Annual Report of Philanthropy 2017-2018

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Annual Report of Philanthropy 2017–2018

Table of Contents 2

Message from the Head of School


A Message from Development


Gunnery Fund Leadership Gifts

14 The Head’s Circle 15

All Giving by Class

20 Current Parents Support 22 All Funds 23

Named Scholarships and Endowed Funds


Named and Endowed Prizes Honoring Alumni and Friends


Giving of Corporations, Foundations and Matching Gift Companies


Giving of Current Faculty & Staff

Giving of Former Faculty & Staff


Washington Club Scholarship Fund

Memorial and Honorary Giving


Capital and Endowment Gifts and Pledges

Gifts-in-Kind 31

The H. Willets and Samuel Jackson Underhill Society


2017-18 Volunteers

On the cover: Thomas S. Perakos ’69 digs a commemorative shovel into the earth on the site of the new Arts and Community Center in June, with encouragement from (left to right) Peter Becker, Head of School, Jonathan M. Estreich P’06, Vice Chairman, Board of Trustees and Gerrit Vreeland ’61, Chairman, Board of Trustees.

the Gunnery • 2017-2018 Annual Report


A Message from The Head of School


y any measure, this was an extraordinary year for opportunities that will follow the completion of the philanthropy at The Gunnery. In the 12-month period new Arts and Community Center, which is a testament between July 1, 2017, and June 30, 2018, we received cash to our mission and who we are as a school, and further and pledges totaling $13,956,730. One of the roles I play validation that our alumni, parents and supporters believe is investigator; I try to understand why things happen. In in our vision. As I said at the groundbreaking for the new this case, I think that this significant increase in giving building, part of what excites me about this project is the is the fruit of the investment we’ve made in long-term demonstration of what we can do as a school, as an alumni planning and articulating our goals for the school — body, and as a board, when we are all willing to dream big, especially with regard to improving the physical plant and take a risk and think about the future of this school. increasing philanthropic support from alumni and parents. I am very grateful for the generosity, enthusiasm, It is a hard truth that, as beautiful as our campus is and commitment of our alumni, parents, friends and inherently, our facilities have not been improved to the supporters, and the leadership of our board, and I speak extent and at the rate that they have been at our peer on behalf of all of our current faculty and students when schools. That means that our current I write that. I wish you all personally students don’t have access to the same could have experienced the excitement Building our endowment opportunities, experiences, physical on campus over the course of this year can no longer simply be spaces, equipment, and resources as the Arts and Community Center about ensuring our longthat their peers at other schools have, moved from a concept, through the and also, that The Gunnery is at a first two-thirds of fundraising, to term sustainability, but disadvantage as families compare our the groundbreaking during Alumni rather must be about school to the other schools they are Weekend in June, and now to the steel enhancing programs that considering for their children. While frame going up. benefit current students I’ve heard from many alumni that “we Another role that I play is that of and attract future didn’t need those fancy facilities or analyst. I spend a lot of time studying those fancy buildings when I attended education generally and boarding ones, investing in the The Gunnery,” that response simply schools in particular to gauge where we success of our faculty, will not suffice in today’s ultrastand on a variety of measures. From and providing access competitive marketplace. I’ve been that perspective, it is incumbent on me to the most mission grateful for the willingness of our board to share with our entire alumni, and and alumni to be receptive to these with our past and current parent body, appropriate candidates needs, and for the progress that we’ve that the fundraising results of the last 18 for enrollment. made. months need to become for our school The great news is that, as we have more the norm and less the exciting developed a plan to address our aging facilities — our exception. That is a daunting but energizing goal. Campus Master Plan — our alumni have responded. We In other words, I think it’s important to point out that saw this first through the major commitment made by this process of helping The Gunnery continue to grow Steve Tisch ’67 and Jon Tisch ’72 over the course of 10 and strengthen, such that we can fulfill our mission and years, through the gift from Tom Perakos ’69 for whom compete with our peer schools, is a marathon, not a sprint. the Arts and Community Center will be named, as well as Or, as Mr. Gunn might put it, it should be more like the the seven-figure commitments to the Thomas S. Perakos original, 40-mile, multi-day school walk from Washington Arts and Community Center pledged by several other to the Connecticut coastline in Milford than the current board members, alumni and past parents. In addition to school walk of eight miles in Steep Rock. this incredible support, several people have demonstrated I urge everyone who has not been on campus in the an early interest in the projects and endowment last five years to return during the school year to visit a


the Gunnery • 2017-2018 Annual Report

class, spend time with students and faculty, and see the tremendous quality and thoughtfulness of the work going on day-to-day. That is, ultimately, the heart and soul of our school, and the most important ingredient for its longterm health. It is in this daily activity that we need to invest generously and enthusiastically — whatever that means individually — to The Gunnery Fund, the endowment, and the physical plant. I recognize that this level of enthusiasm from our alumni and parent body results from those of us on campus spending time with you, ensuring that you understand our goals and what we’re trying to achieve, and providing you with an opportunity to experience the quality of what’s happening on campus today. Building our endowment can no longer simply be about ensuring our long-term sustainability, but rather must be about enhancing programs that benefit current students and attract future ones, investing in the success of our faculty, and providing access to the most mission-appropriate candidates for enrollment. This is the area in which we lag behind our peer schools most, but we can do better.

Ultimately, we want our alumni to be incredibly proud of their alma mater and serve as proponents of our mission throughout the country and around the world. In our current moment, as a school of 300 students, we are dedicated to developing character and to helping our students become wise and courageous citizens who are prepared to be active in the world in the mold of Mr. Gunn. We believe that this is an urgent need and that our students are ultimately better prepared than their peers from other schools to think fearlessly and act thoughtfully when they go out into the world. Most importantly, I am deeply grateful for each of you and for your support of the school, in whatever form that takes. I look forward to seeing you at an event on campus, across the country, or around the world, or hearing from you directly by phone or email.

Peter Becker Head of School

the Gunnery • 2017-2018 Annual Report


Supporting The Gunnery


he 2018 fiscal year closed with a combination of excitement, ambition, and enthusiasm for the future. Overall, $13,956,730 in philanthropic support came from nearly 1,300 alumni, parents, and friends of the school. As always, we are grateful for your commitment to The Gunnery and, knowing that everyone has various philanthropic interests and obligations, feel fortunate that you consider the school among your top investment options. During Alumni Weekend in June, we officially broke ground on the Thomas S. Perakos Arts and Community Center, which will become home to our performing and visual arts programs, our three-times weekly School Meetings, and a number of community events and student experiences. It was an amazing day for the school, and the atmosphere was one of promise and pride! Last fiscal year, $7,346,203 in new gifts and pledges were made to the project. Combined with early lead gifts from Tom Perakos ’69, Steve ’67 and Jon Tisch ’72, and Dick Colton ’60, as well as a number of other Trustees and alumni leaders, the total raised now stands at $17,107,877. Among new gifts to the center was a $500,000 Reunion Gift, from members of the Class of 1968, to name the Community Room for Norman R. Lemcke P’84. Led by David Coburn, the 50th Reunion Committee raised the bar for our reunion classes and set a record that may not soon be broken. Of course, if Mr. Perakos has his way — as suggested in his remarks at the groundbreaking ceremony — it will only stand for one year! As the project progresses, please visit the website for regular updates, and think about how you might get involved in this important initiative. Feel free to call me, Kiersten Marich, or Peter Becker directly; any one of us would be pleased to tell you more about the project. Simultaneous to this enormous fundraising effort, our work to grow The Gunnery Fund to $2 million continued. We set an ambitious target, hoping to build on the record-setting success of 2017. In the end, while falling short of the goal, 1,275 alumni, parents, and friends gave $1,313,268 in unrestricted support. You may wonder, “Why are you always asking us to give to The Gunnery Fund?” In the simplest terms, it’s the revenue source that has the most opportunity for growth, it allows the school more flexibility than other sources, and it’s the most common way people support educational institutions. A $2 million annual fund would be like adding 33 full-pay boarding students or drawing revenue from an endowment totaling more than $60 million. Since we don’t have room for 33 more boarders on our campus, and our endowment is just over one-third that size, we rely heavily on The Gunnery Fund — and the nearly 10 percent of the operating budget it represents. The Gunnery is a small school. It’s one of the core characteristics that makes us unique, and a principle on which the school was founded. It enables us to do things for students that larger schools never could. It gives us strength as an institution, and also creates challenges. We still have buildings to maintain,


Consistent. Thoughtful. Sustainable. And the result of varying levels of support from a broader base of individuals. This is The Gunnery Fund we need in 2019.

The Gunnery Fund Alumni $712,259 Current Parents


Parents of Alumni & Friends




Faculty & Staff


Others $25,283

All Gifts to The Gunnery The Gunnery Fund Capital Gifts

$1,313,268 $11,254,494

Endowment Gifts




the Gunnery • 2017-2018 Annual Report

faculty to compensate and house, students to support with financial aid, and programs in academics, arts, and athletics to fund. At the leadership levels we’ve seen incredible support. In fiscal year 2018, 44 current parents gave $1,000 or more, totaling $248,577. On the alumni side, 77 donors gave $1,850 or more, totaling $556,456. While we’re fortunate to have a group of dedicated supporters, it’s not possible to build a healthy $2 million annual fund by relying on this core group. Many other schools similar in size to ours have $2 million annual funds supported by consistent, sustainable giving from a broad base of individuals who contribute at varying levels. It’s a community effort, with everyone pitching in where and how they can, and it’s something we can achieve with the support of our own community. If you supported The Gunnery Fund in fiscal year 2018, thank you! If you’ve given any time since graduation, thank you! I am asking you to consider this proposition: if you’ve ever given to the The Gunnery Fund — whether it was in fiscal year 2018 or fiscal year 1978 — consider matching your last gift in fiscal year 2019. If your last gift was $1,000, consider joining the Founders Society at $1,850. If your last gift was $25, consider making it $50. If you’ve never made a gift before, consider starting with a gift at some level. But most importantly, give an amount you’re comfortable sustaining on an annual basis. Then aim to stay there for five years. If you’re wondering how your gift can make a difference, particularly if you’re not in a position to give at the leadership level, here’s how: If every alumnus who gave to The Gunnery Fund between fiscal year 2012 and fiscal year 2017 (but not in fiscal year 2018) agreed to match their last gift, we would add 921 donors and $213,790. That’s a 46 percent increase in alumni dollars and a 130 percent increase in alumni donors! Combine those new gifts with all the fiscal year 2018 donors matching their last gift, and The Gunnery Fund would reach nearly $1.53 million. If everyone who gave between $1,000 and $1,849 in fiscal year 2018 agreed to

stretch to $1,850, we’d add another $33,159 — and a total fund of more than $1.56 million — and 19 percent growth in one year! Most impressively, this would bring our overall rate of alumni participation from 17 percent in fiscal year 2018 to 41 percent in fiscal year 2019. For context, the most successful secondary school annual funds strive for 40 percent participation. Be creative. Be thoughtful. Don’t just think, I have $100 right now; think, do I have $100 each month I could give to The Gunnery? A $100 monthly recurring gift is $1,200 for the year; $155/month is Founders Society level. Do I have $25/month? That’s $300 for the year. Give in a way that’s easiest for you: Venmo, recurring monthly or annual gifts online, appreciated securities (which offer additional tax benefits), a portion of your minimum required distribution from an IRA (tax-free if you’re 70 ½ and give directly from your IRA). Call me, or anyone else in the Alumni & Development Office. We’ll be glad to help you think about how you can maximize your support of our current Highlanders and build for our future. Consistent. Thoughtful. Sustainable. And the result of varying levels of support from a broader base of individuals. This is The Gunnery Fund we need in 2019. As always, I am grateful for any and all you do to support The Gunnery. Onward,

Sean P. Brown P’21 Director of Alumni & Development

the Gunnery • 2017-2018 Annual Report


Gunnery Fund Leadership Gifts The Gunnery is grateful to the following donors who have made gifts during the July 1, 2017 to June 30, 2018 fiscal year. THE GUNNERY CIRCLE Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan M. Estreich P’06

Mr. and Mrs. Clive Walcott P’19 William H. Ellsworth Foundation Dr. Hanjiang Xu P’20



($50,000 AND MORE)

($25,000 TO $49,999)

($5,000 TO $9,999)

Anonymous Mr. and Mrs. Patrick M. Dorton ’86 Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey R. Krinsk ’67 Mrs. Kirsten M. Peckerman # Mr. and Mrs. Jay B. Sheehy ’73 Mr. Richard N. Tager ’56 # Jonathan and Lizzie Tisch ’72 Mr. and Mrs. Neil W. Townsend P’18 ’20 Mr. and Mrs. Gerrit Vreeland ’61

1850 SOCIETY ($10,000 TO $24,999)

Mr. Benjamin Nickoll and Ms. Christine Armstrong P’19 Mr. and Mrs. Stephen W. Baird ’68 # Mr. and Mrs. Stephen P. Bent ’59 # Mr. and Mrs. Leo D. Bretter ’52 P’88 # Mr. and Mrs. Howard M. Bronson* ’40 # Mr. Jeffrey S. Bruemmer ’73 Mr. and Mrs. John M. Cary, Sr. P’18 Mr. and Mrs. Philip M. Farmer P’05 Ms. Ashleigh Fernandez Mr. Benjamin S. Gant ’76 Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Hall P’10 Mr. and Mrs. Sherman R. Hotchkiss ’63 # Mr. and Mrs. Peter R. Houldin ’92 P’21 Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence D. Howell P’16 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. King ’60 Mr. Christopher Klingenstein Mr. and Mrs. Tom Lesica P’18 Mr. and Ms. Bin Liu P’19 Mr. and Mrs. John H. Longmaid ’64 Mr. and Mrs. Francis X. Macary, Jr. ’77 P’03 ’05 ’07 ’15 Mr. Robert J. Mazaika GP’11 ’17 ’18 Mr. Brian C. Nickerson ’72 # Mr. and Mrs. Lucio A. Noto P’97 Mr. and Mrs. Len Novick P’18 ’21 Dr. and Mrs. Peter O’Connor P’18 Laurence D. Paredes and Elisabeth Paredes P’20 Mr. James D. Perse ’91 and Ms. Brandi Briskman Mr. Peter B. Slone ’73 P’11 # Mr. Steven E. Tisch ’67 Mr. and Mrs. William T. Tolley P’08 ’14 Mr. Daniel J. Troiano ’77 # Mr. Jay Kassis and Ms. Cynthia E. Urda Kassis P’19 Ms. Chris Vatis P’18

# The H. Willets and Samuel Jackson Underhill Society


Anonymous Mr. and Mrs. William G. Bardel Mr. and Mrs. Peter W. E. Becker Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan R. Bennett ’83 Ms. Alessandra L. Carlin ’97 and Mr. Stephen Carlin Mr. and Mrs. George R. Fryer, Jr. ’79 Mr. and Mrs. Gary A. Glynn Mr. and Mrs. James Grady P’18 ’21 Mr. and Mrs. George W. Haines ’60 Mr. Ira Hershkowitz Mr. and Mrs. William M. Houldin, Jr. P’80 ’82 ’87 ’92 GP’09 ’11 ’14 Mr. Theodore G. Koven* ’53 and Mrs. Stephanie Koven Mr. and Mrs. Gus H. Koven III ’60 Mr. and Mrs. Mark H. Lazarus ’82 Mr. and Mrs. Pels Matthews P’18 ’18 Mr. and Mrs. Steven Mella P’19 Ms. Natalie P. Merin ’10 Mr. Neil Merin P’10 Mr. and Mrs. David B. Moens ’75 Mr. and Mrs. John D. Race ’73 Mr. and Mrs. Walter R. Seibert, Jr. ’61 Mr. and Mrs. Roy B. Simpson, Jr. ’68 Mr. and Mrs. Mark T. Sudac ’80 Mr. and Mrs. James E. Thomas Mr. Roger K. Tillson, Jr. ’70 # Ms. Penelope L. White ’82 Mr. Xiangxian Xu and Ms. Linda Chen P’20 Mr. Kim Po Yan and Ms. Kwan Lam P’12 Mr. Rongjiang Yao and Ms. Bin Sun P’21 Mr. John W. Yerger ’68

RED AND GRAY ($2,500 TO $4,999)

Mr. Russell J. Adams ’83 Mr. Charles W. Allen ’94 Mr. and Mrs. William Beatty P’19 Mr. and Mrs. Peter T. Clarke ’70 Mr. and Mrs. J. Hugh Cobrain ’43 Mr. David J. Cooke P’15 ’16 ’19 Mr. T. Roderick Dew* ’59 # Mr. and Mrs. G. Frederick Dickson ’71 Mr. Michael N. Eanes H’90 P’90 GP’20 # and Mrs. Susan F. Eanes H’91 P’90 GP’20 Mr. Caleb T. Elston ’05 Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Emerson ’58


Mr. and Mrs. Edsel B. Ford II ’68 Mr. and Mrs. Frederic W. Harder ’72 Mr. and Mrs. Spencer M. Houldin ’87 David E. Kaplan ’81 and Ms. Terri L. Stein P’13 ’15 ’20 Ms. Monique V.L. Kosar* P’89 Mr. and Mrs. Richard D. Lilleston ’64 Ms. Claire Maestroni and Mr. Giorgio Maroulis P’21 Mrs. Jane C. Miller P’82 Mr. and Mrs. Michael T. O’Neil P’11 ’17 ’18 Mr. John M. Reynolds Esquire ’68 # Ms. Edith Rowland P’19 Mrs. Sarah Scheel Cook ’82 and Mr. Perry L. Cook Mr. Nicholas N. Solley P’96 ’96 Dr. and Mrs. Peter J. Weiden ’73 Mrs. Aili Zhang P’20

GUNN ASSOCIATE ($1,000 TO $2,499)

Mr. Walter R. Addicks ’69 Mr. Murray Aitken and Mrs. Cynthia Corhan-Aitken P’19 Dr. David M. Albala ’73 Dr. Albert J. Anderson, Jr. ’48 Mr. John H. Anning II ’90 Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert A. Aviles P’19 ’20 Mr. Christopher H. Babcock ’68 # Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Ballantine ’53 Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Bergen, Jr. ’84 Ms. Carey A. Bodenheimer ’87 Mr. and Mrs. Sean P. Brown P’21 Mr. and Mrs. Theodore E. Bruning, Jr. ’47 Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Brush ’64 # Mr. David M. Burkhart ’82 P’19 Carmody Torrance Sandak Hennessy LLP Mr. and Mrs. John M. Cathey ’82 Mr. and Mrs. Jeremy D. Cohen ’87 Mr. and Mrs. W. Read Coughlin ’87 Ms. Erin Crabtree P’19 Mr. John Crabtree P’19 Mr. and Mrs. Richard Cullen Ms. Elvira Davidson ’94 Dr. and Mrs. Arthur C. DeGraff, Jr. ’47 Mr. David DeVos P’20 Mr. Mark P. Dibble ’79 Mr. Matthew F. Dorf and Ms. Megan N. Gibson P’19 ’19 Mr. Joshua B. Feil ’98 and Mrs. Nell Feil Mr. Frederick S. Fields ’57 P’85 Mr. Richard B. Flanagan ’77 Mr. and Mrs. Glenn M. Fydenkevez P’16 ’18 Mr. and Mrs. Lou J. Galletto, Jr. ’79 Mr. and Mrs. Stephen K. Galpin, Jr. ’70

Class Agents Italicized

the Gunnery • 2017-2018 Annual Report

Mrs. Monica George Winmill ’96 and Mr. Mark Winmill Dr. and Mrs. Richard Gilbert P’20 Mr. and Mrs. John B. Gimbel ’66 Mr. Andrew H. Glantz ’67 and Dr. Roberta H. Adams Mr. and Mrs. Bobby Gordon ’87 Mr. Thomas A. Gorman IV ’77 and Mr. William Zwecker Mr. Marco Greenberg and Ms. Stacey Nelkin P’20 Mr. and Mrs. John M. Greenwood ’71 Mr. Robert R. Grinberg ’90 Mr. and Mrs. David P. Hardy ’78 Mr. and Mrs. Christopher C. Healy ’76 Mr. and Mrs. L. Michael Hersom ’89 Mr. and Mrs. David N. Hoadley ’51 Mr. and Mrs. Steven T. Horan ’80 Mr. and Mrs. Philip A. Houck ’55 Mr. and Mrs. James A. Hughes ’60 Mr. and Mrs. Michael Ioannou P’19 Mr. and Mrs. Frederick F. Judd III P’14 ’15 ’17 Mr. and Mrs. David S. King ’90 Dr. John M. Knapp Mr. Vladimir Korobov and Mrs. Alla Korobova P’21 Mr. Barry S. Lerman ’75 Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Levine ’55 Mr. Ronald E. Lipetz* ’58 # Mr. H. Allan Lowe ’69 Ms. Sarah E. Macary ’07 Ms. Jo-Ann Makovitzky P’20 Mr. and Mrs. Brent Malcolm ’54 Mr. and Mrs. R. Whit Matthews ’98 # Mr. and Mrs. Stuart J. McCampbell ’64 # Dr. and Mrs. Robert M. McFarland ’79 P’15 Mr. and Mrs. Paul M. McManus, Jr. ’87 P’21 # Mr. Peter J. Michel P’97 Mr. Dwight D. Miller ’55 Dr. and Mrs. Craig Mines P’19 Dr. and Mrs. John E. Mullen P’16 ’17 ’20 Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Munson ’59 # Mr. and Mrs. Michael Naylor P’21 Mrs. Nancy B. Nederlander ’98 and Mr. Eric Nederlander O & G Industries, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Oswald P’19 Denise and Peter Pasch P’96 ’98 Mr. and Mrs. Michael Pengue P’19 Dr. and Mrs. Daniel B. Penner ’58 Ms. Sarah Phillips P’17 Mr. Charles Pigott P’21 Mr. and Mrs. Val Prevedini ’69 Mr. and Mrs. David P. Renkert ’52 # Mr. and Mrs. Richard Rhodes P’20 ’22 Mr. Robert R. Richmond ’60 # Mr. John M. Robards ’80 and Ms. Geraldine E. Baldwin ’80 Mr. and Mrs. William S. Rose ’70 Ms. Sarane H. Ross GP’18 Mr. and Mrs. Paul M. Russ ’46 Mr. Altan R. I. Sadik-Khan ’06 Mr. and Mrs. Brian R. Saltzman ’84 Mr. and Mrs. William M. Samuelson ’78

Mr. and Mrs. Matthew J. Silverman P’16 Mr. J. Kevin Smith P’18 Mr. Jeffrey Stammen P’20 Mr. and Mrs. George N. Stonbely P’99 Mr. and Mrs. George S. Sullivan, Jr. ’59 Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan P. Sullivan ’98 Mr. and Mrs. David F. Tamaroff ’04 Mr. and Mrs. Jesse M. Terry ’97 Mr. Yu Tian and Ms. Yuwen Liu P’19 Mr. and Mrs. Steven R. Vitale ’92 Mr. and Mrs. John A. Walsh P’04 Mr. and Mrs. Roger A. Walters ’52 # Mr. Tom S. Ward, Jr. ’62 and Ms. Emma H. Hamman Ms. Rebecca J. Weisberg ’90 Mr. and Mrs. W. Holt Whiting ’62 # Ms. Jennifer N. Williams P’17 Ms. Janet H. Wills Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Wood, Jr. ’55 Mr. Jeong Joon Yu and Mrs. Hye Jeong Oh P’21


Anonymous Ms. Julia B. Alling ’81 and Mr. Paul A. Graney P’19 B & D Controlled Air Corporation Mrs. Gordon W. Babcock P’68 Mr. and Mrs. Steven E. Bailey P’09 Mr. and Mrs. Bruce C. Baird ’74 # Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence T. Baldwin ’90 Prof. Beatrice S. Bartlett Dr. and Mrs. Thomas C. Braman ’57 Mr. Patrick J. Brennan ’08 Dr. and Mrs. Robert A. Burger ’80 Mr. James J. Carpenter P’18 Mr. David M. Coburn ’68 # Mr. and Mrs. William G. Cole Mr. George-Antony N. Colettis and Ms. Marina E. Colettis Mr. and Mrs. George E. Cookman ’64 Mr. Wilson Cuba and Ms. Julia King-Cuba P’19 Mr. Andrew F. Dicker ’68 Mr. and Mrs. John F. Dillon ’55 Mr. and Mrs. Parker Dinkins ’65 Mr. Keith S. Dupee ’96 Mr. and Mrs. Tesh Durvasula P’17 Mrs. Rebekah H. Eckstein P’86 ’92 Mr. Gregory W. Ellis ’90 Mr. and Mrs. Elon Foster III P’07 Ms. Tara J. Friedman ’03 Lt. Colonel and Mrs. Charles J. Gaspar, Jr., Ph.D. ’61 Mr. Matthew Gorry ’52 Mr. and Mrs. Christian Gotfredson ’66 Mr. Lee M. Hollis P’17 Dr. and Mrs. Edward G. Horn ’60 Mr. and Mrs. Daniel C. Joslin P’15 ’16 Mr. and Mrs. Eric Kotcher P’15

Dr. and Mrs. Robert K. Kritzler ’69 Mr. and Mrs. Edwin D. Leonard GP’13 The Leone Family Mr. Buyun Liu and Ms. Daimeng Wu P’18 Mr. and Mrs. Leonard F. Lombardi ’48 Mr. and Mrs. Peter S. Lorenz ’03 Dr. Joseph C. Marron and Ms. Rebecca E. Kendall P’04 ’05 Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey G. Marsted ’60 # Mr. Richard and Mrs. Laura Martin ’90 P’20 Ms. Elizabeth S. McKenna ’06 Mr. Serge L. Miller ’51 GP’12 ’20 Mr. Jim F. Millinger ’53 # Mr. Nicholas Molnar ’72 # Mr. Jeffrey C. Moore ’00 Mr. Jeffrey S. Morris and Ms. Janet C. Olshansky P’14 Mr. and Mrs. Bennett B. Mortell ’73 Mr. Jorge Najera Albor and Ms. Shelly Sweeney P’20 Mr. and Mrs. William B. Ogden IV P’00 # Mr. and Mrs. George W. Olvany, Sr. P’17 Mrs. Julie Overton and Mr. Martin Overton P’20 Mr. John W. Phelps Esq. ’53 Mr. and Mrs. B. William Plotkin ’59 Mr. Stephen E. Post ’72 Mr. and Mrs. William N. Post ’66 Mr. and Mrs. William M. Preston III ’65 Mr. Thomas C. R. Proctor ’64 # Mrs. Kyra Quinlan WR ’68 Mr. Michael S. Renkert ’59 # and Dr. Elizabeth E. Renkert Mr. Alexander C. Rinaldi ’08 Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Y. Rogers, Jr. ’61 Mr. and Mrs. Michael Sansbury P’20 Mr. Robert H. Savarese ’68

# The H. Willets and Samuel Jackson Underhill Society

the Gunnery • 2017-2018 Annual Report


Class Agents Italicized


Mr. Michael S. Setzer ’00 Mr. Edgar M. Sheppard, Jr. ’43 Ms. Nancy Shilts GP’20 Mr. James J. Slocum ’63 # and Mrs. K. Anne Tremel Mr. and Mrs. Omar Slowe ’97 Mr. and Mrs. Gregory H. Smith ’74 Professor Peter H. Smith ’57 Mr. and Mrs. Allen C. Steiger ’76 # Mr. and Mrs. Kurt Sullivan P’16 ’18 Dr. and Mrs. Peter C. Sutton ’68 Mr. and Mrs. David B. Swan ’63 Dr. and Mrs. William J. Tate III ’50 Mr. M. Thomas Tiernan, Jr. ’75 Mr. Lawrence D. Tuck ’65 United Construction & Engineering, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Lamar G. Villere ’93 Mr. Bo Zhang and Ms. Jing Hao P’19


Anonymous Mr. and Mrs. Jyrki Aaltonen P’19 Ms. Daina J. Adams ’18 Mr. and Mrs. Haldane R. Adams P’18 Mr. Logan A. Adams ’15 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Adams P’15 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Addicks ’70 Mr. Arian R. Agadi ’21 Mr. Cameron T. Ahouse ’06 Miss Madeleine Aitken ’19 Mr. Baruti R. I. Ajamu ’84 Mr. Sayed Hashem H. Al Aali ’18 Mr. and Mrs. Leonard D. Albert ’53 Ms. Sarah R. Albright Ms. Jamie Albro Dr. and Mrs. Michael H. Alderman ’54 Mr. William B. C. Alling Graney ’19 Mr. and Mrs. Louis P. Allyn ’57 Ms. Noor Alsairafi ’18 Mr. Cameron R. Amador ’17 Mr. Chase M. Amador ’19 Mr. and Mrs. Gabriel Amador P’17 ’19 Mr. Jihoon An ’20 Mr. Samuel M. Anderson ’13 Mr. Carmine F. Andranovich ’20 Mr. and Mrs. Heath Andranovich P’20 Mrs. Katharine Andres Mr. Anthony A. Annicelli ’19 Mr. Garrett L. Argentino ’20 Mr. Louis Argentino and Ms. Shelby Poe-Argentino P’20 Mr. Austin Arkin Mr. Ian N. Arnof ’87 and Ms. Sunshine J. Greene Ms. Diane F. Arons Mrs. Judith Averbach ’87 and Mr. Andrew Averbach Miss Aurora Aviles ’20 Mr. Julian V. Aviles ’19 Miss Lois Bachman ’19 Mr. Sangjun Baek ’12 Mr. Alan L. Bain ’55 # and Ms. Catherine Marley Mr. Asa S. E. Baker ’19

# The H. Willets and Samuel Jackson Underhill Society


Mr. Edward E. Baker, Jr. ’61 Mrs. Jessica Baker Mr. and Mrs. James Baker P’96 Mr. and Mrs. James W. Balben Mr. and Mrs. David P. Bancroft ’55 # Miss Yiyun Bao ’20 Mr. and Mrs. Dutch Barhydt ’76 Mr. and Mrs. Howard Barnet Jr. Mr. Zachary E. Barrett ’20 Mr. Francois Barthelemy P’21 Miss Margaux V. Barthelemy ’21 Mr. Finn W. Bartman ’18 Mr. Bhramdeo Bassit ’95 Mr. and Mrs. Michael Bates ’65 Mr. and Mrs. Christopher M. Baudo Mr. Ariel L. Baum ’03 Mr. Charles H. Baum ’71 Miss Anne F. Beatty ’19 Mr. Brian Beecher and Ms. Cheryl Beecher P’19 Mr. Mason Beecher ’19 Mr. and Mrs. Alexander F. Bellinger ’68 Mr. John P. Bellinger ’68 Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Bellinger ’73 Mr. Steven Bendrick Dr. Nicholas V. Benson and Ms. Natalie Dyer Mr. and Mrs. Arvin Berano P’19 ’20 Mr. Elijah L. Berano ’19 Miss Marley A. Berano ’20 Mr. and Mrs. Frederick G. Bernard ’68 Mr. and Mrs. John L. Bertoli, Jr. P’10 Mr. Steven Birnbaum Mr. Nicholas A. Blasucci ’96 and Ms. Deirdre E. Vignone Mr. Monte W. Blaustein Professor Walter J. Blogoslawski ’61 Mr. Thomas A. Blumenthal ’50 # Ms. Henrietta M. Bogdanovics ’09


Mr. and Mrs. Paul R. Boillot ’80 Mr. and Mrs. Michael Boldt Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Bongo ’90 Ms. Madeleine J. Boudreau ’12 Mr. Basil H. Bourque P’84 Mr. Lucas G. Boyden ’19 Mr. and Mrs. John Boyer Mr. and Mrs. Kerry Brassil P’18 Mr. Ryan Brassil ’18 Mr. John W. Bratton ’84 Mr. Cole R. Brennan ’20 Mr. and Mrs. George Brennan P’19 ’20 Mr. Riley T. Brennan ’19 Mr. Edward F. Bretter ’88 Miss Katrina M. Broccoli ’19 Mr. Peter Brodhead and Ms. Lori Fedewa P’20 Mr. Gavin Brown ’21 Mr. and Mrs. Geoffrey N. Brown ’56 Miss Gwendolyn Brown ’20 Mr. Hunter Brown and Miss Tillie Page Laird Mr. and Mrs. John C. Brown ’59 P’92 Mr. and Mrs. Adam Bruck P’17 ’20 ’22 Mr. Jacob Bruck ’20 Mr. Leigh Buckens ’02 Mrs. Margaret A. Bucklin P’10 Mrs. Lauren A. Bull ’89 and Dr. Harrison C. Bull Dr. Ellen Burov, M.D. P’21 Mr. and Mrs. Derek J. Bush ’95 Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Butler, Jr. ’59 Mr. James L. Buttenwieser ’70 # Mr. Jeffrey B. Buvinow ’08 Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Byrne P’18 Ms. Isabella Byrne ’18 Mr. Andrew J. Byrne-King ’20 Mr. Minghao Cai ’20 Ms. Carrie M. Cameron ’13 Mr. and Mrs. D. Pierre G. Cameron, Jr. ’51

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the Gunnery • 2017-2018 Annual Report

Mr. Carlos M. Canal, Jr. and Mrs. Gay E. Vincent-Canal Mr. John H. Cantlay Mr. Patrick A. Capella ’06 Dr. and Mrs. George T. Capone ’73 Dr. Anna Carew-Miller Miss Mary Carew-Miller ’20 Miss Taryn N. Carey ’19 Mr. and Mrs. Lincoln D. Carnam ’91 Mr. Michael R. Caroe P’77 GP’10 Mrs. Aimee Carpenter P’18 Ms. Maia G. Carpenter ’18 Mr. John M. Cary Jr. ’18 Mr. and Mrs. David K. Case ’56 Mr. and Mrs. Peter P. Case ’65 Mrs. Elizabeth A. Cauchon ’83 and Mr. Stephen M. Cauchon Mr. and Mrs. John R. Chandler, Jr. H’63 Mr. William C. Charleton ’08 Mrs. Daphne Cheatham The Reverend Cheney ’65 Mr. Fangwen Cheng ’18 Mr. Marcus R. Cheng ’18 Mr. Jinuk Choi ’18 Mr. and Mrs. Seoung Ho Choy P’21 Miss Seoyeun Choy ’21 Mr. Michael Christian Mr. Jeppe Christiansen and Ms. Jo Hurley P’21 Mr. Sean Christiansen ’21 Mr. and Mrs. Donald B. Christie ’50 Mr. Marc K. Cibelli ’13 Mr. Colten M. Cicarelli ’21 Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Cicarelli P’19 ’21 Mr. Wyatt M. Cicarelli ’19 Mr. Grant J. Ciccarello ’19 Mr. Adam K. Clark ’91 Mr. and Mrs. E. Terry Clark P’91 ’98 ’03 ’05 ’14 Mr. and Mrs. Joel K. Clark ’98 Mr. Skyler T. Clark ’14 Mr. Wyatt G. Clark ’13 Mr. and Mrs. Richard B. Clarke ’54 Dr. and Mrs. James C. Clayton ’50 # Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Clement P’22 Mr. Kevin C. Clemente and Ms. Sarah Depolo Mr. Alexander J. Coady ’19 Ms. Jennifer Coady P’19 Mr. Anthony V. Cochrane ’18 Mr. James R. Cochrane III P’18 Mr. Garrett Coe ’19 Mr. and Mrs. Jared Coe P’19 Mr. Charles A. Cohen ’63 Mr. and Mrs. David Cohen ’65 Ms. Rachel A. Cohen ’18 Mr. and Mrs. Ian J. Cohn ’67 P’06 Ms. Judith Amy Cole-Judd P’19 Mr. John P. Collins, Jr. ’03 Dr. Samantha P. Collum ’03 Mr. Raymond L. Colotti, Jr. ’94 Ms. Amanda E. Comeau ’05 Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Condon Mr. Zachary Conner ’19 Mr. Gavin M. Connors ’19

Ms. Veronica Connors P’17 ’19 Contractor Products, Inc. Mr. Aiden C. Cooke ’19 Mr. Doug Cooney Ms. Donna L. Coppola P’18 Ms. Phoebe C. Coppola ’18 Ms. Sabryna L. Coppola ’18 Mr. Michael D. Corbelle ’06 Mr. Steven T. Cornell ’77 and Mrs. Sarah H. Cornell ’82 P’09 ’11 ’14 Miss Katherine L. Cortese ’21 Ms. Mary Cortese P’21 Mr. Paul M. Cortese P’21 Mr. Pedro Cortina ’18 Ms. Clare K. Costello ’18 Mr. and Mrs. Justin W. Costello P’18 Ms. Tina L. Couch ’97 and Mr. Chris Desiderio Mr. Ethan C. Cox ’18 Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Cox P’18 Mr. Gregory A. Coy ’79 Mr. John Crabtree ’19 Mr. and Mrs. Christopher C. Craig ’80 Mr. and Mrs. David L. Crane ’65 Mr. Adam R. Criscuolo ’03 Miss Isabelle Crocco ’19 Mr. and Mrs. Pasquale Crocco P’19 Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Croft Mrs. Whitney L. Crosby ’89 and Mr. James P. Crosby Mr. Sinawe Cuba ’19 Ms. Casey E. Cullen ’14 Mr. John C. Cullen, Jr. ’12 Mrs. Norma E. Cummings ’90 Mr. and Mrs. Paul M. Cummings ’66 Ms. Helene M. Dacey ’10 Mr. and Mrs. Russell D’Agostino P’20 Mr. Brian J. Daniels and Ms. Karen Cassery-Daniels Mr. and Mrs. Ross Daniels, Jr. ’48 # Mr. Douglas D. Daniels ’97 Mr. Matthew S. Danner ’17 Mr. Benjamin C. Davis ’54 # Ms. Zoe C. Davis-Bowers ’18 Mr. and Mrs. Peter T. Dawkins ’72 Mrs. Suzanne Day and Mr. Douglas Day Mr. Scott A. Dayton ’08 and Mrs. Elizabeth R. Dayton ’08 Mr. and Mrs. Lynn C. Dayton P’99 ’05 Mr. Andrew P. De Paulis ’12 Mr. and Mrs. Phil F. De Paulis P’12 Mr. and Mrs. Marc DeBeradinis P’18 Mr. Maximilian DeBeradinis ’18 Mr. John D. Decker P’15 Ms. Katherine J. DeForge ’03 Dr. and Mrs. William F. DeForge P’03 ’06 Mr. and Mrs. Michael D’Elia P’12 ’14 Mr. and Mrs. Anthony M. Delude ’53 Mr. and Mrs. William A. R. Deming ’47 Mr. Christopher R. DePaola ’10 Mr. and Mrs. Theodore C. DePaola, Jr. P’10 Mr. Patrick A. DePeters ’06 Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Despres P’01 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas B. Devlin P’17 Mr. Charles DeVos ’20

Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence W. Dexheimer Mr. Jake Di Girolamo ’19 Mr. Alexander Diaz ’21 Ms. Helen Diaz P’21 Mr. and Mrs. Michael H. Diem ’58 Mr. and Mrs. Gregory DiMurro P’17 Dr. Laura Carey and Mr. Jason Dismukes P’16 ’19 Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Divis P’11 Mr. and Mrs. James L. E. Dixon ’71 Mrs. Laura A. Donorfio ’00 and Mr. Brian Donorfio Mrs. Deborah Doody and Mr. Brian Doody Mr. Caleb W. H. Dorf ’19 Mr. Elijah H. H. Dorf ’19 Ms. Kerry A. Dorton ’87 P’16 Mr. and Mrs. K Gregg Douglas P’12 ’14 ’19 Mr. Sean E. Douglas ’19 Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Dow P’16 Mr. LaDarius Drew Ms. Ann Dunn GP’21 Mr. Philip M. Dutton ’81 and Mrs. Ann E. Kearney-Dutton WR’80 Mrs. Natalie H. Dyer LCDR Nancy B. Edelen ’96 Miss Sylvie B. Edelstein ’21 Mr. Aiden Edwards ’19 Mr. W. Russ Elgin # Ms. Kristin A. Emerick ’05 Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence H. Engelman ’72 Dr. and Mrs. Edward Esposito P’18 Mr. Michael A. Esposito ’18 Mr. James L. Estreich ’06 Mr. and Mrs. Donald N. Ethier, Jr. ’63 Mr. John B. Faas ’68 Mr. Ernuo Fan ’21 Miss Chen Fang ’19 Ms. Mallory M. Farmer ’05 Ms. Blaire Farrar Max M. K. Farrar ’21 Mr. and Ms. Daniel Farricielli P’21 Mr. Daniel R. Farricielli ’21 Mr. Stephen J. Farrington ’60 Mr. Reginald A. Fawcett ’60 Ms. Mimi Feinstein GP’20 Mr. Adam Feldman ’21 Dr. Robert Feldman and Dr. Virginia Feldman P’17 ’21 Mr. Xihao Feng ’20 Miss Lenaijah Ferguson ’20 Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Ferla ’66 Ms. Eleanor A. Fields ’86 and Mr. Alexander Fields ’85 Ms. Elizabeth A. Fischbein ’90 and Mr. Andy Brown Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey D. Fischer ’68 Mr. and Mrs. John H. Fisher II ’54 Mrs. Morgen Fisher ’03 and Mr. Elliott A. Fisher Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. FitzGerald P’90 Ms. Emily E. Fitzhugh Mr. Hugh F. Fitzpatrick ’54 Ms. Jessica L. Fletcher ’96 and Mr. Jon Fletcher Ms. Marina Fotos Papathanasiou P’20 Ms. Tabitha L. Franceschini ’18 Mr. Douglas K. Francis ’82 and Ms. Patty J. Renzetti

# The H. Willets and Samuel Jackson Underhill Society

the Gunnery • 2017-2018 Annual Report


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Ms. Anke Franklin Dr. and Mrs. Christian Franz P’20 Mr. Nikolaus P. Franz ’20 Ms. Susan Frauenhofer ’88 Mr. Alan D. R. Frese ’51 Dr. Amanda M. Fretts ’99 and Mr. Marc Reyhner Mr. and Mrs. David K. Freudenheim ’89 Capt. F. Garrett Fucci ’03 Mr. Stephen B. Futh ’87 and Ms. Summerly Xaudaro P’18 Ms. Sydney M. Fydenkevez ’18 Mr. Neil J. Gabriel and Ms. Cheryl A. Rosen Ms. Margot W. Gaggini ’17 Mr. Tristram C. Gaillard ’61 Mr. Roberto Galante ’20 Mr. Simon Galante and Mrs. Michelle Romano de Galante P’20 Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Gale ’72 Ms. Lori G. Galletto ’90 Mr. Braden Garten ’18 Mr. Stephen Bond Garvan ’70 # Mr. Brandon P. Garzione ’14 Mr. and Mrs. Marc D. Gatcomb P’18 Mr. Marc H. Gatcomb ’18 Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Gavel ’47 LCDR Stephen C. Gay ’01 and Dr. Claudia Capizzi-Gay Ms. Anne Genest P’20 Miss Carolina Genest ’20 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph G. Ghering P’78 Mr. Tuan Giang and Mrs. Anh Truong P’21 Mr. Tung Hoang Giang ’21 Mr. and Mrs. James M. Gilbert ’60 Miss Samantha Gilbert ’20 Mr. and Mrs. Sean W. Gilligan ’80 Mr. and Mrs. Jack Gilpin Ms. Misa Giroux Mr. Jack Gleason ’21 Mr. and Mrs. Keith Gleason P’20 ’21 Miss Madison Gleason ’20 Mr. Lane A. Goldberg ’03 Mr. and Mrs. Davidson Goldin Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Goldsmith Ms. Jamie Goldsmith Mr. and Mrs. Walter B. Goldsmith ’51 Mr. and Mrs. James C. Goodale Ms. Hannah C. Gorman Mr. Sawyer K. Gorman ’19 Mr. Shane Gorman ’10 Mrs. Joanna B. Gormley Dr. Ferris G. Gorra Ms. Marissa A. Goss ’98 Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth B. Gould ’74 Miss Ellen D. Grady ’21 Ms. Margaret Grady ’18 Mrs. Susan G. Graham H’12 and Mr. James A. Graham, Jr. Miss Allison A. Gramando ’21 Mr. and Mrs. George H. J. Grande ’64 Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence R. Gray ’60 Mr. and Mrs. Stephen A. Gray ’61 Mr. Charles B. Green ’67

# The H. Willets and Samuel Jackson Underhill Society


Mr. Holcombe T. Green III Ms. London V. J. Green ’18 Mr. Noah E. Greenberg ’20 Mr. and Mrs. Douglas C. Greene ’73 # Mr. Benjamin L. Greenfield ’07 Mr. and Mrs. Allan B. Greenwood ’58 Mr. and Mrs. George M. Gregory, Jr. P’11 Mr. and Mrs. Charles Greiner GP’21 Mr. and Mrs. Stephen J. Gritti Ms. Kara E. Grogan ’07 Mr. Niko Grollman ’18 Mr. Zachary A. Grossman ’08 and Mrs. Chelsea E. Grossman ’08 Mr. Erik Gustafson ’21 Mr. Frank Gustafson and Ms. Xhevrije Krosi P’21 H S Roofing Systems Mr. and Mrs. Steven Haas Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hamblet Mr. Michael Hambley and Ms. Janice Wilson P’20 Mr. William J. W. Hambley ’20 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas B. Hambury ’63 Mr. Fred L. C. Hansson ’19 Mr. and Mrs. Johan Hansson P’19 Mr. Michael K. Hardon ’09 Ms. Patricia Hargadon Mr. and Mrs. John Harrison Miss Jennifer C. Hart Mr. and Mrs. Richard H. Hart ’57 Mr. Harrison Harwood ’20 Mr. Josh Harwood and Dr. Michelene Todd P’20 Ms. Sarah D. Hauser Mr. and Mrs. William E. Havemeyer Dr. and Mrs. George W. Hay, Ph.D. ’75 Mr. Jonathan L. Hay ’13 Ms. Katherine M. Hayward ’18 Mr. and Mrs. Neil A. Hayward P’18 Mrs. Nina L. Healy ’90 and Mr. Tadhg Healy Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Heaven ’73 Mr. Matthew Helderman ’07 and Mrs. Perry Helderman ’06 Mr. and Mrs. John D. Herrick ’63 P’89 ’91 Mr. and Mrs. Michael R. Hespos ’84 Mr. Richard H. Hess ’56 Miss Juliana R. Hew ’21 Mr. and Mrs. Stephen J. Hew P’21 Mr. Robert F. Hilgendorff ’73 Mr. and Mrs. Christopher M. Hill P’15 ’20 Mr. and Mrs. Eric J. Hill P’13 Miss Kelly D. Hill ’20 Mr. and Mrs. Philip B. Hinkle ’52 Mr. and Mrs. Matthew S. Hoeniger Mr. and Mrs. Todd Hoivik P’20 Mr. Trevor Hoivik ’20 Mr. Thomas H. Hollinger and Ms. Kathryn E. Coe P’01 ’04 Mr. Robert L. Hooper ’14 Mr. and Mrs. Barry A. Horn P’16 Ms. Gillian G. Horn ’13 Mr. Anthony L. Horwitz and Ms. Geraldine Brooks P’21 Mr. Bizuayehu B. Horwitz ’21 Mr. Scott C. Houldin ’80 P’11


Mr. William M. Houldin III ’11 Mr. and Mrs. Robert P. Houser ’85 Mr. Peter A. Howell ’73 Mr. Henry R. Hoyt ’20 Mr. and Mrs. Phil Hoyt ’64 Mr. Gerald B. Huffstetler ’20 Mr. James Huffstetler and Mrs. Patricia O’Reilly P’20 Mr. Charles B. Hunker ’73 Mr. James Hurley and Ms. Julie Whitney P’21 Mr. Riley T. Hurley ’21 Mr. and Mrs. Robert V. Huss P’83 ’84 Mr. Scott C. Hutchinson ’90 Mr. and Mrs. David A. Hyde, Jr. ’68 Mr. and Mrs. Brandon Ince P’20 Mr. Nathaniel Ince ’20 Mr. Danneuris Infante ’21 Ms. Meredith L. Infeld ’87 and Ms. Inger L. Powers Mr. John L. Ingle ’07 and Ms. Alexandra L. Early ’07 Mr. Nikolas Ioannou ’19 Ms. Carson Jacobi P’20 ’21 Mrs. Avanel Jarka ’90 and Mr. Kenneth G. Jarka Mr. and Mrs. Andrew S. Jeske ’83 Miss Yuchen Ji ’19 Mr. Fan Jiang ’12 Miss Acadia Johnson ’21 Mr. and Mrs. David A. Johnson P’21 Ms. Elizabeth R. Johnson ’82 Mr. John R. Johnson, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Mark T. Johnson P’09 ’19 Mr. and Mrs. Martin G. Johnson ’81 Mr. and Mrs. Robert P. Johnson ’57 Mr. Samuel T. Johnson ’19 Mr. Joshua L. Johnston ’09 Mr. and Mrs. Christopher P. Jones ’47 Mr. Josiah J. Jones ’92 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M. Juhas ’62 # Ms. Seojin Jung ’18 Mr. and Mrs. William R. Kaehrle ’60 Ms. Jennifer P. Kagan ’89 Mr. and Mrs. Philip H. Kantor P’10 ’15 Mr. Colin L. Kanuch ’15 Ms. Jessie G. Kaplan ’13 Miss Jolie Kaplan ’20 Mr. Michael J. Kassis ’19 Mr. Kenyon W. Kay ’18 Ms. Lizbeth M. Kay P’18 Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Keleher P’17 Mrs. Elizabeth A. Kelley ’92 and Dr. Shawn P. Kelley Mr. and Mrs. Charles N. Kellogg ’84 Ms. Erin A. Kelly ’08 Mr. and Mrs. John A. Kelly, Jr. P’08 The Honorable and Mrs. James G. Kenefick, Jr. ’53 P’79 Mr. Kasparas Kersanskas ’19 Mr. Claude B. Kershner IV ’03 Mr. Mark F. Kessenich IV ’11 Miss Cailin Kessman ’20 Mr. and Mrs. Paul Kessman P’20 Mr. and Mrs. Kevin F. Killeen P’17 Ms. Sooryu Kim ’18 Mr. and Mrs. John King P’20 Mr. and Mrs. Otto Kinzel III ’63

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the Gunnery • 2017-2018 Annual Report

Mr. and Mrs. Michael Kirby ’82 Mr. Tristan C. Kishonis ’13 Mr. and Mrs. Stewart E. Klein Mr. Ronin A. Kmeta-Suarez ’19 Mr. and Mrs. T.K.S. Knowles, Jr. ’85 Ms. Eleni M. Kolpak ’18 Dr. and Ms. Brian S. Konik Miss Ksenia E. Korobov ’21 Dr. and Mrs. Leonard W. Kram ’63 Mrs. George A. Krimsky ’60 Mr. Christian R. Kummer ’18 Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Kummer, Jr. P’18 Ms. Krista E. Lamoreaux ’13 Mr. Michael A. Lane ’08 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Lanesey Ms. LouAnn Lange P’04 Mr. Artjoms Lapiks ’19 Mr. Zachary G. Larson ’12 Ms. Catherine D. Lawrence ’18 Ms. Rebecca LeClerc Miss Ava Lee ’21 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Lee, Jr. P’17 ’21 Mr. John F. Leonard, Jr. P’19 Mr. John M. Leonard ’19 Miss Lila C. Leonard ’21 Mrs. Jacqueline LePine Ms. Gabrielle L. Lescadre ’18 Mr. Kayin A. Levesque-Olajide ’18 Mr. and Mrs. Stuart D. Levitan ’71 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Lilley, Jr. P’12 Miss Chiaying Lin ’19 Miss Yongjun Lin ’19 Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Lincoln P’01 ’06 ’08 Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Lindquist ’89 Ms. Ann W. Lipham ’79 P’10 Ms. Chaoyang Liu ’11 Mr. Jack Liu ’18 Mr. Sichen Liu ’19 Mr. Matthew P. Logue ’15 Mr. and Mrs. Peter F. Logue P’15 Ms. Sarah M. Lombard ’12 Mr. Edward Longstreth, Jr.* ’48 and Mrs. Norma I. Longstreth

Mrs. Edward Longstreth, Jr. Mr. Matthew J. Lopresti ’17 Mr. Michael J. LoPresti Jr. ’10 Mrs. Lauren R. Lord Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Lovallo P’21 Miss Hailey M. Lovallo ’21 Mr. Charles Lovejoy Mr. and Mrs. Seth C. Low Ms. Susan E. Loyd P’10 Miss Alexa K. M. Lugo ’20 Mr. and Mrs. Brian Lugo P’16 ’20 Mr. and Mrs. Benton R. Lyster ’66 Mr. Haonan Ma ’21 Mr. and Mrs. Francis X. Macary III ’03 Mr. Peter A. Macary ’05 Mr. Stephen B. Macary ’15 Mr. Cameron P. MacKay ’12 Ms. Darby E. MacKay ’12 Mr. Peter M. MacKenna ’08 and Ms. Lindsay D. Lincoln ’08 Ms. Elena M. M. Maehrle ’20 Mr. Philip R. Magnuson ’62 # Ms. Lily A. Mandl ’18 Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Mandl P’10 ’14 ’18 Ms. Crystal D. Mandler ’87 and Mr. Scott Ramsdell Mr. and Mrs. Peter A. Manley ’61 Mr. Jeffrey A. Manville Jr. ’12 Marandola Fuel Service LLC Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Marich Ms. Andrea L. Marron ’04 Mr. Peter S. Marshall ’69 Mr. and Mrs. P. Severin Marsted ’57 Miss Isabel Martin ’20 Mr. Kenneth Mason Mrs. Maria Mason WR’69 Ms. Kathleen P. Masterson Mr. David J. Mathewson, Jr. ’62 and The Rev. Kathryn C. Matthewson Mr. Brett M. Matthews ’18 Mr. and Mrs. Dean W. Matthews ’56 P’98 ’99 Dr. Jessica Matthews and Mr. Ryan Cotter Mr. John C. Matthews ’18 Mr. Kristopher D. Matthews ’99 Ms. Lisa Matthews ’80 Miss Anna T. Maxwell ’19 Miss Elizabeth G. Maxwell ’20 Ms. Hildy C. Maxwell ’16 Mr. John C. Maxwell III P’19 Mr. William Lawrence Maxwell ’85 and Dr. Charlotte P. Maxwell P’16 ’20 Dr. Silvia Mayo Molina ’87 & Mr. Andrew F. Mayo Mr. and Mrs. Joseph McAndrew P’18 Ms. Sophie McAndrew ’18 Mrs. Stephen W. McBurnett, Sr. ’64 Mr. and Mrs. Hugh A. McCandless ’50 P’74 ’75 Mr. and Mrs. Vincent McClelland ’69 Reverend Susan McCone and Mr. Robert Wessely Ms. Eileen McCormack P’19 Miss Lindsey McDonald ’19 Miss Grace E. McEneaney ’20 Ms. Keely K. McGann ’18 Mr. and Mrs. Jack B. McIntosh ’92

Mr. and Mrs. James B. McKenna P’06 Mr. and Mrs. James F. McKernon ’58 Mr. Bartholomew W. McMann and Mrs. Kate A. McMann ’05 Miss Eleanor T. McManus ’21 Mr. Andrew McNeill P’17 ’18 Ms. Veronica M. McStocker ’12 Mr. Charles Y. Mead ’71 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas B. Meek III ’81 Ms. Bevin Emma Mehbach ’03 and Mr. Zach Mehbach Mr. R. Paul Meissner ’86 Mr. John-Paul T. Mella ’19 Mr. Levi J. Mercier ’18 Mr. Marc P. Mercier and Ms. Helen H. Waldron P’18 Mr. and Mrs. Richard H. Merrill ’66 Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Mesiya ’98 Mr. John Meyer ’20 Mr. and Ms. Spencer R. Meyer ’96 Mr. and Mrs. Leonard J. Miller P’19 Mr. Marshall P. Millette ’14 Ms. Tess E. Mindham ’13 Mr. Sage Mines ’19 Mr. and Mrs. Carl A. Minicucci P’14 Miss Paige Moffat ’19 Mr. Scot Moffat and Sgt. Reisha Moffat P’19 Mr. Franklin Moore ’64 # and Mr. Bancroft Winsor Ms. Jane C. Moore ’14 Mr. Marco Moreira P’20 Mr. and Mrs. Gerard J. Moriarity P’18 Ms. Nicole E. Moriarity ’18 Ms. Francesca Moscatelli ’80 Professor George B. Moseley III ’58 Mr. Bruce W. Moss ’60 Ms. Catherine Moulton Ms. Leigh-Anne Muggeo ’85 and Mr. Daniel A. Muggeo Mr. Aidan Mullen ’20 Mr. and Mrs. G. Bruce Munro ’53 Mr. and Mrs. William L. Munson ’58 Mr. Judd R. Murkland ’68 Dr. and Mrs. Frederick Muschenheim P’90 Mr. Guillermo E. Najera Sweeney ’20 Ms. Alexis M. Nanavaty ’17 Mr. and Dr. Charles S. Nanavaty P’17 Mr. and Mrs. Paul H. Nankivell II ’66 Dr. David J. Nashel ’56 and Mrs. Cheryl C. Ulmer Miss Erin E. Naylor ’21 Mr. and Mrs. George C. Nelson ’77 Mr. Jabari S. Nelson ’18 Miss Katherine R. Nemergut ’19 Ms. Noemi Neubauerova ’18 Miss Amelie Neubert ’19 Mr. Hung Tan Ngo ’20 Ms. Andrea Nicholson Mrs. Kathleen W. Niedmann ’82 and Mr. Eric Peter Niedmann Miss Alexandra N. Noeding ’19 Mrs. William Nolan P’95 GP’21 Mr. Richard C. Nolan ’07 Ms. Tanya Nongera Ms. Lucy S. Norton

# The H. Willets and Samuel Jackson Underhill Society

the Gunnery • 2017-2018 Annual Report


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Mr. Joshua R. Novick ’21 Mr. Zachary H. Novick ’18 Miss Sophia Novoa ’20 Mr. Charles Kelly Nye ’71 Mr. William Obilisundar ’09 Ms. Arlene O’Brien P’85 GP’07 ’11 ’20 Mr. Daniel J. O’Brien ’11 Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. O’Brien P’07 ’11 Mr. Daniel R. O’Brien ’05 Mr. John P. O’Brien Sr. ’85 and Mrs. Meg A. O’Brien ’84 P’20 Mr. Michael P. O’Brien ’07 Mr. Nicholas O’Brien ’20 Ms. Clare L. O’Connor ’18 Mr. Walter R. O’Connor ’18 Mr. William M. Oman, Jr. ’67 # and Dr. Larry Crummer # Mr. Matthew D. O’Neil ’18 Mr. Stephen Oswald ’19 Ms. Sharon L. Owen P’09 Vi and Reese Owens P’09 ’13 Miss Ruhua Pan ’21 Mr. and Mrs. ZuFeng Pan P’21 Mr. and Mrs. Michael R. Pankey ’87 Mr. Aristomenis M. Papathanasiou ’20 Mr. Nicolas Paredes ’20 Mr. Tucker L. Paron ’19 Mr. A. Leonard Parrott ’52 Mrs. Miranda D. Pasch-Grant ’96 and Mr. James Grant ’96 Mr. and Mrs. Theodore J. Paster P’17 Ms. Kristyna Patkova ’18 Mr. James Pattillo P’20 ’21 Mr. James G. Pattillo V ’21 Ms. Amy L. Paulekas Ms. Amanda L. Payne ’14 Ms. Erica G. Payne ’16 Mr. and Mrs. John H. Payne III Mr. and Mrs. Todd E. Payne P’14 ’16 Mr. Tuomas Pelamo ’19 Mr. Riley C. Pengue ’19 Mr. and Mrs. William S. Penick, Jr. ’90 Ms. Jill A. Penza P’07 Mr. and Mrs. Sean M. Peoples ’79 Mr. Joseph W. Perda ’18 Mr. Luke M. Perda ’14 Mr. Jesse C. Perkins Mr. Frank Perrella Ms. Julianne Petrillo ’18 Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Petrillo P’18 Miss Katheryn Pettibone ’19 Mr. and Mrs. Robert Pettibone P’19 Mrs. Janine Pettinicchi and Mr. Thomas P. Pettinicchi Mr. Huy C. Pham ’18 Mr. David M. Philips ’44 # Mr. and Mrs. J. Pennell Phillips ’84 Miss Elizabeth Pigott ’21 Mr. Timothy Poole Miss Savannah Popick ’20 Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Popick P’20 Ms. Susan Porter

# The H. Willets and Samuel Jackson Underhill Society


Mr. and Mrs. Craig Powell P’20 Mr. Travis Powell ’20 Mr. Andrew M. Powers ’11 Mr. and Mrs. Craig S. Pressman ’83 Ms. Elizabeth Preston DeVos P’20 Mr. Panu Puntoomsinchai ’90 Mr. and Mrs. Teague D. Purcell ’01 Dr. Hans-Christoph Quelle and Mrs. Astrid Oldekop P’21 Mr. Nathan E. A. Quelle ’21 Mr. and Mrs. Stuart H. Quillman ’74 Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Singh Rakieten ’66 Mr. Jason A. Rapoport ’02 Mr. and Mrs. Peter Rayhill P’20 ’22 Miss Zhanara Ray-Tunis ’20 Mr. and Mrs. Michael Reagan P’17 Ms. Laura L. Reckdenwald ’11 Mr. and Mrs. Raymond W. Reich Mr. Conor F. Reilly ’09 Ms. Krista M. Reinhart ’90 Mr. Timothy A. Reitman ’14 Mr. Alfred O. Reynolds, Jr. ’64 The MacCarthy Family Mr. Mark T. Rhoads ’04 Mr. Maxwell Rhodes ’20 Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Richards P’20 Miss Hannah Richards ’20 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Rickart Mr. and Mrs. Adam Riess Mr. Colin C. Riley ’16 Mr. Ian P. Riley ’13 Mr. and Mrs. Michael C. Riley P’13 ’16 Ms. Kori L. Rimany ’14 Ms. Cayetana B. Roca De Togores ’18 Mr. and Mrs. Richard Roder GP’03 Mr. Cristian R. Rodriguez ’19 Mr. Rafael Rodriguez and Ms. Silvia Almonte P’19 Mr. Joseph G. Rogalski ’18 Mr. Brad Romoff and Ms. Rosemary Clarke P’12 Mr. Ryan E. Rondina ’94 Mr. Lucas Rosati ’20 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Rosati P’20 Mr. and Mrs. Robert Rosen P’11 Mrs. Carolyn Ross


Ms. Dana Ross ’17 Miss Hannah Rossi ’19 Ms. Heidi A. S. Rowe ’79 and Mr. William Speers Mr. and Mrs. Wallace H. Rowe III ’57 P’77 ’79 # Miss Sharon Rowland ’19 Ms. Cassandra Ruscz Miss Gianna Russillo ’20 Mr. Andrew Russo Ms. Mary B. Ryan Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Ryer P’07 ’09 Mrs. Orhan Sadik-Khan P’06 Mr. and Mrs. James T. Sage ’86 Mr. and Mrs. Edward L. Samek ’54 Ms. Emily M. Sandefer ’08 Ms. Cynthia Sansone P’18 Mr. Wade Sansone ’18 Ms. Rita Santini GP’18 Ms. Danielle E. Sass Byrnett ’95 and Mr. Patrick Byrnett Ms. Katie Satkowski Mrs. Karen M. Saxe ’89 and Mr. Todd Saxe Mr. and Mrs. Eric Scheidt Mr. Dean J. Scherza ’97 Ms. Krystalynn M. Schlegel ’96 # Mr. John H. Schmidt and Mrs. Mary Ermish-Schmidt P’08 Ms. Laura E. Schmidt ’08 Mr. Jed S. Schneider and Ms. Cathy A. King P’14 Ms. Melissa D. Schomers Ms. Helen Schouborg Mr. and Mrs. John H. Schwabacher ’58 Capt. and Mrs. Michael J. Schwarz P’16 Mr. and Mrs. H. David Scoville ’57 Mr. and Mrs. John Searles, Jr. P’17 ’20 Mr. Charles F. Senich and Ms. Christine A. Sullivan P’15 Mr. In Soo Seo and Mrs. Hye Young Kim P’10 ’14 Mr. and Mrs. Alfred M. Sessa ’54 Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Seufert P’21 Ms. Macy Seward ’18 Mr. Peter A. Seymour P’18 Mr. Sebastien C. Seymour ’18 Mr. and Mrs. Michael P. Shane P’14 Mr. Vincent P. Shanley P’09

Class Agents Italicized

the Gunnery • 2017-2018 Annual Report

Mr. Andrew O. Shapiro and Ms. Carolyn Setlow Ms. Larysa A. Shelton ’18 Mr. Paul J. Shelton and Mrs. Tamara Slupchynskyj P’18 Dr. and Mrs. Joel A. Sherman P’93 Ms. Priyanka J. Shetty ’08 Ms. Nancy C. Shober P’83 Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Sicher ’65 Mr. and Mrs. John A. Siemon P’14 ’16 Mr. and Mrs. William H. Silengo, Jr. P’13 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas D. Silverstein ’71 Mr. Jonathan W. Simms ’76 Mr. and Mrs. Henry C. Simpson, Jr. P’89 Mr. Michael J. Sirota ’21 Mr. and Mrs. Jarrod M. Sisk Mr. and Mrs. Randy Sittler P’18 Mr. Gregory S. Slater, Jr. ’66 Mr. and Mrs. Edward C. Small Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Small P’16 ’17 Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Smith ’57 Mr. and Mrs. Christopher W. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Curtiss B. Smith ’70 Ms. Emeline P. C. Smith ’18 Mr. Griffin C. Smith ’18 Mr. Martin Smith and Dr. Marcia Tejeda P’20 Miss Miranda Smith ’20 Mr. and Mrs. Peter D. Smith ’48 Mr. and Mrs. Stephen C. Smith P’18 Mr. and Mrs. William N. Smyth ’57 # Mr. and Mrs. Roger K. Snell ’51 Mr. and Mrs. William F. Snydacker ’63 Mr. David M. Sones ’92 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Soper ’67 Mrs. Holly I. Soroca ’93 and Mr. Bradley L. Soroca Mr. and Mrs. John C. Speaks III ’43 # Mr. and Mrs. Daniel M. Sprague ’59 Miss Jayla M. Stack ’21 Ms. Robyn Stammen P’20 Mrs. Christine Steiner Ms. Charlotte R. Stevens ’13 Mr. and Mrs. John A. Stevens P’13 Mr. Joseph S. Stevens ’12 Mr. and Mrs. Richard S. Stewart P’88 Mr. Jackson L. Stolar ’11 Mr. and Mrs. David S. Stott ’80 Mr. and Mrs. Peter S. Strandes ’79 Mr. W. Jed Stuart ’02 and Mrs. Chelsea Stuart Mr. and Mrs. John A. Sturges, Jr. ’65 # Ms. Barbara S. Sullivan P’15 Mrs. Hilary F. Sullivan ’80 and Mr. Scott D. Sullivan Mr. Tyler T. Sullivan ’18 Mr. Edward D. Surjan, Jr. and Ms. Beverly Dahl Ms. Elle M. Sutherland ’12 Mr. Harrison Sutton ’20 Mr. Neil Sutton P’20 Mr. Erik P. Swan ’13 Mrs. Debbie H. Swigart P’82 # Mr. Jaren M. Taenaka ’12 Mr. and Ms. Yoshi Taenaka P’12 ’15 Mrs. Cheryl L. Tafel ’99 and Mr. Bryan Tafel Mr. Brian Taggart

Dr. Edward W. Tayler ’49 and Ms. Christina Moustakis Ms. Allison C. Taylor ’96 and Mr. Alex Taylor Ms. Emily H. Taylor P’05 Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Taylor, Jr. CRPC P’19 Mr. Robert L. Taylor III ’19 Mr. Peter E. Tcheleshev ’21 Ms. Margaret M. Theobald ’09 Ms. P. Lindsay Theobald ’14 Mr. and Mrs. Roderick M. Theobald P’09 ’14 Mr. and Mrs. Jacques Christopher Theriot ’86 Mrs. Anna Theus ’86 and Mr. J. Graves Theus Miss Anjavie M. Thompson ’21 Mr. Kevin T. Thompson, Jr. ’02 Mr. and Mrs. Robert Thompson P’18 Mr. Robert S. Thompson ’18 Miss Jiawen Tian ’19 Mr. and Mrs. Stephen J. Tillman P’91 Mr. and Mrs. Nolan M. Titcomb ’05 Dr. and Mrs. Alan M. Todd ’67 Mr. Aaron J. M. Townsend ’04 Miss Hadley Townsend ’20 Mr. and Mrs. Rodman Townsend, Jr. ’71 Mr. William C. Townsend ’18 Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Trom P’19 ’20 Mr. Ryan P. Trom ’19 Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Trotta P’19 Miss Sofia Trotta ’19 Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey E. Trundy Mr. and Mrs. Andrew H. Tscheppe P’19 Mr. Timothy T. Tscheppe ’19 Mr. Yik Tung Tsui ’20 Mr. and Mrs. Aleksander Tulchinsky P’18 Ms. Hannah Tulchinsky ’18 Mr. Martin Tunis and Ms. Krysti Ray P’20 Mr. Lincoln Turner Mr. Weston M. Ulbrich ’05 Mr. and Mrs. Michael H. Ullram ’99 Mr. and Mrs. Robert K. Ullram P’96 ’99 The Honorable and Mrs. Thomas F. Upson ’59 Mr. Nicholas Vankka ’18 Mr. Cole Varney ’18 Mr. Ilia D. Vasko ’19 Mr. and Mrs. John J. Vazzano P’08 ’10 Mr. Brendon Vejseli ’17 Mr. Andrew A. Victor ’89 Mrs. Beverly E. Vila Mr. and Mrs. Martin Vogtland P’20 Mr. Michael Vogtland ’20 Mr. Nick C. Vogtland ’19 Mr. and Mrs. Paul Vogtland P’19 Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan J. Von Ranson ’60 Miss Astrid von Seufert ’21 Mr. Matthew T. Vredenburgh ’04 Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan L. Waechter ’82 Miss Layla V. Walcott ’19 Ms. Page H. Waller ’87 and Mr. Francis H. McEneaney P’20 Mr. C. Bret Walrath ’69 Mrs. Audrey F. Walzer P’65 GP’86 Mr. and Mrs. Joel Walzer ’68 Ms. Jui-Ling Wang ’18

Mr. Michael Wang GP’18 Miss Xinyi Wang ’20 Ms. Yuanshu Wang ’18 Mr. Yunyi Wang ’20 Ms. Ziyuan Wang ’18 Mr. Albert A. Washco ’18 Mr. and Mrs. Albert S. Washco Jr. P’18 Mr. Allen Watson ’18 Ms. Teresa Watson P’18 Ms. Hope Wayman Mr. and Mrs. Arnd Wehner ’84 Mr. and Mrs. Chris Wells P’19 ’21 Miss Laura C. Wells ’19 Miss Airan Wen ’21 Mr. and Mrs. Erhart Werner P’86 ’87 GP’16 Mr. and Mrs. Aaron White P’19 Mr. and Mrs. E. Laurence White III ’68 Mr. Logan D. White ’19 Dr. Benjamin T. Whitman ’64 and Ms. Livvie Rasmussen Mr. and Mrs. Peter T. Whitman ’89 Mr. Raymond J. Whitney III ’87 Mr. and Mrs. Ronald G. Whittle P’80 Mr. Erik Widenborg ’19 Ms. Emily F. Wierdsma ’96 Mr. Leif Wigren ’82 Ms. Larisa A. Wilber ’18 Ms. Janet M. Wildman Mrs. Joan P. Wilkinson Mr. Markus E. M. Willem ’19 Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert R. Williams ’55 # Mr. and Mrs. David Wirt P’18 ’19 Jennifer, Jerry and Serafina Wojcik Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth M. Wolff ’90 Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wright Mr. and Mrs. Kurt L. Wright ’77 Mr. and Mrs. Johnathan P. Wynn ’77 Mr. and Mrs. Scott W. Wynn ’79 Mr. Craig C. Wyszomirski ’11 Miss Yiqiao Xiang ’21 Miss Yixin Xu ’20 Mr. Salvator J. Xuereb ’84 Mr. Yacheng Yang ’18 Mr. Songyang Yao ’21 Mr. Barry E. York ’90 Mr. Derek P. Young ’21 Mr. and Mrs. Marc Young P’21 Ms. Michelle R. Young ’99 Mr. Chenyu Yu ’19 Mr. Jin Suk Yu ’21 Mr. and Mrs. Paul Zabit P’17 ’19 Miss Talia N. Zabit ’19 Mr. and Mrs. Geoffrey R. Zampiello ’94 Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Zavorskas ’63 Mr. Haoran Zhang ’19 Mr. Xiaoyi Zhang ’21 Miss Yongshu Zhu ’21 Mr. and Mrs. David Ziolkowski P’20 Mr. Dillon Ziolkowski ’20 Mr. and Mrs. Frederick D. Zonino, Jr. ’70 Mr. and Mrs. Eddi Z. Zyko Jr ’96

# The H. Willets and Samuel Jackson Underhill Society

the Gunnery • 2017-2018 Annual Report


Class Agents Italicized


The Head’s Circle Established to express our deepest appreciation and heartfelt gratitude for the donors who have made cumulative gifts exceeding $100,000. The vision of these very generous donors enables The Gunnery to continue to support Mr. Gunn’s mission. Anonymous Mr. Benjamin Nickoll and Ms. Christine Armstrong P’19 Mr. and Mrs. Stephen W. Baird ’68 Mr. and Mrs. William G. Bardel Barnes Group Foundation, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Theo B. Bean III P’11 Mr. and Mrs. Stephen P. Bent ’59 Mr. and Mrs. Ian M. Bickley P’10 ’12 Mr. and Mrs. Leo D. Bretter ’52 P’88 Mr. William S. Bristow P’72 ’74 Mr. Kenneth J. Browne* 1911 Mr. Paul J. Bruning* Mr. and Mrs. Steven Burke Mr. Malcolm G. Chace, Jr. ’86 Mr. Richard C. Colton, Jr. ’60 The Estate of Virginia Solley de Sieyes Risley deCourcy Mrs. Virginia deCourcy* Mr. T. Roderick Dew* ’59 Mr. and Mrs. Patrick M. Dorton ’86 Mr. John R. Dufour, Jr. P’02 ’05 ’07 Mr. Dick Ebersol and Ms. Susan Saint James P’08 Mr. Mark J. Eisner*, Jr. ’45 William H. Ellsworth Foundation Mr. Lloyd W. Elston ’44 P’68 ’70 GP’05 ’06 ’10 Fred L. Emerson Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan M. Estreich P’06 Mr. and Mrs. Philip M. Farmer P’05 Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Feil P’98 Mr. and Mrs. Edsel B. Ford II ’68 Mr. Henry Ford II * P’68 Mr. and Mrs. James R. Gallop P’15 Mrs. Elizabeth M. Gitt* Mr. and Mrs. Gary A. Glynn The Horace W. Goldsmith Foundation Mr. and Mrs. John M. Greenwood ’71 Mr. and Mrs. Steven Guttman Mr. and Mrs. David N. Hoadley ’51 Funded by the Seth Holcombe Family Mr. and Mrs. Sherman R. Hotchkiss ’63 Mr. and Mrs. Peter R. Houldin ’92 P’21 Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence D. Howell P’16 Ms. Jane Botsford Johnson ’84 Mr. Harry T. Jones III ’53 P’89 Mr. Richard S. Klingenstein* Mr. and Mrs. Gus H. Koven III ’60 Mr. and Mrs. Mike Lee P’03 ’04 Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Linen ’62 Mr. Ronald E. Lipetz* ’58 Mr. and Mrs. John H. Longmaid ’64 Mr. Daniel W. Lufkin P’86

# The H. Willets and Samuel Jackson Underhill Society


Mr. Henry Allen Mark* Mr. Robert J. Mazaika GP’11 ’17 ’18 Mr. C. Russell McKee ’72 P’06 Mr. Dwight D. Miller ’55 Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Mortell ’55 Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Munson ’59 Mr. and Mrs. George Murphy* National Football League Mr. Brian C. Nickerson ’72 Mr. and Mrs. Lucio A. Noto P’97 Mr. G. Gordon Osborne* Mrs. Kirsten M. Peckerman Dr. and Mrs. Daniel B. Penner ’58 Mr. Thomas S. Perakos ’69 Mr. James D. Perse ’91 and Ms. Brandi Briskman Mr. and Mrs. Val Prevedini ’69 Mr. and Mrs. John D. Race ’73 The Estate of Edgar Reeve Mr. Michael S. Renkert ’59 and Dr. Elizabeth E. Renkert Mrs. William J. Ruane* Mr. Leonard R. Sargent* ’33 Mr. Rees E. Shad ’83 and Ms. Pamela R. Kleber-Shad ’81 Mr. and Mrs. Jay B. Sheehy ’73 Mr. Peter B. Slone ’73 P’11


William and Kathy Smilow ’82 Mr. and Mrs. George N. Stonbely P’99 Mr. Richard N. Tager ’56 Mrs. George G. Tenney* Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan M. Tisch ’72 Mr. Steven E. Tisch ’67 Mrs. Preston R. Tisch* P’67 ’72 Mr. and Mrs. William T. Tolley P’08 ’14 Mr. and Mrs. Neil W. Townsend P’18 ’20 Mr. Daniel J. Troiano ’77 Mr. and Mrs. A. Thomas Turrentine ’71 Peter S. Twombly Esq. ’74 Mr. H. Willets Underhill* Mrs. Margaret Maitland Underhill* Mrs. Harry S. Valentine III Mr. Alfred W. Van Sinderen* ’41 Vasey Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Gerrit Vreeland ’61 Mr. and Mrs. Clive Walcott P’19 Mrs. Anne Wallen Mr. Roy S. Walzer ’65 P’86 Mrs. James F. Ward ’48 Mrs. Geoffrey Webster ’63 The David, Helen and Marian Woodward Fund Mrs. Henry Zarrow*

Class Agents Italicized

the Gunnery • 2017-2018 Annual Report

All Giving by Class


Mr. and Mrs. Seth Holcombe*


Mr. Howard M. Bronson* #


Mr. J. Hugh Cobrain Mr. Edgar M. Sheppard, Jr. Mr. John C. Speaks III #


Mr. David M. Philips #


Dr. William J. Tate III Mrs. Beverly E. Vila


Mr. D. Pierre G. Cameron, Jr. Mr. Alan D. R. Frese Mr. Walter B. Goldsmith Mr. David N. Hoadley Mr. Serge L. Miller Mr. Roger K. Snell


Mr. Leo D. Bretter # Mr. Matthew Gorry Mr. Philip B. Hinkle Mr. A. Leonard Parrott Mr. David P. Renkert # Mr. Roger A. Walters #


Mr. Paul M. Russ


Mr. Theodore E. Bruning, Jr. Dr. Arthur C. DeGraff, Jr. Mr. William A. R. Deming Mr. Frank J. Gavel Mr. Christopher P. Jones


Dr. Albert J. Anderson, Jr. Mr. Charles R. Daniels, Jr. # Mr. Leonard F. Lombardi Mr. Edward Longstreth*, Jr. Mrs. Norma I. Longstreth Mr. Peter D. Smith


Dr. Edward W. Tayler


Mr. Thomas A. Blumenthal # Mr. Donald B. Christie Dr. James C. Clayton # Mr. Hugh A. McCandless

Mr. Dwight D. Miller Mr. Gilbert R. Williams # Mr. Thomas H. Wood, Jr.


Mr. Leonard D. Albert Mr. Robert D. Ballantine Mr. Anthony M. Delude The Hr. James G. Kenefick, Jr. Mr. Theodore G. Koven* Mr. Jim F. Millinger # Mr. G. Bruce Munro Mr. John W. Phelps Esq.


Dr. Michael H. Alderman Mr. Richard B. Clarke Mr. Benjamin C. Davis # Mr. John H. Fisher II Mr. Hugh F. Fitzpatrick Mr. Brent Malcolm Mr. Edward L. Samek Mr. Alfred M. Sessa


Mr. Alan L. Bain # Mr. David P. Bancroft # Mr. John F. Dillon Mr. Philip A. Houck Mr. Robert L. Levine


Mr. Geoffrey N. Brown Mr. David K. Case Mr. Richard H. Hess Mr. Dean W. Matthews Dr. David J. Nashel Mr. Richard N. Tager #


Mr. Louis P. Allyn Dr. Thomas C. Braman Mr. Frederick S. Fields Mr. Richard H. Hart Mr. Robert P. Johnson Mr. P. Severin Marsted Mr. Wallace H. Rowe III # Mr. H. David Scoville Mr. Charles F. Smith Prof. Peter H. Smith Mr. William N. Smyth #


Mr. Michael H. Diem Mr. Peter J. Emerson Mr. Allan B. Greenwood Mr. Ronald E. Lipetz* # Mr. James F. McKernon Prof. George B. Moseley III Mr. William L. Munson Dr. Daniel B. Penner Mr. John H. Schwabacher


Mr. Stephen P. Bent # Mr. John C. Brown Mr. Robert W. Butler, Jr. Mr. T. Roderick Dew* #

Mr. Nicholas F. Munson # Mr. B. William Plotkin Mr. Michael S. Renkert # Mr. Daniel M. Sprague Mr. George S. Sullivan, Jr. The Hr. Thomas F. Upson


Mr. Richard C. Colton, Jr. Mr. Stephen J. Farrington Mr. Reginald A. Fawcett Mr. James M. Gilbert Mr. Lawrence R. Gray Mr. George W. Haines Dr. Edward G. Horn Mr. James A. Hughes Mr. William R. Kaehrle Mr. Thomas R. King Mr. Gus H. Koven III Mr. Jeffrey G. Marsted # Mr. Bruce W. Moss Mr. Robert R. Richmond # Mr. Jonathan J. von Ranson


Anonymous Mr. Edward E. Baker, Jr. Prof. Walter J. Blogoslawski Mr. Tristram C. Gaillard Mr. Charles J. Gaspar, Jr., Ph.D. Mr. Stephen A. Gray Mr. Peter A. Manley Mr. Andrew Y. Rogers, Jr. Mr. Walter R. Seibert, Jr. Mr. Gerrit Vreeland


Anonymous Mr. Joseph M. Juhas # Mr. Philip R. Magnuson # Mr. David J. Mathewson, Jr. Mr. T. Sergeant Pepper Mr. Tom S. Ward, Jr. Mr. W. Holt Whiting #

# The H. Willets and Samuel Jackson Underhill Society

the Gunnery • 2017-2018 Annual Report


Class Agents Italicized



Mr. John R. Chandler Jr. Mr. Charles A. Cohen Mr. Donald N. Ethier, Jr. Mr. Thomas B. Hambury Mr. John D. Herrick Mr. Sherman R. Hotchkiss # Mr. Otto Kinzel III Dr. Leonard W. Kram Mr. James J. Slocum # Mr. William F. Snydacker Mr. David B. Swan Mr. Robert M. Zavorskas


Mr. Robert F. Brush # Mr. George E. Cookman Mr. George H. J. Grande Mr. L. Phillips Hoyt Mr. Richard D. Lilleston Mr. John H. Longmaid Mrs. Paula McBurnett Mr. Stuart J. McCampbell # Mr. Franklin Moore # Mr. Thomas C. R. Proctor # Mr. Alfred O. Reynolds, Jr. Dr. Benjamin T. Whitman


Mr. Michael Bates Mr. Peter P. Case The Rev. Peter G. Cheney Mr. David Cohen Mr. David L. Crane Mr. Parker Dinkins Mr. William M. Preston III Mr. Michael A. Sicher Mr. John A. Sturges, Jr. # Mr. Lawrence D. Tuck


Mr. Paul M. Cummings Mr. Paul J. Ferla Mr. John B. Gimbel Mr. Christian Gotfredson Mr. Benton R. Lyster Mr. Richard H. Merrill Mr. Paul H. Nankivell II Mr. William N. Post Mr. Ralph Singh Rakieten Mr. Gregory S. Slater, Jr.







Mr. Ian J. Cohn Mr. Andrew H. Glantz Mr. Charles B. Green Mr. Jeffrey R. Krinsk Mr. William M. Oman, Jr. # Mr. Thomas H. Soper Mr. Steven E. Tisch Dr. Alan M. Todd

Anonymous Mr. Charles H. Baum Mr. G. Frederick Dickson Mr. James L. E. Dixon Mr. John M. Greenwood Mr. Stu D. Levitan Mr. Charles Y. Mead Mr. Charles Kelly Nye Mr. Thomas D. Silverstein Mr. Rodman Townsend, Jr.


Mr. Christopher H. Babcock # Mr. Stephen W. Baird # Mr. Alexander F. Bellinger Mr. John P. Bellinger Mr. Frederick G. Bernard Mr. David M. Coburn # Mr. Andrew F. Dicker Mr. John B. Faas Mr. Jeffrey D. Fischer Mr. Edsel B. Ford II Mr. David A. Hyde, Jr. Mr. Dale Kesten LCSW, LADC Mr. Judd R. Murkland Mr. John M. Reynolds Esq. # Mr. Robert H. Savarese Mr. Roy B. Simpson, Jr. Dr. Peter C. Sutton Mr. Joel L. Walzer Mr. E. Laurence White III Mr. John W. Yerger


Mr. Walter R. Addicks Dr. Robert K. Kritzler Mr. H. Allan Lowe Mr. Peter S. Marshall Mr. Vincent McClelland Mr. Thomas S. Perakos Mr. Val Prevedini Mr. C. Bret Walrath


Mr. Thomas P. Addicks Mr. James L. Buttenwieser # Mr. Peter T. Clarke Mr. Stephen K. Galpin, Jr. Mr. Stephen Bond Garvan # Mr. William S. Rose Mr. Curtiss B. Smith Mr. Roger K. Tillson, Jr. # Mr. Frederick D. Zonino, Jr.

# The H. Willets and Samuel Jackson Underhill Society




Anonymous Mr. Peter T. Dawkins Mr. Lawrence H. Engelman Mr. Robert H. Gale Mr. Frederic W. Harder Mr. Nicholas Molnar # Mr. Brian C. Nickerson # Mr. Stephen E. Post Mr. Jonathan M. Tisch


Dr. David M. Albala Mr. Robert A. Bellinger Mr. Jeffrey S. Bruemmer Dr. George T. Capone Mr. Douglas C. Greene # Mr. Charles W. Heaven Mr. Robert F. Hilgendorff Mr. Peter A. Howell Mr. Charles B. Hunker Mr. Bennett B. Mortell Mr. John D. Race Mr. Jay B. Sheehy Mr. Peter B. Slone # Dr. Peter J. Weiden


Mr. Bruce C. Baird # Mr. Kenneth B. Gould Mr. Stuart H. Quillman Mr. Gregory H. Smith


Dr. George W. Hay, Ph.D. Mr. Barry S. Lerman Mr. David B. Moens Mr. M. Thomas Tiernan, Jr.

Class Agents Italicized

the Gunnery • 2017-2018 Annual Report

Mr. Dutch Barhydt Mr. Benjamin S. Gant Mr. Christopher C. Healy Mr. Jonathan W. Simms Mr. Allen C. Steiger #


Mr. Steven T. Cornell Mr. Richard B. Flanagan Mr. Thomas A. Gorman IV Mr. Frank X. Macary, Jr. Mr. George C. Nelson Mr. Daniel J. Troiano # Mr. Kurt L. Wright Mr. Johnathan P. Wynn


Mr. David P. Hardy Mr. William M. Samuelson


Mr. Gregory A. Coy Mr. Mark P. Dibble Mr. George R. Fryer, Jr. Mr. Lou J. Galletto, Jr. Ms. Ann W. Lipham Dr. Robert M. McFarland Hon. Sean M. Peoples Ms. Heidi A. S. Rowe Mr. Peter S. Strandes Mr. Scott W. Wynn


Ms. Geraldine E. Baldwin Mr. Paul R. Boillot Dr. Robert A. Burger Mr. Christopher C. Craig Mr. Sean W. Gilligan Mr. Steven T. Horan Mr. Scott C. Houldin Ms. Lisa Matthews Ms. Francesca Moscatelli Mr. John M. Robards Mr. David S. Stott Mr. Mark T. Sudac Mrs. Hilary F. Sullivan


Ms. Julia B. Alling Mr. Philip M. Dutton Mr. Martin G. Johnson Mr. David E. Kaplan Mr. Thomas B. Meek III


Mr. Edward F. Bretter Ms. Susan Frauenhofer


Anonymous Mrs. Lauren A. Bull Mrs. Whitney L. Crosby Mr. David K. Freudenheim Mr. L. Michael Hersom Ms. Jennifer P. Kagan Mr. Stephen Lindquist Mrs. Karen M. Saxe Mr. Andrew A. Victor Mr. Peter T. Whitman






Mr. Edgar S. Auchincloss V Mr. David M. Burkhart Mr. John M. Cathey Mrs. Sarah H. Cornell Mr. Douglas K. Francis Ms. Elizabeth R. Johnson Mr. Michael J. Kirby Mr. Mark H. Lazarus Mrs. Kathleen W. Niedmann Mrs. Sarah Scheel Cook Mr. Jonathan L. Waechter Ms. Penelope L. White Mr. Leif K. Wigren


Mr. Russell J. Adams Mr. Jonathan R. Bennett Mrs. Elizabeth A. Cauchon Mr. Andrew S. Jeske Mr. Chip S. Pressman

Mr. Baruti R. I. Ajamu Mr. Peter J. Bergen, Jr. Mr. John W. Bratton Mr. Michael R. Hespos Mr. Charles N. Kellogg Mrs. Margaret A. O’Brien Mr. Penn Phillips Mr. Brian R. Saltzman Mr. Arnd Wehner Mr. Salvator J. Xuereb


Mr. Alexander G. Fields Mr. Robert P. Houser Mr. T.K. S. Knowles, Jr. Mr. William L. Maxwell Mrs. Leigh-Anne Muggeo Mr. John P. O’Brien Sr.


Mr. Patrick M. Dorton Ms. Eleanor A. Fields Mr. R. Paul Meissner Mr. James T. Sage Mr. Jacques Christopher Theriot Mrs. Anna Theus

Mr. John H. Anning II Mr. Lawrence T. Baldwin Mr. Robert A. Bongo Mrs. Norma E. Cummings Mr. Michael N. Eanes # Mr. Gregory W. Ellis Ms. Elizabeth A. Fischbein Ms. Lori G. Galletto Mr. Robert R. Grinberg Mrs. Nina L. Healy Mr. Scott C. Hutchinson Mrs. Avanel Jarka Mr. David S. King Mrs. Laura E. Martin Mr. William S. Penick, Jr. Mr. Panu Puntoomsinchai Ms. Krista M. Reinhart Ms. Rebecca J. Weisberg Mr. Kenneth M. Wolff Mr. Barry E. York



Mr. Ian N. Arnof Mrs. Judith Averbach Ms. Carey A. Bodenheimer Mr. Jeremy D. Cohen Mr. W. Read Coughlin Ms. Kerry A. Dorton Mr. Stephen B. Futh Mr. Bobby Gordon Mr. Spencer M. Houldin Ms. Meredith L. Infeld Ms. Crystal D. Mandler Dr. Silvia Mayo Molina Mr. Paul M. McManus, Jr. # Mr. Michael R. Pankey Ms. Page H. Waller Mr. Raymond J. Whitney III

Mr. Lincoln D. Carnam CFA Mr. Adam K. Clark Mrs. Susan F. Eanes Mr. James D. Perse


Mr. Peter R. Houldin Mr. Josiah J. Jones Mrs. Elizabeth A. Kelley Mr. Jack B. McIntosh Mr. David M. Sones Mr. Steven R. Vitale

Mr. Malcolm G. Chace, Jr. # The H. Willets and Samuel Jackson Underhill Society

the Gunnery • 2017-2018 Annual Report


Class Agents Italicized



Mrs. Holly I. Soroca Mr. Lamar G. Villere


Mr. Charles W. Allen Mr. Raymond L. Colotti, Jr. Ms. Elvira Davidson Mr. Ryan E. Rondina Mr. Geoffrey R. Zampiello


Mr. Bhramdeo Bassit Mr. Derek J. Bush Ms. Danielle E. Sass Byrnett


Mr. Nicholas A. Blasucci Mr. Keith S. Dupee LCDR Nancy B. Edelen Mrs. Jessica Fletcher Mrs. Monica George Winmill Mr. James V. Grant

Mr. Spencer R. Meyer Mrs. Miranda D. Pasch-Grant Ms. Krystalynn M. Schlegel # Ms. Allison C. Taylor Ms. Emily F. Wierdsma Mr. Eddi Z. Zyko Jr


Ms. Alessandra L. Carlin Ms. Tina L. Couch Mr. Douglas D. Daniels Mr. Dean J. Scherza Mr. Omar Slowe Mr. Jesse M. Terry

CLASS OF 1998 20TH


Dr. Amanda M. Fretts Mr. Kristopher D. Matthews Mrs. Cheryl L. Tafel Mr. Michael H. Ullram Ms. Michelle R. Young


Mrs. Laura A. Donorfio Mr. Jeffrey C. Moore Mr. Michael S. Setzer


LCDR Stephen C. Gay Mr. Teague D. Purcell



Mr. Joel K. Clark Mr. Joshua B. Feil Ms. Marissa A. Goss Mr. Russell W. Matthews # Mr. Michael J. Mesiya Mrs. Nancy B. Nederlander Mr. Jonathan P. Sullivan


# The H. Willets and Samuel Jackson Underhill Society




Mr. Leigh Buckens Mr. Jason A. Rapoport Mr. W. Jed Stuart Mr. Kevin T. Thompson, Jr.

Class Agents Italicized

the Gunnery • 2017-2018 Annual Report


Mr. Ariel L. Baum Mr. John P. Collins, Jr. Dr. Samantha P. Collum Mr. Adam R. Criscuolo Ms. Katherine J. DeForge Mrs. Morgen D. Fisher Ms. Tara J. Friedman Capt. F. Garrett Fucci Mr. Lane A. Goldberg Mr. Claude B. Kershner IV Mr. Peter S. Lorenz Mr. Francis X. Macary III Mrs. Bevin E. Mehbach


Ms. Andrea L. Marron Mr. Mark T. Rhoads Mr. David F. Tamaroff Mr. Aaron J. M. Townsend Mr. Matthew T. Vredenburgh


Ms. Amanda E. Comeau

Mr. Caleb T. Elston Ms. Kristin A. Emerick Ms. Mallory M. Farmer Mr. Peter A. Macary Mrs. Kate A. McMann Mr. Daniel R. O’Brien Mr. Nolan M. Titcomb Mr. Weston M. Ulbrich


Ms. Helene M. Dacey Mr. Christopher R. DePaola Mr. Shane C. Gorman Mr. Michael J. Lopresti Jr. Ms. Natalie P. Merin


Mr. Cameron T. Ahouse Mr. Patrick A. Capella Mr. Michael D. Corbelle Mr. Patrick A. DePeters Mr. James L. Estreich Mrs. Perry E. Helderman Ms. Elizabeth S. McKenna Mr. Altan R. I. Sadik-Khan


Ms. Alexandra L. Early Mr. Benjamin L. Greenfield Ms. Kara E. Grogan Mr. Matthew B. Helderman Mr. John L. Ingle Ms. Sarah E. Macary Mr. Richard C. Nolan Mr. Michael P. O’Brien


Anonymous Mr. Patrick J. Brennan Mr. Jeffrey B. Buvinow Mr. William C. Charleton Mrs. Elizabeth R. Dayton Mr. Scott A. Dayton Mrs. Chelsea E. Grossman Mr. Zachary A. Grossman Ms. Erin A. Kelly Mr. Michael A. Lane Ms. Lindsay D. Lincoln Mr. Peter M. MacKenna Mr. Alexander C. Rinaldi Ms. Emily M. Sandefer Ms. Laura E. Schmidt Ms. Priyanka J. Shetty


Ms. Henrietta M. Bogdanovics Mr. Michael K. Hardon Mr. Joshua L. Johnston Mr. William Obilisundar Mr. Conor F. Reilly Ms. Margaret M. Theobald


Mr. William M. Houldin III Mr. Mark F. Kessenich IV Ms. Chaoyang Liu Mr. Daniel J. O’Brien Mr. Andrew M. Powers Ms. Laura L. Reckdenwald Mr. Jackson L. Stolar Mr. Craig C. Wyszomirski

Mr. Luke M. Perda Mr. Tim A. Reitman Ms. Kori L. Rimany Ms. Patricia L. Theobald


Mr. Logan A. Adams Mr. Colin L. Kanuch Mr. Matthew P. Logue Mr. Stephen B. Macary


Ms. Hildy C. Maxwell Ms. Erica G. Payne Mr. Colin C. Riley


Mr. Sangjun Baek Ms. Madeleine J. Boudreau Mr. John C. Cullen, Jr. Mr. Andrew P. De Paulis Mr. Fan Jiang Mr. Zachary G. Larson Ms. Sarah M. Lombard Mr. Cameron P. MacKay Ms. Darby E. MacKay Mr. Jeffrey A. Manville Jr. Ms. Veronica M. McStocker Mr. Joseph S. Stevens Ms. Elle M. Sutherland Mr. Jaren M. Taenaka


Mr. Samuel M. Anderson Ms. Carrie M. Cameron Mr. Marc K. Cibelli Mr. Wyatt G. Clark Mr. Jonathan L. Hay Ms. Gillian G. Horn Ms. Jessie G. Kaplan Mr. Tristan C. Kishonis Ms. Krista E. Lamoreaux Ms. Tess E. Mindham Mr. Ian P. Riley Ms. Charlotte R. Stevens Mr. Erik P. Swan


Mr. Skyler T. Clark Ms. Casey E. Cullen Mr. Brandon P. Garzione Mr. Robert L. Hooper Mr. Marshall P. Millette Ms. Jane C. Moore Ms. Amanda L. Payne


Mr. Cameron R. Amador Mr. Matthew S. Danner Ms. Margot W. Gaggini Mr. Matthew J. Lopresti Ms. Alexis M. Nanavaty Ms. Dana Ross Mr. Brendon Vejseli


Ms. Daina J. Adams Mr. Sayed Hashem H. Al Aali Ms. Noor Alsairafi Mr. Finn W. Bartman Mr. Ryan Brassil Ms. Isabella Byrne Ms. Maia G. Carpenter Mr. John M. Cary Jr. Mr. Fangwen Cheng Mr. Marcus R. Cheng Mr. Jinuk Choi Mr. Anthony V. Cochrane Ms. Rachel A. Cohen Ms. Phoebe C. Coppola Ms. Sabryna L. Coppola Mr. Pedro Cortina Ms. Clare K. Costello Mr. Ethan C. Cox Ms. Zoe C. Davis-Bowers Mr. Maximilian DeBeradinis Mr. Michael A. Esposito Ms. Tabitha L. Franceschini Ms. Sydney M. Fydenkevez Mr. Braden Garten Mr. Marc H. Gatcomb Ms. Margaret Grady Ms. London V. J. Green Mr. Niko Grollman Ms. Katherine M. Hayward Ms. Seojin Jung

Mr. Kenyon W. Kay Ms. Sooryu Kim Ms. Eleni M. Kolpak Mr. Christian R. Kummer Ms. Catherine D. Lawrence Ms. Gabrielle L. Lescadre Mr. Kayin A. Levesque-Olajide Mr. Jack Liu Ms. Lily A. Mandl Mr. Brett M. Matthews Mr. John C. Matthews Ms. Sophie McAndrew Ms. Keely K. McGann Mr. Levi J. Mercier Ms. Nicole E. Moriarity Mr. Jabari S. Nelson Ms. Noemi Neubauerova Mr. Zachary H. Novick Ms. Clare L. O’Connor Mr. Walter R. O’Connor Mr. Matthew D. O’Neil Ms. Kristyna Patkova Mr. Joseph W. Perda Ms. Julianne Petrillo Mr. Huy C. Pham Ms. Cayetana B. Roca De Togores Mr. Joseph G. Rogalski Mr. Wade Sansone Ms. Macy Seward Mr. Sebastien C. Seymour Ms. Larysa A. Shelton Ms. Emeline P. C. Smith Mr. Griffin C. Smith Mr. Tyler T. Sullivan Mr. Robert S. Thompson Mr. William C. Townsend Ms. Hannah Tulchinsky Mr. Nicholas Vankka Mr. Cole Varney Ms. Jui-Ling Wang Ms. Yuanshu Wang Ms. Ziyuan Wang Mr. Albert A. Washco Mr. Allen Watson Ms. Larisa A. Wilber Mr. Yacheng Yang

# The H. Willets and Samuel Jackson Underhill Society

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Current Parents Support All Funds FY 2017-18

We are especially grateful to our parents who not only give of their resources but also provide home hospitality for international students, food and many other gifts-in-kind throughout the year that recognize and honor the students and faculty. CLASSES ’18, ’19, ’20, ’21 Current Parents Giving & Pledges All Funds 60% participation for all Classes Capital & Endowment $517,000 Gunnery Fund $282,830

CLASS OF 2018 48% participation CAPITAL & ENDOWMENT $210,500 GUNNERY FUND $128,564

Mr. and Mrs. Haldane R. Adams Mr. and Mrs. Kerry Brassil Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Byrne Mrs. Aimee Carpenter Mr. James J. Carpenter Mr. and Mrs. John M. Cary, Sr. Mr. James R. Cochrane III Ms. Donna L. Coppola Mr. and Mrs. Justin W. Costello Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Cox Mr. and Mrs. Marc DeBeradinis Dr. and Mrs. Edward Esposito Mr. Stephen B. Futh ’87 and Ms. Summerly Xaudaro Mr. and Mrs. Glenn M. Fydenkevez Mr. and Mrs. Marc D. Gatcomb Mr. and Mrs. James Grady Mr. and Mrs. Neil A. Hayward Ms. Lizbeth M. Kay Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Kummer, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Mandl Mr. and Mrs. Pels Matthews Mr. and Mrs. Joseph McAndrew Mr. Marc P. Mercier and Ms. Helen H. Waldron Mr. and Mrs. Gerard J. Moriarity Mr. and Mrs. Len Novick Dr. and Mrs. Peter O’Connor Mr. Michael Olajide and Ms. Mary Ann Levesque Mr. and Mrs. Michael T. O’Neil Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Petrillo Ms. Cynthia Sansone Mr. Peter A. Seymour Mr. Paul J. Shelton and Mrs. Tamara Slupchynskyj Mr. and Mrs. Randy Sittler Mr. J. Kevin Smith Mr. and Mrs. Stephen C. Smith

Mr. and Mrs. Kurt Sullivan Mr. and Mrs. Robert Thompson Mr. and Mrs. Neil W. Townsend Mr. and Mrs. Aleksander Tulchinsky Dr. and Mrs. Terence Vankka Ms. Chris Vatis Mr. and Mrs. Albert S. Washco Jr. Ms. Teresa Watson Mr. and Mrs. David Wirt Mr. Buyun Liu and Ms. Daimeng Wu

CLASS OF 2019 63% participation CAPITAL & ENDOWMENT $261,300 GUNNERY FUND $85,743

Mr. and Mrs. Jyrki Aaltonen Mr. and Mrs. Clive Walcott Mr. and Mrs. Chris Wells Mr. and Mrs. Arvin Berano Mr. and Mrs. Aaron White Mr. Murray Aitken and Mrs. Cynthia Corhan-Aitken Ms. Julia B. Alling ’81 and Mr. Paul A. Graney Mr. and Mrs. Gabriel Amador Mr. and Mrs. Andrew H. Tscheppe Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Oswald Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert A. Aviles Mr. and Mrs. William Beatty Mr. Brian Beecher and Ms. Cheryl Beecher Mr. and Mrs. George Brennan Mr. David M. Burkhart ’82 Dr. Laura Carey and Mr. Jason Dismukes Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Cicarelli Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Coady Ms. Jennifer Coady Mr. and Mrs. Jared Coe Ms. Judith Amy Cole-Judd Ms. Veronica Connors Mr. David J. Cooke Mr. John Crabtree Ms. Erin Crabtree Mr. and Mrs. Pasquale Crocco Mr. Wilson Cuba and Ms. Julia King-Cuba Mr. Matthew F. Dorf and Ms. Megan N. Gibson Mr. and Mrs. K Gregg Douglas

# The H. Willets and Samuel Jackson Underhill Society



Mr. and Mrs. Johan Hansson Mr. and Mrs. Michael Ioannou Mr. and Mrs. Mark T. Johnson Mr. Jay Kassis and Ms. Cynthia E. Urda Kassis Mr. Martynas Kersanskas and Mrs. Jovita Kersanskiene Mr. John F. Leonard, Jr. Mr. and Ms. Bin Liu Mr. John C. Maxwell III Ms. Eileen McCormack Mr. and Mrs. Steven Mella Mr. and Mrs. Leonard J. Miller Dr. and Mrs. Craig Mines Mr. Scot Moffat and Sgt. Reisha Moffat Mr. and Mrs. Michael Pengue Mr. and Mrs. Robert Pettibone Mr. Rafael Rodriguez and Ms. Silvia Almonte Mr. and Mrs. Paul Rossi Ms. Edith Rowland Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Taylor, Jr. CRPC Mr. Yu Tian and Ms. Yuwen Liu Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Trom ’20 Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Trotta Mr. and Mrs. Paul Vogtland Mr. and Mrs. Kari Willem Mr. Guang Hui Yu and Ms. Fei Fei Cheng Mr. and Mrs. Paul Zabit Mr. Bo Zhang and Ms. Jing Hao

CLASS OF 2020 73% participation CAPITAL & ENDOWMENT $42,500 GUNNERY FUND $47,690

Mr. and Mrs. Heath Andranovich Mr. Louis Argentino and Ms. Shelby Poe-Argentino Mr. Peter Brodhead and Ms. Lori Fedewa Mr. and Mrs. Adam Bruck Mr. and Mrs. Russell D’Agostino Mr. David DeVos Ms. Elizabeth Preston DeVos Dr. and Mrs. Christian Franz Mr. and Mrs. Lorenzo Gaggini Mr. Simon Galante and Mrs. Michelle Romano de Galante

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Ms. Anne Genest Dr. and Mrs. Richard Gilbert Mr. and Mrs. Keith Gleason Mr. Marco Greenberg and Ms. Stacey Nelkin Mr. Michael Hambley and Ms. Janice Wilson Mr. Harald Maehrle and Mrs. Lien De Leenheer Mr. Josh Harwood and Dr. Michelene Todd Mr. and Mrs. Christopher M. Hill Mr. and Mrs. Todd Hoivik Mr. and Mrs. Brandon Ince Ms. Carson Jacobi David E. Kaplan ’81 and Ms. Terri L.Stein Mr. and Mrs. Paul Kessman Mr. and Mrs. John King Mr. and Mrs. Brian Lugo Ms. Jo-Ann Makovitzky Mr. Richard and Mrs. Laura Martin ’90 Mr. William Lawrence Maxwell ’85 and Dr. Charlotte P. Maxwell Mr. Chapin B. Miller and Dr. Anna Carew-Miller Mr. Marco Moreira Dr. and Mrs. John E. Mullen Mr. Jorge Najera Albor and Ms. Shelly Sweeney Mr. and Mrs. Max Novoa Mr. John P. O’Brien Sr. ’85 and Mrs. Meg A. O’Brien ’84 Mrs. Julie Overton and Mr. Martin Overton Ms. Marina Fotos Papathanasiou Laurence D. Paredes and Elisabeth Paredes Mr. James Pattillo Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Popick Mr. and Mrs. Craig Powell Mr. and Mrs. Peter Rayhill Mr. James Huffstetler and Mrs. Patricia O’Reilly Mr. and Mrs. Richard Rhodes Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Richards Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Rosati Mr. and Mrs. Michael Sansbury Mr. and Mrs. John Searles, Jr.

Mr. Martin Smith and Dr. Marcia Tejeda Mr. Jeffrey Stammen Ms. Robyn Stammen Mr. Neil Sutton Mr. Martin Tunis and Ms. Krysti Ray Mr. and Mrs. Martin Vogtland Ms. Page H. Waller ’87 and Mr. Francis H. McEneaney Dr. Hanjiang Xu Mr. Xiangxian Xu and Ms. Linda Chen Mrs. Aili Zhang Mr. and Mrs. David Ziolkowski

CLASS OF 2021 67% participation CAPITAL & ENDOWMENT $3,000 GUNNERY FUND $20,833

Mr. Francois Barthelemy Mr. and Mrs. Sean P. Brown Dr. Ellen Burov, M.D. Mr. and Mrs. Seoung Ho Choy Mr. Jeppe Christiansen and Ms. Jo Hurley Ms. Mary Cortese Mr. Paul M. Cortese Ms. Helen Diaz Mr. and Mrs. Colin Farrar Mr. and Ms. Daniel Farricielli

Dr. Robert Feldman and Dr. Virginia Feldman Mr. Tuan Giang and Mrs. Anh Truong Mr. Frank Gustafson and Ms. Xhevrije Krosi Mr. and Mrs. Stephen J. Hew Mr. Anthony L. Horwitz and Ms. Geraldine Brooks Mr. James Hurley and Ms. Julie Whitney Mr. and Mrs. David A. Johnson Mr. Vladimir Korobov and Mrs. Alla Korobova Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Lee, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Lovallo

Ms. Claire Maestroni and Mr. Giorgio Maroulis Mr. and Mrs. Paul M. McManus, Jr. ’87 # Mr. and Mrs. Michael Naylor Mr. and Mrs. ZuFeng Pan Mr. Charles Pigott Dr. Hans-Christoph Quelle and Mrs. Astrid Oldekop Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Seufert Mr. Rongjiang Yao and Ms. Bin Sun Mr. and Mrs. Marc Young Mr. Jeong Joon Yu and Mrs. Hye Jeong Oh

# The H. Willets and Samuel Jackson Underhill Society

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All Funds

Giving of Parents of Alumni, Grandparents and Friends PARENTS OF ALUMNI Anonymous Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Adams P’15 Mr. and Mrs. Gabriel Amador P’17 ’19 Mr. Benjamin Nickoll and Ms. Christine Armstrong P’19 Mr. and Mrs. Edgar S. Auchincloss V ’82 P’12 Mr. and Mrs. Steven E. Bailey P’09 Mr. and Mrs. James Baker P’96 Mr. and Mrs. John L. Bertoli, Jr. P’10 Mr. Basil H. Bourque P’84 Mr. and Mrs. Leo D. Bretter ’52 P’88 # Mr. Peter Brodhead and Ms. Lori Fedewa P’20 Mr. and Mrs. Howard M. Bronson* ’40 # Mr. and Mrs. Adam Bruck P’17 ’20 ’22 Mrs. Margaret A. Bucklin P’10 Mr. Michael R. Caroe P’77 GP’10 Mr. and Mrs. Seoung Ho Choy P’21 Mr. and Mrs. E. Terry Clark P’91 ’98 ’03 ’05 ’14 Mr. and Mrs. James Cohen Mr. and Mrs. Ian J. Cohn ’67 P’06 Ms. Judith Amy Cole-Judd P’19 Ms. Veronica Connors P’17 ’19 Mr. David J. Cooke P’15 ’16 ’19 Mr. Steven T. Cornell ’77 and Mrs. Sarah H. Cornell ’82 P’09 ’11 ’14 Mr. and Mrs. Lynn C. Dayton P’99 ’05 Mr. and Mrs. Phil F. De Paulis P’12 Mr. John D. Decker P’15 Dr. and Mrs. William F. DeForge P’03 ’06 Mr. and Mrs. Michael D’Elia P’12 ’14 Mr. and Mrs. Theodore C. DePaola, Jr. P’10 Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Despres P’01 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas B. Devlin P’17 Mr. and Mrs. Gregory DiMurro P’17 Dr. Laura Carey and Mr. Jason Dismukes P’16 ’19 Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Divis P’11 Mr. and Mrs. William C. Dodenhoff, Sr. P’15 Ms. Kerry A. Dorton ’87 P’16 Mr. and Mrs. K Gregg Douglas P’12 ’14 ’19 Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Dow P’16 Mr. and Mrs. Tesh Durvasula P’17 Mrs. Susan F. Eanes H’91 P’90 GP’20 and Mr. Michael N. Eanes H’90 P’90 GP’20 # Mrs. Rebekah H. Eckstein P’86 ’92 Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan M. Estreich P’06 Mr. and Mrs. Philip M. Farmer P’05 Dr. Robert Feldman and Dr. Virginia Feldman P’17 ’21 Mr. Frederick S. Fields ’57 P’85 Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. FitzGerald P’90 Mr. and Mrs. Elon Foster III P’07 Mr. and Mrs. Lorenzo Gaggini P’17 ’20 Mr. Simon Galante and Mrs. Michelle Romano de Galante P’20 Mr. and Mrs. James R. Gallop P’15 # The H. Willets and Samuel Jackson Underhill Society


Mr. and Mrs. Joseph G. Ghering P’78 Mr. and Mrs. George M. Gregory, Jr. P’11 Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Hall P’10 Mr. and Mrs. Christopher M. Hill P’15 ’20 Mr. and Mrs. Eric J. Hill P’13 Mr. Thomas H. Hollinger and Ms. Kathryn E. Coe P’01 ’04 Mr. Lee M. Hollis P’17 Mr. and Mrs. Barry A. Horn P’16 Mr. Scott C. Houldin ’80 P’11 Mr. William M. Houldin, Jr. P’80 ’82 ’87 ’92 GP’09 ’11 ’14 Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence D. Howell P’16 Mr. and Mrs. Robert V. Huss P’83 ’84 Mr. and Mrs. David A. Johnson P’21 Mr. and Mrs. Mark T. Johnson P’09 ’19 Mr. and Mrs. Daniel C. Joslin P’15 ’16 Mr. and Mrs. Frederick F. Judd III P’14 ’15 ’17 Mr. and Mrs. Philip H. Kantor P’10 ’15 David E. Kaplan ’81 and Ms. Terri L. Stein P’13 ’15 ’20 Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Keleher P’17 Mr. and Mrs. John A. Kelly, Jr. P’08 The Honorable and Mrs. James G. Kenefick, Jr. ’53 P’79 Mr. and Mrs. Kevin F. Killeen P’17 Ms. Monique V.L. Kosar* P’89 Mr. and Mrs. Eric Kotcher P’15 Ms. LouAnn Lange P’04 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Lee, Jr. P’17 ’21 Mr. and Mrs. Tom Lesica P’18 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Lilley, Jr. P’12 Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Lincoln P’01 ’06 ’08 Ms. Ann W. Lipham ’79 P’10 Mr. and Mrs. Peter F. Logue P’15 Ms. Susan E. Loyd P’10 Mr. and Mrs. Brian Lugo P’16 ’20 Mr. and Mrs. Francis X. Macary, Jr. ’77 P’03 ’05 ’07 ’15 Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Mandl P’10 ’14 ’18 Dr. Joseph C. Marron and Ms. Rebecca E. Kendall P’04 ’05 Mr. and Mrs. Dean W. Matthews ’56 P’98 ’99 Mr. William Lawrence Maxwell ’85 and Dr. Charlotte P. Maxwell P’16 ’20 Mr. and Mrs. Hugh A. McCandless ’50 P’74 ’75 Dr. and Mrs. Robert M. McFarland ’79 P’15 Mr. and Mrs. James B. McKenna P’06 Mr. Andrew McNeill P’17 ’18 Mr. Peter J. Michel P’97 Mr. Chapin B. Miller and Dr. Anna Carew-Miller P’12 ’20 Mrs. Jane C. Miller P’82 Mr. and Mrs. Carl A. Minicucci P’14 Mr. Jeffrey S. Morris and Ms. Janet C. Olshansky P’14 Dr. and Mrs. John E. Mullen P’16 ’17 ’20


Dr. and Mrs. Frederick Muschenheim P’90 Mr. and Dr. Charles S. Nanavaty P’17 Mrs. William Nolan P’95 GP’21 Mr. and Mrs. Lucio A. Noto P’97 Ms. Arlene O’Brien P’85 GP’07 ’11 ’20 Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. O’Brien P’07 ’11 Mr. and Mrs. William B. Ogden IV P’00 # Mr. and Mrs. George W. Olvany, Sr. P’17 Mr. and Mrs. Michael T. O’Neil P’11 ’17 ’18 Ms. Sharon L. Owen P’09 Vi and Reese Owens P’09 ’13 Denise and Peter Pasch P’96 ’98 Mr. and Mrs. Theodore J. Paster P’17 Ms. Jill A. Penza P’07 Mr. and Mrs. T. Sergeant Pepper ’62 P’89 Ms. Sarah Phillips P’17 Mr. and Mrs. Michael Reagan P’17 Mr. and Mrs. Michael C. Riley P’13 ’16 Mr. Brad Romoff and Ms. Rosemary Clarke P’12 Mr. and Mrs. Robert Rosen P’11 Mr. and Mrs. Wallace H. Rowe III ’57 P’77 ’79 # Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Ryer P’07 ’09 Mrs. Orhan Sadik-Khan P’06 Mr. John H. Schmidt and Mrs. Mary Ermish-Schmidt P’08 Mr. Jed S. Schneider and Ms. Cathy A. King P’14 Capt. and Mrs. Michael J. Schwarz P’16 Mr. and Mrs. John Searles, Jr. P’17 ’20 Mr. Charles F. Senich and Ms. Christine A. Sullivan P’15 Mr. In Soo Seo and Mrs. Hye Young Kim P’10 ’14 Mr. and Mrs. Michael P. Shane P’14 Mr. Vincent P. Shanley P’09 Dr. and Mrs. Joel A. Sherman P’93 Ms. Sarah Shinn Pratt P’17 Ms. Nancy C. Shober P’83 Mr. and Mrs. John A. Siemon P’14 ’16 Mr. and Mrs. William H. Silengo, Jr. P’13 Mr. and Mrs. Matthew J. Silverman P’16 Mr. and Mrs. Henry C. Simpson, Jr. P’89 Mr. Peter B. Slone ’73 P’11 # Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Small P’16 ’17 Mr. Nicholas N. Solley P’96 ’96 Mr. and Mrs. John A. Stevens P’13 Mr. and Mrs. Richard S. Stewart P’88 Mr. and Mrs. George N. Stonbely P’99 Ms. Barbara S. Sullivan P’15 Mr. and Mrs. Kurt Sullivan P’16 ’18 Mrs. Debbie H. Swigart P’82 # Mr. and Ms. Yoshi Taenaka P’12 ’15 Ms. Emily H. Taylor P’05 Mr. and Mrs. Roderick M. Theobald P’09 ’14 Mr. and Mrs. Stephen J. Tillman P’91 Mr. and Mrs. William T. Tolley P’08 ’14 Mr. and Mrs. Robert K. Ullram P’96 ’99 Mr. and Mrs. John J. Vazzano P’08 ’10

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Mr. and Mrs. John A. Walsh P’04 Mrs. Audrey F. Walzer P’65 GP’86 Mr. and Mrs. Erhart Werner P’86 ’87 GP’16 Mr. and Mrs. Ronald G. Whittle P’80 Ms. Jennifer N. Williams P’17 Mr. Kim Po Yan and Ms. Kwan Lam P’12 Mr. and Mrs. Paul Zabit P’17 ’19

GRANDPARENTS Dr. Joseph Byrne GP’20 Mr. Michael R. Caroe P’77 GP’10 Ms. Ann Dunn GP’21 Mrs. Susan F. Eanes H’91 P’90 GP’20 and Mr. Michael N. Eanes H’90 P’90 GP’20 # Ms. Mimi Feinstein GP’20 Mr. and Mrs. Charles Greiner GP’21 Mr. William M. Houldin, Jr. P’80 ’82 ’87 ’92 GP’09 ’11 ’14 Mr. and Mrs. Edwin D. Leonard GP’13 Mr. Robert J. Mazaika GP’11 ’17 ’18 Mr. Serge L. Miller ’51 GP’12 ’20 Mrs. William Nolan P’95 GP’21 Ms. Arlene O’Brien P’85 GP’07 ’11 ’20 Mr. and Mrs. Richard Roder GP’03 Ms. Sarane H. Ross GP’18 Ms. Rita Santini GP’18 Ms. Nancy Shilts GP’20 Mrs. Audrey F. Walzer P’65 GP’86 Mr. Michael Wang GP’18

Ms. Diane F. Arons Mrs. Gordon W. Babcock P’68 Mr. and Mrs. William G. Bardel Mr. and Mrs. Howard Barnet Jr. Prof. Beatrice S. Bartlett Mr. Steven Birnbaum Mr. and Mrs. Michael Boldt Mr. and Mrs. John Boyer Mr. Hunter Brown and Miss Tillie Page Laird Mr. and Mrs. Steven Burke Mr. Carlos M. Canal, Jr. and Mrs. Gay E. Vincent-Canal Mr. Michael Christian Mr. and Mrs. William G. Cole Mr. George-Antony N. Colettis and Ms. Marina E. Colettis Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Condon Mr. Doug Cooney Mr. and Mrs. Richard Cullen Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence W. Dexheimer Mrs. Natalie H. Dyer Ms. Ashleigh Fernandez Ms. Anke Franklin Mr. Neil J. Gabriel and Ms. Cheryl A. Rosen Mr. and Mrs. Jack Gilpin Mr. and Mrs. Gary A. Glynn Mr. and Mrs. Davidson Goldin Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Goldsmith Mr. and Mrs. James C. Goodale Mrs. Joanna B. Gormley

Dr. Ferris G. Gorra Mr. Holcombe T. Green III Mr. and Mrs. Steven Haas Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hamblet Mr. and Mrs. John Harrison Mr. and Mrs. William E. Havemeyer Mr. Ira Hershkowitz Mr. and Mrs. Matthew S. Hoeniger Mr. John R. Johnson, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Stewart E. Klein Mr. Christopher Klingenstein Dr. John M. Knapp Mr. and Mrs. A. Eugene Kohn Mr. and Mrs. Wayne R. Leone Reverend Susan McCone and Mr. Robert Wessely Mr. and Mrs. John H. Payne III Mrs. Kirsten M. Peckerman # Ms. Susan Porter Mr. and Mrs. Raymond W. Reich The MacCarthy Family Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Rickart Mr. and Mrs. Adam Riess Ms. Mary B. Ryan Mr. and Mrs. Eric Scheidt Mr. Andrew O. Shapiro and Ms. Carolyn Setlow Mr. and Mrs. Christopher W. Smith Mr. and Mrs. James E. Thomas Ms. Janet M. Wildman Mrs. Joan P. Wilkinson Ms. Janet H. Wills Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wright

Named Scholarships and Endowed Funds 50TH REUNION FUND FOR FACULTY SUPPORT


Initiated by the Class of 1963 and augmented by the Class of 1964 on the occasion of their 50th reunion. Established to honor former faculty and those who carry on a great tradition. An ongoing fund designed for future 50th reunion classes to add to and to help build the endowment for faculty support.

In memory of Hunnewell Braman, Sr. and Eleanor Brinsmade Braman (’11 and ’03 respectively) established by their children, and in the memory of Hunnewell Braman, Jr. ’33 established by his children.


Established in 1984 by the Horace W. Goldsmith Foundation to assist a qualified student of color to attend The Gunnery, it is named in honor of Leo D. Bretter ’52 P’88 and his service to the Board.

Established by Gunnery reunion classes to assist a qualified student to attend The Gunnery. THE BLAKESLEE H. BOTSFORD ’82 MEMORIAL FUND

Established in 2012, the fund will provide valuable resources to be used at the Head’s discretion to offer counseling services and health and wellness programs for students.



To be awarded for outstanding creativity and achievement in the fields of drama, art, music and the humanities.

Established by James L. Buttenwieser ’70 in memory of his parents. THE EDWARD G. BUXTON MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP

From 1937 until his death on December 30, 1970, teacher of Latin — and in early years Greek, French and German — and long-time varsity baseball coach. THE CLASS OF 1952 SCHOLARSHIP

Established by the Class of 1952 in honor of their 55th reunion, this scholarship is to be awarded to a qualifying student who, in the estimation of the Admissions Office, deserves to be selected for The Class of 1952 Scholarship. THE CLASS OF 1957 GUNN SCHOLAR RESEARCH FUND

Established by the Class of 1957 in honor of their 50th reunion, this fund was established to endow the publication

# The H. Willets and Samuel Jackson Underhill Society

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of The Gunn Scholar Research. The Gunn Scholar Program involves original research on an aspect of school history. Research is coordinated through the school’s archives and under the sponsorship of the History Department and the Archivist.

the Ford’s commitment to educational excellence by specifically honoring Susan Graham’s distinguished leadership and provides a format for her continued involvement with The Gunnery in support of programs that benefit the school community.



Established by the class of 1959 for their 50th reunion. Income to be used by the Dean of Students Office to support student leadership development.

Established by Gretchen and Steven Burke to name the varsity baseball coach position in honor of David N. Hoadley ’51. THE RICHARD S. KLINGENSTEIN SCHOLARSHIP


Established by Richard S. Klingenstein ’64, to be awarded to a qualified and deserving student whose attendance at The Gunnery requires financial aid.

Given by the Class of 1960 in honor of their 50th Reunion for the purpose of endowing the purchase of a book for the library in the name of each graduating senior.



Established by the class in honor of their 50th reunion. Recognizing that many of them benefited from the generosity of others, they celebrated this great tradition by creating the fund to help future students enjoy The Gunnery experience. THE MALCOLM G. CHACE, JR. ’86 SCHOLARSHIP

Established by Malcolm G. Chace, Jr. ’86, to be awarded to a qualified and deserving student whose attendance at The Gunnery requires financial aid.


Established by Jonathan S. Linen ’62 and the family of Sara Scranton Linen in memory of Mrs. Linen who served as The Gunnery’s first female trustee from 1967-1976. THE GUY RICHARDS MCLANE MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP

Awarded annually to that student who deserves it by his/her academic record at The Gunnery.


Established by an anonymous donor in honor of W. Hamilton Gibson, third Headmaster of The Gunnery.



This scholarship goes to a student who, like Charles M. Gitt ’34, shows interest and enthusiasm for understanding world affairs, demonstrates courage in speaking the truth, and evidences great love for his/her School. THE SUSAN G. GRAHAM ENDOWED FUND FOR EDUCATIONAL EXCELLENCE

This endowed fund established in 2012 by Edsel ’68 and Cynthia Ford recognizes


Presented to the sophomore who has shown consistent personal growth, academic improvement, and, above all, has demonstrated a tenacious will to succeed.

Established to name the Senior Master position in honor and memory of Anne S. and Ogden D. Miller, Headmaster 1946-1969. THE OGDEN D. MILLER SCHOLARSHIP

To commemorate the Ogden D. Millers’ 24 years at The Gunnery, this scholarship was established by alumni and friends upon “Oggie’s” retirement to enable students to live as full lives as the namesake of the scholarship.


Awarded each year to that student who is most likely in future years to be of the greatest helpfulness to his/her community. THE NOTO FAMILY CHAIR FOR DEDICATED SERVICE

The Noto Family Chair for Dedicated Service given by Joan and Lucio Noto, parents of Ali Noto, class of 1997, to recognize the hard work and dedication of a faculty or staff member who has exhibited a high degree of professionalism throughout his or her time at The Gunnery.


Awarded annually to the student for possessing to a high degree those qualities of heart and mind which so strongly characterized the man it seeks to honor. THE WALLACE H. ROWE III CHAIR IN CRITICAL EXPRESSION

Established by Carol and Roy S. Walzer ’65 P’86 to honor Wallace H. “Wally” Rowe and the tremendous impact he has had on The Gunnery’s students. THE JOHN F. SCHERESCHEWSKY, JR. AND JOHN F. SCHERESCHEWSKY III SCHOLARSHIP

Awarded to that student who most genuinely tries to maximize his/her talents and potential and who most ardently has tried to utilize the resources of The Gunnery for both school and selfimprovement. THE SECOND MILE SCHOLARSHIP IN MEMORY OF HENRY B. VAN SINDEREN ’07

Awarded annually to a student, preferably from Connecticut, who best exemplifies the qualities of tenacity, will to succeed, personal integrity, unselfishness, and goodwill to men. THE TISCH FAMILY CHAIR FOR EXCELLENCE IN TEACHING

Established in 1990 by Mr. and Mrs. Preston R. Tisch, parents of Steven ’67 and Jonathan ’72.

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Established in 1973 to assist a qualified Washington student to attend The Gunnery. THE DAVID, HELEN AND MARIAN WOODWARD FUND SCHOLARSHIP

Established to assist a qualified student from the greater Waterbury area to attend The Gunnery.



Established by the Wykeham Rise Alumnae to provide capital support to projects and/or programs to enhance the students experience with an appreciation for the arts.

The Anne and Henry Zarrow Chair in Math and Sciences given by the Zarrow Family to acknowledge the importance of math and science in the curriculum and to recognize a dedicated teacher in either math or science.

Named and Endowed Prizes Honoring Alumni and Friends The following are the prizes which have been named to honor alumni and friends at The Gunnery. They are awarded to students on Prize Night, which is held on the evening before Commencement. THE HAROLD A. ANSON MEMORIAL AWARD Katherine Mae Hayward ’18



For the senior who, in the judgment of the faculty, demonstrates an acute ethical awareness, a sensitivity to the affairs of his/her community, and a sense of service to his/her fellow men and women.

Awarded to that senior who has demonstrated distinguished leadership qualities throughout his/her years at The Gunnery.

The Prize for Excellence in Quiet Leadership, established by Patrick M. Dorton, Class of 1986, celebrates the importance of individuals who lead by example rather than title at The Gunnery. The prize is awarded to a rising sophomore or junior, who in the estimation of the Dean of Students Office, has demonstrated perseverance


Awarded to the student who best combines unselfish and sympathetic interest in people with a purpose for citizenship and social responsibility.

Presented to the sophomore who, in the estimation of the Faculty, best exemplifies those qualities of cheerfulness, courtesy, and friendliness which were characteristic of the boy in whose memory the award is made.



To the student who has had the most success in meeting the challenges of the Science Department’s most demanding courses. THE ROBERT J. BENHAM AWARD FOR EFFECTIVE PUBLIC SPEAKING Lois Bachman ’19

THE BRINSMADE PRIZE Christian Robert Kummer ’18

Awarded to the senior who, in the estimation of the Head and the Faculty, has developed in a significant way his/her leadership potential during his/her years at The Gunnery. THE DEAN’S PRIZE Anthony Vatis Cochrane ’18

In memory of Norman R. Lemke, Jr., Gunnery master and Dean from 1964-1975, this award is made by the Dean of Students in consultation with the Faculty. It goes to the senior who, throughout his/her years at The Gunnery, has been most responsive to the guidance of the Faculty.

the Gunnery • 2017-2018 Annual Report


FREDERICK W. GUNN SCHOLARS Yuchen “Rain” Ji ’19, Michael John Kassis ’19, Yongjun “Joey” Lin ’19, Paige A. Moffat ’19, Haoran “Tony” Zhang ’19

The Gunn Scholars are rising seniors who have been selected on aptitude, interest, and character, to pursue original research into some aspect of the life and times of Abigail and Frederick Gunn. THE HILLMAN AWARD IN AMERICAN HISTORY Yuchen “Rain” Ji ’19

Established in 1946 by Mr. and Mrs. Hillman on the occasion of the graduation of their son. ELIZABETH KEMPTON MEMORIAL AWARD FOR EXCELLENCE IN ART Zoe Camille Davis-Bowers ’18 THE THOMAS ALEXANDER LANGFORD MEMORIAL PRIZE Julianne Rose Petrillo ’18 and Nicholas Terence Vankka ’18

Awarded to two members of the graduating class who are “Always mindful of others.” THE KATHARINE KYES LEAB HISTORY PRIZE FOR MORAL LEADERSHIP Elena Maria Magdalena Maehrle ’20


and good citizenship in everything that he/she does. In his/her time at The Gunnery, the student has enhanced the entire community by exerting a positive influence on his/her peers and serving as a role model. THE MICHAEL EANES AWARD FOR GREATEST SCHOLASTIC IMPROVEMENT Emeline Percilla Chappell Smith ’18

Established by The Gunnery Community in 1991 to honor Michael Eanes’ 26 years at The Gunnery. For consistency, persistence, improvement. THE W. RUSS ELGIN AWARD FOR EXCELLENCE IN SPANISH Caleb Warren Hooper Dorf ’19 THE FENNING PRIZE FOR EXCELLENCE IN DEBATE Yuchen “Rain” Ji ’19


Awarded to the student who demonstrates the comprehensive and real interest in and love of nature which so greatly characterized Hamilton Gibson, third Headmaster of The Gunnery. THE ANTHONY GOLEMBESKE AWARD FOR EXCELLENCE IN MATHEMATICS Meiye Song ’18 THE FREDERICK WILLIAM GUNN AWARD Fangwen “Jerry” Cheng ’18

Named and awarded in honor of Frederick William Gunn, founder of The Gunnery and of organized summer camping in America. Awarded to the student, who by his/her interest, enthusiasm, leadership and knowledge, has contributed most during the school year to the camping and outdoor program at The Gunnery.

Awarded to a 9th or 10th grade student who demonstrates ability in the areas of research, writing and the recognition of strong moral character; This prize was established by Mr. Daniel Leab in honor of his wife’s 65th birthday. THE JEROME F. MACCARTHY ARTS AWARD Gabrielle Leigh Lescadre ’18

A memorial to Jerry’s dedication to artistic expression and in remembrance of his achievements in the arts. THE MCCLELLAN CITIZENSHIP PRIZE Zoe Camille Davis-Bowers ’18

Awarded to the senior, who in the estimation of the Head of School and Faculty, has shown the greatest progress while at The Gunnery in relating today’s studies and experience to tomorrow’s responsibilities as an adult citizen.

the Gunnery • 2017-2018 Annual Report

THE JOHN WARNER MOORE AWARD Sebastien Charles Seymour ’18

THE PAMELA C. TAYLOR AWARD Cole Daniel Varney ’18

Established by Orrin Sage Wightman, MD, as a tribute to his friend Reverend John Warner Moore, Chaplain at The Gunnery 1949-1954 and in 1959 for concern in things of the spirit during the school year.

The Pamela C. Taylor Award is given to the English IV student who demonstrates courage in the classroom by sharing his or her passion for the subject. Willing to take a large bite of literature, this student feasts on the power of narrative, recognizing its ability to nourish our lives, change beliefs, and move social views.

THE ROBERT B. MORTELL PRIZE Clare Kathleen Costello ’18

The prize for Excellence in the Performing Arts is established by Robert B. Mortell, Class of 1955, to celebrate the significance of the arts in The Gunnery educational experience. This prize is awarded to that student, who in the estimation of the Drama and Music Department faculty, has contributed the most to the performing arts at The Gunnery. THE MICHAEL POST AWARD FOR EXCELLENCE IN ENGLISH Jenna Thi-Hien Sittler ’18

To honor a former English teacher. THE RAYMOND W. REICH AWARD FOR EXCELLENCE IN PHYSICS Sayed Hashem Hadi Alaali ’18

THE TEDDY AWARDS Acadia Johnson ’21 and Joshua Reid Novick ’21

The “Teddy Award” is given in loving memory of Edward “Teddy” Bright Ebersol, beloved member of the Class of 2008 who died tragically on November 28, 2004 at the age of 14 in a private plane crash near Telluride, Colorado. The “Teddy Award” is given to two members of the freshman class who embody Teddy’s finest qualities: generosity, enthusiasm, respect, responsibility, perseverance, optimism and loyalty. It is awarded to a young man and a young woman of great hope and great promise.

THE VREELAND-ROGERS ATHLETIC AWARDS Tabitha Lina Franceschini ’18 and Wade Thomas Sansone ’18

Established in 1998 by Gerrit Vreeland ’61 and Andrew Y. Rogers, Jr. ’61. It is awarded to the female and male athletes who have contributed the most in spirit, discipline, responsibility and teamwork to the success of The Gunnery’s athletic program this year. THE PERCY B. WIGHTMAN PRIZE Andrew Joseph Byrne-King ’20

For outstanding leadership in “things of the spirit” during the school year. THE MALCOLM WILLIS AWARD FOR MUSIC Ziyuan “Emma” Wang ’18

In memory of Malcolm Willis, teacher at The Gunnery from 1959 until his untimely death in 1965.


Established by the children of Mary Ritter P’81 to celebrate her life and love of art.

Giving of Corporations, Foundations and Matching Gift Companies Aberdeen Asset Management Inc. Aetna Foundation B & D Controlled Air Corporation Bank of America Foundation Matching Gift Program Baring Asset Management Limited The Barker Welfare Foundation The Benevity Community Impact Fund Carmody Torrance Sandak Hennessy LLP Contractor Products, Inc. The Economist

William H. Ellsworth Foundation Glaxo Smith Kline Goldman, Sachs & Co. H S Roofing Systems Houghton Mifflin Ingersoll-Rand Charitable Foundation Intel Foundation Keurig Green Mountain Marandola Fuel Service LLC Merck and Co., Inc. Microsoft Matching Gift Program

O & G Industries, Inc. Penske Automotive Group, Inc. Pfizer Foundation Matching Gifts Program PNC Foundation Matching Gift Program Prudential Foundation Matching Gifts Program PWC Raytheon Company UBS Financial Services, Inc. United Construction & Engineering, Inc. YourCause, LLC

the Gunnery • 2017-2018 Annual Report


Giving of Current Faculty & Staff Ms. Sarah R. Albright Ms. Jamie Albro Mrs. Katharine Andres Mr. Austin Arkin Mr. and Mrs. Steven E. Bailey P’09 Mrs. Jessica Baker Mr. and Mrs. James W. Balben Mr. and Mrs. Peter W. E. Becker Mr. Steven Bendrick Dr. Nicholas V. Benson and Ms. Natalie Dyer Mr. Christopher Bernard Mr. Monte W. Blaustein Mr. and Mrs. Sean P. Brown P’21 Mrs. Margaret A. Bucklin P’10 Mr. John H. Cantlay Dr. Anna Carew-Miller Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Clement P’22 Mr. Kevin C. Clemente and Ms. Sarah Depolo Ms. Mary Cortese P’21 Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Croft Mr. Brian J. Daniels and Ms. Karen Cassery-Daniels Mrs. Suzanne Day and Mr. Douglas Day Mr. Scott A. Dayton ’08 and Mrs. Elizabeth R. Dayton ’08 Mrs. Deborah Doody and Mr. Brian Doody Mr. LaDarius Drew Mrs. Mary Ewing and Mr. John Ewing Mr. and Mrs. Colin Farrar P’21

Mrs. Morgen Fisher ’03 and Mr. Elliott A. Fisher Ms. Jessica L. Fletcher ’96 and Mr. Jon Fletcher Ms. Misa Giroux Ms. Jamie Goldsmith Ms. Hannah C. Gorman Mr. Shane Gorman ’10 Mr. and Mrs. Stephen J. Gritti Ms. Patricia Hargadon Miss Jennifer C. Hart Ms. Sarah D. Hauser Mr. and Mrs. Brandon Ince P’20 Dr. and Ms. Brian S. Konik Mrs. George A. Krimsky ’60 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Lanesey Ms. Rebecca LeClerc Mrs. Jacqueline LePine Mrs. Lauren R. Lord Mr. Charles Lovejoy Mr. and Mrs. Seth C. Low Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Marich Mr. Richard Martin P’20 Mr. Kenneth Mason Ms. Kathleen P. Masterson Ms. Jessica Matthews and Mr. Ryan Cotter Mr. Bartholomew W. McMann and Mrs. Kate A. McMann ’05 Mr. and Mrs. Carl A. Minicucci P’14 Ms. Catherine Moulton

Ms. Andrea Nicholson Ms. Tanya Nongera Ms. Sharon L. Owen P’09 Ms. Amy L. Paulekas Mr. Jesse C. Perkins Mr. Frank Perrella Mrs. Janine Pettinicchi and Mr. Thomas P. Pettinicchi Mr. Timothy Poole Mr. and Mrs. Richard Rhodes P’20 ’22 Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Richards P’20 Mrs. Carolyn Ross Ms. Cassandra Ruscz Mr. Andrew Russo Ms. Katie Satkowski Ms. Melissa D. Schomers Mr. and Mrs. Jarrod M. Sisk Mr. and Mrs. Edward C. Small Mrs. Christine Steiner Mr. Edward D. Surjan, Jr. and Ms. Beverly Dahl Mr. Brian Taggart Mr. and Mrs. Roderick M. Theobald P’09 ’14 Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey E. Trundy Mr. Lincoln Turner Ms. Hope Wayman Mrs. Jennifer M. Wojcik and Mr. Jerry Wojcik

Giving of Former Faculty & Staff Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Adams P’15 Ms. Julia B. Alling ’81 and Mr. Paul A. Graney P’19 Mr. and Mrs. James Baker P’96 Prof. Beatrice S. Bartlett Mr. and Mrs. Christopher M. Baudo Mr. Ariel L. Baum ’03 Ms. Madeleine J. Boudreau ’12 Mr. and Mrs. John R. Chandler, Jr. H’63 Mr. and Mrs. E. Terry Clark P’91 ’98 ’03 ’05 ’14 Mr. and Mrs. Stephen C. Davol ’61 Mrs. Laura A. Donorfio ’00 and Mr. Brian Donorfio Mr. Michael N. Eanes H’90 P’90 GP’20 # and Mrs. Susan F. Eanes H’91 P’90 GP’20 Mr. W. Russ Elgin # Mr. Alexander G. Fields ’85 and Ms. Eleanor A. Fields ’86 Ms. Emily E. Fitzhugh Ms. Anke Franklin Mrs. Susan G. Graham H’12 and Mr. James A. Graham, Jr.

# The H. Willets and Samuel Jackson Underhill Society


Mr. and Mrs. John D. Herrick ’63 P’89 ’91 Mr. Thomas H. Hollinger and Ms. Kathryn E. Coe P’01 ’04 Dr. John M. Knapp Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Lincoln P’01 ’06 ’08 Mrs. Laura Martin ’90 P’20 Mr. Serge L. Miller ’51 GP’12 ’20 Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Moore ’64 # Mr. Daniel R. O’Brien ’05 Mr. and Mrs. Raymond W. Reich Mr. and Mrs. Wallace H. Rowe III ’57 P’77 ’79 # Mr. and Mrs. William N. Smyth ’57 # Mr. W. Jed Stuart ’02 and Mrs. Chelsea Stuart Mrs. Debbie H. Swigart P’82 # Mr. and Mrs. Robert K. Ullram P’96 ’99 The Honorable and Mrs. Thomas F. Upson ’59 Mr. and Mrs. Ronald G. Whittle P’80


Class Agents Italicized

the Gunnery • 2017-2018 Annual Report

Washington Club Scholarship Fund Since 1973, members of the Washington Club annually contribute to support a qualified student from the local community. Since its inception, $302,000 has been raised, benefitting 46 students. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Barnet Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Leo D. Bretter ’52 P’88 # Mr. Carlos M. Canal, Jr. and Mrs. Gay E. Vincent-Canal Mr. George-Antony N. Colettis and Ms. Marina E. Colettis Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Condon Mrs. Natalie H. Dyer

Mr. and Mrs. Philip M. Farmer P’05 Mr. Neil J. Gabriel and Ms. Cheryl A. Rosen Mr. and Mrs. Jack Gilpin Mr. and Mrs. Davidson Goldin Mr. and Mrs. James C. Goodale Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hamblet Mr. and Mrs. John Harrison Mr. and Mrs. William E. Havemeyer

Mr. and Mrs. Matthew S. Hoeniger Mr. and Mrs. Peter R. Houldin ’92 P’21 Mr. and Mrs. Pels Matthews P’18 ’18 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Rickart Mr. and Mrs. Adam Riess Mr. and Mrs. Eric Scheidt Mr. and Mrs. Christopher W. Smith

Memorial and Honorary Giving HONORARY GIFTS The Gunnery has received gifts in honor of the following: Mr. and Mrs. Peter W. E. Becker Mr. Doug Cooney Mr. and Mrs. Richard Cullen Ms. Janet H. Wills Mr. Elijah L. Berano ’19 and Miss Marley A. Berano ’20 Mr. and Mrs. Arvin Berano P’19 ’20 Mr. Charles DeVos ’20 Mr. David DeVos P’20 Garvan and Wheeler family Gunnery grads Mr. Stephen Bond Garvan ’70 Mr. and Mrs. Mark L. Guarino ’73 Dr. and Mrs. George T. Capone ’73 Mr. Lee M. Hollis, Jr. ’17 Mr. Lee M. Hollis P’17 Mr. Christian R. Kummer ’18 Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Kummer, Jr. P’18 Mr. Robert S. Lamond GP’06 Mr. Altan R. I. Sadik-Khan ’06

Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Linen ’62 Mr. and Mrs. Vincent McClelland ’69 Mrs. Kiersten C. Marich Mr. and Mrs. Vincent McClelland ’69 Mr. Richard and Mrs. Laura Martin ’90 P’20 and Miss Isabel Martin ’20 Mrs. Susan F. Eanes H’91 P’90 GP’20 and Mr. Michael N. Eanes H’90 P’90 GP’20 Mr. Chapin B. Miller and Dr. Anna Carew-Miller P’12 ’20 Mr. Leigh Buckens ’02 Mr. Wyatt G. Clark ’13 Miss Francesca Moreira ’20 Ms. Mimi Feinstein GP’20 Mrs. Carolyn Ross and Team Mr. and Mrs. Tom Lesica P’18 Mr. Benjamin Todd Sherman ’93 Dr. and Mrs. Joel A. Sherman P’93 Mr. Roy S. Walzer ’65 P’86 Mrs. Audrey F. Walzer P’65 GP’86

MEMORIAL GIFTS The Gunnery has received gifts in memory of the following: Mr. Russell Sturgis Bartlett* Prof. Beatrice S. Bartlett Mr. and Mrs. Eric W. DeGraff* ’52 Dr. and Mrs. Arthur C. DeGraff, Jr. ’47 Mr. and Mrs. Raymond B. DeRidder* ’52 Mr. A. Leonard Parrott ’52 Mr. Edward B. Ebersol* ’08 The Leone Family Mr. Morton R. Goldsmith* 1900 Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Goldsmith Mr. Taylor Hardwick, Jr.* ’73 Mr. Charles B. Hunker ’73 Mr. Alvin Jay Jeske* P’81 ’83 Mr. and Mrs. Andrew S. Jeske ’83 Ms. Monique V.L. Kosar* P’89 Mr. and Mrs. Andrew M. Crawford ’89 Mr. George A. Krimsky* ’60 Mr. Bruce W. Moss ’60 Mr. Edward Longstreth, Jr.* ’48 Mrs. Edward Longstreth, Jr.

Mr. Edward J. McHugh* ’48 Dr. Albert J. Anderson, Jr. ’48 Mrs. Penelope Meek* P’81 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas B. Meek III ’81 Mr. Edgar Munson* ’54 Mr. and Mrs. William L. Munson ’58 Mr. MacGregor Robinson* Mr. and Mrs. Martin G. Johnson ’81 Mr. Sui L. Sung* ’81 Ms. Diane F. Arons Mr. Steven Birnbaum Mr. Michael Christian Mr. W. Russ Elgin Mr. and Mrs. Thomas B. Meek III ’81 Ms. Susan Porter Ms. Mary B. Ryan Mrs. Sarah Scheel Cook ’82 and Mr. Perry L. Cook Mrs. Joan P. Wilkinson Ms. Pamela C. Taylor* Ms. Carey A. Bodenheimer ’87 Mr. Richard E. Vila* ’50 Mrs. Beverly E. Vila Mr. James F. Ward* ’48 Dr. Albert J. Anderson, Jr. ’48 Mr. John B. Young III* ’78 Mrs. Kyra Quinlan WR ’68

Mr. Stephen W. McBurnett Sr.* ’64 Mrs. Stephen W. McBurnett, Sr. ’64

# The H. Willets and Samuel Jackson Underhill Society

the Gunnery • 2017-2018 Annual Report


Class Agents Italicized


Capital and Endowment Gifts and Pledges The Gunnery is extremely grateful for the following individuals who have supported the endowment and capital projects Anonymous Mr. and Mrs. Edgar S. Auchincloss V ’82 P’12 Mr. Christopher H. Babcock ’68 # Mr. and Mrs. Stephen W. Baird ’68 # Mr. and Mrs. James W. Balben Mr. and Mrs. William G. Bardel Mr. and Mrs. Alexander F. Bellinger ’68 Mr. John P. Bellinger ’68 Mr. and Mrs. Stephen P. Bent ’59 # Mr. and Mrs. Arvin Berano P’19 ’20 Mr. and Mrs. Frederick G. Bernard ’68 Mr. and Mrs. Leo D. Bretter ’52 P’88 # Ms. Catherine S. Brown WR’69 Mr. Jeffrey S. Bruemmer ’73 Mr. and Mrs. Steven Burke Dr. Joseph Byrne GP’20 Ms. Elizabeth Campachiaro WR’75 Mr. Michael R. Caroe P’77 GP’10 Mr. Malcolm G. Chace, Jr. ’86 Mrs. Daphne Cheatham WR’69 Mr. David M. Coburn ’68 # Mr. and Mrs. James Cohen Mr. and Mrs. William G. Cole Mr. Richard C. Colton, Jr. ’60 # Mrs. Susan Crysler WR’69 Ms. Marian desCognets WR’68 Mr. and Mrs. Patrick M. Dorton ’86 Estate of H. Phillips Jesup Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan M. Estreich P’06 Mr. John B. Faas ’68 Mr. and Mrs. Philip M. Farmer P’05 Ms. Ashleigh Fernandez Ms. Allison Fichter WR’67

Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey D. Fischer ’68 Mr. and Mrs. Edsel B. Ford II ’68 Mr. and Mrs. Lorenzo Gaggini P’17 ’20 Mr. and Mrs. John M. Greenwood ’71 Funded by the Seth Holcombe Family Mr. and Mrs. Sherman R. Hotchkiss ’63 # Mr. and Mrs. Peter R. Houldin ’92 P’21 Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence D. Howell P’16 Ms. Lizbeth M. Kay P’18 Mr. and Mrs. Dale Kesten LCSW, LADC ’68 Mr. and Mrs. A. Eugene Kohn Mr. Ronald E. Lipetz* ’58 # Mr. and Mrs. John H. Longmaid ’64 Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey G. Marsted ’60 # Mrs. Maria Mason WR’69 Ms. Sophie McAndrew ’18 Ms. Lily Mitchell WR’66 Mr. Judd R. Murkland ’68 Mr. Brian C. Nickerson ’72 # Mr. and Mrs. Lucio A. Noto P’97 Mr. and Mrs. Len Novick P’18 ’21 Dr. and Mrs. Peter O’Connor P’18 Laurence D. Paredes and Elisabeth Paredes P’20 Ms. Kristyna Patkova ’18 Mrs. Kirsten M. Peckerman # Mr. and Mrs. Michael Pengue P’19 Mr. and Mrs. T. Sergeant Pepper ’62 P’89 Mr. Thomas S. Perakos ’69 Ms. Julianne Petrillo ’18 Mr. David M. Philips ’44 # Dr. Hans-Christoph Quelle and Mrs. Astrid Oldekop P’21 Mrs. Kyra Quinlan WR ’68

Mr. and Mrs. Richard Rhodes P’20 ’22 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Rosati P’20 Ms. Sarane H. Ross GP’18 Ms. Marcie Roth WR’74 Mr. Altan R. I. Sadik-Khan ’06 Mr. Robert H. Savarese ’68 Ms. Helen Schouborg WR’66 Ms. Sarah Shinn Pratt P’17 Mr. and Mrs. Roy B. Simpson, Jr. ’68 Mr. and Mrs. Omar Slowe ’97 Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Smith ’57 Mr. and Mrs. George N. Stonbely P’99 Dr. and Mrs. Peter C. Sutton ’68 Mr. Richard N. Tager ’56 # Ms. Emily H. Taylor P’05 Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan M. Tisch ’72 Mr. Steven E. Tisch ’67 Mr. and Mrs. William T. Tolley P’08 ’14 Mr. and Mrs. Neil W. Townsend P’18 ’20 Mr. Daniel J. Troiano ’77 # The Honorable and Mrs. Thomas F. Upson ’59 Mr. Jay Kassis and Ms. Cynthia E. Urda Kassis P’19 Mr. and Mrs. Gerrit Vreeland ’61 Mr. and Mrs. Clive Walcott P’19 Mr. and Mrs. Joel Walzer ’68 Ms. Wendy Weldon WR’66 Ms. Brooke Thomson Wilford WR’72 Dr. Hanjiang Xu P’20 Mr. John W. Yerger ’68 Mr. Guang Hui Yu and Ms. Fei Fei Cheng P’19 Ms. Nancy Zappala WR’68

Gifts-in-Kind Mr. and Mrs. William Beatty P’19 Dr. Nicholas V. Benson and Ms. Natalie Dyer Mr. and Mrs. Arvin Berano P’19 ’20 Mr. Andrew P. De Paulis ’12 Mr. and Mrs. Phil F. De Paulis P’12 Ms. Ashleigh Fernandez Mr. and Mrs. Peter Hoyt P’20 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Lee, Jr. P’17 ’21

# The H. Willets and Samuel Jackson Underhill Society


Ms. Claire Maestroni and Mr. Giorgio Maroulis P’21 Mr. and Mrs. Len Novick P’18 ’21 Mr. and Mrs. Michael Pengue P’19 Ms. Kari Puckhaber and Mr. Randy Wojtowicz P’18 Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Reynolds Thorncrest Farm & Milk House Chocolates Mr. and Mrs. Neil W. Townsend P’18 ’20 Mr. and Mrs. Edmund J. White P’03 ’06


Class Agents Italicized

the Gunnery • 2017-2018 Annual Report

The H. Willets and Samuel Jackson Underhill Society The Underhill Society was created to honor the following for their foresight in choosing to include the school in their estate plans. THE UNDERHILL SOCIETY Mr. Seibert G. Adams , Jr.* ’53 Mr. Freedom H. Ainsworth* ’34 Mr. Christopher H. Babcock ’68 Mr. Theodore D. Bacon* ’50 Mr. Alan L. Bain ’55 Mr. Bruce C. Baird ’74 Mr. Stephen W. Baird ’68 Mr. David P. Bancroft ’55 Mr. John L. Bauer* ’48 Mr. Stephen P. Bent ’59 Mr. Malcolm W. Bird ’54 Mr. Thomas A. Blumenthal ’50 Mr. Leo D. Bretter ’52 P’88 Mr. and Mrs. Howard M. Bronson* ’40 Mr. Kenneth J. Browne* 1911 Mr. Paul J. Bruning* Mr. Robert F. Brush ’64 Mr. James L. Buttenwieser ’70 Mr. Eustace B. Chapman* 1926 Dr. James C. Clayton ’50 Mr. David M. Coburn ’68 Mr. Richard F. Collver* ’52 Mr. Richard C. Colton , Jr. ’60 Ms. Mary P. Cooney WR ’73 Mr. W. Thomas Cross ’67 Dr. Larry Crummer Mr. Ross Daniels, Jr. ’48

Mr. Benjamin C. Davis ’54 Mrs. Virginia R. deCourcy* ’85 Mr. Raymond B. DeRidder* ’52 Mr. T. Roderick Dew* ’59 Mr. John W.F. Dulles* ’31 Mr. Michael N. Eanes H’90 P’90 GP’20 Mr. W. Russ Elgin Mr. and Mrs. Ralph C. Erskine, Jr.* ’32 Mr. Peter N. Feen ’99 Mr. Robert N. Fountain II ’64 Dr. Donald G. Fox ’55 Mr. Stephen Bond Garvan ’70 Mr. John P. Ghering ’78 Dr. Harry Goldgar* Mr. Douglas C. Greene ’73 Mr. Dudley S. Greenwood ’63 Mr. Donald R. Grody* ’44 P’72 Mr. Bernard J. Guida* ’53 Mr. Carroll B. Harris ’72 Ms. Diana F. Hart ’82 Mr. Jervis Van Vleck Heimbach ’41 Mr. and Mrs. Seth Holcombe* ’37 Mr. Sherman R. Hotchkiss ’63 Mr. H. Phillips Jesup* ’52 Mr. Harry T. Jones III ’53 Mrs. Hugh Jones* Mr. Joseph M. Juhas ’62 Mr. Richard S. Klingenstein* ’64

Mr. Jonathan S. Linen ’62 Mr. Ronald E. Lipetz* ’58 Mr. Andrew A. Littauer ’60 Mr. Henry L. Long, Jr. Mr. Philip R. Magnuson ’62 Mr. Henry Allen Mark* Mr. Jeffrey G. Marsted ’60 Mr. R. Whit Matthews ’98 Mr. Stuart J. McCampbell ’64 Mr. William E. McIntosh IV ’90 Mr. Paul M. McManus , Jr. ’87 P’21 Mr. Paul M. McManus Sr. P’87 ’88 ’91 GP’21 Mr. Lawton B. Miller* Mr. Jim F. Millinger ’53 Mr. Nicholas Molnar ’72 Mr. Franklin Moore ’64 Mr. Alexander J. Morrison ’46 Mr. Nicholas F. Munson ’59 Mr. Michio Nakano ’53 Mr. Brian C. Nickerson ’72 Mr. William B. Ogden IV Mr. Michael Ohl* ’47 Mr. William M. Oman , Jr. ’67 Mr. G. Gordon Osborne* 1922 Mrs. Kirsten M. Peckerman Mr. H. L. Perry Pepper ’62 Mr. Clifford D. Perkins* 1918 Mr. Robert F. Phelps* ’49 Mr. David M. Philips ’44 Mr. Thomas C. R. Proctor ’64 Mr. Robert B. Radnitz* ’43 Mr. Edgar Reeve* 1920 Mr. David P. Renkert ’52 Mr. Michael S. Renkert ’59 Mr. John M. Reynolds Esq. ’68 Mr. Robert R. Richmond ’60 Mrs. Jill Rivera P’91 Mr. Wallace H. Rowe III ’57 P’77 ’79 Mr. Leonard R. Sargent* ’33 Dr. Lawrence C. Schine* ’52 Ms. Krystalynn M. Schlegel ’96 Mr. Arthur L. Scott* ’32 Mr. Lacy H. Seabrook* ’42 Ms. Laura Sherwin ’87 Mr. James J. Slocum ’63 Mr. Peter Barry Slone ’73 P’11

Mr. James P. Smith, Jr.* ’37 Mrs. Patricia P. Smith Mr. Randolph C. Smith ’84 Mr. Byron L. Smith* ’39 Mr. William N. Smyth ’57 Mr. John C. Speaks III ’43 Mr. Allen C. Steiger ’76 Mr. Russell B. Stoddard* ’32 Mr. John A. Sturges , Jr. ’65 Mrs. Debbie H. Swigart P’82 Dr. Edmund K. Swigart* P’82 Mr. Richard N. Tager ’56 Mr. Roger K. Tillson , Jr. ’70 Mr. Daniel J. Troiano ’77 Mr. Peter S. Twombly ’74 Mr. and Mrs. H. Willets Underhill* ’31 Mr. Adrian Van Sinderen III ’62 Mr. Richard E. Vila* ’50 Mr. Robert H. Wake* ’64 Mr. Roger A. Walters ’52 Mr. Roy S. Walzer ’65 P’86 Mr. James F. Ward* ’48 Mr. Andrew Waring* ’37 Mr. Wm. B. (Duke) Webb ’74 Mr. W. Holt Whiting ’62 Mr. Gilbert R. Williams ’55 Mrs. Piper G. Woods ’90 Mr. Richard T. Wright ’48

If your name is not listed but you have included The Gunnery in your estate plans, please notify Mary Cortese at (860) 350-0103 so we can welcome you into The H. Willets and Samuel Jackson Underhill Society

# The H. Willets and Samuel Jackson Underhill Society

the Gunnery • 2017-2018 Annual Report


Class Agents Italicized


2017-18 Volunteers We are grateful to the many volunteers who give of their time and resources to help with alumni, parent and development efforts. TRUSTEES


Ms. Christine Armstrong P’19 Mr. William G. Bardel Mr. Robert A. Bellinger ’73 Mr. William G. Cole Mr. Patrick M. Dorton ’86 Mr. Jonathan M. Estreich P’06 Mrs. Gretchen H. Farmer P’05 Ms. Ashleigh Fernandez Mr. Sherman R. Hotchkiss ’63 # Mr. Peter R. Houldin ’92 P’21 Mr. David E. Kaplan ’81 P’13 ’15 ’20 Mr. Jonathan S. Linen ’62 # Mr. Len Novick P’18 ’21 Mr. Laurence D. Paredes P’20 Mrs. Kirsten Peckerman # Mrs. Sarah Scheel Cook ’82 Mr. Roy B. Simpson, Jr. ’68 Mr. Omar Slowe ’97 Mr. Richard N. Tager ’56 # Mr. William T. Tolley P’08 ’14 Mr. Neil W. Townsend P’18 ’20 Mr. Daniel J. Troiano ’77 # Mr. Peter S. Twombly ’74 # Ms. Cynthia E. Urda Kassis P’19 Mr. Gerrit Vreeland ’61 Mrs. Wanjiku Walcott P’19

Mr. Leo D. Bretter ’52 P’88 # Mr. David N. Hoadley ’51


ALUMNI ASSOCIATION Mr. Peter J. Bergen, Jr. ’84 Mrs. Laura Martin ’90 P’20 Mr. Nicholas Molnar ’72 # Mr. Nicholas Munson ’59 Mr. Andrew M. Powers ’11 Ms. Krystalynn M. Schlegel ’96 # Mr. Scott A. Schwind ’89 Mr. Omar Slowe ’97

CLASS AGENTS Mr. John H. Anning II ’90 Mr. George M. Auchincloss ’53 P’83 Ms. Geraldine E. Baldwin ’80 Mr. Peter J. Bergen, Jr. ’84 Mr. Robert F. Brush ’64 # Mr. Leigh Buckens ’02 Mr. David M. Coburn ’68 # Ms. Brittany M. Cripe ’08 Mr. Andrew P. De Paulis ’12 Mr. Mark P. Dibble ’79 Mr. John H. Fisher II ’54 Mr. George R. Fryer, Jr. ’79

Mr. Stephen Bond Garvan ’70 # Mr. Dudley S. Greenwood ’63 # Mr. Thomas B. Hambury ’63 Mr. Frederic W. Harder ’72 Ms. Gillian G. Horn ’13 Mr. William M. Houldin III ’11 Mr. Adam Houli ’07 Ms. Alexandra N. Kagan ’00 Mr. Jared C. Kloth ’09 Mr. T.K.S. Knowles, Jr. ’85 Mr. Peter S. Lorenz ’03 Mrs. Laura Martin ’90 P’20 Mr. Dean W. Matthews ’56 P’98 ’99 Mr. R. Whit Matthews ’98 # Mr. Paul M. McManus, Jr. ’87 P’21 # Ms. Natalie P. Merin ’10 Mr. Scott C. Milas ’78 Mr. Dwight D. Miller ’55 Mrs. Caitlin A. Moon ’05 Mrs. Maria Kelly Simancas ’95 Ms. Alexis M. Nanavaty ’17 Mrs. Margaret A. O’Brien ’84 P’20 Ms. Katherine E. Quinlan ’13 Ms. Kori L. Rimany ’14 Mr. John M. Robards 1980 Ms. Dana Ross ’17 Ms. Heidi A. S. Rowe ’79

the Gunnery • 2017-2018 Annual Report

Mr. Todd M. Rubsamen ’87 Mr. Altan R. I. Sadik-Khan ’06 Ms. Krystalynn M. Schlegel ’96 # Mr. Scott A. Schwind ’89 Mr. Peter D. Smith ’48 Mr. Charles F. Smith ’57 Mr. John C. Speaks III ’43 # Mrs. Cheryl L. Tafel ’99 Peter S. Twombly Esq. ’74 # Mr. Steven R. Vitale ’92 Mr. Johnathan P. Wynn ’77

PARENT VOLUNTEERS Mrs. Sarita Agadi P’21 Ms. Julia B. Alling ’81 P’19 Mrs. Lisa Amador P’17 ’19 Mrs. Susan Andranovich P’20 Ms. Nicole Baker P’19 Ms. Kelli Bartels P’21 Mrs. Sally G. Beatty P’19 Mrs. Kristina K. Berano P’19 ’20 Mrs. Christine K. Bruck P’17 ’20 ’22 Mr. David M. Burkhart ’82 P’19 Dr. Ellen Burov, M.D. P’21 Ms. Katherine Byrne P’20 Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Cicarelli P’19 ’21

Ms. Kimberly H. Ciccarello P’19 Ms. Jennifer Coady P’19 Mr. Brad Conner P’19 Ms. Veronica Connors P’17 ’19 Ms. Mary Cortese P’21 Mrs. Jo Anne Costello P’18 Mr. John Crabtree P ’19 Mr. Matthew F. Dorf and Ms. Megan N. Gibson P’19 ’19 Ms. Ann Dunn GP’21 Ms. Dawn Farricielli P’21 Ms. Marina Fotos Papathanasiou P’20 Mrs. Kimberly Gilbert P’20 Mrs. Susan M. Gorman P’19 Mr. Marco Greenberg P’20 Mr. Josh Harwood P’20 Ms. Ann H. Hertberg P’13 ’19 Mrs. Dawn Hew P’21 Mrs. Kathy Hill P’20 Mrs. Debie Hoivik P’20

Mrs. Brit B. Hoyt P’20 Ms. Jo Hurley P’21 Mr. and Mrs. Brandon Ince P’20 Mr. Dante Infante and Ms. Flor Alvarez P’21 Mrs. Elizabeth C. Johnson P’09 ’19 Ms. Julia King-Cuba P’19 Ms. Charleen Koval P’20 Mrs. Kathleen B. Lee P’17 ’21 Mrs. Sharon Lescadre P’18 Mrs. Beth N. Lovallo P’21 Mrs. Valerie M. Lugo P’16 ’20 Mrs. Kathleen J. Madow P’19 Ms. Claire Maestroni and Mr. Giorgio Maroulis P’21 Ms. Jo-Ann Makovitzky P’20 Mrs. Kimberly A. Mandl P’10 ’14 ’18 Mr. and Dr. William L. Maxwell ’85 P’16 ’20 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph McAndrew P’18

Ms. Eileen McCormack P’19 Mrs. Adrienne T. McManus P’21 Mrs. Joyce T. Mella P’19 Mrs. Karen C. Mullen P’16 ’17 ’20 Mrs. Adeline Neubert P’19 Mrs. Melissa Novick P’18 ’20 Mrs. Margaret A. O’Brien ’84 P’20 Mr. Elisabeth Paredes P’20 Mrs. Jill Pengue P’19 Mrs. Nancy A. Perda P’14 ’18 Mr. Charles Pigott P’21 Ms. Shelby Poe-Argentino P’20 Mrs. Mary Popick P’20 Mrs. Marie Powell P’20 Mr. Craig Powell P’20 Ms. Kari Puckhaber P’18 Mr. and Mrs. Peter Rayhill P’20 ’22 Mrs. Kristin K. Richards P’20 Mrs. Kristi Rosati P’20 Ms. Edith Rowland P’19

Ms. Amy Senew P’20 ’22 Mr. Peter A. Seymour P’18 Mr. and Mrs. Randy Sittler P’18 Ms. Amanda M. Stack P’21 Mrs. Coleen Sullivan P’16 ’18 Mr. Neil Sutton P’20 Ms. Shelly M. Sweeney P’20 Ms. Ayesha M. Thompson P’21 Dr. Michelene Todd P’20 Mr. and Mrs. Neil W. Townsend P’18 ’20 Ms. Page H. Waller ’87 P’20 Ms. Teresa Watson P’18 Mrs. Kathleen Wells P’19 ’21 Mrs. Michelle White P’19 Mrs. Melissa A. Young P’21 Mrs. Jill Zabit P’17 ’19 Mr. David Ziolkowski P’20

We have carefully compiled this listing of donors in the Annual Report. If there is an error or omission, we apologize and ask that you notify Steve Bendrick at 860-350-0173.

the Gunnery • 2017-2018 Annual Report


Please visit if you’d like to make your gift online.

99 Green Hill Road, Washington, CT 06793 (860) 350-0173

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