2 minute read
Your Invitation to Share the Vision
Dear patrons, supporters and friends,
It’s that time of year again, when we put pencil to paper to try to capture, in a one-page letter, our achievements over the past year. As usual, we’re finding it a challenge because so much has happened since last year’s annual report. We are excited to tell you about all of it, but we’ll stick to the highlights….
At the top of the list, we’ve begun an ambitious Theatre District Campaign with a goal of raising ten million dollars over five years to complete the renovation of 551 Main Street. These funds will launch The Hanover Theatre Conservatory for the Performing Arts and outfit, maintain and program the Francis R. Carroll Plaza, the pedestrian plaza right in front of the theatre. We’ve already raised $4.5M of the $10M and have begun to put these funds to good use. On June 2, 2016, we celebrated the opening of 551 Main Street and the conservatory with a hugely successful block party.
The Hanover Theatre Conservatory for the Performing Arts hosted an expanded Youth Summer Program this past summer, for ages 6-18, and will host a full schedule of afterschool and weekend classes beginning in January. Very exciting!
In June, Worcester City Manager Ed Augustus announced the city’s plans to re-direct Southbridge Street, creating a pedestrian plaza directly in front of the theatre. While that construction won’t begin until mid-2017, we’ve placed some tables and chairs in the existing plaza, along with free public Wi-Fi and music. As a result, we have seen an ever-increasing number of people enjoying the space.
Also, and very importantly, in the past year we fully developed and embraced our new strategic plan, focusing on four key points:
Inclusivity and Excellence – Being a world-class destination for the broadest possible audience Sustainability – Keeping our organization financially sound for the long-term Engagement – Broadening our arts engagement and education opportunities Downtown – Building a vibrant, inviting theatre district 18 hours a day, 365 days a year
Lastly, we want you to know that we’ve begun to look ahead to our tenth anniversary in spring 2018, and to a gala event celebrating the momentous occasion!
So many of you were there with us in spring 2008 when we opened The Hanover Theatre, and have been with us every step of the way since. It is only through the support of our community, staff and volunteers that we have achieved so much; and through your continued dedication and passion can we aspire to do all that we have planned for the future. Thank you for being a part of The Hanover Theatre family!
Photo: Joyce Maranto, Maranto Studios Photography

Dick Lavey Chairman
Troy Siebels President & CEO
The Hanover Theatre for the Performing Arts and Conservatory • 2016 Report to the Community • 4