Annual Report of Philanthropy 2018-2019

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Annual Report of Philanthropy 2018–2019

Table of Contents 2

A Message From the Head of School


A Message From the Alumni & Development Office


Gunnery Fund Leadership Gifts

14 The Head’s Circle 15

All Giving by Class Year

20 Giving from Current Parents 22 All Funds 23

Named Scholarships and Endowed Funds


Named and Endowed Prizes Honoring Alumni and Friends


Giving of Corporations, Foundations and Matching Gift Companies

Giving of Current Faculty and Staff


Giving of Former Faculty and Staff

Washington Club Scholarship Fund


Memorial and Honorary Giving


Capital and Endowment Gifts and Pledges

Gifts in Kind


The H. Willets and Samuel Jackson Underhill Society


2018-19 Volunteers

the Gunnery • 2018-2019 Annual Report


A Message From the Head of School


s we enter the 170th year of Mr. Gunn’s school, we, of education, “Confidence Between Boys and Teachers.” We collectively, are engaged in a conversation about The are working actively to determine how to help students grow in Gunnery’s exciting future. We recognize this is an important all four of these areas, informed by both tradition and the latest time in the history of our school, and as we evaluate our research in each. priorities for the years to come, we must consider what from Seeing our community as an ecosystem. Our focus our first 170 years remains important to The Gunnery of 2019 here is to help students become more acutely aware of their place and beyond. From where we stand today, with the benefit of and role in the “ecosystem” of our school, and more broadly, in hindsight and no more able than were Mr. and Mrs. Gunn their neighborhood, town, region, and the natural world. and their successors to predict the future, what do This idea inspired our all-school summer reading of we want to be true of our school in 2119? The “The Hidden Life of Trees,” which was integrated simple answer is that most of what Frederick into student activities and our LEADS program Gunn believed and modeled remains not this fall. In particular, Mr. Gunn’s passion only relevant but urgently and practically for the natural world — his intellectual and important for young people today. I believe practical knowledge of it, his love for it, that we have something vital to contribute as and his demonstrated belief in it as a vital a school based on the ideals of our founder. formative tool in education — compels us to The challenge for those of us invested in his follow his lead and ensure that our students school’s future (both here on campus and in develop the same deep appreciation for nature, the broader Gunnery community) is to an awareness of their individual and determine and articulate why and how, collective impact on it, a moral concern to continually build the school around We imagine a world filled to minimize that impact as its stewards, that core, and to tell others about it with and an appreciation for their place in with Gunnery alumni who uncommon pride. the natural world, current and future. share a sense of duty for Having sought to distill and Finally, today we believe students should articulate clearly Mr. Gunn’s essential conserving the common understand the ecosystem of which they beliefs for today, we are focusing on five are part in terms of the school’s rich 170good, whether specific ideas as our points of orientation year history; they are stewards of it and as a member of the PTA, for the school’s future. All of them derive they owe it to future generations to leave from our reading of Mr. Gunn’s original a corporate employee, it better than they found it. purpose and model for education, some a member of the armed The transformative role of of which he wrote about explicitly but forces, an entrepreneur, hope-filled faculty. We believe most of which he simply lived out and the most transformative influence in a craftsman, or holding exists for us in the pages of “The Master a student’s experience is the impact of of The Gunnery” and letters from the political office... hope-filled faculty. This is our attempt school’s earliest alumni. All of them today to “scale up” the model Mr. Gunn will inform and animate our future as a left as an individual educator. The pages of “The Master of The school. Gunnery” and other reminiscences of alumni who knew him Understanding what it means to be human.What human. are filled with one account after another of his unceasing belief we each believe about this is deeply formative for how we see in his students. He could be stern, certainly, but never for the ourselves and other people, how we grow and change, and, sake of it. His sincere love for each student and commitment ultimately, whether or not we arrive at contentment and joy in to their growth (wholistically conceived — mind, body, spirit, life. Mr. Gunn practiced what we call an integrated anthropology and emotions), not to mention a beautiful sense of humor and — a view of the human person as dynamically integrated beings, willingness to laugh at himself, often at key moments in public, mind, body, spirit and emotions. Whereas many trends in shine through in stories about him. Perhaps most importantly education and culture unwittingly default to one of these four in a boarding school setting, Mr. Gunn understood the power areas as paramount, he knew that a flourishing life results from he (and almost any teacher) held to shape how a student saw attention to each of them and the relationships between them. himself and wielded it deftly and with great compassion. He Evidence for this leaps off the pages of his biography as well as spoke about this most clearly in his 1877 address when he his 1877 talk about education, our best source for his philosophy


the Gunnery • 2018-2019 Annual Report

said: “There is an unconscious influence, a mysterious, silent emanation going out from the personality of every teacher which is one of the strong forces of nature. Silent as the force of gravity, more powerful than the will of man, this influence works like the unnoticed electricity of the atmosphere, and makes it certain that every teacher will actually teach that which he is.” Any of us whose life has been transformed through the conviction of a non-parent adult mentor who believed in us, sometimes despite the evidence, knows how enduring is this ephemeral but powerful truth. (And some of us have had to overcome the opposite, an adult who undermined our self-confidence.) Mr. Gunn knew that the key to unlocking the potential in each student was the student’s ability and willingness to trust their teacher. He called this the “confidence” between students and teachers. Emphasizing character as the driving force of a life well-lived. The hallmark of our school community is our goal to develop in students what Mr. Gunn called character. While that word has developed disparate meanings over the ensuing decades, it is clear that Mr. Gunn meant moral character development. Specifically, The Gunnery will be a school that nurtures Mr. Gunn’s belief in character as the driving force in a life well-lived, and that character emerges through the intentional pursuit — in knowledge and practice — of what is good, right, true, sustainable, and beautiful. This central pursuit is both more urgent and more complicated today than it was in 1850. Mr. Gunn would have embraced fearlessly and lovingly the complexity of pursuing character development in a much more diverse setting than the one he knew. So will we.

To the end of active citizenship. The Gunnery will be a school that, despite growing cultural apathy, cynicism, consumerism and distraction, produces people who care deeply — who become wise, engaged, active citizens. Just as Mr. Gunn did not fall into a particular political mold but followed his conscience — a conscience he cultivated with humility — we will not borrow any party’s platform as our playbook. We will follow his model of helping students develop their own convictions and then give them the opportunity to live them out fearlessly, whether on a very local scale (on campus), or in their families, and, later, when they get to college and begin to develop broader spheres of influence. Clarence Deming, who graduated from The Gunnery in 1866 and went on to Yale and a career in journalism, wrote in “The Master of The Gunnery” that: “A school, in Mr. Gunn’s theory and largely in his practice, was a mimic republic … The scholars were to him embryo citizens, interested in the weal [well-being] of the school community, and each charged, as an individual, with the duty of conserving it.” We imagine a world filled with Gunnery alumni who share a sense of duty for conserving the common good, whether as a member of the PTA, a corporate employee, a member of the armed forces, an entrepreneur, a craftsman, or holding political office, and have developed skills and instincts for discharging that duty during their time as students here. As hopeful faculty invest in them, our students will understand themselves more accurately as humans and will understand their place in the ecosystems that surround them; they will be equipped to develop dynamic, robust character, such that they will enter the world understanding themselves as citizens in the mold of Frederick Gunn, prepared and freed to serve others in the interest of the common good. That is our goal for our students, our adults, and the broader Gunnery community, of which you are such an important part. The school’s future will be focused on integrating these five core commitments into every aspect of what we do. We look forward to sharing with you in the months and years to come what that looks like. It will feel, we believe, about as exciting as it must have for Mr. Gunn to have started his school in Washington in 1850. With best wishes,

Peter Becker Head of School

the Gunnery • 2018-2019 Annual Report


Supporting The Gunnery


he year ending June 30, 2019, was another successful year for the Alumni & Development Office as we saw continued growth and progress thanks to a committed group of professionals, dedicated volunteers, and loyal constituents. Last year we challenged everyone to think aspirationally about our school and it’s gratifying to see how many did, both internally and externally. Looking ahead, with a new Strategic Plan on the horizon, and several exciting opportunities for the Highlander faithful to impact our people, programs, and place, we look forward to your continued commitment to the evolution of Mr. Gunn’s School. In June, one week after we welcomed The Great Class of 2019 into the Alumni Association, the classes ending in 4s and 9s took over the campus for Alumni Weekend. More than 200 alumni came back to visit during a beautiful weekend that included, among a number of other events, a celebration of the life of Hugh Caldara. Austin Smith ’07 was inducted into the Athletic Hall of Fame, and Peter Bergen ’84 was named the Alumnus of the Year. The classes of 2014 and 1984 set attendance records for the 5th and 35th Reunions, while the Class of 2014 set the overall attendance record for any reunion ever! As always, we had a busy summer of alumni and parent events across the northeast. In the month of August alone we had events in Martha’s Vineyard (hosted by Wanji and Clive Walcott P’19), and at baseball games at Dunkin’ Donuts Park, Fenway Park, and Yankee Stadium. We kicked off our fall events in San Francisco (September 17) and Los Angeles (September 19), and our traditional holiday event slate took place in Washington D.C., New York City, and Boston on December 3, 4, and 5, respectively. On June 30 we closed our most successful Gunnery Fund cycle ever, setting a new record for unrestricted gifts totaling $1,425,995. The 1,343 alumni, parents, and friends who made those gifts narrowly missed the participation record of 1,491 donors, which was set in fiscal year 2017 when we reached 100% participation from both the faculty and student body. Leadership gifts to the fund — those exceeding $1,850 for alumni and $1,000 from current parents — accounted for $937,390 (66% of the total) while the vast majority of donors (1,123 donors, or 84%) gave $500 or less, totaling $135,091. As we’ve noted before, a healthy annual fund is one where a wide range of donors give consistently at the level where they’re most comfortable. To that end, 831 donors gave for at least the second consecutive year, with 307 donors increasing their gift over what they gave in fiscal year 2018. Additionally, 259 donors made gifts for the first time since fiscal year 2017 or before, and 261 donors made their first gift ever to the school.


On June 30 we closed our most successful Gunnery Fund cycle ever, setting a new record for unrestricted gifts totaling


None of this would have been possible without the committed volunteer leaders who make up our Class Agent team, and of course, the 1,343 donors who gave to the fund. I extend my personal gratitude to each of you for your part in this past year’s success! Progress continued through the fall on the Thomas S. Perakos Arts and Community Center, which was opened for donors and the broader community in January. We will host another celebration to students and faculty on campus in May. In addition to nearly 100 donors who’ve helped us raise almost $19 million, this summer we had more than 45 people participate in the project by naming a seat in the Tisch Family Auditorium. There are still opportunities at various levels to name spaces in the building and seats in the auditorium; anyone interested should contact me directly at

the Gunnery • 2018-2019 Annual Report

Grandparents $7,137

Faculty & Staff $15,222

Parents of Alumni & Friends $273,505

Others $38,055



Parents $283,831


The Gunnery Fund FY 2018-19 18% Alumni Giving

Other $293,170

Endowment Gifts $152,126

The Gunnery Fund $1,425,995

Capital Gifts $7,243,150

All Gifts to The Gunnery FY 2018-19

which funds were raised. This award is recognition of the great work you are all doing to support your school. Again, thank you for this ongoing commitment! Of course, the summer also brought bittersweet farewells for two key members of the office. At the end of June, Christine Steiner moved to Boston and took a job with Milton Academy’s annual fund and, at the end of August, Kiersten Marich P’23 took a position in the development office at Choate Rosemary Hall. Both Christine and Kiersten did great work for the school — as many of you will attest — and will be deeply missed. We wish them both the best in their new roles.    Our goal for the 2020 fiscal year is to increase The Gunnery Fund by at least 5% in dollars and to exceed the record of participation set in fiscal year 2017. Additionally, we will close the book on the Perakos Arts and Community Center initiative and move into the execution stages of the “next big thing.” I’d like to acknowledge that we are not setting these goals simply to surpass previous years or projects. Each of these goals is established in collaboration with senior leadership and the Board of Trustees as a means of building a fiscally sustainable financial model and ensuring the future success of our school. Capital projects are conceived and designed to fit our community, provide adequate resources for our students and faculty, and to attract prospective families; endowment growth is required to attract and retain superior faculty, to fund the programs they teach and coach, and to make an independent secondary school experience affordable to highly-capable students; and The Gunnery Fund goal is set based on the financial need to bridge the gap between tuition and other sources of revenue. We are in an extremely competitive marketplace, where we must consistently show the distinction between us and them. As we make decisions for how to prioritize the school’s objectives and deploy its resources, we do so with an eye on the competition. The senior leaders and the Board are committed to being the best. To do so we will look and act the part. I invite you to join us and welcome your partnership. Onward,

Late last summer we were honored with the Award for Excellence in the Independent Schools category from the Council for Advancement and Support of Education (CASE). The Educational Fundraising Awards annually recognize exemplary development programs based on a blind review of data submitted to the CASE Voluntary Support of Education (VSE) survey. Independent school chief advancement officers served as the judges for this year’s awards and recognized schools that showed not just measurable growth in dollars raised, but also breadth and depth in terms of diversity of sources from

Sean Brown P’22 Director of Alumni & Development

the Gunnery • 2018-2019 Annual Report


Gunnery Fund Leadership Gifts The Gunnery is grateful to the following donors who have made gifts during the July 1, 2018 to June 30, 2019 fiscal year. THE GUNNERY CIRCLE


($50,000 AND MORE)

($5,000 TO $9,999)

Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan M. Estreich P’06 Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence D. Howell P’16 Mr. Richard N. Tager ’56 # and Ms. Susan Trinter

Anonymous Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan R. Bennett ’83 Mr. and Mrs. David L. Braun P’21 Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Emerson ’58 Ms. Susan Frauenhofer ’88 Mr. and Mrs. George R. Fryer, Jr. ’79 Mr. and Mrs. Lorenzo Gaggini P’17 ’20 Mr. and Mrs. George W. Haines ’60 Professor and Mrs. Rod R. Keating ’58 Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey R. Krinsk ’67 Mr. and Mrs. Mark H. Lazarus ’82 Mr. and Mrs. Francis X. Macary, Jr. ’77 P’03 ’05 ’07 ’15 Ms. Natalie P. Merin ’10 Mr. Neil Merin P’10 Dr. and Mrs. John E. Mullen P’16 ’17 ’20 Ms. Krystalynn M. Schlegel ’96 # Mr. Michael Schlegel and Ms. Marcella Leaton P’96 Mr. and Mrs. Walter R. Seibert, Jr. ’61 Mr. and Mrs. Roy B. Simpson, Jr. ’68 Mr. Peter B. Slone ’73 P’11 # Mr. and Mrs. Mark T. Sudac ’80 Dr. and Mrs. Peter C. Sutton ’68 Mr. Roger K. Tillson, Jr. ’70 # Dr. and Mrs. Raymond R. White ’63 Mr. Xiangxian Xu and Ms. Linda Chen P’20 Mr. Kim Po Yan and Ms. Kwan Lam P’12 Mrs. Aili Zhang P’20

GIBSON ($25,000 TO $49,999)

Anonymous Mr. and Mrs. Stephen W. Baird ’68 # Mr. and Mrs. Stephen P. Bent ’59 # Mr. and Mrs. Patrick M. Dorton ’86 Mr. and Mrs. Philip M. Farmer P’05 Mr. and Mrs. Seth Holcombe* ’37 # Jonathan and Lizzie Tisch ’72 Mr. and Mrs. Neil W. Townsend P’18 ’20 Mr. and Mrs. Gerrit Vreeland ’61 # Mr. and Mrs. Clive Walcott P’19

1850 SOCIETY ($10,000 TO $24,999)

Anonymous Mr. Kevin F. Bogardus ’89 and Ms. Christina Wong Mr. and Mrs. Leo D. Bretter ’52 P’88 # Mr. Jeffrey S. Bruemmer ’73 Mr. Inglis U. Collier ’65 Mr. Benjamin C. Davis ’54 # Mr. Bijan Eghdami and Mrs. Devon George-Eghdami P’20 Dr. Zhi Gang Fang and Ms. Bee Yook Wong P’19 Ms. Ashleigh Fernandez Mr. and Mrs. Steve Fishman P’19 Mr. and Mrs. Adam C. Gerry P’21 Mr. and Mrs. Sherman R. Hotchkiss ’63 # Mr. Peter R. Houldin ’92 Mr. and Mrs. David Hubbard P’22 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. King ’60 Mr. Christopher Klingenstein Mr. Tsopin Lin Jr and Mrs. Zhiru Tao P’19 Mr. and Mrs. John H. Longmaid ’64 Mr. and Mrs. Stuart J. McCampbell ’64 # Mr. Brian C. Nickerson ’72 # Mr. and Mrs. Lucio A. Noto P’97 Mr. and Mrs. Len Novick P’18 ’21 Mrs. Kirsten M. Peckerman # Mr. James D. Perse ’91 and Ms. Brandi Briskman Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Shaham Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Tirschwell ’86 Mr. Steven E. Tisch ’67 Mr. and Mrs. William T. Tolley P’08 ’14 # Mr. Daniel J. Troiano ’77 # Mr. Jay Kassis and Ms. Cynthia E. Urda Kassis P’19 Dr. Hanjiang Xu P’20 Mr. Bo Zhang and Ms. Jing Hao P’19

# The H. Willets and Samuel Jackson Underhill Society


RED AND GRAY ($1,850 TO $4,999)

Anonymous Mr. Russell J. Adams ’83 Mr. Murray Aitken and Mrs. Cynthia Corhan-Aitken P’19 Mr. Charles W. Allen ’94 Mr. John H. Anning II ’90 Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert A. Aviles P’19 ’20 Mr. and Mrs. William Beatty P’19 Mr. Peter J. Bergen, Jr. ’84 Mr. Patrick J. Brennan ’08 Mr. and Mrs. Sean Brown P’22 Mr. and Mrs. Stephen T. Brown ’92 Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Brush ’64 # Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Bulawa ’97 Ms. Alessandra L. Carlin ’97 and Mr. Stephen Carlin Carmody Torrance Sandak Hennessy LLP Mr. and Mrs. Peter T. Clarke ’70 Mr. and Mrs. J. Hugh Cobrain ’43 Mr. David J. Cooke P’15 ’16 ’19 Mr. T. Roderick Dew* ’59 #


Mr. Mark P. Dibble ’79 Mr. and Mrs. G. Frederick Dickson ’71 Mr. and Mrs. John F. Dillon ’55 Mr. Matthew F. Dorf and Ms. Megan N. Gibson P’19 ’19 Mr. Zackary E. Dugow ’05 Mr. Michael N. Eanes H’90 P’90 GP’20 ’23 # and Mrs. Susan F. Eanes H’91 P’90 GP’20 ’23 Mr. Joshua B. Feil ’98 and Mrs. Nell Feil Mr. Frederick S. Fields ’57 P’85 Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth H. Foreman ’69 Mr. and Mrs. John H. Freeman III ’71 Mr. and Mrs. Sean W. Gilligan ’80 Mr. Andrew H. Glantz ’67 and Dr. Roberta H. Adams, M.D. Mr. Marco Greenberg and Ms. Stacey Nelkin P’20 Mr. and Mrs. John M. Greenwood ’71 Mr. Zachary A. Grossman ’08 and Mrs. Chelsea E. Grossman ’08 Mr. and Mrs. Christopher C. Healy ’76 Mr. Ira Hershkowitz Mr. and Mrs. L. Michael Hersom ’89 Mr. and Mrs. David N. Hoadley ’51 Mr. and Mrs. Steven T. Horan ’80 Mr. and Mrs. Philip A. Houck ’55 Mr. and Mrs. Spencer M. Houldin ’87 Mr. James A. Hughes ’60 Mr. Cheng Ji and Ms. Guoqiang Yang P’19 David E. Kaplan ’81 and Ms. Terri L. Stein P’13 ’15 ’20 Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Levine ’55 Mr. and Mrs. Richard D. Lilleston ’64 Mr. Ronald E. Lipetz* ’58 # Mr. and Mrs. Scott Long P’21 Ms. Sarah E. Macary ’07 Mr. and Mrs. C. Russell McKee ’72 P’06 Mrs. Jane C. Miller P’82 Mr. and Mrs. David B. Moens ’75 Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Munson ’59 # Overabove Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth O. Phillips P’20 Ms. Sarah Phillips P’17 Mr. and Mrs. B. William Plotkin ’59 Mr. and Mrs. Richard Rhodes, Jr. P’20 ’22 Mr. Robert R. Richmond ’60 # Ms. Edith Rowland P’19 Mr. Altan R. I. Sadik-Khan ’06 Mr. and Mrs. James T. Sage ’86 Mr. and Mrs. Brian R. Saltzman ’84 Mr. and Mrs. William M. Samuelson ’78 Mrs. Sarah Scheel Cook ’82 and Mr. Perry L. Cook Mr. and Mrs. Jay B. Sheehy ’73 Mr. and Mrs. Matthew J. Silverman P’16

Class Agents Italicized

the Gunnery • 2018-2019 Annual Report

Mr. James J. Slocum ’63 # and Mrs. K. Anne Tremel Mr. Nicholas N. Solley P’96 ’96 Mr. and Mrs. Timothy D. Stewart P’20 Mr. and Mrs. Peter W. Tucker ’78 Ms. Chris Vatis P’18 Mr. and Mrs. Roger A. Walters ’52 # Ms. Rebecca J. Weisberg ’90 Ms. Penelope L. White ’82 Mr. Jinjun Wu and Mrs. Yinghua Xing P’22 Mr. and Mrs. Mark D. Zajkowski P’21


Mr. Walter R. Addicks ’69 Dr. David M. Albala ’73 Dr. Albert J. Anderson, Jr. ’48 Mr. Christopher H. Babcock ’68 # Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Ballantine ’53 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas O. Barnes GP’22 Mr. Francois Barthelemy P’21 Mr. and Ms. Jason W. Benedict P’20 Mr. David M. Burkhart P’19 ’23 Dr. Joseph Byrne GP’20 Mr. and Mrs. John M. Cathey ’82 Mr. and Mrs. Jeremy D. Cohen ’87 Mr. and Mrs. William G. Cole Ms. Virginia Coolidge GP’09 ’19 Mrs. Whitney L. Crosby ’89 and Mr. James P. Crosby Mr. Wilson Cuba and Ms. Julia King-Cuba P’19 Mr. Andrew P. De Paulis ’12 Mr. and Mrs. Brandon John Dufour ’02 Ms. Erin Dunaway P’19 Mr. James L. Estreich ’06 Mr. and Mrs. Lou J. Galletto, Jr. ’79 Dr. and Mrs. Richard Gilbert P’20 Mr. and Mrs. John B. Gimbel ’66 Mr. Robert R. Grinberg ’90 Mr. and Mrs. David P. Hardy ’78 Ms. Carson Jacobi P’20 ’21 Mr. and Mrs. Chris Kantgias P’19 Mr. and Mrs. Harry Kelleher, Jr. P’86 Mr. Vladimir Korobov and Mrs. Alla Korobova P’21 Dr. and Mrs. Robert K. Kritzler ’69 Mr. Liu Hong Lin and Ms. Chun Mei Zhou P’19 Mr. H. Allan Lowe ’69 Mr. Yujing Ma and Ms. Guiyuan Feng P’20 Mr. and Mrs. Brent Malcolm ’54 Mr. and Mrs. R. Whit Matthews ’98 # Mr. Harold Matzner and Ms. Shellie Reade Mr. and Mrs. Michael McDonald P’19 Mr. and Mrs. David C. Meyer ’73 Mr. Peter J. Michel P’97 Mr. Dwight D. Miller ’55 Mr. Richard Montague Dr. and Ms. Troy Moore P’19 Mr. and Mrs. Paul H. Nankivell II ’66 O & G Industries, Inc.

Mr. and Mrs. William B. Ogden IV P’00 # Denise and Peter Pasch P’96 ’98 Mr. and Mrs. Michael Pengue P’19 Mr. Scott Prentice and Ms. Glenda Rovello P’19 Mr. and Mrs. David P. Renkert ’52 # Mr. Michael S. Renkert ’59 # and Dr. Elizabeth E. Renkert Mr. John M. Reynolds Esquire ’68 # Mr. and Mrs. William S. Rose ’70 Mr. and Mrs. Paul M. Russ ’46 Mr. Robert H. Savarese ’68 Mr. and Mrs. Scott A. Schwind ’89 Mr. and Mrs. David Silver P’19 Mr. and Mrs. Omar Slowe ’97 Professor Peter H. Smith ’57 Mr. and Mrs. George S. Sullivan, Jr. ’59 Mr. and Mrs. David F. Tamaroff ’04 Ms. Emily H. Taylor P’05 Dr. and Mrs. Joachim von Klitzing P’20 Mr. and Mrs. John A. Walsh P’04 Mr. Tom S. Ward, Jr. ’62 and Ms. Emma H. Hamman Dr. and Mrs. Peter J. Weiden ’73 P’23 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Wood, Jr. ’55 Mr. and Mrs. Scott V. Yale ’77 Mr. Guoyuan Zhang and Mrs. Yanling Bao P’22 Mr. Jonathan J. Zucker ’99

HIGHLANDERS ($500 TO $999)

Anonymous Mr. and Mrs. Leonard L. Abess, Jr. ’66 Mr. and Mrs. John N. Allen P’09 Mr. Matthew N. Allen ’09 Ms. Julia B. Alling ’81 and Mr. Paul A. Graney P’19 Mr. and Mrs. David Andreychuk P’20 B & D Controlled Air Corporation Mr. and Mrs. Steven E. Bailey P’09 Mr. and Mrs. Bruce C. Baird ’74 # Mr. and Mrs. David P. Bancroft ’55 # Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Barnes P’22 Mr. and Mrs. Steven Bettinger P’21 Ms. Carey A. Bodenheimer ’87 Mr. and Mrs. Chris Bozzo Mr. F. Bruce Bradshaw ’51 # Dr. and Mrs. Thomas C. Braman ’57 Dr. and Mrs. Robert A. Burger ’80 Mr. and Mrs. John M. Cary, Sr. P’18 Mr. John M. Cary Jr. ’18 Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Cicarelli P’19 ’21 Mr. and Mrs. Richard B. Clarke ’54 Mr. David M. Coburn ’68 # Mr. George-Antony N. Colettis and Ms. Marina E. Colettis Ms. Amanda E. Comeau ’05 Mrs. Sarah H. Cooney USAF ’88 and Mr. David J. Cooney Mr. John Crabtree P’19 Ms. Elvira Davidson ’94 and Mr. Roy Barton III Mrs. Suzanne Day and Mr. Douglas Day Dr. and Mrs. Arthur C. DeGraff, Jr. ’47 Mr. and Mrs. Parker Dinkins ’65

Mr. Philip M. Dutton ’81 and Mrs. Ann E. Kearney WR’80 P’23 Mr. and Dr. Gregory R. Dyer ’86 Ms. Patricia L. Dyer P’20 Mr. John F. Eadie ’73 Mr. Gregory W. Ellis ’90 Mr. and Mrs. Alexander T. Ercklentz P’90 Mr. John H. Fisher II ’54 Mr. Richard B. Flanagan ’77 Mr. and Mrs. Elon Foster III P’07 Mr. Vinton Freedley III ’61 # Ms. Tara J. Friedman ’03 Ms. Lori G. Galletto ’90 Mr. and Mrs. Stephen K. Galpin, Jr. ’70 Mr. Stephen Bond Garvan ’70 # Lt. Colonel and Mrs. Charles J. Gaspar, Jr., Ph.D. ’61 Mrs. Monica George Winmill ’96 and Mr. Mark Winmill Mr. and Mrs. Bobby Gordon ’87 Mr. Thomas A. Gorman IV ’77 and Mr. William Zwecker Mr. Matthew Gorry ’52 Mrs. Leslie M. Hardy P’78 GP’09 Mr. and Mrs. Snowden M. Henry ’84 Mr. Lee M. Hollis P’17 Dr. and Mrs. Edward G. Horn ’60 Mr. and Mrs. Chuck Ince GP’20 Mr. and Mrs. Andrew S. Jeske ’83 Mr. Charles N. Kellogg ’84 Mr. and Mrs. Eric Kotcher P’15 Dr. and Mrs. Michael L. Krall ’69 Prof. and Mrs. Stefan Kroell P’19 Ms. Sheila Largay GP’21 Mr. and Mrs. Edwin D. Leonard GP’13 The Leone Family Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Lincoln P’01 ’06 ’08 Mr. Andrew A. Littauer ’60 # Mr. and Mrs. Leonard F. Lombardi ’48 Mr. and Mrs. Peter S. Lorenz ’03 Mr. Peter A. Macary ’05 Dr. Joseph C. Marron and Ms. Rebecca E. Kendall P’04 ’05 Mr. Peter S. Marshall ’69 Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey G. Marsted ’60 # Mr. and Mrs. Pels Matthews P’18 ’18 Ms. Elizabeth S. McKenna ’06 Mr. and Mrs. Paul M. McManus, Jr. ’87 P’21 ’23 # Mr. and Mrs. John B. Merrill, Jr. ’56 Mr. James F. Millinger ’53 # Mr. Nicholas Molnar ’72 # Mrs. Bonnie A. Pennell ’86 and Mr. Keith Pennell Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan S. Pepper ’89 Ms. Julianne R. Petrillo ’18 Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Petrillo P’18 Mr. and Mrs. William N. Post ’66 Mr. and Mrs. William M. Preston III ’65 Mr. Thomas C. R. Proctor ’64 # Mr. Panu Puntoomsinchai ’90 Mr. John M. Robards ’80 and Ms. Geraldine E. Baldwin ’80 Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Y. Rogers, Jr. ’61 Mr. and Mrs. Andrew M. Sacks ’86

# The H. Willets and Samuel Jackson Underhill Society

the Gunnery • 2018-2019 Annual Report


Class Agents Italicized


Dr. and Mrs. Joseph Sappington GP’20 Mr. Jeff L. Shelters and Ms. Jo A. Sutter P’22 Mr. Edgar M. Sheppard, Jr. ’43 Ms. Nancy Shilts GP’20 ’23 Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Sicher ’65 Mr. and Mrs. Gregory H. Smith ’74 Mrs. Holly I. Soroca ’93 and Mr. Bradley L. Soroca Mr. and Mrs. Edward S. Steffelin Mr. and Mrs. Allen C. Steiger ’76 # Mr. and Mrs. Peter S. Strandes ’79 Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan P. Sullivan ’98 Mr. and Mrs. Kurt Sullivan P’16 ’18 Dr. and Mrs. William J. Tate III ’50 Mr. and Mrs. Rodman Townsend, Jr. ’71 The Honorable and Mrs. Thomas F. Upson ’59 Mr. and Mrs. Lamar G. Villere ’93 Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth M. Wolff ’90


Anonymous Mr. and Mrs. Jyrki Aaltonen P’19 Ms. Saara Aaltonen ’19 Ms. Emily Abelson Mrs. Nanette R. Adair ’90 and Mr. William C. Adair Mr. Logan A. Adams ’15 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Adams P’15 Mr. Arian R. Agadi ’21 Mr. and Mrs. Ravi Agadi P’21 Mr. Daniel G. Agius, Jr. ’05 Mr. Cameron T. Ahouse ’06 Ms. Madeleine Aitken ’19 Ms. Sarah R. Albright Ms. Jamie Albro Dr. and Mrs. Michael H. Alderman ’54 Mr. and Mrs. Dirk Allerding P’21 Mr. Mats Allerding ’21 Mr. William B. C. Alling Graney ’19 Mrs. Nicole E. Allman ’90 and Mr. Jeremy Allman Mr. Cameron R. Amador ’17 Mr. Chase M. Amador ’19 Mr. and Mrs. Gabriel Amador P’17 ’19 Mr. Jihoon An ’20 Mr. Carmine F. Andranovich ’21 Mrs. Katharine Andres Mr. David K. Andreychuk ’20 Mr. Michael D. Angelicola, Jr. ’00 Mr. Anthony A. Annicelli ’19 Mr. Thomas F. Archbald ’58 Mr. Garrett L. Argentino ’20 Mr. Louis Argentino and Ms. Shelby Poe-Argentino P’20 Mr. Austin Arkin Mr. Ian N. Arnof ’87 and Ms. Sunshine J. Greene Mr. and Mrs. Leonard M. Auchincloss ’84 Mr. Ed Aureli Mr. Julian V. Aviles ’19 Ms. Lois Bachman ’19 Mr. and Mrs. Craig R. Badger Mr. Alan L. Bain ’55 # and Ms. Catherine Marley Mr. Asa S. E. Baker ’19 Major and Mrs. Douglas A. Baker ’96

# The H. Willets and Samuel Jackson Underhill Society


Mr. Edward E. Baker, Jr. ’61 Mrs. Jessica Baker Mr. and Mrs. James Baker P’96 Mr. and Mrs. James W. Balben Ms. Barbora Barancikova ’19 Mr. Samuel E. Barber ’99 Mr. and Mrs. Kevin P. Barbieri P’15 ’20 Mr. and Mrs. Dutch Barhydt ’76 Mr. Peter H. Barhydt ’87 and Ms. Elizabeth Anne Barhydt ’86 Miss Aubrey A. Barnes ’22 Mr. and Mrs. Howard Barnet Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Barrett P’20 ’22 Mr. Zachary E. Barrett ’20 Mr. Henry V. Barthelemy ’21 Ms. Erica Bartman P’18 Mr. Finn W. Bartman ’18 Mr. Bhramdeo Bassit ’95 Mr. and Mrs. Michael Bates ’65 Mr. Charles H. Baum ’71 Ms. Anne F. Beatty ’19 Ms. Dana K. Beauvais ’81 Mr. Mason Beecher ’19 Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Bellinger ’73 Miss Emily F. Bello ’21 Ms. Kristen B. Bellone ’06 Mrs. Helen Risom Belluschi P’87 Mr. Steven Bendrick Mr. and Mrs. David Benedict GP’20 Mr. Jacob E. Benedict ’20 Ms. Hilary D. Benjamin ’08 Mr. Isaac H. Bennet Chris and Dick Benson Mr. and Mrs. JP Benveniste Mr. and Mrs. Eleuterio S. Berano GP’19 ’20 Mr. and Mrs. Arvin Berano P’19 ’20 Mr. Elijah L. Berano ’19 Miss Marley A. Berano ’20 Mr. and Mrs. Frederick G. Bernard ’68 Mr. Zachary M. Bernstein ’20 Mr. and Mrs. John L. Bertoli, Jr. P’10 Mr. Robert J. Betes ’88 and Ms. Eileen A. Conto ’94 Miss Andi Bettinger ’21 Mr. and Mrs. Sameer Bhasin P’21 Mr. Christian A. Bianchi ’08 Mr. Nicholas J. Bianchi ’07 Mr. Malcolm W. Bird ’54 # Mr. Monte W. Blaustein Professor Walter J. Blogoslawski ’61 Mr. and Mrs. Frederick D. Blume ’65 Mr. Garner R. Blume ’04 Mr. Thomas A. Blumenthal ’50 # Ms. Henrietta M. Bogdanovics ’09 Mr. and Mrs. William J. Boguniecki, Jr. ’90 Mr. and Mrs. Paul R. Boillot ’80 Miss Corinne M. Bolding ’20 Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Bongo ’90 P’21 Ms. Jeannette K. Boot P’20 Mr. William E. S. Boot ’20 Ms. Madeleine J. Boudreau ’12 Mr. Lucas G. Boyden ’19 Mr. and Mrs. John Boyer


Mr. Anthony Braca and Ms. Joanne Oliver-Yeager P’22 Mr. Conor O. Bradley ’19 Mr. John W. Bratton ’84 Miss Molly Braun ’21 Mr. Cole R. Brennan ’20 Mr. Riley T. Brennan ’19 Mr. Edward F. Bretter ’88 Mr. and Mrs. Brian Briggs P’22 Ms. Katrina M. Broccoli ’19 Mr. Peter Brodhead and Ms. Lori Fedewa P’20 Mr. and Mrs. Curtiss N. Brown ’71 Mr. Gavin Brown ’22 Mr. and Mrs. Geoffrey N. Brown ’56 Miss Gwendolyn Brown ’20 Mr. Hudson C. Brown ’22 Miss Allison R. Bruck ’22 Mr. Jacob Bruck ’20 Dr. and Mrs. Donald H. Brush ’64 Mr. and Mrs. Roderick M. Brush, Jr. ’76 Mrs. Margaret A. Bucklin P’10 Mrs. Lauren A. Bull ’89 and Dr. Harrison C. Bull Ms. Elizabeth M. Burger P’13 Ms. Jean Burke WR’74 Ms. Lauren M. Burkhart ’19 Mr. Michael A. Burns ’22 Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. Burns P’22 Dr. Ellen Burov, M.D. P’21 Mr. and Mrs. Derek J. Bush ’95 Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Butler, Jr. ’59 Mr. James L. Buttenwieser ’70 # Mr. Jeffrey B. Buvinow ’08 Mr. Andrew J. Byrne-King ’20 Mr. Minghao Cai ’20 Mr. Qiang Cai and Mrs. Yun Jiang P’20 Mr. Michael V. Caldarella ’97 Ms. Carrie M. Cameron ’13 Mr. and Mrs. D. Pierre G. Cameron, Jr. ’51 Mr. Carlos M. Canal, Jr. and Mrs. Gay E. Vincent-Canal Mr. Jack H. Cantlay Mr. Patrick A. Capella ’06 Dr. and Mrs. George T. Capone ’73 Ms. Taryn N. Carey ’19 Ms. Hanna S. Carlin ’13 Mr. and Mrs. Lincoln D. Carnam ’91 Mr. Michael R. Caroe P’77 GP’10 Mr. and Mrs. David K. Case ’56 # Mr. and Mrs. Peter P. Case ’65 Mr. Ryan J. Cassella ’02 Mr. and Mrs. Brad Cerepak P’14 Ms. Dana J. Cerone ’14 Mr. and Mrs. John R. Chandler, Jr. H’63 Mrs. Charles W. Chatfield H’54 Mrs. Daphne Cheatham WR’69 Mr. Rafael Checorodiguez Mr. Marvin C. Cheney, Jr. ’52 Mr. and Mrs. Matthew R. Cheney ’93 The Reverend Cheney ’65 Mr. Jinuk Choi ’18 Mr. Lliam F. Christiano ’16 Mr. Jeppe Christiansen and Ms. Jo Hurley P’21 Mr. Sean Christiansen ’21 Mr. and Mrs. Donald B. Christie ’50

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the Gunnery • 2018-2019 Annual Report

Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert B. Christie ’60 Ms. Carol Chu Mr. and Mrs. Vincent R. Cianciolo ’65 Mr. Marc K. Cibelli ’13 Mr. Colten M. Cicarelli ’21 Mr. Wyatt M. Cicarelli ’19 Ms. Mira Citron P’20 Mr. Adam K. Clark ’91 Mr. and Mrs. E. Terry Clark P’91 ’98 ’03 ’05 ’14 Mr. and Mrs. Jay Clark P’22 Mr. and Mrs. Joel K. Clark ’98 Mr. and Mrs. Kenyon Clark Mr. Skyler T. Clark ’14 Mr. Wyatt G. Clark ’13 Dr. and Mrs. James C. Clayton ’50 # Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Clement P’22 Mr. Paul D. Clement ’22 Mr. Kevin C. Clemente and Ms. Sarah Depolo Mr. Alexander J. Coady ’19 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Coady P’19 Mr. Samuel B. Cobb ’09 Mr. Garrett Coe ’19 Mr. and Mrs. Richard Coe GP’19 # Mr. and Mrs. Ian J. Cohn ’67 P’06 Mr. John C. Coleman Jr. ’19 Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Coley P’22 Miss Leah A. Coley ’22 Mr. Daniel C. Collin ’84 Mr. Daniel J. Collins and Mrs. Harper Hoff-Collins P’19 Mr. and Mrs. John P. Collins, Jr. ’03 Mr. Philip H. Collins ’19 Dr. Samantha P. Collum ’03 Mr. Raymond L. Colotti, Jr. ’94 Connecticut Restaurant Service, Inc. Ms. Tara E. Connolly ’09 Mr. Gavin M. Connors ’19 Mr. Aiden C. Cooke ’19 Ms. Susan M.Copley P’22 Mr. Thomas L. Copley ’22 Ms. Chloe B. Coppola ’16 Ms. Donna L. Coppola P’18 Mr. Michael D. Corbelle ’06 Mr. Alexander H. Cornell ’14 Mr. Steven T. Cornell ’77 and Mrs. Sarah H. Cornell ’82 P’09 ’11 ’14 Miss Katherine L. Cortese ’21 Ms. Mary Cortese P’21 ’23 ’23 Mr. John L. Costello ’12 Ms. Tina L. Couch ’97 and Mr. Chris Desiderio Mr. and Mrs. Donald E. Courtney ’49 Ms. Sara E. Cousins ’82 Mr. Christopher W. Cowell Mr. Ethan C. Cox ’18 Mr. Matthew Cox Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Cox P’18 Mr. Gregory A. Coy ’79 Mr. John Crabtree ’19 Mr. and Mrs. David L. Crane ’65 Mr. and Mrs. John W. Crawford ’60 Mr. Adam R. Criscuolo ’03 Ms. Isabelle Crocco ’19 Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Croft

Mr. Robert P. Cronin ’19 Mr. Sinawe Cuba ’19 Ms. Casey E. Cullen ’14 Mr. John C. Cullen, Jr. ’12 Mrs. Norma E. Cummings ’90 Mr. and Mrs. Paul M. Cummings ’66 Mr. Mark D’Agostino ’20 Mr. and Mrs. Russell D’Agostino P’20 Mr. Connor C. Dahlman ’16 Mr. Brian J. Daniels and Ms. Karen Cassery-Daniels Mr. and Mrs. Ross Daniels, Jr. ’48 # Mr. Douglas D. Daniels ’97 Mr. Matthew S. Danner ’17 Mr. and Mrs. Stephen M. Danner P’17 Mr. Kevin M. Darrar ’14 Mr. and Mrs. Christopher G. Davis ’13 Mr. and Mrs. J. Edward Davis ’59 Ms. Zoe C. Davis-Bowers ’18 Mr. Scott A. Dayton ’08 and Mrs. Elizabeth R. Dayton ’08 Mr. John W. Dayton Mr. and Mrs. Lynn C. Dayton P’99 ’05 Mr. and Mrs. Phil F. De Paulis P’12 Ms. Katherine J. DeForge ’03 Dr. and Mrs. William F. DeForge P’03 ’06 Mr. and Mrs. Robb M. DeGraff, Jr. ’66 Mr. Anthony P. D’Elia ’12 Mr. Nicholas E. D’Elia ’14 Mr. and Mrs. Anthony M. Delude ’53 The Tillinger Family Mr. Christopher R. DePaola ’10 The Rt. Reverend and Mrs. Theodore C. DePaola, Jr. P’10 Mr. Patrick A. DePeters ’06 Mr. Adam R. DeSanctis ’11 Mr. Jake Di Girolamo ’19 Mr. and Mrs. Michael H. Diem ’58 Mr. and Mrs. Anthony M. DiGiacomo P’20 Mr. Diarmad P. DiMurro ’17 Mr. and Mrs. Gregory DiMurro P’17 Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Divis P’11 Mr. and Mrs. James L. E. Dixon ’71 Ms. Virginia D. Dodenhoff ’15 Mr. and Mrs. Bret C. Dolph P’20 Mr. Reed P. Dolph ’20 Ms. Alexis R. Dominicus ’14 Ms. Ariana E. Dominicus ’14 Mrs. Deborah Doody and Mr. Brian Doody Mr. Caleb W. H. Dorf ’19 Mr. Elijah H. H. Dorf ’19 Mr. and Mrs. K Gregg Douglas P’12 ’14 ’19 Mr. Sean E. Douglas ’19 Ms. Morgan E. Dow ’16 Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Dow P’16 Mr. LaDarius Drew Ms. Ann Dunn GP’21 Ms. Natalie Dyer Mrs. Natalie H. Dyer Mr. Connor J. Eckenrod ’14 Mrs. Rebekah H. Eckstein P’86 ’92 Mr. Matthew S. Eghdami ’20 Mr. W. Russ Elgin #

Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence H. Engelman ’72 Mr. and Mrs. John R. Eren ’00 Mr. and Mrs. Donald N. Ethier, Jr. ’63 Mrs. Mary Ewing and Mr. John Ewing F&M Electric Supply Co., Inc. Mr. Joseph M. Fallon ’14 Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. Fallon P’14 Ms. Chen Fang ’19 Ms. Mallory M. Farmer ’05 Mr. Colin S. Farrar and Mrs. Blaire Farrar P’21 Max M. K. Farrar ’21 Mr. and Ms. Daniel Farricielli P’21 Mr. Stephen J. Farrington ’60 Mr. Reginald A. Fawcett ’60 Mrs. Kelly A. Feili ’04 and Mr. Darius Feili Mr. Adam Feldman ’21 Dr. Robert Feldman and Dr. Virginia Feldman P’17 ’21 Mr. Jiawei Feng ’21 Mr. Xihao Feng ’20 Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Ferla ’66 Mr. Tyler J. Finkle ’98 Mr. and Mrs. Charles Finnemore Ms. Marissa A. Fiori ’19 Ms. Elizabeth A. Fischbein ’90 and Mr. Andy Brown Mrs. Morgen Fisher ’03 and Mr. Elliott A. Fisher Mr. Duke S. Fishman ’19 Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. FitzGerald P’90 Ms. Emily E. Fitzhugh Ms. Jessica L. Fletcher ’96 and Mr. Jon Fletcher Mr. Landon Follows ’21 Mr. and Mrs. Robert N. Fountain II ’64 # Ms. Tabitha L. Franceschini ’18 Mr. Douglas K. Francis ’82 and Ms. Patty J. Renzetti Mr. and Mrs. Paul R. Frank Mr. Louis M. Freeman III ’10 Mr. Alan D. R. Frese ’51 Dr. Amanda M. Fretts ’99 and Mr. Marc Reyhner Mr. and Mrs. John R. Frohock P’22 Mr. and Mrs. Walter G. Fuller ’64 Mr. Christopher Fulton ’76 Mr. Samuel M. Funk ’09 Mr. Nathan P. Fydenkevez ’16 Ms. Sydney M. Fydenkevez ’18 Miss Juliette Gaggini ’20 Ms. Margot W. Gaggini ’17 Mr. Tristram C. Gaillard ’61 # Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Gale ’72 Mr. Peter J. Gallagher ’84 Honorable James M. Garrettson ’66 Mr. Brandon P. Garzione ’14 Mr. Gregory P. Geller ’84 and Mrs. Jane Geller Ms. Anne Genest P’20 Miss Carolina G. Genest ’20 Mr. Marc Genest P’20 Ms. Alexandra D. Gerry ’21 Mr. Joseph G. Ghering* and Mrs. Catherine Ghering P’78 Mr. and Mrs. James M. Gilbert ’60 Miss Samantha Gilbert ’20 Mr. and Mrs. Arthur J. Gillman ’74 Mr. and Mrs. Jack Gilpin

# The H. Willets and Samuel Jackson Underhill Society

the Gunnery • 2018-2019 Annual Report


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Ms. Robyn Giordano Ms. Misa Giroux Mr. and Mrs. Keith Gleason P’19 ’21 ’23 Ms. Madison Gleason ’19 Mr. Lane A. Goldberg ’03 Ms. Marley Goldfein ’90 Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Goldsmith Ms. Jamie Goldsmith Mr. and Mrs. Walter B. Goldsmith ’51 # Mr. and Mrs. James C. Goodale Mr. Shane Gorman ’10 Dr. Ferris G. Gorra Ms. Judith Gorra Mr. and Mrs. Christian Gotfredson ’66 Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth B. Gould ’74 Miss Ellen D. Grady ’21 Mr. and Mrs. James Grady P’18 ’21 Mr. and Mrs. George H. J. Grande ’64 Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence R. Gray ’60 Mr. and Mrs. Stephen A. Gray ’61 Mr. Charles B. Green ’67 Mr. Holcombe T. Green III Mr. Noah E. Greenberg ’20 Mr. and Mrs. Douglas C. Greene ’73 # Mr. Benjamin L. Greenfield ’07 Mr. and Mrs. Allan B. Greenwood ’58 Mr. and Mrs. George M. Gregory, Jr. P’11 Ms. Olivia C. Gregory ’11 Mr. and Mrs. Charles Greiner GP’21 Mr. and Mrs. Perry C. Gresh ’81 Mr. and Mrs. Erik Griffin P’22 Mr. and Mrs. Stephen J. Gritti Ms. Micaela C. Grogan ’13 Mr. Sean N. Grogan ’10 Mr. and Mrs. John Grustas Ms. Emily Gum Mr. and Mrs. William R. Gussman ’60 Mr. Frank Gustafson and Ms. Xhevrije Krosi P’21 Mr. and Mrs. Michael Hall P’22 Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Hall, Jr. ’59 Mr. Sean P. Hall ’22 Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hamblet Mr. Michael Hambley and Ms. Janice Wilson P’20 Mr. William J. W. Hambley ’20 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas B. Hambury ’63 Mr. Michael K. Hardon ’09 Ms. Patricia Hargadon Ms. Mila K. Harris P’19 Mr. and Mrs. John A. Harrison ’64 Miss Jennifer C. Hart Mr. and Mrs. Richard H. Hart ’57 Mr. Josh Harwood and Dr. Michelene Todd P’20 Mr. Hozefa Y. Haveliwala ’88 Mr. and Mrs. William E. Havemeyer Mr. Jadus D. A. Hay ’04 Mrs. Nina L. Healy ’90 and Mr. Tadhg Healy Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Heaven ’73 Ms. Grace Anne D. F. P. Herrick ’17 Mr. and Mrs. John D. Herrick ’63 P’89 ’91 Mr. Samuel O. Herrick ’91 Mr. and Mrs. Michael R. Hespos ’84 Mr. Richard H. Hess ’56

# The H. Willets and Samuel Jackson Underhill Society


Mr. Robert F. Hilgendorff ’73 Mr. and Mrs. Christopher M. Hill P’15 ’20 Mr. and Mrs. Eric J. Hill P’13 Miss Kelly D. Hill ’20 Ms. Jill Hindes P’03 ’12 Mr. and Mrs. Philip B. Hinkle ’52 Mr. Trevor Hoivik ’20 Mr. Thomas H. Hollinger and Ms. Kathryn E. Coe P’01 ’04 Mr. Robert L. Hooper ’14 Mr. and Mrs. Barry A. Horn P’16 Mr. Bizuayehu B. Horwitz ’21 Mr. Aden R. Hotchkiss ’21 Mr. and Mrs. C. Warner Hotchkiss IV ’90 Mr. Scott C. Houldin ’80 P’11 Mr. William M. Houldin, Jr. P’80 ’82 ’87 ’92 GP’09 ’11 ’14 Mr. William M. Houldin III ’11 Mr. and Mrs. Robert P. Houser ’85 Mr. Peter A. Howell ’73 Mr. William H. Howell ’16 Mr. Henry R. Hoyt ’20 Mr. and Mrs. Phil Hoyt ’64 Mr. and Mrs. Stephen D. Hoyt ’69 Miss Iris Hubbard ’22 Mr. Walter P. Hubbard ’60 Mr. and Mrs. Gregory W. Hubbell P’15 Mr. Parker J. Hubbell ’15 Mr. Gerald B. Huffstetler ’20 Mr. James Huffstetler and Mrs. Patricia O’Reilly P’20 Ms. Gertraud I. Humphreys P’20 Mr. Charles B. Hunker ’73 Mr. James Hurley and Ms. Julie Whitney P’21 Dr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Hurwitz ’60 Mr. and Mrs. Robert V. Huss P’83 ’84 Mr. Scott C. Hutchinson ’90 Mr. and Mrs. David A. Hyde, Jr. ’68 Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Hyde ’48 Mr. Andrew J. Hyland ’19 Mr. and Mrs. John Hyland P’19 Ms. Jennifer W. Hylwa ’16 Mr. and Mrs. Brandon Ince P’20 ’23 Mr. Nathaniel Ince ’20 Mr. Danneuris Infante ’21 Mr. John L. Ingle ’07 and Ms. Alexandra L. Early ’07 Mr. Nikolas Ioannou ’19 Mr. Alexander S. Ireland ’15 Dr. Robert A. Jackson ’69 Mrs. Avanel Jarka ’90 and Mr. Kenneth G. Jarka Mr. Alexander Jefferies ’20 Ms. Yuchen Ji ’19 Mr. Fan Jiang ’12 Miss Acadia Johnson ’21 Ms. Elizabeth R. Johnson ’82 Dr. Gordon Johnson GP’21 Dr. Ali Trotta and Mr. Ian Johnson P’21 Mr. John R. Johnson, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Mark T. Johnson P’09 ’19 Mr. and Mrs. Martin G. Johnson ’81 Mr. and Mrs. Robert P. Johnson ’57 Mr. Samuel T. Johnson ’19 Mr. Joshua L. Johnston ’09


Mr. and Mrs. Christopher P. Jones ’47 Ms. Olivia C. Judd ’14 Mr. and Mrs. William R. Kaehrle ’60 Ms. Alexandra N. Kagan ’00 and Mr. Patrick Soto Mr. and Mrs. Erdem Kaltalioglu P’22 Mr. Serdar Alexander Kaltalioglu ’22 Mr. Case W. Kantgias ’19 Mr. Jacob M. Kantor ’15 Mr. and Mrs. Philip H. Kantor P’10 ’15 Miss Sofya Kapkova ’22 Ms. Jessie G. Kaplan ’13 Miss Jolie Kaplan ’20 Mr. Michael J. Kassis ’19 Mr. Kenyon W. Kay ’18 Mr. Sean M. Keleher ’17 Ms. Claudia Kelleher P’86 Mrs. Elizabeth A. Kelley ’92 and Dr. Shawn P. Kelley Ms. Erin A. Kelly ’08 Mr. Joshua F. Kelly ’14 The Honorable and Mrs. James G. Kenefick, Jr. ’53 P’79 Mr. Michael R. Kersten ’89 Ms. Mary Jane Kessenich ’13 Miss Cailin Kessman ’20 Mr. and Mrs. Paul Kessman P’20 Mr. and Mrs. Dale Kesten LCSW, LADC ’68 Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Kilburn ’60 Mr. and Mrs. Kevin F. Killeen P’17 Mr. and Mrs. David S. King ’90 Mr. and Mrs. Michael Kirby ’82 Mr. Mao Kitekere and Ms. Sophia Yona P’22 Mrs. Lucy Kmietek GP’19 ’20 Mr. and Mrs. T.K.S. Knowles, Jr. ’85 Mr. Kirk L. Knudsen ’84 Mr. and Mrs. Douglas J. Kolpak P’16 ’18 ’20 Dr. and Ms. Brian S. Konik Mr. Jeffrey R. Kopek ’20 Miss Ksenia E. Korobov ’21 Mr. Jacob L. Kotcher ’15 Miss Kiera Koval ’20 Dr. and Mrs. Leonard W. Kram ’63 Mrs. Richard D. Krasow Ms. Caroline Kroell ’19 Mr. Christian R. Kummer ’18 Mr. and Mrs. Leland J. Kurfess ’82 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Lanesey Ms. LouAnn Lange P’04 Mr. Zachary G. Larson ’12 General and Mrs. Peter W. Lash ’52 Miss Kaleigh J. Laurendeau ’21 Mr. and Mrs. Rick Laurendeau P’21 Ms. Jana L. Laurin ’99 Ms. Claire R. Lavelle ’16 Ms. Rebecca LeClerc Miss Ava Lee ’21 Mr. J. Matthew D. Lee ’19 Mr. and Mrs. Sunho Lee P’19 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Lee, Jr. P’17 ’21 Ms. Meghan L. Lembo ’14 Mr. John M. Leonard ’19 Miss Lila C. Leonard ’21 Mrs. Jacqueline LePine

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the Gunnery • 2018-2019 Annual Report

Mr. and Mrs. George Lescadre P’18 Mr. and Mrs. Fred R. Levin P’14 ’16 Ms. Miranda R. Levin ’16 Mr. Samuel R. Levin ’14 Mr. and Mrs. Stuart D. Levitan ’71 Ms. Jessica L. L’Heureux ’10 Mr. Zhiguang Li ’22 Mr. Sal Lilienthal Ms. Chia-Ying Lin ’19 Ms. Yongjun Lin ’19 Ms. Heather E. Lincoln ’06 Ms. Ann W. Lipham ’79 P’10 Mr. Paris L. Liston ’22 Mr. Buyun Liu and Ms. Daimeng Wu P’18 Miss Inin Liu ’22 Mr. Jack Liu ’18 Mr. Sichen Liu ’19 Mr. Alexander Lizotte ’20 Mr. and Ms. Darren Lizotte P’20 Mr. and Dr. Daniel Logan P’22 Mr. Samuel Logan ’22 Mr. Matthew P. Logue ’15 Mr. and Mrs. Peter F. Logue P’15 Ms. Sarah M. Lombard ’12 Mr. Declan M. Long ’21 Mr. Donald J. Longueuil ’95 Mr. Julian H. Lopez ’19 Mr. Matthew J. Lopresti ’17 Mr. Michael J. LoPresti Jr. ’10 Lord Tree Experts Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Lovallo P’21 Miss Hailey M. Lovallo ’21 Mr. and Mrs. Seth C. Low Ms. Susan E. Loyd P’10 Miss Hope K. Luangisa ’22 Mr. and Mrs. Christopher A. Luft ’80 Miss Alexa K. M. Lugo ’20 Mr. and Mrs. Albert E. Lussier III ’81 P’10 ’13 Mr. Max A. Luukko ’14 Ms. Jessica Lyon Ms. Katherine B. Lyons ’83 Mr. and Mrs. Benton R. Lyster ’66 Mr. Junjie Ma ’20 Mr. Mike Mable Mr. and Mrs. Francis X. Macary III ’03 Mr. Stephen B. Macary ’15 Mr. Cameron P. MacKay ’12 Ms. Darby E. MacKay ’12 Mr. Peter M. MacKenna ’08 and Ms. Lindsay D. Lincoln ’08 Ms. Tessa R. L. Mackey ’16 Ms. Allison L. Madow ’19 Ms. Teresita Magana Mr. Philip R. Magnuson ’62 # Ms. Lena L. Mak ’16 Mr. and Mrs. Peter A. Manley ’61 Mr. Jeffrey A. Manville Jr. ’12 Marandola Fuel Service LLC Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Marich P’23 Mr. Julian P. Marlowe ’19 Mr. and Mrs. P. Severin Marsted ’57 Mr. Christopher Martin GP’20 ’23

Miss Isabel Martin ’20 Mr. Richard and Mrs. Laura Martin ’90 P’20 ’23 Ms. Lisa A. Martland ’05 Ms. Kathleen P. Masterson Commander Michael G. Matacz ’74 Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. Matheu III ’90 Mr. David J. Mathewson, Jr. ’62 and The Rev. Kathryn C. Matthewson Mr. Brett M. Matthews ’18 Mr. and Mrs. Dean W. Matthews ’56 P’98 ’99 Mr. John C. Matthews ’18 Mr. and Mrs. Kristopher D. Matthews ’99 Mr. Tristen Matthews ’22 Mr. Bill Matthews P’22 Miss Elizabeth G. Maxwell ’20 Mr. William Lawrence Maxwell ’85 and Dr. Charlotte P. Maxwell P’16 ’20 Dr. Silvia Mayo Molina ’87 & Mr. Andrew F. Mayo Ms. Sophie McAndrew ’18 Miss Emma R. McCauley ’22 Mr. and Mrs. Wesley McCauley P’22 Mr. and Mrs. Vincent McClelland ’69 Ms. Eileen McCormack P’19 Ms. Melissa L. McCoy P’14 Ms. Lindsey McDonald ’19 Miss Grace E. McEneaney ’20 Miss Margery J. McFarland ’22 Miss Maryam A. McFarland ’20 Mr. and Mrs. Terrence W. McFarland ’77 Mr. and Mrs. Stephen E. McGuffin ’64 Mrs. Becky McGuire Mr. and Mrs. James B. McKenna P’06 Mr. Bartholomew W. McMann and Mrs. Kate A. McMann ’05 Miss Eleanor T. McManus ’21 Mr. Kevin C. McManus ’88 Mr. Stephen C. McMaster ’73 Ms. Veronica M. McStocker ’12

Mr. Charles Y. Mead ’71 Mr. and Mrs. David H. Means, Jr. ’81 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas B. Meek III ’81 Ms. Bevin Emma Mehbach ’03 and Mr. Zach Mehbach Mr. John-Paul T. Mella ’19 Mr. and Mrs. Barry N. Mends ’69 Mr. and Mrs. Richard H. Merrill ’66 Mr. and Ms. Spencer R. Meyer ’96 Mr. Scott C. Milas ’78 and Mrs. Ewa O’Malley Mr. and Mrs. Leonard J. Miller P’19 Mr. and Mrs. Ogden D. Miller, Jr. ’50 P’84 Ms. Sommer E. Miller ’19 Mr. Marshall P. Millette ’14 Mr. Sage Mines ’19 Ms. Paige A. Moffat ’19 Mr. Scot Moffat and Sgt. Reisha Moffat P’19 Mr. Zachary C. Mojarro ’22 Mr. Cody A. Moore ’19 Mr. Franklin Moore ’64 # and Mr. Bancroft Winsor Ms. Jane C. Moore ’14 Mr. Jeffrey C. Moore ’00 Mr. John P. Moore ’99 Mr. and Mrs. Sonny Moore GP’19 Mr. and Mrs. Gerard J. Moriarity P’18 Ms. Nicole E. Moriarity ’18 Mrs. Kristin A. Moriarty ’05 and Mr. Patrick Moriarty Mr. Ian E. Morris ’14 Mr. and Mrs. Mickey S. Morris P’22 Mr. Brian Morse ’22 Mr. and Mrs. Scott Morse P’22 Mr. Bruce W. Moss ’60 Ms. Catherine Moulton Mr. Christian H. Mueller ’94 Mr. Aidan Mullen ’20 Mr. Patrick P. Mullen ’17 Mrs. Melissa J. Muller ’84 and Mr. Robert F. Smith Mr. and Mrs. G. Bruce Munro ’53

# The H. Willets and Samuel Jackson Underhill Society

the Gunnery • 2018-2019 Annual Report


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Mr. and Mrs. William L. Munson ’58 Mr. Judd R. Murkland ’68 Mr. Matthew G. Murphy ’16 Mrs. Paige V. Naclerio ’13 and Mr. Mark Naclerio Mr. Jorge Najera Albor and Ms. Shelly Sweeney P’20 Mr. Guillermo E. Najera Sweeney ’20 Dr. David J. Nashel ’56 and Mrs. Cheryl C. Ulmer Dr. and Mrs. David B. Neale ’71 Mr. and Mrs. Daniel P. Nemergut P’14 ’19 Ms. Katherine R. Nemergut ’19 Ms. Amelie Neubert ’19 Dr. and Mrs. Olaf Neubert P’19 Mr. Hung Tan Ngo ’20 Mr. Jonathan Nichele ’21 Dr. and Mrs. Maurizio D. Nichele P’21 ’22 Miss Victoria L. Nichele ’22 Mrs. Nell H. Nicholas ’83 and Mr. Robert B. Nicholas Mrs. Kathleen W. Niedmann ’82 and Mr. Eric Peter Niedmann Mr. Mark A. Niemiec ’95 Ms. Alexandra N. Noeding ’19 Mr. and Mrs. Erik C. Noeding P’19 Miss Hyunseo Noh ’22 Mrs. William Nolan P’95 GP’21 Mr. Richard C. Nolan ’07 Ms. Tanya Nongera Mr. Joshua R. Novick ’21 Miss Sophia Novoa ’20 Mr. Charles Kelly Nye ’71 Mr. William Obilisundar ’09 Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. O’Brien P’07 ’11 Mr. Daniel R. O’Brien ’05 Mr. John P. O’Brien Sr. ’85 and Mrs. Meg A. O’Brien ’84 P’20 Mr. Michael P. O’Brien ’07 Mr. Nicholas O’Brien ’20 Mr. Auden Oliver-Yeager ’22 Mr. Christopher M. Olson, Jr. ’12 Mr. William M. Oman, Jr. ’67 # and Dr. Larry Crummer # Mr. Stephen Oswald ’19 Mr. Addison R. Owens ’09 Mr. and Mrs. Miguel B. Padro ’94 Ms. Katlyn S. Paiva ’14 Miss Ruhua Pan ’21 Mr. and Mrs. Michael R. Pankey ’87 Mr. Aristomenis M. Papathanasiou ’20 Laurence D. Paredes and Elisabeth Paredes P’20 Mr. Nicolas Paredes ’20 Mr. Christopher H. Park ’21 Mr. Thomas C. Paron and Ms. Ann Hertberg P’13 ’19 Mr. Tucker L. Paron ’19 Mr. A. Leonard Parrott ’52 Mr. James Pattillo P’20 ’21 Mr. James G. Pattillo V ’21 Miss Sofia Pattillo ’20 Ms. Amy L. Paulekas Mr. John H. Payne III* and Mrs. Susan F. Payne Mrs. John H. Payne III Mr. Tuomas Pelamo ’19 Miss Remay Pemba ’20 Mr. and Mrs. Tsewang Pemba P’20

# The H. Willets and Samuel Jackson Underhill Society


Mr. Riley C. Pengue ’19 Mr. and Mrs. William S. Penick, Jr. ’90 Mr. and Mrs. Sean M. Peoples ’79 Mr. and Mrs. T. Sergeant Pepper ’62 P’89 Mr. Joseph W. Perda ’18 Mr. Luke M. Perda ’14 Mr. Jesse C. Perkins Mr. Anthony M. Pernerewski Jr. ’22 Mr. Brandon Peterson ’21 Ms. Felicia Peterson P’21 Mr. Luke A. Peterson ’22 Mr. and Mrs. Todd A. Peterson P’22 Ms. Katheryn Pettibone ’19 Mr. and Mrs. Robert Pettibone P’19 Mrs. Janine Pettinicchi and Mr. Thomas P. Pettinicchi Mr. David M. Philips ’44 # Mr. Sean O. Phillips ’20 Mr. Panop Phongpetra ’19 Mr. and Ms. Robert Piazza P’22 Mr. and Mrs. Lynn D. Pierotti ’84 Mr. Jacob T. Plante ’14 Dr. and Mrs. Norman O. Polk ’63 Mr. Timothy Poole Miss Savannah Popick ’20 Miss Katherine M. Porrello ’22 Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Porrello P’22 Mr. and Mrs. Craig Powell P’20 Mr. Travis Powell ’20 Mr. Andrew M. Powers ’11 Mr. Will C. Prentice ’19 Mr. and Mrs. Craig S. Pressman ’83 Mr. Ethan D. Privman ’19 Mr. and Mrs. Teague D. Purcell ’01 Dr. Hans-Christoph Quelle and Mrs. Astrid Oldekop P’21 Mr. Nathan E. A. Quelle ’21 Mr. and Mrs. Stuart H. Quillman ’74 Ms. Katherine E. Quinlan ’13 Mr. Eli S. Rabinowitz ’99 and Mrs. Kate Otis Mr. Jared F. Rainville ’19 Mr. Edward Rayhill ’22 Mr. James Rayhill ’20 Mr. and Mrs. Peter Rayhill P’20 ’22 Mr. Silas Recica-Sullivan ’21 Mr. and Mrs. Raymond W. Reich Ms. Krista M. Reinhart ’90 Mr. Timothy A. Reitman ’14 Mr. and Mrs. Robert T. Retallick P’20 Mr. Alfred O. Reynolds, Jr. ’64 The MacCarthy Family Mr. Mark T. Rhoads ’04 Mr. Simon R. Rhodes ’22 Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Richards P’20 ’23 Mr. Mark J. Richards ’75 and Mrs. Doreen F. Gebbia Dr. Stephen J. Richman ’58 and Mrs. Maxine Blum Roy Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Rickart Mr. and Mrs. Adam Riess Mr. Ian P. Riley ’13 Ms. Kori L. Rimany ’14 Mr. Charles-Alexandre B. Rioux ’15 Miss Lea-Karoline G. Ritzenhoff ’22


Mr. and Dr. Michael M. Ritzenhoff P’22 Mr. and Mrs. Richard Roder GP’03 Mr. Cristian R. Rodriguez ’19 Ms. Audrey R. Rollor Mr. Andrew V. Romanella ’09 Mr. Lucas Rosati ’20 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Rosati P’20 Mr. and Mrs. Robert Rosen P’11 Mr. Tate Rosenberg ’21 Mrs. Carolyn Ross Ms. Dana Ross ’17 Contessa Bettina Rosser WR’69 Ms. Hannah Rossi ’19 Ms. Heidi A. S. Rowe ’79 and Mr. William Speers Mr. and Mrs. Wallace H. Rowe III H’57 P’77 ’79 # Ms. Sharon Rowland ’19 Miss Gianna Russillo ’20 Mr. and Mrs. M. Jeffers Ryer P’07 ’09 Mrs. Orhan Sadik-Khan P’06 Mr. and Mrs. Edward L. Samek ’54 Mr. Hunter Sansbury ’20 Mr. and Mrs. Michael Sansbury P’20 Mr. Wade T. Sansone ’18 Ms. Rita Santini GP’18 Mr. Jack Sappington ’20 Mr. James R. Sarris ’09 Ms. Danielle E. Sass Byrnett ’95 and Mr. Patrick Byrnett Ms. Katie Satkowski Savol Pools Mr. Dean J. Scherza ’97 Mr. Warren Schiele ’84 Ms. Laura E. Schmidt ’08 Mr. Jed S. Schneider and Ms. Cathy A. King P’14 Ms. Melissa D. Schomers Mr. and Mrs. Craig G. Schoon Mr. John D. Schreiber P’20 Mr. Samuel I. Schreiber ’20 Ms. Tessa J. Schultz ’03 Mr. and Mrs. John H. Schwabacher ’58 Mr. Jason Searles ’20 Ms. Judith Selkowitz Mr. Charles F. Senich and Ms. Christine A. Sullivan P’15 Mr. and Mrs. Alfred M. Sessa ’54 Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Sessa ’84 Mr. Michael S. Setzer ’00 Mr. Peter A. Seymour P’18 Mr. Vincent P. Shanley P’09 Mr. Andrew O. Shapiro and Ms. Carolyn Setlow Mr. and Mrs. Judd L. Shapiro ’83 Mr. Philip H. Shaw ’09 Professor and Mrs. George A. Sheets ’65 Miss Kierstin N. Shelters ’22 Dr. and Mrs. Jayakar Shetty P’08 ’11 Ms. Priyanka J. Shetty ’08 Mr. Sachin J. Shetty ’11 Ms. Nancy C. Shober P’83 Mr. Luke Silver ’19 Ms. Jan C. Silverman ’16 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas D. Silverstein ’71 Mr. Jonathan W. Simms ’76

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the Gunnery • 2018-2019 Annual Report

Ms. Debra Simon P’20 Mr. and Mrs. Henry C. Simpson, Jr. P’89 Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Singh Rakieten ’66 Mr. Cody J. Sipher ’19 Mr. and Mrs. Justin Sipher P’19 Mr. Michael Sirota and Ms. Kelli Bartels P’21 Mr. Michael J. Sirota ’21 Ms. Jenna T. Sittler ’18 Mr. and Mrs. Randy Sittler P’18 Mr. Walter Sizemore and Ms. Maureen O’Farrell P’22 ’22 ’22 Mr. Gregory S. Slater, Jr. ’66 Mr. and Mrs. Eoin More Slavin ’75 Mr. and Mrs. Steven F. Slitt Mr. and Mrs. Adlai J. Small ’91 Mr. and Mrs. Edward C. Small Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Smith ’57 Ms. Emeline P. C. Smith ’18 Miss Emma F. Smith ’22 Mr. J. Kevin Smith P’18 Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence A. Smith P’22 Mr. Martin Smith and Dr. Marcia Tejeda P’20 Miss Miranda Smith ’20 Mr. and Mrs. Peter D. Smith ’48 Mr. William B. Smith Esq. ’86 and Ms. Margaret Slusar Smith ’88 Mr. and Mrs. William N. Smyth ’57 # Mrs. Roger K. Snell Mr. and Mrs. William F. Snydacker ’63 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Solosky ’04 Mr. and Mrs. Daniel M. Sprague ’59 Ms. Lynn Springer P’16 and Rev. Jeffrey D. Grant Mrs. Gwendolen M. Squires ’05 and Mr. Jordan Squires Miss Jayla M. Stack ’21 Mr. and Mrs. James Stacy P’20 Miss Maeghan E. Stacy ’20 Mr. and Mrs. J.C. Stamler, Jr. ’91 Ms. Robyn Stammen P’20 Mrs. Christine Steiner Mr. Sean P. Stellato ’97 Mr. Joseph S. Stevens ’12 Miss Madeleine T. Stewart ’20 Mr. and Mrs. Richard S. Stewart P’88 Mr. Jackson L. Stolar ’11 Mr. and Mrs. Brian K. Strandes ’81 Mr. Alexander J. Strelov ’08 Mr. W. Jed Stuart ’02 and Mrs. Chelsea Stuart Mr. and Mrs. John A. Sturges, Jr. ’65 # Ms. Barbara S. Sullivan P’15 Mrs. Hilary F. Sullivan ’80 and Mr. Scott D. Sullivan Mr. Matthew Sullivan and Mrs. Mary Ann Recica P’21 Mr. Tyler T. Sullivan ’18 Mr. Kevin J. Sun ’16 Mrs. Sui L. Sung Mr. Edward D. Surjan, Jr. and Ms. Beverly Dahl Mr. Russell S. Suskind ’10 Mr. Andrew G. Sutherland ’21 Mr. and Mrs. David Sutherland P’21 Ms. Elizabeth M. Sutherland ’12 Mr. Harrison Sutton ’20 Mr. Neil Sutton P’20

Mr. Greg Swenson Mr. and Mrs. Felix J. Szumlaski, Jr. ’72 Mr. Jaren M. Taenaka ’12 Mrs. Cheryl L. Tafel ’99 and Mr. Bryan Tafel Mr. Brian Taggart Mr. Robert L. Taylor III ’19 Mr. Peter E. Tcheleshev ’21 Mr. and Mrs. Scott Tedesco P’20 Ms. Margaret M. Theobald ’09 Ms. P. Lindsay Theobald ’14 Mr. and Mrs. Roderick M. Theobald P’09 ’14 Mr. and Mrs. Jacques Christopher Theriot ’86 Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Thomas ’84 Mr. Patrick A. Thomas ’20 Dr. and Mrs. Ward J. Thomas P’20 Miss Anjavie M. Thompson ’21 Ms. Ayesha Thompson P’21 Mr. Kevin T. Thompson, Jr. ’02 Mr. Jay N. Thomson ’55 Mrs. Hope Thorn and Mr. Lyndon Thorn Mr. and Mrs. Thomas B. Thornbury ’54 Ms. Jiawen Tian ’19 Mr. and Mrs. Stephen J. Tillman P’91 Mr. and Mrs. Nolan M. Titcomb ’05 Dr. and Mrs. Alan M. Todd ’67 Mr. Andrew Tolley ’08 Mr. Aaron J. M. Townsend ’04 Miss Hadley Townsend ’20 Mr. William C. Townsend ’18 Miss Tram N. Tran ’22 Mr. Colin E. G. Trom ’20 Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Trom P’19 ’20 Mr. Ryan P. Trom ’19 Ms. Sofia Trotta ’19 Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey E. Trundy Mr. Lam T. Truong ’21 Mr. Thinh T. Truong ’22 Mr. and Mrs. Andrew H. Tscheppe P’19 Mr. Timothy T. Tscheppe ’19 Mr. Yik Tung Tsui ’20 Mr. Lawrence D. Tuck ’65 Mr. Martin Tunis and Ms. Krysti Ray P’20 Mr. Lincoln Turner Peter S. Twombly Esq. ’74 # Mr. and Mrs. Glenn D. Ufland ’93 Mr. Weston M. Ulbrich ’05 Mr. and Mrs. Michael H. Ullram ’99 Mr. and Mrs. Robert K. Ullram P’96 ’99 United Construction & Engineering, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. John J. Vazzano P’08 ’10 Mrs. Beverly B. Vila Mr. Christopher Visentin Mr. Frederik von Klitzing Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan J. Von Ranson ’60 Miss Astrid von Seufert ’21 Mr. Matthew T. Vredenburgh ’04 Mr. and Mrs. Christian L. Waechter ’84 Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan L. Waechter ’82 Ms. Layla V. Walcott ’19 Ms. Kayla M. Walewski ’17 Ms. Page H. Waller ’87 and Mr. Francis H. McEneaney P’20

Mrs. Pamela Waller P’87 GP’20 Mr. Terrence M. Wallin ’11 Ms. Jui-Ling Wang ’18 Miss Xinyi Wang ’20 Ms. YuanShu Wang ’18 Miss Yufan Wang ’21 Mr. Yunyi Wang ’20 Miss Alexandria Warren ’22 Mr. and Mrs. Mark Warren P’22 Mr. Maksim M. Watton ’22 Mr. Jonathan F. Wehle JD ’71 Mr. and Mrs. Arnd Wehner ’84 Mr. Edward J. Weik Ms. Laura C. Wells ’19 Mr. Robert A. Wells ’21 Mr. and Mrs. Erhart Werner P’86 ’87 GP’16 Mr. and Mrs. E. Laurence White III ’68 Mr. Peter T. Whitman ’89 Mr. Raymond J. Whitney III ’87 Mr. and Mrs. Ronald G. Whittle P’80 Mr. Erik Widenborg ’19 Ms. Emily F. Wierdsma ’96 Mr. Leif Wigren ’82 Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert R. Williams ’55 # Ms. Emma Wirt ’18 Mr. David M. Witten II ’72 Jennifer, Jerry and Serafina Wojcik Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Wolff P’22 Mr. and Mrs. James Wu Miss Xin Yao Wu ’22 Mr. and Mrs. Mark H. Wurth ’70 Mr. and Mrs. Scott W. Wynn ’79 Miss Yiqiao Xiang ’21 Miss Yixin Xu ’20 Mr. Salvator J. Xuereb ’84 Mr. John W. Yerger ’68 Mr. Barry E. York ’90 Mr. Brent A. Young ’17 Mr. and Mrs. Christopher C. Young ’80 Mr. Derek P. Young ’21 Mr. and Mrs. Marc Young P’21 Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Young P’17 Mr. Chenyu Yu ’19 Ms. Talia N. Zabit ’19 Mr. Amaan S. Zafar ’19 Mr. Daniel B. Zajkowski ’21 Mr. and Mrs. James T. Zambero P’99 ’05 Mr. Mark J. Zambero ’99 Mr. and Mrs. Geoffrey R. Zampiello ’94 Mr. Chengyong Zhang and Mrs. Ying Chen P’20 Mr. Haoran Zhang ’19 Mr. Xihang Zhang ’22 Miss You Zhang ’22 Miss Yueqian Zhong ’21 Miss Yongshu Zhu ’21 Mr. and Mrs. David Ziolkowski P’20 Mr. Dillon Ziolkowski ’20 Mr. and Mrs. Frederick D. Zonino, Jr. ’70 Mrs. Wendy B. Zullo ’83 and Mr. William Zullo P’18 Mr. and Mrs. Eddi Z. Zyko Jr ’96

# The H. Willets and Samuel Jackson Underhill Society

the Gunnery • 2018-2019 Annual Report


Class Agents Italicized


The Head’s Circle Established to express our deepest appreciation and heartfelt gratitude for the donors who have made cumulative gifts exceeding $100,000. The vision of these very generous donors enables The Gunnery to continue to support Mr. Gunn’s mission. Mr. Benjamin Nickoll and Ms. Christine Armstrong P’19 Mr. Christopher H. Babcock ’68 # Mr. and Mrs. Stephen W. Baird ’68 # Mr. and Mrs. William G. Bardel Barnes Group Foundation, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Theo B. Bean III P’11 Mr. and Mrs. Stephen P. Bent ’59 # Mr. and Mrs. Ian M. Bickley P’10 ’12 Mr. and Mrs. Leo D. Bretter ’52 P’88 # Mr. William S. Bristow P’72 ’74 Mr. Kenneth J. Browne* 1911 # Mr. Jeffrey S. Bruemmer ’73 Mr. Paul J. Bruning* # Mr. and Mrs. Steven Burke Mr. Malcolm G. Chace, Jr. ’86 Mr. and Mrs. James Cohen Mr. Richard C. Colton, Jr. ’60 # The Estate of Mrs. Virginia Solley de Sieyes Risley deCourcy* # Mr. T. Roderick Dew* ‘59 # Mr. and Mrs. Patrick M. Dorton ’86 Mr. John R. Dufour, Jr. P’02 ’05 ’07 Mr. Dick Ebersol and Ms. Susan Saint James P’08 Mr. Mark J. Eisner*, Jr. ‘45 Mr. Lloyd W. Elston ’44 P’68 ’70 GP’05 ’06 ’10 Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan M. Estreich P’06 Mr. and Mrs. Philip M. Farmer P’05 Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Feil P’98 Mr. Henry Ford II * P ‘68

# The H. Willets and Samuel Jackson Underhill Society


Mr. and Mrs. Edsel B. Ford II ’68 Fred L. Emerson Foundation Mr. and Mrs. James R. Gallop P’15 Mrs. Elizabeth M. Gitt* Mr. and Mrs. Gary A. Glynn Mr. and Mrs. John M. Greenwood ’71 Mr. and Mrs. Steven Guttman Mr. and Mrs. David N. Hoadley ’51 Funded by the Seth Holcombe Family # Mr. and Mrs. Sherman R. Hotchkiss ’63 # Mr. Peter R. Houldin ’92 Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence D. Howell P’16 Ms. Jane Botsford Johnson ’84 Mr. Harry T. Jones III ‘53 P’89 # David E. Kaplan ’81 and Ms. Terri L. Stein P’13 ’15 ’20 Mr. Richard S. Klingenstein* # Mr. and Mrs. A. Eugene Kohn Mr. and Mrs. Gus H. Koven III ’60 Mr. and Mrs. Mike Lee P’03 ’04 Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Linen ’62 # Mr. Ronald E. Lipetz* ’58 # Mr. and Mrs. John H. Longmaid ’64 Mr. Daniel W. Lufkin P’86 Mr. Henry Allen Mark* Mr. Robert J. Mazaika GP’11 ’17 ’18 Mr. and Mrs. C. Russell McKee ’72 P’06 Mr. Dwight D. Miller ’55 Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Munson ’59 # Mr. and Mrs. George Murphy* National Football League


Mr. Brian C. Nickerson ’72 # Mr. and Mrs. Lucio A. Noto P’97 Mr. and Mrs. Len Novick P’18 ’21 Mr. G. Gordon Osborne* # Mrs. Kirsten M. Peckerman # Dr. and Mrs. Daniel B. Penner ’58 Mr. Thomas S. Perakos ’69 Mr. James D. Perse ’91 and Ms. Brandi Briskman Mr. and Mrs. Val Prevedini ’69 Mr. and Mrs. John D. Race ’73 Mr. Michael S. Renkert ’59 and Dr. Elizabeth E. Renkert # Mrs. William J. Ruane* Mr. Leonard R. Sargent* ’33 # Mr. Rees E. Shad ’83 and Ms. Pamela R. Kleber-Shad ’81 Mr. and Mrs. Jay B. Sheehy ’73 Mr. Peter B. Slone ’73 P’11 # William and Kathy Smilow ’82 Mr. and Mrs. George N. Stonbely P’99 Mr. Richard N. Tager ’56 and Ms. Susan Trinter Mrs. George G. Tenney* The David, Helen and Marian Woodward Fund The Estate of Edgar Reeve The Estate of Virginia Solley de Sieyes Risley deCourcy The Gunnery Parent Council The Horace W. Goldsmith Foundation Mrs. Preston R. Tisch* P’67 ’72 Jonathan and Lizzie Tisch ’72 Mr. Steven E. Tisch ’67 Mr. and Mrs. William T. Tolley P’08 ’14 # Mr. and Mrs. Neil W. Townsend P’18 ’20 Mr. Daniel J. Troiano ’77 # Mr. and Mrs. A. Thomas Turrentine ’71 Peter S. Twombly Esq. ’74 # Mr. H. Willets Underhill* # Mrs. Margaret Maitland Underhill* # Mrs. Harry S. Valentine III Mr. Alfred W. Van Sinderen* ’41 Vasey Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Gerrit Vreeland ’61 # Mr. and Mrs. Clive Walcott P’19 Mrs. Anne Wallen Mr. Roy S. Walzer ’65 P’86 # Mrs. James F. Ward ‘48 Mrs. Geoffrey Webster ‘63 Ms. Penelope L. White ’82 William H. Ellsworth Foundation Mrs. Robert B. Mortell Mrs. Henry Zarrow*

Class Agents Italicized

the Gunnery • 2018-2019 Annual Report

All Giving by Class Year


Mr. Seth P. Holcombe* # Mr. James P. Smith, Jr.* #


Mr. J. Hugh Cobrain Mr. Edgar M. Sheppard, Jr.


Mr. David M. Philips #


Mr. Walter B. Goldsmith # Mr. David N. Hoadley Mrs. Elsie Snell

Mr. Dwight D. Miller Mr. Jay N. Thomson Mr. Gilbert R. Williams # Mr. Thomas H. Wood, Jr.


Mr. Leo D. Bretter # Mr. Marvin C. Cheney, Jr. Mr. Matthew Gorry Mr. Philip B. Hinkle General Peter W. Lash Mr. A. Leonard Parrott Mr. David P. Renkert Mr. Roger A. Walters #


Mr. Geoffrey N. Brown Mr. David K. Case # Mr. Richard H. Hess Mr. Dean W. Matthews Mr. John B. Merrill, Jr. Dr. David J. Nashel Mr. Richard N. Tager #




Mr. Paul M. Russ



Mr. Robert D. Ballantine Mr. Anthony M. Delude Mr. Harry T. Jones III* # The Hr. James G. Kenefick, Jr. Mr. James F. Millinger # Mr. G. Bruce Munro

Mr. Louis P. Allyn Dr. Thomas C. Braman Mr. Frederick S. Fields Mr. Richard H. Hart Mr. Robert P. Johnson Mr. P. Severin Marsted Mr. Wallace H. Rowe III # Mr. Charles F. Smith Prof. Peter H. Smith Mr. William N. Smyth #


Dr. Arthur C. DeGraff, Jr. Mr. Christopher P. Jones


Dr. Albert J. Anderson, Jr. Mr. Charles R. Daniels, Jr. # Mr. Robert L. Hyde Mr. Leonard F. Lombardi Mr. Peter D. Smith


Mr. Donald E. Courtney


Mr. Thomas A. Blumenthal # Mr. Donald B. Christie Dr. James C. Clayton # Mr. Ogden D. Miller, Jr. Dr. William J. Tate III Mrs. Beverly B. Vila


Mr. F. Bruce Bradshaw # Mr. D. Pierre G. Cameron, Jr. Mr. Alan D. R. Frese


Dr. Michael H. Alderman Mr. Malcolm W. Bird # Mrs. Mary P. Chatfield Mr. Richard B. Clarke Mr. Benjamin C. Davis # Mr. John H. Fisher II Mrs. Alice M. Krasow Mr. Brent Malcolm Mr. David P. Miller II Mr. Edward L. Samek Mr. Alfred M. Sessa Mr. Thomas B. Thornbury


Mr. Alan L. Bain # Mr. David P. Bancroft # Mr. John F. Dillon Mr. Philip A. Houck Mr. Robert L. Levine


Mr. Thomas F. Archbald Mr. Michael H. Diem Mr. Peter J. Emerson Mr. Allan B. Greenwood Prof. John R. Keating Mr. Ronald E. Lipetz* # Mr. William L. Munson Dr. Daniel B. Penner Dr. Stephen J. Richman Mr. John H. Schwabacher


Mr. T. Roderick Dew* # Mr. Robert A. Hall, Jr. Mr. Nicholas F. Munson # Mr. B. William Plotkin Mr. Michael S. Renkert # Mr. Daniel M. Sprague Mr. George S. Sullivan, Jr. The Hr. Thomas F. Upson


Mr. Gilbert B. Christie Mr. John W. Crawford Mr. Stephen J. Farrington Mr. Reginald A. Fawcett Mr. James M. Gilbert Mr. Lawrence R. Gray Mr. William R. Gussman Mr. George W. Haines Dr. Edward G. Horn Mr. Walter P. Hubbard Mr. James A. Hughes Dr. Thomas J. Hurwitz Mr. William R. Kaehrle Mr. Anthony Kilburn Mr. Thomas R. King Mr. Gus H. Koven III Mr. Andrew A. Littauer # Mr. Jeffrey G. Marsted # Mr. Bruce W. Moss Mr. Robert R. Richmond # Mr. Jonathan J. von Ranson


Mr. Edward E. Baker, Jr. Prof. Walter J. Blogoslawski Mr. Stephen C. Davol Mr. Vinton Freedley III # Mr. Tristram C. Gaillard # Mr. Charles J. Gaspar, Jr., Ph.D. Mr. Stephen A. Gray Mr. Peter A. Manley Mr. Andrew Y. Rogers, Jr. Mr. Walter R. Seibert, Jr. Mr. Gerrit Vreeland #

Mr. Stephen P. Bent # Mr. Robert W. Butler, Jr. Mr. J. Edward Davis

# The H. Willets and Samuel Jackson Underhill Society

the Gunnery • 2018-2019 Annual Report


Class Agents Italicized






Anonymous Mr. Philip R. Magnuson # Mr. David J. Mathewson, Jr. Mr. T. Sergeant Pepper Mr. Tom S. Ward, Jr. Mr. W. Holt Whiting #

Mr. Leonard L. Abess, Jr. Mr. Paul M. Cummings Mr. Robb M. Degraff, Jr. Mr. Paul J. Ferla Mr. Charles M. Fulkerson, Jr. Hr. James M. Garrettson Mr. John B. Gimbel Mr. Christian Gotfredson Mr. Benton R. Lyster Mr. Richard H. Merrill Mr. Paul H. Nankivell II Mr. William N. Post Mr. Ralph Singh Rakieten Mr. Gregory S. Slater, Jr.


Mr. John R. Chandler Jr. Mr. Donald N. Ethier, Jr. Mr. Thomas B. Hambury Mr. John D. Herrick Mr. Sherman R. Hotchkiss # Dr. Leonard W. Kram Dr. Norman O. Polk Mr. James J. Slocum # Mr. William F. Snydacker Dr. Raymond R. White


Dr. Donald H. Brush Mr. Robert F. Brush # Mr. Robert N. Fountain II # Mr. Walter G. Fuller Mr. George H. J. Grande Mr. John A. Harrison Mr. L. Phillips Hoyt Mr. Richard D. Lilleston Mr. John H. Longmaid Mr. Stuart J. McCampbell # Mr. Stephen E. McGuffin Mr. Franklin Moore # Mr. Thomas C. R. Proctor # Mr. Alfred O. Reynolds, Jr.


Mr. Michael Bates Mr. Frederick D. Blume Mr. Peter P. Case The Rev. Peter G. Cheney Mr. Vincent R. Cianciolo Mr. David L. Crane Mr. Parker Dinkins Mr. William M. Preston III Prof. George A. Sheets Mr. Michael A. Sicher Mr. John A. Sturges, Jr. # Mr. Lawrence D. Tuck


Mr. Peter A. Howell Mr. Charles B. Hunker Mr. Stephen C. McMaster Mr. David C. Meyer Mr. Jay B. Sheehy Mr. Peter B. Slone # Dr. Peter J. Weiden

CLASS OF 1974 45TH

Mr. James L. Buttenwieser # Mr. Peter T. Clarke Mr. Stephen K. Galpin, Jr. Mr. Stephen Bond Garvan # Mr. William S. Rose Mr. Roger K. Tillson, Jr. # Mr. Mark H. Wurth Mr. Frederick D. Zonino, Jr.







Mr. Ian J. Cohn Mr. Eli J. Dokson Mr. Andrew H. Glantz Mr. Charles B. Green Mr. Jeffrey R. Krinsk Mr. William M. Oman, Jr. # Mr. Steven E. Tisch Dr. Alan M. Todd


Mr. Christopher H. Babcock # Mr. Stephen W. Baird # Mr. Frederick G. Bernard Mr. David M. Coburn # Mr. Edsel B. Ford II Mr. David A. Hyde, Jr. Mr. Judd R. Murkland Mr. John M. Reynolds Esq. # Mr. Robert H. Savarese Mr. Roy B. Simpson, Jr. Dr. Peter C. Sutton Mr. E. Laurence White III Mr. John W. Yerger

CLASS OF 1969 50TH

Mr. Charles H. Baum Mr. Curtiss N. Brown Mr. G. Frederick Dickson Mr. James L. E. Dixon Mr. John H. Freeman III Mr. John M. Greenwood Mr. Stu D. Levitan Mr. Charles Y. Mead Dr. David B. Neale Mr. Charles Kelly Nye Mr. Thomas D. Silverstein Mr. Rodman Townsend, Jr. Mr. Jonathan F. Wehle JD


Anonymous Mr. Lawrence H. Engelman Mr. Robert H. Gale Mr. C. Russell McKee Mr. Nicholas Molnar # Mr. Brian C. Nickerson # Mr. Felix J. Szumlaski, Jr. Mr. Jonathan M. Tisch Mr. R. Mark Van Allen Mr. David M. Witten II




Mr. Walter R. Addicks Mr. Kenneth H. Foreman Mr. Stephen D. Hoyt Dr. Robert A. Jackson Dr. Michael L. Krall Dr. Robert K. Kritzler Mr. H. Allan Lowe Mr. Peter S. Marshall Mr. Vincent McClelland

Anonymous Dr. David M. Albala Mr. Robert A. Bellinger Mr. Jeffrey S. Bruemmer Dr. George T. Capone Mr. John F. Eadie Mr. Douglas C. Greene # Mr. Charles W. Heaven Mr. Robert F. Hilgendorff

# The H. Willets and Samuel Jackson Underhill Society


Mr. Barry N. Mends Mr. Thomas S. Perakos Mr. Val Prevedini Mr. Geoffrey M. Reynolds Dr. Michael B. Teiger


Class Agents Italicized

the Gunnery • 2018-2019 Annual Report

Mr. Bruce C. Baird # Mr. Arthur J. Gillman Mr. Kenneth B. Gould Commander Michael G. Matacz Mr. Stuart H. Quillman Mr. Gregory H. Smith Mr. Peter S. Twombly Esq. #


Mr. David B. Moens Mr. Mark J. Richards Mr. Eoin More Slavin


Mr. Dutch Barhydt Mr. Roderick M. Brush, Jr. Mr. Christopher Fulton Mr. Christopher C. Healy Mr. Jonathan W. Simms Mr. Allen C. Steiger #


Mr. Steven T. Cornell Mr. Richard B. Flanagan Mr. Thomas A. Gorman IV Mr. Frank X. Macary, Jr. Mr. Terrence W. McFarland Mr. Wallace H. Rowe IV Mr. Daniel J. Troiano # Mr. Scott V. Yale


Mr. David P. Hardy Mr. Scott C. Milas Mr. William M. Samuelson Mr. Peter W. Tucker


Mr. Mark P. Dibble Mr. George R. Fryer, Jr. Mr. Lou J. Galletto, Jr. Ms. Ann W. Lipham Hon. Sean M. Peoples

Ms. Heidi A. S. Rowe Mr. Peter S. Strandes Mr. Scott W. Wynn


Ms. Geraldine E. Baldwin Mr. Paul R. Boillot Dr. Robert A. Burger Mr. Sean W. Gilligan Mr. Steven T. Horan Mr. Scott C. Houldin Mr. Christopher A. Luft Mr. John M. Robards Mr. Mark T. Sudac Mrs. Hilary F. Sullivan Mr. Christopher C. Young


Ms. Julia B. Alling Ms. Dana K. Beauvais Mr. Philip M. Dutton Mr. Perry C. Gresh Mr. Martin G. Johnson Mr. David E. Kaplan Mr. Al E. Lussier III Mr. David H. Means, Jr. Mr. Thomas B. Meek III Mr. Brian K. Strandes


Mr. Edgar S. Auchincloss V Mr. John M. Cathey Mrs. Sarah H. Cornell Ms. Sara E. Cousins Mr. Douglas K. Francis Ms. Elizabeth R. Johnson Mr. Michael J. Kirby Mr. Leland J. Kurfess Mr. Mark H. Lazarus Mrs. Kathleen W. Niedmann Mrs. Sarah Scheel Cook Mr. Jonathan L. Waechter Ms. Penelope L. White Mr. Leif K. Wigren


Mr. Russell J. Adams Mr. Jonathan R. Bennett Mr. Andrew S. Jeske Ms. Katherine B. Lyons Ms. Nell H. Nicholas Mr. Chip S. Pressman Mr. Judd L. Shapiro Mrs. Wendy B. Zullo


Mr. Leonard M. Auchincloss Mr. Peter J. Bergen, Jr. Mr. John W. Bratton Mr. Daniel C. Collin Mr. Peter J. Gallagher Mr. Gregory P. Geller Mr. Snowden M. Henry Mr. Michael R. Hespos Mr. Charles N. Kellogg Mr. Kirk L. Knudsen Mrs. Melissa J. Muller Mrs. Meg A. O’Brien Mr. Lynn D. Pierotti Mr. Brian R. Saltzman Mr. Warren Schiele Mr. Michael J. Sessa Mr. Charles A. Thomas Mr. Christian L. Waechter Mr. Arnd Wehner Mr. Salvator J. Xuereb





Mr. Robert J. Betes Mr. Edward F. Bretter Mrs. Sarah H. Cooney USAF Ms. Susan Frauenhofer Mr. Hozefa Y. Haveliwala Mr. Kevin C. McManus Ms. Margaret Slusar Smith


Mr. Kevin F. Bogardus Mrs. Lauren A. Bull Mrs. Whitney L. Crosby Mr. L. Michael Hersom Mr. Michael R. Kersten Mr. Jonathan S. Pepper Mr. Scott A. Schwind Mr. Peter T. Whitman



Mr. Robert P. Houser Mr. T.K. S. Knowles, Jr. Mr. William L. Maxwell Mr. John P. O’Brien, Sr.


Mrs. Elizabeth Anne Barhydt Mr. Malcolm G. Chace, Jr. Mr. Patrick M. Dorton Mr. Gregory R. Dyer Mrs. Bonnie A. Pennell Mr. Andrew M. Sacks Mr. James T. Sage Mr. William B. Smith, Esq. Mr. Jacques Christopher Theriot Mr. Robert M. Tirschwell


Mr. Ian N. Arnof Mr. Peter H. Barhydt Ms. Carey A. Bodenheimer Mr. Jeremy D. Cohen Mr. Ian S. Davis Mr. Bobby Gordon Mr. Spencer M. Houldin Dr. Silvia Mayo Molina Mr. Paul M. McManus, Jr. # Mr. Michael R. Pankey Ms. Page H. Waller Mr. Raymond J. Whitney III

Anonymous Mrs. Nanette R. Adair Mrs. Nicole E. Allman Mr. John H. Anning II Mr. William J. Boguniecki, Jr. Mr. Robert A. Bongo Mrs. Norma E. Cummings Mr. Michael N. Eanes # Mr. Gregory W. Ellis Ms. Elizabeth A. Fischbein Ms. Lori G. Galletto Ms. Marley Goldfein Mr. Robert R. Grinberg Mrs. Nina L. Healy Mr. C. Warner Hotchkiss IV Mr. Scott C. Hutchinson Mrs. Avanel Jarka Mr. David S. King Mrs. Laura E. Martin Mr. Robert R. Matheu III Mr. William S. Penick, Jr. Mr. Panu Puntoomsinchai Ms. Krista M. Reinhart Ms. Rebecca J. Weisberg Mr. Kenneth M. Wolff Mr. Barry E. York


Mr. Lincoln D. Carnam CFA Mr. Adam K. Clark Mrs. Susan F. Eanes Mr. Samuel O. Herrick Mr. James D. Perse Mr. Adlai J. Small Mr. J.C. Stamler, Jr.

Mr. Stephen T. Brown Mr. Peter R. Houldin Mrs. Elizabeth A. Kelley


Mr. Matthew R. Cheney Mrs. Holly I. Soroca Mr. Glenn D. Ufland Mr. Lamar G. Villere


Mr. Charles W. Allen Mr. Raymond L. Colotti, Jr. Ms. Eileen A. Conto Ms. Elvira Davidson Mr. Christian H. Mueller Mr. Miguel B. Padro Mr. Geoffrey R. Zampiello


Mr. Bhramdeo Bassit Mr. Derek J. Bush Mr. Donald J. Longueuil Mr. Mark A. Niemiec Ms. Danielle E. Sass Byrnett


Major Douglas A. Baker USMC Mrs. Jessica Fletcher Mrs. Monica George Winmill Mr. Spencer R. Meyer Ms. Krystalynn M. Schlegel # Ms. Emily F. Wierdsma Mr. Eddi Z. Zyko Jr


Mr. Daniel J. Bulawa Mr. Michael V. Caldarella Ms. Alessandra L. Carlin Ms. Tina L. Couch Mr. Douglas D. Daniels Mr. Dean J. Scherza Mr. Omar Slowe Mr. Sean P. Stellato


Mr. Joel K. Clark Mr. Joshua B. Feil Mr. Tyler J. Finkle Mr. Russell W. Matthews # Mr. Jonathan P. Sullivan

# The H. Willets and Samuel Jackson Underhill Society

the Gunnery • 2018-2019 Annual Report


Class Agents Italicized



Mr. Samuel E. Barber Dr. Amanda M. Fretts Ms. Jana L. Laurin Mr. Kristopher D. Matthews Mr. John P. Moore Mr. Eli S. Rabinowitz Mrs. Cheryl L. Tafel Mr. Michael H. Ullram Mr. Mark J. Zambero Mr. Jonathan J. Zucker


Mr. Michael D. Angelicola, Jr. Mr. John R. Eren Ms. Alexandra N. Kagan Mr. Jeffrey C. Moore Mr. Michael S. Setzer


Anonymous Mr. Teague D. Purcell


Mr. John P. Collins, Jr. Dr. Samantha P. Collum Mr. Adam R. Criscuolo Ms. Katherine J. DeForge Mrs. Morgen D. Fisher Ms. Tara J. Friedman Mr. Lane A. Goldberg Mr. Peter S. Lorenz Mr. Francis X. Macary III Mrs. Bevin E. Mehbach Ms. Tessa J. Schultz


Anonymous Mr. Garner R. Blume Ms. Kelly A. Feili Mr. Jadus D. A. Hay Mr. Mark T. Rhoads Mr. Joseph A. Solosky Mr. David F. Tamaroff Mr. Aaron J. M. Townsend Mr. Matthew T. Vredenburgh Mr. James D. Walsh


Mr. Ryan J. Cassella Mr. Brandon J. Dufour Mr. W. Jed Stuart Mr. Kevin T. Thompson, Jr.


Mr. Daniel G. Agius, Jr. Ms. Amanda E. Comeau Mr. Zackary E. Dugow Ms. Mallory M. Farmer

# The H. Willets and Samuel Jackson Underhill Society



Mr. Peter A. Macary Ms. Lisa A. Martland Mrs. Kate A. McMann Mrs. Kristin A. Moriarty Mr. Daniel R. O’Brien Mrs. Gwendolen M. V. H. Squires Mr. Nolan M. Titcomb Mr. Weston M. Ulbrich


Mr. Cameron T. Ahouse Ms. Kristen B. Bellone Mr. Patrick A. Capella Mr. Michael D. Corbelle Mr. Patrick A. DePeters Mr. James L. Estreich Ms. Heather E. Lincoln Ms. Elizabeth S. McKenna Mr. Altan R. I. Sadik-Khan


Mr. Nicholas J. Bianchi Ms. Alexandra L. Early Mr. Benjamin L. Greenfield Mr. John L. Ingle Ms. Sarah E. Macary Mr. Richard C. Nolan Mr. Michael P. O’Brien

Class Agents Italicized

the Gunnery • 2018-2019 Annual Report


Ms. Hilary D. Benjamin Mr. Christian A. Bianchi Mr. Patrick J. Brennan Mr. Jeffrey B. Buvinow Mr. Scott A. Dayton Mrs. Elizabeth R. Dayton Mrs. Chelsea E. Grossman Mr. Zachary A. Grossman Ms. Erin A. Kelly Ms. Lindsay D. Lincoln Mr. Peter M. MacKenna Ms. Laura E. Schmidt Ms. Priyanka J. Shetty Mr. Alexander J. Strelov Mr. Andrew Tolley


Mr. Matthew N. Allen Ms. Henrietta M. Bogdanovics Mr. Samuel B. Cobb Ms. Tara E. Connolly Mr. Samuel M. Funk Mr. Michael K. Hardon Mr. Joshua L. Johnston Mr. William Obilisundar Mr. Addison R. Owens Mr. Andrew V. Romanella Mr. James R. Sarris Mr. Philip H. Shaw Ms. Margaret M. Theobald


Mr. Christopher R. DePaola Mr. Louis M. Freeman III Mr. Shane C. Gorman Mr. Sean N. Grogan Ms. Jessica L. L’Heureux Mr. Michael J. Lopresti Jr. Ms. Natalie P. Merin Mr. Russell S. Suskind


Mr. Adam R. DeSanctis Ms. Olivia C. Gregory Mr. William M. Houldin III Mr. Andrew M. Powers Mr. Sachin J. Shetty Mr. Terrence M. Wallin


Ms. Madeleine J. Boudreau Mr. John L. Costello Mr. John C. Cullen, Jr. Mr. Andrew P. De Paulis Mr. Anthony P. D’Elia Mr. Fan Jiang Mr. Zachary G. Larson Ms. Sarah M. Lombard Mr. Cameron P. MacKay Ms. Darby E. MacKay Mr. Jeffrey A. Manville Jr. Ms. Veronica M. McStocker Mr. Christopher M. Olson, Jr. Mr. Joseph S. Stevens Ms. Elizabeth M. Sutherland Mr. Jaren M. Taenaka


Ms. Carrie M. Cameron Ms. Hanna S. Carlin Mr. Marc K. Cibelli Mr. Wyatt G. Clark Mr. Christopher G. Davis Ms. Micaela C. Grogan Ms. Jessie G. Kaplan Ms. Mary Jane Kessenich Mrs. Paige V. Naclerio Ms. Katherine E. Quinlan Mr. Ian P. Riley

Ms. Alexis R. Dominicus Ms. Ariana E. Dominicus Mr. Connor J. Eckenrod Mr. Joseph M. Fallon Mr. Brandon P. Garzione Mr. Robert L. Hooper Ms. Olivia C. Judd Mr. Joshua F. Kelly Ms. Meghan L. Lembo Mr. Samuel R. Levin Mr. Max A. Luukko Mr. Marshall P. Millette Ms. Jane C. Moore Mr. Ian E. Morris Ms. Katlyn S. Paiva Mr. Luke M. Perda Mr. Jacob T. Plante Mr. Tim A. Reitman Ms. Kori L. Rimany Ms. Patricia L. Theobald


Anonymous Mr. Logan A. Adams Ms. Virginia D. Dodenhoff Mr. Parker J. Hubbell Mr. Alexander S. Ireland Mr. Jacob M. Kantor Mr. Jacob L. Kotcher Mr. Matthew P. Logue Mr. Stephen B. Macary Mr. Charles-Alexandre B. Rioux


Mr. Lliam F. Christiano Ms. Chloe B. Coppola Mr. Connor C. Dahlman Ms. Morgan E. Dow Mr. Nathan P. Fydenkevez Mr. William H. Howell Ms. Jennifer W. Hylwa Ms. Claire R. Lavelle Ms. Miranda R. Levin Ms. Tessa R. L. Mackey Ms. Lena L. Mak Mr. Matthew G. Murphy Ms. Jan C. Silverman Mr. Kevin J. Sun



Ms. Dana J. Cerone Mr. Skyler T. Clark Mr. Alexander H. Cornell Ms. Casey E. Cullen Mr. Kevin M. Darrar Mr. Nicholas E. D’Elia

Mr. Cameron R. Amador Mr. Matthew S. Danner Mr. Diarmad P. DiMurro Ms. Margot W. Gaggini Ms. Grace Anne D. F. P. Herrick Mr. Sean M. Keleher Mr. Matthew J. Lopresti Mr. Patrick P. Mullen

Ms. Dana Ross Ms. Kayla M. Walewski Mr. Brent A. Young


Mr. Finn W. Bartman Mr. John M. Cary Jr. Mr. Jinuk Choi Mr. Ethan C. Cox Ms. Zoe C. Davis-Bowers Ms. Tabitha L. Franceschini Ms. Sydney M. Fydenkevez Mr. Kenyon W. Kay Mr. Christian R. Kummer Mr. Jack Liu Mr. Brett M. Matthews Mr. John C. Matthews Ms. Sophie McAndrew Ms. Nicole E. Moriarity Mr. Joseph W. Perda Ms. Julianne R. Petrillo Mr. Wade T. Sansone Ms. Jenna T. Sittler Ms. Emeline P. C. Smith Mr. Tyler T. Sullivan Mr. William C. Townsend Ms. YuanShu Wang Ms. Jui-Ling Wang Ms. Emma Wirt


Ms. Saara Aaltonen Ms. Madeleine Aitken Mr. William B. C. Alling Graney Mr. Chase M. Amador Mr. Anthony A. Annicelli Mr. Julian V. Aviles Ms. Lois Bachman Mr. Asa S. E. Baker Ms. Barbora Barancikova Ms. Anne F. Beatty Mr. Mason Beecher Mr. Elijah L. Berano Mr. Lucas G. Boyden Mr. Conor O. Bradley Mr. Riley T. Brennan Ms. Katrina M. Broccoli Ms. Lauren M. Burkhart Ms. Taryn N. Carey Mr. Wyatt M. Cicarelli Mr. Alexander J. Coady Mr. Garrett Coe Mr. John C. Coleman Jr. Mr. Philip H. Collins Mr. Gavin M. Connors Mr. Aiden C. Cooke Mr. John Crabtree Ms. Isabelle Crocco Mr. Robert P. Cronin

Mr. Sinawe Cuba Mr. Jake Di Girolamo Mr. Caleb W. H. Dorf Mr. Elijah H. H. Dorf Mr. Sean E. Douglas Ms. Chen Fang Ms. Marissa A. Fiori Mr. Duke S. Fishman Ms. Madison Gleason Mr. Andrew J. Hyland Mr. Nikolas Ioannou Ms. Yuchen Ji Mr. Samuel T. Johnson Mr. Case W. Kantgias Mr. Michael J. Kassis Ms. Caroline Kroell Mr. J. Matthew D. Lee Mr. John M. Leonard Ms. Yongjun Lin Ms. Chia-Ying Lin Mr. Sichen Liu Mr. Julian H. Lopez Ms. Allison L. Madow Mr. Julian P. Marlowe Ms. Lindsey McDonald Mr. John-Paul T. Mella Ms. Sommer E. Miller Mr. Sage Mines Ms. Paige A. Moffat Mr. Cody A. Moore Ms. Katherine R. Nemergut Ms. Amelie Neubert Ms. Alexandra N. Noeding Mr. Stephen Oswald Mr. Tucker L. Paron Mr. Tuomas Pelamo Mr. Riley C. Pengue Ms. Katheryn Pettibone Mr. Panop Phongpetra Mr. Will C. Prentice Mr. Ethan D. Privman Mr. Jared F. Rainville Mr. Cristian R. Rodriguez Ms. Hannah Rossi Ms. Sharon Rowland Mr. Luke Silver Mr. Cody J. Sipher Mr. Robert L. Taylor III Ms. Jiawen Tian Mr. Ryan P. Trom Ms. Sofia Trotta Mr. Timothy T. Tscheppe Ms. Layla V. Walcott Ms. Laura C. Wells Mr. Erik Widenborg Mr. Chenyu Yu Ms. Talia N. Zabit Mr. Amaan S. Zafar Mr. Haoran Zhang

# The H. Willets and Samuel Jackson Underhill Society

the Gunnery • 2018-2019 Annual Report


Class Agents Italicized


Giving From Current Parents All Funds Fiscal Year 2018-19

We are especially grateful to our parents who not only give of their resources but also provide home hospitality for international students, food and many other gifts in kind throughout the year that recognize the students and faculty. CLASSES ’19, ’20, ’21, ’22 Current Parents Giving and Pledges – All Funds 59% participation for all Classes Capital & Endowment $165,588 Gunnery Fund $311,775

CLASS OF 2019 54% participation CAPITAL & ENDOWMENT $93,000 GUNNERY FUND $122,142

Mr. and Mrs. Jyrki Aaltonen Mr. and Mrs. Jyrki Aaltonen P’19 Mr. Murray Aitken and Mrs. Cynthia Corhan-Aitken P’19 Ms. Julia B. Alling ’81 and Mr. Paul A. Graney P’19 Mr. and Mrs. Gabriel Amador P’17 ’19 Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert A. Aviles P’19 ’20 Mr. and Mrs. William Beatty P’19 Mr. and Mrs. Arvin Berano P’19 ’20 Mr. Brendan Bradley P’19 Mr. David M. Burkhart P’19 ’23 Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Cicarelli P’19 ’21 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Coady P’19 Mr. Daniel J. Collins and Mrs. Harper Hoff-Collins P’19 Mr. David J. Cooke P’15 ’16 ’19 Mr. John Crabtree P’19 Mr. Wilson Cuba and Ms. Julia King-Cuba P’19 Mr. Matthew F. Dorf and Ms. Megan N. Gibson P’19 ’19 Mr. and Mrs. K. Gregg Douglas P’12 ’14 ’19 Ms. Erin Dunaway P’19 Dr. Zhi Gang Fang and Ms. Bee Yook Wong P’19 Mr. and Mrs. Steve Fishman P’19 Mr. and Mrs. Keith Gleason P’19 ’21 ’23 Ms. Mila K. Harris P’19 Mr. and Mrs. John Hyland P’19 Mr. Cheng Ji and Ms. Guoqiang Yang P’19 Mr. and Mrs. Mark T. Johnson P’09 ’19 Mr. and Mrs. Chris Kantgias P’19 Prof. and Mrs. Stefan Kroell P’19 Mr. and Mrs. Sunho Lee P’19 Mr. Liu Hong Lin and Ms. Chun Mei Zhou P’19 Mr. Tsopin Lin Jr and Mrs. Zhiru Tao P’19 Ms. Eileen McCormack P’19 Mr. and Mrs. Michael McDonald P’19 Mr. and Mrs. Leonard J. Miller P’19 Mr. Scot Moffat and Sgt. Reisha Moffat P’19 Dr. and Ms. Troy Moore P’19

# The H. Willets and Samuel Jackson Underhill Society


Mr. and Mrs. Daniel P. Nemergut P’14 ’19 Dr. and Mrs. Olaf Neubert P’19 Mr. and Mrs. Erik C. Noeding P’19 Mr. Thomas C. Paron and Ms. Ann Hertberg P’13 ’19 Mr. and Mrs. Michael Pengue P’19 Mr. and Mrs. Robert Pettibone P’19 Mr. Scott Prentice and Ms. Glenda Rovello P’19 Ms. Edith Rowland P’19 Mr. and Mrs. David Silver P’19 Mr. and Mrs. Justin Sipher P’19 Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Trom P’19 ’20 Mr. and Mrs. Andrew H. Tscheppe P’19 Mr. Jay Kassis and Ms. Cynthia E. Urda Kassis P’19 Mr. and Mrs. Clive Walcott P’19 Mr. and Mrs. Kashif Zafar P’19 Mr. Bo Zhang and Ms. Jing Hao P’19

CLASS OF 2020 60% participation CAPITAL & ENDOWMENT $102,036 GUNNERY FUND $37,170

Mr. and Mrs. David Andreychuk P’20 Mr. Louis Argentino and Ms. Shelby Poe-Argentino P’20 Mr. and Mrs. Kevin P. Barbieri P’15 ’20 Mr. and Mrs. Russell Barrett P’20 ’22 Mr. and Ms. Jason W. Benedict P’20 Ms. Jeannette K. Boot P’20 Mr. Peter Brodhead and Ms. Lori Fedewa P’20 Mr. Qiang Cai and Mrs. Yun Jiang P’20 Ms. Mira Citron P’20 Mr. and Mrs. Russell D’Agostino P’20 Mr. and Mrs. Anthony M. DiGiacomo P’20 Mr. and Mrs. Bret C. Dolph P’20 Ms. Patricia L. Dyer P’20 Mr. Bijan Eghdami and Mrs. Devon George-Eghdami P’20 Mr. and Mrs. Lorenzo Gaggini P’17 ’20 Ms. Anne Genest P’20 Mr. Marc Genest P’20 Dr. and Mrs. Richard Gilbert P’20 Mr. Marco Greenberg and Ms. Stacey Nelkin P’20 Mr. Michael Hambley and Ms. Janice Wilson P’20 Mr. Josh Harwood and Dr. Michelene Todd P’20 Mr. and Mrs. Christopher M. Hill P’15 ’20 Mr. James Huffstetler and Mrs. Patricia O’Reilly P’20 Ms. Gertraud I. Humphreys P’20 Mr. and Mrs. Brandon Ince P’20 ’23 Ms. Carson Jacobi P’20 ’21


David E. Kaplan ’81 and Ms. Terri L. Stein P’13 ’15 ’20 Mr. and Mrs. Paul Kessman P’20 Mr. and Ms. Darren Lizotte P’20 Mr. Yujing Ma and Ms. Guiyuan Feng P’20 Mr. Richard and Mrs. Laura Martin ’90 P’20 ’23 Mr. William Lawrence Maxwell ’85 and Dr. Charlotte P. Maxwell P’16 ’20 Dr. and Mrs. John E. Mullen P’16 ’17 ’20 Mr. Jorge Najera Albor and Ms. Shelly Sweeney P’20 Mr. John P. O’Brien Sr. ’85 and Mrs. Meg A. O’Brien ’84 P’20 Laurence D. Paredes and Elisabeth Paredes P’20 Mr. James Pattillo P’20 ’21 Mr. and Mrs. Tsewang Pemba P’20 Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth O. Phillips P’20 Mr. and Mrs. Craig Powell P’20 Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Powers P’20 Mr. and Mrs. Peter Rayhill P’20 ’22 Mr. and Mrs. Robert T. Retallick P’20 Mr. and Mrs. Richard Rhodes, Jr. P’20 ’22 Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Richards P’20 ’23 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Rosati P’20 Mr. and Mrs. Michael Sansbury P’20 Mr. John D. Schreiber P’20 Ms. Debra Simon P’20 Mr. Martin Smith and Dr. Marcia Tejeda P’20 Mr. and Mrs. James Stacy P’20 Mr. and Mrs. Timothy D. Stewart P’20 Mr. Neil Sutton P’20 Mr. and Mrs. Scott Tedesco P’20 Dr. and Mrs. Ward J. Thomas P’20 Mr. and Mrs. Neil W. Townsend P’18 ’20 Mr. Martin Tunis and Ms. Krysti Ray P’20 Dr. and Mrs. Joachim von Klitzing P’20 Ms. Page H. Waller ’87 and Mr. Francis H. McEneaney P’20 Dr. Hanjiang Xu P’20 Mr. Xiangxian Xu and Ms. Linda Chen P’20 Mrs. Aili Zhang P’20 Mr. Chengyong Zhang and Mrs. Ying Chen P’20 Mr. and Mrs. David Ziolkowski P’20

CLASS OF 2021 58% participation CAPITAL & ENDOWMENT $38,500 GUNNERY FUND $64,325

Mr. and Mrs. Ravi Agadi P’21 Mr. and Mrs. Dirk Allerding P’21

Class Agents Italicized

the Gunnery • 2018-2019 Annual Report

Mr. Francois Barthelemy P’21 Mr. and Mrs. Steven Bettinger P’21 Mr. and Mrs. Sameer Bhasin P’21 Mr. and Mrs. David L. Braun P’21 Mr. Jeppe Christiansen and Ms. Jo Hurley P’21 Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Cicarelli P’19 ’21 Ms. Mary Cortese P’21 ’23 ’23 Mr. Colin S. Farrar and Mrs. Blaire Farrar P’21 Mr. and Ms. Daniel Farricielli P’21 Dr. Robert Feldman and Dr. Virginia Feldman P’17 ’21 Mr. and Mrs. Adam C. Gerry P’21 Mr. and Mrs. James Grady P’18 ’21 Mr. Frank Gustafson and Ms. Xhevrije Krosi P’21 Mr. Peter R. Houldin ’92 Mr. James Hurley and Ms. Julie Whitney P’21 Mr. Vladimir Korobov and Mrs. Alla Korobova P’21 Mr. and Mrs. Rick Laurendeau P’21 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Lee, Jr. P’17 ’21 Mr. and Mrs. Scott Long P’21 Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Lovallo P’21 Mr. and Mrs. Paul M. McManus, Jr. ’87 P’21 ’23 Dr. and Mrs. Maurizio D. Nichele P’21 ’22

Mr. and Mrs. Len Novick P’18 ’21 Ms. Felicia Peterson P’21 Dr. Hans-Christoph Quelle and Mrs. Astrid Oldekop P’21 Mr. Michael Sirota and Ms. Kelli Bartels P’21 Mr. Matthew Sullivan and Mrs. Mary Ann Recica P’21 Mr. and Mrs. David Sutherland P’21 Ms. Ayesha Thompson P’21 Mr. and Mrs. Marc Young P’21 Mr. and Mrs. Mark D. Zajkowski P’21

CLASS OF 2022 67% participation GUNNERY FUND $20,194

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Barnes P’22 Mr. Anthony Braca and Ms. Joanne Oliver-Yeager P’22 Mr. and Mrs. Brian Briggs P’22 Mr. and Mrs. Sean Brown P’22 Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. Burns P’22 Mr. and Mrs. Jay Clark P’22 Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Clement P’22 Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Coley P’22

Ms. Susan M.Copley P’22 Mr. and Mrs. Erik Griffin P’22 Mr. and Mrs. Michael Hall P’22 Mr. and Mrs. David Hubbard P’22 Mr. and Mrs. Erdem Kaltalioglu P’22 Mr. Mao Kitekere and Ms. Sophia Yona P’22 Mr. and Dr. Daniel Logan P’22 Mr. Bill Matthews P’22 Mr. and Mrs. Wesley McCauley P’22 Mr. and Mrs. Brandon Mojarro P’22 Mr. and Mrs. Mickey S. Morris P’22 Mr. and Mrs. Scott Morse P’22 Mr. and Mrs. Todd A. Peterson P’22 Mr. and Ms. Robert Piazza P’22 Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Porrello P’22 Mr. and Dr. Michael M. Ritzenhoff P’22 Mr. Jeff l. Shelters and Ms. Jo A. Sutter P’22 Mr. Walter Sizemore and Ms. Maureen O’Farrell P’22 ’22 ’22 Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence A. Smith P’22 Mr. and Mrs. Mark Warren P’22 Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Wolff P’22 Mr. Jinjun Wu and Mrs. Yinghua Xing P’22 Mr. Guoyuan Zhang and Mrs. Yanling Bao P’22

# The H. Willets and Samuel Jackson Underhill Society

the Gunnery • 2018-2019 Annual Report


Class Agents Italicized


All Funds

Giving of Parents of Alumni, Grandparents and Friends PARENTS OF ALUMNI Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Adams P’15 Mr. and Mrs. Gabriel Amador P’17 ’19 Mr. Benjamin Nickoll and Ms. Christine Armstrong P’19 Mr. and Mrs. Edgar S. Auchincloss V ’82 P’12 Mr. and Mrs. Steven E. Bailey P’09 Mr. and Mrs. James Baker P’96 Mr. and Mrs. Kevin P. Barbieri P’15 ’20 Mrs. Helen Risom Belluschi P’87 Mr. and Mrs. John L. Bertoli, Jr. P’10 Mr. and Mrs. Leo D. Bretter ’52 P’88 # Mr. Peter Brodhead and Ms. Lori Fedewa P’20 Mrs. Margaret A. Bucklin P’10 Ms. Elizabeth M. Burger P’13 Mr. Thomas A. Burger, Jr. P’13 Mr. Michael R. Caroe P’77 GP’10 Mr. and Mrs. Brad Cerepak P’14 Mr. and Mrs. E. Terry Clark P’91 ’98 ’03 ’05 ’14 Mr. and Mrs. Ian J. Cohn ’67 P’06 Mr. David J. Cooke P’15 ’16 ’19 Ms. Donna L. Coppola P’18 Mr. and Mrs. Stephen M. Danner P’17 Mr. and Mrs. Lynn C. Dayton P’99 ’05 Mr. and Mrs. Phil F. De Paulis P’12 Dr. and Mrs. William F. DeForge P’03 ’06 The Rt. Reverend and Mrs. Theodore C. DePaola, Jr. P’10 Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Divis P’11 Mr. and Mrs. K Gregg Douglas P’12 ’14 ’19 Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Dow P’16 Mrs. Susan F. Eanes H’91 P’90 GP’20 ’23 and Mr. Michael N. Eanes H’90 P’90 GP’20 ’23 Mrs. Rebekah H. Eckstein P’86 ’92 Mr. and Mrs. Alexander T. Ercklentz P’90 Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan M. Estreich P’06 Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. Fallon P’14 Mr. and Mrs. Philip M. Farmer P’05 Dr. Robert Feldman and Dr. Virginia Feldman P’17 ’21 Mr. Frederick S. Fields ’57 P’85 Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. FitzGerald P’90 Mr. and Mrs. Elon Foster III P’07 Mr. and Mrs. Lorenzo Gaggini P’17 ’20 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph G. Ghering P’78 Mrs. Leslie M. Hardy P’78 GP’09 Mr. and Mrs. John D. Herrick ’63 P’89 ’91 Mr. and Mrs. Christopher M. Hill P’15 ’20 Mr. and Mrs. Eric J. Hill P’13 Ms. Jill Hindes P’03 ’12 Mr. Thomas H. Hollinger and Ms. Kathryn E. Coe P’01 ’04 Mr. Lee M. Hollis P’17 Mr. and Mrs. Barry A. Horn P’16 Mr. Scott C. Houldin ’80 P’11 Mr. William M. Houldin, Jr. P’80 ’82 ’87 ’92 GP’09 ’11 ’14 # The H. Willets and Samuel Jackson Underhill Society


Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence D. Howell P’16 Mr. and Mrs. Robert V. Huss P’83 ’84 Mr. and Mrs. Mark T. Johnson P’09 ’19 Mr. Harry T. Jones III ‘53 P’89 # Mr. and Mrs. Philip H. Kantor P’10 ’15 David E. Kaplan ’81 and Ms. Terri L. Stein P’13 ’15 ’20 Ms. Claudia Kelleher P’86 Mr. and Mrs. Harry Kelleher, Jr. P’86 The Honorable and Mrs. James G. Kenefick, Jr. ’53 P’79 Mr. and Mrs. Kevin F. Killeen P’17 Mr. and Mrs. Eric Kotcher P’15 Ms. LouAnn Lange P’04 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Lee, Jr. P’17 ’21 Mr. and Mrs. George Lescadre P’18 Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Lincoln P’01 ’06 ’08 Ms. Ann W. Lipham ’79 P’10 Mr. and Mrs. Peter F. Logue P’15 Ms. Susan E. Loyd P’10 Mr. and Mrs. Albert E. Lussier III ’81 P’10 ’13 Mr. and Mrs. Francis X. Macary, Jr. ’77 P’03 ’05 ’07 ’15 Dr. Joseph C. Marron and Ms. Rebecca E. Kendall P’04 ’05 Mr. and Mrs. Dean W. Matthews ’56 P’98 ’99 Mr. William Lawrence Maxwell ’85 and Dr. Charlotte P. Maxwell P’16 ’20 Mr. and Mrs. C. Russell McKee ’72 P’06 Mr. and Mrs. James B. McKenna P’06 Mr. Neil Merin P’10 Mr. Peter J. Michel P’97 Mrs. Jane C. Miller P’82 Mr. and Mrs. Carl A. Minicucci P’14 Mr. and Mrs. Gerard J. Moriarity P’18 Dr. and Mrs. John E. Mullen P’16 ’17 ’20 Mrs. William Nolan P’95 GP’21 Mr. and Mrs. Lucio A. Noto P’97 Mr. and Mrs. Len Novick P’18 ’21 Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. O’Brien P’07 ’11 Ms. Sarane O’Connor P’18 Mr. and Mrs. William B. Ogden IV P’00 # Mr. Thomas C. Paron and Ms. Ann Hertberg P’13 ’19 Denise and Peter Pasch P’96 ’98 Mr. and Mrs. T. Sergeant Pepper ’62 P’89 Ms. Sarah Phillips P’17 Mr. and Mrs. Robert Rosen P’11 Mr. and Mrs. Wallace H. Rowe III H’57 P’77 ’79 # Mr. and Mrs. M. Jeffers Ryer P’07 ’09 Mrs. Orhan Sadik-Khan P’06 Mr. Jed S. Schneider and Ms. Cathy A. King P’14 Mr. Charles F. Senich and Ms. Christine A. Sullivan P’15 Mr. Peter A. Seymour P’18 Mr. Vincent P. Shanley P’09


Ms. Nancy C. Shober P’83 Mr. and Mrs. Matthew J. Silverman P’16 Mr. and Mrs. Henry C. Simpson, Jr. P’89 Mr. Peter B. Slone ’73 P’11 # Mr. Nicholas N. Solley P’96 ’96 Ms. Lynn Springer P’16 and Rev. Jeffrey D. Grant Mr. and Mrs. Richard S. Stewart P’88 Mr. and Mrs. George N. Stonbely P’99 Ms. Barbara S. Sullivan P’15 Mr. and Mrs. Kurt Sullivan P’16 ’18 Ms. Emily H. Taylor P’05 Mr. and Mrs. Roderick M. Theobald P’09 ’14 Mr. and Mrs. Stephen J. Tillman P’91 Mr. and Mrs. William T. Tolley P’08 ’14 # Mr. and Mrs. Neil W. Townsend P’18 ’20 Mr. and Mrs. Robert K. Ullram P’96 ’99 Ms. Chris Vatis P’18 Mr. and Mrs. John J. Vazzano P’08 ’10 Dr. and Mrs. Joachim von Klitzing P’20 Mr. and Mrs. John A. Walsh P’04 Mr. and Mrs. Erhart Werner P’86 ’87 GP’16 Mr. and Mrs. Ronald G. Whittle P’80 Mr. Kim Po Yan and Ms. Kwan Lam P’12 Mr. and Mrs. James T. Zambero P’99 ’05 Mrs. Wendy B. Zullo ’83 and Mr. William Zullo P’18

GRANDPARENTS Mr. and Mrs. Thomas O. Barnes GP’22 Mr. and Mrs. David Benedict GP’20 Mr. and Mrs. Eleuterio S. Berano GP’19 ’20 Dr. Joseph Byrne GP’20 Mr. Michael R. Caroe P’77 GP’10 Mr. and Mrs. Richard Coe GP’19 # Ms. Virginia Coolidge GP’09 ’19 Ms. Ann Dunn GP’21 Mrs. Susan F. Eanes H’91 P’90 GP’20 ’23 and Mr. Michael N. Eanes H’90 P’90 GP’20 ’23 Mr. and Mrs. Charles Greiner GP’21 Mrs. Leslie M. Hardy P’78 GP’09 Mr. William M. Houldin, Jr. P’80 ’82 ’87 ’92 GP’09 ’11 ’14 Mr. and Mrs. Chuck Ince GP’20 Dr. Gordon Johnson GP’21 Mrs. Lucy Kmietek GP’19 ’20 Ms. Sheila Largay GP’21 Mr. and Mrs. Edwin D. Leonard GP’13 Mr. Christopher Martin GP’20 ’23 Mr. and Mrs. Sonny Moore GP’19 Mrs. William Nolan P’95 GP’21 Mr. and Mrs. Richard Roder GP’03 Ms. Rita Santini GP’18 Dr. and Mrs. Joseph Sappington GP’20 Ms. Nancy Shilts GP’20 ’23 Mrs. Catherine Smith P’87 ’88 ’91 GP’21 and Mr. Mike Smith Mrs. Pamela Waller P’87 GP’20 Mr. and Mrs. Erhart Werner P’86 ’87 GP’16

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Mrs. Natalie H. Dyer Ms. Ashleigh Fernandez Mr. and Mrs. Paul R. Frank Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Goldsmith Mr. and Mrs. James C. Goodale Dr. Ferris G. Gorra Ms. Judith Gorra Mr. Holcombe T. Green III Mr. and Mrs. John Grustas Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hamblet Mr. and Mrs. William E. Havemeyer Mr. Ira Hershkowitz Mr. James L. Iselin Mr. John R. Johnson, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. A. Eugene Kohn

Mr. and Mrs. William G. Bardel Mr. and Mrs. Howard Barnet Jr. Chris and Dick Benson Mr. and Mrs. John Boyer Mr. and Mrs. Chris Bozzo Mr. Carlos M. Canal, Jr. and Mrs. Gay E. Vincent-Canal Mr. and Mrs. Jeremy Chase Mr. Rafael Checorodiguez Ms. Carol Chu Mr. and Mrs. Kenyon Clark Mr. and Mrs. William G. Cole Mr. George-Antony N. Colettis and Ms. Marina E. Colettis

Mr. Harold Matzner and Ms. Shellie Reade Mr. Richard Montague Mrs. John H. Payne III Mrs. Kirsten M. Peckerman # Mr. and Mrs. Raymond W. Reich The MacCarthy Family Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Rickart Mr. and Mrs. Adam Riess Mr. and Mrs. Neil Rubler Mr. and Mrs. Craig G. Schoon Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Shaham Mr. Andrew O. Shapiro and Ms. Carolyn Setlow Mr. and Mrs. Steven F. Slitt Mr. Edward J. Weik Mr. and Mrs. James Wu

Named Scholarships and Endowed Funds 50TH REUNION FUND FOR FACULTY SUPPORT

Initiated by the Class of 1963 and augmented by the Class of 1964 on the occasion of their 50th reunion. Established to honor former faculty and those who carry on a great tradition. An ongoing fund designed for future 50th reunion classes to add to and to help build the endowment for faculty support. THE ALUMNI SCHOLARSHIP

Established by Gunnery reunion classes to assist a qualified student to attend The Gunnery. THE BLAKESLEE H. BOTSFORD ’82 MEMORIAL FUND

Established in 2012, the fund will provide valuable resources to be used at the Head’s discretion to offer counseling services and health and wellness programs for students. THE BRINSMADE BRAMAN MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP

In memory of Hunnewell Braman, Sr. and Eleanor Brinsmade Braman (’11 and ’03 respectively) established by their children, and in the memory of Hunnewell Braman, Jr. ’33 established by his children. THE LEO D. BRETTER ’52 P’88 SCHOLARSHIP

Established in 1984 by the Horace W. Goldsmith Foundation to assist a

qualified student of color to attend The Gunnery, it is named in honor of Leo D. Bretter ’52 P’88 and his service to the Board. THE CLARENCE AND HELENE BUTTENWIESER SCHOLARSHIP

To be awarded for outstanding creativity and achievement in the fields of drama, art, music and the humanities. Established by James L. Buttenwieser ’70 in memory of his parents.

research on an aspect of school history. Research is coordinated through the school’s archives and under the sponsorship of the History Department and the Archivist. THE CLASS OF 1959 ENDOWED FUND FOR LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT

Established by the Class of 1959 for their 50th reunion. Income to be used by the Dean of Students Office to support student leadership development.



In memory of Edward G. Buxton and his 33 years of service to the school. He was a teacher of Latin — and in early years Greek, French and German and a longtime varsity baseball coach.

Given by the Class of 1960 in honor of their 50th Reunion for the purpose of endowing the purchase of a book for the library in the name of each graduating senior.



Established by the Class of 1952 in honor of their 55th reunion, this scholarship is to be awarded to a qualifying student who, in the estimation of the Admissions Office, deserves to be selected for The Class of 1952 Scholarship. THE CLASS OF 1957 GUNN SCHOLAR RESEARCH FUND

Established by the Class of 1957 in honor of their 50th reunion, this fund was established to endow the publication of The Gunn Scholar Research. The Gunn Scholar Program involves original

Established by the class in honor of their 50th reunion. Recognizing that many of them benefitted from the generosity of others, they celebrated this great tradition by creating the fund to help future students enjoy The Gunnery experience. THE MALCOLM G. CHACE, JR. ’86 SCHOLARSHIP

Established by Malcolm G. Chace, Jr. ’86, to be awarded to a qualified and deserving student whose attendance at The Gunnery requires financial aid.

# The H. Willets and Samuel Jackson Underhill Society

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Established by an anonymous donor in honor of W. Hamilton Gibson, third Headmaster of The Gunnery.

Awarded annually to that student who deserves it by his/her academic record at The Gunnery.



This scholarship goes to a student who, like Charles M. Gitt ’34, shows interest and enthusiasm for understanding world affairs, demonstrates courage in speaking the truth, and evidences great love for his/her school. THE SUSAN G. GRAHAM ENDOWED FUND FOR EDUCATIONAL EXCELLENCE

This endowed fund established in 2012 by Edsel ’68 and Cynthia Ford recognizes the Fords’ commitment to educational excellence by specifically honoring Susan Graham’s distinguished leadership and provides a format for her continued involvement with The Gunnery in support of programs that benefit the school community. THE DAVID N. HOADLEY ’51 FUND, HEAD BASEBALL COACH

Established by Gretchen and Steven Burke to name the varsity baseball coach position in honor of David N. Hoadley ’51. THE RICHARD S. KLINGENSTEIN SCHOLARSHIP

Established by Richard S. Klingenstein ’64, to be awarded to a qualified and deserving student whose attendance at The Gunnery requires financial aid. THE NORMAN R. LEMCKE, JR. SCHOLARSHIP

Presented to the sophomore who has shown consistent personal growth, academic improvement, and, above all, has demonstrated a tenacious will to succeed. THE SARA SCRANTON LINEN SCHOLARSHIP

Established by Jonathan S. Linen ’62 and the family of Sara Scranton Linen in memory of Mrs. Linen who served as The Gunnery’s first female trustee from 1967-1976.


Established to name the Senior Master position in honor and memory of Anne S. and Ogden D. Miller, Headmaster 1946-1969. THE OGDEN D. MILLER SCHOLARSHIP

To commemorate Ogden D. Miller’s 24 years at The Gunnery, this scholarship was established by alumni and friends upon “Oggie’s” retirement to enable students to live as full lives as the namesake of the scholarship. THE MARION NEERGAARD SCHOLARSHIP

Awarded each year to that student who is most likely in future years to be of the greatest helpfulness to his/her community. THE NOTO FAMILY CHAIR FOR DEDICATED SERVICE

The Noto Family Chair for Dedicated Service given by Joan and Lucio Noto, parents of Ali Noto, Class of 1997, to recognize the hard work and dedication of a faculty or staff member who has exhibited a high degree of professionalism throughout his or her time at The Gunnery.


Awarded annually to the student for possessing to a high degree those qualities of heart and mind which so strongly characterized the man it seeks to honor. THE WALLACE H. ROWE III CHAIR IN CRITICAL EXPRESSION

Established by Carol and Roy S. Walzer ’65 P’86 to honor Wallace H. “Wally” Rowe and the tremendous impact he has had on The Gunnery’s students.


Awarded to that student who most genuinely tries to maximize his/her talents and potential and who most ardently has tried to utilize the resources of The Gunnery for both school and selfimprovement. THE SECOND MILE SCHOLARSHIP IN MEMORY OF HENRY B. VAN SINDEREN ’07

Awarded annually to a student, preferably from Connecticut, who best exemplifies the qualities of tenacity, will to succeed, personal integrity, unselfishness, and goodwill to men. THE TISCH FAMILY CHAIR FOR EXCELLENCE IN TEACHING

Established in 1990 by Mr. and Mrs. Preston R. Tisch, parents of Steven ’67 and Jonathan ’72. THE WASHINGTON CLUB SCHOLARSHIP

Established in 1973 to assist a qualified Washington student to attend The Gunnery. THE DAVID, HELEN AND MARIAN WOODWARD FUND SCHOLARSHIP

Established to assist a qualified student from the Greater Waterbury area to attend The Gunnery. WYKEHAM RISE CAPITAL FUND FOR THE VISUAL AND PERFORMING ARTS

Established by the Wykeham Rise Alumnae to provide capital support to projects and/or programs to enhance the students experience with an appreciation for the arts. THE ANNE AND HENRY ZARROW CHAIR IN MATH AND SCIENCES

The Anne and Henry Zarrow Chair in Math and Sciences given by the Zarrow Family to acknowledge the importance of math and science in the curriculum and to recognize a dedicated teacher in either math or science.

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Named and Endowed Prizes Honoring Alumni and Friends The following are the prizes that have been named to honor alumni and friends at The Gunnery. They are awarded to students on Prize Night, which is held on the evening before Commencement. THE ATHLETIC CUP AWARDS Katrina Marie Broccoli ’19 and Julian Varlay Aviles ’19

Awarded to the students who have contributed most significantly to the success of athletics during the school year through consistent achievement and sportsmanship. THE HAROLD A. ANSON MEMORIAL AWARD Katherine Robin Nemergut ’19

Awarded to the senior who, in the judgment of the faculty, demonstrates an acute ethical awareness, a sensitivity to the affairs of his/her community, and a sense of service to his/her fellow men and women. THE EDWARD FULLER BARNES MEMORIAL AWARD Arian Ravi Agadi ’21

For the sophomore who, in the estimation of the Faculty, best exemplifies those qualities of cheerfulness, courtesy, and friendliness which were characteristic of the boy in whose memory the award is made.

who has demonstrated such qualities throughout his/her years at The Gunnery; We know he/she will carry this leadership experience with him/her as he/she composes a life of principled engagement with the world. This award is chosen by the Head of School in consultation with the Dean of Students and the Academic Dean.

rising sophomore or junior who, in the estimation of the Dean of Students Office, has demonstrated perseverance and good citizenship in everything that he/she does. In his/her time at The Gunnery, the student has enhanced the entire community by exerting a positive influence on his/her peers and serving as a role model.

THE BRINSMADE PRIZE William B.C. Alling Graney ’19


Awarded to the student who best combines unselfish and sympathetic interest in people with a purpose for citizenship and social responsibility. THE CHACE AWARD FOR EXCELLENCE IN LEADERSHIP Caleb Warren Hooper Dorf ’19

Awarded to that senior who, in the estimation of the Head of School and the Faculty, has developed in a significant way his/her leadership potential during his/her years at The Gunnery. THE DEAN’S PRIZE Katrina Marie Broccoli ’19

To the student who has had the most success in meeting the challenges of the Science Department’s most demanding courses.

In memory of Norman R. Lemke, Jr., Gunnery master and Dean from 1964-1975, this award is made by the Dean of Students in consultation with the Faculty. It goes to the senior who, throughout his/her years at The Gunnery has been most responsive to the guidance of the Faculty.





Recognizes a student who embodies distinguished leadership qualities and

The Prize for Excellence in Quiet Leadership, established by Patrick M. Dorton, Class of 1986, celebrates the importance of individuals who lead by example rather than title at The Gunnery. The prize is awarded to a

Established by The Gunnery Community in 1991 to honor Michael Eanes’ 26 years at The Gunnery. For consistency, persistence, improvement. THE W. RUSS ELGIN AWARD FOR EXCELLENCE IN SPANISH Zachary Edward Barrett ’20 THE FENNING PRIZE FOR EXCELLENCE IN DEBATE Duke S. Fishman ’19 THE HAMILTON GIBSON MEMORIAL AWARD Xihao “John” Feng ’20

Awarded to the student who demonstrates the comprehensive and real interest in and love of nature, which so greatly characterized Hamilton Gibson, third Headmaster of The Gunnery. THE ANTHONY GOLEMBESKE AWARD FOR EXCELLENCE IN MATHEMATICS Yongjun “Joey” Lin ’19 THE FREDERICK WILLIAM GUNN AWARD Sharon Christa Rowland ’19

Named and awarded in honor of Frederick William Gunn, founder of The Gunnery and of organized summer camping in America. Awarded to

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the student who by his/her interest, enthusiasm, leadership and knowledge has contributed most during the school year to the camping and outdoor program at The Gunnery.

estimation of the Head of School and Faculty, has shown the greatest progress while at The Gunnery in relating today’s studies and experience to tomorrow’s responsibilities as an adult citizen.

FREDERICK W. GUNN SCHOLARS FOR 2019-20 Yiyun “Bonnie” Bao ’20 Gwendolyn M. Brown ’20 Andrew Joseph Byrne-King ’20 Liyin “Alex” Zhang ’20 Minjia “Erica” Zhang ’20

THE JOHN WARNER MOORE AWARD Hunter Michael Sansbury ’20

The Gunn Scholars are rising seniors who have been selected based on aptitude, interest, and character, to pursue original research into some aspect of the life and times of Abigail and Frederick Gunn. THE HILLMAN AWARD IN AMERICAN HISTORY Jolie Kaplan ’20

Established in 1946 by Mr. and Mrs. Hillman on the occasion of the graduation of their son. THE THOMAS ALEXANDER LANGFORD MEMORIAL PRIZE Talia Nicole Zabit ’19 and Garrett Lingberg Coe ’19

Awarded to two members of the graduating class who are “Always mindful of others.” THE KATHARINE KYES LEAB HISTORY PRIZE FOR MORAL LEADERSHIP Eleanor Thiel McManus ’21

Awarded to a 9th or 10th grade student who demonstrates ability in the areas of research, writing and the recognition of strong moral character.This prize was established by Mr. Daniel Leab in honor of his wife’s 65 th birthday. THE JEROME F. MACCARTHY ARTS AWARD John Granville Crabtree ’19

A memorial to Jerry’s dedication to artistic expression and in remembrance of his achievements in the arts. THE MCCLELLAN CITIZENSHIP PRIZE Laura Cecilia Wells ’19

Awarded to the senior who, in the


Established by Orrin Sage Wightman, MD, as a tribute to his friend, Reverend John Warner Moore, Chaplain at The Gunnery 1949-1954 and again in 1959, for concern in things of the spirit during the school year. THE ROBERT MORTELL PRIZE FOR EXCELLENCE IN THE PERFORMING ARTS Katherine Robin Nemergut ’19

The prize for Excellence in the Performing Arts was established by Robert B. Mortell, Class of 1955, to celebrate the significance of the arts in The Gunnery educational experience. This prize is awarded to that student who in the estimation of the Drama and Music Department faculty has contributed the most to the performing arts at The Gunnery. This prize can be awarded for demonstrated excellence in drama, instrumental performance, vocal performance, or technical support.


Established by her children, Maria ’81 and Nina, to celebrate her life and love of art. THE PAMELA C. TAYLOR AWARD Nikolas Isaiah Ioannou ’19

The Pamela C. Taylor Award is given to the English IV student who demonstrates courage in the classroom by sharing his or her passion for the subject. Willing to take a large bite of literature, this student feasts on the power of narrative, recognizing its ability to nourish our lives, change beliefs, and move social views.

THE TEDDY AWARDS Leah Alexandra Coley ’22 and Hudson Courtney Brown ’22

The “Teddy Award” is given in loving memory of Edward “Teddy” Bright Ebersol, beloved member of the Class of 2008 who died tragically on November 28, 2004 at the age of 14 in a private plane crash near Telluride, Colorado. Teddy was a loving, enthusiastic and generous young man, “an all-round good person” with a quirky sense of humor and self-awareness beyond his years. He was a caring friend and a responsible academic citizen. Teddy’s two passions were politics and the Boston Red Sox and he could argue anyone to their knees on either subject. Teddy Ebersol’s life on this earth ended all too soon, but his wonderful spirit will live on forever in all who knew and loved him. The “Teddy Award” is given to two members of the freshman class who embody Teddy’s finest qualities: generosity, enthusiasm, respect, responsibility, perseverance, optimism and loyalty. THE VREELAND-ROGERS ATHLETIC AWARDS Laura Cecelia Wells ’19 and Nikolas Isaiah Ioannou ’19

Established in 1998 by Gerrit Vreeland ’61 and Andrew Y. Rogers, Jr. ’61 awarded to the female and male athletes who have contributed the most in spirit, discipline, responsibility and teamwork to the success of The Gunnery’s athletic program this year. THE PERCY B. WIGHTMAN PRIZE Julian Varlay Aviles ’19

For outstanding leadership in “things of the spirit” during the school year. THE MALCOLM WILLIS AWARD FOR MUSIC Cody Allen Moore ’19

In memory of Malcolm Willis, teacher at The Gunnery from 1959 until his untimely death in 1965.

the Gunnery • 2018-2019 Annual Report

Giving of Corporations, Foundations and Matching Gift Companies Anonymous Aberdeen Asset Management Inc. B & D Controlled Air Corporation Bank of America Foundation Matching Gift Program Carmody Torrance Sandak Hennessy LLP Chubb Charitable Foundation Connecticut Restaurant Service, Inc. Cowen Inc. Delta Air Lines Foundation William H. Ellsworth Foundation

F&M Electric Supply Co., Inc. Goldman, Sachs & Co. Houghton Mifflin Ingersoll-Rand Charitable Foundation Intel Foundation Lord Tree Experts Marandola Fuel Service LLC Microsoft Matching Gift Program O & G Industries, Inc. Overabove Pfizer Foundation Matching Gifts Program

PNC Foundation Matching Gift Program Raytheon Company Savol Pools SunTrust Foundation UBS Financial Services, Inc. United Construction & Engineering, Inc. UnitedHealth Group XL Global Services, Inc. YourCause, LLC

Giving of Current Faculty and Staff Ms. Emily Abelson Ms. Sarah R. Albright Ms. Jamie Albro Mrs. Katharine Andres Mr. Austin Arkin Mr. Ed Aureli Mr. Craig R. Badger and Mrs. Jennifer B. Badger Mr. Steven E. Bailey P’09 Mrs. Jessica Baker Mr. James W. Balben Mr. Peter Becker Mr. Steven Bendrick Mr. Christian A. Bianchi ’08 Mr. Monte W. Blaustein Mr. Sean Brown and Mrs. Erin E. Brown P’22 Mrs. Margaret A. Bucklin P’10 Mr. Jack H. Cantlay Mrs. Jennifer Clement P’22 Mr. Kevin C. Clemente Ms. Mary Cortese P’21 ’23 ’23 Mr. Christopher W. Cowell Mr. Matthew Cox Mrs. Alisa S. Croft Mr. Brian J. Daniels Mr. Douglas Day and Mrs. Suzanne Day Mrs. Elizabeth R. Dayton ’08 Mrs. Deborah Doody and Mr. Brian Doody Mr. LaDarius Drew Ms. Natalie Dyer Mrs. Mary Ewing Ms. Blaire Farrar P’21 Mr. Charles Finnemore and Mrs. Judith Finnemore Mrs. Morgen Fisher ’03 Ms. Jessica L. Fletcher ’96 Ms. Robyn Giordano Ms. Misa Giroux

Ms. Jamie Goldsmith Mr. Shane Gorman ’10 Mr. Stephen J. Gritti and Mrs. Kara K. Gritti Ms. Emily Gum Ms. Patricia Hargadon Miss Jennifer C. Hart Mrs. Alexandra V. Ince P’20 ’23 Dr. Brian S. Konik Mrs. Kristen M. Lanesey Ms. Rebecca LeClerc Mrs. Jacqueline LePine Mr. Sal Lilienthal Mr. Seth C. Low Ms. Jessica Lyon Mr. Mike Mable Ms. Teresita Magana Mr. Michael J. Marich and Mrs. Kiersten C. Marich P’23 Mr. Richard Martin P’20 ’23 Ms. Kathleen P. Masterson Mrs. Becky McGuire Mr. Bartholomew W. McMann and Mrs. Kate A. McMann ‘05 Mrs. Carolyn L. Minicucci Ms. Catherine Moulton Ms. Tanya Nongera Ms. Amy L. Paulekas Mr. Jesse C. Perkins Mrs. Janine Pettinicchi Mr. Timothy Poole Mrs. Wendy Rhodes P’20 ’22 Mr. Andrew Richards and Mrs. Kristin K. Richards P’20 ’23 Ms. Kori L. Rimany ’14 Mrs. Carolyn Ross Ms. Katie Satkowski

Ms. Melissa D. Schomers Mr. Edward C. Small and Mrs. Peggy M. Small Mrs. Christine Steiner Mr. Edward D. Surjan, Jr. and Ms. Beverly Dahl Mr. Greg Swenson Mr. Brian Taggart Mr. Roderick M. Theobald and Mrs. Karoline K. Theobald P’09 ’14 Mrs. Hope Thorn Mr. Jeffrey E. Trundy Mr. Lincoln Turner Mr. Christopher Visentin

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Giving of Former Faculty and Staff Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Adams P’15 Ms. Julia B. Alling ’81 and Mr. Paul A. Graney P’19 Mr. and Mrs. James Baker P’96 Ms. Madeleine J. Boudreau ’12 Mr. F. Bruce Bradshaw ’51 # Mr. and Mrs. John R. Chandler, Jr. H’63 Mr. and Mrs. E. Terry Clark P’91 ’98 ’03 ’05 ’14 Mr. and Mrs. Stephen C. Davol ’61 Mr. Michael N. Eanes H’90 P’90 GP’20 ’23 # and Mrs. Susan F. Eanes H’91 P’90 GP’20 ’23

Mr. W. Russ Elgin # Ms. Emily E. Fitzhugh Mr. and Mrs. John D. Herrick ’63 P’89 ’91 Mr. Thomas H. Hollinger and Ms. Kathryn E. Coe P’01 ’04 Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Lincoln P’01 ’06 ’08 Mrs. Laura Martin ’90 P’20 ’23 Mr. Franklin Moore ’64 # and Mr. Bancroft Winsor Mr. Daniel R. O’Brien ’05 Mr. and Mrs. Raymond W. Reich

Mr. and Mrs. Wallace H. Rowe III H’57 P’77 ’79 # Mr. and Mrs. William N. Smyth ’57 # Mr. W. Jed Stuart ’02 and Mrs. Chelsea Stuart Mr. and Mrs. Robert K. Ullram P’96 ’99 The Honorable and Mrs. Thomas F. Upson ’59 Mr. and Mrs. Ronald G. Whittle P’80 Dr. Jennifer M. Wojcik and Dr. Jerry Wojcik

Washington Club Scholarship Fund Since 1973, members of the Washington Club annually contribute to support a qualified student from the local community. Since its inception, $306,000 has been raised, benefitting 47 students. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Barnet, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. JP Benveniste Mr. and Mrs. Leo D. Bretter ’52 P’88 # Mr. Carlos M. Canal, Jr. and Mrs. Gay E. Vincent-Canal Mr. and Mrs. Kenyon Clark Mr. George-Antony N. Colettis and Ms. Marina E. Colettis Mrs. Natalie H. Dyer

# The H. Willets and Samuel Jackson Underhill Society


Mr. and Mrs. Philip M. Farmer P’05 Mr. and Mrs. Paul R. Frank Mr. and Mrs. Jack Gilpin Mr. and Mrs. James C. Goodale Dr. Ferris G. Gorra Ms. Judith Gorra Mr. Holcombe T. Green III Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hamblet Mr. and Mrs. William E. Havemeyer


Mr. Peter R. Houldin ’92 Mr. Harold Matzner and Ms. Shellie Reade Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Rickart Mr. and Mrs. Adam Riess Mr. and Mrs. Craig G. Schoon Tillinger Family Mr. and Mrs. James Wu

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Memorial and Honorary Giving HONORARY GIFTS

Mr. Junjie Ma ’20 Mr. Yujing Ma and Ms. Guiyuan Feng P’20


The Gunnery has received gifts in honor of the following: Mr. Julian V. Aviles ’19 Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert A. Aviles P’19 ’20

Jeff and Barbara Manville P’12 Mr. Jeffrey A. Manville Jr. ’12

Mr. Edward S. Benson* ’49 P’74 ’84 Chris and Dick Benson

Mr. Elijah L. Berano ’19, Miss Marley A. Berano ’20 Mr. and Mrs. Arvin Berano P’19 ’20

Miss Isabel Martin ’20 Mrs. Susan F. Eanes H’91 P’90 GP’20 ’23 and Mr. Michael N. Eanes H’90 P’90 GP’20 ’23

Mr. Paul F. Boileau* ’79 Mr. W. Russ Elgin Mr. and Mrs. Sean M. Peoples ’79

Miss Andi Bettinger ’21 Mr. and Mrs. Steven Bettinger P’21 Mr. Sean Brown P’22 Mr. James L. Buttenwieser ’70 Mr. and Mrs. John M. Greenwood ’71 Mr. Thomas A. Burger III ’13 Ms. Elizabeth M. Burger P’13 Miss Julia M. Cortese ’23 Miss Katherine L. Cortese ’21 Miss Veronica L. Cortese ’23 Mr. and Mrs. Charles Greiner GP’21 ’23 ’23 Mr. Jonathan D. Dyer-Gray ’20 Ms. Patricia L. Dyer P’20 Mr. Andrew J. Eckstein ’92 Mrs. Rebekah H. Eckstein P’86 ’92 Mr. John F. Eckstein IV ’86 Mrs. Rebekah H. Eckstein P’86 ’92 Mr. Gregory L. Garvan ’73 Mr. J. Bond Garvan* ’44 Mr. Stephen Bond Garvan ’70 Mr. Arthur C. Wheeler* 1918 Mr. Stephen Bond Garvan ’70 Mr. James C. Goodale Mr. and Mrs. Edward S. Steffelin

Mrs. Laura Martin ’90 P’20 ’23 Ms. Marley Goldfein ’90 Mr. and Mrs. William S. Penick, Jr. ’90 Mr. Panu Puntoomsinchai ’90 Mr. Richard M. Martin P’20 ’23 Mr. Christopher Martin GP’20 ’23 Miss Lindsey McDonald ’19 Mr. and Mrs. Michael McDonald P’19 Mr. Sean F. McKevitt ’06 Mr. Michael D. Corbelle ’06 Mr. Richard Reich Mr. Lane A. Goldberg ’03 Mr. Edward C. Small Mr. Alexander S. Ireland ’15 Mr. James E. Sullivan ’15 Ms. Barbara S. Sullivan P’15 Mr. Andrew G. Sutherland ’21 Mr. and Mrs. David Sutherland P’21 Mr. Gerrit Vreeland ’61 Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Y. Rogers, Jr. ’61 Mr. Ronald G. Whittle P’80 Mr. and Mrs. Stuart D. Levitan ’71

The Gunnery has received gifts in memory of the following:

Mr. John C. Brown* ’59 P’92 Mr. and Mrs. George S. Sullivan, Jr. ’59 Mr. Hugh B. Caldara* Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Adams P’15 Mr. and Mrs. Sean Brown P’22 Mr. Thomas A. Burger, Jr. P’13 Mrs. Sarah Scheel Cook ’82 and Mr. Perry L. Cook Mr. John W. Dayton Dr. and Mrs. William F. DeForge P’03 ’06 Mr. W. Russ Elgin Mr. and Mrs. Alexander T. Ercklentz P’90 Ms. Emily E. Fitzhugh Mrs. Avanel Jarka ’90 and Mr. Kenneth G. Jarka Ms. Claudia Kelleher P’86 Mr. Kirk L. Knudsen ’84 Mr. and Mrs. Albert E. Lussier III ’81 P’10 ’13 Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Y. Rogers, Jr. ’61 All of the passed Clarke family Mr. and Mrs. Peter T. Clarke ’70 Mrs. Carleen Collins* Mr. Ira Hershkowitz

Mr. Joseph M. Juhas* ’62 Mr. and Mrs. T. Sergeant Pepper ’62 P’89 Ms. Audrey R. Rollor Mr. and Mrs. Steven F. Slitt Mr. Edward J. Weik Mr. Richard D. Krasow* ’54 Mrs. Richard D. Krasow Mr. Norman R. Lemcke* Mr. William M. Oman, Jr. ’67 and Dr. Larry Crummer Professor and Mrs. George A. Sheets ’65 Mr. William R. McClintock* ’72 Anonymous Mr. Edward J. McHugh* ’48 Dr. Albert J. Anderson, Jr. ’48 Mrs. Ann M. Moore* P’99 Mr. John P. Moore ’99 Odell and Lucille Polk* Dr. and Mrs. Norman O. Polk ’63 Mr. Matthew J. Semple* ’17 Anonymous Mr. and Mrs. Brian R. Saltzman ’84 Mr. Roger K. Snell* ’51 Mrs. Roger K. Snell Mr. Sui L. Sung* ’81 Mr. and Mrs. Chris Bozzo Ms. Carol Chu Mrs. Sui L. Sung

Mr. Edward B. Ebersol* ’08 Mr. and Mrs. Wayne R. Leone Mr. Alexander J. Strelov ’08

Mr. Sean Sutton* ’72 Mr. and Mrs. R. Mark Van Allen ’72

Mr. Morton R. Goldsmith* 1900 Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Goldsmith

Dr. Edmund K. Swigart* P’82 Mr. John W. Yerger ’68

Mr. Louis Greenberg* Mr. Marco Greenberg and Ms. Stacey Nelkin P’20

Mr. Richard E. Vila* ’50 Mrs. Beverly B. Vila

Mr. Taylor Hardwick, Jr.* ’73 Mr. Charles B. Hunker ’73

Mr. James F. Ward* ’48 Dr. Albert J. Anderson, Jr. ’48

# The H. Willets and Samuel Jackson Underhill Society

the Gunnery • 2018-2019 Annual Report


Class Agents Italicized


Capital and Endowment Gifts and Pledges The Gunnery is extremely grateful for the following individuals who have supported the endowment and capital projects: Mr. and Mrs. Louis P. Allyn ’57 Mr. Benjamin Nickoll and Ms. Christine Armstrong P’19 Mr. and Mrs. Edgar S. Auchincloss V ’82 P’12 Mr. and Mrs. Stephen W. Baird ’68 # Mr. and Mrs. William G. Bardel Mr. and Mrs. Thomas O. Barnes GP’22 Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Bellinger ’73 Mr. and Mrs. Stephen P. Bent ’59 # Mr. and Mrs. Leo D. Bretter ’52 P’88 # Ms. Lucy Brooke WR’69 Mr. Jeffrey S. Bruemmer ’73 Ms. Jean Burke WR’74 Mr. James L. Buttenwieser ’70 # Mr. Malcolm G. Chace, Jr. ’86 Mr. and Mrs. Jeremy Chase Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Clement P’22 Mr. David M. Coburn ’68 # Mr. and Mrs. Ian S. Davis ’87 Ms. Anne Dean Mr. and Mrs. John F. Dillon ’55 Mr. and Mrs. Eli J. Dokson ’67 Mr. and Mrs. Patrick M. Dorton ’86 Mr. and Mrs. Philip M. Farmer P’05 Ms. Ashleigh Fernandez Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. FitzGerald P’90 Mr. and Mrs. Edsel B. Ford II ’68 Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth H. Foreman ’69 Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Fulkerson, Jr. ’66 Mr. and Mrs. Lorenzo Gaggini P’17 ’20 Ms. Laurel Gaumer WR’72 Mr. Andrew H. Glantz ’67 and Dr. Roberta H. Adams, M.D. Mr. and Mrs. Steven Guttman Mr. and Mrs. David N. Hoadley ’51

Mr. and Mrs. Sherman R. Hotchkiss ’63 # Mr. Peter R. Houldin ’92 Mr. and Mrs. Spencer M. Houldin ’87 Mr. and Mrs. Robert P. Houser ’85 Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence D. Howell P’16 Mr. and Mrs. Stephen D. Hoyt ’69 Mr. James L. Iselin Mr. Cheng Ji and Ms. Guoqiang Yang P’19 Mr. Harry T. Jones III ‘53 P’89 Mr. and Mrs. Steven Kaitz Mr. and Mrs. Chris Kantgias P’19 David E. Kaplan ’81 and Ms. Terri L. Stein P’13 ’15 ’20 Professor and Mrs. Rod R. Keating ’58 Mr. and Mrs. A. Eugene Kohn Mr. Vladimir Korobov and Mrs. Alla Korobova P’21 Mr. and Mrs. Gus H. Koven III ’60 Ms. Sheila Largay GP’21 Mr. and Mrs. Zachary Leonard P’21 Mr. and Mrs. Richard D. Lilleston ’64 Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Linen ’62 # Mr. Ronald E. Lipetz* ‘58 Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey G. Marsted ’60 Mrs. Maria Mason WR’69 Mr. and Mrs. C. Russell McKee ’72 P’06 Mr. and Mrs. David P. Miller II ’54 Mr. Franklin Moore ’64 and Mr. Bancroft Winsor # Mr. and Mrs. Lucio A. Noto P’97 Mr. and Mrs. Len Novick P’18 ’21 Ms. Sarane O’Connor P’18 Laurence D. Paredes and Elisabeth Paredes P’20 Mrs. Kirsten M. Peckerman # Dr. and Mrs. Daniel B. Penner ’58 Mr. Thomas S. Perakos ’69

Mr. and Mrs. Geoffrey M. Reynolds ’69 Mr. John M. Reynolds Esquire ’68 # Mr. and Mrs. Richard Rhodes, Jr. P’20 ’22 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Rosati P’20 Ms. Heidi A. S. Rowe ’79 and Mr. William Speers Mr. and Mrs. Wallace H. Rowe IV H’57, P’77 ‘79 Mrs. Sarah Scheel Cook ’82 and Mr. Perry L. Cook Ms. Nancy Shilts GP’20 ’23 Mr. and Mrs. Roy B. Simpson, Jr. ’68 Mr. and Mrs. Omar Slowe ’97 Mr. James P. Smith*, Jr. # Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Smith ’57 Mr. and Mrs. Timothy D. Stewart P’20 Mr. and Mrs. George N. Stonbely P’99 Mr. and Mrs. Mark T. Sudac ’80 Dr. and Mrs. Peter C. Sutton ’68 Mr. Richard N. Tager’56 # and Ms. Susan Trinter Dr. and Mrs. Michael B. Teiger ’69 Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan M. Tisch ’72 Mr. Steven E. Tisch ’67 Mr. and Mrs. William T. Tolley P’08 ’14 # Mr. and Mrs. Neil W. Townsend P’18 ’20 Mr. Daniel J. Troiano ’77 # The Honorable and Mrs. Thomas F. Upson ’59 Mr. and Mrs. Gerrit Vreeland ’61 Mr. and Mrs. Clive Walcott P’19 Dr. and Mrs. Peter J. Weiden ’73 P’23 Ms. Penelope L. White ’82 Mr. and Mrs. W. Holt Whiting ’62 # Dr. Hanjiang Xu P’20

Gifts in Kind Anonymous Mr. and Mrs. Arvin Berano P’19 ’20 Ms. Geraldine Brooks P’21 Ms. Jennifer Coady P’19 Mr. and Mrs. Bret C. Dolph P’20 Mr. and Mrs. Keith Gleason P’19 ’21 ’23 Mr. and Mrs. Erik Griffin P’22 Mr. and Mrs. Rick Laurendeau P’21

# The H. Willets and Samuel Jackson Underhill Society


Mr. Jorge Najera Albor and Ms. Shelly Sweeney P’20 Mrs. Julie Overton and Mr. Martin Overton P’20 Mr. and Mrs. Todd A. Peterson P’22 Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Porrello P’22 Ms. Judith Selkowitz Mr. and Mrs. Neil W. Townsend P’18 ’20


Class Agents Italicized

the Gunnery • 2018-2019 Annual Report

The H. Willets and Samuel Jackson Underhill Society The Underhill Society was created to honor the following for their foresight in choosing to include the school in their estate plans: THE UNDERHILL SOCIETY Mr. Seibert G. Adams, Jr.* ’53 Mr. Freedom H. Ainsworth* ’34 Mr. Christopher H. Babcock ’68 Mr. Theodore D. Bacon* ’50 Mr. Alan L. Bain ’55 Mr. Bruce C. Baird ’74 Mr. Stephen W. Baird ’68 Mr. David P. Bancroft ’55 Mr. John L. Bauer* ’48 Mr. Stephen P. Bent ’59 Mr. Malcolm W. Bird ’54 Mr. Thomas A. Blumenthal ’50 Mr. F. Bruce Bradshaw ’51 Mr. Leo D. Bretter ’52 P’88 Mr. and Mrs. Howard M. Bronson* ’40 Mr. Kenneth J. Browne* 1911 Mr. Paul J. Bruning* Mr. Robert F. Brush ’64 Mr. James L. Buttenwieser ’70 Mr. David K. Case ’56 Mr. Eustace B. Chapman* 1926 Dr. James C. Clayton ’50 Mr. David M. Coburn ’68 Mr. and Mrs. Richard Coe GP’19 Mr. Richard F. Collver* ’52 Mr. Richard C. Colton, Jr. ’60 Ms. Mary P. Cooney WR ’73 Mr. W. Thomas Cross ’67 Dr. Larry Crummer Mr. Ross Daniels, Jr. ’48 Mr. Benjamin C. Davis ’54 Mrs. Virginia R. deCourcy* ’85 Mr. Raymond B. DeRidder* ’52 Mr. T. Roderick Dew* ’59 Mr. John W.F. Dulles* ’31 Mr. Michael N. Eanes H’90 P’90 GP’20 ’23 Mr. W. Russ Elgin Mr. and Mrs. Ralph C. Erskine, Jr.* ’32 Mr. Peter N. Feen ’99 Mr. Robert N. Fountain II ’64 Dr. Donald G. Fox ’55 Mr. Vinton Freedley III ’61 Mr. Tristram C. Gaillard ’61 Mr. Stephen Bond Garvan ’70 Mr. John P. Ghering ’78 Dr. Harry Goldgar* Mr. Walter B. Goldsmith ’51 Mr. Lawrence Gotfredson III ’63 Mr. Douglas C. Greene ’73

Mr. Dudley S. Greenwood ’63 Mr. Donald R. Grody* ’44 P’72 Mr. Bernard J. Guida* ’53 Mr. Carroll B. Harris ’72 Ms. Diana F. Hart ’82 Mr. Jervis Van Vleck Heimbach ’41 Mr. and Mrs. Seth Holcombe* ’37 Mr. Sherman R. Hotchkiss ’63 Ms. Sarah Hudak WR’74 Mr. H. Phillips Jesup* ’52 Mr. Harry T. Jones III* ’53 P’89 Mrs. Hugh Jones* Mr. Joseph M. Juhas* ’62 Mr. Richard S. Klingenstein* ’64 Mr. Jonathan S. Linen ’62 Mr. Ronald E. Lipetz* ’58 Mr. Andrew A. Littauer ’60 Mr. Henry L. Long, Jr. Mr. Philip R. Magnuson ’62 Mr. Henry Allen Mark* Mr. Jeffrey G. Marsted ’60 Mr. R. Whit Matthews ’98 Mr. Stuart J. McCampbell ’64 Mr. William E. McIntosh IV ’90 Mr. Paul M. McManus, Jr. ’87 P’21 ’23 Mr. Paul M. McManus, Sr. P’87 ’88 ’91 GP’21 ’23 Mr. Lawton B. Miller* Mr. James F. Millinger ’53 Mr. Nicholas Molnar ’72 Mr. Franklin Moore ’64 Mr. Alexander J. Morrison ’46 Mr. Nicholas F. Munson ’59 Mr. Michio Nakano ’53 Mr. Brian C. Nickerson ’72 Mr. William B. Ogden IV P’00 Mr. Michael Ohl* ’47 Mr. William M. Oman, Jr. ’67 Mr. G. Gordon Osborne* 1922 Mrs. Kirsten M. Peckerman Mr. H. L. Perry Pepper ’62 Mr. Clifford D. Perkins* 1918 Mr. Robert F. Phelps* ’49 Mr. David M. Philips ’44 Mr. Thomas C. R. Proctor ’64 Mr. Robert B. Radnitz* ’43 Mr. Edgar Reeve* 1920 Mr. David P. Renkert ’52 Mr. Michael S. Renkert ’59 Mr. John M. Reynolds Esq. ’68 Mr. Robert R. Richmond ’60

Mrs. Jill Rivera P’91 Mr. Wallace H. Rowe III H’57 P’77 ’79 Mr. Leonard R. Sargent* ’33 Dr. Lawrence C. Schine* ’52 Ms. Krystalynn M. Schlegel ’96 Mr. Arthur L. Scott* ’32 Mr. Lacy H. Seabrook* ’42 Ms. Laura Sherwin ’87 Mr. James J. Slocum ’63 Mr. Peter Barry Slone ’73 P’11 Mr. Byron L. Smith* ’39 Mr. James P. Smith, Jr.* ’37 Mrs. Patricia P. Smith* Mr. Randolph C. Smith ’84 Mr. William N. Smyth ’57 Mr. John C. Speaks III ’43 Mr. Allen C. Steiger ’76 Mr. Russell B. Stoddard* ’32 Mr. John A. Sturges, Jr. ’65 Dr. Edmund K. Swigart* P’82 Mrs. Debbie H. Swigart P’82 Mr. Richard N. Tager ’56 Mr. Roger K. Tillson, Jr. ’70 William and Christine Tolley P’08 ’14

Mr. Daniel J. Troiano ’77 Mr. Peter S. Twombly ’74 Mr. and Mrs. H. Willets Underhill* ’31 Mr. Adrian Van Sinderen III ’62 Mr. Richard E. Vila* ’50 Mr. Gerrit Vreeland ’61 Mr. Robert H. Wake* ’64 Mr. Roger A. Walters ’52 Mr. Roy S. Walzer ’65 P’86 Mr. James F. Ward* ’48 Mr. Andrew Waring* ’37 Mr. Wm. B. (Duke) Webb ’74 Mr. W. Holt Whiting ’62 Mr. Gilbert R. Williams ’55 Mrs. Piper G. Woods ’90 Mr. Richard T. Wright ’48

If your name is not listed but you have included The Gunnery in your estate plans, please notify Mary Cortese at (860) 350-0103 so we can welcome you into The H. Willets and Samuel Jackson Underhill Society

# The H. Willets and Samuel Jackson Underhill Society

the Gunnery • 2018-2019 Annual Report


Class Agents Italicized


2018-19 Volunteers We are grateful to the many volunteers who give of their time and resources to help with alumni, parent and development efforts. TRUSTEES Ms. Christine Armstrong Mr. Stephen W. Baird ’68 # Mr. William G. Bardel Mr. Robert A. Bellinger ’73 Mr. William G. Cole Mr. Patrick M. Dorton ’86 Mr. Jonathan M. Estreich P’06 Mrs. Gretchen H. Farmer P’05 Ms. Ashleigh Fernandez Ms. Susan Frauenhofer ’88 Mr. Sherman R. Hotchkiss ’63 # Mr. Peter R. Houldin ’92 Mr. Jonathan S. Linen ’62 # Mr. Len Novick P’18 ’21 Mr. Laurence D. Paredes P’20 Mrs. Kirsten Peckerman # Mrs. Sarah Scheel Cook ’82 Mr. Roy B. Simpson, Jr. ’68 Mr. Omar Slowe ’97 Mr. Richard N. Tager ’56 # Mr. Robert M. Tirschwell ’86 Mr. William T. Tolley P’08 ’14 # Mr. Neil W. Townsend P’18 ’20 Mr. Daniel J. Troiano ’77 # Ms. Cynthia E. Urda Kassis P’19 Mr. Gerrit Vreeland ’61 # Mrs. Wanjiku Walcott P’19

TRUSTEES EMERITI Mr. Leo D. Bretter ’52 P’88 # Mr. David N. Hoadley ’51

ALUMNI ASSOCIATION Ms. Hilary D. Benjamin ’08 Mr. Peter J. Bergen, Jr. ’84 Mr. Wyatt G. Clark ’13 Mr. James L. Estreich ’06 Mrs. Laura Martin ’90 P’20 ’23 Mr. Nicholas Molnar ’72 # Mr. Andrew M. Powers ’11 Mr. Altan R. I. Sadik-Khan ’06 Ms. Krystalynn M. Schlegel ’96 # Mr. Scott A. Schwind ’89 Mr. Omar Slowe ’97

CLASS AGENTS Mr. Samuel A. Abady ’73 Mr. Logan A. Adams ’15 Mr. Robert J. Affinito ’88 Mr. Cameron T. Ahouse ’06 Mr. David M. Albala ’73 Ms. Julia B. Alling ’81 P’19


Mr. John H. Anning II ’90 Mr. Edgar S. Auchincloss V ’82 P’12 Mr. George M. Auchincloss ’53 P’83 Mr. Stephen W. Baird ’68 # Mr. Michael Bates ’65 Mr. Jordan A. Bauer ’15 Ms. Davina E. Beacham ’86 Mr. Peter J. Bergen, Jr. ’84 Mr. Patrick J. Brennan ’08 Mr. Jeffrey S. Bruemmer ’73 Mr. Robert F. Brush ’64 # Mr. Leigh Buckens ’02 Ms. Regan E. Butler ’15 Ms. Hanna S. Carlin ’13 Mr. John M. Cary Jr. ’18 Mr. Vincent R. Cianciolo ’65 Mr. David M. Coburn ’68 # Dr. James K. Cohen ’59 Ms. Amanda E. Comeau ’05 Mr. Ethan C. Cox ’18 Mr. Andrew P. De Paulis ’12 Mr. Mark P. Dibble ’79 Mr. G. Frederick Dickson ’71 Ms. Morgan E. Dow ’16 Mr. Philip M. Dutton ’81 P’23 Ms. Alexandra L. Early ’07 Mr. William J. Engel ’86 Ms. Mallory M. Farmer ’05 Ms. Eleanor A. Fields ’86 Mr. John H. Fisher II ’54 Mr. Douglas K. Francis ’82 Ms. Tara J. Friedman ’03 Mr. George R. Fryer, Jr. ’79 Mr. Nathan P. Fydenkevez ’16 Mr. Stephen Bond Garvan ’70 # Mr. John B. Gimbel ’66 Mr. Andrew H. Glantz ’67 Mr. Shane Gorman ’10 Mr. Douglas C. Greene ’73 # Mr. Dudley S. Greenwood ’63 # Mr. John M. Greenwood ’71 Ms. Kara E. Grogan ’07 Mr. Zachary A. Grossman ’08 Mr. Thomas B. Hambury ’63 Mr. Frederic W. Harder ’72 Mr. Christopher C. Healy ’76 Mr. Robert L. Hooper ’14 Ms. Gillian G. Horn ’13 Mr. William M. Houldin III ’11 Mr. James A. Hughes ’60 Mr. Andrew S. Jeske ’83 Mr. Martin G. Johnson ’81 Ms. Alexandra N. Kagan ’00 Mr. Thomas R. King ’60

Mr. Otto Kinzel III ’63 Mr. T.K.S. Knowles, Jr. ’85 Ms. Jessica L. L’Heureux ’10 Ms. Ann W. Lipham ’79 P’10 Mr. Peter S. Lorenz ’03 Ms. Katie B. Lyons ’83 Ms. Sarah E. Macary ’07 Mr. Stephen B. Macary ’15 Ms. Tessa R. L. Mackey ’16 Ms. Lena L. Mak ’16 Mr. Lucais A. Marks ’15 Mr. Jeffrey G. Marsted ’60 # Mr. P. Severin Marsted ’57 Mrs. Laura Martin ’90 P’20 ’23 Mr. Dean W. Matthews ’56 P’98 ’99 Mr. John C. Matthews ’18 Mr. R. Whit Matthews ’98 # Ms. Elizabeth S. McKenna ’06 Mrs. Kate A. McMann ’05 Mr. Kevin C. McManus ’88 Mr. Paul M. McManus, Jr. ’87 P’21 ’23 # Mr. Thomas B. Meek III ’81 Ms. Natalie P. Merin ’10 Mr. Richard H. Merrill ’66 Mr. Scott C. Milas ’78 Mr. Dwight D. Miller ’55 Mrs. Kristin A. Moriarty ’05 Mrs. Maria Kelly Simancas ’95 Ms. Alexis M. Nanavaty ’17 Mr. Paul H. Nankivell II ’66 Mrs. Kathleen W. Niedmann ’82 Mrs. Meg A. O’Brien ’84 P’20 Mr. Michael P. O’Brien ’07 Ms. Julianne R. Petrillo ’18 Mr.William N. Post ’66 Mr. Teague D. Purcell ’01 Mr. John M. Reynolds Esquire ’68 # Mr. Mark J. Richards ’75 Ms. Michele J. Riche Schuster ’86 Mr. Robert R. Richmond ’60 # Ms. Kori L. Rimany ’14 Mr. John M. Robards ’80 Mr. Andrew Y. Rogers, Jr. ’61 Ms. Dana Ross ’17 Ms. Heidi A. S. Rowe ’79 Mr. Todd M. Rubsamen ’87 Mr. Altan R. I. Sadik-Khan ’06 Mrs. Sarah Scheel Cook ’82 Ms. Krystalynn M. Schlegel ’96 # Mrs. Dara M. Schlesinger ’86 Mr. Scott A. Schwind ’89 Mr. Omar Slowe ’97 Mr. Charles F. Smith ’57 Ms. Emeline P. C. Smith ’18

the Gunnery • 2018-2019 Annual Report

Mr. Peter D. Smith ’48 Professor Peter H. Smith ’57 Mr. Thomas H. Soper ’67 Mr. John C. Speaks III ’43 # Mr. Hiller C. Sperry ’15 Mr. Peter S. Strandes ’79 Mrs. Cheryl L. Tafel ’99 Mr. Michael A. Tedesco ’89 Peter S. Twombly Esq. ’74 # Mr. Weston M. Ulbrich ’05 The Honorable Thomas F. Upson ’59 Mr. Tom S. Ward, Jr. ’62 Mr. W. Holt Whiting ’62 # Mr. Leif Wigren ’82 Mr. Johnathan P. Wynn ’77 Mr. Scott W. Wynn ’79

PARENT VOLUNTEERS Mrs. Sarita Agadi P’21 Ms. Julia B. Alling ’81 P’19 Mrs. Lisa Amador P’17 ’19 Mrs. Melissa Andreychuk P’20 Ms. Nicole Baker P’19 Ms. Kelli Bartels P’21 Mrs. Sally G. Beatty P’19 Mr. Ernest J. Bello P’21 Ms. Kathryn K. Benedict P’20 Mrs. Kristina K. Berano P’19 ’20 Mrs. Jodi Bettinger P’21 Mrs. Gretchen Briggs P’22 Mrs. Christine K. Bruck P’17 ’20 ’22 Mrs. Tanya H. Cicarelli P’21 Mrs. Lisa Clark P’22 Mrs. Jennifer Clement P’22 Ms. Jennifer Coady P’19 Ms. Veronica Connors P’17 ’19 Mr. Graham L. Copley P’22 Ms. Susan M. Copley P’22 Ms. Mary Cortese P’21 ’23 ’23 Mr. John Crabtree P’19 Mr. and Mrs. Bret C. Dolph P’20 Mr. Matthew F. Dorf and Ms. Megan N. Gibson P’19 ’19 Ms. Patricia L. Dyer P’20 Ms. Marina Fotos Papathanasiou P’20 Mrs. Devon George-Eghdami P’20 Mrs. and Mr. Ashley Gerry P’21 Mr. and Mrs. Keith Gleason P’19 ’21 ’23 Mrs. Bonnie Grady P’18 ’21 Mr. and Mrs. Michael Hall P’22 Ms. Ann H. Hertberg P’13 ’19 Mrs. Brit B. Hoyt P’20

Mrs. Anna Hubbard P’22 Ms. Jo Hurley P’21 Mr. and Mrs. Brian Jefferies P’20 Mrs. Margaret Kessman P’20 Mr. and Mrs. Rick Laurendeau P’21 Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Liston P’22 Ms. Stacie Lizotte P’20 Dr. Jennifer Logan P’22 Mr. and Mrs. Scott Long P’21 Mrs. Beth N. Lovallo P’21 Mrs. Valerie M. Lugo P’16 ’20 Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence A. Madow P’19 Ms. Joann Makovitzky P’20 Mrs. Laura Martin ’90 P’20 ’23 Mr. Bill Matthews P’22 Dr. Charlotte P. Maxwell P’16 ’20

Mrs. Bethany McCauley P’22 Ms. Eileen McCormack P’19 Mrs. Adrienne T. McManus P’21 ’23 Mrs. Laura M. Morris P’22 Mrs. Sheryl A. Nemergut P’14 ’19 Dr. and Mrs. Maurizio D. Nichele P’21 ’22 Mrs. Meg A. O’Brien ’84 P’20 Mrs. Monica Oswald P’19 Mrs. Julie Overton and Mr. Martin Overton P’20 Mrs. Chimie Pemba P’20 Mrs. Jill Pengue P’19 Mr. and Mrs. Todd A. Peterson P’22 Ms. Felicia Peterson P’21 Ms. Shelby Poe-Argentino P’20

Mrs. Mary Popick P’20 Mrs. Susan Powers P’20 Ms. Charleen Praino P’20 ’22 Mrs. Stacey Privman P’19 Dr. Karen A. Ritzenhoff P’22 Mrs. Kristi Rosati P’20 Ms. Edith Rowland P’19 Ms. Amy Senew P’20 ’22 Mrs. Gwynne Seufert P’21 Mr. Walter Sizemore and Ms. Maureen O’Farrell P’22 ’22 ’22 Mrs. Patricia Stacy P’20 Mrs. Fiona S. Sutherland P’21 Ms. Jo A. Sutter P’22 Mr. Neil Sutton P’20 Ms. Shelly M. Sweeney P’20

Mrs. Wendy B. Taylor P’19 Dr. Marcia Tejeda P’20 Mrs. Kari Thomas P’20 Ms. Ayesha M. Thompson P’21 Dr. Michelene Todd P’20 Mr. and Mrs. Neil W. Townsend P’18 ’20 Ms. Eriko Trotta P’19 ’23 Ms. Page H. Waller ’87 P’20 Mrs. Kathleen Wells P’19 ’21 Ms. Julie Whitney P’21 Mrs. Julie Wolff P’22 Mrs. Melissa A. Young P’21 Mrs. Jill Zabit P’17 ’19 Mr. David Ziolkowski P’20

We have carefully compiled this listing of donors in the Annual Report. If there is an error or omission, we apologize and ask that you notify Steve Bendrick at 860-350-0173.

the Gunnery • 2018-2019 Annual Report


Please visit if you’d like to make your gift online.

99 Green Hill Road, Washington, CT 06793 (860) 350-0173

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