Behind the Scenes Magazine | Spring/Summer 2021

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Taking a Step Back to Re-Focus: Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Belonging

The inaugural class of Worc at Play actors at the BrickBox Theatre. Photo by UnityMike.

2020 was a year of many things. Most of all, it was a year of growth. While the world shut down, we had the opportunity to step back, rethink our organizational priorities and consider how they fit into what we do each and every day. First, we committed to strengthening our practice of equity, diversity, inclusion and belonging. We take our role and responsibility as a cultural gathering place seriously, and know that for us to play that role effectively, we must reflect the community around us in all that we do. Indeed, nothing could be more vital as we strive to ignite and nurture a passion for the performing arts in audiences and artists of today and tomorrow. At the same time, we looked for creative ways to keep audiences engaged, what with the mainstage dark and shuttered. In this crucible, we formed The Hanover Theatre Repertory (THT Rep), a new initiative dedicated to producing homegrown, professional theatre in and for Worcester. THT Rep’s primary home will be the new BrickBox Theater, where we produced The Edgar Allan Poe Double Header and A Christmas Carol Reimagined. For both those productions, we prioritized cultivating equitable, diverse and inclusive creative teams, while examining artistic and production practices page 14

that perpetuate racism and other inequities. With THT Rep’s upcoming production of Julius Caesar, we also launched Worc at Play, a nocost actor training program for greater-Worcester residents ages 18+. Auditions for the program were open to all, including absolute beginners. More than 30 adults came out. From them, THT Rep’s artistic director Livy Scanlon selected just six, who meet weekly for class in preparation to play ensemble roles in Julius Caesar. “One goal with Worc at Play,” Scanlon explains, “is to build a pool of local, skilled adult actors who represent a diverse cross section of age, gender, ethnicity, immigrant status, sexual orientation and lived experience, so our casting at THT Rep can quite literally reflect the members of our community.” Learn more about THT Rep and its upcoming production of Julius Caesar on page 10. Listen to Behind the Scenes interviews with cast and creative team at For more information on The Hanover Theatre Repertory and Worc at Play actor training program visit • 877.571.SHOW(7469)

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