Graham House, our new girls dorm, on time and on budget, demonstrates the transformative impact of major giving--including that projects of this scale result from the enthusiastic $5,000 gift as much as they do from million dollar gifts. That we’ve been able to finish Graham House and the new fields at South Street, refurbish and move the Center for Academic Support, improve every faculty apartment connected to a dorm, and build the school’s first synthetic turf field, all in just four years also demonstrates what the generosity of a relatively small group of faithful, generous donors can accomplish. I hope sincerely that it also attracts more alumni and parents to ask, “What can I help make possible at The Gunnery?”

The significance of Graham House extends beyond it being a beautiful place for three faculty families and twenty-two boarding girls to live, although we shouldn’t overlook that! The process of siting and designing the building was, I hope, a foreshadowing of exciting work to come. Rather than locating it next to Teddy House, as originally conceived, we moved it parallel to Bourne, both to create a new quad for ninth and tenth graders to enjoy, but also to bring the hidden gem of the Bourne Gardens into the lived, daily experience of students. Moreover, this location moved residential life away from vehicle traffic and looks ahead to the day when neither Butler (being demolished as I type) nor Emerson dorms remain and what we might be able to accomplish with the resulting hillside. More to come on long term campus planning in the relatively near future.


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Our aspirations for The Gunnery will require growth in revenue from every source--tuition, endowment, giving, and alternative sources such as new summer programs--as well as prudent management of expenses. We are better positioned than ever before to achieve both, thanks to those who have come before us, the leadership team members who have joined the school in the last few years, and, ultimately, our faculty--the ones who provide the student experience for which Mr. Gunn started his school in the first place.

Peter Becker Head of School

OTHER $1,508,172 INSTRUCTIONAL $670,657


EXPENSES $18,273,334 SUPPORT $4,863,586





bulletin bulletin




his year we celebrate what would have been the 200th birthday of our founder, Frederick Gunn. During the course of the year, we expect to find meaningful and interesting ways to celebrate this milestone, each with a particular reminder of why Mr. Gunn’s vision is still relevant to The Gunnery of 2016.

In honor of Mr. Gunn there are two important things to note:

Opening up the All School Walk to the alumni for the first time was an interesting departure, mostly because it prevented school administrators from being able to make the date a surprise. But using October 4, Mr. Gunn’s actual date of birth, was an obvious choice; Mr. Gunn himself would have been thrilled to celebrate his big day with the eight-mile hike in Steep Rock followed by a cookout on the Quad!

2. I n honor of the year of Mr. Gunn’s birth, we have set a goal of 1,816 donors. In any year, the success of the Fund relies on a large number of people pledging support to the school. This year, in particular, to reach our goals we will rely heavily on new donors to the Fund. If you’ve ever wondered how you can help The Gunnery, the number one way to do so is by making a gift—any size gift—to The Gunnery Fund.

It’s no coincidence that this fall also marked the completion of the Susan G. Graham House, the first major capital project, specifically for girls, since the school returned to its co-ed roots in 1978. Since Mr. Gunn was well ahead of his time—having a co-educational boarding school in 1850—it was wonderful to be able to recognize Susan Graham H’12, the school’s first female Head of School, and dedicate this new freshmen girls’ dormitory, while celebrating his 200th birthday. Faculty and students moved into the dorm in late August and early September, and on October 1 we held the formal ribbon cutting, marking its official dedication. We were grateful to share that important day with members of the Graham family and a number of the people who made it possible. The Gunnery Fund finished 2016 with a record setting $1,332,610 from 1,144 alumni, parents, and friends of the school. We have ambitious goals for FY17 when we hope to grow the fund by 9%.

1. The Founders Society, alumni donors making leadership-level gifts to the Gunnery Fund, will increase to $1,850 in recognition of the year of our founding—­­­i­n 2016 there were 225 donors who accounted for nearly 90% of total giving.

We continue to refocus the Alumni Association’s efforts to

provide new and different engagement opportunities for our alumni. A small group of dedicated leaders have been meeting periodically to establish subcommittees that will set goals and define missions for various areas of interest. Regional Clubs are forming in cities where we have large groups of alumni and they will host formal and informal events with their fellow Highlanders; Mentorship and networking groups will be created to enable like-minded alumni to connect for professional opportunities; a formal awards committee has been created to review and elect new members of our Arts and Letters and Athletic Halls of Fame; an Admissions committee will provide satellite interview opportunities for interested Gunnery applicants. And, most importantly, Omar Slowe ’97, a member of the Alumni Association leadership team, serves on the Board of Trustees as a representative of the broader alumni population.


the gunnery | 45

CAPITAL GIFTS $2,742,262

ALL GIFTS $5,466,293 ANNUAL FUND $1,332,610

As the Director of Alumni and Development, now in my third year, I extend my deepest gratitude to the alumni, parents, and friends who give so generously of their time, talents, and treasure. You are truly the lifeblood of this institution, and as we think strategically about how we got to where we are today— as well as where we’re going over the next decade— it is your commitment to the school that makes it all possible. We hope to see many of you on campus, PARENTS when we visit your cities, or at any one of our events $326,904 around the world.

ENDOWMENT GIFTS $1,077,999 OTHER $150,114

TRUSTEES $305,964


Sean Brown Director of Alumni & Development

ALUMNI $1,077,999







vidence of the Alumni Association dates at least as far back as October 4, 1904 from a bronze plaque that is now mounted at the entrance to Bourne Hall, acknowledging Mr. and Mrs. Gunn’s founding of The Gunnery in 1850. It is my honor to lead this group, particularly in this milestone year as we celebrate what would have been Frederick Gunn’s 200th birthday. While we honor Mr. Gunn every day through our commitment to his founding principles and the four cornerstones of character: scholarship, integrity, respect and responsibility, this year will be especially important as we find meaningful ways to honor his vision and acknowledge the many ways it remains relevant in The Gunnery of today and tomorrow.

The Gunnery Fund History $1,400,000 $1,200,000 $1,000,000

$1,319,701 $1,032,646




$800,000 $600,000 $400,000 $200,000 $0






This is also a special year for me, personally, as our daughter is in her freshman year. My family has been part of this community for more than 40 years and now, the next generation of the Eanes-Martin family has begun its official relationship with the school. Like me, and all of you, she will forge her own path through classrooms, on athletic fields, and on stages; when she emerges on the other side she will join thousands of fellow Highlanders as a member of the Alumni Association. The link between 1904 and 2017 are the generations of alumni who’ve chosen to keep The Gunnery as an important part of their lives.

Laura Eanes Martin ’90 P’20

he Gunnery has a long history

The Legacy Scholarship covers the

of recognizing the value

difference in cost between a day

and strength of its Alumni

and a boarding tuition. Eligible

community. In doing so, we would

families may also apply for additional

like to celebrate those families whose

need-based financial aid. Applicants

hope it is for The Gunnery to remain

who have completed their admission

part of their family tradition.

application by January 15, and been

For the 2017-2018 academic

identified by the Admission Committee

year, The Gunnery is offering two

as a potential candidate for a Legacy

merit-based scholarships for children,

Scholarship will be notified and given

grandchildren, and relatives of Gunnery an opportunity to further demonstrate their interest in attending The Gunnery. alumni who will be entering grades 9-PG, as a boarding student.

For additional information, please contact Sara Lynn Leavenworth, Director of Admissions, at leavenworths@gunnery.org, or (860) 350-0165.

bulletin | 47

I’m fortunate to work closely with a dedicated group of volunteer leaders, including Omar Slowe ’97, Vice President of the Alumni Association and member of the Board of Trustees, to continue improving the ways we connect with all of you. And, while we have several subcommittees focused on issues like mentoring, admissions, The Gunnery Fund, and regional events, we are always open to new ideas. If you’d like to become more involved, please reach out to anyone in the Alumni & Development Office, or to me directly. I look forward to seeing you on campus soon.




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We look forward to welcoming all graduates to


SAVE THE DATES Friday, June 9 – Sunday, June 11, 2017

Please mark your calendars now!

reading | 49


RECOMMENDEDreading PAULA KRIMSKY School Archivist; History Teacher; Associate Director of Communications The Children by Ann Leary

From New York Times bestselling author Ann Leary P’08 comes the captivating story of a wealthy, but unconventional New England family, told from the perspective of a reclusive 29-yearold who has a secret (and famous) life on the Internet. Charlotte Maynard rarely leaves her mother’s home, the sprawling Connecticut lake house that belonged to her late stepfather, Whit Whitman, and the generations of Whitmans before him. While Charlotte and her sister, Sally, grew up at “Lakeside,” their stepbrothers, Spin and Perry, were welcomed as weekend guests. Now the grown boys own the estate, which Joan occupies by their grace—and a provision in the family trust. When Spin, the youngest and favorite of all the children, brings his fiancé home for the summer, the entire family is intrigued. The beautiful and accomplished Laurel Atwood breathes new life into this often comically rarefied world. But as the wedding draws near, and flaws surface in the family’s polite veneer, an array of simmering resentments and unfortunate truths is exposed. With remarkable wit and insight, Ann Leary pulls back the curtain on one blended family, as they are forced to grapple with

“ It is what you read when you don’t have to that determines what you will be when you can’t help it.” – Oscar Wilde the assets and liabilities—both material and psychological—left behind by their wonderfully flawed patriarch. SARA LYNN LEAVENWORTH Director of Admissions How Remarkable Women Lead by Joanna Barsh and Susie Cranston

Based on five years of proprietary research, How Remarkable Women Lead speaks to you as no other book has, with its hopeful outlook and unique ideas about success. It’s the new “right stuff” of leadership, raising provocative issues such as whether feminine leadership traits (for women and men) are better suited for our fast-changing, hyper-competitive, and increasingly complex world. The authors, McKinsey & Company consultants Joanna Barsh and Susie Cranston, establish the links between joy, happiness, and distinctive performance with the groundbreaking model of Centered Leadership. The book’s personal stories and related insights show you the magic that happens when you put the five elements of Centered Leadership–meaning, framing, connecting, engaging, and energizing–to work.

How Remarkable Women Lead is both profoundly moving and actionable. Woman or man, you’ll find yourself in its pages and emerge with a practical plan for breaking through at both work and in life. KEVIN CLEMENTE Mathematics Teacher Ready Player One by Ernest Cline

In the year 2044, reality is an ugly place. The only time teenage Wade Watts really feels alive is when he’s jacked into the virtual utopia known as the OASIS. Wade’s devoted his life to studying the puzzles hidden within this world’s digital confines—puzzles that are based on their creator’s obsession with the pop culture of decades past and that promise massive power and fortune to whoever can unlock them. But when Wade stumbles upon the first clue, he finds himself beset by players willing to kill to take this ultimate prize. The race is on, and if Wade’s going to survive, he’ll have to win—and confront the real world he’s always been so desperate to escape.

Download The Gunnery Alumni mobile app today Stay connected with your fellow alumni. Whether you’re at home or traveling pull up the app and see who is nearby on the map!


hall of f ame



The Gunnery has graduated many talented, dedicated, and successful professionals who have made significant contributions in their fields of study and to their communities. The Gunnery Hall of Fame awards profile the achievements of prominent alumni as a source of inspiration for our students, alumni and faculty. Visit www.gunnery.org/nomination for more information, or contact Sarah Hauser, Associate Director of Stewardship at hausers@gunnery.org, or 860-350-0101.

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ALUMNIprofiles Samantha Collum ’03


t is fitting that, as we enter the year of celebrating the 200th birthday of Frederick Gunn, we should celebrate our first Gunn Scholar, Samantha Collum ’03, who came to know our founder intimately through the transcription of 36 love letters written to his fiancée Abigail Brinsmade in 1847–1848. Collum set a high standard and showed both students and faculty what a program based on original research could achieve. And just to show our readers the outsized possibilities ahead for a Gunnery graduate, we are proud to present the, then, budding historian (whose advisor at The Gunnery was Willie Smith) who is now a prominent Clinical Psychologist working in the Providence, VA Medical Center in the PTSD and Returning Veterans Program. Because Collum hasn’t enough to do (not!), she has just accepted a post as Clinical Assistant Professor in the Department of Psychiatry and Human Behavior at Brown University. A Behavioral Neuroscience and Psychology double major, Collum graduated with honors from Connecticut College in 2007. She continued her studies at Baylor College in Waco, Texas obtaining a MS and a Psy.D in Clinical Psychology in 2011 and 2014 respectively. “I chose to pursue a path in Clinical Psychology largely because I was most interested in working with people on a more frequent basis, rather than in preclinical research or taking the medical track,” she explained. In 2014, Collum moved north to New Hampshire where she had an APA-accredited internship in Clinical Psychology with a sub-specialty in PTSD at the White River Junction Veterans Affairs Medical Center. After a year, she obtained a APA-Accredited Postdoctoral Fellowship in Clinical Psychology at the Warren Alpert Medical School of Brown University, Providence, RI.

“My primary role is still working as a clinician in the PTSD Clinic and Returning Veterans Program here at the Providence VA. My role in the Brown Medical School is in support of the Clinical Psychology Training Consortium as a mentor and supervisor of clinical psychology residents and fellows, and also teaching seminars within the medical school,” Collum told us, “In graduate school, I was struck by the power of the therapeutic relationship.” Asked about her preparation at The Gunnery, Collum said she felt well prepared for college and continued saying, “I’m giving two presentations next month, one at our 2016 Providence VA Summit on Mental Health and one at the Providence VA’s Fall Education Day both on the treatment of anger in veterans. Both presentations will be an hour long if that helps…probably the same length of time as my Gunn Scholar presentation.” When asked if the work with traumatic stress on a daily basis was difficult to bear, Collum replied “Yes, hearing about the worst traumatic events that people close to my own age have experienced day after day can be taxing at times, but seeing the way in which a short course of therapy can change people’s lives brings a smile to my face on a daily basis. I wouldn’t trade my job for anything.” (continued on 52)





(continued from 51) Collum brings her enthusiasm to her off hours as well: “I love Providence! It has all the perks of a city (great restaurants, “foodie scene”, art culture, plenty of yoga studios) without the congestion of a larger city. Plus, it’s incredibly homey and comforting to finally be close to the ocean again after living in the middle of the country for so many years in Texas.” She stays in touch with Gunnery friends from the crew team, Amy

Soderberg (now Wilt) and Maggie Currier (Kachmar) and gets to see Francis Macary more often now that she’s living Providence. She also saves time for fun, “I love to travel, but within Rhode Island I really enjoy visiting the beaches and taking advantage of the water (rowing, kayaking, swimming). I also try to visit small, local art and music festivals whenever possible.”

Matthew Fanning ’95 Taking Command


atthew Fanning ’95, a PG class member as a participant in the Naval Academy Foundation program, has put his education, skills, and talents to commanding use. On August 5th, he took charge of the Los Angeles Class fast-attack submarine, USS Hartford (SSN 768) during a change of command ceremony held aboard the submarine at the Naval Submarine Base in New London, Connecticut. His wife, Teri, and two daughters were present as well naval dignitaries including Cmdr. Thomas Aydt. Hartford’s new commanding officer praised the former commander during his speech. “Cmdr. Aydt, congratulations on a job well done and I thank you for turning over a crew of such professional sailors,” said Fanning. “I’m honored to have the opportunity to build upon the tremendous work you have done.” In turn, Cmdr. Aydt said, “The story of the Hartford begins a new chapter today and I think it will be the best one yet. I have known Cmdr. Fanning for a while and I can’t think of anyone that I would rather see leading Hartford into the future.” Cmdr. Fanning and his family have moved from Milford to Mystic, Conn. closer to the base. Cmdr. Fanning wrote glowingly of his year at The Gunnery, saying, “Mostly, the environment there on campus is what

I remember most. That year gave me the chance to define who I was in my own terms. Coming in as a ‘PG’, I was never categorized or stereotyped, never placed into a ‘clique’. It was empowering and provided me the confidence that I needed to mature before going into the Naval Academy.” The Commander still recalls his AP English class with Pam Taylor at The Gunnery and his time on the crew and wrestling teams. “I think the combined crew team ‘erg-athon’ is my favorite for which there are pictures that I have seen on the school website. Twenty-four hours of straight rowing to raise money for the team! It was a great team building event.”

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CLASSnotes 1



John Fisher writes, “Over the past 4 years I have become increasingly active in political action and public policy. I currently serve as Vice Chair of our town Democratic Committee. I have also re-activated our consulting firm, John Fisher and Associates, and took on our first two candidates running for county and town government.

From Franklin Moore, “Banc retired and we just moved to Palm Springs, Calif. full time. Come see us.”

1957 Charlie Smith was inducted into the Haddam-

Killingworth Hall of Fame in May for his “tireless work” on behalf of the Killingworth Lions Club and the Killingworth Ambulance Association. Charlie established the Lions Club (and has a 100% attendance record) and is a founding member of the Ambulance Association.

2 Ann Kearney, Juliette and Phil Dutton

Scott Houldin P’11 gathered with his brothers Spencer ’87 and Peter ’92 for a rousing round

of golf in celebration of their father’s 80th birthday. The Dutton family—Phil, Ann Kearney and Juliette—travelled to Montreal in the summer of 2015 and returned to Quebec in February 2016 to enjoy some skiing at Mont Saint Anne. Phil works as a commercial photographer and feels very fortunate to count The Gunnery as his favorite client, while Ann has been volunteering in the archives with Mrs. Krimsky.



1 Spencer ‘87, Scott ‘80 and Peter ‘92 played a celebratory round of golf with their dad, Bill Houldin for his 80th birthday!


Sarah Scheel Cook recounted some fortuitous Gunnery encounters in an email. “Classmate Peter Edgar walked into my office in McLean, Va. last fall to tell me he was working for a few months in the area. Although I knew he was a CIA guy (Culinary Institute of America), Peter was working nearby as an executive chef preparing meals for dignitaries such as the Governor and French Ambassador. It was great fun to catch up with him after 34-years over lunches and dinners…when he was off duty. We even met up with Bonnie Carlson in Washington, D.C. one evening for dinner.

1959 “Not retired yet!” writes Robert Butler who is dividing his time between Alton Bay, N.H. in summer and St. Louis, Mo. in winter. Walter Blogoslawski retired from the National Marine Fisheries Service after 45 years in June, 2016.

“This winter I was shopping in the small Northwest Georgia town of Cedartown. When I returned to my car there was a business card stuck in the driver’s window that said ‘I saw your Gunnery sticker. If that’s The Gunnery in Washington Conn., I went there in the ’40s with Paul Redgate’. Since that day Paul and I have talked on the phone on several occasions, enjoyed a luncheon date to reminisce and a dinner date to meet spouses. Sadly, due to his father’s illness, Paul had to leave The Gunnery before graduating. To this day, Paul treasures the time he was able to spend on campus and lives by values that were instilled during his tenure.”








Fun note from Kate (Strickland) Howell who got a birthday card from the school: “can remember all four birthdays celebrated at the Gunnery. My first—33 years ago—turning 14 as a freshman—walking my nervous self back to Bourne after lunch, carrying a cake given to me at the Dining Hall. Zander Fields was walking behind me and yelling to me that he hoped, for real, that I wasn’t born in the ’70s. That was the start of one of my favorite friendships. Seems like just yesterday. Thanks, Gunnery, for the awesome gifts of lifelong friendships with peers and teachers alike—Mr. Small and Mr. Zander Fields are still some of my all time favorite people.

3 Alexandra Frances Eren


4 Connor Fisher

Lawrence Baldwin wrote us news from Paris,

5 Allie Early and John Ingle

“Marie-Pierre, my wife, and I met on Lake Michigan and have been living in Paris since our marriage in 2002. We have a son, Taylor (6), and a daughter, Marie-Margaret (5).

1993 Benjamin Sherman is living in Danbury,

Conn., and is married to Tanisha. He is a Data Architect for North American Power in Norwalk.

2000 John Eren and his wife, Kate Eren welcomed their second daughter, Alexandra Frances Eren on May 2, 2016. She weighed 8 lbs., 10 oz.— same exact weight as her older sister, Avery Elizabeth Eren.

The Bulletin apologizes to Amanda Seitz for assuming her young son, Dakota, was a daughter. Dakota is all boy! Sarah Kushwara and Nicholas Patnaude

welcomed their son, Rainer Steven Patnaude, on August 24th weighing 9.78 pounds (about 4.43 kg.) His hair is strawberry blonde and he loves Chet Baker.

2003 Morgan Goepel Fisher and husband, Elliot Fisher added to the burgeoning population

of new babies on campus with the arrival of Connor Timothy Fisher on August 23rd. Born at 10:20 in the morning, Connor weighed 6 lbs., 9 oz.


2005 Amanda Comeau is currently working at the WWE (World Wrestling Entertainment) in Stamford, Conn. and is graduating this spring with her MBA. Liz McKenna competed in and finished the

Lake Placid Ironman Triathlon in 13 hours and 31 mins on Sunday July 24th. She was 1101 out of some 2500 competitors. If you want to check out her splits her bib number was 812.

2007 Allie Early and John Ingle got married in the company of their friends and family on April 2, 2016 at the United States Naval Academy in Annapolis, Maryland.

An article, “Gray Matter: The Data Against Kant,” in the New York Times Sunday Review in February caught our eye. It was co-authored by Paul Henne who is a graduate student at Duke.

2008 It was an intimate Gunnery family affair when Peter MacKenna and Lindsay Lincoln were married in Cougar Mountain State Park near Seattle, Wash. on August 20, 2016. Alex Strelov was best man and 1 of the 2 witnesses. Lindsay’s attendant was Emily. Ryan Meade started coaching the Chariho High School Varsity Lacrosse team this past fall in Rhode Island. He was captain of the URI team in 2013.

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Defenseman Ron Fishman finished his winning hockey career at Middlebury being named to the All-New England Small College Athletic Conference Second Team.

2012 They announced at the Stonehill College Athletic Awards that henceforth the Ice Hockey Grit Award would be named for graduating senior, Anthony D’Elia. Anthony had won the award as a sophomore and a junior. He graduated with a degree in business management. Callie Carew-Miller graduated from Cornell in

May with a double major in Near East Studies and English. After a successful college career as cox for the men’s lightweight crew team, Callie has accepted a position teaching English at Berkshire and coaching crew.

Justin Dunn ’13 This summer The Gunnery community looked on as Justin Dunn was selected by the New

York Mets as the 19th pick in the First Round of the Major League Baseball (MLB) Draft. Justin was drafted by the Los Angeles Dodgers in the 37th round in 2013 but decided to attend Boston College. Justin caught up with us this summer when he had a free second saying, “The Gunnery set me up to succeed not only in college but in life. I have maintained a lot of friendships from my time there. A lot of the texts and congratulations I heard after the draft were from my friends at The Gunnery. Coach Trundy, Mr. Small and Mr. Martin and everyone at the school was huge in the development of me being who I am today. Coming in as a freshman I wasn’t very good at baseball and a lot of where I am today is from them. Coach Trundy preaches to respect your teammates, the game and to work to get better every day. I think that mentality that I have carried with me is what separates me from a lot of other players.” Justin burst onto the prospect scene earlier this year after facing The Boston Red Sox in a Spring Training game retiring Mookie Betts and Justin Pedroia. His performance during that game and the course of his junior season garnered attention from scouts and baseball writers like Peter Gammons, who, in April, tweeted

“Bigtime buzz on Boston College (and The Gunnery School) RHP Justin Dunn going in the first round of the June draft.” We are all excited for Justin and have been watching him pitch with the Brooklyn Cyclones.





2013 Krista Lamoreaux contributed with an assist

in Skidmore’s opening win on the field hockey field this fall. Junior defender for the College of Holy Cross Crusaders, Izzy Bagi was named to the First Team All New England Hockey Conference.

2014 The Washington College men’s varsity 8 rowing team placed second in the MARC Conference in April with John Gould as cox. John and teammate Ryan Miranda were named to the All-MARC Varsity Team. Joey Fallon of West Islip, N.Y. will play hockey for the Princeton Tigers this year. Fallon spent the 2015–16 season with the Lone Star Brahmas (North American Hockey League—NAHL) where he played in 51 games and collected 22 points (7–15–22). A member of the Gloucester Rangers (Central Canada Hockey League—CCHL) in 2014–15, Fallon led his team in scoring with 58 points in 61 regular season games (34–24–58) and added six points in six playoffs games.

At The Gunnery, Fallon played two years for the Highlanders. He collected 61 points (23–38) in 59 games. He captained the team as a senior when he scored 12 goals and added 21 assists in 28 games. At the conclusion of the season he was named the team MVP and the Student-Athlete of the Year. Fallon also lettered in soccer. Kayla Meneghin was named first team All

American in Division III hockey. She has played for the Plattsburgh State Cardinals for two years helping them to win NCAA National titles each year. She led Division III with 63 points, 23 goals and 40 assists. Sitting the sixth seat, Jocelyn Mongillo rowing for Northeastern came in second at the Eastern Sprints in the 2nd varsity boat. Brianna Goldstein’s 2nd varsity boat won its final to help Stanford University win the Western Intercollegiate Rowing Association Championship.
Three college sophomores met on the ice in February: Samantha Walther as goalie for Hamilton and Katlyn Paiva and Meghan Lembo for Connecticut College—the game ended in a tie.

of the season for the Washington College Shoremen soccer team.

2015 Jordan Vazzano was one of two quarterbacks for the University of Rhode Island as a freshman.

2016 Trevin Kozlowski attended the Anaheim Ducks development camp in July, where NHL draft prospects are treated like pros.


CURRENT AND FORMER FACULTY Jed and Chelsea Stuart made an immediate splash on the Loomis Chaffee campus welcoming William Theodore (“Teddy”) who arrived around 2:30am on August 13th weighing 7 lb. 15 oz. Congrats to Jed, Chelsea and Louisa! Kristen Wright apparently cut it pretty

close at the hospital. Scarlett Rose arrived 27 minutes after arrival on June 22nd weighing 6 lbs., 10 oz. Colin DePolo Clemente joined Kevin Clemente, Sarah DePolo and Eloise on August 30th, 2016 at 3:01 p.m. at 8 lbs., 13 oz. and 20 in. long.


Morgen Goepel Fisher’s new baby—see 2003

class notes. We couldn’t resist this photo of the Richards family cavorting with dolphins. Andy and Kristin were chaperones for their daughters dance performances aboard a cruise in the Caribbean this past summer. Hannah has just joined the Gunnery community in the class of 2020.

6 William Theodore Stuart 7 Scarlett Rose Wright 8 The Richards family

IN MEMORIAM Mr. John Davol ’35 4/16/2016

Mr. Eliot H. Blinder ’52 2/25/2015

Mr. Douglas T. Steeb ’79 4/10/2010

Mr. Donald R. Grody ’44 5/6/2016

Professor Norman P. Hines ’57 5/9/2016

Mr. Daniel M. Ellis ’81 3/16/2016

Mr. Michael Ohl ’47 6/4/2016 Mr. E. Thomas Lalumia ’49 10/27/2011

Sophomore Skyler Clark scored the first goal


Hr. George G. Janis ’59 5/22/2016 Mr. Curtis T. Dwyer ’72 4/27/2016

Mr. Leigh A. Fischbein ’10 9/3/2016 Mr. Andrew M. Rinaldi ’10 6/12/2016

BOARD OF TRUSTEES AND SCHOOL OFFICERS TRUSTEES Peter W.E. Becker, Head of School Gerrit Vreeland ’61, Chairman Joan A. Noto P’97, Vice Chairman Jonathan M. Estreich P’06, Vice President Peter S. Twombly ’74, Secretary Patrick M. Dorton ’86, Treasurer William Bardel Robert Bellinger ’73 William Graham Cole Sarah A. (Scheel) Cook ’82 Gretchen H. Farmer P’05 Peter R. Houldin ’92 David E. Kaplan ’81 P’13 ’15 Jonathan S. Linen ’62 Francis X. Macary ’77 P’03 ’05 ’07 ’15 Kirsten Peckerman Roy B. Simpson, Jr. ’68 Omar Slowe ’97 Richard N. Tager ’56 William T. Tolley P’08 ’14 Daniel Troiano ’77

TRUSTEE EMERITI Leo D. Bretter ’52 P’88 David N. Hoadley ’51 ALUMNI ASSOCIATION PRESIDENT Laura Eanes Martin ’90 P’20 BOURNE ADVISORY COUNCIL Peter W.E. Becker Stephen P. Bent ’59 Leo D. Bretter ’52 P’88 Edsel B. Ford II ’68 Jonathan S. Linen ’62 William S. Smilow ’82 Jonathan M. Tisch ’72 Gerrit Vreeland ’61 Roy S. Walzer ’65 P’86 PARENTS FUND CHAIR Chris Kachur P’17 ’19 PARENTS COUNCIL CO-PRESIDENTS Rick and Lisa Judd P’14 ’15 ’17

GUNNERY COUNCIL Omar Slowe ’97, President Charles W. Allen ’94 Patrick V. Baker ’89 Peter J. Bergen ’84 Sheila M. Boyd ’91 Alessandra L. Carlin ’97 Bobby Gordon ’87 L. Michael Hersom ’89 Peter S. Lorenz ’03 William S. McKee ’06 Nicholas Molnar ’72 Elizabeth R. Newman ’93 Juan D. Padro ’92 Altan R. Sadik-Khan ’06 Emma J. Schereschewsky ’94 Krystalynn M. Schlegel ’96 Scott A. Schwind ’89 Jonathan P. Sullivan ’98 Steven R. Vitale ’92 Jin Young (Clifford) Yang ’98

MARKETING & COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE CONTACT Ken Mason, Director of Strategic Marketing & Communications masonk@gunnery.org ALUMNI & DEVELOPMENT OFFICE CONTACT Sean Brown, Director of Alumni & Development browns@gunnery.org ADMISSIONS OFFICE CONTACT Sara Lynn Leavenworth, Director of Admissions leavenworths@gunnery.org CONTRIBUTING WRITERS Paula Gibson Krimsky, Sean Brown, Barbara Burt, Kiersten Marich, Jessica Baker PHOTOGRAPHERS Jess Baker, Coffeepond Photography, Phil Dutton ’81, Ken Mason DESIGN & PRODUCTION CEH DESIGN – Bethel, CT

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Parents of Alumni Reception

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