2020-2021 Virtual Student Matinee Series All Ages. All Topics.
Setting for the Edgar Allan Poe Double Header. Photo ®Erb Photography.
For the 2020-2021 school year, the theatre is pleased to present a new Virtual Student Matinee Series to provide arts experiences for students across every grade level. After a decade of successful school partnerships, the theatre is eager to continue its connection with the students and schools of central Massachusetts and beyond. Virtual Student Matinee Series Benefits: • Productions can be viewed at the school’s preferred date and time. • Most shows are available all year long. • Productions can be viewed online or in the classroom without needing buses or field trip permission slips. • New and additional classroom resources are available (study guides, cast/creative team virtual visits, lesson plans, talk-backs with the cast, behind-the-scenes content, etc.) Pricing Details: We understand that COVID-19 has had a severe impact on many school budgets as well as individual student/family budgets. In an effort to make our Virtual Student Matinee Series accessible to all, we are implementing a tiered pricing model. We trust that teachers and administrators can identify the price that their school/students can afford. Teachers will be asked to select the option that is appropriate for the school’s demographic: • Free – Title I Schools Only (made possible by our generous sponsors) • $5 Per Student, Per Performance • $7 Per Student, Per Performance • $10 Per Student, Per Performance For more information, contact: Kelly Rourke, conservatory business strategist at kelly@thehanovertheatre.org or 508.471.1765. page 26
TheHanoverTheatre.org • 877.571.SHOW(7469)